Newspaper Page Text
Jcime Feb. 1-1 Atiorv-m $-mSs Hec img Here Feb. 18. ' I a j . i. 'i - -I - r Mi n: VOL. IV NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C, F33 3 1918, $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE FLIERS AT THE FRONT RRE BADLY HANDICAPPED By Frank A. Vanderlip Hardly a day passes but there is some fresh illustration of the inab ility on the part of governments to buy with money something essen . i r ,,-nr nrenaration. We are liai iui t r now discovering that there is nor linen enough in the world to cover the aeroplanes that the allies are producing. The English gov ernment has just decided that at least 10,000 acres of English soil CAW u a W, J. HAN NAH FOR JUDGE (From the Mountaineer-Courier W ay nesville, . N. C.) ,. Judge Garland 3. Ferguson, of this, the. 20th Judicial district, hav ing ann junced last week through the public press over his own sig nature that he will not be a candi date for the judgeship in tin com ing primary, the friends of Cap: an vV:n. J. Har.r ;.h, of this county anr tlio district, v ;;l urge his ee-ectioi for Su'pes ior caurt judge and main tax I fhnfr no ic ''.-U fitl-orl onrl nno' an Weekly War News Digest Stories of Activities and Conditions Through out the United States and on the Battle Fronts, from Washington, D. C. A DESCRIPTION OF JACKSON COUNTY WARFARE IN NO TEACHERS CLUB MAN'S LAND. The Jackson County Teachers Club met in the High School build- Jno. D, Beveridge, Irish- Sylva Saturday January 28 FROM $30 TO $81 A MONTH The pay of enlisted men depends filed for i he pokion. CaptaiiHan nab only eonso.iU to be a candi rair. mo mithivniiinl r f V.J,- nmst be devoted to tne prouuxuuu , . of flax, instead of food. That gov- guson ernment is making terms with the Captain Hannah is a native of farmers, which will lead to the Haywood county and has serve, planting of that crop. t e county w ill as its treasurer , .,i nn otWq rj wo terms, besides having servec T H illustrations are endless oi . . ... in the state senate one term as thf ti e fact that there are not labor represeaative 0f Haywood, Jackson, qyA materials enough to produce Swain and Travsylvania counties the th:ngs tl at the people want and with distinct: , n in 1912-13. Ht the tV.'tfs wants. Thei-e are, two wavs of helping solve the problem. One is to speed up o oduction and indust ry. The other is to cut down un- ih head of our local military or t-aniz'ion during the. Spanish American war in 1898 and 1899 a .x volunteer. He attended Wakt necessary consumption, oy we ruicoi wucgc auu diinwmus. iurs latter rcethtd every one can put his law course at the University o himself in an effective way in a Torth Carolina For 20 years f frcnt trench. Every one can make uas practiced law in in this district sacrifices that will be reflected in a and hn's been a faithful and able miirker and better equipment of advocate for his clients and during armies. The progress that can be that time has practiced with gr ht mcde by speeding up production uccrs in th Federal a'n'd Supre can be excetdec many fold by the o.urts. For &t vera! ,e r he effect which can be produced, by a law partner o the kmieii ted f V. whole nation making up its mind Crawford, whose oflice building he really to help win the war. The still occupies. Captain Hannah is difficulties o'' equipping the army I now just in the prime of life and u would be easily cut in half if every full practice as a lawyer. a mai individual in this country would who has always bee of temperate recognize hit responsibility in help- habits nnd good moral character, ing to equip the army, his respon- he would bring to the bench t sibility to gt on without demand- a knowledge of law, experience and inri new tViindc Unnn dot nn with- abilitv and a. Doise that few men AAV IT t AAA A J AJ.V VV v w out, and by so doing leave a greater possess who ask for this high honor; amount of labor and material to which qualities are so necessary for peace of thdr peoples can be over- now Dein waed "0ver Tuere" is drafting of constitution and by-laws 1 1 je opportunity to near Jno. i). tor the club. The following commit- Beveridge, the Ir sh-Ca jadian Sold- tec was appointed for this purpose: The number of women employed in munition factories has incaeased from 3,500 in 1910 to more than 100,000 in In 1917, according to a report made to the National League of Women's service, and 1,266,000 ; PAY OF ENLISTED MEN RANGES I of iack of ciarity about our war V, 0,' tn 1918. aims. Germany ana ner allies r ptlr f AnHitnriiim L 7. was canea 10 oraer should come out openly with their he ,re Auairorium by the president. O. S. Mard. oa their grades, ratings and length, terms. Then perhaps it will be 1T1"uui ine morning session was devoted )f service. From June 1, 1917. and ; seen that a continuation qf the war 0ne of tbe reatest opportunities to the discussion of several impor oontinuing during the term of "the can be avoided and the resistance ever offered Jackson County people ta at questions that deserve our war the pay of enlisted men is as of governments to the desire for tor a aesenpuon ot tne great war consideration. Among these the ollows: Men receiving All privates, i come he Army entering grade. Men receiving $33: First-class privates, men promoted to act in aoncom missioned officer capacity. Men receiving $36; Corporals, saddlers, mechanics, farriers and vaoners. and musicians of the hird class. Men receiving $38: All sergeant grades in th3 line, which include Infantry, Field Artillery, Coast Ar tillery, and Cavalry; cooks, horse- moers, band corporals, and musi cians of the f ecr nd class. Men receiving $44: Sergeants of he various corps of the Engineers, Ordnance, Signal Corps, Quarter- naster Corpr, 31 d Medical Depart lent; band set grants and musicians f the first class. Ten renewing $18: Battalion ser- it TK-jors, sqardron sergeant ma rs,sergtant major (juniorgrade), ser vant buglers, master gunners, and distant band leaders of the line. Men receiving $51: Regimental mojr. Tpuimontal ripply he Quartermaster Corps, ordnance ,jrgeants first sergeants, electrician ergeant ; of the first class, , assist- nt engineers and battalion sergeant i t t i najors ana oa? union suppiy ser eants of the En Sneer's. Mea receivii g $56: Sergeant, irst class, of th i Medical Depart nent. ier, lecture at the Sylva Auditor- F. I. Watson. R. L. Wike and W. 6. ium on next Monday night, Feb- Diilard. ruaryllthat 7:30 o'clock, under O, S. Diilard introduced the ques the auspices of the local chapter lion of a whole-time attendance of of the Red Cross, ficer for Jackson County. Supt. His message will be filled with Wilson in speaking for the question women are engaged in industrial thrilling experiences drawn from stated that he would gladly present work which is directly or indirectly mree years serviC3 m lQe trencnes me question 10 tne U)unty Board necessary to carry on he war. iand patroling the battle fiont along of Education." An interesting dis- i"No Man's Land." At the outbreak cussion followed reiulting in a vote of the war, Mr. Bsveridge enlisted that a committee be appointed to with the Canadian troops to help write resolutions placing the Club fight the battle against the vicious on record as being unanimously in attacks of the Hun. Nine times favor o an all-time attendance of- wounded, one tirns buried half alive ficer. For that committee Mr. Dil- by the explosion of a two-ton shel lard appointed: J. N. Wilson. F. I. crawling for sev jr miles with one Watson, Homer Henry, and Weston arm and one log useless, and al Reed. last blinded by the gas from the Prof. F. N. Wells, teacher of math enemy, the big Irishman will have ematics in CulIowh?e Normal and a message which will excite and I ldustrial School, opened the after- thrill all who he if him. His des- noon session with an Interesting dis criptions will not bs newspaper ar- cussion on Arithmetic in the Public tides and magazine stories, they Schools. Prof. Wells with his ear w,ll be happeni u s which he wit- r eetness and enthusiasm made a nested --mi whiva he experienced, cxmp impression on the teachers. Hi wit: tell you n w tha trouble ! la closing he announced the offer of j rta etv.iGii sne mies uver a uuy-uouar sciioiarsnip m ine There" at niht is carpeted with Cuilowhee Normal and Industrial pain; he will ell you how death rides School for the student from the whistling iacvejy wind and how graduating class of any Jackson the very mi Hs art; charged with Coanty school who proves himself . . I SOT . . . rwi torcnent. He wiil describe th - coa mosi emcientm matnematics. tests ditious whica wiil surround our Kson County b:ys whea thiv Under the ne w food regulations Swiss people are allowed only one-fifth of a poand o;" butter per person per month. Four tons of shipping capacity are required to transport a soldier, and another ton is necessary for his equipment. In addition it takes 60 pounds of ship capicuy a day to keep him ciippii.ui wi:h :o;d, clothing and ammunition. A million checks will soon be go ing forward froru the bureau of war :is; in-i ranee ? -feti'rd i. r- ts - uti 4 . : . - . n- ltl AiiiniuvHi-.n irmi soi'iiers and sailors for insurance are near $4-000,000,000. JACK! CO. BOY IN TRAINING Dear EJkor Just a .vjrd or two, to the good people of Old Jackson Men receiving $71: Hospital Co. which seems very far off just rgeants, mnster engineers of the at present. I have just arris ei wi thA dnvpmuiPni a riisnenser of iustice between the junior grade, and engineers. nere irom umo aevier ana uuu I ....... . I Kn :,,;.rt C!U1' lln nrtormoo. rivnnH rri tit it wtfQrmo n rrn i.i n.iwt h"p state ana its citizens. mcu iclwviuk u. yumiMUiu L1JC yauu v 3 vwr of linon that is Cantain Hannah is a self-made eants ot the senior grai.e lot snow 14 mcnes tnictt. duu aespue UKIl t U1U Vt ""VJ vav I 1" - I , - , , t . ., . , . , . I ... . -WT I . 1 f J- , firfnrt 1rnrei aoH. f-Kn nll nnrt nnnUT TAT I1 1 r rl 1Q UPrtf boukht from today on puts the man and yet he is modest, ne luewuaiien, wiuauuu mCWiiaauu0uuW . i .... .... .i i i u: ... . v..n..,v. nr,Aiara mnfitpr sionn p. Rr.rnr.ians. ma3- RP.vpre sne is as ueauuiui as cvw Duyer indirect competition ran womeu ms way uuuugu suwui ai.u -U) 0. , , , the Aeroplane Bo: rd in equipping- prepared himself for his profession ter electricians, musiei vu&um ui aim iu ucmi am n the fleet of aeroplanes which we and now asks his fellow citizens to the senior grade, and master ttos- me somite wiwiuouw n0rm.,n linoc pntnist hi (vi with the liitleesnm. nita ser leants. nci way. n .j w..., iiriu puiuvw uioucimau - . ... , K..- T 5r,lr T,illHlrit ri . . ... . ... . XI : MAsixr orH lihoral anH tin t . At o ciftl mpn whl P on np.- SI UICSCU', uui i uiiua j. ywh v wr. 9 rm r-.M w r r r -v niTurii i i iiiiiir ..-i wk. r i i ill lift I ill c vl m. r I tm, ijIliiu i vTa. . m. a v u a -- w i ilui uc vtiy yiam iu cvwy i -" i-ve' I one when it is known that the one ever had a stronger friend hatched duty not in the field where need of linen for aeroplane produc- when he is a friend. He is a loya there are no Amy quarters availa- tion exceeds the total stocl; there democrat, though not an extremist Me, receive m aaainun to tneir pay and is willing to aid demoracy, $15 per month to cover the ex- npnfi of housing and also a suita ble allowance fe tor heat and hghi. are c.iCamped ) i che other side He: will tell of tiie nseds tha very pressing needs, vhieh they -will expect from the folks back home Don't fail to he i: .iim, it will be t -Hilling, it will help the Red Cross. Admission 25 cents. is in the world. But the same rule nnnlipq in nlmnct PVf-ru Hirpp.tion nirfht or day. Hi many friends that we turn ' offer Captain Huiiaah for the jud:i- matweturn ship and feel that if he is chosen ihrrecanbe only two reasons the Strict will never have cause why men should not see in their t0 regret their choice. personal expenditure their inaivid- Advertising. llfll rpcnnneihiljf t fnf irifiirninri tho tmy. ' One isa belief that a fully Offl AMERICANS LOST is not going to be necessary; that the war either will be on by our allies, or it has already been won by the ex fllil'Stion nf nup pti jmioi Thprp i ' s '-Z V VIA UllVJi & A.M. V li He in the situation upon which to uase such n belief. The other teaojt. must e that people believe that thsre ar. labor and materials enough to produce everything that that they wa it for their individual uses and everything that the gov enimeat must have. Absolute Li. Diindaess to what the total is when you add two nd two is the on'y excuse there can be for believing iliere are Lihnr nnH mntprial pnmidh An enlisted m m inactive service has no necessary personal expense except for barber and laundry Un iforms, undsrclothing, shoes,- hats. quarters, medical .attendr-nce, and fine when I become better acquaint ed with the boys. There are some jolly nice boys in my Ponton It is compof ed of boys from Mississippi, Alabama, Texas subsistence and i fcal. and Camp Sevier. There is one boy from Jackso.i Co. heie besides myself, Mr. Montieth from near which will consist of practical prob lems in arithmetic to be submitted Uk3r. Prof. Wells was followed by Rev. E. R. Harris who in a brief talk on education stressed the point of giv ing more a tention to the public school. The public school he said, U the foundation of our educational system and as such deserves more attention than any other , part of the work. - Following this Miss Sullivan gave a humorous reading "The Transfig uration of Miss Philura." F. I. Watson spoke briefly of the importance of a county commence- REDJMS Our arrangements are being per fected for a formal organization of the Jackson County Chapter of the American Red Cress at Sylva, N. C. An interesting speaker has bee ; provided by the Southern Division Manager at Atlanta, and music by 0r School Fair. Mr. Watson pointed our local talent will be another out the fact that our County Fair phasing feature coming as it does at the beginning All the Red Cross members of I subsistence are supplied them at -Washington, Feb. b. the ius- Government expense. Such ma cania, carrying 2,179 American teriais as tobaccc, postage, confec soldiers has been torpedoed and tionery) and incidentals of individ- sunk off thelr'sh coast, but otn- ual tast may he purchased at the PEACE TERMS cia reports la e tonight said 1,912 pogt exchange at cost. of the officers and men had oeen aved and indi iate that the list s of rescued might prove even larger 1 r troops, com posed" chiefly of de- t i nmnts oi ivucirgciii anvi sin national guardsmen, were trav eling on the Tuscania, a British ves sel, under convoy of British warships. of of the school te.m cannot do for th; acfo .nls what a Conntv nonimpnop- the county are co-dially invited to mOTlt or Snh.iol Fair held later in be present. The date of the meet- the term would do. ing will be announced in next week's Sunt. Wilson sneaking on the Sylva, who was with the Wire Co. journai and we hone to have the certification and renewal of certifi- at Camo Sevier. School Auditorium filled with work- ffl.?I5? wSrkTh Our Barrack, ; are situated on the ers for the Americ,n Red Cr0f , - ffa M Potomac river just one mile irom Sixty-five bed shirts, thirty com- ingiess and promptness in atrend- the Capitol and in a very beauti- fort piu0WS) twenty dozen bandages ing teachers meetings regardless of fulspot. Just how long we will a,d other ardcles vill 5e ready for distance and inclement weather, tav here is uucertain; not long lam nav, .JO,r nA ' stating that ofthe thirty nine teach- thinking-as soon a.s we s" Wednesday the wtrk room is filled ed sve will be opf to pay iritz a WCU. VJlUSa IxJt 1I1UC13. KvJ Uldll III sif Our Ponton is composed of the do thdr bit 0ar membership is most capable mechanics available steadiIy increasing and we hone to rFRMAN ' NEVSPAPER ASKSjin military service and will not enroI1 one hundred new members hitap TATMFNT OF 1 neea "annus cuix . . within the next lew weeks. ! ers invited to this meeting thirty six were present. In explaining the renewal of cer tificates he said. The State Board of Examiners has clearly shown that it is going to take care of the teachers now in the profession with out further examination except on From uncenscred sources the Committee on Public Information rias received editorial comment on the President's .ecent message in the Frankfurter Zeitung, a liberal , . 1 I . J-t . lUllUVfl LAUIU1UUUVU VAVpIr XJll stay m Washington may be short. Dr Hooper has added many com- the Reading Circle Work. Those I think all the boys would ooara tne forts tQ our woric 130m and Wfi teachers who are willing to keep up Mr. Houston, U. S. Secretary for tho individual comforts and Agriculture has asked each farmer orgau with large circulation through military neefknfthpnnnntrv. The to oroduce more corn ana uo aut the berman who is not prepare 1 to econo- than last year Save lab.r bv al- lowing paragrapii appears in the 'ze to-day either believes there is lowing the boys to do their own translation: ; necessity fSiTOT- harvesting and using a two-horse The foundation for the peace ness n, ho L Pu. .np row corn cultivator instead of negotiations has not yet been found, 5 the one-horse cultivator thereby Dut we have approM dusiri.i V!8. .....wind the labor efficiency of nearer to it. Wilson seeks has;: , - - Tarn:CTg desiring to join the out ot the w&r and does so in a toadT r: " .,!a.S 6 " ..r. ? . r Clab see the undersign- manner 0t entirely in accord wtih Dersnni ..i.-sj I j us. We see no reason for exposing oQv,iuu;e nnu ymiiuuu am w ship with a smile to think they wnnld have the pleasure of troub ling Fritzie just .. little. I wish my paper sent h e as it will reach me in France fron here and there is no time I am happier than when j the old Journal reaches my tent w 11 1 t C A w - door, ii is liKea- ions iiiei .uum home endorsed by many friends. Hoping my paps will come early - . 1 .1 J A. P I are indebted to Mr. T. J. Powers for wun ine aavanwsmwu. oi euuea- Annn- i ,r . tion have no cause for uneasiness. a donation of cod We were pleas- 0n the other hand those who are ea to nave some ladies irom beta nwillind tn nttrnd summer schools and County teachers much a way IUkJ. ..w , 7 j a v ourselves any longer to the chare with us last Wedasday. mm BROKEN INTO AT BALSAM institutes and Uounty meetings cannot hope to be cared for". In closing .Mr. Wilson expressed a hope that arrangements can be made to pay the faithful well-prepared teachers better salaries next Some one has defied the latest year. Mv best wishes are for the Journal federal laws in regard to having On the whole the meeting was and my many Jackson County more than one hundred pounds of on.e.of m.03 iQteresting and in- , . , fl ii i u spuing meetings of the year. A friends. flour, as v;c .1 as tre state laws when eeting that ga ve evidence ofin- JesseM. Moss Mr. Wm. Quites' s ore, at Balsam, tere3t and enthusiasm on thepart 464 Eng. Ponton Train. was broken into last Monday night of Superintendent and teachers. Washington Barracks, and about one hundred dollars O. S. Diilard, President, , Washington, D..C. worth of flour and meat taken. . Lura Sullivan, Sec Protein 'Aw - lie- i j 'f it ' m i i ,1 J A ? 1 'A . : - Hill I!:!-- i "V if u t if ft Si we and buy Waj Savings Stamps.