Newspaper Page Text
si .- Remember the Stiamp 1 uscania of the and Buy a War VOL. IV NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C, FEB. 15 1918, S1.50THE YEAR IN ADVANCE BP CHATTER. iJv Dan Tompkins can be of more service raising hog .Hid hominy, than they would be in the army. And by the way, men, et it into your heads that grub is Wdl folks, it has been quite some voir neaas tnat grub l Ti had the Measure of what.,s t0 count in e lon tenuis County Farm Demonstrator is on the journal. And I don t know hat arouse farmerg it ' issary frfme v h'S; as well as to the absolute necessity , mv very gooa menu, a. i. z... w , . . , . crwdwt . has been in this neck oi - , A , . . J bpeui. of food that is possible to Droduce nls recently, ana i am sure . . tx7 f, . is not a slacker county. More men volunteered fnm that county for this war, In p.--.portion to the popu lation,' than fi j.a any county i the Stale. She furrhhed her full quota for the draft, au.i perhaps more, when the fict iluc she got no cred Weekl y War News Digest Stories of Activities and Conditions Through out the. United States and on the Battle Fronts, from Washington; D. C. thp WO that lie can tell the story much better than I shall ever be able to do. I noticed in the Journal of last weeK, that it carried the story of Capi. Dorsey's resignation. His c.ivwor liar, arrived and is now in command ot the Radio Company He is an excellent gentleman, .and from all accounts will make a good commanding officer, and best of all, he is very much liked by the boys nf thp Rndio ComDanv. as well as of the other Companies of the Bat talion. The Radio boys have bought a Vicirola, with part of their Compa ny Fund, and now we have music with all our meals, and in between times, when anybody gets a chance to wind the thing, the notes of "Oh Johnnie, Oh Papa" and other rags, with an occasional change to "Joan of Arc They are Calling You," may be heard coming from the general direction of the Radio street. Most of the boys took advantage of the beautiful weather Sunday, and went to Greenville or some nenrby town, and took in the sights. Ymir rnrresnondent tried it one Saturday not long ago. He went to Greenville, and-being there at mess time, hied himself hither to a cafe, and ordered a supper of half a fry, an order of h t cakes, and a cup of coffee; a very reasonable bill of fare for a hungry soldier. When the bill came in the charge was 80c. How the cashier arrived at such a conclusion has been a puzzle to me until n fpw minutes no. when 1 GEN. CROZIER DISCUSSES AGE L'MIT ENLARGEMENT OF SELECTIVE SERVICE LAW the mation to the enemy, t Regular-newspaper correspond ents not in military service are not required to submit copy for censor , ship, being guided by the requests :ilizer bill and help to prevent erosion. Deep plowing requires large plows and three good horses weighing from 1200 to 1400 pounds each. Too often one finds light plow teams turning the soil 3 to five inches. The former type of plow and team not only does better work, but more THRIFT STAMP S0C1TY DOES GOOD ! WORK IN SYLVA On February 1st Mrs F t f not oniy uoes ueuer woiiv, uui uiuic work ma day. mis is an exceed- w wum, gins ot dyiva ingly important point to consider j into a Thrift Stamp Society with under our present circumstances, Miss Lura Sullivan as president and when labor is so scarce. Because of ; Miss Ashceaft as secretary the evolution of this principle) T . Cld iy- i... 1 nu,nr loco mon U WOUld De hard tO find a mnro for secrecy published by the Com- power, Amttrtca has been enabled enthusiastic band of worke s and i-, T-r t Ua nmrinnp n dnarter number of many were surmised to Ipam rr mince ou ruuuc lmurniaui'u. u - o .MnnHov n;. u , . - - m iu Hat nine these girls had sold more than $13- fill .'. .t - T1 r . ... Discussing enlargement of age limit for selective military irlna Prnirrtot rftTinl RpnPTMl ziersaid: . . these are ignored the prWiles of the P M?,? C0Un- A pronounced majority of tut ( camp may be withdrawn m the dis- JTh . au old adage that puiver. 00 worth of Thrft and War StamDs - UUalUS mvui ot'ino cuiaigv-mvuv, ticuuu uic ucmiu vuiiiiiiauuci. I izin tne SOIJ IS iOulvaiciit Ui iciui-j- i"" aiuuuiiL llaVinS but there is great diversity of opin- None of these rules appiy to izing it. This is true because the oeen sold in only two afternoons. ion as to the p- oper ; age ; limit, troops in France, where the com- roots oi pianis can use umy uc - tur worn , . ..... J:.t Ulant food which is m solution, thrt,m a systematic manner, the town it foi the volunteers is taken into mneieeuaim oo uu - mduu.uB khicku t uc is what plant food has been disolv cbnsideration, without a murmur limits most frequently suggested; ary Forces wdl establish such re- edby water and the Sap of the the boys coming forward wlwa the uul,'"V . . And I know that upper umu.. luen: cniimillllCWT WANTS TO KNOW nation called. And I know that a.""5 uvv """ . tr''v tho forbore wfn" roHKio thfl ow. distinctiy stronger demand v-aor LtlV 1141 UiViO ..! 1VV1UUU11. IIIV I . .1 f d thp mnYinm ae man lor ma enorts or last summer, .iner"1" & r-: ; w hnveinthparm aro nntinh lowering tne mU.imum. WVJ ttJ AAA tUV U1111J Ul V WUIJ VlUg muojoituiauu luauuer, me town having been divided into sections hv water and the sap of the an two girls appointed to canvas I plants in question. Obviously the each section weekly. finer, the soil is pulverized tne more "uw me spint ot the girls it sunace uicic is cauocu w : ---- - - uv,u ui mem the people of the home county to back them up. And we are sure we shall not l e disappointed. Get behind that I arm Agent. I have never seen him, but from his 'arti cle's in the paper, I think he is start in Gen. Crozier estimates that 1.389- apr.entahle single men would WV w v be made available by an increase in the ate limit to include men up to 45 the number WHERE YOU STAN! solving Dower of water. Conse quently the finer, the soil is pulver ized the more leering sunace mere is for roots. The plant food in lumps and clods is of htt e value to plants hf pause it is inaccessible to water. Hpnpp it is easv to see why fertili- " - ui litem has pledged herself to buy a certain number of stamps each week or month during the year. agr uuh. ..v uv. -r iunwuuiUVHTo izer spread upon clods tans to oe years. The estimate places t0 renter with liie local registrar, profitable and why one should com umber of acceptable single m. Bilchanan, in what particular mence cultivating a crop before it tne oaoer ltnink neis start- . .. -'fv"v,-" . ,, ,od campaign. So grab on MMV.JX WHAT HAPPENED TO BELGIUM The ASHEVILLE TIMES begins the publication Sunday morning of in;Uu;ood campaign. So grab on "oqq ThP n mber o nrobab- ut "V thl ZZZt rZ Usually it is elvisable to plow a series of exclusive articles written to anything good that comes along. 1,546,283. The number of probab so tht when the government needs fQr faR or as early 5y Brand Whitlockt United States Tne onlv wav to carry this conflict ly acceptable single men already men f0 neip buil i ships, construct in the winter as possrble in ordei Minister to Belgium. This will be the tfta.nflWi Qna siipppsQfnl tprmi- regisieicu uui uu -"" muuuings, uianuvaui-iic anyiaucs, mat tne sou may aiu as a icacvun "oi wmpidc, uuiuumauve, omciai hold record of that devastatpH nation n by concerted efforts of the " r n w fa watef for use in summer by th whose martyrdom has called the nation. We can have no slackers, shouw tne age umu oe e k ernrnent may neea tney will Know .composition of civdized world to arms. Brand Now is not the time to stop and include men of from 18yearso just yhere t0 fmd the men "Ivibie Zuer aud destruction of Whitlock has seen. He knows. And This is not compulsory, they only jnsect pests he will tell. -powerfully in illus- ask that you voluntarily do this as The silppiy of h imus in the soil trated installments, the TRUTH to one of vour patriotic duties In.isavery import sat factor in de- the readers of this paper. Watch iKp iipV4 icoiV flf thp To- rnal w-Iterminmg crop rrouuuuuu. yu. WiauuUCoUiC.1Uu icau iue urs tttne3vt:lSSU OI. tne. JO .nua w & trP mid R!r7V Wh P.h will flnrwar in tho , ; S - ,1 i . . . I Dull Ul latlVl ;iuiu mvy I " - " - ..... l-'f'-- " .uv , wdl ve full paracalacs., v - . brush have recently been removed ASHEVILLE TIMES next Sunday, BamO-PHlDlTHEA SOCIAL AT CULLO usually produce .larr crops outn reoruary im Whpi lunnim lIVimiTlAI SrHflfl systematic rotations not lollowed, You can get The TIMES seven cause the suoply cf humus becomes $1.00. If you live on a rural route liUVY IS 11UI 111C 11U1C VU Oiup aiiva .... JOC7Cie nK wm.diP nhnnt thind Whpn the 45 years, inclusive, 4,257 516 phy v.v.v,-v I. 11 J Afltn.iiilea niialiriprl un. SlCally a"vA uuiciwwc uuunvu u married men would be open for call to service. " house is safire is not the time to stop and count the cost cf cutting a hole in the roof. Ihe only ques tion any man worthy of the name of TOalofwillra "Can I be of more service in the army or outside? Can I serve best in my present position, or had I better try something else?" Ameri can soldiers are holding a section of the western front. Americans have made the supreme sacrifice on the battle field. American boys have gone under on the high seas. i LICENSE IS REQUIRED ja.SHJ GOODS ABROADBY PARCEL' POST The War Trad! Board is calling One of he mo ?t enjoyable socials exlauSied. Plow; ig under a sod or attention to the fact that license is of the year wjs ,vhen thePhilataea ail applican.n j manure fuinsr: required to ship abroad goods on Class of the Uowhee the conserved list, even when sent Schoal entertained tns turacas m r pwmi .3 resorted to and in small quantities by pire! pm. ; mat piace aaiurviay evcmuKi. . thfs suppiy 0f huarjs is ra-ntameu r .rxr nnoac 'hie has heen bv ' More iha'n a hundred being present prnsion will be checked except on 1U lUdu, wov - I - ; - ---- ..u:u 1, ""ui-l'u navp. poiih iiihiki uii liic iiikh ocao, . . - r :j t-1 ti.a nn . aud rr nra nnn rpppn- 1 hp crppnpsr laiiii -viiicu oiiuuiu. wv j.- i i-i.-j 7r . : . . . , nersons lauoraui u . uio a iw.v , -t- - . uraueu uiai sue unmcu mc thp v fHms nf eowardlv attacn oi r" . I had exactly one dol- the ' assassin submarine, and rest proclamation concern of the girls' dormitory in Irass and nevei plowed. attaCK. OI nnnnammripvnnrrfi nr tinn hall ..... 11 1 3 . 1 . 1 npnn umvii mil i 1 11 11 ,ri iiuici uui vu v. i vivu guessed that I had exactly one ooi- the assassin submarine, and rest r ,ftaL,h5,i, dmiMhlv 1- . .i 1 J fiH.,, linroH c!ppt of hprnps as the WnO dO not RUOW vi uifjuy ,..vv ; ur vwinca was correct; anu uv. . 80ci:ll gacherings, were toleaveadimeforcariaieDacKio"- '" " ?"'e ' . thrown nnPn. The front of the Cimn nnH tPn ppntQ with which to tnem to and iro in me ciauic m license. r , - tamp, and ten cents with wAicn to dg Hundreds of thoUsands For vioiatIoa a fine of not more 1 building was made to represent a' uuy eaDugu stamps iowrnetuuiicC ofothePsaretrainin4in the campS) imnrisonment for railway station and guests were mends and try to borrow enougn waiting tne call t0 service over ; t or hoth ,iveil tickets" to the observation, tokeepmein cigarettes until pay Ueas. The boys, are in the tight . ' may ;arlor. and dining cars Where pro day. i. The baptism of fire is just beginning, mm 7 L - , ' . mMnsprVfltinn nnd contest! TELLS OF THE HOR RORS OF THIS WAR, The TIMES makes a special rural route rate. Be sure and get next Sunday's TIMES and read the first Whitlock article. It is a stupendous otory, magaificnt, astonishing, piti ful, inspiring, horrid sensational, too for tne whole account of ravish ed Belgium is there. ENSLElf- HARRIS WEDDlNfi. The following was taken from a Nasheviile, Tenn. paper. Chester Ensley is well known here, this having been his home until he left here several months ago for Nash ville. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs tl. ... , : :xv, . n ciooofiii he anDlied lor at tne Bureau oija inis Kino 01 weaxner is uuguiy ano 10 cai y u uu iu a Buw,wiu., - ft n nice, but it is certainly putting the honorable, lasting peace, they must ports, Washington D. U or any 0 rep into the work for the training, have the backing of the nation, Pad u ----- "- h is going steadily forward, al- any man who tries to hinder or SetUe Por 1 most every minute during the day who tries to dodge the issue 01 ser- werwf ' n being devoted to learning some- vice, should not be tolerated in the Pass Galveston New Orlea ns Mo- thinu that will come in handy "over society of decent men and woman, bile, Savannah, St Louis, oii.ago, there," or in practicing what has now or hereafter when peace shall Boston aid w, Yors, already been learned, that we may have come. Each one must do QPp0RTUNIfY FOR SERVICE be able to do tlie right thing, do it vvith his mgiht whatsoever his hands N fQR MEN WH0 "KNOW" UVi a firm faith in I 'oui, iiuu uo !t ai ine rigm. umc. nnu 10 uu, aim nu - tlUKo.o The health cu? the bovs from Jack- find and the righteousness ot our Crtn ii'iu 1aav HAil avoant hatrlp on until the Men not nf selective service age thpfw iorxiotori .no of miimns. LrrQin nf Dixie on the Unter Den v,hn ar accustomed to handling a thing every fellow should have Linden sound the knell of autocracy horses have opportunity for special h;id vpiira hpfn.P hp was nld enough Qnrl fhp Stars and Stripes are run ;zed service in tlie enlisted Veteri- to hi Tl the An--kir I nn rn thP nahine of the Kaiser, by narv Corns, enlistments for which ' x-ktiijj. I up V" 1 f j - ... Sergeant Elsie Dillard of the Ra- the boys from the Carolina moun are now being taken. The .UUU d'o Company and Corporal Fred tains, as a token that Democracy men wanted mciuae veiermary Brvson, jf the Wire Company spent and Christianity are triumphant and agricultural students, farmers, One of the largest crowds that pver assembled in Sylva to hear a 1 . L4- lf rrfrtt nidht gressive conservation and contests D Beveridge0. a U- B. Ensley. Mr. Ensley is one of . ! TL f -1- I w j I,,..... ... were carried on miss iVldl5dlcM Canadian who has seen active ser bylvas leading business men tTUfrvm rinnind firt nri7.ft in A ..Sno in Franpp ffT thp nafit tWO flllll I PVinororo mon frionlo ;!! lnm 1 lllliuiu i hi fc f - 1 v lvv. 1 11 x iuuvv ' - 1 vuwiviu iiiuiij Aiivuto, nut koiu Tiip Through North Carolina, a hail years, ne is noi da ciuqucuu with pleasure that he has finished . , . 1. . ; Unpaitpr hut sneaks in simple , ...... ' - . . k-k J-A iVT I1U I I f L.7 ft. M A.. V " 1 nose 111 uuaisc u u wx.u . ; . , 011Q,ilf nn nr iinarv xt Leiiiis auu uouau J the observation car were . voice but Qt times when he is C. Bryson, Miss Mary E. Wellb and e f the cruety of kiiss Essie Norton, Parlor car, Mrs. Huns he raises his voice I school and is now making good in 11 1 : 1 j 1 .l.i 1 is re- lue uusiuess worm, auu mai 112 the married a very popular young la ly. Saturday evening, January 5. ia to a and Miss Ruth Profitt, Dining' car I i LUUU 14V " I V V VU1U UU'lUUi V, H B., Misti Emma Johnson, mgn pitcn, as inu-.-ga uc aj- the study of Dr. Carey E. M3ria 1, Mrs. Flintom, Miss Maude Worley ed nine times, five times in his Katherine Lee Harri? and Mr. Ches and Miss Annie Coward. ieft ed and foot. The last wound ter Erwin Ensley took place quiet- nciidhtfnl rriireshments were that tie sustained was when his A few relatives and intimate " I , . I served in cafeteria style of chicken shoulder and arm were blown friends were guests at the ceremony . 1 I T T " J 1 a -m. til -i I . mousse, angel food and coffee by pieces and ms leg -jioku, auu was For the occasion the bride the Domestic Science girls under buried aiive 111 una wuuiuuu charmingly attired in a street the direction of their teacher, Miss he was rescued by some Red Cross turoeof brown broadcloth My rtie Keller. the We k-pnd in Asiinville. County Coionor J. R. Dillard was here the la&t of the week, from Webster, visiting his son Wiil, and ether Ratio boys. Liert. David Lee Hooper was heTe st Sunday to see v his brother, Oburn, Theodore Buchanan and Harry throughoi t th world. Camp Sevie , February 11. TROY ALLISON DIES SUDDENLY ! stablemen, and others who have had experience handling horses. IPav ranges taora $30 to $56 a month, with clothing, food, and j quarters. Application lor enlistment may be made at any Army recruiting INCREASING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE SOIL workers. He told his audience of some of thp prnpltv that he saw at the hands of the Huns in Northern I France, he said that he had seen uttip phildrpn with their hands cut was which she wore a hat in corres ponding tones. The flowers that she wore on her corsage were lilies of the valley and Brides roses. Trov Allison, son of Mr. and Mrs. station. Buchanan stonnPd over for a visit Carey Allison ot uarhera ww. , cFpVTCEAT Camp a few days ago, as they died Friday morning at tneayiva sTnD CANTONMENTS T returning to Sylva f rom Atlan- fTtl been" SV Grge Sprinkle was here Sunday f only a few days and his death ltSt ivKjuuay, visiting nis uruiuw, . a shock t0 his relatives 5 rit for publication m and friends. Much sympathy is npJSDar)ers and magazines. They felt for the bereaved family. The nQt receive payment for funeral services were held in the b. terial furnished by them. C. I. auditorium Saturday morning AU letters containing matter for at 10 o'clock. hublication written by men in ser- Mr. Ensley formerly made his hnmo 1 n orti Hiinnrt off and old men laying all along the his residence in the city has made road side, whole towns wiped out maoy popular connections ia busi- 1 The roots of form crops feed 10 and all of the savage work 01 me nesg and sjcial Tne C3UDle soil that has been plowed. Hence Germans. was remembered by their friends deeper the plowing the larger the He also told of the valuable work with many handsome gifts. feeding area. The greater advant- that the American Kea v,ross was Mr. and Mrs. Ensley will make age of deep plowing is that it en- doing and said that he spoKe worn their home at 118 Seventh avenue. ables the soil to hold more .water I experience as he naa spenr several ho i'; a mpmhpr nf thp Militarv Police, and shaking hands with the Dys from Jackson. Zeb V.Watson and Lee Hooper of Speedwell were here for the week e&d with the boys. I think both ould have enlisted had it not been The productive power of soil is de- months in their hospitals, and- bad tPrminpd verv !arelv by ability of seen some of the comtorts mar wntpr thev furnished the wounded soldiers On heav viand one should plow Mr. Beveridge remarked on the iv mohpc rippn nnwp.vpr rrppr msr ueiore iiaiu uiuc mai. icu xi t,. w.. I - . - this depth should be reached grad- he was not able to fight the Ger nallv hv increasing the depth of mans in the trench s and across nlowint one inch each year till the No Man's Land but he felt that he maximum depth is reached. Deep was doing the nexc thing to fighting plowing requires large plows and them by going around where called . I . . 1 tkrAiirih rkffinprc H.nrv Buchanan of Green s Creek vice must oe . Xl rrZT T .n M-t& nnl. nf thrir i .iuyc cmisicu uau u uwi w , . . I ,..t,rk will nPlPte all reterenCvS Cau-ineavy UUISCB. ur.y uiunm nui auu ivuius vv yvv.v fnrtkr... . .. .ii.i.. : fiio oitw Tuesdav. on busi-1 wno win ueiotc - 1 . .1 I 7wiacitnat tney are suguuy was m I ahip nf furnishing importaat mro-' increase crop yieid, reauce me ier--acis North. The Jackson County Chapter of the American Red Cross will be organized at the Graded School Auditorium, Tuesday night, Febru ary 19. All the Red Cross workers in the county are cordially invited to be present. The many friends of James A. Madison, U. S. Marine Corps,, will be glad to leirn of his safe arrival in France Feb. 7th. ' - lUUk l&AVs J UkW "0 alve the draft age, and think they' ness. 515 4s'., J