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&OCKINGHAM POSX DiSPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C. PAGE FIV1 OIL GENUINE BULL DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for 10c YOUTHFUL OFFENDERS Continued From Front Page o'clock, with the hope of catching the thieves. He hid behind the tall desk, with a cord handy so he could switch on the lights quickly. About midnight he heard an entry being made through an upper window at t tie rear of t'ic store. The thieves slipped iu, ransacked thi first cash register, and were at the second reg ister when he threw on the lights and ordered "hands up." Two pairs of dusky hands flew upwards, four eyes rolled the same way, and from two throats in unison came the two w ords, "Oh, Lordy." The two lads were carried, to jail, and on Monday were brought before the Juvenile Court by Probation Of ficer 0. G. Reynolds. From the boys it was learned that they had re cently broken into the J. E. Hay wood store, the Richardson cafe, and the Hoyt Hinson market, at each place taking smiill change and odds and ends. They have impli cated other youths. Clerk Of Court J. A. Me An lay, Ju venile Court Judge, ordered that the boys be confined In jail for 30 days, and be given the proper amount of corporeal punishment. Probation Officer Reynolds will this week sec to it that the two boys are soundly whipped. Clinic in Montgomery. The tonsil-adenoid clinic held in Montgomery county at Troy July 26, 27 and 28, by the State Board of Health resulted in 83 being operated on 78 white children and 5 colored. In Chatham county at Siler City the following week 110 were operated on. Here in Richmond county the total number was around 68. An Appreciation. We are deeply grateful to the many friends who so kindly min istered to us in our recent be reavment in the loss of our wife and mother; and to them we wish to take this means of ex pressing our appreciation, Geo. Warburton and children. Hotel Reports. In an inspection of various hotels last week by the State Board of Health, the Chetwynd hotel at Laur inburg rated 84, and the three Ham let hotels as follows: Terminal 88.5, Seaboard 88, Central 71.5. NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond County. MORTGAGEE'S HE-SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity of an order of resale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County in the matter of the foreclosure proceedings of mort gage deeds executed by E. H. Cham berlain and wife to the Trustees of the Baptist church of Rockingham, bearing date of January 28th, 1921 and by virtue of the authority con tained in said mortgage deed, de fault having'been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured thereby and in order to satisfy said indebtedness the undersigned as signee of said Trustees, will on Mon day, September 5th, 1921, at 12 o'clock m. in front of the Court House door in the town of Rocking ham, offer for sale to the highest bidder for crteh the following tract or parcel of land lying and being in Rockinghilin township, Richmond county, and in the town of Rocking ham on the south aide of New Wash ington street and being lot No. 4 ac cording to survey and plat of the R. L. Steele, 3d. property as made by J. S. Utter, C. E. which plat is duly recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Richmond county in Book 77 at Page 267. This August 15th, 1821. St T E. DAVIS, Assignee. RHVM SCHOOLS Continued From Front Page Miss Glenn is a graduate of the State Normal College at Greens boro and has had five or six years experience in the graded schools of Statesville and Gas tonia Miss Bessie Terry is a graduate of the State Normal College, and has had a half dozen years ot successful ex perience in the schools of Rich mond Co., having served for two years very successfully as prin cipal of Roberdel High School. Miss Ashcraft is a graduate of Meredith College, has had four years experience as a teacher of Mathematics, and has had special summer courses at Columbia University and the University of Chicago. Miss Louise GiU is a graduate of the State Normal College and has had eight years experience at Gastonia, Rockingham and Laurinburg. She taught a first grade in Rockingham for three years several years ago. Mr. J. B. Lawrence is a gradu ate of State A. & E. College, of Raleigh and is eniployed to teach vocational agriculture under the Smith-Hughes fund a fund authorized by Congress several years ago and appropriated to the States for the promotion of teaching of vocations in the High Schools. Mr. Lawrence made an enviable record as an athlete at State College, having played end on the football team tor four years and having been Captain of the track team for two years, and it is hoped that he will find time to direct the Ath letics and physical training of our High School boys. Not many of these teachers have been idle during the sum mer. Miss Finley was director of Richmond Co. Summer School; Misses Gill and Groves taught respectively in the Summer Schools of Brunswick county and Flora McDonald College; Misses Arrowood and Stacy took Sum mer Courses at Columbia, Miss Ashcraft at University of Chi cago, Misses Williams and Terry at the N. C. College for Women and J. B. Lawrence at the A. & E. College. The Superintendent will be at his office each day from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. the week before school opens. Pupils who have never been to school in Rockingham be fore should see him for cards of admission and assignment to grades Pupils with conditions to make up before promotion to a higher grade should arrange for this. The school hours observed during the past year, so far as can be determined, did not prove generally satisfactory. It has been decided to make this change: School will open promptly at 9 o'clock, with a recess from 10:45 to 11. At 12:30 a 45-minute re cess will be given and children and teachers allowed to go home to lunch, provided this can be done without tardiness. A first bell will ring at 1 o'clock; a second bell at 1:15 at which time school will begin promptly for the after noon session, school will close at 2:45. Parents should see to it that their children are in good physi cal condition and ready for school. It may be that a visit to the family physician or the dentist will save tune and prevents trouble later on. Parents should take notice and govern themselves accordingly, that the Compulsory Attendance Law has been changed so that now all children 7 to 14 years of age are required to attend school regularly and continuously for the school term. Teachers have no authority under the law to excuse any child's absence ex cept for providential cause such as sickness. Our shoes are walking advertisements. Their best friends are the wearers I er a pair be a friend to you W. E. HARRI-1 SON Sc LAND CU. advt TAX REVISION IS I WOUND UP REPUBLICANS ON COMMITTEE INCREASE EXEMPTION OF MARRIED MEN. WOULD ABOLISH LUXURY TU Agreement Reached Alio to Decrease Manufacturers' Tax on Candy From 5 to 3 Per Cent Washington Practically winding up revision of the levy section ot the 1918 tax laws, the house ways and means committee republicans voted to increase from $2,000 to $2,500 the exemption allowed married men hav ing an annual net Income of $5,000 or less. This change would be retroac tive to January 1, 1921, and would be In addition to the increase of $200 io exemption of each dependent of a head of a family previously decided upon. Agreement also was reached, it was said, to decrease the manufac turers' tax of candy from 5 to 3 pet cent, the manufacturers' tax on furs from 10 to 5 per cent, the tax on art works from 10 to 5 per cent, and to repeal all of the so-called luxury lev ies. in voting to repeal the so-called luxury taxes, the majority members decided to substitute, if possible, a manufacturers' tax on the same ar ticles, if desired to be sold at sums in excess of specified prices. The rate suggested was 3 per cent on the manufacturers' prices and the return was estimated at 3100.000,000 annual ly as against $25,000,000 under the present law. To Abolish Economic Barrier. Pari3. The supreme council de cided to abolish the economic barrier Of the Rhineland on September 15 if Germany continues to pay promptly her war indemnities, but decided to maintain the occupation of the right bank of the Rhine and the Ruhr until the next meeting of the council, when it was agreed that the matter should be reconsidered. Lincoln's Quill Pen Stolen. Chicago. The quill pen used by President Lincoln in signing his first inaugural address has been stolen from the exhibit of the Chicago His torical Society at the Pageant of Progress, it was announced. The pen was made from the feather of an American eagle which was kill ed by an admirer of Lincoln Just be lore the latter's election. Suffrage in South America. Montevideo. President Brum has sent the Uruguayan congress a bill providing suffrage for women and ail other legal rights held by men. The project has met with the approval of influential groups in congress and it seems to be assured of success. British Oppose Proposition. Washington. The British govern ment has indicated that it does not regard with favor the proposition to exempt American coastwise shipping from payment of Panama canal tolls as proposed in a pending bill by Sena tor Borah, republican, Idaho. Two Thousand New House. Pittsburgh. Two thousand new houses for the Pittsburgh district within the nex: year is the aim of the housing corporation of the Pittsburgh Chamber ot Commerce formed to bet ter the acute rent and home situation here. Better Prices Hoped For. Washington. Strong hope for bet ter prices in the agricultural markets Is justified by reductions in the rail road rates on grain for export already in effect and proposed. Sarah Bernhardt III. London. Mme. Sarah Bernhardt is seriously ill in Paris, according to a news agency dispatch here. Friends fear that this last illness will prove fatal. Much Liquor Dumped In River. Chicago. Liquor valued by the po lice at $500,000, ranging from moon shine to the rarest champagne, will be dumped into the Chicago river. Angler Duke Under Bend. New York. Angler B. Duke, warn of the tobacco king, is under $2,000 bail Ml a technical charge of homicide as a result of a motor accident in which Duke is alleged to have driven his car into a truck which pinned Owen Klrle against a poat, crushing him to death. Half Million Boy Soeuts. New York. Membership of the Boy Scouts of America, one of whose mot toes is "do at least one good deed very day," has now reached, 528,119. To Lose Seme Foreign Trade. Buenos Aires. "Most Argentine firms have only a small stock of American goods left, and when that Is gone no more will be ordered." This opinion on American trade with foejth America was giren by W. ft. Ackler, head of the American For- sign Banking Corporation nor. ABOU PRESIDENT S FATHER IS BRIDE HAS BEEN A NURSE IN THE OFFICE OF DR. HARDING FOR MANY YEARS. MARRIED AT PREACHER'S HOME Doctor Harding Wa 75 Year Old on Day His Son, Warren Harding Was Nominated President. Monroe, Mich. Dr. George T. Hard ing, 76, father of President Harding, was married here to Miss Alice Sev ern, 52, by the Rev Frank T. Knowles, pastor of the Monroe Presbyterian Church. Miss Severns has been a nurse in the office of Dr. Harding at Marion. O., for many years. The cou ple drove here in an automobile, ob tained a marriage license and went to the home of Rev. Knowles, where the ceremony was performed. Marion, O. Dr. George T. Harding's office here was locked to callers and the announcement that he had obtain ed a marriage license in Monroe, Mich., to marry Miss Alice Severns, his office nurse, was a distinct sur prise to his friends. Dr. Harding was 75 years old the day his son, Warren G. Harding, was nominated for President. He is very active for a man of his years. Mrs. Harding has been dead 12 years. Veteran, 115, Asks Pension. Bloomfleld. Mo. William A. Bishop, 115 years old, has applied for a pen sion under a new law passed by the Missouri legislature. Bishop has re sided in Stoddard county for 75 years. He was born in Tennessee and fought in the Confederate army during the Civil War. 30 Albanian Villages Burned. London. Fighting on the River Drin in northern Albania between the forces of Jugoslavs and Albanians is reported in Avlona messages, says a Central News dispatch from Rome. The Jugo-Slavs are alleged to have burned ,'iO Albanian villages. To Investigate Commlf.eeman. Washington. A resolution tor con gressional investigation of charges hat John W. Overall, republican na tional committeeman from Tennessee, has violated the civil service laws and "sdld" public offices was intoduced by Senator MeKellar, democrat, of Tennessee. $1,EO0.000 Worth of Gold. New York. The steamer Stock holm, from Gothenburg, arrived with 58 cases of gold burs, valued at $1, 800.000, consigned to the National Bank of Commerce. $5,000,000 For Relief. Washington. Appropriation of five million dollars to be used by the Pres ident to aid in Russian relief, is pro vided in a bill introduced by Senator King, democrat, Utah. Wood to Govern Philippine. Washington. Major General Leon ard Wood was authoritatively stated to have been selected by President Harding for Governor General of the Philippines and to have expressed his willingness to accept the post. Holy War is Proclaimed. Angora, Anatolia. A holy war has been proclaimed by the King of the Hedjaz as a measure for assisting the Turkish Nationalists in their fight against the Greeks in Asia Minorj Demand Open Covenants. Washington. Open covenants open ly arrived at are to be demanded of the disarmament conference by the liberal element In the United States Senate. Railroad Earnings for June. Washington. Railroads of the coun try earned $51,778,000 net in June, which was a gain of $14,697,346 over net earnings for May. Huns Active in Seeking Trade. Berlin. German export manufac turers are laying plans to win con trol of 60 per cent of the world's commerce by the time the war indem nity is liquidated. Te Censure General Afteetl. Washington. The report of the sub committee of the house committee on military affairs which has investigat ed the escape of Graver C. Bergdoll, slacker, will severely censure Gen. Samuel Anaell, attorney for Bergdoll, tt is learned, f Cocaine Captured on Steamer. Char.eston. S. C Customs officials seized 460 grams of cocaine aboard the S. S. Hutchinson, which brought a part cargo of salt from Hamburg, Germany, for discharge here. Fire Destroys Box Factory. Lynchburg, Va -Fire of undetermin ed origin destroyed the American Box factory and two adjoining residences. Several other houses ought fir but were nit destroyed. The loss is es timated at $75,000, which is partly an red by insurance MARRIED AGAIN 94 Paid Up Shares! We have to date issued 94 paid-up shares to Richmond county folks who are provident enough and wise to invest in this manner. Can you figure a better investment? Read these facts and then SEE ME : This Building & Loan Association is now prepared to issue paid-lip B. &. L. shares of $ 1 00 par value. These snares are NON-TAXABLE, the interest is paid semi-annually and bears 6 per cent ! And if at any time you want your money out, you can get it by giving us 30 days notice. What better investment could you want ? 6 per cent and NON-TAXABLE ! Think this over, and ask us for any other information you wish. Richmond County Building & Loan Association A. G. CORPENING, Sec.-Treas RKSWSl KG m is If a man who has made "good mpney" when he had EARNING POWER is "down and out" late in life it is his OWN FAULT. Money SPENT is money GONE; money BANKED is money SAFE and SAVED. When you have banked enough to buy a new home or go into a business of your own, you will thank ns for having the above printed. We invite YOUR Banking Business. Modem Equipment Progressive Methods Efficient Service What Americas Mothers know about the Baby's Sleep REGULAR sleeping habits the long hours of deep, health giving slumber are possible only when the crib invites perfect relax ation of nerve and repose of muscle. The mother who has not yet real ized the full force of these elemen tary facts should stop in and see this display. She can then see how much quieter a Simmons Crib is than an ordinary crib, and how much more it promises for the whole some tone of Baby's nervous system. CRI& (Design 289) pictured above, it built of Simmons Square Steel Tubing; seamless and smooth; beautifully enam eled in Ivory White and Decorative Colors. The Long Furniture Co. Cash or Credit Rockingham, N. C. SIMMONS BEDS Built for Sleep Hotel Building vftdawe. AOrrVUU ;) i ) omA jhaaa Hour bank YOUR BANK. The Bank of Pee Dee Rockingham Rkkmenn Cnrr SlBfUONS METAL CRIB umentse