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Iff! One-to-Two and one-half Ton Trucks Phones: DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE The Rockingham Transfer Co. J. C. McKENZIE, Mgr. All Kinds Local and Long Distance Hauling Day 219 Special attention given household goods. Night 298 Storage at reasonable prices WW AT THE STAR THEATRE Rockingham, N. C. MONDAY and TUESDAY, April 17th and 18th. The picture that has Won everyone's heart MSSm!1Ww' mother's heart in suspense Ml j i castend j MATINEE Doors open at 2:30, show starts at 3:15. NIGHT- Doors open at 7, show starts at 7:45. Adults 75c Children 50c ALSO Larry Semen in "THE SPORTSMAN" At The Star Theatre Clean-Up Week. The mayor of Rockingham, acting jointly with the Civics Department of the Richmond County Woman's Club and the Good Fellows Club, has set aside the last week of this month for "Clean-Up Week"; this should meet with the hearty approval and cooperation of the entire town, for surely it is needed. The pride of the people, the charm and beauty of the spring, and the health of tjie community should constitute an irresistible appeal. Vacant back lots when filled with trash and filth, are eyesores. To the owners of these especial appeal is made. Get your trash ready for the town truck, etc. to take off. Along with "Clean-Up Week" it is suggested, and is being dis cussed, the advisability of having a county RAT EXTERMINA TION DAY. The United States sends out a man for this business and suc cessful work of this kind has been done in Columbia and Greenville, S. C, and other places. Primary Data. April 22 -Expiration of time limit tor filing notices by candi dates for State-wide offices, and congressional seats, and payment of entrance fees. April 27 Registration books open. May 23 Registration books close. May 20 Last day for county candidates and State senators to file notice of . candidacy. Sena torial candidates file with the State board and county officers with their county boards. May 24 Last day for filing statement of campaign expense accounts. June 3rd. State-wide primary. NOTICE RESALE OF LAND FOR PARTITION. North Carolina, Richmond County. Under and liy virtue of the power and authority vested in the under- signed commissioner by a judgment of the Superior Court of Richmond County, bearing dale of March 30, 1922, in a Special Proceeding before the Clerk, entitled, Mary Jane Us sery, Eli Cole et al.. ex parte; the un dersigned commissioner, W. Steele Loudermilk, will sell at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the front door of the Court House of Richmond County, in the town of Rockingham, N. C, on Monday, the 1st day of May, 1922, at 12 o'clock M., the two following described lots or parcels of land, to-wit: First Lot Lying anil being in Min eral Springs Township, Richmond County, beginning at a stake and runs N. 88 W. 16 1-20 poles to a lightwood stake; thence N. 20 W. 10 1-2 poles to a stake on road; thence S. 88 E. 20 1-4 poles to a stake on said road; thence S 18 W. 10 0-10 poles to the beginning, containing 1 1-5 acres, more or less. Sacor.d Tract Lying and being in Mineral Springs "Township, Richmond County, North, Carolina, beginning at a flake Ray';,, Cole's and Freeman's corner on the road and runs thence as Ray's and Freeman's line N. S9 deg. and 45 min. W. SIS feel to a stake in Freeman's line; thence S. 15 deg. and .1 rain. V.'. 14G feet to Petnberton's corner, stake: thence aj emberlon's line S. 75 ires, and 3 min. E. 500 feet to his corner in Cole's line; thence as Cole's line N. 15 dog. and ?, min. E. 2S3 feet to the beginning, containing 2 4-10 acres more or less. This land is sold for the purpose of dividing the procerds among the heirs of Margaret A Cole. The two tracts will be sold together. . On the above described land there is a five-room dwelling house, a barn and a well of good water. Form of sale: Public auction. Place of sale: "Courtlio'ise door in Rockingham, N. C. Terms of sale: Cash. Time of sale; May 1, 1922, at 12 o'clock M. This March 30, 1922. W. STEELE LOUDERMILK, Commissioner. J the matter on the 21st day of April, I 1822, i n which day any persons, firm j or corporation having any claim to s:: i! name may and is hereby required to :ile such claim, or said name will bj awarded to Mrs. Baxter Byerly and .'. J. Grimes, the applicants, i This 20;h day of March, 1922. .J A. McAULAY, Clerk of the Superior Court. ANNOUNCEMENT To the Voters of the Thirteenth (Political Advertisement.) Judicial District: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor, subject, however, to the action of the Demo- jcratiC party at the next primary. , If I am nominated, I shall make a vigorous campaign in behalf of my party and its candidates. If elected, I shall discharge the duties of the office in an honorable, efficient and conscientious manner and protect the interests of the state and society. I shall, also, see that every defend ant gets a "square ileal.'' I shall prosecute, but I will never , perse cute. I shall make a fair and im partial prosecuting attorney and know nothing in my work but to d my full duty. 1 shall make no fake promises lo inllueine voters to support me. I will not "camouflage,1 Upon this platform I ask your support. Sincerely yours, GILBKHT H. RUSSELL, Lauriribiirg, N. C. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF THE 13TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. State Dentist at Rockingham. The State Board of Health has had one ot its dentists, Dr. C. D. Dawkins, in the county since the first of the year. The services of Dr. Dawkins will be available for the children of Rockingham, be tween the ages of 6 and 13 years, without cost, during the week April 17-22. An examination of the children's teeth will be made, and if the parents wish it, dental defects will be treated. There is nothing compulsory about haT,ing this work done, and, if any parents prefer the contrary, a note to that effect will be re spected and their children will be excused from the examina tion and the treatment. Dr. Dawkins has done splen did work in the county including the Hamlet City Schools, and I trust our pupils will take full ad vantage of the opportunity the state is offering them. L. J. BELL, Supt. An elaborate showing of the never fade shirts for men are here and will appeal to you in every way. W. E. Harrison & Land Co. advt NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLI CATION. North Carolina, Richmond County, In 'the Superior Court. Henry Shields', plaintiff, vs. Viola Shields, defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Richmond County for divorce, upon the grounds laid down in the Statute, and said defendant w ill further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the term of the Superior Court of Richmond County to be held on the lilb da; of May, 1982, in Rockingham, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded therein. This 5th day of April, 1022. J. A. McAULAY, Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE. State of North Ca- in Richmond Con; In Superior Court Before the Clerk. In the matter of Mrs. Baxter Byerly and T. J. Grimes, application for reg istration of Sand Hills Fruit Farm. Date of Application for Registra tion, 20th day ot March, 1922. Applicant and owner ot Farm, Mrs. Baxter Byerly and T. J. Grimes. Name of Farm entered for registra tion, Sand Hills Fruit Farm. Description of lands: Situated in Laurel Hill Township on Seaboard' Railroad, North of Marston, adjoining the lands of I. T. Cox on south, and F. T. Gates et al. BAXTER BYERLY, Individual Agent. All persons are hereby notified that the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court will pass upon and determine (Political Advertising.) I am a candidate for re-appointment as Democratic Nominee for Solicitor for the 13th Judicial District, and earnestly ask the voters of Richmond County to give me a re-nomination. Having been appointed last Septem ber by the Governor to this position, I have endeavored to fulfill the duties of the office, and I refer to all Court Officers as to ixiv qualifications and the manner in which I have conducted the office. The office of Solicitor is a very re sponsible one, and by the appoint ment of a Richmond County man to this office, the Governor gave this county one of the most important ap pointments which he has made. For the long number of years during which I have been a resident of Richmond County, 1 have always worked for the interest of the Democratic party, and there has never been a campaign in which I did not take an active part. 1 have never failed to vote for any Bond Issue for the enlargement or betterment of the Public Schools. I earnestly request that you give me your vote on June 3rd and Insure to me a re-nomination, and I promise that the office will be conducted fair ly and impartially, and to the best of my ability. M. W. NASH, Hamlet, N. C. "The Rats Around My Place Ware Wise," Says John TulhilL 'Tried everything to kill them. Mixed poison with meal, mcM, cheese, etc. Wouldn't touch U. Tried RAT-SNAP, inside of ten days got rid of all rats." You don't have to mix RAT-SNAP with foot Saves fussing, bother. Break a cake of RAT-CNAP, lay it where rats scam per. You will tee no more. Threo sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold an 1 guar anteed by Everett Hardware Co., Watson-King Co., and Fox Drug Co. Advertisement. Velvet and Soy Beans. Velvet and Soy beans for sale by W. Ralph Smith. Buy now; they are going fast. them