Newspaper Page Text
1.. ii mm o VOL I NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C, JAN. IB 1918, $150 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE miHiE STEPHENSON VISITS JACKSON CO. 1Mb' Ai) GIRLS' CLUBS? Jud Winston o Gilbert T. S'epenson, of Salem. Field Secretary for Weekly War 1fews Di gest Stories of Activities and Conditions Through out the United tates ancl on the Battle Fronts, ffom Washington, D. C. Dovs'and girls, years after th war some little boy or girl may ask; you: "What hart did you take in the treat world jrvar?" What will your u Nnrth Carolina War Savings answer be? Will it be that you did fmmittee. made his first official nothing, or will it be that you "did sit to Jacks. County on Monday your mite" by raising a pig, chickens Vf this week. While the weather or an acre of (torn to feed the hun- as so extremely bad that it be- gry soldiers who are willing to give W me necessary for him to cancel their lives if necessary, for you and' his engagement at Cullowhee, yet their country? , his time was completely filled, mak Germany has more hogs than she Win all five speeches while here, had at the beginning of the wm 1 0a Monday afternoon he visited Kile the ho' herds of the Allies the SyWa Tannery and Superintend- have nearly c'd been consumed, nt Pov ers assembled his men in even many of the breeding animals. the "pan house" where the matter The number of hogs in the TJ. S was presented to them in a very has been reduced. Illinois wh)ch onH forceful way by the speak- usually proper next to the largest u.. - " ruf. ic 1Q17 v. lob I Hn ovtront flPnnrr- mirrKr rvf U.xrta r,i-l UC1UIC 1J. ACrif. IliC aov leaving vauuvi iiuiuuvi ui ""go vi any oiaic jii mc I m , - show a total of about 62,000,000 no more to prepare for planting j; bushels, which is 20,000,000 bushels and cultivnting'a field with a good (ies3inaniniyibauaaDoutiu.uuu,uuu -stand- of than one a APPLICATION FOR INSURANCE BY FIG -TING MEN NOW NEAR $3,000,00,000 Application for war-risk insur ance by men of the Army and Nav have nearly reached the 3r 009,000,000 mark, and continue o come in at a rate of about $65,000, 0Q0 a day I The average amount applied for per man is $5,630, the average having incresed steadily since the act went into effect, Oc tober 6b For persons who joined the colors cottage is full of little children.' "Thus the bailiff of the estate a bloated landlord turns a family tin less than was estimated in the sum mer, when the populace was put on bread rations. The authorities are already considering a further re duction in the allowed consumption. The food situation in Switzer- of iiftnri ia rniHIv fnlMncS tr tht Aanrtnr poor "stand. ' In selecting seed corn one should have clearly in mind what he- con considers a perfect ear 'of corn and select .only ears that approach that jdeal type. This ear is about 9. inches long and 7 inches in circum- wm eight consumption in many of th coun- tatIt Aodd taeV on midwimer while he man is at he tries at war has already been order- slightly and approach a cylindrical front. Comment takes care of itself. pH TTnrthpnAw rAdniotmnuha , FK . . : . .vbu.MuU iorm. ine rows oi Kernels gnould er. On Swiss may have only a pound and ftt as closely as possible together, a half of sugar per person per while. the kernels should be deep, month. The bread ration has been . The- termination test can he mnA fixed at fixed at about half a pound in a box inches deep and 3 . by. a aay. ana ine Duuer rauon ai one- 5 feet This hmr wnuM hn lord. enough to test 100 ears. Fill the bpx.upto one inch from the top sawdust A Diece of COUNTRY BOYS NOT PHYSICAL LY SUPERIOR TO THOSE LIVING IN CITIES According to records of the select ive service, country boys do not fifth of a pound a month. show much physical superiority over those of the cities. For pur- Bovs and girls1 clubs in northern I with urat , L!nJi tiA vnoin KniM. tt c ...:n u., ' " 11 .i.. dav for amoving for Government ment ana reaciiiug-vj. win liavc a vciy smau surplus - w . - ; L .k tnnnprv. President E. L. next vear. insurance Is February 12, 1918. In- JUgui""' l .. . . . . . UantWra ofPnrfo aro hnind mnriA hv i OI COUntieS OI the MrKee suspended operauons ior a ortn uaroima nas been asked by wv. - - eU. S. government to increase ru,u,uwlllB utuw ; l.i 1 L . srT jt f Ha short time and gave all his men an the pose of comparison selection was and western. States pledged for war white muslin should then hi laid made of cities of 40,000 to 500,000 service in gardening, canning, poul- 0ff in checks large enough to hold population, ana a corresponoing.sei try raising, and otner emergency go grains of corn and spread oyer of.counties of the same total size, enterprises have more than 8O0.0OO the-moist sawdust. The checks examinauon 0.4 members. - - hnnMhonnmUwi 100 . 1 . - , f t V VIVi, w ' nirvtn have the matter of her number of hods this vear 1 20 000. tneir men tase insurance Deiore R uiluculy u p wC1c ic- ine winier oi . wio-ii was correspond, with each ear to be OUUVi iuu; - I ' ' 1 . j r . ' .. . j a a1 I m, . ... . ' I that rlnfp most disastrous the range .stockmen I tested, which are now on the floor which the country boys. SPRING PLOWING IN WILL BE DONE BY TRACTORS 4 FROM AMERICA To increase France's crops and mi -ru, ftft,im, rtn thft nart of the officials should raise at least 1 R00 mnrp. hodsl Ane maximum amount lllC av.iv v r . - ' o i l.i , . rtt , r lordAct mflnnfactunnhPYt vpar than nsna Thp knWfi mmj w wku uj uiauu vir, OI ""b" " u,'iu AA DldDt in HI" VAUIlljf ""a l in vi gnio oiiuuiu iv.-puwi iu IU1, Vail . .1 It ; 1 1 . i i -iotori and rnpir DHiriuiic sci- nv miniiis tne nis num. vice is commended to all. Results The agricultural colleges have I WAR CR?MTS GRANTED TO AL- j u., -rAv nnmft from the efforts shown that hogs can be raised and LIES BY UNITED STATED , jia I " I tat a r rTTcn & a nnn nnr nrvn hjlV i i r i.,. nut forth to start the men working fattenci cheaper in the South than iiLuiwflw. , to ngiuru iue uurucu ui . uu u fn these two plants to saving, in in any other section of the U. S. In Warcridits extended to foreign oW men. women and ch. Wren 1,500 111 uito r 1 . . . . form trootrkra tA7il dr tr ths-it fAlli'.- thatmore war stamps have been thi, ir.ild climate expensive housesUiovernments since tne unitea ;,B- I r r ? sold at this plant than at any other are not needtd, but in th- North States entered the war total $4,246. Dlace in the County so far. stoves r:re used m the expensive 400,000. Of this Great Brfttain re- On leaving the Tannery, Judgr houses to keep the pi?s warm- Stephenson next visited the Sylva Moreover, quite a variety cf graz- 285,000,000; Italy, $o00,000.000;Rur Collegiate Institute where Prof. In- crop ran be grown, thus reducing sia, 325,000,000; Belgium, $77,400 in rojW3 Bndflumred 1, 2, 3, etc. of ihe West have ever known. The - - . 1 I lamb crop for the entire West was 20-kerneis of corn from each ear . ... FRANCE 15 to 20 per cent below the aver- are placed on the check having the ge. aud the calf crop was consider ably below normal. same number as the ear. The. box should then covered gram very kindly suspended his the cost of pork production as the 1 000; Serbia, $4,000,000. work for one period so that the rovn4 season of ths south is much mat'fr,if"wcr savings" mitilit be :onger han in the r-orth. presented to his teachers aiid pupil Since the U. S. Food Commission alike. On Monday - night in the has given assurance that thejpi ice Baptist church, the speaker deliv- of hogs' next fall shall be governed ered a stirring patriotic address to bv the price of corn there is "no pos a large crowd, in which he brought sible chance to lose in this game of home to them the realities of the raising pigs, for it means that hoge war and the propositions which we will sell ior 26 cents per pound were up against, closing his address when corn is worth ?2.00, that if. with en appeal to the people cf the 13 to i. County to invest in the "war Any boy be; ween the ages of 10 savinrs fund so that Jackson Uoun-j ana is years may necome a iv not fall behind in its nuot- club ircmcer. ut he uiiiPt maoc re J ItlV T w v I ment at 'ebSl one P and care for it hiui- try from the United o ates. ine first hundred are already on the way, and the whole number will be in France by March, in time for the spring plo ing. Deck space wab provided for the first shipment on a naval transport, bcnools ot in struction will be orgauizod. The acreage sown to crops il ifce uninyjfdedLportion of France in lhi'i aabom:l 000000t) -lcssmhair' & iL - XT... 1913. or 24.4 D3r cent. The lncfeaa- nurses ior ine niiy iurs?i orp3 , , , certain requ-iements hava bee;i ed froduotlon lhrou?h lhe us! 01 ! tractors WalVCU 1U1 IJiC JJCliyU Ui llig vr31 emergency. Registered nurses are experiments in a private plant hav ;n elread . developed a comp.n'- ivesy rraccessiui suiuiion. 4 Ut 0 CROSS CHAPTER LOWifR REQUIREMENTS FOR AD MISSION ; 0 ARMY NURSE ' . CORPS . . Because ot the great feed for this year is expected to greatly impiove ihe food situation. IN preferred, but. registration tav waived. Nurses between the ages of 21 and 45 will row be coieidered. as well as tiios vho arc gtr-:k-- j u P i in the United States during ihe lirbi Under rhe temporary revision of 111 UKr v" . & . . 'GERMAN ALIEN ENE 1ES UMiLO blAihb MUbi "' REGISTER AmoTiil the regulations for J w reisirutiou ui German uhen eiienuta the n.i Tnpwlnv morning J u d fie sell. Keen a record ot teea ana pas- ... .1 a-n a . 1 i I mIm 4- V rxv 41 "V" 111 1fri T f mil. SteDhenson visited the Dillshoro tures used, rne pig must be weigneq u"-ucy c4uucu f Graded School and spoke for thirt when bought as well as when sold chane new uniforms. minutes to the students, teachers in order to determine the gain and a nurse traveling unaer oraers is and patrons, explaining to them the cost of the gain. given a nm class ticket, ruiiman campaign in which he is so deeply Each member of the club must car accuiuuuauuus, mm uav interested. The students and faculty agree to s'udy the instructions sent expend uut iu cu a pir snnnnrt bv theU. S. DeDartment of Agri h ;n, culture. Each member 8honld send GERMAN PAPER TELLS HARD tnrirfo c0nKonCnn i thmwind his one ni to the County Fair. The inivp ur suluilk d r amii, i V UV1KV UIVUUVIIUVU w w...--o I jr w - I . i f Tnnntv Fair miwt ine uommiuee on rumic miumi- .nfinH u o wnv whinh Uond nis to the State Fair. : Either ation nas made tne loiiowing trans aim u ui ovii kiiift ii a am u nu; . i x"o - i . , . l i i mi if in iii h Kim v auucciiiiiu ui October 15, 1917, issue of the Leip zeiger Volkszeitung: "A sample of the fashion after which bloated landlords treat the will have a lasting effect upon his pure-bred or grade pigs may hearers. He is one of the leaders provided, as the club member may among the young men of the State, desire. It is important to join as He has given Up a lucrative practice soon as possible. UlRiAtM . rin. work in order U.rv similar to ihe nifi clubs. As wives of sold.ers lias been brought that he may &erve his country here it is impossible for the County so that it may be prepared to meet Aent to see all boys and girls of A fire proof solution for treating with a saturated blotting paper or airplane fabrics is a thing which woolen cloth and set in a warm msv be realized in the near future?. P1" Bwmiuaie. ii conaiuons are favorable germination should start in five days. It should be bo tne in mind that three things are essential for germination; air, moist ture and heat - The ears that do not germinate and those lowest in fSR UfKSflN rilllMTY vitaliy as 8hown y the weak I Mil d.iUlltlUll UUUllI f Unimitaorkprnplsfailind tn drmi. nate . should not be used for seed, for Me are pleased to announce that Ly wiji cause vacant spaces in he Iva Branch of the Red Cpss I the field. If one kernel from each will --hereafter" br r knowtr as the spjice fails to gemmate U per ceafe-, v Jackson County Chapter of "The age. of germination, is dsC Tiidicatiotf jfa Ani'rrican Red Cross, having juris- fair- sed corn. ' An inch of the aicl:m over ail Branches and Aux- tip grains and a ' half inch of the iUaries in the county. . y butt grains should be discarded. An Auxiliary has been formed Under ordinary conditions when a Cullowhee, f;nd is now working corn is first husked in the fall it ihroudh our Chapter. They .have contains about 35per cent moisture. nfty members and wer anticipate this year more. If it is allowed to v itioi le donations fro... them. Mrs. ireoze in that condition ' the germi M. buchauan, Mrs. E. L. McK ;e and. uatiun ot; the corn 13. greatly leduc M.S. Mary Brinson will visit the ed. Hencelt is im'portant to dry work room this week, demonstrat-, the seed as Quickly as ; possible. It sng ihe work being done by ' iie takes a long time tor the ear to 6ylya Chapter. : - ; dryjfndt husked. . Mn. M. D. Cowan, chairman ot ii e seed ears may. De taxen to the purchasing committee, reports thehouse, (ied in stfings of 15 ears that through the courtesy of the on each side and suspended on Wilson Brothers, she has been able wires which are fastened to the 10 secure one dozen bolts of unrlceiling or rafters. . ; , ;J. M. McClung, Co. Agent at first cost. For our second shipment we have on hand forty finished bed shirts, tiftAPn Hnren handaiies and twenty ...frt niiiowR. Paiamas and other A base hospital designated juiiyit K"" . Ti; r - ie.s will be rdded before ship V vo auu scrvcu oy norm w Oiii. pnysicians a-a nurses, pro- the needs of our boys when they go "over there." DR. J. C OWEN CALLED TO FRENCH BROAD CilURCIi Rev. Dt. J. C Owen has been called as pastor of the French Broad Avenue Baptist church by the board f deacons. The call was extended last Wednesday night at a meeting of the board and announcement cf the call was made yesterday after noon. Rev. Dr. Owen is missionary evangelist for the Baptist Home Mission Board and is well known to the Baptists of the "south. He lives to our attention from Upper Lange nauin Selisia. On of the hired r rw Mtirlltir'c adrifnltnrsil the county this announcement is - . - . . . dven in order that those interested estate has been for a , , t , . nr c.,i. the front, nis wne, wm wunv may see him at his office atbylvb me num. . o j pd alongside her husband, before Court House any Saturday or wnte J K nanus anu ducuiuiugiy iciwuu this 1 wo m 1 ... J l nnooiUo f,r miv nnes. otter fArm cottaue. uciouer IM II IIIIl31U1V X' 1. J w-, - having heard Judge Stephenson on man got the following letter. Monday night, to try to shirk tne ine unrereuwi dutv which is pi icea upon me esiaieueiei. j- shoulders of every ma , woman and this date to iae neia serviu. tu child in this gieat struggle? We uary 1, 191. un tnai aay you are at WAR yet few of us seem to to give up your house. The worK realize it. We are eating as much which you are doing Ue tanu a mnoh we are does not compensate the farm h r o.dind much as we ever did. the loss wttch accrues to it th ough tJt orifice hs iot chne the contineud vwn J our am 1 1 ' - ... i i -i- T vt, -v?t.: i'.M VOllTS MI been done to other towns 1 home to us. Our own : ;; , ace. He h expected to anive notsuffcred;ol:rownhomesh ye frora thu fcr j . "'tk oi tne local church. ifloi uccum, k... hnSN,nnd vith th-e in Achcvillc. but most of his wor' week of February, are the loiiowing: All German males of the age ot 14 years and upward are required . t - r j to register, notice oi time anu place of registsation will be given by publication in newspapers. The affidavit of each registrant must be accompanied by. four un mounted photographs, signed across I gix boUg of outiDg, the lace so as not to oDscure we features, and the finger prints oi each registrant shall be taken. Between 10 and 15 days alter registration each alien enemy must again appear before his registration officer to obtain a registration c-ji-. which will bear his iiame a..u ...s lelt thumb print, this card mu&t be carried by the registrant for iu tuie ideniitication. An alien enemy who changes iS place of residence to another pi oce within the same regisuiion dioiiict must' at once report the cliaie . thp i rpdifii ratiiHi ufficer. ho alien enemy shah move out ot ihe di.-:- trict without a permit. Applies kd for a permit must be made upon a form luruished oy the Department of Justice, giving full particulars as to date, reason for change, and tended piace oi icSiueuce, NORTH. CAROLINA TO . v:" EQUIP BASE DOSFITAL m r 1111 v o ui fc, have reached the coveted two huu- ; i'Kiibrs r-quir d for a Chao it is our ai n to iucrea?. cteaa a numbers and activity. -yj y "Ml- I ...0 vuM tiic latter are available, the hospital force to include $00 people 6r mere, is .now being organized by Dr. .1. Long of Greensboro, chair man of (he State committee Council of National Defense, medical section. GTB8 SVF.D CONR AND for North Carolina. Dr. Long is TtSTlkU 'uKSkAiIUS authorized by the Federal Govern. ment to equip a base hospital at to contain 1,000 beds and to be served by thirty physicians and surgeons, 100 nurses and 250 order ih:3. The hospital will be located "somewhere in France" and is ex- rbn r-ron-r i;c to pcrted to be ready for use by May -ouph-tfv. seed from "excellent as that are prolific you are .--fc ! rre like!y to have a gd p. or inis -easun seed corn v; 6 I c-el in th fidd. Li-e -lJ-1 ' Kev. Joha Bomar... for seve. d years pastor of the local church, gently resigned in order to enter y MC. A work with the army Iseo negto do that which words: 1 must tell you my Oistres day of suffering comes, Tr,. InZl olameT l Wtoter is at the door and thej FOOD SUPPLY tOR FRANCE D NLU'lRAL COLIviiUE:) y- THE DH. LifvL Acciirding io the rooO Adnilu.t tion, sbor-ce vhci,v ux V hi., c cii cet!y l it- ?0 per cent ia tHe i.rcaa lauo.; would soon iiccome imperative DenmariL is now looiuag ivrwia to a reduction of wheat rations. Fwal figures for the cereal havest but in not n the criy .;hre the whole v.riVd. vrl f ir i.-iich ! lxt-l f to u 1 v .o ;t .' iOii. ? rorrnt venrs crcp is iikcly ... . j vvjien. Mo;ru ; ne ,...rn U.e.i ioacs its pow- ana win Fc! r t; o; fune. Dr. Long states that well qualified North Carolina iurses are preferred ir this hosDital work but adds that i - . d .mm i?Lt iroin trie cnr; ; -a0 lacs oi tramea nurses irom tnis Moi&i corn, like! State will Jbe supplied by the Red Cross at Washington. A salary of 550 per month and expenses is assured nurses who will be accepted for this work. Those interested in ! this call to patriotic service are re .is . quested i write to Dr. J. W. Long - m 1Mb ii mm m m mm i m h m ior germinauou because ! ho.pital win presented to and we cannot expect a go a crop uu passed upon by the Federal author less the com "comes up" and fcives ' ities before they are officially C3 us a good stand. Moreover, it costs cepted. ! rt - i,:.: it-; . 1':,., . i f ) 4-5 i i .i i -, hi.1;. V 1v; 1 : ft W " ikt"'-- 1 1 ; -li 1 Hi ;4 4 ' If ' ; (I ' j It ! i large meorure . ' - i r