Newspaper Page Text
- r '"TV'-"'"4 J ' 'J" f " J f . e eff a. iSs m m & vx. 5 Kj. c5 - - M w . . VOL. IV NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C, MAR 15191, $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE jjjjff JACKSON CO. ?T0W WILL THE ARM THAT REApS "OVERTr PREdlDENTS FROM A JACKSON RED IKU lb 0U EXPLAIN?" THERE, COUNTY BOY MESSAGE 10 RUSSIA m ; s-f r . iSi.,V,V r?: ; r ' n c-s - - :r -j i. '"t . 1 5 UUINli ! Wlnstcn-Salem. March 9: "What ' will you tell your children and your grandchildren you did to help win his great war?" Col. F. H. Fries of ViustOQ- Salem. State Director of jr Savings is mm and women of North - Carolina. "When our veterans return after the war," ht says, "and pass for the grand ri view uy uu. r icsmcui, auu lain u$ the Governor of the State, who. is Uoing to feel a thrill not oi joy. u sure, bu? f?f shame at the pan p'ay t i iii ringing the soldiers Tjie women of Jackson county be pleased to know that theii County Chapter is meeting with re markable success, we nave now ready for shipment 339 bandages, 125 hospital shirts. 56 comfort pil lows and 25 suits of pajamas. We wish to acknowledge with thanks, a box from our Cullowhec Auxiliary, containing 5 suits of pa jamas, and 12 hospital shirts. Auxiliaries to our Chapter arc different communi- he i g .in? vVho is going to fee: fAnnnM, All wnrk naQsinoUa-.&iiea with bit m the p ties oi i"c "JlllJ " "w... , through the Chapter, will be credit- , t.if tho Atlanta Division to cu uy Jacks n County. The ladies are requested to brin- of ilioso wiu gave their ail: asks: "Wh are wa naA t say wnen you ;;sked in later years what part y flayed in winning the great wh- . .. .u:,mn- nnrl Msnrfl to the H Ypu are within draft age, and diu ulvu . . t.r.j Lmt fidht hw f in vnn exrvnm it? Red Cross wortt room nexi weune2- - - little or nothing made no sacri fices how will ou explain ii? A young man who was recently called to the colors, but who apparently- had grounds to claim exemptioL, The President's message, tele graphed to the American consul general at Moscow for delivery fol lows: "May I not advantage of the masting of the congress of the sov- Dear Editor Will you please spare me a little space this week for a few words? We arc having nice weather here now and we are having a good time also. I like this place much better than iet i to express the sincere sympatfcv ! 80111,1 Carolis5a. for we have more wh ch the pe ple of the United . Sta.os feei for tae Russian people at I thi moiiient when the German 1 power hus been thrust in to inter rup and tarn bnck the whole struj ie IvK irtedojn nud substitute the wis .163 Oi Gci.iiaay for the purpose ! of ta2 people of Russia. Although i the ,t ivc of the United States, privileges than we had at Camp evier. We have no certain time to go to bed her. Old Jackson, I think, has furnish ed her sh ire of men and boys for the army, compared to what the ther c;uniies of North Carolina iave done, and I am proud to say I am from Jackson county. I hated to leave the Signal Corps at Gump Sevier, because there were day. -W. S. 8.- JACKSON A MISTAKE COUNTY OVER ! Tflr HAR The report is being circulated r certain quarters that those connect- Pd with the Thrift Stamp move ment in this county are working ol a salary. Let it be said here and once and for all, that not said to me recently, 'It I don't go, iever in a lifetime could I explain when it is all over, why I didn't go. "It is true," says Colonel Fries, "lint not everyone can go and figh' , in i not everyone can spend large b! "f f now. one penny is reai m cu, tQ soWier3 t0 tm r fash nn fmm anv one tor . . 1U1111 W - " this work, and everything which is being done is from a patriotic stami point. Time is giveu and the luu expenses are borne by the local or ganization. w. s. s. SECOND CALL The following calls for men have bee? made on Jackson County: Two white men on March 22 o; Six while men on April 1, to i credited cu second call. Also ten colored men to be entrained cu- April 1. Alii man having special qualiv cati.ns and desirixa to get the ad vantage of being in the initial en- 3;4ht, but a way has been providet for the people of America by wbic' everyone ol her cit;ze is car havn pait i i winnm thii great war, part that will not give him & thi.l" of shaaie when our soldiers retur triumphant. This way is througl- the War Savings plan . adopted , by he Government, - - - 'i "Through it, a person can save regularly and invest safely, and riiereby lend his savings to his G.v rnmeot wi-:h interest to pv th expenses of tht war. It seems sucr, a little Uimg," bays he, "to lend our surplus money to the Governmen, ts oil part, whii there are thou sands ol our young men giving the lives as their pait to piotect-oui homes and save our country." . w. s. s. s is, ajihappily, not nov in a position Uo many Jackson county boys there i i . , . . . .. .. to rendei Uio airect and ttfeeuvt- -fiat l nad known and been with A tr rAnnpr T he I or time. IUU U II VU1U M W . ' f oi,.;., Ai5e ooys in tne Kaaio Cornpany , laiea to see uapt. uorsey leave chrougn tne congress mat it win .Qr he WQS d them uvaii itscli oi every opportunity t,. vere sorry, also, when Leiut. Cox secure for Russia once more com-1 ieft; he was a good lieutenant and olete sovereiinty and independence the boys sure did like him. r.w,. Jff.l..- :n.i fn.l r:aTA The aeroplanes are going up here , . ni 1 every day now and it looks good to iAfU iu net gicai line iu iuc , . . , - u tu see tnem UD ln tne air Dut yu liaiope and the moaera world. Tht mow, I wouldn't like to be in their wnole heart ot the people ot tnedace. inHed Slate- i. with the people o We put our first Pontoon life sav- kussia iu the attempt to free them- ng boat together last Wednesday i t..j. nn 4.T cn.,l,.,nn "ftf WSVioAh Cnlom Qtofo rtirotftv nf War ool uoo fnroe. frum niitrrmtir dnv- I evening. JUUH" Kill K 1 Ol CpilcJjnUll, Ul u (Uiouu uaiciu, umiv in vviui v .-v.. j vtvi ""v. i f . ....... i u: a vCK:.i iraUlfA iiotj.n ptiif.r h ' j ri.-i i ': , .h . j , u vvc uaveuigoi ourguus yei, UUL avlilS4b, 111 i IC 1?JS SJJJilU JiU;i1i iau u -Ja-aojii vwuiuj o n-.-i, " I . i.illtill iilivJ Urv.Ulilv; lllC lllUSlClo vl I T , . , ... . . t, T ' . ? . ... ... I II rhiriK wp will Ofr tnpm arnn I 1. . LUki aha Hon: il in nlPrltJPQ - . ... .. I ' - . ... . - - .lt;rK ilia "wtf .i. s:3,r-,M K ' P,n. . . .. ' ""P lur 11 13 "ter lu - er" ' -xu. ii. - - - Ibigneo) "W,;U!)KUW WILbUiN Uith uns than without them. . . k i ; j- . , . i - srs t -rvi n no in itmara i i liis: i i w-- - illT tee 1 .re ,-i.UUUOIluai . Ht.uiuvci piano iu 5v-vt. w s. 8. tr i i r i . . ,. mv- - i J n t r I VIC UaVC UU8 1IUU1 tMUlUSl CVCfV oeeting, a C0x;miiUee composea oi ws. ouqnanan anu a. j. ruwas wis . . - - . .ppoiated to! suhecrmUoh. frouep who wouUl"g the limit ,ub-F v Z"" 1" "" " Z director Ask3 For Fen uLimtt Members This Wqek And Eleven Have Crossed "NoMan's Lond.M tihp for $ ; .0i 0 orf ; of sc raps, ive were secured before tb mora- st ration. trainment of the second cell will be Ujjg jS JACKSON COU TY'S fiiven thu opportunity if he will notify the Local Eoard promptly to the effect that he wants to be en trained on April 1. w. s. s. BEST MATHEMATICIAN" On Wi&i?tay nwrnihg Jue Stephenson visited Culfwhee7 anf! in his own wcrds "Cnllowheft gave the most beautiful repons of any p tee in the Steto" for the number pre?e it. S5600 v.hs ibwn.:mdt $5'J0j v rhis : !e i;-TM)y S70 niemb f: -it t! taenitv. it v- uow u? to xae D( ar' mta of the vri,iy 10 i.iii i.i Hue. One huarlred v.intod ia tie .ounty. "ir CAN BE DONE." i list of those who hnvef subscribed the 1'rna qt the tim of J Hri3,T. J. i'owers.M. Buci'a v T F. tizc, J. N. vi :dJ. fl Jri-i., F. . T. ' '')'. - i l- Club" ior uns 'JoUiity in Sylva, ou Satuiday at 3 o'clock P. M. Who will be the next to qualify? 'V - POTATOES. such aien ae Below ii , this LiQ- ' A. i NAMES OF SO D1ERS AND SAILOR WANTFB. The department of mathematics of the Cullowhee Normal and In dustrial School is mailing to the public sdiool teachers of Jacksoi county a test in arithmetic to bi diven to their oupils next Monday, afternoon. March 18. This test con To the Relatives and Families of sists of six problems The papers , Will Oe SeJL IU U1C uuutjr duiju- Soldiers and Sailors The .War and intenaent where they will begrade(j Wavy Department nere mauuams a on the :0iiowirg oasis; skiii oi in Bureau where a Roster or Register terpretat ion 50 per cent, accuracy is kept of all officers and enlisted 20 per cent, spc per ... , XT i iess 10 per cent. Prof. A. C. Key- men m the Army and Navy. nolds and Prof. E. H. Stillwell will i am adureing this open letter act ag a cotnraittee with the County to you who have net.r relatives or Superintendent in grading these loved one? in the service to ,ask you papers. thrift d?v5nd th full name A Scholarship at the Cul owhee D'aveis on tn? team wer iqopjds pitcher; Warre i, c v.cher; and Mo tig. third baseman. i Mrs. M. Buch inan and Missl.uey By r in Tompkii, -. ' Qjyeibiss were here Tor Jie week-en The effect t lat xk exceptionally vh Battalia Supply Set-earn: 'M b Buchanan Jr. has had upon ;uo -,amio.d acuvi- Irdit,s ot ylvamade fur.iUe t c: the. Camp to bpeed things w,,r snvind --tHir-n the othr day up to the tp vOtch. What" wi h the nnd told some 1300 Aorth, ud that The farmers of the U. S. made ? g'ier--us aij d p :trioti response t( ..he appeal for L:ci eased production in 1917. The necessity of agaii securing larS yields from farim thh year has already ben strikingl eum-i wizi'Z "tie rresment. Last year w had a bumper po- tato crop, rsotwitnstanaing tnis fact prices prevailed good Xill Feb ruary. ;ood boys here. They seem to be pretty anxious to get started to ivrance,ior they want to get in the attle. I am glad Mr. Jess Moss takes he Journal, for it is just like getting i letter from home to read the Journal. Felix H. Monteith. Vashington Barracks, Washington, i D.C. LOAFERS TO 8E DRAFTED ig the. d t hours nd the Li th-u heck f (he woods fire doing n ...... i..... i.,,- ,tw it la tr; ttp.fniirnuinp ChOOlS Cl Veil iUS CiiaiaolCX UUlins dw'- vin-. j.'. o T-mj .v,v,v...-...-c ; - l in luiui vu wvuvw the eve'iinU, f if boys aie kepi busy tor tne people to oe awaiting io smut j mommy. .very laimci auuum Food Administrator Henry A. Page ll thf 1 1 c r i --.nd as the f ad extent, to the serouness oi the sit- jt. it costs ouly a postal card. m inpai anthrtritip urdinu th ridirl varices tne , ui --T'-r ;-f- write u.. bureau oitrop ctiinaies, enforcement of the law against va- are heginmcg o ask if the author.- for everybody to do tu utino. ior Washington, D. C. ,rancv Xhe State Food Adminis- tieshaveforg nthetimeonored the cause. -t , u,u pjL' nf ht invt- ancy -The btate foo Admrnf" If there is ahvthiaii in rumblings TTn tSi this time notatoes that come from the direction of brought $4.50 to $5.00 per barrel in aleih and Washington, labor .tto rvf tv.;c slackers in Jackson county have a mie of the eastern markets of this ghock comiug t0 them The full .state. Many farmers held their Jtilization of aU iabor is just as surplus potatoes expecting a rpeti essential to the winning of the war tion of the high prices of last spring as the work of engineers and the Examination i the January L-rop fighting of the other branches of Reporter -shows, that nearly three the army in France. This, at least times as many potatoes were held js the opinio that government of- in storage last January, as January ficials are coming, a year ago. The rumblings from Ralefeh are Th Crop Reporter is published in the form of letters from State t.nd address of the Soldier or Sailor near to you. Give me the number 0i his Regiment and Company, the branch of the service he is engaged in. and the name of the Camp, Can toa m eat or Vessel where he is located. Do this and in case of emergency I will get first information concern ing them and notify you so as to relieve your anxiety. I want to do all I can for the otAm nf h jir.ti pnmmfltip.ftment in view ot tne iact mat me pua exercises, cr L we will continue to ent conflict is a clear-cut fight to Perhaps one of the best invest- uPntnr ottP that t i hidhlv dir- mentsfor tho e having surplus po- ble that labor ia each community Nnrmai and Industrial School yield ing $50 will be given to the smciem m iking the highest percentage in the examination. The results of the contest are looked forward to with great intei est by the boys and girls, as JacK- son county s best matnematician will be brought to light. w. s. s. . go on to school the balance of the the finish between right and wrong,! tatoes on hmd uow would be to should be utilized for the production year fter th, ocher students in the between omocracy and the rnt pl t a large ecreage next spring. ,)f food in lhdt community aad lhat iSorS may SeCI" f00Ush X local tarmers are first entitled 11 Ull.a Ul a V..tivu. x J . . . r . j-.-i.1 i U,..T..rf. mar.r form or a will nl .nt .. -i i 1 1 jl 1 am fionviuoet1 that Uncle doesn't intm to have any com- mencf.'tiient ii Ins s Jho jls, .nd.if he NOTICE. The Beta Graded School will close on Thursday night and Friday night ...ii , , . i .u-:.' vlwrnh 2 1st bad 22lld. auu.eooys who nave answereuu.,.. 5Tnursd,y night seven girls Country's call to the Colors audi ... . A 6old medal is offered vant to impress on the loved ones j the winner. This coates promises .naiiy ji,oo-i. he :i ut! enter' am mpin will t.!ii oa A very i .le - IJJV" m fiive5 his sf ud rts a vacation it will l-stn . lie.o: an European j , i .... -v n H.uTovir mnnv farmpra will nlint aaai nanny ana savagery, auu wuu n a j - matter of record that the enemy aa3j a very small acreage i earing a next action is i much more likely than over produc- matter of record that the enemy ua3 1 a very small acreage leam committed every crime in the cata- j repetition of the present prices logne, and added a few tothe-lwtj l fact, under productic that the mind of man nor devil had . UC lit lliV'J ' Ji , 'J ' " 1 - . .. t-jj- i CVC1 UC1U1C U' v-wuu, iv MatterS, .n .h c tri2ian Clarence :terot wosver now any ooay A Bavles J as . ivtumed frOni Leonicalmly pursue nis peace-tune ion during the war. The writer knew a successful A. DyiCS i .18 U-IUI.1CU liUill uwuv-"..; tr ' , i r W ' 5 Springs Tcj a; where h hao bee- selfish way without a thought d tip tiuck farmer to plow under a crop : for the 331 'v, months taking a j millions of feliowmen who i ve in f radishes bn(j plant again to rad- special coins, in tne Signal Train deer stress md Wiethe do.dc . bw tQ t to the labor of able bodied men and boy who have not been regularly employed or who are filling posi tions which might just as well be filled by women and girls. Labor is needed, however, in ship yards, munition plants and other industries and the presumption from the Food Administrator's letter is LI1K riMHi -VULllillllSLlclllJl a ICLLCr I-f ooor. m- vW -that hle hod ed men and Kov- whn im in harvesting the crop.) . . A i ind Srho,)l p. CamD Samuel F. H. misery aarKeiung ms owu Morse. ! America h.s uar ro win , 4 joiiy mm in vesting tue crop.jdo nQt employment uponthe Servant ,iO it: C. tucker is jpend- world to .ecu, ana every m,., ms reason was mai-wueu iuc farms and ln industries of the iline tfAui-iM r,,. wnc rpflfiv fnr market nnces! . . . .... 4 . justify hi J that are left behind that this office j to be' exceptor is ready i, do all in Us' p wc o rUy nigh' i i a few b , .viJ. hi parents at wasted in ldle iess is a en Union Char .h sS. Dili: was humanity. The idlers mus b? put ' ould be hlgher as 0lher grower ) Crap was ready for market Pesj y. .... Iikel serve them and welcomes any cor respondence and will give any mat ter prompt attention. When vou send me the names I will list them ea thu iasf to .-''t except uie in a book kept for that purpose in : patrons who have children in school, mUft....:PA";.l:. .... inordertop y the expenses con- uuicc aim oe- tnereuy iwuy ; , . , f tender any aid that they may desire Zebulon Weaver, Member Congress 10th N. C; Dis. to work, the wasted energy W . . , '& Jto be drafted for the more strenuous i Put into it. proper ch. ael. A -i wouia De aurageo. iu sam and more dangerou3 services men- ca must throw every ounct or ton, ioric uoius true m www jia - tioned money and men that she has, if toes. naaH ha intn UV4 UV, uuu v... I"OlaU)TO.I Ul ill41 uuc Ul UUI esting and entertaining pr gram isjgoud exaibi-ino of base b .ii on tho .,, . . .1 J . . i r - . K. .r.l- !- iha cirlo rr rioiii - .ill-;- . - , small -i id Piui,) will thenar;: , k a atr- u i a-iuu inr c.mhi oa-i uw ,1 " suustitut 03 for wheat. Jhortms rea. 3 ?K r it .patriotic potatoes. S-C "the of 11 1 ward the western front U flowing Again potatoes help the d.stnbut,on i ... -W. 8. 6- ! necked with' f he entert'.inment to The nun beuer .e would in- They are looking - the foll- -it TTl . , U j i , ..rwr.'l I '.; ' 57 ltiVTlirrl T( XjVC . .... ,' ..rttiMi ii.e sC be present u: in prin ; s The three Radio Company I home for the necessary backing. J. M. McClung, Co, Agent. ON ALL: viHDffl roioasr. cf TOW nOCa IOLHXIEtS TDOHUJI RYilSO M BQOL i.-i 4 : ' V i i 1 .E 1 I i ;i t I t