Newspaper Page Text
- s s r-i ' .-- ' . vol. 1 NO. 7 LESSON8 FOR USE IN THE MOONLIGHT SCHOOLS IN NORTH CAROLINA LESSON NO. SEVEN. READING AND WRITING. our homo is mother keeps fruit floweri neat. . claaa Our home is on the farm, tt is a good home. AVe like our home. We have fruit flowers. ' Mother ; keeps ; V ii6me nat and Mother keeps our house neat and dean. . SOUNDS, EAR TRAINING. pod bob rob fog: jobs rod sob fob jog on sod .cob dog Vpods f0ffs nod mob - log feobs' rods God job hog mob nods ARITHMETIC. (1) Short and rapid reviews oi writing and reading numbers froir 1.000 to 10,000; from 10,000 to 100.000 from 100,000 to 1,000,000. (2) Short and rapid drill in addin hort -.columns of figures of unitj an tens; units, tens and hundreds; units tens, hundreds and thousands. (3) Short and rapid review o' aubtratcing untis and tens; units, ten and hundreds; units, tens, hundred and thousands without using bor rowing." (4) Short and rapid drill in sulr iubtracting units and tens; units ten' and hundreds ; uniti, ten hundred and thousandsfusing the borrowing process. v "' ; : ' New Work. Multiplication. (1) Oral work. If one 500-pound bale of cotton brings $50, how much money will. 5 auch bales , bring? If you buy 5, acres of land at $60 an cre, how; much money will the 5 acres cost? etc. , Multiplying Quantities by One Figure. (t) Written work. If a farmer pays. 1144 apiece for a pair of mules, how much money does he par for both nalesf H Short and rapid drill on multi plying quantities .by one flgrure. Mul tiply: ' r m 134 in m 122 mv -x xa xa xt x ks 121 X4 IS X8 in XA 114 xe 111 12S m x its xs t7 m xft KB X8 Asttea for the foHorfajr lickt Ae flrct te Iiaen of die nuitlfrltoaticm Lcccon no. main?. RGAOiMQ AMO WRfT4t40. choot har' teacher We wait a rood school. We must have, X. good tea-cher. good school wiirhelVrBvat brother. ... V , IT like our -.a'chbol. " -: Ve like our teacher. Ve keep our school house aeat and clean. We keep our school house neq,t and tlean. SOUNDS, EAR TRAINING. (Review.) - mad hat map Nan can my vat tax wax tan. gag rob bad w pats new hat log: nod rat ot SOUNDS, EAR TRAINING. nut liut Jittit tug hub bug pug nuts liug jug tug dug rug gum hum sum rum sun suit run bun fun suns arithmetic; (IK Shorthand rapid drill in adding ahort columns of- figures, in 'unit5,,tens, hundreds and thousands. ' . ' 5 .,.(2) Short and rapid drill lii sub tracting, units, --tens,- hundreds, and thousands. (3) Short and rapid oral, drill on he first ten linear the multiplication J la-Die. ""(4) . Short-.and-. rapid drill' in muiti- plying quantities by any figure from 1 t0 9-. I t u it a -bairelt of fl6v what. will 10 barrels cost'S barrirof flour costs $7,' barrels cost? biiort and rapid drill on mul tiplying quantities fry TO. Multiply.; 7X10. 8X10, 9X10. 17X1, 18xl6 j.v)xiu, 117X10.:': itsvm iiQYin 127x10. i2Sxio; 13SX10. J3 Slate , the rule ; for multiplying, quantities by 10. ii! 1 multiplying Quantities by 100. 1J (1J v hat -.will aarm: "of 175 acres cost at $100 an acre? (2)s Short and rapid drill on multii lying quantities by 100. - Multiply: 175X10. ISXIOO- 15X1(M), 275X '00, SZ5X100, S75X1D0, 975X100. etc. (3) Stato the rule for multiply In g quantities by ,100. .. : Multiplying Quantities by 1,000. (1) Short and rapid drill in multi plying quantities by 1.000. Multiply: m$X 1000, S8-5 X 1005, 5898 X 1000, 9875X1000. (2) . State the rule for multiplying quantities by 1,000. Multiplying Quantities by Units " ; y 'and Tens. (1) If a farmer buys a farm of 0 acres at $33 an acre, how much does he farm cost hint? , 42) , Short and jaid, drill in mnl, plying r quant HiHbynits nff Multiply: 25X11 26 x' 22, 4 3653 B X 44, 58 X 55, 66 XffB. 7x5, 89 X 89; Multiplying Quantities by Three ' or More Figures. LESSON NUMBER NINE. READING AND WRITING. roads cost community bad church lest than We want good roade. Good roads will help bar community. We want a good ro4 t school. , We want a good road to church. We urant , Jsood- road to . town, pur. community mast : have igood roa4 and a good scttool. Goad roada coat aur oomaunity, leaa thaa bad roadji. Good rveuth eost fesa thmn bad vacate. SOUMDO, 6AH TftA4NNi: fat Jwet- miy& iJQHft kat lied &t dt ''tpt M ' fed"' at, imy :'bet yet tod nit 'teda st yea irad felt -'teSa . Aft4tHf4TlC U: 1. Review taultiplying osatitte T aaa agure. . Btata a ataapla) prcla ; : aalva it. . b. .State tke inveraa -division aolve it. d. Dritt oa dainafaa iaaltipltcs tUoirisioa MMa. i. ptVjajan. Dividing tuaa titiea br'oae figure, with all even nua bers and aa iMders. ' a. A farmer bl young horsea ter 424. What w$a the value of eaok? b. iFour ooria club boys raised oa their 4 acres 4S& - onshela of cara. Wliat was their average yield? ' c. In a certain community 6 farm women sold 'in a single aeason $84 worth of poultry and eggs. "What was the average amount sold by each? d. To build 8 miles of good sand-clay road costs about $6848, what does it cost to build 1 mile? , e. Drill: 8 -s- 2 ? .of 8 22 -r- 2 ?... -of 22 ? 24 4 ? . of 24 ;? 23 2 ' ?' , of 28 468 - 2 ? : yz of 468 4S4 4 ' ? . ii of 4S4 SYLVAN N. C HER 19, 1915, W. N. l. mi lir.l CAM P sefeft of f the Ashe vj He of trade has wriff an tn th weiftmeilt regard to the cian miiUarV camp proposed fbrjthisi state, urging them to locate tie; instructtin s camp in western JNoh Carolina This action was i MnW amA xaja ! " ,. - 1C,4U uuu Ulilie Tntly itottneCRichmond alumni of the Virginia Military institute to the effect thit such a training state next year.' The camp will be similar tn thA t Plnttbh.ivT 111 IIIIS, si ; , I A tni:MrA.A u . i , r ,dn w "y e aepartment on olinsei mo tfltaill finfl MiP: hnarH nf Sunset mo lutaiti and the board of tradft dnvA vniiiKia Qo0;0 u.uvtvtv . uooioiauiC m dvertising the school and securing enrollments for it. The camp was abandoned on apcount of the I small number of enlistments for the camp at Chattanooga the following year, all southern applicants being taken o Pit tsburg. ; . y A few months ago an army offi cer was in western Carolina exam ining various locations for the pur pose h$ did; not divulge. It is t' oughthere today; following Gen- eral Wood's announcement thai this section will hay first consider: ation, now that it has been definite ly decided to , locate: the canA) Jin iQ - l;L. - r 1 he summer encampmeat at Plattsburg was exceeding popular among citizens, thousands taking ketraini ag the re for several weeks Ii the war department should decide to select a site' in the recreation center of the Carolina mountains it will be a movement of great import to this region, commerciHlly and socially. Resides bringing hund reds of men here who will advertise this section, it will bring thousands of dollars into the country. Such i camp would also be one more place of interest to tourists.- It is regarded as certain, also, that military s instruction will be popular amon laife number of citizens in this section. The mountain population is not neces sarily war-like, but it is believed that there are large numbers of citizens in this territory who would welcome an opportunity to learn the rudiments of the "art of war and would gladly submit to the rigid decipline of a military camp. Gazette. CADD OF TUAnn. Sylva N. C. Nov. 15,1915. We the Brothers, Sisters, and father of Martin J. Calhoun want to extend pur thanks to the people of Tucliasrgee for the many kindness during his illness and death. We want to a especially mention Mrs. J. ft. RigcJon, Mr. Bill Wiggins, Wm. Moses. There is no place in Jackson County and no set of people with bigger hearts in them than around Tuckaseigee. We want to thank the DeoDle of Scotts Creek and Sylva for the re CIVILIANS spect paid our brother at the funer al. His companion deeply appre dates all that the people have done for her husband while . living ana since his deathV ' :" U . . Respectfully, - J. S. Calhoun:-:, THE REVIVAL A SUCCESS The revival that has been goiag bn at the Baptist church closed Wednesday night. Rev. Owen, the Home Board Evan gelist, has been doing the preach ing and there have been several con versions in the past ten days. Rev. Owen has been doing some great preaching since he has been here which will do ever .lasting haaiI - : MU u . , smng nas been one of the meeting which has T. - Tnere were ten baptized last j' : Sunday by the pastor, Rev.'.Harris. aim ulclc are several ocners to be s baptized yet. There have teen sev ua Diizea yet. mere tiav hp?n rpv. othft prt p. . " ! ter and several joined othei churches. PROSECUTED FAILURE TO REGISTER BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Mr. J. A. Mclntyer State Prose cuting Agent for Bureau of Vital Statistics is now working the County of Jackson, Mr. Mclnty re was in town Saturday and brought suit against Mrs. Joe Pavis for failure to make out birth certificate, and against Clarence Love, Jno. Norman ah4 Bill Coward for the burial of a deaid body with just jobtaining a burjal permit. Mrs, Davis was fin ed $3kQ0 anc cost amounting: to $7.- 53 the others Seree6f$500 ofid cost amounting to $9.55. Mr. Mc Intry's job is to prosecute all who fail with the law which requiresa forth certificatefiled with the Local Register in town or township which the birth occurs within 5 days after date of birth. The law alsor ?quixe3 ueatu cerimcaie to oeniea on the Local Register and a burial permit obtained before the body can be buried or other wise disposed of; any and all who fail tocomply with this law may expect to be prose cuted as Mr. Mclntyre is appointing n prosecutor in each county in the ,?tte. Mr. Mclhtyrf hasTs:veiil this county that he knows of. !f SPEfflDElL Mr. Fiddl Bryson, an old and re spected citizen of Cuiiowhee, was buried in the Cuiiowhee cemetery on Sat Nov. 6th; Mr. David Bryeon, age 72 yean died Nov. 12th, and was buried in the Hooper grave yard Nov. 13th. Not withstanding the rain and bad weather a large number of people attended his funeral, which was conducted by Rev. C,C. Totherbw. Mr Bry son was a good, quiet, inof fensive man, and loved by all who knew him. .Me leaves several child ren to mourn his absence in the home. Mrs. Sam?Parris and two daugh ters, from Balsam attended the funeral of Mr. Bryson. Mrs. Agnes Henderson and little son, and Lawton Henderson are h ere from the State of Washington visiting relatives and friends. The blind peddler and dog man spent Sunday in Speedwell. The writer sa w 75 people join the church of their ; choice one night last week, in the.ChapmanAlexan der revival at Ashevil. ; - ' X. Y. Z.. $1.00 THE YEAR IN ADVAfcC 1 THE VH'S I MISSIONARY OiillJiJ. The Woman's Missionary Uion, of the Western Carolina Baptjsts, met with ladies of the Bryson City church, November 5th and 6th. i The meeting was very .helpful to the societies represented: the manv phased of Missions. Home and FW- jeign, were discussed. Quite n . large delegation frjm Murphy, Andrews, Whittier, Sylva, Beta and Cold Creek, was there. I Our leaderMrs. W. H. Wbodalliof HO Asheville, gave m uch valuable : fn formation in regard to the o'rganizW'- -tions of Societies, arid how to rnajce the work interesting and instructive. The ladies seemed to gain hew ifi-. spiration from the meeting, and are looking toward the work of "the niyf. year with renewed zeal. ; The Union was delightfully en tertained by the Bryson City ladies. Luncheon was served Friday for i he visitors and members of the Mis sionary Societies of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches. y Sylva was selected as xiyj next place of meeting and we are an ticipating a pleasant and profitable session next November. Mary Garter Brinson. DILLSBORO Rev, R H. 'Askew will preach Sunday 11 a, and Tp. . m at DitfsborcT Baptist church. Special music by the choir rendered ai these services. - r r . a. Prayer meedng Wednesday night. 7:30 p. m. Choir practice 8:15 p. m. Prayer meeting cjnducted by the pastor, assisted by Miss Beulah Par ris. Theme for this service will be "God, the Creator "Come, let us reason together " We are indeed very glad to in form our friends that Brother Chas. Mason is out of danger, and we be lieve that it is our Father's good pleasure to restore him to his fam ily and loved ones. DIUJOT What Wilniot is doing The graded school is getting albnfl fine. Mr. George Sprinkle, the prin cipal, got carried a few daya 'agrii Miss Vera A. Moody taught in Dis place while he wes away. The Qualla Graded school came over to spell against the Wilmot school, and the Qualla graded school got beat. Hurrah fo Wilmot! We are sorry to say that mahce Farley is very ill. Dr. Candler was in town on Sun day.. Mr. George Sutton of Sylva Tvas in town Saturday. J. W. Potts was in Wilmot oa business Thursday. - W. Bellia of AsheviUe was 'in town Thursday on buicess. R. L. Watts came home Satur day. Willie Willie, what is wrong that you do not shine? Come once more for we would certainly like to hear from Qualla. U. M. We are offering at half price our stock of beautiful plain and fancy ribbons reserving the Very narrow width,for one weekonly Begin - , J I 1 t ning MondayvNoys 22hd; ' Tompkins, and Luck.- I