OCR Interpretation

Tabor City tribune. (Tabor City, N.C.) 1946-1991, June 19, 1963, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068761/1963-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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Fair Bluff Sailor
In Mediterranean
USS YANCEY — Charles L.
Stone, commissary man second
class, USN. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond C. Stone of Fair
Bluff, N. C., is serving aboard
the attack cargo ship USS
Yancey, a unit of Amphibious
Squadron 12 currently deploy
ed to the Mediterranean for
six months duty as the Sixth
Fleet's Amphibious Striking
In addition to the Yancey,
the squadron consists of the
attack cargo ship USS Vermil
ion. the dock landing ships
USS Hermitage and Plymouth
Kock, the tank landing ship
USS Wood County and the at
tack transport ship USS Fran
eis Marion.
While with the Sixth lie
the Yancey will participate
training operations induriii
joint U. S. and combine
NATO exercises.
The Yancey is an Atlant
Fleet unit normally operatii
out of Norfolk, Va.. and slati
to return in October.
RALEIGH - · The Motor V
hides Department's summai
of traffic deaths through
A. M. Monday, June 17, 1963
Killed To Date 5:
Killed To Date Last Year 5:
The most profitable hol«
overs some of our countrl·
basiball teams have from la
season are the peanuts.
(Continued Prom P||t 1)
Among other actions cn the
court docket were:
William Dais Hooks pled
guilty to a charge of violation
of liquor laws. He wm given a
choice of a $300 fine c* to
serve 3 months.
Robert Johnson, found guil
ty of assault and battery of a
high and aggravated nature on
two cases and given a two
- pi put qooo uo oouo)u<ts jba£
ment. The terms are to be
served concurrently.
Trenton Derron Campbell
pled guilty to two charges of
housebreaking. He received a
five year sentence for each In
dictment to be served concur
Sylvester Bowens pled guil
ty to a charge of operating a
motor vehicle without owner's
permission. 30-day suspended
Rufus Mack Joyce pled guil
ty to a charge of violating the
liquor laws, given a choice of
a $300 fine or 3-month sent
David Edward Nelson pled
guilty to chaiges of house
breaking and larceny, given a
twelve month suspended sent
Willie James Cox pled guil
ty to charges of housebreaking
and larcency, sentenced to 5
Joseph Callaway Jr. pled
guilty to a charge of larceny,
assault with a deadly weapon
with intent to kill, and assault |
and battery with intent to kill, i '
given sentences to be served > '
concurrently. 18 months, 3 ·
years, and 3 years.
George David Bellamy pled : '
guilty to a charge of violating | *
the liquor laws on 6th count, j J
sentenced to serve 90 days or ■
pay a fine of $300. 1
Wilbur Stukes pled guilty J
to a charge of involuntary
manslaughter, sentenced to
serve 2 years.
Raymond Timmons pled guil
ty to violation of liquor law
on etli count, sentenced to pay
$300 fine or serve 90 days.
Stephen Long charged with
burglary, court declared a mis
Leon F.lm»re. Danny Thuxr
man Mishoe, James Paul Lil
ly. and Louise Jones | led guil
ty to charges of larceny and
receiving stolen goods, given
3-year suspended sentences
and placed on probation for a
' μι ι iwu «μ ο vfai>.
James Edward Westmore
land plod guilty to two charges j '
j i>f larceny, given a 1-year j a
, suspended sentence and placed j *
<>n probation for a period of 5 Μ
; years. ' 4
Κ. M. AlforH pled giiilty to ! '
charge of violating the liquor I ^
laws, sentenced to 90 days or j
a fine of $300.
Marvin L. Smith pled guilty {1
to a charge of driving under | a
the influence of alcohol, sent- ! F
enced to serve 3 months or jc
payment of $250 and placed on a
I probation for period of 2 ! *
ι years.
Martha Brown pled guilty ,"
to a charge of assault and bat- j ^
tery of a high and aggravated *
nature, given 2-year suspend- *·
cd sentence and placed on pro- ^
bat ion for period of 18 months. ®
Clyde AHam Gore pled guil
ty to charges of assault and
battery with intent to kill,
housebreaking, larceny, and
. receiving stolen goods. Sent
i enced to serve a total of 5
years in the state pentitcnti
ί ary.
Joe Boring pled guilty to a
charge of violating the liquor
laws. Sentenced to serve 1
year, suspended upon payment
of $1.000 and service of 6
' months.
Robert Gagum pled guilty lo
a charge of non support, given
a 1-year suspended sentence
and placed on probation for 2
years upon payment of $5 per
Luke Green pled guilty to a
charge of non support, given a
1-year suspended sentence and
placed on probation for 2 years
upon payment of $10 per week, ι
Jim Dyson pled guilty to j
charge of non support and |
given a 1-year suspended sent- |
en«' upon payment of $25 per
week for support of family.
F.ugene Fipps pled guilty to !
a charge of non support, givjn j
' 1-year suspended sentence and i
! placed on probation for 3
years upon payment of $7.50
, per week.
Brenda Moody pled guilty
to a charge of larceny, given
18-months suspended sentence
and placed upon probation for
" period of 3 years.
Alias Skip Frazer pled glul
ty to a charge of assault and
battery of a high and aggrav
ated nature, sentenced to serve
2 months and placed on pro
bation for a period of 2 years.
Jerlinc Johnson pled guilty ty
a charge of assault and battery
of a high and aggravated na
ture. given 2-ycar suspended
sentence and placed on proba
tion for a period of IB months.
Hudley Hemingway pled
guilty lo a charge of assault
and battery with intent to kill,
given 3-ycar suspended sent
ence and placed on probation
for a period of three years.
Joseph F. Roberts pled guil
ty to a charge of driving under
the influence of alcohol, sent
■ enced to «erve 1 year, or pay
• tin· of »1.000 provided that
pon the service of S month»
r payment <4 $260 and placed
η probation for a period of 2
Lee Davis Berkley charged
trith non support, verdict:
Η. T. Aiford charged with
ssault and battery with intent
ο kill, found guilty, given 1
•ear suspended sentence and
ilaccd on probation for 2
Lawrence Jenkins charged
irith assault with intent to
avish, verdict: guilty of as
ault with intent to ravish with
eeommendation of mercy,
entenced to 20 years.
Danny P. Thompson, Jimmie
»arent. William A. Anz. Walt
er Hancock, Thomas L. Grubbs
,nd Robert F. Heard plod
uilty to charges of autobreak
ng and larceny, given 3-ycar
uspended sentences and plac
d on probation for a period of
t years.
William H. Jones pled guil
y to a charge of violating the
iquor laws and sentenced to
erve »0 days or pay a fine
f $300.
Trent->n Devon Campboll
»led guilty to 2 chargcs of
lousebreaking and one charge
.f larcency. given 2-five year
erms to be served concurrent
George Mitchum and David
>ack pled piilty to a charge «·ί
lousebreaking. given a sus
tended sentence and placed on
irobation for a period «>ί 3
Billy Graham pled guilty to
ι charge of grand larceny. ι
iven a 1-year suspended sent
nce and 'placed on probation
or a period of 2 years.
iomc Ec Teachers
Ud Adults July 1
The l»ris Home Economics
Kpartment will be open to
ssist adults in the commum
V each Monday 8:30 a. in.
2.30 p. m. beginning July 1,
was announced today.
The home economics tcach
rs wil Ibe on hand to assist
,-ith clothing construction < r
ι iy other phase of the homc
läking pri>gram.
. Ϊ
Tabor Baptists
Vttend Ridgccrcst
F.iglit voting |>cople of the j
abor City Baptist Church
nd their adult sponsors at- ι
»nded the Southern Baptist
'outh Conference at the Ridge
rest Baptist Assembly in the j
lorth Carolina mountain near |
This is the first such con
?rencc held by Southern Bap
ists for young people, fifteen
nd older. The conference is:
romoted jointly by the Sun
ay School. Training Union. |
nd the Music Ministries of j
he convention.
Those attending includel
oh η Jolly. Mike Dorman. Beth
Villoughby. Carolyn Eddings,
andy Woody, Mitchell Ray, |
ammy Averitt, Hcnrv Neil j
bright. Mr. and Mrs. Howard
owler. and Franklin Hooks
Senate Gives 1
Final Okay To \
Training Center !
Last week, the state senate J
gave final approval tu estab- ι
lishing a Technical Training ι
Center for Horry and Marion
Counties. It will be located oti j
the site of Coastal Carolina |
College between Myrtle Beach ,
and Conway. ,
Appointment of a nine-mem- j
ber Technical Training Com- ,
mission is expected soon. Six |
members will come from Hor
ry and three from Marion'
County. !
The senate bill authorized ,
$350.00(1 to be issued in gen- ,
eral obligation bonds for con- ,
struct ion of the center.
The commission, when np- ι
pointed, will elect their own ^
chairman and will be charged 1
with supervising the establish
ment and operation of the
Center. I
Sen. Stevens says he hopes
construction will begin this fall '
and anticipates tue school ι
opening no later than the tail
of 19(54. possibly earlier. !
As soon as the commission is ι
appointed, plans will get un
derway to advertise for bids
on the bonds, and architectur- 1
al planning will begin. Fol
lowing completion of the plans,
construction bids will be ask- '
The director of the center
will be chosen by the local
commission. They will work
with tin· stale Technical Train- J
ing Commission.
Equipment and faculty costs '
will be provided by the stale
Construction costs will lie ' '
provided by Horry County. 1
Operating and some maintcn- !
a tue expenses will be shared
by Marion County based on
the number of Marion County !
students enrolled.
Loris Girls Elcctcd
To Girl State Posts
Ily C'usy llardwirk
Neida Caines wa selected ίο ί
the (.«iris State 11· use of Hep- <
resentatives and Linda Fowler '
to the Girls State City Gov- '
eminent at Palmetto Girls 1
State at the University <·ί «
South Carolina June 3-9.
The two. representing I .oris ·
High School, were selected '
from 450 other girls represent- '
ing high school»; from over the 1
state. i
The I^oris girls stayed in the . ·'
Sims College dormitory, visil- ,
ed the office of Governor <
Donald Russell, whom they *
met, and heard addresses by '
Senator Olin D. Johnston and j
Strom Thurmond. 1
No man minds practicing ·
economy unless it causes him j ]
to skimp on his pet vices.
i I
In this age of specialists the ! 1
ordinary man has to do a lot · :
of high-powered thinking just.
tu make a plain living. \
lardy Graduates
Tom Tuskegee
John D. Hardy of Loris will
vceive α decree in veterinary
ncdiciiie from Tuskegv In—
;titute this sprint;· ilurdy is
iraduating under provision of
In· Southern Regional Educa
ion Board's interstate Con
rad program.
SHKiJ interstate contracts
HTiiut a state which does not
lave a medical, dental, veteri
mry medicine, public health
>r social work school to send
ts students to a state which
Iocs have such educational
Since the beginning of the
»KEH contract programs, South
Carolina has used them to
rain 74 students per year in
■ollegcs or universities of oth
; rstates.
Loris FHA Chapter 1
Wins Highest Award
Proud — and justifiably so.
That's the word for the
..oris Chapter of the Future
tlomemakers of A 111 e r i c a.
vhich last week won the Hoff
nau Award, the highest honor
ittainable in FI1A, for out
itanding work done in FHA
iuiiiiK the past school year.
The award was received by
•"aye Fowler, representing the
liapter .it the 22nd annual
ί'ΙΙΑ couvi'iition at Winthrop
Wollene .Itine 12-14.
Objectives for next year
were emphasi/.ed at the meet
ing: "Discovering Myself and
My Worth To Others'* and
launching liood Citizenship
riuough lloinem. iking." These
ibjectives served as the basis
"or addresses by outside speak
ers, for discussions, devotions
uid inteivst-group meetings.
rhe Story Of
Horry County
Horry County made a good
howiug report ι·ί busings I
jrowtli of South Cmolit a ■
Oiiiities recently issued by the
tureau <>l llusincss lleseareii '
η the Schimi| nf Uitsuiess Ad- 1
ninislratiou at the University
>f South Carolina.
This county ranked 8th
1 hi·;»I of Γϊίϊ otlu 1 i-oiinties in
he state, in percent ige of in
•rease oi nun-salaried indus
rial employees. The growth j
ncrcase was measured over a
tx-year period troni 1940 to
0Ü2. In addition, llorr.v rank
•d Jlth in percentage of in- ;
rcaso of capital investment 111 1
he same period.
Iii both cases, the county
ν as well ahead of the state
In l!(4ti there were !">.'{ 1 nou
alaried employees in manti
acturing in the county and 1.
!05 at the end of 1!K52. This
vas an increase of t»7-l or 227 I
>er cent. The state increase for
he same period was ati.105 or
Ιβ per cent.
The amount of capital in- '
ested in county industries
ruse from fU bullion in 1946
to $14.1 million in 1962. Only
eight other South Carolina
counties had a higher percent
age of increase of capital in
vestment than Torry's which
was 958 per cent. The state in
crease was $ 1,300,000.000 or up
270 |H'r cent.
The increase in production
of lumber and timber for the
(>-ye.ir pcri«>d was $10.6 mil
lion or 519 por cer.t. The state
increase was 234 per cent.
Charles W. Davis of Galivants
Ferry, S. C., has been pro
moted to staff sergeant in the
United States Air Force.
Sergeant Davis, an account
ing and finance supervisor, is
assigned to the 7272iul Air
Base Wing here.
The sergeant, son of Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Davis of lit. 2. Gali
vants Ferry, graduated from
Aynor (S. C.) High School and
attended Clemson (S. C.) Col
lege. His wife, Carolyn, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
L. Parker υί Rt. 2, Newton,
Marine Private Louie A.
Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Wright of Route 1, Clar
endon. N. C., completed re
cruit training June 4 at the
Marine Corps Recruit Depot.
Parris Island. S. C.
The 11-week indoctrination
to Marine Corps life includes
instruction on basic military Φ
law, physical conditioning,
military drill, and discipline.
Three weeks are spent oil
the rille range, where recruits
I fire the M-14 rifle and are in
1 st meted on other infantry
I weapons.
Sunday religion is apt to κο
sour biforc the end of the
Experienced machine operators for sewing
industry. If you are interested in working
in such an industry in Fair Bluff, N. C.
and if you have had experience, please
register today at the Fair Bluff City Hull.
Fair Bluff Development Corp.
Out of the· laboratory
ti> you — exclusive
wonder blend of
50'.' Fsirc?c nnlvrstpr
aiv1 Γι0'/' cof{on for c: ptional good looks,
washaMlity and wearabili!y. Handsomely tailored
in traditional Ivy styling.
Colors: Βυίχο, I>ark Olive, Black & Dark Brown
Men's Si7.es, 28 To 44 $5.98
Student Sizci, 26 To 32 ... $5.50
Boys' Sizes, 6 To 18 $4.50
Uver 2UUU Pairs Of
To Choose From
LoiiKrt, Shorts and Regulars
$5.98 To $15.95
t Tabor City, N. C.
the jib shift
Nautical. Reversible ί
str Ipe-and-solId ker
chief to protcct the hair
from hurricanes. Striped
insert to be worn...or not.
Spaghetti sß'.h, ditto.
üreery Dacron polyester
■nd cotton In Marine Blue,
Bai k, Apr icot, with
contrasting stripes.
5 to 15.
> y. ·, % fC. * « ? .V Γ ^
«r<0t«.ljiij irarrrrmv
Whitcville, N. C.
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