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PAGE TWO ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY. . C. VACCINATION SCHEDULE Continued from front page. MR. STOGNER REPLIES Continued from front safe. convenience or ill effect That is ling of the warrant against the de- why the county commissioners have arranged for the free dispense ires this summer. The treatment is harmless aid practically without pain. It causes no sore arms or unpleasant after effects." It will not stop a person from engaging in any ordinary work. The treatment is given hypo dennieally in the left arm. Three doses must he taken to he effective. A person so vaccinated is immune from typhoid Jever for at least three years. The Board of Commissioners have ranged with the County Physician Dr. W. R. Mcintosh to administer the treatment in this county. The anti-typhoid Vaccine U applied free Jy the State Board of Health. There will he no charge made and all the people, young and old, white and Mark, rich and poor are urged to take advantage of the opportunity thus offered. The schedule of dates and places of free treatments is as follows; clip this out for reference, and don't fail to he on hand for each of the three doses: Mondays -Aug. 15, 22, 29. Sept. 5. Roherdel tat Mill No. 1) 11 to 10 a. m.: J. A. McNeill's Store 10:30 to 11:30 a. in.) Ledhetter s Mill, 2:30 to 3:30 p. in. (at Company's Store.) Tuesdays Aug. 16, 23, 30, Sept. 6. Roherdel No. 2, 9 to 10 a. m. (at Company's Store) Hanah Pickett Mill 10:30 to 11:30 a. m. TSntwistle Mill 3 to i p. in. Midway Mill 4:30 to 5:30 p. m. (at Company's Store.) Wednesday, Aug. IT, 24, 31, Sept 7. Hoffman 9:30 to 10:30 a. m. Hamlet (at Graded School) 3 to 4:30 p. m. Thursdays- Aug. IS, 25, Sept. 4, 8 Norman 9:30 to 10:30 a. in. L, I). Futchey's Store 11 to 12 a. m. Ellerbe ;l to 4:30 p. m. (at School building.) Fridays - Aug. 19, 6, Sept. 2, 9. Pee Dee No. 1 9 to 10 a. in. Company's Store.) Pee ee No. 2 10:30 to 11:30 a (at Mcintosh Bros.' Store). Steel's Mill 2:30 to 3:30 pr m. Company's Store.) J. F. biggs' Store 4 to 5 p. m. Saturdays Aug. 20, 27, Sept. 3, 10. Great Falls Mill 9 to HI a. m. Rockingham 2 to 6 iv. m. (at Dr. Mcintosh's office.) fendant Lashley, nor was she con fronted with any letters that she had written to the defendant, nor was she the prosecuting witness. The warrant was sworn out before H. P. Barrett, a justice of the peace of Richmond county by W. M. Stog ner. The attorneys representing the State and the defendant made a set tlement of the case between them selves and to the best interest to all parties concerned, and the said war rant was withdrawn by W. M. Stog ner after the said seftlement had been made by the attorneys, and was not withdrawn by Grace Stog ner, nor did she have anything to do with its being withdrawn. "W. M. STOGNER." THAT LASHLEY ACCOUNT. The following Is the Lashley ac count as taken from the Greensboro Daily News and published last week. It is reproduced here: From Greensboro Daily News, July 20th The charge of criminal assault against W. L. Lashley, an insu rance man of Greensboro, made by the father of Grace Stogner, of Richmond county, was with drawn yesterday and Lashley stands a free man. The. with drawal of the warrant came after jMiss Stogner, the prosecuting witness, admitted the falsity of her change. The warrant charged Lashley with committing a criminal as sault on Miss Stogner last De cember. Upon the request of Richmond county officials Lash ley was arrested here Saturday and taken to Rockingham. When Miss Stogner was confronted with the fact that many friendly letters, written by her to Mrs. Lashley, would be submitted as evidence, she broke down and confessed that the charge was false. Without a hearing the Richmond county officials turned Lashley loose, and he came back to Greensboro yesterday. at (at Roberdel Items. Rev. D. P. Bridges filled his regular appointment at Baptist church Sunday night. Mr. J. W. Nicholson and family spent last Sunday with Mr. N. A Graham. Mr. L. M. McKenzie of Kan napolis is here with relatives for few days. Mrs. John McKenzie of Xan napolis is here with relatives for few days. Mrs. Fred Meacham of Entwis tle is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. McKenzie Mr. T. J. Fletcher and family attended the annual Fletcher re union at McColl, S. C. last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chis holm of Charlotte are here with relatives for a short time. Mrs. A. C. Huggins and daugh ter are at her father's for week end. Mrs. E. Fletcher is visiting relatives in McColl, S. C. Mr. John Watson and family spent Sunday at her father's, Mr. S. F. Gibson. We are glad to say that Misses Fanny and Flora Terry are much mproved at this writing. Sale of Personal Property. , Pursuant to an order and judgment of the Superior Court for Richmond County, in a civil action therein pending entitled G. E. Hinson vs. Ned Anderson, the un dersigned Commissioner will expose for sale st public auction, at the Court House door in the town of Rockingham On Mon day the 15th day of August, 1921, at twelve o'clock, noon, the following de scribed personal property to wit: One Ford automobile. One Jersey Milch cow and calf. This the 20th dav of July, 1921. Ozmer L. Henry. Commissioner HAMLET OPERA HOUSE HAMLET, N. a Clean Entertainment for the Whole Family. PROGRAM FRIDAY, JULY 29th "THE BAIT" A Maurice Tourneur Production with Hope Hampton A Paramount Picture Adici "Selznick News" and Hank Mann Comedy. "JAZZ JANITOR" SATURDAY, JULY 30 A Melford Production "THE JUCKLINS" A Paramount Picture Added "Son of Tarzan No. 8" and "Somewhere in Any Place" MONDAY, AUGUST 1 BEBE DANIELS in "THE MARCH HARE" Added "Selznick News" "Topics of the Day" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" TUESDAY, AUGUST 2nd ALICE BRADY in "THE DEATH DANCE" Added "BIG GAME" Rt 3 News. MesdamesW J. Gulledge, and j. M. Lowe, Dixon and Miss Effie Ingram and Mr. J. A. Covington motored to Lilesville last Sunday to see Mrs. Charlie Long. Don't forget that Friday, after noon is the ' time for the club meeting. It meets with Mrs." Al l lie Dobbins. Miss Edith Allen, of Biscoe, was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Dan Allen's Sunday, the former her brother. Mrs. G. H. Kellyland daughter, Miss Ella, spent the week-end with Mrs. S. L. Webb, on Wat son Heights. Neil Covington entertained a few of his friends on Wednesday nightof last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Covington, celebrating his 18th birthday. Games and conversa tion were the only diversions of the evening. Delicious cake and lemonade were served. The boys all declared that the cake was the best they had ever eaten, (a slam on the girls because Neil cooked the cake,) while the girls just simply couldn't believe he cocked it, till his mother said he did; they admitted that it was just fine. Thus ended .an even ing of much pleasure and all de parted, wishing Neil many more such birthdays. Our boys did themselves proud last Friday night at a "chicken stew" at the school house. These "stews" are always of decided en joyment with the boys. Miss Sue Covington, of Char lotte, is home with her father, Mr. Hampton Covington for a few days. The community enjoyed a delightful picnic Wednesday in the afternoon, down on the creek. Swimming was en joyed, as the boys have fixed a small "lake" down there. Misses Lelia and Bertha Sin clair and Messrs. Monnie and Wm. Covington journeyed to Rae- ford, through the country, the 17th, where the Misses Sine!; visited friends and relatives. They returned :n Monday, 18;h. Messrs. Aubrey and William Covington went to Greensboro Tuesday, after the letter's sister Miss Lizzie Covington, who has been a student the past six weeks at N. C. C. W., of that citv, re! urn ing Tuesday afternoon. Jones Springs . Water , 0!$ SALE AT S. Biggs Drug Store 5 gal. containers at $3.50. Allowance of $1.50 for return of empty crate. Net cost of water : $2.00 for 5 gal. Jones Springs water is well known to the people of this county as a water of merit and health-giving properties, and needs no other -advertising. Juet say "Jones Springs" and that is sufficient. Situated between Ellerbe and Jack son. Send your order to BIGGS DRUG STtRE Rockingham, N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3rd ELAINE HAMMEBSTEHf in THE POINT OF VIEW' Added "KICK" THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th BILLIE BURKE in "EDUCATION OF ELIZABETH" A Paramount Picture Added "Selznick News" $200,000 Richmond County, North Carolina Court House Bonds The Board of Commissioners of Rich mond County, N. C, will receive sealed bids for $200,000, Richmond County, N. C, court house bonds, until twelve o'clock noon, Wednesday, August 3L 1921. Bonds will be in the denomination of $1000.00 andrshall not bear exceeding six per cent interest, both principal and semi anual interest payable in New York. Bonds shall mature either serially equal amounts for thirty years, or straight and mature 1951, maturities to be determined bv bids received. Certified check for $2,000, payable ' to the order of B. F. Reynolds, Chairman, shall accompany all bids as evidence of good faith. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. B. F. Reynolds, Chairman. Ozmer L. Henry, County Attorney. At TERRY'S BIG SALE they are offering new and, better Bar gains every day. The sale lasts all next week. Draying by McNair. 1 have decided to do public draying in connection with my store, and can furnish a hand. W. E. McNair. aaJlse-JBeeJex New Victor Records for August Have Just Arrived We know they will please you. Don't let the day pass with out coming in to hear them. Or if you cannot come, send for the illustrated booklet describing them: RED SEAL RECORDS T"m' Arr.cordo . Napulr I tBRe555 Dream Faces . EmIUo Do Gogorza r "kr- SSf MiSTO "f pHm i" TU (l P;.Y,t R"t '"Plora TW) Emmy Deetinn ITT"-" " o .TSr"" ""nn) violin Mischa tlman When the Roan Bloom e You re Here Srani.h Dance, No. 3 (Romania Andaluze) (Seraeeke) Violin Scheherazade The Young Prince and the Young Princess Valet in D Rat Major (Chopin) Faeno Falstafl L'Onore! Ladrl! (Your Honorl Ruffian,!) Madrigal de Mai (Madrigal of May) DANCE RECORDS St. Lout. Blue. Fog Trot Original Dixieland Jan Band JMk Ma Blues Fox Trot Original Dixieland Jar. Band I'm Nobody's Baby Fox Trot All Star Trio and Their Orchestra Listening Fox Trot All Star Trio and Their Orchestra Cho-Chc-Saii Fox Trot Paul Whltoman and His Orchestra Song of India Fox Trot Paul Whltoman and Hla Orchestra Laarn to Smile Fox Trot Paul Whltoman and Hla Orchestra Ch, Mr: Oh, Mr: Medley Fox Trot Paul Whitenum and Hla Orchestra INSTRUMENTAL RECORDS 64967 88635 649" 886)6 Mabel Garrison Louise Homer Edward Johnson Erika Morini Philadelphia Orchestra Sergei Rachmaninoff Titta Ruffo Itanato Zamatll 64969 87527 64970 74692 74691 64971 88637 64972 !? 10 10 10 12 12 10 12 10 Mother Match,. I '. -r Scherzo in E Flot Minor (Salvi) Harp Canzonette (Mollariidcr) In the Fcraet lous hoia) S)tr of 'He $e k:. M7i:x' ion sJtoexty b.r Medley Waltz H w j.'i.n Guitars 3sJ ci r,r.r im.- Medlev V' t ltz Kmws7uu puih ru.- i n i asaajajg r .-.. . t. CswCMfj :..i. For- ing S-'ivin ThlrAine cf You CurnVr.n Lullaby tU By r.3:-so:f Anna in Indiana Down Yonder Don't You Remember the Timet little f. Kapplneee pr inf;tine yOCAL RECORDS Alberto Salvi Alberts Sake! Victor String Quartet Victor Orchestra Florentine) Quartet Florentine Ouertet Ferera and Franchlni For era end Franchini Scute i Bund Souse's Band Elele Baker Lambert Murphy Peerleaa Quartet Albert Campbell-Henry Burr y Alleen Stanley Arthur Fields Peerlaaa Ouartet Louise Terre.l-Charles rlar t t.harlea Harrison Cbarlea Harrison 16772 1(1 18773 10 18777 l IS778 10 45248 10 14753 10 16769 10 1(771 IO 3J2W . 12 45249 IO 18762 IO 18774 10 18775 IO IS776 IO Long Furniture Co. IMmtf&tyaon I V, y ' JL A la- MmofSatfaaum I - ' B-98 13,759 Buick automobiles were delivered into the hands of owners in June. This proves thoroughly that the American public is both willing and able to buy gen erously where it is assured lull, dollar for dollar value, and it demonstrates also that a large percentage of the motor ing public does have this buy-j ing confidence in Buick per formance and Buick worth. Prices of Buick Six Cylinder Models Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster - 145 Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touriai; , 1J Mn.lrl J2-4A Three Pasefnecr Coupe ! 21 JS Model 22-47 Five PaiiengeredaB - 't'i 24JS Model 22-41 Four Psneoger Coupe - t-A 2J2S Model 22-49 Seven Faffeoger i ounn, , Model 22-50 Seven Paenger Sedan HI RM MeUeex ' 2325, ,1735 3 RICHMOND BUICK COMPANY Rockingham, - - - - - - N. C. 'When BferrER. automobiles are built, buick will build them