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f AGE EIGHT ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RIOKMOND COUNTY, N. C. fclsSaW itheliti "Sensation of the Times 51 COME TO E. B. TERRY'S BIG SALE and find out why this is THE BIGGEST SALE that has ever been in Rockingham, Richmond county. The first 5 days of our Big Ten-Day Sale were the biggest and most successful in the history of our 20 years of business experience, and as we think too much of our past record not to make this sale the BIGGEST and BEST, we are adding hundreds of better values daily to the hundreds of extra values You and Your Neighbors Have Already Seen and Bought. Extra Good News for Everybody! . Thousands of yards of new goods have just arrived by express, and now we have Bigger and Better values than ever before. Since we have just received so many extra values in staple and wanted merchandise, and have had so many requests from our friends to continue our Sale about 3 days over 10 days .through Saturday, night August 6th, we have decided to continue our Big Sale through Saturday, August 6th. Thousands of customers have been pleased with Terry's Better Values, and as the first days of our Sale were so big; we aro adding hun dreds of Extra Bargains for the last half of our Sale so as to make the Last Day just as big as the First Day. Friends, come expecting bargains, for we have thousands of extra values that you will have to see for your self before you can realize that "Standard Merchandise" is being sold so cheap. Ask your neighbors, -they will iell you to come to Terry's Big Sale, and you will do as thousands are doing going home with arms full of "Terry's Better Values" and a face covered with smiles that won't come off. Read every line of the following prices and be convinced that when E. B. Terry says "Sale", he means he has no competition in "Lowest Prices on Better Quality Merchandise." We only sell the Standard Kind ! Everybody come to E. B. Terry's, where you are always welcome. 36-inch Bleaching 5c yd Pee Dee Checks, per yard 5c 411 best 32-inch Ginghams, Sale price 15c yd Good Dress Ginghams and Apron Ginghams 9c yd 40-inch sheeting 5c yd Heaviest Sheeting LL, Sea Island and Father George, Sale price yd ... 7 l-2c nflfflfflfflflWIMIHUniN FARMER RELIEF IS UPPERMOST ISSUE A SPECIAL JOINT COMMISSION OF CONGRESS SWINGS INTO AGGRESSIVE ACTION. INFLUENTIAL AGRARIAN BLOC Pending Investigation Will Proceed by Authority of Resolution Offered by Lenroot of Wisconsin. Washington. As a special joint commission of the Senate and House swings into aggressive action in its ninety-day investigation of the farm ing industry in the United States, some 6,000,000 Americans wno raise the na tion's food and who produce most of its clothing, are waking up ' to the fact that the present Congress, with its sturdy "agrarian blocs" in both branches seems to be more favorably inclined toward agricultural legisla tion than any that has preceded it during the last decade. The pending Investigation, which was ordered by the passage of a reso lution offered by Senator Lenroot is to remain in continuous session in Wash ington and elsew'iere for the next three months. Immediate and effective relief for the agricultural industry is the pur pose of the inquiry, but, according to Chairman Anderson's expressed hope, the investigation is to be used to car ry on the work already launched by many members of C5ngress. Civil War Feared in Italy. Rome. The threat of civil war hangs over Italy, but there is every prospect that it will be averted. Feel ing between the Fascisti (the extreme nationalists) and the Socialists and Communists is at fever heat. Train Bandits Being Trailed. St Louis. Mo.: A sheriffs posse was trailing six armed train bandits through the lowlands of Arkansas. The sextet held up a Missouri Pacific train Bear Vandale, Ark., and looted the mail car of a registered mail aack and the express safe. Russian General Arrested. Vienna). Belgrade reports that a Russian general named Komisaraw, a well known anarchist, was arrested on the charge of being implicated In the recent attempt to assassinate Crown Prince Alexander, of Serbia. Good Hickory 'Shirting, Sale price E. B. Terry Department Store, Rockingham, N. American Ships in Callao. Lima. The American mission to the centenary celebration of Peru's inde pendence arrived in Callaoion board a special naval squadron consisting of the battleships Arizona, Oklahoma and Nevada. Give Railroads to Ford. Hart, Mich. A petition to President Harding asking that the railroads of the country be turned over to Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer, f6r operation, signed by 400 fruit growers of Oceana county, was mailed. To Sieze Several Steamers. New York. Agents of the shipping board waited for ti o arrival of four big steamers chart c cd-to the United States Mail Steamship company, in order that they mighe add them to five seized. Ulster Not Much Concerned. Belfast. Ulster at the moment is not concerned with the negotiations being carried on by the British gov ernment with the Sinn Fein, it is de clared n unionist quarters hep. Spaniards Suffer Setback. Paris. A serious setback has been suffered by the Sapniards in the fight ing with the rebellious Moroccan tribesmen, says the Madrid corres pondent of the Journal. Dublin Hopes for Peace. Dublin. The impression is growing j that the Irish peace offer made by Premier Lloyd George to Eamonn de j Valera, the republican leader, will j work out in a settlement. Oil Tanks Burn at Beaumont. Beaumont. Texas. Fire, which has destroyed $500,000 worth of oil in four tanks belonging to the Magnolia Petroleum company and the Sun Oil company, was believed to be t?arly controlled. I I kl . L. I !f. I. Kle.i New " ork. Viscount Nortnciine, British publisher and 'political power, arrived on the steamship Aquiatania, on the first leg of an extensive tour, the prime purpose of which is to study international problems in the Pacific. More About Freidrlch Wilhelm. London, Freidrlch Wilhelm, ter mer German erown prince, has sug gested that he may ask permission to go to the United States for a lec ture tour. No Arrests Yet Made. Hattiesburg, Miss. No arrests hare been made In connection with the lynching here of Casey Jones, con demned to be hanged for the murder of M;s 3. S. Mosely. wife of a mail carrier. A coroner's jury spent a busy day investigating. 9c yd 50 and 55c quality 40-inch Organdie, white and colors, Sale price 29c yd 45c value Voiles, Sale price yd 12 l-2c We are cleaning out our Voiles. Come andsee. 36-inch Shirt Madra good quality, Sale price 10c yd 36-inqh Percale, Sale pi ice. .' 10c yd HAS IN 10 IGNORE LE INVITATION F30M THAT BODY RELATING TO WORLD COURT DULY ACKNOWLEDGED. OFFSETTING PUBLIC STORIES Secretary Hughes Powerless to Deal With League Because of Position of President and Senate. Washington. The United States government is not intentionally ignor ing communications from the league of nations and has not failed to note the, invita'.ion to this government to become a member of the world court of international justice,' created by the league. This attitude was made known at the department of state, to offset the public stories giving the impression that the United States was somehow offending the league of nations by re fusing to, deal with its letters and com munications, in the first place, the permanent secretary of the league has been sending out printed circulars to various governments of the w orld and it was but natural that one of the gov ernment bureaus filed the circulara without regarding them ih the same light as formal communications. But what Xhe secretary of the league of nations hasn't evidently taken into consideration is that while all commu nications are duly received and filed Secretary Hughes is powerless to deal wfth the league because of the ex pressed desire of the President of the United States that America stay out of the league and the evident con currence of the senate in that view point. Central American Assembly. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The Cen tral American constituent assembly, the legislative body of the recently formed federation of Central American republics, convened here Represen tatives of Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala wore in attendance. ' Student Training st Jackson. Columbia. & C- Eleven hundred high school young men of the South, all between 16 and 21 years of age, are encamped at Camp Jackson, near Columbia, in the second annual civil ian training camp for the South since the world war. AGUE 81x90 Pepperel Mills Sheets, bleached, Sale price- 98c 81x90 Mohawk Sheets, Sale price 98c 36-inch 25c quality Pajama checks, Sale price 10 yd Lad Lassie Romper Cloth, Sale price . Southern Silk, Sale price . ... Red Star Diaper Cloth, 27-lnch 10c yd. BolL Nationalists Pursued. London. yith the importai.t . ras way junction point of Eski-Shehr in their hands, the Greeks are conduct ing a rapid pursuit of the Turkish Nationalists, dislodged from that city, and other points. . Convention Gazetted. Madrid. A convention between Spain and the United States for the exchange, of postal parcels was ga zetted. The convention was the re sult of negotiations carried on during the course of last years postal con-1 gress. Hard on Newspaper Readers. Rio Janeiro. Work in newspaper offices in Rio Janeiro between the hours of 8 o'clock Sunday morning and 8 o'clock Monday morning is pro hibited under the provisions of an act passed by the municipal council. Packing Concern Big Loser. . Austin. Minn. The actual shortage in the accounts of R. J. (Cy) Thom son, former comptroller of George A, Hormel & Co., local packers, is SI, 189,000, according to official figures. Floating Bar-room Reported. Washington. Investigation of the reported operation of. a floating bar off Long Island, outside the three mile limit, was ordered by Prohibition Commissioner Haynes. Form German Consortium. Paris. The Intransigeant is author ity for a report that a German consor tium has been formed under the aus pices of the Dresdner Bank and will be installed shortiy in Paris. No Tax on Long Staple Cotton. Washington. Compensatory duties on textiles manufactured from long staple cotton were denied by the House in line with its action recently in re fusing compensatory duties on leather products. Mexican Oil Fields Burning. Mexico City. The Amatlan oil fields are on fire, with drilline tMkn fail. ing off like chaff and workmanjeeing according to reports receive! owe de scribing the "greatest catastrophe la the history of the oil fields." Mrs. Kaber in Reformatory. Cleveland, O Eva Katherine Kaber was taken to the women's reformatory at Marysvllle, Ohio, to Begin serving a life sentence for the murder of her husband, Daniel E. Kaber, Lakewood publisher. Sugar Plant Destroyed. Beaumont, Texas. Fire ef undeter mined origin destroyed the' Morsihan sugar factory near New Iberia, La. About e million pounds of sugar was burned, with an estimated loss of ISOeV 00, the report said. All Shoes and Oxfords for men, women and children are being closed out Come and see such bargains Men's Pincheck Pants, Sale price... $1.19 Men's Palm Beach Pants, Sale price. $3.45 17c 9c yd Entire stock at unhetird yourself. $1.45 MILLIONS BEHIND SMUGGLING DEAL FEDERAL AUTHORITIES ALONG ATLANTIC COAST TAUNTED BY WHISKEY RUNNERS. HUM HUNTING FLEET WANTED Fishermen Along the Coast Are Reap ing Rich Harvest by Running the Forbidden Cargoes Ashore. New York. Federal authorities along the Atlantic coast redoubled, their vigilance over tramp ships fol lowing disclosures of evidence indi cating the existence of at least two gigantic international whiskey smug gling rings, one having headquarters in this city and. one in Atlantic City. Aid of the Navy Department was also being sought in an effort to build up a rum-hunting fleet, capable of cop ing with jJie mysterious ships and their allied fishing smacks, which are alleged to have landed hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of contra band lquor at secluded points under cover of darkness. A tramp steamer cruised saucily outside the three-line limit of Atlantic City, according to reports received here" and taunted federal agents by breaking out pennants saying: "Lay down your money and come and get it." The tramp slipped away as night fell and it was thought she was headed tor some deserted point, where fishing vessels, could work unhamper ed at the task of lightering her cargo ashore. Fishermen along the coast, accord ing to Mr. Roes, are reaping a rich 'harvest running the forbidden car goes ashore. They work almost en tirely at night, he said. Greeks Follow Up Victory. ' -Athens (Greek Official Agency. The Greeks' in Asia Minor have been following up energetically the victory they gained over the Turkish Nation alists In the fighting brought on by the attempt of the Kemaiites to re capture the key position of Eski Shehr, on the Bagdad railway. Government Gets Two-Thirds. Washington People who are mak ing .a million dollars or more not income are paying the government prasUcaUy two-thirds of it In taxes, according to preliminary statistics of income tor 111 issued by the Intor "t waWMHisi. Bars of pricea Come and see for C. TiI'iHfftHH Linney Gets Pavorable Report. Washington. Favorable report was ordered by thw senate judiciary com mittee on the contested nomination of Frank A. Lfciney, republican state chairman of North Carolina, to be a federal district attorney. i Maharaja to Visit America. Paris. The Maharaja . of Holkar, ruler of Indore and one of the wealth iest princes of India, , plans to visit the United States this fall if the im migration authorities will permit him to bring in his two wives. On Way to Frozen North. Sydney, N. S; W. Donald B. Mac Millan and his party of explorers have sailed from North Sydney for the far north where they will spend two years among the snows of Baffin Land. Vijla Deals in Oil. Mexico City. Francisco Villa, once Mexico's moet noted bandit has started dabbling in oil. A company was organized to exploit some lands' in the Laguna region and Villa is said to have invested $200,000 in the company. Child Has Arrived at Rome. Rome, Richard Washburn Child, newly-appoiqaed American Ambassador to Italy, lias arrived here, accompa nied by his family and his secretary. No Agreement With Franco. London. Great Britain has not, as had been reported here, sent a note to France agreeing, with reservations, to the dispatch of French troops to Upper Silesia. Auto and Trolley Smashup. ' Burlington, N. J. Three persons were killed and a fourth probably fa tally injured when an automobile in which they were riding collided with a trolley car running between Camden and Trenton. I Governor Small Still Defiant Springfield, 111. Governor Small re turned to Springfield unchanged in his determination to resist arrest on warrants chargng him with embez zlement r.nd conspiracy to defraud the state. 1119 Personal Income 'Taxes. Washington. The government ob tained a total of 11,269,000,000 in revenue from personal income taxes Ut 1119 an increase of $141,900,090 compared with 1918. Serum Cure For Blindness. New York. A serum which Or. Erasmus Arlington Pond, Brooklyn eye specialist, claims has cured nine cases of blindness caused, by atrophy, will soon to demonstrated ' before the Academy of Medicine and the Ameri eM Medical sssocjatlssj.