Newspaper Page Text
ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C. FACE TWELVE REAL ESTATE. Tinder and bv virtue of two certain deeds of trust executed by W. C i Long to W. I- 1'arsons, dated re-' soectivelv January, 16th, 1920, and! the 17th day of June, 1920, default 1 haviiia been made m tlie payments 8 . .. . ... ' f thi. noiRi secured thereby, the said W. L. Paivons, trustee as afore said, will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in front of the Court house of Richmond county, at 12 o'clock m., on Saturday the 28th day of May, 1921, the following de scribed tracts of land, the same be ing the lands described in te afore said two deeds of trust: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands of Mrs. Emma Manor and others, beginning at a stake in the graded road leading fiom the wire grass mill to Rockingham in the original line "of the tract of which this is a part and runs as a line of Mrs. Manor's land N. 3.45 W 34.50 chains to his corner, a stake in Le Orand's lirfc; thence as said line S. 83 W. 2 chains to a stake in the Doc Covington line; thence as his line S. 34.50 W. 7.50 chains to an iron stake; then as his next line N. 75 W. 1.25 chains to a stake in said line; thence S. 3.45 E. 29.50 chains in the said graded road; thence as, TRUSTEES SALE OF said graded roadS. 88 E. 2.27) chains Hegister of J for Richmond , , . .. . . :' Countv in Book 121 Page 275, for N. 65.45 E. 5 chains to the beginning. partic;ar Uescription o( said schoo. containing 21 acres, and fully de-i ilouse iot) deference must be had to scribed in a de'id lrom Lester Long'jj deeds. to William Long dated January Jrd, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond countv. North Carolina. SBCOND TRACT: Ajoining tne lands or J. A. McAnlay and others,, banning at Q stake in the graded road leading from Rockingham to the wiregrass mill and in the origi- nal line of the tract of which Ms is a part, and runs as said line IN. 0 W. 28.49 chains to a black jack by the side of the road; thence S. 83 W. with LeG rand's line 11.30 chains ?o Mrs. Emma Manor's cor ner, a stake; thence as her line S. 3.45 E. 32.50 chains to tile aforesaid graded road; thence as said road N. 61.30 E. 11.70 chains to the beginning, containing 33.10 acres, and fully described in a deed from Washing ton Long and wife to William Long by deed dated January :rd, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond .county, North Carolina. THIRD TRACfe Adjoining the lands of Washington Long and oth ers, beginning at a stake in the graded road leading from the wire grass mill to Rockingham in the original line of the tract of which this is a part and runs N. 3.45 W. 36.45 chains to a stake in LeGrand's line with .pointers; thence as that line S. 83 W. 6.80 chains to a stake, Lester Long's corner; thence as his line S. 3:45 E. 34.50 chains to a stake in the said graded road; thence N. 65.45 E. 6x0 chains; N. 61.50 E. 70 links to flic beginning, containing 23 'acres, and fully described in a deed from Elmore Manor and wife dated January, 3rd, 1919, and re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond county; the three tracts of land just described constituting one solid tract of about 77 acres of land. FOURTH TRACT: Beginning at a stake in the road leading from the wiregrass mill to Rockingham in the original line of the tract of which this is a part and runs S. 3.75 E. S2.55 chains to the corner in the run of the North prong of Falling Creek; thence down the various courses of said creek to Lester Long's corner; thence as his line N. 3.75 W. 36.50 chains to a corner in the graded road; thence N. 65.75 E. 6.50; N. 61.50 E. 70 links to the be ginning, containing 22 afTPlS, and iully described in a deed from El more Manor and wife to V. C. Long, dated the 1st dav of January, 1920. FIFTH "TRACT: Beginning at. a corner in the original lino Of the tract of which this is a part, Lester Long's corner and runs as his lihe S. 3.75 E. 67 chains to the run of the North prong of Falling Crock; thence down the run of said crook to a corner of lot No. 4; thence as a line 'of said lot N. 3.75 W. 67 chains to a corner in the aforesaid original line; thence as said line S. 75 E. 6.50 chains to the beginning, containing 40 acres, and fully described in a deed from Dalton Long to y. j C. Long dated the 1st day of January 1920, and recorded, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond county, N. C. SIXTH TRACT: Beginning at a stake in the graded road leading i from the wiregrass mill to Rocking- ham in the original line of the land V . of which this is a part and mns S. 3.75 R. 36.50 chains to the run of North Falling Creek; thence down the run of said creek to Dalton Long's corner; thence as his line N. 3.75 W. 38 chains to the said graded road; thence S. 88 E. .2.27 chains 65.75 E. 5 chains to the begin ning, containing 19 acres, more or less, and fully described in" a deed from Lester Long and wife to W. C Long by deed dated January 1st, 1920, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond countv, North Carolina. SEVNTH TRACT; Adjoining the lands of Dalton Long and others, beginning at ah iron stake in the road leading from Rockingham to the wiregrass mill in Dalton Long s Unj and runs, as his Up S. 3.75 E. 30 chains to the run of the North Prong of Falling Creek; thence down the various courses of said creek about 6.86 chains to the lower corner; thence as his next line , 3.75 W. 29 chains to the aforesaid; road; thence with said road S. 88 h. o.o cnains to me Degiuiiing, wu- . . . ... l I .k. mining 17.8-10 acres, exclusive of the school house tract of two acres lo- cated .within the foregoing boun-1 danes and being a part of the lot of land allotted to Peter S. Long in I the division of the lands of his fath- j er, Washington mng, and fully de- scribed m a deed from Peter S. Aong to W. C Long by deed dated Mav. 2nd. 1919. and recorded in the lofflce of the Register of Deeds for Richmond county m Book No. l at Page 277. I E1GHTH TRACT: A tract of land i . . i i i 1 . - . adjoining me amive uescnueu uwi and being a part of the same, known as the school house lot containing two acres, more or less, and fully described in a deed from the Board ! is at the home of his daughter, Mrs. of Education of Richmond county to ; Henry D. Ledbetter, on Washington at, Ella Long by deed dated July, 30th, j th'8 aty. 1917, recorded in the office of the I Rutn Anderson, of Rutherfordton, Register of Deeds for Richmond , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sim Pnimtv in Ron It Nn 121 at Pna-e 276. ! mons. Miss Anderson accompanied her unrl rnnvpvprl hv- Rlln linff inW PJ Long by Deed dater Mav-, 9th, 1919, and recorded in said office of the This the 25th day of April, 1921. W. L. PARSONS, Trustee. F. D. PHILLIPS, Attorney. north CAROLINA, Kichmond County, COMMISSIONER'S RESALE CF LAND Under and by virtue of a decree 0f re-sale made by the Superior Court of Richmond county in the special proceedings entitled Mrs. D. E. Steele, et al, heirs at law of Re becca L. Hines, deceased, Ex Parte, the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday, June 6th, 1921 at 12 o'clock m. in front of the Court House door in the town of Rock ingham, offer for sale to the highest Inyrlder for cash, subject to the con firmation of the court, the following described lands: Lying in Mineral Springs Town ship, Richmond County, and being the estate lands of Rebecca L. Hines, deceased FIRST TRACT: Consisting of 20 acres and being Lot No. 1 in the division of the estate lands of John M. Covington, deceased. SECOND TRACT: Containing 45 acres, being lot No. 2 in the divisiou of the estate lands of John M. Cov ington, deceased. i THIRD TRACT: Consisting of 18 3-4 acres, adjoining the above lands, described by metes and bounds in Book UUU page 377. FOURTH TRACT: A one half un divided interest in 40 acres, being lot No. 3Mn the division of the es tate lands of John M. Covington, de ceased. FIFTH TRACT: A one-half inter est in 11 acres, adjoining the above described lands. SIXTH TRACT: One-half interest in 4 acres adjoining the abaye de scribed lands. The last three tracts being describ ed in deed by James A. Lockhart, Commissioner, recorded in Book 77 at Page 60. A complete description can be had by reference to the rec ord in the foregoing special pro ceedings. This May 14th, 1921. W. R. JONES, 5-3t Commissioner. Administratrix Notice. Having this day qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of the late W. F. Garris. this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to pres ent same to me, duly verified, on or be fore the 24th day of May, 1922, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All who are indebted to the said Decedent will plesex make immediate settlement with me. ' This, May 24th, 1921. . Mrs. Lula J. Little, Administratrix. ROCKINGHAM NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond County. In the Superior Coiyt. NOTICE Of SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. I Maria V. Godwin, Plaintiff, -vs. D. I. Godwin, Defendant. The defendant, above named will take notice that an 'action, entitled as al)Ove, has been commenced in !he Superior Court of Richmond if limit' inY liirsMA iiiimii f " fVmntAr fnr .livorpo nnmi ' tho i nwL' 1 . i . I 1 1 1 m -1 1 in (lu Ci'iiiilo nnd said defendant xvill further takni anu said ueiendant win lurtner taKo notice that he is required to appear KlUtUlLlkS 1(1111 UIIVYI1 111 II OiaillK, auhe term of the Superior Court of "8th day of Ju ii this TeinK ho hAOi,VJrh,b!mfAh0 re1oBi ham, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of said ac- J!0 Vr J? pIfvntiT , Wln, apply. Ul therein. This 21st day of May, 1921. J. A. McAULAY, Clerk of the Superior Court SOCIAL I Contributed) and Mrs. William Parker McRae returnee te KocKingnam iwonaay mom- . . VT V w AfUrt. Cv anA ing, fiom New York, Atlantic City and other points North, whither they have e Hote, Rockingham. , Hev. Howard Hartaell of SnuthfieW, cZl ., ,ael cuiv1av formi vordain- ed to the priesthook by Bishop Cheshire at Christ Church. PaJeiKh. Me is rector of the Episcopal CLarch at SmithfieW. Mrg Hmiott CUrkson tnd daughter. Margaret, of Charlotte arrived in Rock- jngham Saturday and are the guests of i , ii ii M ill mss uhuk nun uinnmi. The many friends of Mr. Stephen Wall will be interested to hear that his con dition is imorovine slowly but surely. He uncle and aunt home from the Shriner's meeting. Mr. Tebe Steele, Jr., has returned after a visit to relatives in Henderson. Miss Elsie Itttrley has as charming house -visitors, Mrs. C. T. Noland, and daughter. Miss Elizabeth Noland, of Marietta, Ga. They have been in Ral eigh attending Commencement at St. Mary's from which school Miss Noland was graduated this week. Wednesday morning at the home of her npr'n-s, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Harrison, Miss Ruth ftarvisfm was hostess at a tridg luncheon with Mrs. homer Le Granc'. a recent bride, as honor guest. TheiwuKt rxm where the game was played was beautifully decorated with the season's flowers; after several pro gressions the hostess cleared the tables and served delicious refreshments m three courses, to Mrs. LeGrand. honoree, Miss Elsie Fairley 'and visitor. Miss Elizabeth Noland, ofGa., Miss Sarah Lilly Dockery and guest. Miss Mary Hadley Conner, of Wilson, Misses Beth Thomas, Jean Fairley, Emma Gray Ledbetter, Elizabeth Cole. When the ice course was broueht in Miss Harrison gave to each guest as a souvenir a dainty "Organdie Corsage", which were most attractive. a Miss Mary Hadley Conner, of Wilson, arrived in the city Tuesday evening and is the guest of Miss Sarah Lilly Dockery at her home on Randolph bt. Mrs. B. I. Dunlap and Daughter, Miss Celia Dunlap, will arrive in Rockingham Thursday to visit her sister, Mrs. b. W Steele. After several days Mrs. Dunlap will accompany Mrs. Steele. Mrs. K. K Simmons and daughter to Henderson, to visit relative 3,01 ng through in Mrs. Steele s car. Miss Elsie Fairley entertained in honor of her house-visitor, Mrs. C. T. Noland. of Georgia, and Mrs. Heriot Clarkson, of Charlotte, guest of Miss F.asdale Shaw, with two tables of duplicate bridge, and a sewing party, at the suburban home of the Pauley's, on Wednesday afternoon. After an hour or more the hostess served sandwiches and tea. Mrs. Ella Thomas returned Monday night from Charlotte whither she went to be with Mr. Thomas, who by the way is reported as being improved. Mrs. A. C. Everett entertained the High School Seniors and teachers at her home on Everett's Heights Tuesday evening in honor of John William Gore, a member of the 9enior Class. The color motif of the occasion was pink and green, the class colors. Mrs. Everett presented all with sweet peas and the decorations throughout the house were of pink and green ea?. Some time was spent in so cial intercourse, before the hostess pass ed cards and pencils, insisting that unless the seniors could pass this test, they would probably not receive their diplo mas. The class feeling as though they were prepared to answer any question put to them, entered into the contest with a feeling of assurance that they J would answer every one; but it was found no easv 10b: in fact the seniors declared they had had no such difficult task during the "examinations." However, after some time, the cards were collected and the seniors sustained their reputations for "passing for almost every one an swerd the twenty quizzes. The contest was "Their Wives' Names": 1 Civil En gincer's, 2 Shoemaker's, 3 Humorist's. 4 t-i&herman s, 5 Milliner s, b uergy rnanls, 7 Porter's 8 Doctor's, 9 -As tronomer s, 10--Dancing-master s, 11 Gardener's, 12 Pianist's, 13--.Gasman's, 14 Pulman Porter's, 15 Upholsterer's, 16 - Gambler's, 17 Life Saver's, 18 -Sex ton's, 19 Judge's, 20 Ghemist's. Mrs, hverert declared that all deserved dinlo rrasL anri Krrvpd delicious rasDberrv cream and cake. Present besides the teachers a'-d seniors were Sunt. Bell, Mr. and Mrs U, parents of the honoree, and i Mr. and Mrs. bruce ticewer, nis grand I parent. Serving the refreshments were I his little sisters. Misses Rosalie and I Bruce Gore. . ' NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond County. In the Superior Court. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PlTHT.Tfi A TTOTM B. D. Causey, Plaintiff, ' I . ' 1 V "i T-k - - A' ause ' "cieiiuam. Th dcfendant above named will tnlro 0 nt nn Brtinn ntit,p,, abo has been conimenced in the SuPerior Co,,rt of Richmod County for divorce, upon the grounds laid down in the statute, ? sa'l T.n J"?, appear at the term of the Superior Court of Richmond County to be held on the 18th day of July, 1921, I this being the 7th Monday before j the 1st Monday in September, 1921, I in Rockingham, N. C, and answer or demur to tha complaint of said j action, or the plaintiff will apply to ! the Court for the relief demanded i therein. t 1921. AVWctfULAT " 'ii-1 Clerk Superior Court, HAMLET OPERA HOUSE . HAMLET, N. & Clean Entertainment for the Whole Family . PROGRAM FRIDAY, MAT 27th "SILJENT BARRIER" From the Novel by Loots Tracy Added Attraction -DAMES AND DENTISTS" . , SATURDAY, MAT 28th "BEHOLD" MY WIFE" A GEORGE MSLTORD Production a Paramount Picture Added Attractions "VEILED MYSTERY" Chapter 13 "UNHAPPY FINISH" a Sennet! Comedy MONDAY, MAY 30th HAMLET HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT TUESDAY, Slit HAMLET HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT WEDNESDAY, JUNE lit CONSTANCE TALMADGE in 'GOOD REFERENCES' A Play for Your Boss! A Play for Ton! There's Fun for All It's Rcfroshlna and New Added Attraction , "SHOT IN THE KITCHEN" THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd "DEEP WATERS" A Paramount Picture Added Attractions "SELZNICK NEWS" and Comedy. We have AWNINGS for all purposes Porch Shades etc Let us show you. LONG FURNITURE COMPANY LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS Position Wanted. Young married man desires a position as clerk in retail grocery store. Strictly sober and a hard worker. Can give best of refer ence as to reliability and habits. Address, "Hard Worker," sgre Post Dispatch. Watch Lost. I .a A watcn waS Stolen trom a . f . Kn Mmo ,f pi, suitcase at the ball gameatRock- ingham Wedneseay, May 18. It j is an open face, 17 jewel, Elgin warrh.with initials "F. M. L " ' r -1919- A Suitable ward will be paid for its return to the Post-Dispatch office and no questions will be asked. N Dress Making. I am doing dress making and all kinds of hand work. My work is guaranteed, and prices are right. A trial will please you. Bfnlah Hooper, colore Steward Street. All kinds of fresji meats. Allen-Morse Co. , ; Agents Wanted. Agents Wanted for Sou'.hern Perfume Company, to travel Richmond county. Write to Box 554, Charlotte, N. C. for particu lar. Town Taxes. D. M. McCall has been appoint ed as list taker for the town of Rockingham. The month of May is the listing period. Bet ter attend to it now instead of writing for th. rush of tM last of the month. NOTICE. This is to notify all pesons that the mercantile business heretofore operated by J. F. Diggs in Wolf Pit township, has this day been sold to a partnership, the said partnership doing business under the partnership name of Seago & Coble. The said J. F. Diggs assuming all debts and obligations of said business, made prior to the date of this notice, said part nership assuming all debts and obliga tions thereafter. All accounts owing to said business are to be paid to said J. F. Diggs. This the 18th day of May, 1921. (Signed) J. F. Diggs. Repraeatisf SCHAPS BROTHERS FRANK M. PERKINS & CO. New York Charlotte. N. C. Members American Cotton and Grain Exchange L. P. HOBGOOD PHONE 437 - HAMLETVN. C. COTTON: Ten bates and upward GRAIN: Thousand bushels and upward Send for our special cotton letter 1 Kill That Cold With tr. CASCARA m quinine TOR Colds, Congas Neglected Colds ere Dangerous T.Wojio chances. Kop Uio etandsrd remedy handy for the Brat MMaca. Breaks up a cold in 24 hoi RettevM Grirr in 3 days Excelit :.t for Headache Quinine in this fqrrn defea not ilfect the bead Cucus is best Tonic Laxative J4o Opiato in Kill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IVERS 6 POND PIANOS PAftKEiV GARDNER COMPANY .VEST TRADE ST.. The Victrola In your home means every musical desire satisfied. The music of the tvdrld's groeitai armts is at yourcommanri. Write for dopy of Victrola dialog LVrirwJ hy An DcfWflHwnt ) rrVeWvJfKiTi Standard. Fb tV I SAYjlT FLOWERS Nothing sweeter; nothing more acceptable. I am representative for the leading florists, amone them being Hammond, of Richmond; Scholtz and Rat cliffe, of Charlotte: Van Lindley, of Greensboro: O'Quinn and Steinmetz, ot Raleigh; Hibberd,of Durham; and Redher, of Wilmington. Your orders will be appreciated. Mrs. A. Ge Rockingham, N. C Nice salmon and corn at 10C per can. Allen-Morse Co. Penalty for Failure! Section 82 of the Machinery Act of 1921 provides that all who fail to list for taxes during the month of May must pay a penal ty of 25 per cent of the returns, to be added and taxed with the cost. This is a State law and it provides that failure to list shall be prima facie evidence that such failure was willful. See your list taker during the month of May and avoid the penalty. INT FORGET OS When ysu need any thing in the hoe of eat and attractive Printing. AND La Grippe Piano Building has never reached a higher level than in the Latest Models of Ivers and Pond Pianos Send for catalog, illustrating and describing our 1921 styles be CHARLOTTE, N.C. WITH Corpening Phone 137 X S