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-V At A'f v- v i v - - dJo , 7T I 1 ! i SYLVA.. N. C, JAC1918, sin eMKSSPSin BRUMS; UnQTll ITIFviti m with fis Svlva .Tannine (V ' , UUUllLill 1L.U $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE j brinflfinjl and lasting peace to the crisis is ncaring in; the; KUsso AaneacciiegotiatioMi-and;ia are uuu uv,"v - "and the bride has made her hornet t. 51th her sister for the past year. TR for the The Russian govern- rations . for off. nthas demanded that the con frence which was to- have con- gd on januaiy w,. Stockholm and has protested the German auuuae re occupied territory. A ". re- nf hoctilities' is notim- i ...u chnnld the Germans de- Y WESTieffi Something America and splenndidly; NalitnB. War Savings Committee s la mi. v. DiK;annan. uive nun h!ng .happenmmgj , ; a!! u,, you can Belieye "L. Lll '"f .'tl-'nis now thins that is hap- ve to against nts: Mr. and Mrs. Henry McKee, once carelessly spent are no v being Monday nfternnnn Tltn 9A'fiikati vr;-;-: - . , . - 0 JONES- DRYMAN Married at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Ira Gibson, Miss Minnie pryman and Mr. John Jones, the uuu win .11 is ;x:;Wit It.- ...... 1 pcuiugi uic uuui 01 irue inrnt, ana to your neighbor. ney and buy War msjStamps a hundred dollars Monday afternoon Dec. 24trren ftinfr- lw worth. their oldest daughter. Miss CW ""T'"'? ive dolkrs. and twenty-five cents. w : 7 . ' ' ytujjic tu ci uiccuer uLiuersianq- was married to Mr. Frank West, i - 0f the fact that unless we 'save head book keeper for the Ritter mdre and more of our earnings; and Lumber Company at Proctor. The use our savings wisely, we will have wedding was attended by only the a h'eavVnrice to nnv in thp fnt FARNERS TO MEET JANUARY 12TH family rnd rl .se friends of the con tracting parli w pastor The bride wore H0N.T.D BRYSON FOR -JUDGE. i he many friends of Hon. T. D. ! Bryson throughout this section will J On Jan. 12. at 12:30 at the Sylva be glad to learn that his name will Court Hou'e all Jackson County be presented to the people at the farmers are earnestly requested to next Democratic Primary as a can- meet for the purpose of organizing dictate for the Judgeship of this a farmers Club. The object of District. ; this club shall be not onlv to stim- This announcement does not come ulate interest in better live stock as a surprise to the people of the ! and farming,but also to assist farm- Ever y one knows that-America and the ceremony has been called the monev-mad i f. by Rev. J. A: Cook, nation .among the great powers. ! astor of th? Meihodist church here, jifst nS thp nprmn oh wiYi England a nntinn rtf On January 1, 1923 each $4.12 can b redeemed for $5.00, whici is gpodjferest on your money, paid youit the strongest government 0:1 earth J gray; witL accessories to match. Start the New Year by wherfc you can Saw MONEY. buying IMPORTANT TO REGISTTANTS. Get Your Cclee mrouii resh and get the best Coffee made. Coffee ; in cans loses its strength LARD 25 e. ' thllKfe 5 lb. pails S1.20 101b. " S2.40 In fact everything in Groceries R. E. DILLS CHEAPER so they called us a nation of dollar chasers. - And they were right. It is a fact that a great part of America's brain and energy has been given to the making of money, tot . until re cent years has America turned lis wealth into paths which have been followed' by European countries for generations past, such as govern ment aid in improving farm lands and farming methods, conservation of forests, development of water pow er for the direct benefit of the peo ple, and the betterment of rural conditions of living and travel, Vlany of thesa plans' have been so recently developed that the country has not.yet realized the full benefit therefrom, t A vast amount of na uonal wealth has been created, bu: only a small part of it has ; gone to those endsfwhich make livJJ ; con: ditibns finer and hetterfe . 4 , -r- ThelLocal Board will practically complete the mailing of question- airesHtis week. Every registrant has the right to appear before the BoarMand oojeet to the deferred classification asked by any other registrant, and if a classification yen which District as it has . been freely pre dicted for several vears that Mr Bryson was in line for this position and his many friends in every part of the district are confident of the triumphant issue of his candidacy. They urge that he has every quali- ers in buying at the lowest price and selling at the highest by plac ing them in touch with buyers and salesmen. Come; for your sugges tions are needed. Prof. Curtfs and other good agricultural authorities are expected. Farmers having grain, ficationfor the position he seeks. 11 v.estock or any .ot.her Products for That since entering upon the prac- ' " " ? tice of law he has been an untiring win put you in touch with markets. student of his chosen profession, You will find the County Agent in and has enjoyed an extensive prac- "is othce every Saturday. is given wnich is prejudicial to som$ other registrant any registran- haBihie rightto carry the -case by appgyto the District Board. Je Local Board desires to do en tire justice in all cases, but to do so must know fully the facts surround inhe particular case. You have a rjgjht now to inform the Board. 1 you remain silent and allow thelpoard to be imposed upon in niajing the classification, forever hepafter hold your peace, because yd$ will have failed to do your duV in informing the Board, and ifcf'you will be estopped to com- J c Extraysence has poinhand inHSftC f ihand with money mini:0uicklyl I Coleman C. ill&i&?BW4l&efiV tJt D. D. Hooper tice covering the entire field of legal controversy in this section. Mr. Bryson served t!ie people of the District as Solicitor for eight years, during which time it was often said of him that although firm in the discharge of the duties of his office, he was withal kind and cour teous to all and never too busy to listen to those who wished to con sult with him. And his friends point with pride to the fact that dailng his term of office .he always en deavored, and hi3 record shows that he did, save the Counties comprising the District as much expense as was possible in the discharge of his duty. Mr. Bryson is how a man of middle age, having just entered upon J. M. McClung. Co. Agent. HER TROUBLE IS GONE Airs. Thomas H. Davis, Montgom ery, lad., says she had trouble with her bladder and had doctored for several months without relief, wheu Foley Kidney Pills were recom mended and she commenced using them and got relief. They relieve backache, rheumatic pains, stiff swollen joints and kidney trouble. Sylva Pharmacy. adv. NOTICE. Scj.ce of North Carolina Jackson Comity WHEREAS, the undersigned is the owner and holder of a certain tax cer tificate in words and figures as follows: State of North Carolina, Jackson Coun- ty, I, J. W. Buchanan, T. C, of the his 44th year, vigorous in body and bounty of Jackson in the State of North mind, and his friends claim that he Carolina, do hereby certity that the lol 7 Co wan, Chairman. ec. i Sylva Collegiate Institute Sylva, N. C. I. Prepares young men and young womer. for enter ing any College. We now have students at W-ke For forest, Oxford, State Normal, and Maryville Colleges; also at the Univeisity of North Carolina. The school has represented in the student body of Meredith, the State Agricultural College; and Columbia University, II. Our students are filling and hae filled such posi tions as Register of Deeds. Clerk of Court, Cashier of Bank, etc. Some are preachers, teachers, lawyers, doc tors. HI. Our teachers were educated in such schools as Wake Forest, Chowan, Limestone nnd Danville Colleges, Southern Conservatory of Music, Southern Baptist The ological Seminary. Some of them have attended Uni versity of North Carolina, University of Virginia and Chowan College Summer Schooi. One has taken a University of Chicago Extension Course. We have ei&h teachers. IV. We have enrolled students this year from Stan ley, Buncombe, Haywood, Swain, Macon, Clay and Jack son counties in North Carolina, and from South Carolina and Georgia. V. Courses are offered in Piano, Voice, Education, EiMe, Sunday School Teacher-training, Art, Domestic Science and Domestic Art. , Spring Term begins January 1. 1918. Write for Catalogue. J. C. INGRAM, Principal. spent for non-essentials as for tKe nececsary things of life. This is particularly true of the cities, but it holds good for rural communities as well. Daring ihj year now clos ing the farming people, as a class, have made and spent more money lhan in ar.y recent years. What have they done with it? They know best whether it has gone for essentials, whether it has been w jse- i ly invested, whether it has been usd for the benefit of the country at large. The new thing which is happen ing in America is this: the country as a whole is awakening to the fact that no man can use his property for himselt alone. I he possession of money creates an obligation, on the part of its possesor, to aid his fellow man and his country through its proper use. This obligation takes two forms which seem contradictory yet are the same in effect: One: To keep money In circulation; Two: To save money wisely. Keeping money in circulation is the opposite of hoarding and hiding vour profits. Saving wisely means putting your profits to work in the P most productive way. What better way U there to use I your money than to lend' it to your it pmintrv at interest? Todav Ameri ca offers its people a splendid op portunity to help the nation, help the soldiers, to help themselves and to help to lessen the suffering ; would, if nominated and elected, brim', to the office of Judge, not only the experience gaiiied as Solicitor and active practitioner of oyer twenty years, bat also the vigor and aomty to aispatcn ousmess 01 a We are nearing the number for Utroug body and active, well trained lowing SYLVA RED GROSS a cnapter at Sylva and the work 1 going steadily on. Qii.iu accustomed to consider and described real estate in said County and State to wit; Fifte3n acres of laad, property of J. H. Alley Heirs, iu Casiiiers Township, was on the 7th day ot May 1917 duly sold by me in the manner provided by law for the delin quent caxes for the yaar 1916 thereon, amounting to Two Dollars and Fifty eignt cents, including interest and pen alty tnereon, and the cost allowed by decide promptly such questions as law to E. G. Lombard, for the said sum Lignty-nve members were re- are constantly presenting them- ported in the Christmas drive. s.,jves t0 a iudde for solution and The work room is well auenced Ulus SdVe tne county and tax pay anda box will soon be ready for ers much expense, shipment. Beta, Addie, Willets, Every day that Courts are un- vjiciivmc mm minci aic icpic necesRniy proincd means an a - sented in our membership list. We ditional burden of costs, aside from will be glad to add your name, if the necessary attendance of jurors, you are not a member of the Red litigants and witnesses, farmers are Cross. FARMERS' 1 N taken from their farms, business men from their business often tim s at the busiest season when the loss of a single day means much to them. ORGANIZED. Mr. J. M. Cunningham, of Glen- ville, was here Wednesday and was will be considered" by tha voters of telling us that he farmers of Ham- the District from a business stand burg (ownship have organized a point. That his age, experience and Farmers' Union with a membership ability to rapidly dispatch business of some thirty members. J. M. as well as his record in saving the of Two Dollars and Fifty-eight cents. being the highest bidder for the same. Aud I further certify that unless re demption is made of said real estate in the manner provided by law, the said E. G. Lombard, his heirs or assigns, will be entitled to a deed therefor, on aud after the 7th day of May A. U. 1918 on surrender of this certificate. lu witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this 7th day oLMay A. D. 1917. J. W. BucHANAN,'T."CT-r Now, Whereas, after diligent inquiry uo one can be found in the possession of said property and upon diligent in quiry tiie persons in whose name the Mr. Bryson's friends and supporters iaud was taxed orhsted can not be urge that these matters should and found in Jackson County. THEREFORE, Know all men and pardcularly-J. H. Alley Heirs that the undersigned purchased said lands on the 7U1 day of May 1917, and that the same is desribei as above and that the sale was uia-Jo fur delinquent taxes for the Cunmnhgam was elected Pres., i. F. Count of expenses made s Solid- ear Jl5 aud that tue time ot" redemp- Moss Sec. and Treas. tor all commend his candidacy to Mr. Cunningham also tells us that the favorable consideration of the they are circulating a petition people of the District, through their township to present In temperament Mr. Bryson is to the County Commissioners put- firm, yet courteous and agreeable: ting them under the Sylva-Dills- by character an honorable, christian boro-Cullowhee road law. He says gentleman. that they will soon have the required born and reared among the pec number of signers, but they want to pie of thif District and having a feel get as many as pssible ing of pride in the place of his birth, MRS. SARAH SI1ERR1 L DEAD- he is one of the people and can and Mrs. Sarah Sherrill, who has been does rejoin with them in their j y, in bad health for the past several aud reel for and with them in the.r I years, died Wednesday evening Dix j alfli. ions traits of character which tion will expire on the 6th day of May 1918, and if the same is not redeemed on or before that date as is required by law it is the purpose of the undersigned to take a deed thereto. This the 2nd day of January, 1918. E. G. Lombard, Purchaser. OI OieeUlllg iUlUpC. LU- "lO... ,;ft, ltlalmmPllt hafH.llifirPP woman and child in America should j p w Kincaid, at Dillsboro. turn every dollar and quarter into j was 'seventy-eight years old and is! ilii. iiis iriends ure render him the OiTice of War Saving Stamps. It is a good j investment, and at the same time the biggest-hearted thing you can do for humanity. Do you believe in the brother hood of man? Do you want to see s'lffcring and bloodshed come to an survived by four daughters. Mrs Mashburn of Blue Ridge, Ga., Mrs Chas Snyder, of Old Fort, Mrs. P. W Kincaid and Miss Bonnie Sherrill, liarly fitted to hold Ju l,;e of this Distri Mr. Bryson has always been u true Democrat, among the leaders of his party in this section, and has HAD THE GRIP THREE WEEKS With January comes lagrippe Lingering colds seem to settle in the system, causing one to ache all over, feel feverish and chilly, tired, heavy and drooping, Mrs. Lizzie Tyles, Henderson, Ky.. writes: "My daughter had -lagrippe for three weeks. I gave her Foley Honey and Tar and now she is all right" Sylva Pharmacy. .'adv. of Dillsboro and four sons, Messrs. I always cheerfully given of his time Ed, Jack, William and M. A. Sner rill, besides a large circle of cchcr i MAlnt-ltTAA n - "1 -P Ar s r end? Do you want to hasten thei""vco a '"CUUB- splendid day wl-ji all the people' me tunerai was neld Friday at will stand shoulder to shoulder, Webber MethoJi eajrea. 0: w,:-? oi hmw n,iPPfnl and free? If &he had long been a member, nA f x w x von do. lend vour money to the world, your own. ) Help America tu etery interment was in the Webster cem- and ability to the cause that he behev'ed right. His friends claim that his experience, legal attainments cisH"--::t'-i -iiiaent!;v i'n hsm for jude did confidently predict his ! nomination at the hands of his r- jt', -.1 GETS GOOD RESULTS QUICKLY These few lines from J.E. Haynes, McAlester. Okla., deserve careful reading by every one who values good health: "I find no medicine age which acts so mildly and quickly and ! with 2ood results as Folev Cathartic iaUeio. They empty the stomach and bowels giving all of the digest ivergans a healthy action." K1; : r 1 : i- 1 5. J : L't -l .-4 k-Tt ' . - . i 1 J i i i t - 1 - ; J