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Stephens6i rmm ; $ 1 1-.. VOL. I NO. 7 SYLVA,- N." G,jUN::ll 1918, $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE Hear judge at Atidito ivionaav iwmik' Jaci Ji . . 1 - V--,;.., . : ... , CAMP CHATTER. (By 0- Dan Tompkins) o'clock in the afternoon and contin ued until 1 the next morning. Your correspondent being unable to get home for Christmas, HAP PENED there at 4. As I walked .a the band was striking the first uote of the first tune, and a num ber of couples were out on the floor beginning to swing to the rhythm of a one-step. In the cen ter of the floor was a larhe tree. Weekly WNews Diges r Stories of Activitb Jgl Conditions Through out the United -Slafjt6 and on the Battle Fronts, from Vashington, D. C. Christmas at Camp Sevier was given added cheer by the coming into Camp of a small party of very lovely and gracious ladies who tleot ed to leave their homes and spent ,i:wof dais with the soldiers iu" , , - i .... i: :i i jisi . toetathevanonsx.n . u a. mu 1'..,. Armv i ,00noo mn. 37.50aBtive associations or- thior emii(s nieir ui liic liiii h mref srar. i n nnnr i . jj.,: i u e i. ? . HUB " 1111 w -m -o - " - Crops of Army Nurses Must be increased nearly 1,090 per cent in year. JUDGE STEPHENSON SHALL I RAISE i u SPEAK AT SYLVA jORE ClS? AMI IfllVHFF muwtWMULU Many are thinking about produc Jud2e Gilbert T. Stenhenson. Field ing more but arc 8di uccid' &,m 5 to 5 and 1 half per cent to Secretary of the War Savings Fund because of the high price of com 11 applications which have not yet for North Carolina wiii visit Jack- and fencing material. been approved. According to. estimates based ion Borrowing is done through coop- -ri.-: , a i e i . ? entertainms v . - - . . nnp9 will hp pp Thp nrpulu uyidnuers.eacuassociaion ...i Wm nf thPir nres- around, tne tree was rieflrwl And " re.S:x i n " SOngS uliu iuc wi.ut.w v ... r--- - - ofrpndth nf thp Armv Nurs cms uuiupusea ui iu or more lar- Tncaswellas distributing apples a negro was busy sprinkling h with or and other lOKens ui " fellowship to those in quaran tine and the few who are m tne, stockade. The Y. M. C. A. at the Field Signal Battalion was , foriunate enough to be the first to receive a visit from these ministering angels. We all gathered in the tent and the secre tary introduced us first to Mrs. Aider the good lady under whose auspices the entertainments were being given. She is the wife of a soldier and the mother of soldiers, her husband being a Major in the American ex pedetionary forces in France, one son an ambulance driver in Fland ers, and still another son a mem ber of the Machine-gun Battalion at corn meal. The stage, upon which was the bandj was decorated with American and Regimental flags and to the delight of every tarhee present, a large North Carolina flag. The galleries were suitably decor ated with evergreens and patriotic decorations. Two negro boys were busy trucking in crates of Orange Whistle and other bottled goods of brands that would meet with about 3.800. To increase this Uum- ko, k nur 1 non . n0nt in bsT i the farm loan rj u.. - jcnartered year is uie las&s luucu uy uic wiuai? . TOwing at least $20,000. Ud to Dan board had 1,830 such cooperative School children to coal shovels son county, Monday, January 14th. He will speak at Cullowhee at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon and at the Sylva auditorium Monday night at 7:30. The War Savings campaign is Camp Sevier. .She was accompa- Hospitals at Army camps cantonments still need nurses to bring the quota for each up to the minimum of 65 consider ed necess ary, although since the urgent need for nurses was made public in Doc ember nearly 2,000 requests for the approval of the Military Police. aPPllcat,on bljnks have "u rep-. n i e u:u:i.: I cui state, or William J. Bryan. A num ber of ladies were engaged in hand ing out bananas, oranges, apples,; cake and in otherwise spreading joy. i ne Dana was playing, ana soon iho boys and girls were getting attainted well enough to crowd nipH hv Iipp daughter. Miss Aldei J n mH hv Misses Simms and Smith " Miss Si'Tuns is a young lady with i. woiiidcrful voice and a gracious smile, v!iJ, I firmly believe, wciiu be willing to sing and smile for the rest of her days if it gives pleasure to someone vise, and it does. In order to get the enroll men is up to the needed number some of the requiremeats heretofore imposed have been waived. According to estimates there are between 80,000 and 90.000 registered nurses in the country and about 200,000 other graduate and practical nurses. the floor with dancers, and the big gest Christmas celebration ever held Call for Bricklayers is South Carolina was under way. for work in Trance Later in the evening the dancii g Goes to Boar is gave way to the choir of 200 girls The filst reqniaiJon ,ri ;th new selective-service The StaSpangled Banner. The for bricklayers. In ,he u,.,iiu Twn f fcM- call the Provost Marshai Gener: ! of Greenville and the tem. 'ttk The Herald Angels -' tion of South Carolina.! Sii.a! It Came Upon a Mif$ TWkMNI Unly wrutf men are waiueu. X.. on jfrmiuury ao The fuel administration expects 6ol children throughout the co ntry to do the tagging work oiv Blag Your Shovelday" which has Sen set for January 3D, p! vav i make it i school holiday. iu in s extra enurt to save coai r war purposes the Fuel Admi.iis ration wil try to get a tag on every ovel in the country Oa the face each tag aie the words; "Savt at shovel full of coal a day i &ncle ham. Oa the reverse s dc are hints for saviag coal. under the regulations As to the former the U. S. Food Commission has given essuraace that the price of our 1918 crop cf hogs shall be 13 to 1, that Is 100. ! The folks Piedmont Section of South Carolina ? Sing! It Came Upon ot together and decided to give . Ceart (me All Ye Faithful, Silent liic ou lien at jrim v ivi nas party that would be bered or many a day. I hey secured j 'oancj accomphaiment. Ahogethe v the larjje hall of the Southern Tex- j was n most enjoyable occosion. tile B linding for tho base of their1 Mr. O B. Oownrd of Webster was ,pcr '. ! ;;p-v "-stjd wt VXir'w iyi with hi lh(.i raised a muu -i (noiie fuu-tp Sesgsant J. Q Coward of the Vi.i-t 1 . . . 1 TIT 1 1 I 1 wuxiat- iMiofii- . nv rn rne worm, ami ouier I .!- " ' . remem-1 nnnrnnrinte selections, each -nth a They report to the avian n tion, Signal C orps K ;lly Ficid, Antonio, Tex. federal loans arious materials used to provide equip meat for fighting man ; row matv nais of many km are needed for 'the .equipment i United States troops. I' Jute, sii fir Mini linpn mII f? it-l iKolr- i7ou to ne uruioTin ot an mtantrymcn in addition to the wool and coifo . - - - A half oauceof siU is use ! in li stan.sfd yellow gloves and ly larger quantity in the ridiM moves MIh r !so c- pounds of pork will sell . for tbd now on in Jackson county. Un same prise as 13 ousnels oi corn. In next Monday, the 14th, Judge Gil- other words it seems that the price bert T. Stephenson of Wiuston- 0f corn b to be the governing factor Salem, who is Field Secretary for . . the War Savings Campaign for North Carolina, will make his first " will soon be Ume to select ft official visit to Jackson county. He Piece of land and prepare it for hog is opening his campaign in this pasture. This land should be plow county and we should do all in our ed as early in the winter or spring p .wer to make it a success. as possible. After thorough pre Oa Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, paration, 5 pounds of rape. 6 pounds he will speak at ihe CulloA'hee Nor- of clover and '1 bushel of oats should mai and Industrial, School and all be seeded per acre very early in the are invited to attend. Let every spring. The hogs should be turned m tn woman andchild in the com on the crop as soon as it is 8 to 10 ma-iity and also ia the adjoining inches high. A good acre of such soaiiiiunities be present and hear pasture will supply 15 spring pigs his address. He is a splendid speak- for the rest of the year. About 2 or and will give us all a vivid in- pounds of grain fed per 100 pounds ;i b: jf the great task we are up of live weight in addition to the rv. ist. It has simply come to the pasture will keep the pigs in a i iu . t his great war in which we thrifty growing condition, ire engaged that we are goh-g to Another piece of land should be to Miake sacrifices, and it wii; pl-uted in soy beans May 20-June. soonb : question as .to whether The soy bean thrives on quite a va our sacrifice will he- MON " -Y fiety of soils even this landjf planted o r B O Y S. Uear.Judge m rows and cultivated. ' Duggar s-.e"i-;iensoi4 aiid he will tell you found the soy bean gave better re-. jui 1 you can serve' your country in turns than any other forage crop v ;mlug":his war wkhemt. sacrinc- for hogs. This crop will-- be-jts&p. )m eiihereid thCT for pasture cbLtn iscLfcOT it itjtely necessary National Honor. At 7:G0 o'clock that nighr, he will M'vjres.s a mass meeting at the iiidi-onum at Sylva to which every- toT sustain' our matures or when theihxt poCjts: in to turn brown. If ths-hcs xr - i Allowed to run in the woods a fewA weeks to consume the acorns and'-' Miner nurs koids ui wcsic iauca ning into the thousands to provide j wire Co, of the Field Signal -Battl-the entertainment and refreshments j nnd his other friedns and neigh Fhey l:,.d a choir of 200 girls, Three jhors Aho are encamped at Camp military Danas voiunteerea tneir Sevier. servir-s. A bottling concern offer- Master Signal Electrician C. A. ed to give all the soda pop needed. So the Junior Woman's Service League went to work, with the co operation of the other folks and had a Christmas tree, as was a Christ mas tree and invited all soldiers of every rank and degree to come to their party and bring a bunch of friends. Up to D eem 'er I, had been naid out to tanners . - i 5 per cent lo 4 lime loans, .r:c lllg 10 a repot t cviveini iuj wci tions of the .12 Federal land banks rhe total of loans approved, in Bales and Sergeant 1st class Ben eluding those closed and those avya I . ' . - W. West of the Radio Company king verification of title and otner have gone to ihe Signal Officers formalities, is $105,136,529. Training Camo at Leon Springs, The interest rate under the farm w . , i i , A Tovoa loan svstem nas ueeii muicaacu a v Auva I "Top" Sargeant John H Morris, $23,324,65; "iviussej parl.ivorj nut, ad boi-.-f. ivii iti iic uuiio is on t: iier:v.t n- ichjs of the ua.iunn. Aiuaiiau-ii is used in the bayonet scabburd, canteen, cup, knife, and meat can In the .slicker are 9 and a half oun ces of rubber.- Horse hide and leather, wood iron, steel, bronze, brass, zinc, cop per, tin and lead are used in vari ous articles.' Servant Elsie Dillard. Harry Bueh- talion had the pleasure of spending Unah Servant C. L. Rhinehart and Christmas at home, but are back The festivities started at 4 ! a few others from the Signal Bat now hard at work on the old job, trying to learn how to uck tne -. . t t ...i t. t i C-r-a wm vk savea wueu mc uu- ui 6-. 4iooi ciniuicu uc picacui, ua i ue rcauy iu laucu. a' J rhe members' of the Rr!- ixonomy ir of prime importance orh-r IdndrJ vty u any enterprise. When we "hog ;Oji. i ne ptoyie ai iumc wm lx yn ciupa uic uugs uu nin umi r ; I i x! I. .... . as mucn a iactor in yvinmug una i narvesung aeuce we boc wuvi. war as the soldiers abroad, if each the Mitf. Experimental Station will understand his place and do I found that the ratio of the cost of his bit. Come to these addresses I fencing lor nogs comparea to nusx- i 1 1 m nlnnA to in I t. una 1 O. 1 -V 'ITlftf' ana learn wuerc yuui yiatc w urewiu nao w - uo the rank s. I is the cost of busking the corn is 2 ALLOTMENTS EXPLAINED ducea is as esseuuat iu wuuuus uc war as a shell. The worlds s shortegs of swine is 6.000,000. A government Start the New Year by buying where you can Saw fWNE! Get Your Coffee can and will. We are all after the fKo r Fvprnntion Board. I J F UUViu -m f . Kaiser and his rules and he is ours: Gentlemen: Complaints are con- stantly coming to me that indicate recently stated that we- war. but sooner or . later they will inai oepuucuip ui naumed 96.4 ner cent of our hogs Kaise.. U;. .... :u. ' fully unaerstana warn is u y, Q Anrznt 1917 . . t " -tiu iiuuiiuui. u mcy uuu i wane uu I . . . j . u u Kntntn Morean. uaney ndiuuci ' t . bp none m oroer 10 secure iuci . fc . . - . . " " , tr 1 and do their hit. Did vnn drpam ' u.. .u. n 1 inose mierestca iu bwiub arc re- and mil Asne are ys o , ... ----- allowance mue uy u.c wnu- ferreu to Extension Qrculars 25, 42. daysinayiva. 4 UA '"s "' tient-tn men uruucu-.b. , Farmers Bui 411 U S. Miss Lena Ashe was here at nor did the other fellow. Wc ere I -be case of a wue or child rre . rf Bomay procured Christmas time visiting tier twj m lt. When we are sen; Genua, y 1 w compels an allotment oia por- ; Q WptPft"piuh N CI . brothers' Bunyan Ashe of the En- will wish there had never been any ti;?r of the soldier's wages and this tii-'hmi u h mMt gineer Train and mil Asne oi me united states. We know lathers, i upplementec ny a scneuuie ui ical DrodUcer of meat find Radio Company, ne was accum- motners, wives ana sisters are look- all- w mce? wirn wuicu ywu die nmfitable than anv other dc IUV V - w - panied by a friend, another young : mg t0 us n t only lady who is a teacher in the Wake Dut to all America. FresSa and get the best Coffee made. Coffee in cans loses its strength LARD 25c. the ib. 5 lb. pails $1.20 10 lb. " $2.40 In fact everything in Groceries R. E. DILLS CHEAPER County schools. Camp Sevier, December 31. rum euico hmi uLliL try us soldiers. nriMifsr. ve ? a" o n FROM time to waste. Gud help m to a finish and we are victo ioos. John Ruble ICgg-s- To The Jackson County Folks: As the old saying is: we aie here because we are here. But we aie not in the many camps because wt are here, but fur a great cause for 1 you and me. The quiet streets i 1 old Sylva will tdl you so. When j you read of o jc brave de eds n ml UU1 A v J - they will soon home, rsut cant do this unless you folks r. and 1 LITTLE HERBERT HAMPTON V M Last Thursday afternoon while Herbert ft, ol our 6 'year age, son of Mr. and Mrs L H. ton, and James, the ron of ' Mrs. J. T. t.'oi;t v.erf ;t p ?. from one of thfir avt r'.ll : litle tiber i fiadii-.a that ah oper-ioa w th f r v rh. Ik !a i f lis h a. t ot;eau l (it-. Q P i respect to depeiiaents otner wife or chi!.i it is necessary fuiiei imself to make a t oVnfc pay and ;qu-; addiiioiiRl allow :,ade by tbe Gsvemment; in nis th 'iptidenis must rV.r vi. ' )l.P '?..A('.eT. 1 jioiibt that iii rnaii n :.;! iff c r'- colir'ctii'JC :eir ii.u - 5 a..d ivndt:; a portion heir rjf poiKieuts. This ; l.'e -r ii cats rre v rt' tiving aiiy- ;;-"h4: (i ivcrr-inr. U the mt stic animal. Moreover the swine breeder does not require lsrge cap ital. ' 'r : The writer will be glad to confer with any one interested in swine, either at his office in Sylva or else where. Don't forget the Farmers' Meet ing, January 12th, at the Court House. J.M.McCuwc.Co.Agt IlLLSBOItO RED CROSS it -? -et id seems to be. MurTcring lu; Vir.mfl hack as ud. Nowii the unu , a not after we are dead and dying. inconvenience on i Recount ot tu: : nn- mon-3 w .r PppH thi'. accident. . 11119 19 uui uiuu u " Bible and it will tell you so. We oro dPttina on in this war. Why? 14 VS v.r-, Because one nation after another is i finding out and getting lessons of Germanism. German influence must and will stop and we are going to ' 4 -; a'' the j ail(. 1 he ladies of the Dilkboro Red . . ' .ea mn r MtJir iirzi rvMi waf r n v-i iiin iviiu-i his meeting held Tuesday afternoon efidUiomd vj t t .Lt .... hnt r:- criuiuopcvi allow- several nosyum ujfi were vui wuw provicied by the Govern ment and work begnn on them. 1 be sent to his-dependents thw will ! Ihe ousiness men oi uw rown Both families were almost pros-', )e doile. Please give this the, widest .1 . ..... trated with grief, but Herbert tells J possible publicity and call this m them that a "wooden man cannot : formation to the attention of all be hurt" and is now going on with dependents of soldiers in your coun his play and studies like a veteran Uy. Very truly yours, of many battles. Pauls Valley, T. W. Bickett, " (Oklahoma) Enterprise. ( GovenWr, were very successful in the Christ mas drive. They reported seventy new members. They were also kind enough to prepare a placs for the ladies wcrh room,ehtD toxoid Q rcjy Mi? -.Mi . 3!;.; life 4 i ' P. ' 5 ft .1" - i 1 , 't v A - I . K r-- . -. ; , J ,' ' i ... ... . -1 - 1. Is'!' (!; i M Ft' S i 'i I: i I 9 Mi" - , i .i i stop it If we can't, who can? We