Newspaper Page Text
77 . - ft 1 ' f w' - Over 1 op ill: this , beginning MARCH THE 8TH. 1918 a 5 : 7 The ill 'VOL. IV NO. 7 IE J , bi LV A, vl 1 m&, ;'C. PR1TC11A lo Speak In Jackson County S1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE 12 KILLED RA1LR0AD.-.WREC mm CODNiY BOY HAS BEEN PROMOTED , .1 .r lie u ieu oiuico , . n .1,1 i r i wi i rliKourt of Appeals, will spe "War Snv i.oil comity vfii . . to speak to iri'fS. jMties t.iul caves ,r0n!r on th? greatest problems ! i, hue ever confronted the Ml l, h:! SllMfcVl, Will W Americanism Patriotism will He is a speaker ot u hk theme, Annnal fame; lie is a patriot of Columbia, S. C., Feb. 25. Ten T H v- March 5, Judge JHer , ?ers?nsi killed outright, two Oa Tut ' received injuries from which tW later died in Columbia hospitals and thirty-eight more were more or less injured when train No. 42, from Spartanburg, crashed ihtq the rear of No. 18, from Greenville, near Frost's Station, about five miles north of hero, this afternoon. The a:oiaeii' occred about 12 o'clock. S'.rl pn ;tir.-i!v all trnr., nf tho ''k h:. l bj, a cleared away by 8 oi lock ton;?V. Toany' yiei-k i? one of the worst hat-Ins t jVea ;;uoe on the South ern i.. iiianv months, thfe hvaw jpiTv- gine f the Spartanbutg. train shear ing its way through the wooden coaches of the tram ahead, and crushing out the lives of the ten passengers in its path. The two rear coaches of -the forward train were practically demolished, and the smallness of the death list, in view of the condition of the wreck ed coaches, is one of the mysteries w. s. s. Fred Lambert Hooper, of Sylva. who enlisted in the hospital corps of the navy last summer, has re cently passed the ; examination for pharmacist's mate, third class. In a letter to a friend he states IS; SUTTON- DIES Mrs. Julius Sutton, of Dilleboro died last Monday, evening. She had just returned from Asheville, where she had been in a hospital for -the past several weeks, on the evening train and died about two hours af ter Yrrivirig. She was the mother THE GRAND LODGE OF NORTH CAROLINA Winston-Salam, N. C, Feb. 5th 1918 To the Wardens andBreth ren of the Subordinate Lodges un -der the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina A. F. and A. M. ' Brethren: - OUR NATION IS AT WAR nriiiestionr! loyalty iint He has risen above section, crccii or pontics,, nc ,Wnds for the winning of the war. Heisstaiuliiii; 1 oluiut tne war .wirn his s(U!l- ,nincl 511 ld l;ody' IIe believes in tin' support of our armies ,uonj; He believes in the conserva- . :..,fiir rosoiirces at home. He iieves that every man, woman md child liaMi part to play in this rpit i-onllift and he comes to make ;ivu h;c nnnenl to evory one. Let every latent and child, teacher and stu f lent preacher and laymanin fact et every man woman anu cliuu wno elieves in America and who stands roorfl he;ir his address. He weak in Dillshoro -t the Graded :hool buililin;4 at 4 o clock r. M next Tuesday and tit the Audi- . ,-. i 'P.. 1 i. o num in viva on lticsuay m o ock P.M. s U IN CHEAT BEHNAI of SftVPlI rhilHrPTl thp nlHpat hfind- !iut he is-w-ill pleased with his ew fifteen years and the youngest eightlMany of our people are awake toJ duties and - advises his friends to . join this blanch of the service if in doubt as to which branch to get into. Mr. Hooper in now located at the naval gaining station at Hamp ton Roads, Va. Asheville Citizen. Joe B. Keener, another one of our Sylva,bo also passed this exami-. nation; as promoted. ; r "-'"f" ' w. s. s. months old, The burial took place at the Lo- i cust field buryhig ground and the service was conducted by Rev Lambert. , . - w. s. -s. APLAN TO PROMOTE THRIFT mm OVER THE TOP" Wc will begin the first chapter of "Over The Top"nextvc:k. This story waswriLenby an American who lias seen eighteen months of actual ervice in the trenches in France. This Ll:ry has thrilled hundreds of thousands of people and .is one of the rrv:t popular stories of the world war. It is a true story from beginning Mrs Eugen? Bearden went to Ashevifeffxhlay, ..returning Mon day. X ' ; Mrs. Deck Sutton of Greenville," S. C. is the guest of her sister. Miss Annie Faileor Lewis .Caiin yn returned to Camp Jackson,, Sam day. We were very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Julius .Sutton, W West Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 27, To encourage thrift, among school children as well as to promote jts own circulation the Progressive Farmer, of Raleigh, is offering a pri2e consisting of two Thrift Stamps for each new subscription sent in by any boy or girl who wisues to join tne inrnt uuo now bein'4 organ z 3d by ttrs paper. In additija to promoting thrift among the children, this' action will have the far:rea3huik4 ei'fejt of oa this fact, but thousands have not yet realized what it means. The preservation of your liberty and freedom, your homes and loved ones is at stake. More than a thousand North Carolina Masons and another thousand sons of Masdns.are in, this fight, and this is but a beginning unless w put our heartland tinfe ;?and money into the cause. There can be no doubt of final victory if we support our Government as we should. At a meeting held in Washington in Oacemer, representatives- of all fraternal orders being present, the President arid the Secretary of the treasury requested our co-opera- lio.i and help. Our representative at this meeting pledged the loyal support of Nordi Carolina Mason- But enobled in spirit and soul, And they gather with friends and the dear ones at home By the fire, or on summer's long days And ted of the times they went "over the top' In the early morn's twilight haze; Should they ask you what you were doing the while In the world's greatest war. to help win it. Be sure you can look them right square in the eye And truthfully say, "I was in it." If you have not already done so. I suggest that you display our Na tional Flag in your Lodge room. Let this proclamation be read to your Lodge at its next regular communication and let it be , pub hshed promptly in the next issue of your home paper. Fraternally yours, Geo, S. Norfleet, Grand Master. Attest: W.W.Wilson, GrandSecretar -w. s. s. NOTICE TO FARMERS ry. ginning a ca npa-in which wit, j The annual We have just received a letter to the Carolina i reauu ryCo., of !:evll!?.i!i which thev state, that to end and is the . thrilling expen- evare i O'll r;i irx ; n IK ill lareer '"c ui ima ywung miiciii,ciii, vyiiv7 amities than ever and that they got in the war two years ahead of i . :. .i.: . r .;it, I li5c oAimtri' ' a wnruiiL' m u s ucr iui miift uuuuuj. La sprit)". Mr. Farmer, if you have dairy Read every word of it. -w s. s. , eveuuiauv .meiii ueuci iui -mux in ty,i T 3 'uu n.i nrnnin'i anrt eppd no nas'ueon 'in tor some time, ana , : . . , vuu iieiu m raieien r 0 r wh, AM W MnnHnv pV.nind mwi T0'1 ecau3S 01 tne " 1 ast month fairlv thrilled with n tests at Mr. T. C. ... . v , , : sence or a rami journal in the ho n 1 : tr:ft.?6m , ,. - March 5th at 930 vp i wwh tn PY'pnd onr srnnatlvv . . . tnoasm a i1 a res jlution vas unani- 1 Aail-u 0111 dL i7-ou- The State Extension Horticultur- mmunicafon of ist and the County Agent will .give corn germination Bryson's farm' on to the bereave 1 family Little Mis? Helen Allison of Bark ers Creek-has been visiting in the city. Mrs. P. W. Kipcnid left Monday for Knoxville, vhere she will buy the new spring hats for the Bry ?on Millinery I epLirtment. --Thre iil? bfe play gi Vert Sat urday evening March 3rd by the g to toe exp IricuUural Exteisioa Service, evory ; home should have one good farm ; journal and one good paper, or at least the ! paper of the county. woman in the State at daily local news No man tms pcriu( girls of th? DilLboro Graded School . "The in the auditorium entitled: Rainbow Kimoi a Society. f hide awayrfroS the evoats of day and steep uaiatoraruu I history now being made. I paper, or be a slacker" is a true ex- 13 oLlir Oi t 13 "Read a hie it will be to your best interest Set into communication with p at once, as the price of milk very much higher than it has ! lerleeti in the past. We wish to cell attention to their i another p:ige in this issue. vv. s. s. WILM9T. n SOY W T!!3 FOOD Editor of the Journal Please al low me space in your columns for these few lines. The farmers of this section are glad to see these warm sunny days, :uul to hear the sweet songs of the spring birds. Mr. Potts, of AsheviHe has bought the Sellers stojk of goods from Wm. Quiett, .Tnrhte Sellers, savs winter has v vo He faw a wild goose going North. Thatr- a pretty good sign. f4Too .-irvr nan ! n -r,rfH l I .Tr 1.-1- L i A.-(iiini7'itinri in thp I nifprl StntPS yion 2d, Every bod v cordially in- . t . . n . , . . j j is resDondmg mre patriotically or ' tn . : o . m i J unreservedly to the demands made The Dil sooro Sewing -Club metj . . . .. . n T. Aa . , upon it than is-the press. It de- ins rnu uuy -c- - ' 'serves support OI iVilS. iViOIll V' UliOil. Jovv mously adopted, calling moon the un Marcn btn a pruning demm-' Masons of this Grand Jurisdiction Oration will be conducted at the j to assist the Giveramaat in all its rcnara oi Mr. rranK jarrett, uuis- , endeavors, especially in the sale of boro- its securities, and instructing the rso corn should be planted witn; 1 rl ! Grand Master to issue proclamation ?ut teslin the seed for gennination :lluti Lopnriiindiv 111 order to determine the vitality of . of national strife has ;the right io T o the seed. Seed corn ermmation tests win De conauctea in otner townships, if farmers will co-oper ate in advertising the meeting in order to get other farmers to at tend. J. M. McClung, Co. Agent, w. s. s. A JACKSON CO. SOLDIER of at Itrom nil rr.rts ( f the countrv fetheiu-t fpw months letters hcome tf) t!:o North r;,rolinn P'i:wi;t Station with rtference ,vt'reol)e;in flour or inral for ' !'UiKi:i! can 1 .0 secu 1 cd. Not- 1 'ii- :... . .1 . . 1 - u. ,uu. ume again jua;;e, lllroiii;u tniils have crushed in.., tnit icth ltpst issue ll 1 JLjU VV IU1U 1 J H'v- t.,. vy during the past several the day here. rul M) fir t UrA hio nnt Vrtr ol , . 1 t;- -.T -.. .IV, imo hvji uttii 1 oh NmnQ Riwr. JIS I llillllicy corner. law" works very .veil in some instances, out ne cant uo liuyum with the Selective Service Regula tions. The sehool closed here Friday ;iht Fph 99nd with Mr. W. N. I'll V ' ' 1 v v I c '.t hrst, to provide for a ..Hrcnn nc Prinninal. and Miss mid a j ni.uvyikiuii u 1 I . -'finis demand, states Mr.fl. n- i ta cu,. AcoSotani Thpv I DhU Ll. Olicnuu ao nMuiu..v, j ' Ii 1 ; ,1 n-wlrnm for Vf, . naa an luicicauiig t,xw0 . ot the llnito.d StntpsL, . ... 1 ,, mact of "iineir closing caciuow, Ww , " '' iratm- has suggested L,Vi;k ,aa in honor of 0111 Nation's Ha,ioa of soybean meal in hplfWpH snn. George Washington. 11 ur men!. Sueh n Riihsti- ..... n!nmnnf U70C Q tfonHpd hv ill q. I v; ine eiuciicimmcni. ao . ' w made and ut the same i nH pverv one seem- .Ve :,U'1 "lve t() the hread ed to leave with a spirit of patriot , V UK' A!1 tllLlt appears ism showing in his face We ex- mm eif.rt on the part of! eii'.lsto put up the meal in a L-oulti ,c used by house- Hi's seen j to offer a very "' SUddfor the enterprising 'm-rho will start in i:ig games vve.e played etc. Daint'M-efreshm juts were served nnd'everv one eiioved themselves very much. Those-present y Riesdames, L. Y. Brock, P. W. Kin caid, Cole and W.opA Cannon, and Misses 'Eieanora Cleav eland, Bonnie Sherrill, Beulah Dills, Dorcas and Ellen Fisher, Sara Belle,--Maude Connor, Annie Ti llent, Nina F.nsley Eddis Morrisoo n id Margaret Buch anan. The Club will be entertain ed at the home or Mrs. Cole Cannon Thursday evening. Little Walter Moore, Holmes Jrl and Elvira Brysoa spent a few days in Asheviiie last eek. ;' Rn-nfi Parris o? Raleigh visited relatives here last week. The Junior Sewing Club met at the Jarrett" Springs Hotel, with Miss Janie Harkins, last Saturday aiter noon. F T Watson ma'de a business trip to Sylva Monday. Mm -.Tne.k Ledfi;rd of Asheville X 1 1 k.' - ' " attended the buricl of her daughter Mr?. Sutton, h 're, hi 3 week Mis? Freeda Isa ic of Asheviiie has been spending a few days here w. S even f intelligence U33.5 not -demand every family to keep well informed. It is possible that some other .! papers could use this plan to good eitect. . . w. s. s. BAPTIST MISSIONARY MEtTlTG. l!eet. urand Piaster 01 Masons in North Carolina, do call upon every loyal member of the craft to aid ard assist our Government and its agents in every way possible in the conservation of food and fuel, in the sale of all its securities, in gifts to the Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. war funds, and 111 the cheerful payment ol ail taxes imposed upon our people, to the end that our Army a -d Navy aid those of our Allies may be sufficiently clothed, amply equipped, properlv fed, and diligent ly cared fox, that this horrible war may be brought to a speedy and fsuectssul end. The Annual Meeting of the Bap tist Woman's Missionary Union of this State, will be held in Asheville, March 26-29th. This organization is composed of the various mission ary societies throughout the State, and the meeting in Asheville is ex pected to bring between four and live hundred delegates to that city. A splendid programme is now being prepared: Dr. Victor I. Masters Of the Home Mission Board, and Sec. Walter N. Johnson, of the State Board, will both speak on Dear Mr. Editor Just a word or two to the dear old Jackson County folk. I think it is a great pleasure to get to send a few items to the paper. We boys are having a very good Ti , emus nuiv wiuu, x line uuo yiauc he campaign on just now is for I ... o niucii ueuer man 1 uiu iauip oe- the sale of Thrift and War Savings Stamps, which many believe to be the best investment, the Govern ment has offered its people. The purchase oLthese stamps not only helps our National Treasury but en courages thrift, a much needed practice, among our people. The Grand Lodge has purchased one thousand dollars worth of these stamps, all any one is allowed to buy, and I urge every subordinate Lodge in North Carolina that has vier. I noticed a piece that my old friend Jess Moss had written to the Journal last week. Snow was about 14 inches deep here but it is about all gone now and we are having a good time, There were about 38 of us boys went to hear Billy Sunday preach last Sunday. I hope the Journal will have some ne,ws from old Beta next week. I would like to be with home folks now but I don't know how long it will be till I get to see home folks for I don t think we will be at 8. 1,1 woiul be to simply tpml ftnr thanks to bom teachers, that is imw hpind .u.r Kmra ma.tP in Hep.! . nor tne success nicy 11a vv. ill Dili I Slii funds available or can save about Wednesday night, the 27th. At ! seventy dollars per month to do the Washindton long tuat service, a uuuuie quuncuc ui.&diuc. u vuu i6C "j " 1 Well I want to tell you all the students rrom iviars 11111 onegf, j Tnoucanu uonars worm, uuy cveiy will sing, on Thursday night, March 1 dollars worth you can. I call upon 28th, Dr. C. N. Piahock, a mission-j every Mason in this Grand Juris arv that has spent 25 years of his ! diction to purchase every stamp he '-life in Africa, and who is the auth- jean pay for up to the limit, and I or ot the mission study book, The ; cail up3n you further to hold all Romance of - Nigeria," will speak.. Government securities and to en courage others to hold I them that 1 i .1 U) a gr:ier fmpnpss .nnd ., 1 1 . v nA thp faithful' UDi,,n , tneir scuooi wwn, auu iu . 1 111 P'JCKa-cs thnt ran hp c v.;,. rlntioa H tn ,k . " penormauce mi 1 . 1,1 U IIOUr by itself. Pi -.1 111 mm either Ir it tl'ii rr,,'.n. f r tfllrv 1 " l ivHfV;3 Ul llOlll UhJt)mHwl , . . lor. . Hll(l l)e a K0(1 ,Sw?m tha Wilmot Whittler. -w. s. s. to NOTICE Notice is hereby given to th( s. wimes his friends to:know why he resigned from the . . . . '. r " O -. f Rni-ccu Unrted btatea Kiuy. received official no ice that it had been decided to transfer him to the having to Capt. Dorsey Mr. Jess M. Moss from Webster is the best friend I have in Washing ton, he is mighty good to me here in camp. Guess I had better close, Felix H. Montieth, Ponton 464 Reg., Washington Barracks, Wash. D. C. w. s. s. discount, thus impairing our na- SEED CORN GERMINATION TEST. . .,Ki5 T will nnnlv to Governor Infantry, and regretting having tc tevn, c a 1 p r nl ' iL 5?nnfor Ed- leave his company that ; he orgam- fHri omul 1 nave 1. vv. oicivcu. iui F jjMth -irlina en- , tarly varinv ,.r .u. T t, .i. wn, rnnvicted at zedan Western North varJinci, .e, L. lIie last nf A,lfo- n,ihu n,f Ar tprm 1017 of the bup- ere,i ui? iCOi - lkwn IU'SU1' I . 7 ...i LwnWoH . .Tariiiftn 30Uu, - "1.11 tnrv..-.t t. I r x. C lrlronn I .Oil 111 V Ull 1 clU U " T--" rfttnan .. f u;r,j anrt ous Dorsey may .be called oac.i tnio 'most " MU I more tnecnarge uiicii rr-: x uafMhimmet-: but he ri 1 1 r -At i :f ' vii i. ill , i j a -f i says it is not likely; that it depends The day session will be mi?t inter esting, and will be entirely in charge j rather than sell them at a of the women. A delegate from eaca society .will i tior.s credit. he entertained free oi charge, and! Don t do your bit, but do your A Seed Corn Germination Test visitors will find special ates for best and di it now. The need for will be given at the home of M-s. cnUro nt thP loenl boarding ' mtant action is lmuerative. Our David 11. Brown oi vveosteroo Mar j TUv mn J i!c mill -inn -i oT-irl KrrvtVi ore lin?o olroorlt; 6th at 3:30 P.M. hOU esau k; c . .i wn ThPCA dPrminntinn tPStS ar ah- be held in the First Baptist tnurcn. gone to give ineir ii vcs. i "eceurv . essential if one would have . .i ii . i j j . 1 1 j t i - w q 3, , snail we wun noiu our uonarsj I vou do vour best, victory will T f 1 11 maximum yields. Germination of be pnrn is verv uncertain this var. Holmes- Bryson has been to dif-rmucn sweeter to you when the boys This is.the only way to determine ferent markets lately buying . goods,! VMD'e-marching home. ltsTyalu?r. . . ' . . forthe spring trade: He savs mer-When those. of our boys return lrr Sff Z . -.-. ; , ja ; - - t r -r- . I uiuuaui iuui ;uh uu w chandise is scarce dui ne mW.., - aua i luuw, - . field'atfain. - Then your as he generally does, to get a good diipply. Mrs. Kincaid is in market this week, buying millinery for his Who missed death in the war' Cf0p wm be te0 late to- mature: - awful toll, " J "A stitch Jn time saves nine. Blind and maimed and crippled for An ounce of precaution is worth n tv 1 ' 5 pilist)oro place. life I pound oi cure. Wilkes Rv,i,ro m n iu;ih, ii