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SAG ROCKINGHAM POST DISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY. N. 0 ROCKINGHAM POST -DISPATCH Published every Thursday after noon at Rockingham, Richmond County. N. C. ISAAC S. LONDON EDITOR AMD PROPRIETOR Office on Courthouse Square Entered as second-class mail matter at the postoffice at Rock ingham, N. C. DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS Correspondence from every sec tion of the county invited. Phone 182 your items. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Om yen $2.00 Sii months .....r..$1.25 Three months .75' JOB WOItK A SPECIALTY siminiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiniiuiiimiiiiiiiiii!': 11921 JULY 1921 1 j against a groceryman foralienat !,.,., iiiiiiiiiii,miiiiijing her husband's affections' she 3nuimimimiiiiimmiHmiiiiiniiiiiiiiislsum8 Ior iUUUU damages, btie 1 S M T W T F S a T 1 1 8 15 13 no In 4 5 6 13 20 7 14 21 28 9 j J 0a 11 12 19 118 22 29 12425 26 27 30 5 ?1 1 131 imiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHiinMiiiiii inniB Let's Pull a Picnic. A town picnic who's for it? Where will we go, " what will we do, who will be the star at traction? Let's stay at home, clean up the town, and let our wives and daughters and sweethearts serve as the attraction and our inspira tion. - The town needs it, and it would be a barrel of fun to do it. We might turn it into an old fashioned barbecue, the kind our ancestors enjoyed so much. Two or three hours of work by i all the male inhabitants of this ! town would work wonders in its j appearance. It would also add j one hundred per cent to its sani- j tation, Of course, it might reduce the, revenues of our worthy doctors and druggists and undertakers,! but they are all good sports and j would not complain. They would j even throw off their coats and i "go to it" with the rest of us. This is merely a suggestion the Post-Dispatch. Who will push it along? of ! ; A morning of clean-up, a royal : noon-day feed served by the finest aggregation of femininity in the world and an afternoon of rollicking sport. You can't beat it. But will you do it? AT Cleveland, Ohio, July 16th, Mrs. Eva Kaber was lound guilty of plotting the assassination of her husband on July 18, 1919, and the Judge sentenced her to life imprisonment. Five others are yet to be tried for this murder; some for the actual murder and others for assisting and planning in it. The defense plead insanity but it was difficult for the jury tola double dose for he ordered the convince itself that a woman; white man to serve just twice as who could engineer such a plot and keep it covered up for two years could be crazy. A North Carolina jury would vef y likely have found that she was mentally unbalancedjudging by recent cases tried in this state. PUSH ROCKINGHAM WARD. FOR- 1 Professor Linstein. returnint? from this country to his native j land, expressed himself as inten sely amused at the vociferous re ception accorded him in the United States. No doubt the clown in a circus experiences much the same feeling. Agreement for the call of a special session of the Legislature was reached by Gov. Morrison and the Council of State last Thursday, but the formal call has not yet been made. The date selected is December 6th. The purpose of the special ses sion is to provide relief for the North Carolina municipalities suffering from the invalidation of the 1921 Municipal Finance Act and to cure a 3700.0CO deficit in the school funds of tho State. ft novel suit was instituted in Salisbury last Week by a wife alleges that the grocer, one W. A" ! Rosman, sold her husband, L. C. Woodinirton. extracts with whirh he became intoxicated and that as a result he mistreated her and tf iui iiu. iiungiu, niiiw leaving he has returned, the two have he- come reconciled, and now he is her star witness against the gro- ceryman. A news dispatch coming by way of Berlin (andj German-way news must always be taken with a grain of sak) is to the effect that twenty million people in Russia are on the verge of star vation due to a terrible drought that has swept over ajpart of that country. The parchedjearth, it is said, is opening up great crevices and wells and rivers are drying up. The more one reads and hears of droughts and troubles elsewhere, the more T t : -1 i . j uuguu uur jucnmonu county peo- pie to be thankful that they live in this blessed section, even if prices are low and money scarce, Our condition might be likened to a Garden of Eden compared with what the people in almost every part of the world are up against. Dont kick, but stick to your job and work the harder, j 1 : In Wake county court last week Judge Bond sentenced a white' man "who is somebody in : his community" to eight monthe- on the roads for distilling. The man's name is W. E. Whitaker, and he is the same man who was chief of police at the State Fair Grounds last fall; in fact he is suspected of having been selling whiskey then even while acting as an officer! In sentencing Whitaker Judge Bond took oc casion to remark that a large majority of the stills are owned by white men who employ ne groes to run them at ordinary wages the only thing the latter get out of it except road senten ces. He was begged by Whitakto to let him pay a b;g fine, but the Judge rightly refused; he had just sentenced three negroes to the roads for distilling and he gave Whitaker the same only in long as the negroes. Last Call for Listing. The Post-Dispatch is requested to statethat this is the last call for those who have not listed, to list. Failure to list your taxables will be reported to the Grand Jury Better comply with the law and list s1 Leak on Morrison. Ti to Post-Dispatch is most happy to publish the speech of introduc tion delivered by T. C Leak, I'nsi- ! A.ssociatioh in its convention at Asheville ten days ago. He was iu- traducing to the convention Gover nor Cameron Morrison. Our towns man, Mr. Luak, !- the wh) is de veloping rapidly into a finished speaker. "Tom'" has the goods. "Gentlemen: of the Association: Pardon lor the moment, it you please, my friends, a personal refer ence ami permit me to do myself the honor to say I believe I know I he workings ot both the mind and heart of the nt;xt speakr as well as anyone within this presence. "My first recollection of him was when at about the age of ten years, "(here he stood near the old school 1. at Ellerbe Springs a chubby chap though without that same de gree of physical vigor he seems now to possess just out of a fight, with his head bleding and with his face scratched almost beyond recogni tion, -though withdut evidence of having shed the first tear. Right then and there, though of even mora tender years by two or three, my heart went cut to him in its boyish way. "Inasmuch as our schools were twelve miles apart, we saw tittle of each other except in passing until about the time he had procured his license for the practice of law. He hung his first shingle out in Rock ingham and immediteely thereafter not only took the right side of every proposition looking to the upbuild ing and advancement of our county ami town, but actually took the leadership of it all. And so in thinking of him in the past and now, I must conclude that it was about the time of that Ellerbe Springs fight that he finally decided to be Governor of North Carolina for 1 can prove he began talking about it some time previous to that. And thus he fought on and on, and literally at times, if you please, un til he, a single leader, had rid our town and county in 1898 of the most deplorable political situation ap pearing within the borders of our State. He then sought a broader fieid for the practice of his profes sion, leaving us and going to Char lotte, N. C, but not until the most elaborate banquet had been spread and served in his honor jointly by our county and town people for in deed he was not alone our political leader, he was our leader in every worthy cause yea, he was our hero. "And now as Governor he would have this Old North State of ours lin its stretch from the dast to these lofty mountain peaks about us and beyond, stand out head and shoul ders above all the rest in every way progressive. He would have a foil- struetive yet. economical State Gov ernment an expansion of education gootl roads, agriculture and Industry--and last but not least, he would have the weak among us grow Vtrong and the strong grow great! . ; "Observe bis administration then if vou ukase, for the next four years; hear him now, in the same spirit, 1 present him as your friend and mine: Governor Morrison." Car Without License. The Ellerbe officer Wednesday arrested R. M. Davis for operat trig a car without the proper li cense number. He was given a hearing before Squire Mullis here and fined $5 and costs of $6.80. Daniel b. and U. n. f igott were with him, the three being en route to Charlestjon. Expensive Hamlet Dirt. J. McNair Pate Wednesday was highest bidder for a small bit of i real estate at Hamlet, paying $12,050 for a strip about 23x50 facing the Seaboani track where the Happy Hooligan joint stood. Pate now owns the famous era tor, opposite the Terminal hotel, the land costing him about $25, 000. Rev. C. A.. Wood, pastor of the Warlfwihnrn MorhnHist rhiir-4i had his arm . broken Saturday I while cranking his Ford. Could Not Remove Bone. John Allred, Jn, was under an anestltetic for three hours Tues day at the Presbyterjan hospitals at Charlotte while Dr. Scruggs endeavored to do something for His hip. John was accident'y Ishot in the right hip on- Xmas Eve three years ago. The bullet lodged in the joint bone. Dr. Scruggs found that portions of the joint bone would have to be removed to extract the bullet, and the young man would be crippled permanently; and so it was decided to leave the bullet alone. John is 17 years old andj very fond Of athletics, he having j won two foot races at the Fourth of July at Hamlet. Carpentier and Tom Gibbons have signed up tor a hght for the world's light heavyweight cham pionship to be pulled, off in Oc tober at the big arena m Jersey City. Sidney Kincaid, a wealthy man of Burke county, Monday night stabbed his wife in the neck with a pocket-knilf because she remonstrated with him for being drunk again. Snedied within af few minutes. magistrate's Court. On Wednesday night of last week It. L. Kirby had an action beore Squire Mullis against James Gay, Jr. It seems the cars driven toy the two collided with each other on the Entwistle road; each claimed ijhe other was to blame. And each brought suits against the other. The Squire made each man pay his costs, amounting to $4.70 each. It is understood Kirby is bringing civil suit, against Gay for $39.70, and Gay against Kirby for $29.70. , David Reynolds, white, was last Friday bound over to next week's criminal term under $750 bond for distilling. His father, N. T. Rey nolds, stood the bond. About June 2nd Sheriff McDonald, N. T. Rey nolds, stood the bond. About June 2nd Sheriff Mconald and eputy Rey nolds raided a still near Coleman's Mill and flushed several men at the plant. "One of the men. Will Whit Jey, was caught before he could es cape, and the two officers testified that one of the men who got away was David Reynolds. They said they watched the plant in operation i for some time before closing in. The defendant introduced no evidence. Squire Mullis heatd the matter. Wesley Chavis and Fred Groom, white, and Alec Quick, colored, were bound to court under $200 bond each, by Squire Mullins Sat urday on the charge of stealing 17 sacks of soda from T. C Leak and John N. Hasty. They gave the rc ; priced bonds. Homet Brown, white, was tri$l Monday by Squire Mullis for exceed ing the speed limit on the public highway, and was fined $5 and costs. Farmers Union Picnic The Farmers Union annual pic nic will be neld at- Bostick's jd store Sat. July 23. Several speak ers are to be there. The public is cordially invited. Bring well filled baskets and hear the discussions. W. R.Jones. Sale of Personal Property. Pursuant to an order and judgment of the Superior Court ior Richmond County, in a .civil action therein pending entitled G. E. Hinson vs. Ned Anderson, the un dersigned Commissioner will expose for sale at public auction, at the Court House door in the town of Rockingham on Mon day the 15th day of August, 1921, at twelve o'clock, noon, the following de scribed personal property to wit One Ford automobile. One Jersey Milch cow and calf. This the 20th day of July, 1921. Ozmer L. Henry, Commissioner. $200,000 Richmond County, North Carolina Court 'House Bonds - The Board of Commissioners of Rich mond County, N. G, wilUreceive sealed bids for $200,000, Richmond County, N. C, court houset)onds, until twelve o'clock nocn, Wednesday, August 31, 1921. Bonds will be in the denomination of $1000.00 and shall not bear exceeding six per cent interest, both principal and semi -anual interest payable in New York. Bonds shall mature either serially equal amounts for thirty years, or straight and mature 1951, maturities to be determined by bids received. Certified check for $2,000. payable to the order of B. F. Reynolds, Chairman, shall accompany all bids as evidence of good faith. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. B. F. Reynolds, Chairman. Ozmer L. Henry, County Attorney. W.TH THE FUNNY MEN Quito Correct. It wag daeing signal exercise and the signalman was getting fed up. "Man overboard !" yelled the, skip per. Pmiviritlv a ' f.nilH jnlAiiwl flat VL-aH ning oui. "Oreat guns, man! You're got it upside down!" shouted the sfcipper. "Man went- overboard head first, sir," said the Indignant signalman. In All Modesty. "I suppose yon think you know ex actly how this government ought to be run," remarked the man who never speaks save with a slight sneer. "No," replied Senator Sorghum, "1 don't pretend to know how It ought to be run. Only,' on seeln' the mis takes other f filers make I get kind o' - reconciled to takiu' a chance on some of my own." Cutting Him Short "I've been told," began the garrulous man. "Stop right there," Interrupted Mr. Grumpson. "What's the matterr "There's nothing the matter. It's my pergonal opinion that nobody would tell you anything of Importance, and I have no time tp listen to txivtalUes." Natural Padding. "The fat comedian tn this picture seems to amuse you greatly.' "That's because I have a sympa thetic disposition," said the angular patron. "I don't understand." "I know it can't hurt htm much to fall the way he does, but I couldn't bear 'to see a this person doing It." No Use. , "How old are yon?" asked a Justice of the peace of Jim Webster, who was arrested for stealing chickens. "I dunno," said the tramp. "When were you born?" "What's the use of telling yon about my birthday? Ton ain't goln' to make me no birthday present, are you?" PROB'LY He: Did you ever read "Looking Backward?" She: No, but I'm sure I could by holding a mirror up In front of me. Joys of Procrastination. An argument prolonged doth firing A peaceable delight. . . Bo long as folks keep arguing . They must postpone a tight. Magnificent Mathematics. "You like to hear that astronomer talk?" "Yes," answered Miss Cayenne. "He can talk about billions and billions, and at the same time avoids any sug gestion that his enormous figures are likely to call for more taxes." How Could She? Director (angrily) You . -e putting over some pretty flat stuff today. Can't you register sorrow at all? Star (sweetly) Well, hardly. You see, I have just heard that If I make this part sad enough I'll get a big raise in salary. Film Fun. Betwixt and Between. Elsie Did you accept either of the men who proposed to you last night? Mayt-No ; father wouldn't let me. Elsie Why? May He said he didn't know any thing about Mr. Truelove, and he knew oo muph about Mr. Twolove. Those Master Minds. "Who is the master mind in this Job?" inquired the detective. "There ain't any," replied Bill the Bwg. "We couldn't find anybody foolish enough to be willing to uccopt the Utle." She la Interested. "And so the returned wanderer knelt and kissed the soil of his native land." "Were there no ladies to greet him?" asked the summer girl with coy Inter est s Instructing Youth. Small Son Pa, what Is a fancy dress ball? Pa A fancy-Qress ball, my son, Is a ball where roosr'of the clothes of the dancers exist only In fancy. The Way She Played. Mrs. Mlnt'hley My little daughter has learned to play the piano In no Ome , Mrs. Bewkee Yea. I've heard her ptaytag that way. ssssfB Young Mr. Nurich (to Nursery man) : I want some breed-fruit treee sent up to our place at once. I'm euro they'll help to reduce the high cost of food. Nurseryman (Ignorant, but game): Very sorry, madam, but they've been In such demand we haven't a tree toft s. Tightwad Blew. The tightwad a he stroll around Upon thla glob of sin, Perchance may blow about Ma dust But he nvr blow It In. Progressive Town. "I "see," remarked a gentleman SB he petd a small 'newsboy for-his pe per, "that you are put tins no a good,' many new buildings in town." "That la the only kind we put up here, sir," replied the little fellow. with a touch of civic pride. Judge. Doubtful Experiment "Josh promised me he wouldn't Amoke cigarettes till he .was twenty one yearsold." "And after, that?" "He had lost any taste for cigar ettes. He had learned to smoke a ;.lpe." A Census Puzzle. Friend According to the last cen :'us there are 100,000 persons In my town. Scenario Editor Something must be wrong. I get more than that many scenarios from thereevery week. Out Joy Riding. "Are your 'Bed Time Stories for the) (.'hlldren' going well?" "Not so very well. Some editors re fuse to rim them, beoimse In these days, they say, the children come In after mother has retired." Difference. Dedbete Somebody raised the amount on the last check I sent oat Offenstruck Congratulations, otd man. I couldn't raise a nickel oa the one you gave me. Legion Weekly. Modern Life. "Do you help your wife with the dishes?" "No. "There Isn't room for both of ns la the kitchenette." Going Up. "He tried a dozen jobs In as many years. Nobody ever thought he'd be good for anything." "Well, he fooled 'em. Now he's an efficiency expert" Dimity bed spreads 81x90 in. You can get your share of TWO at Terry s Big Sale for only $125. advt The hiehest nriced ladies' shoe at E. B. Terry's will sell for only $4.95 during the big 10-day Clear ance Sale. 1 his includes all Duttenhofers, Walkovers and Bil- likens. advt Dining Room Enjoyment Atmrt Thursday Health Talk26 By Mary Lon Miller, D. C. PL C. Dining room enjoyment waits pn appetite, but there are many ravenous who dare not eat. To these the dining room is like the entrance room to a palace of horrors. Chronic indigestion suf ferers ar not all dietetic fools, nor gluttons. In fact a healthy stomach, barring abuse, gives no trouble. There are many to whom no change of diet, not any restriction of quantify, makes much difference. They suffer just the same. The cause of chronic stomach weakness of this character is pressure u pon spinal nerves at the "stomach place'' in the spine. A disturbance of the alignment of joints at at this point causes pres sure. The result is a stomach weakness that in some cases amounts al most to paralysis. Chiro practic spinal adjustments will restore alignment and remove the cause. Suffered 20 Years froai Pile and Stomach Trouble. "I suffered. 20 years from chronic stomach trouble and piles. I tried all kinds of drugs, patent medie tas and several doctors without perma nent relief. In June, 1919 'I started cbiroprai ic. I was relieved of my stom ach trouble and the piles showed gradual improve ment until well.'' J. S. Lumbley, C.R. B. State ment No. 1266L. MARY LOU MILLER (batata Pahaw dsvassnctw Telephone 349