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PAGE TWELVE ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, . C. Mis & County Additional "Mills and County" Items are on page 3. The Pott-Dispatch wants correspondents in every part of the county. Editor. Roberdel No. 2 Items. Mrs. Knox Harrington, of Red Springs, is visting her brother, Mr. J. V. Meacham, this week. Mrs. J. M. Meacham and her son's wife, of Richmond, spent Sunday with Mr. Willie Ellerbe. Mrs. Travis Russell is getting along very well, having had her right hand am putated about two weeks ago. Sorry to state that Mr. C. V. Watkins' condition doesn't show much improve ment. Lots of the people took advantage of the excursion to Wilmington last Thurs day and reported a grand time. Mr. J. R. Ephland motored to Greens boro to see his father who has been ill for some time. Mr. Alex McFayden, of Laurinburg, visited his sister, Mrs. Flora Strickland. Mr. Archie Mclntyre and Mr. Nash Jarrell attended services at Hamer Church, near Mangum, Sunday. - Mrs. B. F. Steen is visiting her brother, Mr. Lonnie Mathis, in Anson county. Miss Rena Livingston, of Laurinburg, has returned to her home after a several wek' visit at Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Me lcham's. Mrs. C. H. Cashwell, of Wake Forest, spent a few days with Mrs. D.C. Thrower. Mrs. Charlie Brown, of Hope Mills, has returned to her home after having spent a week with her son, Mr. H. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and family and Miss Kate Seawell spent several hours Sunday witn friends and relatives about ten miles beyond Montrose. Miss Annie L. Steen. of Hamlet, is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Mrs. Silas Riddle has returned after a two weeks' visit with friends and rela tives in Anson. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dawkins, a daughter, Edna Kathleen. Mrs. Fannie McCaskill spent the day with her father, Mr. B. F. Steen, Sunday. Midway Dots. Mrs. Mat Rivenbark is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Hart, in Fayetteville. We are glad to see Mr. John Latham back at Midway. Messrs. Will Dorty and Merry Thomp son have boupht the little yellow butler fly car from Mr. Ernest Hart. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Fields liave re turner! to their home in Rosemary after sfendin r two weeks in Ro:kirgham. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Gibson and Miss Bessie Sullivan, of Ledbelter's were visit ing their sister, Mrs. W. S. Ramsey, Sun day. Mrs. De'a Williarr:s left Sunday for Moore cc u ay where she will tpcnd a week or twj. We are glad to note that Mrs. West Hurst is improving. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanford and Neice. Miss Grace Dunlap, were sis'fing in Hamlet Sunday. Mr. J. P. Ramsey is visiting his daugh ter, Mrs.' Mary Crawford, at Ulah. "Golddust Twins." Cordova Items. Mr. George Reed is here this week visiting his father. Ned Reed The new school building is nearing completion. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watts have recently gone to housekeeping here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reed spent last Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ford on Route 4. friends in Marshville. Sorry to note that Mr. Farrand stays very feeble these days. Mrs. J. C. Covington spent last week with Mrs. D. H. Peeie near Osborne. We were glad to have Rev. David Cov ington from Miss., to preach for us Sun day. He has been spending the Summer with his sister Mrs. Betty Dockery. Mrs. J. M. Lowe spent Monday nigh' with her mother and siorer at Rocking ham. Mrs. E. T. Harrington has been on the sick list for some time; we hope for her a speedy recovery. The farmers worked the roads last week so they will be in better condition by time school starts. SogiaL 1 (mouth,) and looked on enviously, but older inmates of the conservatory thought him a DANDELION (fop) and said that SARA LILLY cjuld do better. "If you are wise you will MARIGOLD (wed money i " advised the Dusty Miller. "You may find yourself a BLEEDING HEART (sorry wife) if you don't; a good STOCK (supply) of the "needful' is a fine thing when starting in life." But love had tonched her with his GOLDENROD (gilded wand), and the world looked as radiant as the IRIS (Rainbow) to her. O'HENRY was as handsome as ADONIS (Venus' lover) and from the time he kissed her at night, saying FORGET-ME-NOT (remember me, love), until the sun ROSE (came up) and filled the world with GOLDEN GLOW (dawn's radiance), she thought of little else. She was busy trying to PINK (scallop) some frills for her wedding gown and sewing them on in PRIMROSE (precise lines.) The wed ding was set for 4 O'CLOCK (an hour after three) and there were PHLOX (crowds of flowers) in attendance, de spite a foggy, rainy day. "It's a case of LOVE-IN-A-MIST" (Cupid in a fog) laughed O'HENRY happily, "but how CANNA (may a) man object to anything on such a happy day?" You will guess, of course that that quaint wildflower JACK IN-THE PULPIT performed the ceremony." ir 01 i rv (Contributed) lurs. ueorge onannonnouse, or., U n i c .. and Mr. & G. Shannonhouse Henry-Dockery Engagement I camfi Friday from Richmond to Coming as a complete surprise, J spend some time in Rockingham, was the announcement of the en-; Mrs. Shannonhouse is with her gagement of Miss Sara Lilly j sister, Mrs. W. E. Thomas, while Dockery to Mr. Ozmer L. Henry j Mr. Shannonhouse is with his on Tuesday afternoon when Miss 'wife who is the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. B. Stansill. A very delightful house-party is being enjoyed at Ellerbe Springs, having begun last Mon day, and will disband next Mon day. Misses Emma Gray Lod better, Mary Entwistle, Eliza beth Cole, Octavia Scales, Ruth Harrison, Louise and Miriam Moore, of Dillon, S. C, Eleanor Horton, of Wadesboro, Jean Ash craft, of Monroe, and Lee Aycock, Y"i I IT it Kucn narrison, supposedly, en tertained in honor of the house party at Ellerbe Springs, of which she is a guest. The hour was 5 o'clock. As the guests arrived, Miss Harrison greeted them, passing them on to the punch bowl where Miss Sara Lilly Dockery, gowned in white Canton crepe, with large picture hat, and corsage of Kil larney roses, assisted by Miss Walter and John Scales, Don Phillips, Wm. Leak, William Harry Entwistle, W. L. Parson Jr., Tip Steele, and Alex Monroe composed the party with Mrs. George P. Entwistle and Mrs. Walter L. Scales acting as chap erones. Swimming, dancing and a small part of the diversions. Route 3 News. The Jane McKimmon Club met Friday afternoon, at the school house with a good attendance and some visitors. Mrs. Red fern, the Anson county Home Demonstra tor, gave an interesting talk ofi ';?htbread; this was indeed worth hearing, after which we heard an interesting account of the canning work in Anson, by Mrs. McRae, another visitor. Mrs. Redfern and the Anson county canning club girls were camping at Ellerbe Springs last week and we were very fortunate in hav ing them with us. The Jane McKimmon "Busy Bees" expect to have a "union pic nic" some Saturday before long, and have invited Mrs. Redfern to bring the girls over again, which she said she would try to do, and perhaps some of the Roberdel dub will also picnic with us. We were glad to have with us Friday afternoon from the Robeidel club, Mes dames T. J. Fletcher, G. G. Terry, Wil liam Ellerbe and Mrs. Bennett, and we know they greatly enjoyed Mrs. Red fern's talk. The local baseball team did not playi Friday afternoon, but will play at a later date Mr. Ralph Hutchinson went to Wilming ton last Thursdayreturning Thursday night. Misses Ella and Sallie Kelly have re turned from a visit to relatives and Ophelia Ormond, wearing cream , of Sp'ray. Mess Minor Hinson; uct uva sduu, served puncn. Score cards were given out di recting each one to her place at one of the eight tables on which was a bud vase with pink rose, buds and green foliage. The cards were very attractive, being decorated with a cupid holding in hand a wee envelope with the ! rrA iii c t r r it . U1U5"IUC liuudis o. JL,. U. KJ. L,. n. UCl., iwii ana otners naa m one: nnr-nar- o j i Miss Johnsie Cameron was operated on corner a pink rose, under the for appendicitis at the Presbyterian Hos- petals of which were the initials I Pital in Charlotte last Saturday. Sunday ,j t 4. lL she was very dangerously, but news from and date. In a minute the secret : the hospital today Thursday is that she Was OUt and the bnde-to-be " raore comfortable and her condition showered with, good wishes for future happiness Following was the flower con test, Mrs. John Everett proving herself an adept, answered all the questions save one, and was presented with a tiny bride's cake. The hostess, assisted by her mother, Mrs. W. E. Harrison, S2rved in pink and green sherbet cups green ice and cake, carry ing out completely the color scheme. The home was beautifully dec orated with pink and green f!fT, a . . f ; James Lrosland . j le" ; Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Rufus Howard, of Ceived a "Bride's Book," in Which i Savannah, guest of Mrs. J. W. Leak, Mrs each guest registered her name.1 Morris Purvis, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Wil- Miss Dockery is a social favor-1 liam Parker McRae- ite in this, her native town, num-; Misses Ec'ith McLeod and Pauline beringher friends by acquaint- Terryhaveretun,edtoRockin8hamafter ances, and is greatly oeloved by all. She is a daughter of the late H. C. Dockery, and a grand daughter, on her mother's side, of the late Capt. W. I. Everett, ! and is an alumna of Salem College. Mr. Henry is a progressive' attorney of Rockingham, widely interested in business affairs and ! most successful in his chosen profession. He is Supt. of the Baptist Sunday School at Rock ingham, and was born and reared at Wadesboro where his mother, Mrs. T. B. Henry, now lives. He 1 is a graduate of Wake Forest I College, where he studied law and afterwards completed his law course at Harvard. The best favorable. Mr. and Mr?. Russell Shaw, Miss V.',:-,:-belli Shaw, Muucs Helen l.onsand Willie Clark motored Friday to Stnithfleld to spend several clays with Rev. and Mrs. Howard Hartzell. They returned to Rockingham Tuesday night. Mrs. Willie Fowlkcs was hostess for I the young ladies' Bridge club, last i Friday afternoon. Tables were placed in the hall and living room where for an ' hour or more Bridge was enthusiastically enjoyed; the score proved Mrs. John Mor rison to hold the top score; she received a box of Stationery. Mrs. Fowlkes served refreshments in two courses. Besidesthe members out of town visitors were Mrs of Charlotte, guest of ; a two weeks' stay in Penmar, Penn., and Atlantic City. Mrs. William spent Sunday Little Steele and in Pittsboro with Steele's mother, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Miss Maude Moore. sons. Mrs. and Miss Lou Harris of Reidsville, is the house-visitor of Miss Anna Scales Par sons at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hill Parsons. Mrs. J. P. Leak is spending sometime at Ellerbe Springs. Mr. A. L. McDcnald after two weeks' sickness is able to be up and hopes to be out again very soon. Mr. and Mrs. S. VV. Steele have return ed to Rockingham, after sometime spent in the mountains of N. C. They spent most of the time in . sheville at the Lan gren Hotel. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Simmons to Rutherfordton and Black Mountain and Hendersonville. Mr and Mrs. Simmons remained at the Langren and will likely remain there dur- Wishes of a host of frienrte will i?8 another week, before returning to . ,i KOCKingnam, ior iwr. Simmons to accompany this young COUple erate after his recent illness. Over lile's matrimonial Sea, TheJ Miss Georgia Biggs, accompanied by wedding will be Solemnized the. her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. latter nart nf fVtnhpr frnm uA Frank Biggs, motored to Lake Junaluska lauei pan oi uctoDer trom tne iast Friday t0 spw)d soraetime in the First Baptist Church of Rocking- Western part cf me State. ham. Miss Pauline Terry has gene t Flor- During the course Of the an- !encc- S-f; f Pen?1 sometime with rela tives dim menus. Miss Mane Covington, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Covington op Ann St., entertained 5 tables of Rook with her house-guest as honoree. The house was beautiful with vases of summer flowers and potted plants. Rook was en joyed for sometime and after the usual progressions the hostess presented the guest of honor with a box of Azurea Powder, afterwards serving a salad course with accessories. recup- nouncement party, Miss Harrison passed slips of paper containing blanks to be filled in, and much merriment was caused in solving this "flower" contest, which was as follows: "There was a commotion among the flowers when it was discovered that SARA LILLY, the pretty blossom, was to wed sweet O'HENRY. .The girls called him sweet on account of his beautiful TULIPS AWtiwal mcUI itnu on data !a, CALL LAST at these reduced prices. We have a full assortment of Palm Beach suits, and all kinds of summerwear for men and boys, but the reduced prices on these will continue for just a few days longer. We do not want to carry them over to next summer; we need the space and so are closing them out. Summer is not nearly over, and we seriously doubt if you will be able next year to buy clothing as cheaply as you can now. Get a Palm Beach NOW, wear it a while and then have it practi cally new for next year. Khaki for Men and Boys We have khaki, the non-shrinkable, well-made kind, for men and boys. And riding khaki lake-leg kind, for both men and boys. All sizes. Dockery-McNair Clothing Co. Outfitters for Men and Boys. An Invitation to People Who Need Furniture. ffil -Siffitii! H Wl W 't I' H'lUH'lliir'llimj 'a.t'li We have in stock a very select line of new furni ture, selected especially with a view to satisfying any taste or requirement. It has been necessary to make a thorough canvass of the furniture markets in order to collect a stock of goods that excels in every way and yet can be sold at prices that stimulate prompt buying. We invite you to call at our store and see this collection of furniture and furnishings, price them, and ask any questions you may desire. 1 he sole object of this advertiseflHR is to get you to come to our store and look at thid its own best salesman. M w CASHO GuJbr.osen Trade Mark "- .1- - ' .... . . Hhiture. It is flKDIT I j "iVirtl-i.-iifwujiit,'. m