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Stephenson-Belk Company's 5th ANNUAL JULY CLEARANCE ALE Begins Wednesday Morning, July 27th and continues for 10 days through Saturday, Aug. 6th. Again it is your opportunity to save, -- ours to serve. This is the Sale that is looked forward to by thousands from one year to the next for it is a known fact that our Summer Clearance Sale offers the greatest monev sav ing opportunity during the entire 12 months. These prices are the lowest quoted in about 5 years, setting' a new low level for reliable merchandise. Many Bargains in Low Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Lot No. 1, $1.85 for Choice. Several hundred pair of Ladies' Low Shoes at this price. We haven't all sizes of a style, but there is all sizes In the lot in different styles. Many values that sold for S3.9S are in cludes Lot No. 2, $2.95. This includes a good big range of Low Shoes, Pat. Leather Pumps, Pat. and Kid Oxfords in High, Low and Mili- tary heel; all one price - $2.95 Lot No. 3, $3.95. Many Slippers in this lot No. 3 sold for as high as $7.95. All ottered at one price $3.95 Lot No. 4, $4.68. This lot offers perhaps the greatest bargains of them alL The price is a little more and the quality is a little better, offer ing many Low Shoes that sold up to $12.50 the pair, this season. All Low Shoes at a drastic Reduction. Yon can come expecting a Bargain. We are selling just that, during this Sale. Keds. Ladies' White Canvas Keds, made of extra good quality Canvas with and without heels, regular $3.50 value. Sale price $1.98 Ladies' Canvas Bals. regular $2.00 value. Sale price $1.48 Ladies' and Boys White Canvas Oxfords, in this sale $1.19 Ladies' White Canvas one strap Pumps, Baby Louis heel. Sale price $2.98 Ladies White Canvas one strap Pumps, Military heel, reg ular price $2.50. Sale price $1.98 PIECE GOODS DEPARTMENT. ' See Our Big 5c Counter. It is worth a long trip just to see this Counter. It is really hard la believe that it is possible to sell ths$e goods at 5s yard. Of course we have to limit this counter to not over 20 yards to any one customer of any one kind of goods. We want just as many as possible to share this bargain feast with us. Ton T housa.nd yards of ,39 inch Sheeting, just the right weight for Dressess, only 5c 3(3 inch Short Length Bleaching, only 5c A good quality Percale in short lengths, 1,000 yards will he sold at 5c 30,000 yards of 26 inch Danville Plaids in full piece on sale at 5s Several thousand yards of Calico in short lengths in this sale, 5c 10c Counter Filed high with goods Worth Twice the price asked. Fancy Dress Ginghams. Hickory Shirting. 28 inch 15c value Cheviots. 28 inch short length heavy Blue and Striped Chambry. Several thousand yards of the best Apron Check onJhe market. All at thcone price 10c Amoskeag Dress Ginghams - , 17c Amoskeag Iiomper Cloth . 22c Lad Lassie Homper Cloth 18c Renfrew's 32 inch Dress Ginghams 2Sc yard Ptinjah Percales, just about the best Percale made, coiois are guaranteed to be fast. Sale price .... 22c Long Cloth, Nainsooks, Pajama Checks, etc. No. 100 Long Cloth, 10 yard bolts, $1.85 value, sale price $1.00 No. 150 Sherman's Long Cloth, 10 yard bolts, sale price $159 No. 19 IV, ik Nainsook, white only. Sale price $1.35 bolt Wamsu tta 36 inch Nainsook, nice smooth quality, value $100. Sale price. $3.48 bolt Chimosa Nainsook, plain and check, regular value $6.05 bolt. Sale price $5.45 18c value yard wide Pajama Checks, in this sale .12 l-2c White Lawn, Organdy, etc. 15c White Lawn, reduced to 12c 25c value White Lawn, Sale price JJBc 35c. value White Lawn, Sale price 25c White and colored Organdies, our regular 48c grade, during this sale 39c $1.50 value Imported Dotted Swiss, white and colors. Sale price . $1.19 Silk Department. Every piece of Silk in this store Rednoed for Clearance Sale. 5 pieces yard wide black Taffeta, regular $1.50' values. Sale price f 98c (Limit 6 yards to customer.) $2.00 value Black and 'Colored Taffeta, reduced to $1.75 Belding White Satin, during this sale onb- $1.75 $3.50 value heavy White Satin, sale price . $2.75 $3.00 value Radium Pussy Willow, sale price $2.48 Mallison's Pussy Willow, sale price $2.98 Georgettes in nearly all wanted shades . $1.38 Crepe de Chines reduced to $1.38 and $1.59 $1.50 and $1.75 Silk Shirting, sale price $1.35 and $1.48 $1.00 value Pongee on sale 78c $1.50 valye Pongee, sale price $1.15 $3.50 value Canton Crepe, sale price S2.S8 Bed Sheets, Counterpanes, Pillow Cases etc. At very low prices during this 10 days sale. 72x00, Gem" Sheets, seamless 72,x90 Orient Sheets, Seamless, sale price 81x90 New Era Sheets 81x90 Mohawk Sheets, sale price 59c 75c 98c $1.29 81x108 Utica Sheets, sale price $1.75 63x90 Dimity Spreads, sale price -, $159 Double Bed size Bed Spreads, regular $2.25 value, sale price $L85 Towels. All reduced for Clearance Sale. Medium size Turkish Towels, slightly imperfect, sale price 10c and 12 l-2c Large size Turkish Towel, plain and colored borders, very special at -t--25c Ga:::io;:iills Hu.k Towels 12 l-2c "Clothing Department We Iiava gone feougii our stock of Clothing and marked down to the very Lowest prica. Men's Genuine Mohair Suits, regular $12.50 values, sale price . $7.95 Men's $18.50 value Mohair Suits, sale price - $14.95 One lot of Young Men's Kool Kloth Suits, to be closed out at - Large Cake of Glycerine Soap at I0c Woodbury's Soap ... igc Hose Bath Soap u , Sc Nadine Pace Powder . 39C Mavis Face Powder ...45c Doris Face Powder ... 45c Azurea Face Powder . 89c iary Garden Face Powder 89c Standard Brands of Talcum Powder only ... 15c Menen's Talcum Powder '. 22c Lrge can of Talcum Powder for . , lflc DeLong Hooks and Lyes, during this sale 5c Ladies' Handkerchiefs i. 3c Toilet Paper 3C Large size Toilet. Paper J 7c Paper Pins i c and 8c ox Paper iQc, 19c, 25c, 48c, 75c VV. B. Corse'ts and Brassiers. Every W. B. Corset and Brassier marked down for 10 days Hosiery. 50 dozen only Children's Black Hose Ladies' Black and White Hose 25c value Ladies Cotton Hose .. . . 50c value Ladies' Lisle Hose Children's White Socks 5c 7c .18c 39c 18c Children's Colored Socks , 25c and 29c Children's three quarter length Socks, yellow and most all desired colors 45c Ladies' Silk Hose. Ladies 48c value Boot Silk Hose, sale price . Ladies' 75c value Silk Hose Ladies' $1.25 value Silk Hose, sale price ci.ii vaiue urates aim Hose, sale price .$7.95 Men's Wool Suits. Young Men's all -Woll Blue Serge Suits, sale price $14.95 Men's and Young Men's all-Wool tine French Serge, regu lar $35.00 vaiue, sale price $22.50 One lot of Young Men's Suits in values up to $25.00 to oe closed out at 9.95 .' All x I T D.i- e ... en ITOOI l WU 1 rtlltS JUIIS. Boys' .$5.95 -S7.95 Regular $10.00 value in this sale Boys $12.50 to $15.00 Suits, during this sale Pants for Men and Boys. Men's Pin Check 'Pants, on sale $1.35 Men's Cotton Pants in regular $2.25 value, sale price $1.75 Young Men's Blue, Green and Brown Flannel Panis, oh sale at , $2.95 Men's and Young Men's Palm Beach Pants, sale price $3.75 Men's all-Wool Blue Serge Pants reduced to $4.45 and $4.95 Boys' Khaki Pants 48c This incudes all sizes in Boys' Khaki Pants. One lot of Boys' Pants, regular $1.25 value, during the sale : (L 85c Boys' $1.50 Pants reduced to ., . $1.29 Boys' extra fine quality Blue Serge Pants, sale price $2.48 Boys' Palm Beach Pants, sale price : -75c and $1.39 Other Extra Specials in Clothing Department. Men's splendid quality Blue and Striped Chambry Work Shirts, real 75c value, sale price 48c Boys' Khaki Shirts for only 48c Men's Blue Denim Overalls, sale price 85c Men's Cotton Hose . 7c Men's Silk Hose : ,. 45c Men's President Suspenders 45c Men's Handkerchiefs only - 4c Men's Suppoters 10c, 25c 39c Straw Hats. One Table of Men's Straws in values up to $3.00, the one price , 98c Men's $3.50 and $4.00,Straw Hats, reduced to -$1.98 and $2.48 A Few Specials From Notions Department. Valm Olive Soap 7c Palmero Soap 7c ! 5 value Ladies' Silk Hose, sale price 5 value Ladies Glove Silk Hose, sale price 25o 59c 89c '-$1.35 $1.95 -$2.93 Prices Clearance of Ladies' and ChiULea's Ready-to-Wear. Sale that represent only a fraction of their worth. Voite and Organdy Dresses $4.95. This price takes in all Organdy and Voile Dresses that sold formerly up to $7.95 t Organdy Dresses $7.95v These Dresses are made of the finest Imported Organdy and Manufactured by one of the best Manufacturers in this country. These are real $20.09 values. v 95c Table. Never have we offered quite so much for 95c as in this Clearance Sale. $i.50 value Middy Blouses , I 95c $1.50 value White and Black Voile Waist 95c $1.50 value Ladies' Gingham Bungalow Akrons 95c $2.00 value Children's White Lawn Dresses 95c $1.50 to $2.00 value Children's Ginghams Dresses 95c $1.50 value White Wash Skirts.. S5c Muslin Underwear. Very Special values offered for 10 days. D 79c value. Muslin Gown for -1 50c $1.25 value Muslin Gowns 89o 59c value Corset Covers .. . . . 39c $1.25 value Muslin Teddies 89c $1.25 value White Underskirts ... -; 79c 1 Shirt Waists $2.45. One table of Crepe de Chine, Organdy and Voile Waist in values up to.$3.95, special sale price Shirt $2.45 Clearance Prices of Georgette, Crepe de-chine and Taffetta Dresses $15.50 and $14.95 Values that sold up to $45.08 SPRING SUITS AND COATS REDUCED GREATLY. $6.95, $9.95, $12.95, $14.95 and $18.95. This includes values of this season up to $49.50 Boys' Wash Suits and Blouses. 98c value Boys' Percale Blouses on sale' , -75c $2.50 value Boys' Wash Suits - $1.98 $2.00 value Boys' Wash Suits reduced to T $1.48 Wash Skirts, $1.95. This includes Skirts that sold froni $3.00 to $5.00. All reduced to one price ,J $1.95 STEPHENSON-BELK COMPANY - ROCKINGHA M. N. C