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ROCKINGHAM POST -DISPATCH 4 Published every Thursday after noon at Rockingham, Richmond County, N. C. ( ISAAC S. LONDON editor Amu raonunw Office on Courthouse Square Entered as second-class mail matter at the postofnce at Rock ingham, N. C. DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS Correspondence from every sec tion of the county invited. Phone 182 your items. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Om jot $2 00 Six mnikt 2S Three noctai 75 JOB WORK A SPECIALTY KAISBR William will be mar ried on Nov. 5th to Princess Hermine, of Reuss. Wonder why he doesn't wait six days later and make the occasion have a double meaning? Fifty school children1 at Pitts burg Sept. 22nd were massed in the lobby of a picture theatre waiting for the doors to open when the concrete floor cracked, and dropped the little ones into the basement. One little girl was killed, and many injured They were there to witness the picture "The Trap." It proved a trap for them. Mrs. E. E. Moffit, formerly of Raleigh but now of Richmond, has launched a movement amcng the federated home bureau clubs to raise $10,000 to build at the entrance of the State College campus a memorial archway in honor of the late Richard Stan hope Pullen, who gave the ground upon which the College is built. Richmond county can be de pended upon to lead. The Ben nettsville paper has a standing offer of a year's subscription to the man raising the largest watermelon in Marlboro county. The prize went this year for a 58 34 pounder. That may be large for Marlboro, but Z. O. Ellerbe, of Richmond county, had a score of melons on the Rockingham market that weigh ed over 60 pounds each. One melon he brought the Post-Dis-PATCH weighed an even 66 pounds. The Post-Dispatch would call attention to the Made-in-the-Car olinas Exposition that began in Charlotte last Monday, and which will continue until Saturday night of next .week. A vast variety of Carolina made prod ucts are on display in the huge concrete exposition buildings, and it is a revelation to those of us who are wont to imagine that for any particular thing to be good it must come from a dis tance. If you can attend this ex position, you should most cer tainly do so. The administration building at the Jackson Training School at Concord burned two weeks or so "ago; and now Mrs. Mary Ella Cannon, of Concord, has come forward with a cash gift of $50,000 to replace the building. It is fortunate for the wayward youth that there was to be found a woman who had combined the two elements of wealth and ap preciation Of the value of such a school to the State. In a prixe fight in Paris Sunday night between Georges Cafpen- tier, the French champion, and Battling Siki, a Senegalese fighter, Carpenrier was knocked out in the sixth round, and Siki now becomes champion fighter of France and Europe. Already efforts by fight fans are being made to arrange a- match be tween Jack Dempsey and the negro, but it is to be hoped that no such fight will be allowed. Our civilization should have no such meeting ground, any more than is the case in other walks of life. The paths of the races are separate and should be kept so. Last Spring the Republicans of this State organized a "Patriotic and Protective League." Chair man Grissom is now sending out appeals to the 'faithful' to con tribute through it to the campaign fund to extent of $10.95 each this being $3.65 a year for 1922, 1923 and 1924. This amount en titles you to full membership in this 'glorious' organization which has for its purpose two objects: 1st, to save the State, and also the Nation should any of its national majority drop by the way side (which will most certainly happen); and 2nd, to "protect" America with such a high tariff wall that the poor man will have to pay a hundred per cent and upward more than would be the case were foreign goods admitted. The "P. & P." league is after the coin, so come across, you generous jiners. The New York Times is pub lishing daily the Memoirs of the Ex-Kaiser, written by himself. The installments began Sept. 24 and wiy continue daily through Oct. 23rd. They make most in teresting reading. $225,000 was paid to the Ex- Kaiser for the riehts to his Memoirs outside of Germany. Lloyd George is writing a book of Memoirs, and it is said He is to receive more than one million dollars for them. Joseph P. Tu multy received $100,000 for his serial and book rights on "Wood- row Wilson As I Knew Him." Gen. Grant received $420,000 for his book of Memoirs. General Sherman received around $25, 000 for his. Senator Watson Dead. Senator Thomas E. Watson, of Thomson, Georgia, died in Washington Tuesday morning at 2:40 o clock of asthma He was 66 years old, and a stormy center in political life in Georgia for many years. School Enrollment 682. The enrollment in the city schools is increasing each. day. The number registered for the High School Department has now reached 207, with 475 in the grades, making the total of white children enrolled 682. This is within 2 of the total enrollment for last year. The enrollment in the colored school is 225. McLendon dub. Hov. M. E. Cotton, field secretary for the 6tate Anti-Saloon League, spoke at three places in Richmond county Sunday morning at Ellerbe Springs, afternoon at Rockingham Methodist church, and night at Hamlet Methodist church. The af ternoon meeting was also the occas-, ion for the regular semi-monthly meeting of the McLendon club. The McLendon club is an active, organization and is a moving force, for morality. You who are being inattentive to this organisation are missing something. The next meet ing will be October 8th, SUBSCRIPTION CIRCLE List of Renewal and New Subscriptions to Post-Dispatch. The following are the NEW subscriptions added to the Post- Dispatch list in the past week since Sept, 21st: NEW Subscriptions: E. W. Terry, Hamlet, rt 1 D. M. Mumford, Osborne, rt 1 A L. Hogan, Chapel Hill Mrs. Walter Story, Burlington Mary V. Legrand, rt 4 A Rives Hendley, Charlotte J A Ingram, Kennedy, Texas Zack Long, Chapel Hill Renewal Subscription: The following are the old sub scribers who have renewed their subscriptions since Sept. 1st: Minor T H in. son J P Meacham P W Leak W G Northam J T Maness J W Porter TECox A P Bartett Robert Stansill lir. R T Nichols Mrs Terry Peele J C Morse Mrs C A Charles O J Player E D Whitlock A M Plowers B Purnell Chesiey Sedberry T B Baxley Mrs J H Hatcher C B Hopkins Haywood Blue Mack Robinson L B McLeod J W Bolton W F Easterling R B Terry J A McAulay, Mt. Leon Patterson R C Little T L Parsons Charlie Covington L S Quick W E Wallace Lizzie Pankey Homer Jarreil H E Gibson W D Smith Miss Kate Finlev D R Bolton R L Webb Mrs. Flora try Mrs J C Green Dr. Ledbetter E B Morse Tom Wood J D Patterson H T Gibson S D Tanner T M Whitlock Harley Terry Richard Sneed John McPherson Mrs A M Parsons W H Thomas C R Warner Mrs W J Adams Busy Bee J D Covington Miss Ada Dowd Miss Nancy Boggan J J Deas S L Webb J E Meacham H T Roller W C Russell JCNew J W Lentz J E Nicholson L A Patrick Miss Mae Baucoin G. Jacob Smith Mrs R L Hinson R A Hines J A Ingram, Jr. W H Marks Ab. Leak W L Collins Mrs G W Pratt J D Gordon T S Meacham Q D Bounds Henry C Terry Rev N B Johnson R R Stubbs E D Blalock W S Williams F N Coliinger M D McLean J H Nichols G A McRae C A Stewart H C Ellerbe Miss Rosa Nicholson W. G. Lisk T J Fletcher J O Ballard Rev Leon Hall R T S Steele H C Norman Simon Weill N D Currie R J Pence J F Dawkins Mrs Stephen Wall Robert Terry W M Snead M J Gillis Dallas-Scott. Announcement of the marriage of Rev. A. E. Dallas to Miss Katherine Scott at Radford, Vir ginia, Sept. 27th, will be read with interest by our readers. Mr. Dallas is the Presbyterian minister at Rockingham and dur ing his stay here has made friends among all denominations. Our people will be most happy to welcome his bride; they will re side in the Garner residence on Roberson street. The following announcement was received in the city today by friends: Rev. and Mrs. Lyttleton Edmunds Scott announce the marriage of their daughter Katherine Waddell to Rev. Archibald Elgin Dallas on Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of Sept. one thoosand nine hundred and twenty-two at Radford, Virginia. Leases Playhouse Theatre. The Rockingham Theatre Com pany has leased the Playhouse the atre at Bennetteville, effective Oc tober 1st, and will operate it in con junction with the Garden here. This will be the main office. Mr. Clark Huggins will be on tho job at Ben nettsville, with Owner M. H. French and Manager Win. G. Atkinson giv ing it their general supervision. Mr. French is "spreading out," as the saying goes, and it is reported that he intends adding to his string by entries into other towns in this section. Blease Lost by 14,280. The official vote in the recent second primary in South Carolina between Cote L. Blease and Thomas G. McLeod for governor was Mc Leod 100,114 to 85,834 for Blease, 01 a majority of 14,280 for McLeod. A fire in the business part of At lanta Saturday night did damage to amount of $1,500,000. Sweaters for Boys. Sweaters for everybody espec ially for boys, at Dcckery-McNair Clothing Co. adv. I DEATHS J. B. Forbis. Mr. J. B. Forbis died at the home of his son at Entwistle Mill on Sunday, September 14th, at the age of 71 years. The funeral services were held from Mizpah church Monday morning at ten o'clock, conduct ed by Rev. F. T. Biggs, and the body was laid to rest in Mizpah cemetery. Surviving are his wife, four sons and two daughters. Mrs. J. T. McLeod. Mrs. J. T. McLeod died at her home at Ellerbe Sept. 27th, aged 64 years. The funeral was held from the Ellerbe Baptist church this morning, conducted by her pastor. The pall-bearers were: C M. Brady, J. E. Nicholson, Prince O'Brien, Linden Reynolds, Hallie McRae, Clay Nance. Mrs. McLeod had been in ill health for quite a while, cancer being the cause of her demise Surviving are her husband; one daughter, Miss Lena McLeod; three sons, L. B. and F. J. Mc Leod, of Eilerbe, and A. K. Mc Leod, of Charlotte; one brother, J. J. Bennett; and three sisters, Mrs. W. R. Covington and Mrs. J. A. Hutchinson, of this county, and Mrs. Charles Terry, of St Paul. The sympathy of many friends goes out to the family in their bereavement. KILLED BY PISTOL (Continued from Front Page) went upstairs at the Hendley nome into" Fred's sister's room, and took from a drawer a 32 calibcr pistol. Fred unbreeched the weapon, but in rebreeching it the weapon accidently was fired, the ball striking young Blacker in the side and going completely through him. Fred at once put Abner on bis back and started to the Blacker home with him, a distance of nearly a block. Physicians were sum moned and the parents rushed the lad to the James hospital at Hamlet for an operation. This was performed, but it was dis covered that the liver was per forated to such an extent that surgery was of no avail and death resulted at 2:30 that night. Abner bore his misfortune brave ly, assuring his family of his faith, and making a beautiful prayer before he died. He also told those about his bedside that Fred must not be blamed that it was entirely accidental. The remains were prepared for burial according to the Jewish custom, and Sunday morning services were held in the tem porary Jewish synagogue by the Jewish Rabbi. Sunday night the body was shipped to Richmond, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Blacker, and there interred Mon day. Abner would have been 16 years old next May 6th. Fred Hendley will be 14 Oct. 12th. Abner was preparing himself to be a Rabbi; he studied for a year in a Hebrew school in Baltimore, and a year at Lumberton. He was in school here this past year, and had entered for this fall term. His parents have the sympathy of the community in the death ot a promising son. Attention, Sovereigns ! The monument of the late J. D. Melton, member of Charter Oak Camp No. 5, will be unveiled at Zion Church next Sunday af ternoon at 3 o'clock. Official members and all members of Degree Team will meet at new hall at one o'clock. Public cordially invited, B. LILES, Clerk. Our meat market is complete and we can take care of your wants. Allen-Morse Co. advt In the abscne pulpit of the Presbyterian church will be filled on Sunday, October 1, by the Rev. Mack Robbing Long, of Statesville. Mr. Long will conduct the services at 11 a. m. and als at 8 p. in. Mr. Long, who- is a son of Judge B. F. Long, of the Superior Court, has for some years enjoyed a repu tation throughout the state as an artist of distinction. Only recently he determined to enter the gospel ministry, and he will soon be offi cially numbered among the minis try of the Presbyterian church. All the members and friends of the Presbyterian church are cordi ally invited to attend the services on Sunday. ' Large Pears; The largest pears yet received by the Post-Dispatch were from Mrs. J. W. Culberson, at Roberdel. She sent the paper seven that weighed a total of eight pounds and nine ounces. The largest one weighed exatcly 28 ounces, and was 14 in. in circumference. 'THE CALL OF THE WOODS" "Where e'er I go, where e'er I stray I feel the call of the wild wood. And often when I rest my limbs I sink into that longing mood That calleth me to come and go Outside into the good grjen wood. "And as I sleep throughout the night A vision flits across my brain, And spite of all that I can do I long for the wild woods again, For out there I can always hear The small song bird's beautiful strains. , "In fair Springtime and in Summer In cold Winter and in late Fall I always visit the wild wood, For I can not resist the call." w By Luther Cecil McRae. Drag Store Cards. A number of new postcard scenes have recently been photographed and put on postcards by Fox Drug Store. These new cards arrived Monday and are on sale. They show Main street, the Wall garden, Pee Dee No. 2 mill, Baptist and Methodist churches. Keep License Tag Clean. The local officers request the Post-Dispatch to call the attention of the auto drivers to the fact that they must keep their license num bers clear so they can he read hy officers easily. Safe For Sale. A Victor Iron Safe, practically new, size outside measurement, 44x27x27 inches. Can lie seen at i. A. Senwcll's store. W. S. THOMAS. tf Rockingham, N. C tJonnMan:- You Have t Future. Your future is what YOU MAKE it. If you acquire spendthrift habits, your future will not be bright and successful. If you are industrious and deposit your money regularly, nothing can stop you from reaching the top of the ladder of success. Come in and open an account today $1.00 will start you. We will welcome you. SSSSal The Bank of Pee Dee Efficient Service Rockingham Richmond Cosily Marriage Licenses. Sept. 23 William Holtom and E hel Parsons, white. Sept. 25-Clifton Ridtejlf and Ora L, Carroll, colored. Sept. 26 James Smith and Rogenia Liles, colored. Will Teach Violin. Prof. Jack Hickman, director and violinist at the Garden Theatre, has studied from some of the most noted artists of this country and having traveled with own orchestra from coast to ca st, playing both summer and winter resorts, and making phonograph records, announces that he has opened a school of mu. ic that will be known as the Roc'.cingham Conservatory of Music. Prof. Hickman will accept a limbed number of pupils for the violin, teaching the same method that he received during his time of study. Also wishes to an nounce that the following struments will be taught at Studio, by the members of in the his orchestra: Prof. Jack Hickman, violin. Mr. Clarel Laughner, piano. Mr. Jack Eby, Saxaphone. Mr. Chas. Sammons, drum. Mr. C. R. Ray, banjo. Mr. R. C. Lloyd, cornet. Piano Wanted. I want to rent a piano for the Rockingham Conservatory of Music; must be in good condition. Address Prof. Jack Hickman, Garden Theatre. Gold Locket Lost. Lost, a round baby's locket. Reward for return to Mrs. Dewey Maness or Post Dispatch office. Dogs For Sale. For sale four "Walker" fox hounds, the property of the late Brantley Shankle. Communicate With Pro tus Shankle, Rockingham, Route 1. Boarders Wanted I con accommodate four boarders, with rooms and meals. Apply to Mrs. Beulah Giles, in West Rock ingham. , z Ford Body Wanted. Wanted, to buy a good Ford tour ing body. See H. B. Copedge. Rooms Wanted. Wanted, two furnished rooms for light housekeeping for myself and wife R. M. Wells, phone 284-W. Ask "The Garden" more Fox pictures. to play advt Igg&j&afiK wmMm