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PAGE TWO ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C HAMLET OPERA HOUSE HAMLET, N. a Clean Pictures icr the Whole Family PROGRAM FRIDAY, APRIL 29 "THE BEST OF LUCK" With an all Star Cast Added Attractions "JAZZ AND JAILBIRDS" SATURDAY, APRIL 30 WILLIAM GILLETTE'S "HELD BY THE ENEMY" a Powerful Story of Old Days in the South, Filled with Dramatic and Appealing Incidents, Starring Jack Holt, Agnes Ayrcs, Wanda Hawfey and Lewis Stone. Added Attractions 9th Chapter "Veiled Mystery" and "Kick in High Lite" with MARION DA VIES an Unusual Supporting Cast Including Cailyle Blackwell and Ralph Kellard. Mr. Blackwet wil be Remembered in "My LadyTrtends" Here Last Winter. Also Hank Mann Comedy and "SELZNICK NEWS" MONDAY, MAY 2 HELEN JEROME EDDY in "A LIGHT WOMAN" Added Attractions "TOPICS OF THE DAY" "SELZNICK NEWS" and "THE GOOF" TUESDAY, MAY 3 KATHERINE McDONALD "MY LADY'S LATCHKEY" in Which Miss MacDonald Opens the Door to Romance and Mystery Added Attractions "SIMPLE LIFE" and "PRINCE OF PISTACHIO" WEDNESDAY, MAY I EUGENE O'BRIEN in "THE PERFECT LOVER" Added Attractions "SHERIFF OF MEJAVE" and "WILLIAM PERSUED HER" THURSDAY, MAY 5 "THE RESTLESS SEX" by ROBERT W. CHAMBERS Major James W. Bethel. (From Reidsville Review, April 15tli, MM.) James Watt, Bethell, aged til) years, died at his home on Piedmont street, Tuesday morning about 8 o'clock, a stroke of aHplexy being the cause of his death. Mr. Bethell, who had been in feeble health the past year or more, suffered a relapse Sunday, Monday night he rested unusually well and early Tuesday morning his condition was thought to be im proved. The end came peacefully. The deceased was the son of Col. and Mrs. W. P. Bethell, of Danville. Mr. Bethell was twice married. Ant to Miss Annie Scales, of Rocking ham, Richmond county; his last wife who survives being before her mar riage Miss Mary Wallace Galloway, of Reidsville. Three daughters, Mrs. Russell Ford, of Newark, N. J.: Mrs. Hilliard Parsons, of Rocking had, N. C, and rMs. Ralph Coldrnn, of Philadelphia, Pa., also survive. , M. Bethell was a man of stain less character and one of the best loved citizens of Reidsville. He spent many years on his beautiful farm in! "The Meadows of the Dan." About' IS years ago he moved to Reidsville since which time he had been engag ed in the realty business. Ho was also active in church work and for a number of years was a vestryman in the Episcopal church and teacher in the clinch school. The funeral services were con ducted from the home Wednesday afternoon at ;! o'clock, his pastor, Rev, Wm. T. Gordon, of Spray, con ducting the services. Interment was ris, Will Williams, Manton Oliver, E. M. Redd, Robert Hairston and 1. W. Lovelace. The flower bearers were R. H. Tucker, R. S. Montgomery, R. T. Burton, Wm. Giles Eugene Irvin, Scott Fillnian, P. D. Watt, Jack Sands. E. D. Watt. P. W. Glidewell, Alvis Montgomery, A. J. Ellington, P. H. Williamson, J. E. Lambeth. Among those from distance here to attend the funeral and burial were Mr. and Mrs. Hill Parsons, of Rockingham, N. C; Mrs. Willie Bethell, Danville, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Gal'oway, Winston-Salem: Bawlev Calloway, Ruleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Sain Hairston, Martinsville, Va.; Senator and Mrs. W. R. Walker, Col. B. Frank Mehane, Mrs. Sam Rainey and Miss Anne McCargo, Leaksville Spray: A. M. and Junius Scale, of Greensboro, and John Penn. of Dan ville, Va. Boyd Grocery Co. RELIABLE GROCERS $ Specials For Dollar Days $ COMBINATIONS: No. one 5 packages 10c Macaroni 3 cans 20c Corn 3 cans 15c Tomatoes Ice Cream Supper. Attention, Knights: Rockingham Tent No. 27, The Maccabees, will give an Ice Cream Supper and Box Party Li the I. 0. 0. F. Hall on Saturday night, April 30th. A box of can dy will be given to the most popular young lady present, also a bar of soap will be given to the man nctdmg it l: ost. The pro ceeds will be used to apply on the Paraphernalia fund of the tent. All Knights from Rober del and Hamlet are extended a cordial invitation to be present. Bring your wives, sweethearts and children. Secretary. No. two cans 20c Kraut . 2 Cans 25c Tomatoes . 2 cans 25c Peas No. three 2 cans Campbell's Pork and Beans. 2 cans California Peaches 3 cakes Large Octagon Soap at Grecnview cemetery. The nail bearers were F. 11. Har- Ice Cream Supper. There will be an ice cream supper at Campbell school house in Wolf Pit Friday night, to which the public is cordially invited. rH?Fiz;ll iwn .v (Pi m v 1 &v 0J 1 I fiLk M mi 1 1 M I Bj 1 1 kl k y GJ. Sauce Van -44L j g Double Boiler -2 qt D Set aPThive Sauce Ihns V J JlV I Self BasUng Roaster JJ Promptly at 8 o'clock Wednesday, May 4th, wc pl"ce on sale 6C0 pieces Aluminum in valce EjgggL from C3.C0 lo $5.00 Your choice $1.49 n i All for $1.00 All for $1.00 All for $1.00 All for $1.00 All for $1.00 AH for $1.00 AH for $1.00 $1.00 1 24-lb Straight Flour $1.00 Boyd Grocery Company HAMLET, N.C iiillff ;!iii;IH : 'v "JlEviiKIIM IxILr I1vjJLiI i UKD No. four 1 can California Apricots 1 can Roast Beef 1 can Corned Beef 2 cans Ritters' Pork and Beans No. live 5-lb Grits 5-lb Rice 5-lb Sugar No. six 1-4 lb Compound Lard 3 cakes Palmolive Soap 2-lbs Green Coffee No. seven 1-lb Arbuckle Coffee 2 cans Pink Salmon 1-2-lb can Strawberry Jam 3 packages Washing Powder 1 8-lb Bucket Compound Lard Guerney and Adelphians NEW STOCK, REDUCED PRICES, VARIOUS SIZES OPEN FRONT AND TOP Just Received at this furniture store a new stock of refrigerators and ice chests Guerney and Adelphian makes, all tripple wall. We have them in open front and top. Prices from $20 to $100. All sizes and styles. Prices are greatly reduced. Come and pick yours out. (Just received this week a new lot of Edison records.) I W. E. McNair I Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Musical Instruments. Cash or Installment. Free Delivery. Phone 15b as i rMeOXsOBiBeSSBMtmx