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ROOMING HAM POS IDISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, K. C. PAGE ELEVEN L O C A L ADVERTISEMENTS Highest cash price paid for old Mahogany Furniture, China, Vaces, Brass Andiions. Screens, etc. Ad dress Box 882, Charlotte, N C Furniture Repairing. Your furniture repair work solic ited. I do smaller jobs at your home. Phone me at 292-W, or see me.. G. C. COBLE. ' Plain Sewing. -For plain, sewing? see or phone Mrs. G. C. Coble,Xphone 292-W. Forbidden to Harbor. My son, Fulton Allen, left my home on Friday night, July 22nd. He is barely 16. All persons are hereby forbidden to hire him, to feed or clothe him, or in any way to harbor him or give him help. This notice is given and those who do not heed it will be duly prose cuted. . 1 2t CALVIN ALLEN, Colored. Keys Found. Found nearjCounty Home a bunch of six keys on ring. Call at Post Dispatch office. House for Sale. For sale Nine-roojp house, with modern conveniences, lot 80x200 feet; will sell at sacrifice. Terms to suit party. Box 1273, - Wilmington, N. C. Need Wood or Draying? Phone 301 or see Watt Seawell ivhen in need of stove or fire wood. I am hauling . wood from the shuttle milk I also do drav ing and moving; prompt service. Watt Seawell " 2t Cars For Sale. FOR SALE One Ford coupe in fine condition; new paint, tires perfect. Two 1920 model Ford touring cars with starter. Prices right for cash.- Nance-Presnell Hdw. Co., Ellerbe, N. C. Position Wanted. Wanted, by young man, posi tion as clerk in grocery store Married and strictly sober. Ref erence furnished. Can come on bhort notice. - Address, Clerk, care of Post-Dispatch. Teachers Wanted. WANTED to get in connect ion at once with two high school teachers, one grammer grade teacher, one matron for Girls' Building, one matron for dining room and kitchen work, one practical nurse; Good pay, plea sant surroundings and hard work. Communicate with Superinten dent I. O. O. F. Home, Golds boro, North Carolina, giving re ferences and experience in first letter written recommendations not desired. 3t NOTICE. " H. D. Baldwin, Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of R. R. Little, offers for sale the following des cribed personal property; One ) saw Pratt Gin. ' One Boss Press No. 2. One Liddell 20-horse boiler. One Liddell 15-horse engine. One. pair McDonald platform scales. 140 feet tl shafting, belts and pulleys. Prices and other information may be had by applying to,H. D. Baldwin, Rockingham, N. C. Vehicles and Machinery FOR SALE The following used vehicles and machinery: One used mowing machine; one used one-horse ( wagon nearly new; one Ford coupe; one slight ly used Majestic range. If you have something to trade bring it along. We are traders and will take almost anything in part payment for any of above merchandise. If you have some nice young beef cattle to sell and want anything we have, vou can get it, and we will buy your cat tle in the deal.- If you want to buy on trade, you had better see us first Nance-Pressnell Hdw. O., Ellerbe, N. C. Webb's The Man When you need hay, oats, corn, shipstuff and all kinds of letC stuffs, or flour, meat, lard, sugar, coffee, tobacco, snuff and all kinds of groceries remember S. L. Webb has jem all beat all the time. Come and see. S. L. WEBB, Phbne 258. Bicycle for Sale. For sale, a second-hand bicycle; tires are new. Apply to Fred Hull, at Great Falls mills. Bring us your chickens, eggs, tc Allen-Morse Co. Clerk or Salesman. Wanted, a posi'ion as clerk or sales man; have had experience in eitner. tses of references furnished. Apply at Post Dispatch office. ELLERBE SPRINGS HOTEL ,NOW OPEN Excellent Cuisine Service Special attention to dinner parties. m Reservation of tables in advance will f J be appreciated. JJJ I T. C. JONES, JR., 5 I 0 Manager J LADIES, LISTEN! We jre now prepared to do your Hem stitching, Picoting, Knife, Box, Side and Accordian Plaiting at reasonable prices. Hemstitching and picoting at 10c per yd. Accordian plaits from 22 to 42 in. at 50c per yd. Accordian plaits from 15 to 20 in. at 30c per yd. Accordian plaits from 8 to 14 in. at 20c per yd. We Box, Side and knife Plait at same prices. We Machine Plait Ruffles up to 3 inches at 5c per yd. We Machine Plait Rufllcs from 4 to 7 tc. at 10c per yard. We furnish Cotton i but do not Silk thread. It requires one 50-yard spool of silk to every four yards of hemstitching. For good work in plaiting skirts always press seams and hems down. All work guaranteed. Man orders given prompt at tention. Sewing Room No 16, Main Street, Opposite Union Building. Mrs. J. L. Davis in charge. Hamlet, N. C. Phone 101 Where Speed and Endurance Count CLETRAC works more acres pev hour and more hours per day. Cletrac holds its pace day after day. Heat and dust do not bother it. The two tank-type tracks carry it over hard or soft lands without slipping or losing speed. A motor built for quality and not quantity, twelve HP on the draw bar and twenty for belt Write us for sfoftpy of "Selecting Your Tractors." It gives you the whole interesting story. HARDISON & CO. I Distributors Phone 164 Wadesbaro, N. C. Cletrac Money to Loan. In sums of from three to ten thousand dollars. Rate of inter est reasonable. First mortgage security on highly improved farm lands lequired. " Please do not apply for loan on Sand Hill land. If you want assistance, Write me. Walter H. Neal, Laurinburg, N. C. Southern silks and Hickory shirting is selling for only 9c yd. at TERRY'S BIG SALE. Spud McGlone Ey CLARENCE L. CULLEN (Copyrirlu.j When Spud McGlone, the tout, nudged Into New York from the win ter race meeting at New Orjenu, he wore a certain sooty and tindery ap pearance ihat didn't seem to denote a ride on the varnished cars. "Does a job nt the gasworks, .back In this dump, look good to me?" he ohserwi gloomily, replying to nobody's question. "Docs it ? Ask Smudge Shaugnessy if he ever hud it yen for a beef stew! "Southern race tracks, eh? Say, I'd rather be a moldy ear in a Ooiiey Is land hot-Corn holler than a red burn full of feed and bay down tluwe in the cockroach Dixie belt, and let that go with the main bet. "There's no getting away from the ring Pinks down there. "The first day out down there I slanted a thing that looked like bean-porridge-liot to me. I took him by the left fin as be mooned around the ring marking a program and trying to look wise. '"Sh-sh" says I as I tried to lead him u,nder one' of the stairways. 'Sh-sh ! I woul fain uncurl one gold en word or two unto you.' "'Hey? What's that?' he bawled like fishieddler yelling shad on a side street and trying to shake off the clutch I bad on him. " 'Not so volcy, major,' said I, bang ing on to him. "'Hey, luok-a-here, what's all this?' he shouted, net with any effort, get me, but just talking in his natural voice. 'What d'ye want?' " 'Sh-sh ! Try whispering, general,' says I to him, lamping around to see If any of the ring Pinks were on the job. 'All that I desire to do is AS send yjm away from here lopsided with cur rency. "For about lm ! g. u minute he studied me witli that harvest-moon wjek. "'What do yon want to do that for?' he shouted. 'What Is it. to you whether I win or not ?' v , " 'The soft pedal nnd low bridge, please, judge,' 1 begged the smudge. "'Is it a horse?' Ire yelled at me. "'That loud stuff is great in a knock about turn, but here it's liable to crab a perfectly good sketch. Now, will you gamble that hundred on one that's a Rocky Kurd wrapped in tissue-paper and tinfoil and served in a Tlffanv dish?' " 'Is It some horse that's going to run in this first race that you want me to play?' he howled. " 'Say, general, won't you try to im agine that you're at a wijke, and pull the muffling snares down on that drum of yours?" " 'Yes, it's one in the first race. "'It's 15 to 1 now, and It'll streel home like a cat that's been chucked Into a creek with a, stone around its neck.' '"Well, the mark yelped then like a barker with a double-horn megaphone on a rubberneck wagon: 'Hmv do you know ihat this horse will win, hey?' "Just then the ring Pink that I'd nlped the minute before breezed up behind me wiiii tin, stiff forefinger for the middle of III' kidneys. " 'None ' that buzz stnlT here. Bright Kyes." says be to me, 'or over the fence for you,' and' tuen I had to smear away from there and join the elbowers in the main aisle. "Two days later 1 snagged, coming down from the grand stand, where !'(! salted his Wife, one that looked to me like 'a full basket of quarts. " IGuvV says I, as he got to the hot torn of the steps, "d'ye know the name of it'' " 'The name of what ?' he asked me in the tone of the skipper of a canal boat hollering at a mule-whacker a hundred yards up the towpath. 'Did you ask me what time. It was? Why, it's half past tliree ' pulling out a soup er the size of a bund-painted porcelain plaque. "T haven't got an idea in the world what horse ywtt mean and. of course, you're a stranger to me' lie was hol lering louder and louder with every chirp 'but I lost fifty dollafti on the first race' by this time lie was orut ing like the ringmaster of a circus "and if there's any chance to get that money back, why, of course, I'd like to obtain the name of the winner, " 'You look as if you might know, even if, as I say, you are a .stranger to me; and of course if the one you named really did win Td be willing to er do the right thing toward you for your kindness, and ' "Did I have that one liwked? Why, say. It was out of the water and swinging toward the grass when - " 'Say, Louie,' says the same Pink that had given me the kidney poke be fore, coming up behind me again, 'I thought I told you that tell-Yin thing was all off and done away with around these works, hey? " 'Now, you lemme pipe you again hepping n lob to oue o' your boguses, and you won't have any heels left on your kicks to beat It with.' And so there I was, hashed again right on the pin-point of getting a live one on a thing that won four minutes Inter from here to Las Vegas and bad;, with the boy looking back and laughing. "That's the way I was messed around at New Orleans by the howlers every time I got an easy one soaped Tip to the betting-point. "Say, does it feel good to be hack where they don't nH tnlk like Tony Pastor used to sing? "I' refuse to answer, bo, on the ground that It might degrade or ln eriminute me !" A' Double Love Story By MOLL! E MATHER. (Copyrlchl.) It had taken Tessie a long time to save (weiii;, live dollars, and the sum seemed more than twice this amount to, her. Twenty-five dollars, Tessie thought, should be enough to buy the finest coat, and she was in need of a coat. Indeed, the ihln little suit which had been her last year's pur chase was all Insufficient against win try winds, and neither Indoors nor out did poor Tessie know the luxury of warmth. So the girl was now alone In the world, alone that is, except for Fred erick. Frederick hoped to marry her when his salary should be raised, and it was especially because of Freder ick that Tessie longed for the tan coat with the fur collar. Frederick ad mired this coat lit the store window, when he and Tessie lingered on their walks. Frederick would buy her a coat like that some day, he said, and she would "look like a princess" in it. Tessie wished to look like a princess now. that he;' lover might he proud of her; so painstakingly and self-sacri-ficingly she saved the twenty-five dol lars. There was no price tag on the cloak in the window, and Tessie knew many discouraging fears, but on the night of the biting snow storm she turned resolutely Into the store; she must have some kind of coat at once, even if her hope was to be destroyed. The desired coaf had become to her almost an obsession, she gloried in dreams of its 'lining. And when the ator In her upper bedroom re mained as cold as her own hands. Tes sie would draw the old woolen shawl about her shoulders and think of that warm fur collar. She felt strangely abashed as she entered the carpeted clonk department in the presence of the stately modish, young woman who seemed almost pityingly to await her demands. Tessie's faded little suit glared out its ghabblnesa. in nil that grandeur of newness, Courageously, she approached one of the attendant young women. "I would like." she said frankly, "to see a tan cloak with a fur collar, I can only pay twenty five dollars." ' The young woman continued her work of assorting cloaks. "Wis have nothing like that for $25.00." she answered brusquely, "Hut there was a coat In the win dow " Tessie began, she could not so easily dispose of her hope. With a shake of her head, the young woman moved on to a more promising cus tomer. Then, as Tessie stood hesitat ing and dejected, a second young wom an came around the display table. The dress she wore was black :nd simply madtt, her soft, brown hair waved naturally over her ears, she had the same calmly superior manner of the others, which had inspired Tessie with uncomfortable awe. Hut the face of this young woman who accosted her With a pleasant question, was pale nnd tired. Tessie thought, and her dark eyes showed sympathetic inter est. Quickly Tessie responded to that Interest. "Perhaps," she suggested, "you might be able to find a warm tan coat for me. with a fur collar like fhe one in Ihe window. I can only pay twenty-five dollars. You see, I have saved that much." "Btri twenty-five dollars is a good deal for n coat, isn't it ?" "Sometimes," the pale faced young woman answered gently, "twenty-five dollars is a good deal. If you will sit down for a few moments' I will see about the coaf In the window." . The sparkles came back again to Tessie's eyes. I lie kindly voice was so reassuring. And presently the young woman returned with a man bearing the coveted cloak on his arm, nnd when the man found that the clonk fitted perfectly Tessie's slight figure, he carried It away only "long enough to fold It in n square box, and the purchase was made for twenty-five dollars. As Tessie was lovingly bear ing her burden toward the elevator she -turned with a sudden impulse back to the young woman of the sym pathetic eyes. "Im so grateful to yon," Tessie said, "for taking the trouble." The tiredness of the young woman's face seemed to vanish in her smile. "It has been a pleasure' to be able to do It for yon," she said. Then as Tessie went happily on her way to "look like a princess" for Frederick, the young Voman slipped back into a dressing room strewn with fur" trimmed dresses, and here she regained the hat. which she had left there when she tried the flresses on, and when she emerged again out Into the cloak room, a big man gravely faced her. "And so, Marlon," he said, "this Is really you whom I meet for the first time tonight. As you cume to the as sistance of that shabby little creature t snt waiting for you Just behind the mirror. I had called at your home and they said I should find you here. So I heard all that passed, and realized that you were playing the part of a clerk Just long enough to give to that little girl her heart's desire. Dearest, yon must know that I have long wanted to nsk a question, but yob seemed so satisfied In your life of good fortune, that I wondered if love might find a place. Today you have shown me a heart tender In lfs love for oth ers." The young' worian laughed ns she slipped her hand through the big man's arui. ' "I .'.e heard." , she uid, "that a wOinfln may not ilwaj wear her heart upon her uleeve-." La-La-By .fff BABY SWING ifj f t I If Stand 3.00 I I I ij if Complete $4.75" Mm I i "I WSU KrV7 KMfiriri sJ I t j pm t v xiii ii ii i , B I' - J ii A BOOK STORE OF RARE EXCELLENCE I OFFICE SUPPLIERS AND FURNISHERS J I I S'2 If your system is "all run down" anp you are despondent screw up enough courage to go to your doctor or come to us and get something to tone up your system. The longer you put this off the worse off you will be. Our medicines are full strength and pure. Buy your medicines and drug stcre things from u? and knew they are right. FOWLKES PHARMACY ZZZZZI The Drag Store with a Welcome! B W CT QUICK!" Phone 127 ROCKINGHAM, N. C Muuines Fresh Caaiia Fountain Drinks HU 'in Seaboard Air Line Railway 1 INFORMATION BULLETIN Niagra Falls, N. Y. Tickets Special Excursion fares. On sale Juh fi. I4. 20, 28; August 3, 11, 17, 25, 31; September 14, 28; October 12. Limited 17 days. -" Round Trip Fare from Rockingham $30.40. S3iriBF5 Special Excursion fares to Atlantic City and other New Jersey resorts. Tickets on sale July 5, 13, 19, 27; August 2. 10, 16; 24, 30; Limited 17 days. ROUND TRIP FARES FROM ROCKINGHAM $20.55 MefeMAUi Raleigh-Portsmouth-Norfolk All Steel Sleeping Car Line jg Open Union St ition 9:00 to 1:00 a. m. Daily Arrive Norfolk 9:00 a. m." S Raleigh-Washington All Steel Sleeping Car Line Open Union Station 9:00 to 11:30 p. m. Daily ArriveJWashington, D. C, 9:40 a. m. SUNDAY EXCURSION RATES TO NORFOLK,VA. Round Trip Fare From Raleigh $4.00 iS Tickets good in sleeping carsupon payment of berth fare. H Effective each Sunday Jane 5th to September 4th, 1921 Be sure and see that your ticket reads SEABOARD. For all infor- mation desired call on Ticket Agents or the undersigned--- JOHN T. WEST Division Passenger Agent M Phwe621 t i ig Raleifth, . C. GQOLEDGEWHyGRADE Faints and W Varnithes Once more Mature has taken up her paint brush. The fields are a glorious mass of color. Trees are budding green. Even to the city dweller there comes the faint suggestion of peach and apple blossoms. Springtime is paint time. Paint your home inside and out with CH Paints ar.d Varflishcs. They look better and wear longer. An arrrsottve booklet, "The House Across the Wcy," (llustrates the value of painj ; harmony in the home. Ask us tor free , copy and color charts. ALLEN-MORSE CO. ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Hfl