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V i I f A " , y -'i 1 -7 unty Farm Impieriient Jnspectioa lie oair vv eeK Mar .0-10 m ii -Ou IV NO. 7 YLV C. VI R 3 1918 $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE -Xz : D A JACKSON ' CO. 0! "OVER THERE" Every thing is beautiful but it lot any thi::g on "Western North Carolina." We had a very . pretty view of I Ireland. I was hoping to see -some- n.j w we miblish a letter from ling of Wales but did not. Wei Geo. Cox to his home folks mve not had any extremely cold which will be of ; weather of late ana aop3 we will not. Have been able to o around has iiucr r'fciiru&Dn juoul nuiijiiAtiu ADDKE35E3 LARGE AHCES USE FARMER'S ownee iMi' lillCl LJV w " pun fu ut. Cox, of the Radio Company a,.,,! ;t Ueut. from the Wire Co. !,;, a Lieut, from the Oal Post w,.ro selected to to France study the Frciica melhjuj oi' jj,,!;-, service so as to be able to the Field Signal Battalion thev reach France: , with the hoe and plow is asked to do before he grows strictly commer- IflR FOR 1 Q ! 8 cial crops-0311 he do it? Yes How 1 U 11 1 1 U can the consumer get him to do it? ; By making it to his interest finan- BY J. M. JOHNSON, OFFICE OF FARM cjaHy MANAGEMENT Nqw ug whgt avemge ine farmers ot this btate, m com farmer has for his individual job. vll '! One of the nost thrilling patriotic addresses ever heard in Sylva was mon wun tnose oi tne entire uun-, Thp pRn nnn f keUD without over coat quite a good deal, itha: delivered by Judge Jeter C, try, are being asked to do certain j thisclass in North Carolina.Dividethe I am rested up and am ready for ! Pochard of Asheville at the Audi- things along the line of crop and'Wtf . . . . nnmhpr work any time now. I hope by j urium on Tuesday night, live-stock production this year. The of farmers and get what the averJ now you have received the tetter ! The speaking was under the auspec- request is for an increase in the age Qne .g expecled l0 do Then to which was to be released after our I ies of- the War Savings Society and amount of corn, hay, wheat or other get your vidual duty as a farm urrivd o i iK- - Mde. j one of the largest audiences yet aL- bread rains, vegetables and fruits. e plgce yourself as either above or Ih-c.tiR ip was pleasint and' s -.i.bleJ in Sylve listened with rapt dairy products, pork, poultry and bJ h average just as you think I vi3;i t ra h and was a. ways attention to ivs description, ot the scvcld1' UU1C1 "ci ui . should be Dlaced and add to. or r.hinPSPtnm tnni' War the calif s eadinUD toit. ana "umc ui iwai uuusuuipuuu. imc " . X . . I 1 ll Mv nearest ratner anu mouiei j -V n'steil now and feeling fine. V,. at Winchester England and )li;vi!:'4 a good time, with nothing ?p..ri;il to do for the past two (lays. lnuii'4 this time we, Ramsay, Han ,i myself have been going, no ii. 1 and have seen about every- The Winchester, Cathedral tlu ,,l(lei in England, was where we mi :;t .nost of yesterday. Oie Oi re . .; y to hear din cr h sea and sen The quarters (staterooms) were gcodandthe food was fii?, (in courses) and great style a few were sick and thought they would die , but nearly ail enjoyed the life, Time did not " slow" one bit, a.j we had a lot of u. ny nurser, and men and soon were like b'u family or party out for a pleasure trip. We were soiry to break up the t i r Mi" in in tit Anf ni v a rn rvi ' -wr vr J. vVj had some rough the duty of every American to ."c mncu iui individual ca-e. or : v.j "Squalls" which ! fight same to a successful finish, of winning the war. The appeal; Fo. use within the State, the ave- icw aves over the decks. His patriotism is 100 per cent pure is maae to our patriotism. r ick- . farmer should produce 1500 substract from, the general require- PETROGRAO EVACUATED BYJOLSHEVlltt Petrograd is being evacuted by the Bolshevik government Moscow, the ancient capital, is to again be come the seat of the Russian Gov ernment, while Petrograd is to be made a free port. The population of Petrograd is quitting it hurriedly and various government departments are re moving further inland away from the German invader. Bolshevik I rAlin r c ' in Mncpnti; o.irl tVto rir vinces are said to be more opposed to the Germans and a separate peace than those in Petrjgrad. Previous reports that the hard and his one strong appeal was for ing up the opportunity of serving, d f pork beef and pouitry j terms of the German peace treaty. i 1 r ' " party lines and parly factions to numaiiuy is one OI maKing a 410 pounds of butter, 334 gallons of be forgotten in dealing with the pront trom the year s worK. i milfc (t0 uge sweet) and g58 gaUons .. i i M,,. ,( ir ' snnnose von wouiu , ,, v rv...- r r . , . . ..m,i cvhi. . n, nartv but vou Know we couian hat was to be done w ui. ly co it of-arms "that this or ihi! v; some other old Patriotio K:: -r Arch-Bishop" had to do did. or might hive done, had sj;i;.rt me in a killed him. ibis Cathedral was built or part ly Unit by William the Conqueror, siMy after 1CG3, The stone work is almost perfect even now aud the i-nrving on the tombs beautiful. iiu.m nrp tlvMnands buried un- 1 lk v. . - 1 iiiv; iiuvii uui m. x of Fpiice that rooms of exactly fay ill y-Mi pl3,.seseTid me the ad dressee, J any of my "Kin" either -1 1 1 IT" ,-vro i lu .j ujianu o. rrauce aim iac ujjj common enemy. He stands for America firs,t and then party prin cipals afterwards. After dealing with the various phases of the War and the great undertaking which we are up which take from Russia thousands of square miles in Europe and Asia, would not be accepted by the all Russian congress of workmen's and and soldiers delegates, indicated in aiiempung neater piouuuuuii, ; tQ uge ag buttermilk 270 dozen u may oe wen io size up uie suua-1 e m bughels of sweet and IrishJ tionandsee wliat is required lor our o 7Q . . . f heat 300 own maintenance, what to support jhhlf nnd 6 or 8 tons ofiso that the non-peace elements our. non farming population, aii(4hay now t0 take care of the ex-1 in the Bolshevik ranks were giin what will be necessary to allow a five j . ri.mands add one.tenth all the ! ing the upper hand. Evacuation of , w - ' 1 1 against, he mads a strong appeal to ten per cent surpms tor e-P rt-j way through, and especially to the Petrograd was mentioned as one of for the conservation of everything Tne next point is to take up the nou.Der;shable Droducts. The farm- measures the war party proposed. which would aid in bringing this armor ot the hoe ana rae, ana War to a su3ce33fal finish. . The measure up to requirement and War Savings Campaign which is j national expectations. now beiag wa led was especially it us see some or tne uungs we in Wales and the address of friends emphasized by him and he very w.nt: Meat, maiming porK oeei I . i r. l tk arirl roiiltr.; 1 wmtPfl' fdd; hilftpr in France t id Auj.Ij .vlais friends clearly precntea io nis neaieis uic , , er's job as an individual begins to stand out when he considers these figures. Can our farms be so organized as to meet these extra repuirements -w. s. s. ur i ist Ui." large amount :mr ('. of them had. large v -v r-nrvod out near t;ie sides lui- Cathedral and the tomb in the mi'lille. It certahil was worth dy- I .1 "flvorl lit' wi in inose uays, io uc uacu in Paris. It 1 have any time off at any time I want to pay same visits. Send them as soon as you caa as I will ee;Luinly have some time in Paris very soon. icU dear Gran-father I am going to try and visit his old home in Wales my first furlow. Will hope to see Frank before long av.d then we will try to keep up with each other. reasons why Vhrift should be en couraged b r ry one. He very siro gly emp asized the fact that thp finest investment ever offered the American peop'.s was through the channel 0." the Thrift Stamps and the War C tamps which are now being offeied''or sale at every Bank and every Poat Office. AH41. vet allow them to be operated milK, potatoes, omer vegpiaww, . , nrnfit-pflrnind units . , , ; Will ii Viw.i w 0 wheat, com and hay, witn t.iese .g r questio'n frequently asked and DacKeaupwiui uioie. ueana, . . . . . answer is IT 1I1V1J V V v-. Pl:i, wr,;e me ail ihe news at .ill r iiit1aaa like that. They, however, were tne nomi-.uuuwucc, ivc a Ni-rman Kings and the Cathedral all my friends. bishops so I suppose they I v; :nt to Invd a letter from my luiitd such decoration; and t len baby sister, but aybe you had "UhMHly Mary" was there too, 1 better write a little on it too. so the don't remember all I knew about censor won t think it is "code". lr ,hor tlmti whnt her name im- I will soon be very busy wit.i lilies and that seemed to be enough, plenty to do, and ready for our Div. li. sit down in her chair when it gets here. that she was crowned in, but The meeting siniug didn't set anythi.g different from any other chair except that it was very old looking and quite odd. Then the Monks "nodding stools" vromiiti interesting, they were fixvd so if the Monk should nod. for v :.rd when sleepy, after long hours ol suing it would pitch over ana Ha poor Monk would fall over which must have been quite embarrassing or even a disgrace before the church, YuliT .-im s-.A T wasn't born in ih( se days, because it must have l'vw av.ful hard to think you could -i t b'u p m church no matter now j had one might be. lliue were many other things of ii:tt:v:-.i hut the tombs of th No i!" ii' 1; ngs, Bishops, Queen Mary 1 1 ecially the ''Nodding Stools" :iM'n ul me most ! was preface d by " Amelia" by tl:4? entire a I.-;, hone-made molasses and other usual accessories will take care of the real needs. A study of consumption of foods I , "... - i i nn I WwdV. in 4c3 larm i imiiies, ot wmcn od vvere in Nnr.h Carolina and the others in nine widely distributed States, given some definite data oi in f.i .pnuiiiiiii' uisi wiiui. Yes, It is intended that some of the problems of organization will be taken up by this orlice next -w. s. s. 0!LL8801il RED CROSS ; .... ouartett-by repiesematives from must do at tms time u we are to The ; teeo ourselves, vvnn mis uaia a a guide, va may project our work the Sylva Collegiate Institute. snpjibp, . i produced by Han. , ir. . .f ',n .-r.i rnr the vear wun assurance Oi Jno w Dr io. r. EiOh. ot i iS p.dLe, uuu j j dreat deal more won; aataiux. whM,; in Sylva by wmpushing a good purple w.0i-, ,ighed and each b, r. anu Mrs. , A. NicVo.s. necessary waste of tune aud . do her -V. s. s. DUtSBORO Wiih love to all, Your loving son, George C. Cox, My eddrs is Lieut. George C. . . . i r- ...l.i. ... Cnx 105th Field bigaai Dauauoa. Merchants -w. s. s.- AMERICANS GIVEN FRENCflWARCROS L. V. Bro?k vvent to Sundav to ' i:end' the Jubilee. A large cro vd from Sylva and Webster attended the "Rainbow Kimona Society" Saturday evening. Mrs. Holmes Bryson arrived trom Ash-wiiie a ff w days ago ThcDillsborc Auxi iary is doing splendid work now. More ladies nttnnH than ever before and new members are coming in lapidly. A great deal more work is being dv seems l. I " J woiiv. . . , r i z,.n v.:. o nn at m l- t a laree numoer oi uu&iiiim oiiiiio On the 55 North Carolina farms , . , oro n ioiiTri .. w have been finished, also some more there was an average consumption , . ... T. spmn(i Perpersonof l22 pou d of po k , once. Knnvville two pounds oi ueei anu n.o - ... . - .1 . .-i. J ' I lit-- i M I X I I I 1 .1 I Mlll II 111 weighing a p p i o x imately 1-4; b . & . p , 'n.lQ nf arger than the first one nnnnHa fl niPfe or b.l DOUIldS Ot & nnnHrv rnnsnmed Der Derson. The tv " j . will be much Last Tuesday afternoon, March Rth. our society was delighted to have Hon. Jeter C. Pritchard speak : JACKSON COUNTY UNION MEETING. Will meet with the Johns Creek Baptist Church Friday before the fifth Sund ly in March. Friday 29th at 11: A. M. Intro ductory sermon by Rev. A. C. Queen 12: M. Dinner. 1:30 P. M. Has the time passed when once a month preaching will satisfy our people? By Bro. T. F. Arrington. 2:30 P. M. Should churches have a set ralary for their pastors? By L. H. Crawford. Church Music: What kind and how? By Rev. R. N. Dietz. 11: A. M. Sermon by Rev. J. C. Massengale. 12: M. Dinner SATURDAY 1-30 P. M. Womans work in our churches. By Rev. E. R. Harris 2.30 P. M. Haw may we interest - our church members in giving? 1st the pastors salary. By Wesley Green. 2nd To missions By W. F Cook. SUNDAY 10: A. M. Are we getting the re butter consumption averaged 41 lbs. per person, while there was 33.4 Ildve .i Cciip nf the war and sults from the Sunday 8011001 we y :n j QR o i to us on the issue of the war. anai gauons oi sweei liiuiv uscu,uu.u &ci- I I W7 f T7'.ll I 1 . f I .... . til, OT A srmrl dnd ivatL :ooi-.i w-re the quests oi 18 bushels of Irish potatoes i. - y IO i i igc ! in the interest f the War Saving Bi caanan Saturday American of::,rs and privates who th mselves in the repulse of the German attack northwest of Toul last week, have b en decorated by the French gov ernment, war crosses being the men in the presence of Premier Ciemenceau. While visiting the American sect or Sunday the French premier umnt intn the front line trenches, VYUL iwv- talked with r 1.1. ' lS i wouiuu u . inspected the troops, been eithe .!. nfi nipn an(i officers ano men, anu rename u t -pcci illy interesting to see. j parig satisfied that the Americans v. :ings went," as different ones I able U) nold their own against v 1 i..d t me in poorer. One wouia I commoa enemy. 1 '- nc ie to the Cathedral or add i . w. s. S. . . . .. j . I -i-i tautitul carvnig, ana tuiuo fif,1 nr rt wni Qvm 1 ..-c would come Miss Margar and Sunday. Miss May me Snyder of Canton visited frieudL and relatives here the first of ttt? w;ek. Miss Hrt rii h Moore of Webster ; snfndiny s, ine in the city. Mrs. P. W. rvmcaid returned from given Knoxvule i'aursaay. LiUie Miss Lillian Smith ot can ton has been visiting little Evelyn Jarrett. Miss Lena button is speeding a few weeks in Asheville. Mrs. Lula Pangle and s wen; to Ashe villa Thnrsd in Friday hnshpls nf sw?.et notatoes and a pounds of flour used for each per son in the family. When those figures are given a State:wide application, we may ?ee just what our farming job for this year is. In round numbers our present population 'is 2,500,000. To" give each person the normal meat allow anfp of 19. nounds of Dork, two 1 lf a l rdp anriience creetea iwr. A X to w Pritchard and we were highly en tertai ;ed by this splendid speaker. There is no doubt, that each per 1 son present" was inspired with new ourage and enthusiam, LAUfllf AND LIVE! ought too, if not, why not? An open aiscussion. 11: A. M. Sermon. Preacher to be named. It has been suggested that the John's Creek church be dedicated. The suggestion came since the program was made out, so let every church be represented. Committee R. N. Deitz, W. N. Cook. A. W. Davis, w. s. s. Amorillo, Texas, Feb. 23, 1918 Mr. Harlowe Kitchin of Hereford Tex., an employe of the Hereford Come to the High School Audi- ,,n Claude 1 Pounds of beef and 26 pouaus of torium Friday evening marcn 1 Printing Company. was in AmoriU( av' return- poultry, or a total of 150 pounds of x 8th. Negro Minstrel given by tne d ay trying t0 enlist in the U. S. me it ner nerson the State must i Sylva umegiaie lusuiuic x w.j navy, ne pasea me examination. ii nrvmg, anu , i MPfTIG OF KNTIRt Wili SAVING -SftifcBBmtt FOR JACKSON COHSH. all i i) J ust - v. : Ley could have be j ten it Ml ii they had wanted to, then '"Hit one else would carve and litald some more, and "so it goes" now the German "Gothas," may n and ruin the whole tiling Vvhic Li they are very much afraid of. Fverv member of the War Sav ings Committee and Chairmen and members of ail sub committee ate urged to be present at a meeting in Sylva, N. C, School Auditorium, TuPRdav. March 12th, at 8 o'clock 1 I So it s,,m,w .if hvp hn who wich P. M. Mr. Gilbert 1. btepnensou.oi Winston-Salem. N. C, Director ot ine L.aaies oewius vjiuu ui uni- gr0w u mar . .-.nt-prtiun!ii Mt fhfi home uuiu HVii' vuiwui"' vpor of Mis. Cole Cannon, Thursday eve- - o ' - . . ... Rh ning. The members present were. cq can nnn i j M7nA. niisi ai?u yiu " iviesuame,, : , . Then, while and Cole Canaoa ano Misses, Dorcas 0 . . . . and con. ana Ciiien auwi, muia ihuhwjj, ... , , -a simed. we want SaraBeiLMfooia .eveaiua - d)Zen egg8. LViaruareL uuv iiuucui. 375 000 000 pounds during ' Proceeds to go on piano fund. Ad- j but on account of not knowing some r. 'Likewise, she must have mission 15 and 25 cents. 8 o'clock. ! good trade he wiU have to wait w. s. s.-NOT1CE. awhile. Mr. Kitchin is a well knowa young man of Hereford, Texas, and all of his associates think a great deal of him. Ho goes in the very the best society aod is always at Sun- We bushels' of sweet a Notice is here by given to ... . t .,1 i i r:r o r n rvi 1 We novo eT tt nno J 4- a n.iK n that I A7111 J . T 1 1 1 1 V III UUVCl" u J J oi.w.. ..w u v wj vuv nu iiium .m-i.u,...... - - . f . . . .. . . . 14,000,000; nor T. W. BicSett tor a paraon rar --T-h" uTjL TTh SG,v much of our young ladies. He came nH Trwh norMtoes Harlev Lindsev who was convicted M. nf nnr vnnnd larlioa Ha fame- The duo v, li meet next Inurs- . 17500000 busheis 0f wheat. Io at the Feb. term 1918 of the Super- here from Syiva. c abjUt six day evening t the home of Mrs..' F. I. Watson. feed our stock and give us c,0me ior Court of Jackson County on the months ago. -W. s. s.- w. s. s. North s member I'Mlrstrnv 'nlw5iv with us". Ihu f.,r wp hnvp hM n verv i Service, for War Savings for J trio and are very comfort- Carolina will address this conferenc aUe. I and is anxous for every Iuijoyeda short stay in Scot- o be present at that time lu'il and heard the "bug pipes" from train. The scenery is beauti H such peculiar old and quaint ll(juses angl eyery thing quite green. meal we want 75,000,00t bushels charge ot retailing sinuous nquui. ) Win SWINGS of corn and 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 Th,S 7tU Marcn Wis. " M'fth- I tons of hay, besides the usual cora! J. B. CosdiU. . . -i i mi e e . fodder. The vegetables ana sma , r f oniinnn apVps are! dFFn TORT FOR SALE I have I fills 11U111 'v- - " , ijji " - " , . . . , g, . . "nted a very early variety of corn that I move the little . one twpm danger 4V"nted- . :L, L r Adt.nH vvhena . is snuffling or cougr This is the North Carolina tarm- iouuereu mc U6. . u your dmy tQ get mmj j Mr. Gilbert T. Stephenson, of TAKE CHILDREN OUT OF DAND ER If you saw a child on a railroad tra3k you would endeavor to re ! Winston-St,e.n. Director of Service fjr War Savi gs in North Carolina, Meeting on War -w. s. s. Russia has finally signed the German peace terms. will address .lass .leeting oa War f d our populalicll the corn is well matured. It is ex- out 0f danger of se Savings Siamps at Cullowh33 Audi, r sj . fed Now for a tra large corn and will yield more ces? Foley's Honej torium next Wednesiay morning w nave v . ndd than most any other corn. Price relief from coughs. . . . . , , III er I r!IIL &U1U1UO ivi vawvh, MarCh1 ILljr oneth to theitem, all the way . 00 per bushel. should attend this meeting. (: through. This is what the man, severe consequent ey and Tar gives colds, croup and whooping cougo. . Containesnd S. P, WiIkes,Sylva, N. C. ; opiated : Sjlva Pharmacy. Adv f,:.,.f ' v. til- : hi nr.: ) 1 . . L ; if 9 5 L, I i. i t ? . 4 !: I! II 61 Ml If; IT ? I t - 4 c - j U