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1 '' a - ji Til T If 4o 7 2 TUT i fllir you We are ready for it with a Jarge stock of winter goods of all kinds. We have under wear, over-coats, shoes, Ladies coats, sweaters of all kinds and the price is right. w A M B 0 OD S A E SOLD Come in and see us about anything you want to buy; we will give vou the best nri to be had and goods of such high quality, and quality is whit count when u go to buy your wmter Clothing, because you want something that will last the whole winter, and that is the kind of goods we sell 1 We reasonable prices 3 j a L V A CA 1111 J TOR W ILSON B R O 8 li The store that Clothes and feeds the fdi.iilv vw,ffffrWTlmTr,y,ir - w ith vMn r nm iit mt ",'mi;i WwVi ANNE ASKEW. to torture the delicate woman. They put on what is called a rack, "At war, stretched land 5J? upuu wmcn per liven m Lincolnshire. KrifJlpnH n : ... . beautiful and educated girl named 1 1!11 the J01Dts were separated. Anne Askew Her sister wa t ! here they kept her a long time o marry a certain man, bjt she died, and Anne's father compelled Anne to marry the man. At that, time good men were preaching the op3l and earnestly askinjthe peopleto read the B ible. Aane began to read the Bible in se cret, and to see that the religion of the people around her. was wrong in many things. One of the queens who lived then fcajrn&jto :. believe the religion of the BiUeM When Anne , Askew accepted Jesus as her Sav iour, her husband turned against her. Complained of her to the: priests and finally turned-hef ottt of his house. But this did not shake : her faith; she was more sarniest han ever in seeking GhLv .. .; She became acquainted -.with 6ome noble ladies who .were . seeking God, and we may well .brieve she helned them on in the tfnnd 0 . , finally, some of the enemies of uy lue King 11 $ne would only give get her to tell of others who believ ed the protestant faith, but though they did it till as she "was nigh dead," she would hot tell. When they released her, she pleaded with tliem for two hours, but they would riot hear. They did all in their power' -' by f threats - and flattery and" pleading t6 get' her to turn ftojn' tfer' fai'th-li the Word of God, but she wbilld nbt ; At last tyy:sentent!'hBr:! to be bound to a stake arid btiitied to death. She l'wrote out a ctear-state-ment of her ;&ftri ! fm i; Jestii alone, with a Jprayer for steadfastness -and faithfijilness ttfihe end mother pier fofmaiice'df 'duty." Sfee afeo Ur.gv- e4 for the pafdohand drivers ion vof; it ner enemies. After she was. fastened to the stake, before the fire was lighted, they brought to her a pardon signed mese nooie women sou stroy them, but they could not get any evidence against them. Then they they thought of Anne Askew. They would try her. So the priests came and asked her many questions but she answered them so wisely and so pleasantly from the Bible that they had to leave her. Over and over they tried to shake her faith in God, but could not. Then they shut her up in New gate jail, whereahe was very ill and in great pain, and she asked her friends to "pray, pray, pray," that .1 . c n n rrotnnr nrt- fn.i a 4. 1 . i m. . .0 t Iani an mis is to remind you that the uncie prevailed upon the court to Greens Creek r.nrresnnn,w ;e e.;n release her on bail. , This they did,! among the Uvin fS but snnn imnriortno-i v, ! , . fr Aue warmers to their home at Etowah Ten A. 1 ier spending a week with relatives A. Asiie came home Friday from Sunburst. A. J V Misses Maye and Bertha Deitx Gen. h ,o r...n. spent Saturday and Sunday with whee. their mother at this place. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. David Cabe Miss Norma Matlock spent Fri- a boy.Walter Candler day with Miss Stella Cagle, on her ' Old tr A7QF Tlrtnr A7U- 1 -.vw. "uj:uu, cutler io ner nome at West Mills, to attend the wedding ! . .r i t . . o or ner sister: " E.;F. Buchanan left a few days' ago tor City Paint. Va., where he is employed by the Du Pont Powder CO, I . lVrs"D. hV Ashe' of Franklin .speiit the ieariy part of last week with her son-ana daughter at this place.- -- . : Mr. Mitchell Sutton is ahe to .be outlagain, after being confined to msjroow for eVerar days. "'"Mr. .ind Mrs. Rdfail GreeH uft Tuesday, for Fosil, Ora where they .Will join' their Son Prof: R. L: -Green. jyiiss Beulah JParrjs tof..Dillsboro wap seen on evenirtg.; APPfiflPRIATIOfIS MADE Bt StVEJtAL COOTIE FO CONTIN 1'ING CANNING CLUB W0B& licmies 01 " y. "iu ""jr give ght to de-1 up nfrith; but she gently answer- vviuv uui uiuici lu uciiy iiiy Lord and Master.. Arid so she died with her face shining like an -angerf, ! we are told. So ought all Christians to be faithful. Whenever or wherever our boys or girls are temped to do wrong, let them say in ihe words of Anne Askew, ' I come not hither to deny my Lord and Masters-Selected. Edgecombe County, one of the .gounties that has been in the .work for several years, has renewed its appropriation, of $50Q for 'carrying oa the work during the coming year. Three new counties--Wavnp wan and Beaufort have alsn m; ! tmto tfte orgamzationvwith the fine appropriations of $500 each. Anson, an old county, has renewed its ap propriations of $400. and Surry and our streets Sunday Wam nave Y.en. O and $200, ... respectively, for havi l ' a. L F Mbs Cora Jones. Drincil f !" 'J.nese wuntles fo- S..uext Greens Creek School spent SaTur- ; ,1' T COUnties are nw ! day and Sunday with Barents t' i hf Qrk.and the appropriations i Gay. :--"tcuineynave made shows the Augustus Cagle. returned hnm V. f. in which the inning work Friday after spending two months i pernimQT,. Jn with his uncle C. C. Cafife of Fernn. I i?rqu,mans Pasquotank have on vr Trvuuiliail Ul MIC World h'i im) mach for UiY i ; i ! i ; j Take a Certficate in the: Woodmen of the World,. The cheapest SAFE In surance tn ho haH .,.,,) "' UUU, ClliU. you get the benifit of a good Fraternal Society too, where you get hslp when you need it. See or write J. K.KENNEY, Deputy. Balsam. C. oi; C. B. McFEE Dist Manager ; Cantoa. N. a The Woodmen of the World. GREENS CHEEK. .'v.v ovuu iiiipiiauuea ner again in Newgate, and soon after that in the Tower. Then the cruel official proceeded made good use of the beautiful weather for the past three weeks in gathering corn and sowing wheat. Henry Green and wife returned with his uncle C. C. Cagfe of Fernan dina, Fla. G. W. Green is confined to his room with Rheumatism. There was a box Supper at View Point Friday night for the purpose of raising money to pay balance due on stoves. The necessary amount was obtained. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Estis, are spending a few days at Frankliu with Mr. Estis's father. There will be a revival meeting started at Old Savannah Baptist church Sunday night. Roy Sutton and family recently moved to Proctor, where Mr. Sutton holds a position with the Wlu. Rit- made appropriations of $100 each for having the clubs formed in th counties. These are the lowest ap propriations made by any of the counties of the State. Mrs. McKinnon, Bayne, Morris, Henly and Miss Schaeffer have been busy during the past week in pre senting the cause of the work be fore the different Boards of Com. nussioners and the results so far are very gratifying. edSRed m0r0CC0' "Pet The Spell of the Yukon." Finder return for reward to Manager Journal or notify Lewis J. Smith DARKE GRAY HAIR LOOK yOiG, PHOT Grandma's recipe of Sage Tea and sulfhur darkens so naturally that nobody can telL ' m Almost everyone knows that Sago Te and Sulphur, property compounded, brinp back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dandruff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is muggy and troubJe some. Nowadays, by asking at anv drur gore for "Wyelh's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," you will get a large bot tle of this famous old recipe for about 50 cents. Don't stay crray! Trv it! No o can possibly tell that you darkened vo-.:r hair, as it does it so naturally ar. evenly. You dampen a sponge or sfi brush with it and draw this tLrouph y.!: hair, taking one email ?trand at a tlrsi: by morning the gray hair disappears, ar : after another application cr two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy.