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PAGE TWO ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND COUNTY. N. 0. 4- The Woman's Forum MRS. LUCT F. RUSSEU. .mi (SwJ contribution, or I to ht. ) The Lyceum Course for the Coming Tear. Everybody who is interested in! providing clean entertainment for the youth of our community is asked to pay especial attention to the at tractions offered by the fiedmont Lyceum Bureau, who will present four numbers during the coming season. The artists engaged arc trained professionals who know how to please the popular tuste while presenting music and drama of the highest order. The prices have been placed within the reach of all, the season tickets are two dollars for the four evenings or one dollars for each entertainment, if enough sea son tickets can be sold to guarantee, the amount promised every child in the community will be admitted for one quarter 'the price of a '"movie." We have all heard the story of the man in one of New York's most fashionable restaurants who could not think of anything that he want ed but blackberry pie. There be was with the choicest morsels from the markets of the world at his com mand but his appetite refused fr consider anything but homely black berry pie! There is more in the story than a joke; if that man's taste bad been cultivated, if be had even known the names of the deli cacies to be enjoyed there do you suppose that he would not have had a lunch of which he would be still telling his grand children? Some years ago an American was travel ing in England and was put into a railway carriage with a gentleman with whom he fell into conversation about their professions. The Ameri can was a ranchman with wealth untold in cattle and lands; the Eng lishman was a writer, he said, and pulled a manuscript out of his pocket and read to the American what he described as "some thing about a branch." Afterwards he learned that he had spent half a day with Lord Alfred Tennyson and had had the rare privilege of hear ing the immortal poem "The Brook" read by the distinguished author. But he did not have sense enough to know the high honor conferred upon him. Our opportunities for hearing gopd things in Rockingham are not very good; some times a good thing is offered and fails to find apprecia tion; let us see to it that our young people do not make similar mis takes; let us train their tastes until Ihpy will honestly prefer good mu sic and good plays to anything like "The Widow's Revenge," or "Forty Buckets of Blood. Why shouhln t they know thaf there are more good things than blackberry pie? The first number will be present ed on December 28th, when every body wants "some where to go." It consists of "The Princess Nadonis Indians four full blooded Indians who will give nativs songs and reci tations in native costumes. Princess Nadonis has been abroad several Jimes and has Jieen received by the Crowned Heads who would not no tice you or me; she is of the tribe of the Ojibways and composes her own' songs and poems. She is ac companied by Chief Konaka White Eagle of the Winnebago tribe, who wears the war feathers of his an cestors worn by Chief Plenty Horse who wi.s killed in the Custer fight. Other Numbers will be announced just before their appearance so that none may forget. A canvas will soon be made to place tickets and it is to be hoped that the public will re spond generously to this effort of the Woman's Club. Season tickets ' 2.00, each performance $1.00, all children 25 cents. L. P. R. One lot of Ladies Silk Poplin and Taffeta dresses values up to $12.50, goinsr in Terry's Saturday special for $1.95 each. advt One barrel of Ginger Snaps for 35c a small barrel, but its to your advantage to see them at the U-Save-It Store. advt Shipp Library to Trinity. Durham, Dec. 8. There are base ball scouts and boy scouts, but the library scout is a new type develop ed at Trinity college. When Dr. J. S. Bessett, now nationally known historian, was connected with the department of history at Trinity college he started a work of ferret ing out valuable old libraies and securing them for the Trinity libra ry. Dr. W. K. Boyd, recently elect ed head of the State Historical So ciety, carried the work a step farth er. Now that Dr. Bold is at Penn sylvania University on leave of ab sence for a year to do research work, Dr. R. G. Adams has succeeded to the library reclamation project which Trinity professors have set for themselves. More than 5,5000 vol umes have been secured from three sources thus far in the year. The latest collection secured is the private library of the late Al beit M. Shipp, former president of Wofford college and professor at the University of North Carolina and Vanderbilt University. Through the instrumentality of Dr. A. M. Webb, Miss Susie V. Shipp, of Durham, daughter of Dr. Shipp, donated the libarary to Trinity. The library, numbering 2,000 vol umes, for years has remained unus ed in an upper floor of Dr. Shipp's planation mansion, just outside of Cheraw, S. C. The monetary value of the library would run into thousands of dol lars. There are rare files of Eng lish and American literary periodi cats and standard works on history and Biblical literature, making a prized addition to these sections of the Trinity library. Removing the farmihi Cause ot ?octr ' R.rWF.e Thurday Health Talk44 By Mary Loo Miller, d. c. n. c. As the gravy thickens, as pancakes grow in pop ularity, and the holidays near, there is a tendency among those who suffer from liver and kidney weakness to experience backache and its brother lumbago. Failure of the kidneys ann bowels to throw off the waste of heavier foods developes the soreness as the blood absorbes the waste. Chiropractic spinal ad justments get at and re move the cause of this sluggishness'and recovery comes about naturally. Many who are learning the ail around efficiency of chiropractic are turn ing in increasing numbers to the aid it offers. Backtclie is Gone. ''Before taking chiro ropractic spinal adjust ments I was bothered with my back and kid neys and could not sleep after two or three o'clock in' the morning, but after two or three adjustments I could, sleep till I got np. The adjustments were continued and now the backache is gone for good. At the same time I was cured of piles."-- Marion Morgan, Chiropractic Re-., search Bureau Statement No. 1237H. When Health Begins depends on when you tel ephone me for an appoint ment. MARY LOU MILLER Telephone 349 Room 2, Lonfc Building Rockingham, N..C. Bargains that will save ou many a dot ar will escape you if you fail to read carefully and regularly the advertising of local merchants In This Paper LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS For Sale or Rent i Our residence on East Wash ington street. Possession given January 1st, 1922. John T. Bennett, advt Wadesboro, N. C. Wet Weather We have wet weather goods rubber boots, raincoats, over shoes, etc. Dockery - McNair Clothmg Co. (advt) You will find the doll you want at J. E. Haywood's Toyland. All imported, dressed dolls, kid body dolls, jointed body dolls, from 5c to $4.25. advt Ideal for Peaches. 176 acre farm abutting the right of way of the Seaboard Air Line railway; three miles from Hoffman. Has good air drainage, and ideally located for peach or chard; will sell at sacrifice price to quick buyer. 50 acres cleared , two good dwellings. G. C. Bald win, Hoffman, N. C. J. E. Haywood's store might be called a Variety store, for when you look over his stock you often find something not found else where, advt Do your Christmas shopping early and be sure to visit E. B. Terry's Store for the best prices on quality merchandise to be had in Rockingham. advt Follow the crowds and go to E. B. Terry's business getting sale. They can save you money. advt. Just the right Chistmas gift for the man or boy. W. E. Harrison & Land Co. advt If you like to save money buy from E B. Terry's. Don't fail to see their Saturday Specials, advt. ytt II HiSWfTLi m Visit Toyland Every little boy and girl that has called around to get acquainted with the toys has simply had a gorgeous time of it, and we invite you to bring your little tots and let them see what all old Santa Claus has left here. The sooner you can come the better, for you know that once Santa Claus gets hitched up and on his way to fill the thousands of little stockings that just simply have to be filled regardless, he soon exhausts about all the toys in sight. So we think it a splendid idea to SHOP EARLY. ) ) KIDDIE CARS KIDDIE CARS and TRAILERS DRUMS PICTURE BOOKS BLOCKS WALKING PAPER DOLLS MARY PICKFORD AND OTHER CUT-OUT DOLLS I Stephenson - Belk Don't fail to be on hand early and see Terry's 98c shoe counter before they are all picked over. advt One of Terry's Specials ladies $1.50 wool sport hose for 89c pr. see themjand other specials also. advt. Picoting, Plaiting, Dress Mak ing and Hemstitching, of all kinds, done on short notice Supreme Phonograph Distribu ting Co., Hamlet, Box 383, or telephone Hamlet 369. We honestly believe our hat business will amount to as much as all other stores in town com bined. Why is that? Dockery McNair Clothing Co. advt Cheese, cheese. The following imported varieties of cheese at the U Save-It Store: Roquefort Pimiento, Philadelphia, Swiss Loaf and Pineapple. advt J. E. Haywood &iys he is well pleased with his Holiday busi ness this season. It is better than expected. advt E. B. Terry's "Business Getting Sale" is a huge success. As usual, Terry's Store leads in giving the best values in standard merchan dise for less money. advt The best dress ginghams to be had will be sold for 15c yd. at Terry's store Sat., Dec. 10. advt WE HAVE IT. Any thing you want to make the whole family hap py on Christmas Day also for years to come. Gifts that last is our motto.T. R. Helms & Co., Jewelers. Christmas candles, all kinds and sizes, at prices that will sur prise you; ask us The U-Save-It Store. advt All of J. E. Haywood's little i : j u. jj:. ts waguns. vciuiaiieues, rviuuie xvai s, automobiles, rocking horses and doll carriages have been reduted in price. advt k . yfi jm a T.VN . . . rjCr.W7 n JHHk. ?p wnar m ibmiv - &mm m RUBBER BALLS AUTOMOBILES TOOL BOXES ENGINES AND TRAINS FIRE ENGINES PIANOS, Up-right and Grand DOLL BEDS SWINGS DOLL BLANKETS AND JUST HUNDREDS OF OTHER TOYS SELL IT J. E. Haywood's Toyland, sec ond floor of his store, will be open every night in the week until Christmas, advt Remember J. E. Haywood's toys are the most up-to-date line in the county; are on the second floor. advt You are welcome at J. E Hay wood's store if you don't buy anything. If you see his line and I get prices you will come back, ad ' The cat came back, and so will the good people whom we have taken pleasure in showing our line of dolls, toys and fireworks. We have what you want, at your price. advt J. E. Haywood's dolls and toys are substantial and durable. Best looking to be had at the lowest possible price. advt Xmas toys and fire works, all kinds. Allen-Morse Co. advt Ful-o-Pep chicken foods are worth their weight in chickens. U-Save-It Store. , Posted Land. All lands owned and controlled by I the undersigned are leaglly posted. I All persons are hereby notified that hunting with gun or dogs, the shoot j ing of any game and all other forms 1 of trespassing is forbidden. This, October 1st, 1921. EVERETT FARMS. Tour Money Back If Rat-Snap I Doesn't Come Up to These Claims. DAT-SNAP is absolutely guaran teed to kill rats and mice. Cremates them. Rodents killed with RAT-! SNAP leave no smell. Hats pass up all food to get at RAT-SNAP. Their! first meal is. their last. HAT-SNAP conies in cakes. No mixing. Cats or j dogs won't touch it. Three sizes, 36c, j 85c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Watson-King Co., Everett Hardware Co., L. G. Fox Drug Store, Rocking ham. Fruit Cake $2.50 You can buy a five-pound fruit cake for $2.50 at E. B. Liles. DOLL CRADLES DOLL CARRIAGES WALKING WALLUPUS TOOL CHESTS DOLLS BY THE THOUSAND WAGONS GUNS WICKER DOLL CARRIAGES XMAS TREE DECORATIONS FOR LESS WHEN NEVES ARE UNSTRUNG Glide's Pepto Mangan Builds Up Vigor and Strength There arc times when men and women cannot help losing strength. They try to do too much or they lose sleep or do not eat enough food that nourishes. Blood becomes sluggish because poisons clot it. Fuces grow pale and pasty looking. It is not long before nerves get un strung. ' The best way to start a change for the better is to take a course of Gudc's Pepto-Mangan. It builds the blood. The weakness from a lack of red cells in the blood is overcome. Glide's Pepto-Mangnn sends a fresh supply of red cells streaming through the blood. Good blood, pure and free from poisons, starts build ing vigor and strength. Sleep Is better, appetite keener, so that tha body becomes properly nourished. Druggists have Glide's Pepto-Man gan in both liquid and tablet form. The name "Glide's Pepto-Mangan'' is on the package. Advt. Mr. Fred White Says, "Don't Idle Because Ton Only See Ono Rat" "I did, pretty soon I found my cel alr full. They ate my potatoes. After trying RAT-SNAP I got 5 deud rats. The rest later. They pass up the potatoes to ea RAT-SNAP." If there are rats around your place fol low Mr. White's example. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guar anteed by Watson-King Co., Everett Hardware Co., L. G. Fox Drug Store, Rockingham. KEEP OFF HUSSAW FARM. Trespassers Take Notice. Notice is hereby given that the Hussar Farm is posted against bird hunters and other trespassers. We mean business about this, and warn the public to give this notice their proper attention. This, Sept. ?th, 1921. HUSSAR FARM, MRS. J. C DOCKERY, E. E. INGRAM. 0 Co. j