Newspaper Page Text
Ja ! - . t i . '. ; -i "Over TVip Trr" WH1 MACH THE 8TH. 1918 J j :" . - .'.V. ; v i , W V,-. v. ( .4- ;. ' '" :' ' ' - ' - " . - , - - ' . ' 1 : j: 1 : ' . L a 5 pair price. 5 the yonc and :harged V0U1VN0.7 SYLVA, N;-C FEB 22 !H8 1.50 THE YEAR. IN ADVANCE CffilP CB A t I tK. Today, Son Day. pos W Pan Tompkins Sunday, is Father r t ittftirl'-liARDENS rOR 1918 or scil to bettr r s to con to this KK' ber of v! day. A" to Govern ami tul K l but he vitation. M.C A. n M-nm or r South U' sons in tht fatherly, li the Govcri on m Kh he said th better ad in a story Governor id sa bis home Carolina teliins h d. pans vhj The ( priv ates vure feO'iis her 1 r a par to make fill em and every fellow is , rUeu. lnei applies aud the urgent call from ,'11. his Dad .s suppos e Earopetocylosuchs , see him. if possible. Due as can fae gh k fa t there have been a num-,,. . . . . itors at Camp Sevler t0" this country do his utmost to gro-! lllVUaUOU wua .h f , nncaiKlo IT,, ; vrwv LlVCi) jUUilU of food produced, even if it -may be used at home, releases that much more for shipment abroad. The :bj -t, the . "ore, of "Thrift Gardens' mvv; M, ;:;:es Mr. W N. Halt iioaicuituri.-t. North Carolina x teneicii Sii'vue. First, to nrnmr a- thrif a. -J o-c : age the production o ::ciiic bUDuiies. and. second, to release food for shipment to our Allies in distress in Europr. A well- planned, well-managed garden can be made to produce an abundant supply of fresh, wholesome fruit and vegetable that will meet the needs oi the burly the year round and often, in audition, have some to spare for 'bore who cannot en joy the luxuy of a garden of their own. The size o- the garden in town net:! be limited only by the size of the lu., whi'e the garden in the country sho: d be limited to the suniiiv of lab-jr available to insure i;s beirg well cared for. The hand p.e fellow said that he is labor in the country garden can be in the woods and and hug reduced to a minumum by spacing io death to get his hide the rows wide enough apart to ad- 1 .1 1 . .5 C . T- a: some sauuic puctvci&, mil ui me convenient use oi uie full of wild cats and saddle horse cultivator In the town gar Weekly War News D i ge st Stories of Acti ,'ities and Conditions Through out the United States and on the Battle Fronts, from Washington, D. C; CLANDESTINE CIRCULAR IS SUED IN GERMANY ATTACKS . RULERS t- Bickett to come down the boys from Carolina, ; unable to accept tb v So I went up to the. Y. Paris and heard Govein g deliver a speech to the nlininns. He has fwe 'w f : servu e, and mide us a.' e irt-to heart talk. After :or's speech, General Fai few remarks, in which it he could give us no ice mail uuu cuaiciiucu which was related by Bickett. Tlie Governor a young man was leaving in the mounrains of North nu that his father was m .Joodbve. "Well" he t - H-.hye John. Give the Ger i i.wi r npmbei your Ma.' tier niLiht 1 heard some v - talking about .what they i . . i "i rt .) co to me ufnr.;oit v t.? ever theie, and how AUTOMATIC INSURANCE C0V EkS MEN LOST ON TORPEDOED V TRANSPORT fAnt " merican soldiers los' tlie tor p jdoed traapo. ,;ere tno .ii Gov FARMERS OF JACKSON COUNTY ORGANIZE Sylva, N. C. Feb. 18, 1919. Meeting called to order by Coun ty Agent, J. M. McClung. County Agent McClung explained : THE AMERICANS IN FRANCE "The sector in Lorraine where out forces are in contact with the en emy continued relatively active ' throughout the week. The artillery A copy of a broadside forbidden in Germany h: reached ihe Com mittee on Public Information. It tecled by ih-? U iitel is a single sh(iet of foolscap size, ( era men t com p ion p; inted on bth rides, and bears a find not applied V oi coarsely exec nod voodc it re pre I cover ci ty ,tutou.iatic iast. j.i seating asoid!er 'i arms, a work-' vl ich is payable to a wife, child, man in a bio :se, a id a weni an 'or .widowed mo-her. The automat the object of the meeting and the j duels took place intermittently, but importance of farmers organizi ig tog and he ivy rains prevented m for mutual aid. He also outlined i fantry engagements. The Germans Those i intpreti ag the proposed work of the Farm Drmonstnti'-a Agent, Mr. J s. A Gray. District Agent or Western North Carolina, ga : an hord t!iey ne going to be with them. 0 going out iher shoving a rock off a precipice, be neath which K seen the head and bust of the Emperor, crowned and sceptered and mustached, looking up in terror at the fate impenGing The last 'paragraph of tha text is as ! follows: "Man of toil awake from slumbei! Recognize toy growing miht. All the wheels will lose their motion Without thy wong nroVs devotion Down with the vvar! Down vith the Govern inert! Peace! Freedom! Bread!" NAVY jETS 6,'.H) GLASSES BY APPEAL THROUGH PRESS NEEDS MANY MORE Over (5,UU0 Uasses ot various; kinds have bebii received by the Navy in resnoiu to its call through tip a t Berlin sn; ignl tigtrand ride him into 'hipy-inS him with a rattle Sun.e hard boys, that Charlie Red. formerly of the Radio Company, who was discharg- afew veeks io, was down here to day seeing tbi boys. John DilU.rd, of Webster, was here the last )f the week to see his brother. Will Dillard. of the Radio Company. Sersieant Erajt'is Battle went to Asheville Saturday. Dae t o t q quarantine in Greenville, the Paris Theatre has t ?ome quite an amuse ment place. The Keith Vaudeville acts, which are booked for the Grand, in tow u havj been moved to fans as lorg as the quarantine. lasts, and on lop oi that they have the regular nrodra n which has w i n hooked ahead. So the boys aking a(lantae of the fact ic insurance aggregates about $4,30 netting $25 a month for 240 months. Insurance that had been applied for is payable for a much larger class of beneficiaries and can go as high ns $10,000, netting $57.50 a m nth for 24t0 months. The compe,sarior in case of dath, given i,.y the Government without charge and legurless of r auk-or pay, iR'ges from $20 to $75 a month, b j.c A o i the number of dependent:. Pa" nents under tiie compens..?.i f Hure of the military anri vj .ival inurence act in caseofdeith r- payable to a wi dow, children, or dependent widow ed mother. The automotw insurance ceased on February 12, oui xhe coinpeii sation feature oi the act i ; a separ- ate provision. i bo :,ca.e oi ecm- iollows: addre s aad put ined wl;at is b. 'ir. Lone,in 3wain county and hi other counties. Mr. Gray showed the necessity for farmers to produce more than heretofore, show ing that if we fail to produce our necessities we must suffer. Mri Gray further showed that we can produce staple farm crops and hogs more economically than tb Northern Sta-??. He emphasized the value ' soy beans as a foragf crop for hogs. He showed in a forcible way how farmers can acromplifh most for ;he Nation and ihe'ms lves by thor- attempted no further raids, and settled down to systematic sniping and bombing of our positions. . "Our sharpshooters gave a good account of themselves, keeping tie enemy parjpets well . cleared of Germans. "One stretch of our line is very close up to German positions. "German aeroplanes have made repeated attempts to push their re connoitering sallies over our lines, . were invariably met with a hat fire r r c . iiom our auii-aircrait guns. "Our forces nga.J have shown themselves well fitted for their tasks in the trenches, and are rapid ly becoming accustomed to the routine of trench warfare. The welfare of our. troops, whether in that JY cjl 4et to see two after few rhows furoiiP r.n-j 'Ajtc, n -;.nd T I 'ent MD therp vpstMrHnv ntiprnoon. I 1 j ..v. the sho a sbmpd ut two nnd when h'e CbmP nut nf tt tl.nlro if WAS supper geant Andrew W. Murray WSundav ;ir homp k')Hl Fra P, Mnrr-c.m sn?nt the v;rpk vii -a i i ijmoi'U;u. fd McCoy is sending a few ys at home. "Re Lvai. U at home foi a day?. arlev n FVt,rlkt nnrl TJqI f rvT"l IttlSlov C 1..,. A -1 III- ' x i'i-"v. o'niuay in .snevuie Cair,P Sevitr, February 17.!;,. M OllliANiZtD "hsba o c i iVouday afternoon ;Mioiiv- of Mrs. Alice Dills, the t,t -( n:il0 Uvllln 'J Jp He e!iu-J. Frizzell, Tal--tUiKsluf, Sarah Bell, Bu- i'uhM- 11 aTU1 Annie uius, Ww!S t r('" sher as secretary. im-.ri 1,VLS 01 ine t0W11 w'11 results 1 WWR- aiul spienaiu i M bvi a i r . . " V"H'- ;ieu irom so entnus r16 a band r.r u SEF.n rTTT; : -"RW iOK WE I have ed L'r : .t .corn tliat Rcftm Ul Augusi. ana I "U IS VJbl ...j. i . . Irak., v1 atureu. it is ex- L ,u'corn ...:n ... . . rriTbr " yieiQ more m Z . dny other corn. Price S-P. WJkes, Sylva, N. C, , labor .nay be greatly fa cilitated by the use of a whee-hoe. GARDEN SHOULD BE PROTECTED It is useless to plant a garden un less it is protected against the depre dations of poultry citid otht-;r live stock. One o:- the other must be fenced in. In the country, where the poultry usu.iUy has free range. the dui.ger to the garden from t! i source is not so .-rious; but in towx wheie the range is limited, poultry must be confined. The garden in tnwn thea becomes a valuable source of green food necessary to profitable poultry keeping. A well planned garden should in clude a fairlv wide radge of crops, at least wide enough to satisfy the varied tastes oi all members of th family, and sufficient to provide a bountiful succession of produce throughout the whole year. BULLETINS AVAILABLE ! Detailed information regarding t he culture of dinerent garden crops nan hp nhtnincd fr rn the bulletins of the Agricultural Extension Ser vice which will b- sent out iree to individual powers, farmers Bul letin No. 647 of the National De partment of Agriculture, on "The Home Garden in the South," is es pecially suited to cu'-ntry gardening in the South. Farmers bulletin No. 818, on "The Smali vegeraoie Garden," with suggestion for using limited areas, wdl be of special in terest to people in town who want to get the most out of their back yard gardens. These latter public ations will bi- sent free ot cnarge by writing to Mr. Joseph A. Arnolc, Chief - Division of Publications, United States Df partmeni oi as" culture, ashing on, D. C. i r iiq rnnkfi e 'ervtnins couui m our hrift gardens this year in botn cou ' -y and city, ay autumn we op" na Relieve tney win ueuumc victory gardens. reii, For a wioow alone, $25. ror a widjw and one child, For a wi' U, W'?a the newspapers for binoculars, spy- Dentation incaS3of djath bssei,, telescots, sextants, andj ebronoiueters. inere is urgeni ieed for many more. Heretofire tha United States has oeer oDiisea io reiy on 'oieu such articles. These channels of supply being close i, it' his been i-jessary to tppl ath patriot ism of riv i':o -'a i s for ' ud f k h N ivy." AU ailicles ihouiu ue tagged with name and ; duress of the don or and sent to Hon. Franklin D. ough organization. Kr. Gray brief- tie trenches -or in rest depot3. is ly explained the methods of organi- the object of the immediate person- zation adopted by some counties a! concern of all our commanders, when different townshiDS are units The rations for the men in tha mmm I t of the county organization, the K rentier, in sp.r.e ot tne enemy s speaker showed that the Farm But at tempts to break up our transport reau improves he social life of a columns, ha e been regularly as community. surei. The care of our wounded I. j Mr. Gray sho ved that farmers at our neia dressing stations, as and merchants ?r3 not competitors v;jll as at our base hospitals is be- lwo; aiiijii-w cnii'-i tO ivv( (d) if there be no widow, thei for one euiid JSit. (e) ror two id uui j.,, v3u. y f , , j two. (g) For a wid"wed riother, $2 J. The amount pbyaois uaaer th:o Koosevelt, Assistant Secretary if subdivision shaii mi be greater he Navy, care o Naval Ooserva- than a sum wincn w ieu ad ied to lory, Washington, D. C. Those not the total amount payable to tne suitable will be returned to senders widow and'cinl L m, doei not ex- . areful reco;ds will be kept of ac- ceecM"75. cepted glasses : o they nay, if p ss- ib!e, be returned the termination yVAKNI -G k ,TJiD AGAINST of the war. j SCHEME lO S . iNDi.E FAaiEiw As the Government under the law j an not accept services or materha j Another scheme for swiu iUng I roe. tarmers o tud Uuitei jtatej as oft en c?Lsiri r A. Moreover, he snjw-3d thai sc' . churches and ther interests a.v f stered. Prof. Rhodes L-iItfly exherted al i farmTj to'cuopi rite with the Coun Aceif ho. 1 1 and urge their o cr pei te m every way. ?g carried on with scientific skill. ''Here in America at our canton ments, the training of our new ar mies is proceeding methodically. - PEOPLE Or SYATE NOT SAVERS. Mmm im cross iter.:sr s 'rosis work bein hei iho Indies ei'! e-ich meeting th . m jinl ery to iielp i:i the work Th- first shhu it bus been mac t The box con isve jf ho?pitai tldrtB, That something is wrong with forth Carolina in that she has the 1 west per capita wealth of any :i:.teinthe Union, except Miss- i opi, is the conclusion reached by I ' iKn.f T Crni r: t. r usiastic ana dtrJ1JCit icp -uouu. uucuiur oi are several new wer Savings Cmamittee of North aiolina, after a close study of the igures which represent North Caro lina's accumula ed wealth compar ed with the value of her annual dli be paid ihout panient ii t eacii rticle a(.v ed. 18000! 0 ,VG Ei uv ENGAGED IN AGRIt ULTOR I JN UNITED SVATES. co rdt lg to i . u ri ie 1,800,000 women f .imaged ir. agri culture in the United States, V3'd;00'l are under 20 e-irs of age and 1, 0R0.00J are nej ?y majoi ity of the women wor'.3 are founu m the Southern iSwie 3. The lines of work in whicti wo men will be h.;eiy to increase their farming activities, according to the report, arc vegetable gardening, poultry rairing, bn :r making, hog raising, etc. it s su .esteu mat women who know how ro operate motor cars may wi.h little addit ional training opr.-te tractors. nas been discovered by mc FcjJarai Farm Loa i Bcatu. x aian adver tising himseii as im autiioiized or ganizer ji uatior.a1 iifi .. loa.i ass'"- -i-i ions is jeud.ii0 out ad&rdsiug .... ... i nr swe-iters and pill ju s. Our Chairman, Mrs. S. W. Enkn-' visited the Ked .ioss work room, production. According to Mr a iein Ashevilie last ween ana sr Benson. North Carolina's wealth . ... . i ii ' h mgai bacP seveial new an S;: finn 000 000 whilshp nnvinr l . 1 . . I ' ' r 'is anoui wo i a. rmitp a nipp lit 1 '. Iim W:i; Teab zed from the i 'tx Supper, givei TYs mean i he says, that the State In rsday evening lor the benefit o produces every four years as much the lied Cror s. wealth as she has been able to ac- The time of meeting n?8 been cumu;ate in 250 years. cb -gen trom lut-s ay to vv .uc Tat we are a people vho waste day atternoon. nemod a.iu ; nrd spends unnecessarily Mr. o- ladies v. ho w il help are n I ;fT;()Son doesn'r hesitate in nv quested O lok. to meet promptly at 2 NOTICE. the vr: ?o hprphv diven to public that I will apply to Governor T. W. Bickett for a parcon ior ward Bryson who was convicted at the Oct jber term 1917 of the Sup erior Court of Jackson County on the charge of retailing spiritious liquors, this 18th Feb. 1918 Mrs. Vira Bryson. SMOKELESS FOV DER PLANTS WILL HAVE CAPiXlTYOF MILL ION POUNDS A DAY Plans and contr. :ts are compil ed for the construction of two smokeless-powder plants, each to cost approximately $50,000,000. The estimated capacity of each is 50d,000 pounds of powder aday, and from 10,000 to 15,000 men will . be employed ateach plant. The initial output at each factory is expected not later than next August. Much of the product wil be available for the allied nations. nauee emoidzonea wnn tn-'j"n- ai flag, seating thcV- he vill organize iuch associations at $o00 each, and will tCi-r.i;. vthers the ti;v; i. lor r cer- tam num ji money, ins aaveruse- menvs itave reached farmers and business men ov. r a large part of the united States. He claims to be so busy oiganizing nat;oual farm ban associations Mat he leeds help, but will lake tin e to teach others fjv a xVionetary c n.s:dera-ion. All such represei l ions: are frau dulent. In ordei ti borr .v under the farm-loan act, ,t is uecea'ry for farmers to orga ize co-operative national farm loan asssociaiions in local oommunikies. n if a violation of a ruiihs of ihe federal iaimi oan Board, publisiied more titan a year ago, tor a nati nal farm loan in 1 1 1 V. 2 mm The Jackson County Chapter ol the Ameiican Red Cross was for mally organized Tuesday evening February 19, by Mrs. O. K. Morgan of Johnson Cky. Tenn. Short .talks He )jgs facts to prove it. The aver age wealth per family in North Carolina, he says, is $845, or $169 per capita. Recent surveys show that a fair standard of living calls for . 709 per family or $142 per capita. This leaves a surplus of $136 per family or $27 per capita which is far above that required by an e'ficient standard of living. "If every individual says Mr, Stephenson, will save his $27, this year and lend to the Government on Rd Cross work were given by Rev. J. A. Cooke, vh acted as tern- only S16.72 of that amount, which porary chairmnn, M .Eugene Ward, of Asheville and Mrs-. Morgan. The following officers were elect ed: M.Buchanan, Chairman; T. O. Wilson, Vice Chairman; A. J. Dills Secretary; M, D. Cowan, Treasure Executive Committee: Rev. J. A. Co ke, Dr. D. C. Hotter, Dr. A. A. Nichols, Mr. E. L. r hXee. Mr. T. J. Powers, Mr. W. J. Morns, Mr. J. W. association or a joint-stock land ! Keener. Prof. J C. Ki.1, ram. bank to spend any money for pro The work rooria wil: continue ua- he nas been asked to do by the Gov ernment by purchasing War Sav ings Stamps, United States Govern ment Bonds. North Carolina then will have no trouble in raising her $50,000,009, the amount appordon- tionf it her for fina.icmg the War." Thi :, Mr. Stephenson thinks the peopiJ will do, and believes that trom this year on North Carolina wiil become a State of savers and will leave her unenviable position at bottom of the list of savers." motion purposes. thus orgai.lzed wih not be chartered by the Federal Farm Loan Board. Farmers are warned therefor against anyone asking a fee for his proffered services in connection with applying for a loan under the Jederal farm-loan act. Associatiui s ! der the action ol tne cnairman, Tne Red Cros3 Viishes lQ take this Mrs. Mary U. unnscn. Mticn creuu means of thanking M. H. Morris for for the success of our Chapter and due to Mrs.! in our workroom is Brinson's untiring efforts. Mrs. Jack Morris, letirii g Secretary. a bolt of material for the use' of making garments and bandages. Frank Jones cf Camp Sevier was in the city this week. Miss Carrie Grihhlft of Savnnnali tt 3 -vf o c,,;,. -. rreu uuy m y , . j ris visiting her sister Mrs. Charlie spent the week here with mends. I yj- .3