Newspaper Page Text
VOL. IV NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C., . MAR 22 1918," $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE V IW CHATTER. Hv Dan Tompkins ; Mjrris, or Sergeant Morr! , I ,U uild siiy, went to town the oti:r !. brought back with him a 'J . i . i I NDlAfsf SAYS BOO Ala WFCRER mil llLLULi HEROIC WOS-EftOF -FRANCE.- I understand you are an une- ' . . p - ""v .'uiuu vuu uic till nil'-- . - ul vo'v important part of tu . , . . , uu- " ,!U . ,. f l Iqmvocai enemy of the worthier '.m , ;it or lmp-vkmenta of h , i - , , kn" - . ..hi, h L.l,t h'hhin!..Imyonr frjend."- said (.yt 1 IV".1. .- o s.'v.ic Sandlapper in Greenville. With a iiitle work the thing devel .,,! into one of the "runningest" 1l,0;0ls tli at ever hit the pike in So:!''-.'in: rino which ti;:ic StiVant Monis and Bob McKee a ritlin. John Rogers was here the last of tin- uak from Cnllowhee, visiting his fon. David Hugh. Charles Grindstaff has returned to Chi up from an extended, and ex ten - sive. fiv. -day visit to Franklin, li.vm Svlva. Abbeville and other V t J. . .undersoil, -uperintendent of the Indian school at Cherokee, to the secretary of the board of trade yesterday morning. Continuing, Mr. Henderson said that they had 03,000 acres of fine land in the Indian re servation, and that perhaps 85 per c.u v ;s , -odl rind, suitable for eep nisi; !, but that no sheen ii . ... t i!a he rai.i there because oi the roving, un'-'r ... led, worthless dogs that inie'.t the reservation. Onlv a few nighis a;;., ho said, dogs broke int.. an inclosure and killed the only two sheep at the school. There are about 500 fain. lies on i i i iouns.titits.Vii c.ges aim the reservationand T should think in the western end of North Caro- that the average will 5e one dog at in1- least to the familv " said the suner- In the Camps you are greeted inteildenL wi,hv Vou see. will with little pieces of cardboard upon , d cansnmntion of enuai which are inscribed such phrases as value to one Indian, and what they mm faT.iilies moving into apartments, to I release the servants for work in J munition and other war industries, and it seems to me that our people might as well now begin to do with out come, of the things which are r.on essential to their health and ; efficiency and which cost money and labor to produce, that cur Govern ment may be less hiadfred in its- plan of fighting and winning the war. W. S. C. Dept. Of .Farm Demon stration. SECRETARY BMER HAS CLOSE SHAVE- ; 10,080 SKILLED MEN WANTED Ft R SERVICE IN AVIATION ShCl I.INS STATE'S F Coming Wheat Crop Par Dhoit of World's Requirement!. Corn and Other Food or Pcsd Crops Must be Produced in Larger Quantities if Suffer ing is to he Prevented Bet ter Cultivation and Heavier) , Fertilization Urged. Raleigh. "The world-wide food tit uation and their own individual inttr ests demand that the farmers of North, Carolina plant during the approaching season the. largest acreage of corn and other food or feed crops in th history of the State and that they giv such crops the best possible cultivation ' There is a od deal di hog cholera ! scattered over Jackson county. Great precaution should be exer cised by those hiving hogs run iiiugout. Infact. the only safe thing and the heaviest possible fertUisa- to do would be to have such hogs tion," declared State Food Adminis- vaccinated. Hogs may be rendered trator Henry A. Page in an intsryiaw u , "tat to Live, Dont Live to hat, destroy in egs. poultry and the " ' "Shut It Off," "Don't Waste An;-hike, will piobably amouat 10 twite i'!" .i " Jo AmmimWirm Ttnn'f . . 1. .1. .11 . , 1 'fl..... Iin unnv, nw 10 nuiuiimiuvii 1 as UluCil iliUic, vviiioii an lueuici Qualified men registered under f III! A11JC1 infill miiiy France, luegday, March 19 Sec-1 inducted into service to fill die Nai retary Baker had bis baptism cf, for 10,000 skilled mechanics needed fire this nmrning in the front lin. by the Aviation Section of the S;gn;:l vvbilo he wn etur; -jCorps by applying to their lorui shD v .-i'hii! Ipss ; boards Men not registered my en- lf iiis .niotor car. Ijot ,t iveruitini? stiitions. with newsnaner men. todav. . . temporarily immunt by the ' serum "me coming wheat crop wiU supply alone method" from 4 to 8 weeks, not more than half the normal need The Dept . has sent g theCounty Agent 1000 C. C. of serum tne end 0l tte tor which he is required to pay for. He siderable period beyond. Thii citsju hoc hM-.. inL:M.-t' hv Hip n nt a-i that the demand for corn an e&cr W istc ir.'Tens-ervaiion Means Vie- constitutes a deplorable economic tfiy Wane Sp:-!k Defeat,"' and wab:.." the like. By this and every other The Inuh.ns are taking a con?id- (o;.civ.u)le me. hud the. Guvc-iii- ilL,K ..iterest in hog raising and a nunt if trying to dircc: the atien- numb-rr more will he r ii?d or" tlie tier, ol'the people of this country to resciva ion than betore. They . are the imperative necessity of const ,- in;c-resttd too, he said, in the war. Muivin, particularly of food, as well vamj a j't.w nights ago at an enter- as the necessity of the nation bend tairi:r;ert. raised an even $100 for inii every eurt to bring the produc- the Bryson City Red Cross for buy tion of food during the coming sea -mji y-rn. sum. to the very highest possible 'then, too, he said, we have about point. Here is a fieid in which 0f our Indian boys in the service, everybody in our trebly blest moun- every branch of the service being tain country can toil. The slogan representvd. Several ofthe ,Ashe d the mountains should be produce. e papers, bth morning and after- arid save. The offorts of the past a00II are being taken by indians season were great, but necessity and the are considerably interest demands that even that splendid e(j ;;, ,jie war news, bummer of toil must be exceeded "Wc hope to - the bridge built Our peotle can and will be self- 50on. fcr wr:eh 000 was recently Supporting. They need draw on no appropriatec, aui uns' will, help 10 other section for a portion ot the Ljet tno road which is so badly need He was i" v n.juri -if. The sccre1ary went . into the, trencher in a sector, the location of ps face the enemy ernUhs, cabinetmakers, electricians, day or write me. The present call is particularly for machinists,- auto mechanics, ev "gine repairmen, gunsmiths, chauf feurs, carpenters, blacksmiths, tin- Agricultuifc to vaccinate hogs ai j cost so long as the serum lasts. The cost of vaccinatin J a 50 lb. pig is about 40 to 45 cents, a 200 lb. ho $1.00 to $1.25, depending on the grains for human coniunpttea trfil be more than double duxtns 19li Must Raise Own Requirements. "The transportation situation Is such that our farmers have bo asu ance of being able to secure any fool or. feed stuffs from any other section. amount of serum used, as infecteu of the country next PaU aad there- herds require more serum. . Those who desire this work done should see me at . my office Satur- vvhich mi;M n. Amti; hi: iF nearly. Y' l aall :n hour lit plod ded over the cuck ioards. 'IheGer- mv-iiu maiai inc! an activ fire and constructors, tailors, tentmakers, vaccinated by the "Simultaneous' with hoavy ir im m;hinesaiiaia!ierSt tr iCk masters, vulean- treatment, whh h requires a compe lius. Nevecti: -Ifo Mr. i.ker mnde lirrs -,ehkrs. nnd extferts on mar5- lent veterinarian. If a number ot. his wa' to an . ivnccd sap, vuter- netos. ignitiot svpteais. cameras, farmers decide to do this a veteri- after and if they do not produce suffi cient food and feed crops for tSuis section cur people in all probability ; will have to do without. A large .pro- j duetiou of cotton is desirable and necessary and no particular reduction in the acreage of tobacco is being urg I ed a listening -st and talked for several minutes with the soldier on duty there. w. s. s. coppersmiths, sheetmetal workers, Those wUj nave herding swine in propeller makers, wireless operators infected tcrrito. y should have thtm ed, but any farmer will be foolish to plant either tobacco or cotton to thej exclusion of sufficient food 'and feed' stuffs to run his own establishment- and to provide his part of the surplus that will be required by the markets in our cities, towns and industrial communities. , . . Few people have the imagination SSDVS WW J ii 4H ies, fol- hogs should be burned to prevent to, conceive of the actual .wiat And Hogs are too mgn ana scarce to nvf1m fmpV and-in- Mr. C. C. Buc'i r an, ;lva. N. Dear Sin--I have just signed a pledge card to buy $100 worth oi Saving Stamps. world's limited supply of food Every e j through the reservation. One of Tjnited States x5ar ounce of everything edible that the the chief features of the claim for rich soil of the mountains, mixed tae bridge w is made by Congress with the brain and brawn of our man Haydeu's statement and Con people, can be made to bring forth gressman Weaver's of the Indian must be produced. Raise every- affairs committee, as to the econom- thing that can be produced--and jcai management of the school nothing must be allowed to go to wnich "cost b-it $159 per person, waste. Today more than ever waste wmTe no other school in the United is sinful and idleness a crime. Camp Sevier. -W. S. 8.- SPIiA YOUR FRUIT TBttS States was handled under a cost of $200 per person." Mr. Ilendo'son has been in the city attending the ' Scottish Rite re ani )ii.- Tl,o Tnrllnna v Hpndprsoa said. Spray materials are going to be tnhna a tiieat deal oi interest hikh this season, but th farmer -m farming, aim sue rapidly follow er ot afford not to use them. So Ui the improved Methods, the im also nrp fprHlirpr Pvnpnsive. but u; o eiLfcnt bi nig .noted by people - to be used. Goud SSel care, tul ge and spraying will pay J w s s this season as never before. - nn nmrf THnO SI TFT Ah,vo all things, do not neglect H I ilH. ilHS pi yinn lor tne curcuno aim me I feel it my sacred duly, as post master, to invest this much in War Savings Stamps this year. Let me suggosc that every post master in Jackson County buy $100 worth of these Suimps this year. It so $3000 would be the amount rais ed by them, iu whom this Govern- watchoj and doeU. nanan may be procured from Ashe- v!pn will he sent to Snn Antonio, ville at small cost to each. Dead Tex., for segregation by trai low: 4-by a brief course of lion ai flyinflelds or factories, then org snized into squadrons mostly for run the risk of exposing them to creased production of staple food and f i . . ... i fpAii iflsr vpar- we are leanori- servic- oversea . Aoaiuonai m- ft u era without vaccinatum. : .r . ' i ing ims nscai yar -a wmpaiwi f rmation may be secured by ap Some time atio I received a Lmii T.Tnr.nrtinn of tha thousands of plication to the Air D' vision, Person-h e 1 1 ;er from District Agent,! carioad3 of canned goods and other , H Departme,t, Vtwhion. D..C. Mr. Jas. M. Gray, stating that Mr Jf" TJtZL; i many lu-iyvi icu uiuiug msv j w.. v. VV. bliay naa persuaaea a siock wjB had not pr0duced the. stuff at dealer in Kentucky to ship a car- home ve would be going without at feed! auction. 1 circulated tins report in tufls during the coming year. Winston-Salem, Mt.r. 16. "There's the county paper and in other ways. "Every acre of " wheat in North more to ue done if we are going to I iegret that this was done, as some Carolina wmcn nas not w y. s. -ORE THAN Am Dirfip.tor of War Savings. "We must but don't feel that it was my fauh so direct our lives, our households entirely, as I was misinformed. and our desires as to release labor The following letter has just been1 and materials that are now employ- received from Mr. W. W. Shay. , . . . , i . . . j , l Ilea Y 11 T ici uimw w win this war than simply giving our have been expecting to provide then ld ith stable maRUre, -wood mold monev." savs Col. F. H. Fries, State hogs for next year from this source, and leaves or with commercial fer tilizer. Every acre of food ana ieea stuffs should be manured or fertilized more heavily than has been custom;. ary in the past. Farmers Upon Their Me'ttle. ''Our farmers are upon their mettle! More depends upon them than upon any other class of people with the ex ception of the soldiers in the ranks themselves. I am sure that the patri otic farmers of North Carolina ma7 ; l . . . 1 ment is reposi.o specia uu- c u , ed fo nal m aR(1 comfoIts 1 West Rafci,h) Mar. i5 131S confidence in their intelligence, an-. gence and discretion. that they may be used in producing Mr. J. M. McClang, ithii.da npppssnrv to win the war vlira N. fl. iiusuug uut, it ut uo (andat the- sdme time support d My dear Sir:-After making -very nnt.1 tPis nana oi d& a'veiiuieui workers will ha e loaned $3000 ofj t vast army in the field and a greai possible effort to locate pigs. I am at be depended upon to do their full their compensation back to their ! navy at sea. last regretfully c impelled todmit duty.' employ ;pr I fi Y, Yours truiy, 0. V. Cagle, Postn. -istcr Greens Creek, N. C. w. s. s. tb codling moth this year, Wormy inm is a waste at any time ana is doubly so this season. Arsenate of had and self-boiled lime-sulphur are thy materials to use during the tialy cusc: n apples, peaches and I'luia.. w. s. s. m RIDGE TITTLE BO! RED 'CRD The Dark Ridge Trestle, between Willeto a ad Balsam, buniei Monday The directors of the Jackson Co. Fair met last Saturday and decided to have another Fair this fall. The dates set are September 24 to 27. Oi-icers elected for the coming year are U C. Cowan, President, H. R. Snyder, V-Pres., A. J. Dills, Sec. and M. D, Cowan, Treas. A committee was appointed to revise the premium list and get it in the hands of the printer at once so as tovget it in the nands of the farmer much eailier this year. The farmers should begin now to fa lure along thv. liae. Even the Reco.d Association oi two breeds are u iable to locate suf ficient louadad i stock to hold a sale. eral days r the ravr and plant tne,r ?n a3 to raise tne xhibi w. s. s.- i;4ht, lav it will be sev before trnino uill ho oMp to rilil CMp throufth to Ashevill.. The Raliroad W nt to exhibit is selling tickets from the west end to Willets and from Asheville to Balsam, and are not accepting any freight beyond Willets. I1'- e:i ers are being transferred t uiir own expense from Willets to Balsam, tiling that OHAIillfflrS vmiiAOi miCHASE of tifjz ran tjch use VDO W3SI WY ALSO AS IQCL AtXXSt OF CTHEtt'cE4 At the ri.G: th-3 ladies of TucK:,stiget, Vir ?. i3rinsou and Mis iucy Luc.i o. a iized a Reu Jro Auxiliary last S nurday. The meeting vas held at the school building and einhusr stie talks were .n id 3 'by 'some ot ladies of the . in unity, regarumg the importance of the Red Cross work. Models were taken from the work room of th 3 Jackson County Chapter and ladies already ourchasing nt-cial to begin work. Seventeen members constitute the Auxiliary, with t ie promise of many others. Mrs. J. M. Rigdon was elect ed chairman, Mis Esieile vloses sec retary and Mr.O. D. -Moses Treasurer. There now 3?8 members of the Jacks&n Couiity Chapter and the 'meinberi'hio ecu.-mi i tee is still act ive. Oar riHM s ave hundred me n- bers this spring. "I f-e warf d ry noi only i u. uires our e'.iung our men to the front, but our Keep ing them there fed a ad clothed. It requLes a production of ships and shells. nns and rifles, motor Tucks, i If T could find them I could a?roplan"s, hospital ,'upplles, fo!".i place filtben car loads of just such and a great variety r gvOyds t .e :,fluff a you waat. output-of which call for vast i ; As I see it, now .3 the time to trial plants from one end or press pastures to the front while country to the other, manned ! v shore is an appreciation of the fact millions of mei; vuu '; 'j1 tha "he ohI" way th-it we ciu be serve their country ,oS effectively ii sure of next winter's supply of pork their way as our soldiers in active js to raise it. battie. Let us get the pastures ready, "If o -r popi continue to require j-h: grab lht pl.i ,:l .he first oppor the luxuries and :iOii-eseatiiils j umity. which they required in tiait of Very truly your3, peace, they, .rc ot only making itj W. V. Shay, necessary that the?o things! be ; Kmrgency Worl er in Swine Ex prjducd a id it tne expense aud tension. t'.Me 6i mater !s iiee led to fkht; J. M. McCloxg. Co. Agent. tne war, bat ti:eyare n;; .aicappi: g ; w. S. S. the Governing. They cause strong ! The Belgian array has been re oomp imoa w u the Government, ! ciz3(i and h iS taken over a rather than give i their support NEED TO CONSERVE WHEAT MORE URGENT nart of the Western sector, and the "England has long ago put the ' n is that the , htn& mea afe Consumption Must Be Reduced 30 to 50 Per Cent to Feed AHIee and Pre vent Flour Famine at Home. Raleigh. The Food Admlnletrationl la fearful lest the recent announce ment that meatle aeala and pork- less Saturday need not he ohservedl during the next few weeks should givel consumers the impression that there! also might he a let-up in the conserra-l tion of wheat flour. On the contrary Food Administration officials an nounce that even more strenuous eW forts for the conservation of wheat! flour should he made if our people, to sav nothing of our armies and ot Allies, are not to go through A period! of flour famine before the next har-. vest. There will be no flonr famine the suggestions of the Food A.i tration are followed and the crmsuOM tion of wheat flour is reduced by 30 to 50 rer cent, but this redaction Is absolutely necessary. The Food AM ministration is nat only urging the substitution of other cereals and po tatoes for bread, but is requestfcBS consumers to eat less bread. ban on extra vr gmt dressing, and I am told that no on hi owu3 or uses an automobile England iu high mi r its. f,.r The large fhg on College Hill, pleasure. Many of the palaces and raised by Sylva Collegiate Institute, ricn houses have been closed, the looks good. Raleigh. Announcement has been! by the Food Administration that1 trae in broilers weighing up to two pounds is not and will not be affected by the recent order of the Food Ad ministration prohibiting the killing of hens and pullets except for strictly locals trade by unlicensed dealers. PI: i , tin -. i . ' I - " .v.- J K i I. . 'v T. I-' 1" t : t. ; A'. m m i- $'!; t. - ! 0 - ;1 ii ' .- i i. 4 t - - , 2 ,' x 1 k i if f: i: i i