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h t" t' M v: tm. . -. - - - a . r .t7- v f - : f ; ' . -A ' ? f i ' V V Liberty Bonds a Slacker. : . - i Buy Don't be 1 VOL. IV NO. 7 SYLVA, N. C, APRIL 12 1918, $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE mm Victbrv is a ': Question of Stamina sena-xne nneax Moat Fats Suffer the fuel for Fighters L :ATtO T.VT F FOOD ADM ! N 1 STRATI O N A MKSOfc'lAN IN THE AVIATION SERVICE -w. s. s.- 10 LIBERTY LOAN WORKERS Dear Friends: Since I have been in the service of Uncle Sam, I have tl.:ught many, many times that I ... ..11 li j. il. T 1 . T 1 w .. um wine iu iiie.jmu uai. 1 nave put it off from time 10 time; I have actually gone so far as to get my pen and jpaper for the purpose of writing, then something would di vert my attention from it. Many people of Jackson and '.Transylvania counties and a nuin-i ber in Hr.ywcr know me person-j ally. It b thL portion of the peo pie that I think of most; it is to you. chieilv. that I v,!nh to write this! evenmg;h is you who bring before my mentM vision im.-.y of the happy scenes of the past and cause me to live over again, in sweet remem brance, many of the lovely e;;per- o . m n a,:i cu 1G1Q lences with you Tar Heels. I. call Sylva, N. C., April 6tn, 1918. J u V i f. tk myself a Tar Heel with great pride. liberty Loan Workers: The drive 9 , . u . ..... t i as I think every North Carolinian 011 n,t 7 I Trt Z should, and especk.)ly should those md wi c ose May iourtl). Let us . J . .. . vniit Iwinniv of us who now wear the uniform. m to work as though we had only . g , V u- - if , m take pride in the name, when we one day for this drive. If you will ? . ' k;o liwirt,09n consider its derivation ai d mean nut vour heart in this work ve can VUli",:., M n vnrhMt ing and then think of our present V f i oQi responsibility and how much the and f you only secure sale of one ; J auuH uu 3 world s new depending on us as fifty dollar bond you have aone vyu kt . . solditi:, we pay our debt to hu- !1 pHcaiion blanks have not yet -Hty by offering ourses to up- u " h,.t will HUt.ilmte li"lu ; "ouor ,I1I,C,UCU uy Ub : ; but don'. ' olle forefather, ard prove to tmiv ' w"" ' l.l. I l ..i I, ..l.mon rviir . ... r. -;u V. rfM tU cKcnrin. me WOnu uie uinmuiucoa m wu Willi lOi 111C3C, UUI l'-' I . , . . , --j4u. ,.coW. much prided reputation of being U0I1 aim Ulc msi live yi. i jrJ , -nkcri w friends to humanity and defenders Si them if .,ot convenient for ami Rectors of the weak and op ,n r t i .... on l v rr e 10 my urrsunai uicuuo are as follows: 5 per cent down, 20, '- 10 f per m-t May 8lb. 35 per cent July ai icey - rnuy uu- percc t August 15th. t I am dou . Th tee is no' a .nan in Jackson many 'o whom I ould .ike to write , i good health who cannot personally, but it woula be too ftrea. umj t,w" . ,.,rifo tr all thl:t WAV buy at least one cot u Miiiij-uui- . it he is patriotic enoufh to 1 e 0 e?s. . ; $50 REWARD FOR DESERTERS The following men of your coun ty have deserted from Camp Sevier", South Carolina. JACKSQN COUNTY: Hoyle, Dock H. Company KD 119th Infantry: Deserted Decem ber 2, 1917, age 27, height 5 ft, 11 in: black hair, blue eyer;: weight 150 lbs. Enlisted at Slva, N C. A reward of $50.00. will be paid to i,iy person for the ceiivery of each and every one of the above ; deserters to the nearest Camp or Army post. William G. Green Capt. 119th Inf. Comdg Co. D. w. 8. 8. 1 tt iiJ llBtRTYBPNO RALLY i i J. Powers. luJrman of the Towr-sh.jj Liberty ond Committee called a meeting tsday evening ! for r'j purpose jsse of bonds. M. 3. KEEP it COMING Vf r ? i lead our Soldiers at the Front but th& millions of women & children x behind our lines' -w. s. s.- AMERICANS REINFORCE BRITISH LINE. manly and nicer offic e can be Now I am not imposi suffer some little seK-dtnial. It is either "GO ACROSS OR COME ACROSS" and every man should either pay or fight. Send in names of subscribers promptly, S3 we will begin c,n "Hon- Tiian rnn ilipfft nrp maLiv- who 00 I UUil iw, I not know me persoDally but who have a little corner in tbeir heart for mv is a soldirr bey from Jack son county who is their representa tive and who sIilIi soon go as such to pay thfvlluns a vhh aiid help to I 1 ...4- i rlll'l thom in VP- Uo lontn Pniintv Day llieill wuai ia uu inv.ix . Journal by publishing name of sub turn for the.r mhumrn cruelty alike niter, but not the amount sub- ,,o virtuous women .and the.r wuite witie() headed parents and neighbors. ' When this list is complete we can Probably the moat interesting n,. . ,,onto tn ririP tmns tnai i can iu uu thmn.l, n' ho 'hl I nr monev of peiience in the army. My home is his neighbor. ' WoJf Mo-iitnta. or rather that is nr.. . ...:,, wnrV mv Dareiitr." home, for my home at found :n the army. Tr ;y alt love ,d" loved by their nh. Annj life is not so bad after i il, as many would have you believe. I like it first rate, myself. I w j!d liUe to write along letter of en ouragement o m ov friends who will so..i answer 'the country's all, but 1 haven't time.for btn a c word- irA' K(H: You r: . i , . , c l i. - ill .5 ,t is a'i rihi for a sci;Co a ior;' ways from h'om v i- is not r.n- prr'rs : e ior a i-r- upu mlstic if noccssan. J"St thii k: from the iiiue I joint c be Araiy i. h ive seen only two p-r o io that I had previously met mid Fince some days before 1 lefr Aer Field 1 not met a liii-': xwiv" Exec; upon your h nd; r!ut, ev'j.i so, you're iv ';)4 . To help your native land. Just thinl. of what vou're doin! To help your laud bx' freed, pA the courage that it is bre ? ; la the hearts of those who r a sht.rt talk, telling :Ue people how they would have t: s icrifice before American troops are now rein forci g the British line in France, along which the greater portion of which the Germats are keeping up their string attacks with hordes of men and great concentrations of iscussing,. the artillery in assaults that now appar- j2hanan made ently have their objective in the TJ bev all welcome a letter, v i . b love a : id I!' g v)i cl'e ; . irv ana touumu 4tuju - Z X j j-.'. uty vj no cii .i ji this wi i won, ; of til", ai .Us wh: V a id r icrs hca.i d iri" .e war ;e p )i 'niarns, p j tv vvoald ne- ) . m ' before hs j aj u -iy nould b related some jr foretatners penetrating of the battle front in Northern France and Belgium. It was a happy lot of m?n fa it swung iiitnthp Rntnr rhn-!n fnr them. ? through with and they were greeted with great sii the States, enthusiasm, i) nude a few From ths south of Ypres in Bel r t ing that the gium to th region of L iBasse, in : get righteous-1 France, the new offensive of the v julddo things . Germans is being carried out with iKne. Prof. In ' great desperation, with thousands of by Rev. E. R, men, under covr of unprecedented x. cia'r-iis,-'Aov-tiaid .believed .the bombaidmenrs Ofthe alliedrear lines; : -.1. "lis i'm asking of you- KJ Vt ill; titg for a endeavoring to pierce the bravely i pur? and It A esu't take much Bat auovvs yob; her it iruv, To senc "The Soiaiert: Mali ' -E. Egan. Your-i truly, Wm. Gi C R PXtJ&Z. 613 Aero Sen -on. : icio: followed by he had icme doub 7, a. A but th . 1 1 1 Lt . " qrolim. There is not one m uiia uon, aip ivic.nuur. vuuu, . jauc. sauadrou for I have just looked w. S. S. over the addresses ai;i tar as l lui luiDuui-nn vvuin Know there is not one in the . camp. iViUINLr., We are like brothers and look like : Don't miss this. Cut ou' this brothers, especially a short ways 1 slip, enclose with five cents to Folev off. So do not worry, ooyt ii v & u)., ojd nemeia Ae., unscago is of no use. ; 111., wnti. g your name aia aaaress t rmild write all nght and still clearly. You will receive in return nresent IS 111 one OI my uiiiaeicutar hove something more ii say, uui. , i inai yacage cuiiuiu JMg ruiey uiUUUlUUity. 1. coo fit , lm .ct KpltimP I Unt. Ti nntn-K fftf . . ... . . i AW nniniinora 111:11 bit-: iiiriv ovv iii i a. n oc ir in ?iiiiiiml uwuvii"v riiiiicr;k rLiii Lfii uuuji. jui It rco:'e w just realize wnatiw dujfuu. .. fflUsiuuK" --r" . r . ' i this v;ir m ihi lovn would be for me to oe. dui auu u"w aii(lii-nDeQiiuicwiu aHW, auuwu iv . I subscribed in a day. They '-usi wake up to thf situation. Yours Truly, E. L. McKee. ' Co. Ch'm Liberty Loan Com. w. s. s. UUAWBEE RED CROSS. visit to J Derui.. i uupc, must go out ana au u ! l uc h"11- , ntiy " auu.i-uicy v. uui iv, j home shall autcmatkally be shift 5mm ;diateiy. If thn h tier escapes ( lets. For . ale by Syivi Phar nacy. ed immediately iO Jackson County- tne-rash basket I will write again I was in school at Brevard insutuie Most all 0f a solv'ier s pieas,- of Brevard, wheal decided to join le comes from three sources: 1st 1 Oil ' , A. theN vy. and on uecemoer o, I from his memory oi t ie pasi ex- - .. I .... . r . . l C. , was in Aseeville tor that purpose, eriences; 2nd his hopeM or i-je iu- but there I changed my mind ano 3rd( which includes most Oi advt. -w. s. s.- LOAN IMMf ininpd the Aviation Section of th , r,... A.,,ori. Armv. after careiuny consuls RcUrosswaslornially organ- both. I, with 95 other boy s, was JtJ on Friday night. March 29th sent to Fort Thomas. Ky. (about ?'"rl talks were made by A. C. milps south of Cincinnati, Ohio) and there we took the oath on Dec ember 13. There I stayed until February 20. Thirty-one days of , "ui wt:ic indue v- Kt-Vfw I I .. T) x tf Uanrv IV. A Hfinorw .mA rr A rrxv lii' i'ollowhig officers were elected: keynolih, chairman, Mrs. T. A. K vie chairman; E. H. Stiilwell, A4a t VIW v- m Henry Bryson, chairman of the fn inter rating program was ren- W hy i lie Cullowhee students -MirorioiTipnts nr.ri mucn oi nipaires are'the leners he gets Mrs. E. L. McKee, ounty har- irom home and friend,. Write t j rnan of the VVomnn's Libert Loa i your soldier boy friends: if your 1 Committee, has completed hr ; r jt n irate nart of vour "bit" for . denization of the women o' he UUIJ - o x . ... .... Z. gov-' ar'se, ii i-;v i Leneved that n defended ironts held by ihe i5ntisn ;e ci i v. ir p.!iv C.i j A'cald give us and Portugese and now also at die v'tciciy :t tht txht time. He so. tie uauainstip-jiac by Anericans. O.i seeral sectors of the new twenty aule battle liae a few deep as . j tne out salients r 5 ve neen driven D tne corns of the war, and if ;vsry other eneray, b it in thi pross the Ger eounty in the State w: i just ?ike m us noisre have beca able to Jac' son and every ' Tu e tne same, orei't th tne line merely there was no doui ' ni hi j miud cut beaiiag ojci under the treat pres that the Germans would be ictori- sure. Particularly deep are wedges ous. He said he rpjke what he nor invest of Armentieres and North knew to be the truth. then told west of LaBasse salients which of having preached a sermen the seem to make Certain the evacua- 31 of last month. He baid he had jtion by the British of Armentieres a very good sized audience andi just before he closed his sermon he touched on the war, whe a the peo ple began to leave the house until when he finished there were only a few left in the house. He said it was only six toiler ficm Sylva to where this cook place. We all hate to near o the war, and we have heard of only a small pan of it. and if we do aot begin to realize whr we re up against. thoc who mil no . whin they hear the war mentiored v-ill finally see the word war before their eyes and it they do not wake up to the ser- I ious iess of i b fore it is too. late, it will be written in . letters of blood across the horiz r Then it will be and to threaten seriously the im portant railroad junction of Bethune. W. S. 6. D1LISS0R0 RED CROSS. your country. I am writing to you for two reas- it ic n nlenaure an . I X 11 OV iV. y that time I spent in quarantine for think a duty Second, it is for Jhe measles, official ideas, etc. On Feb- hope of a soidier's reward letters ruary 26 I left Fort Thomas for the from home and friends. Every Kelly Aviation Fields near San word wiH be appreciated and ans Antonio, Texas. We, 86 of us, had werea while permitted. n lvlv trin bv way of New Orleans. Rpnr;nd in mind the possibility 5,"lalrlifiiitrni ooni,wt wao cnni. kj ..nnKot nnmvt on the afternoon . onnn dni nd "over there" and being Cullovhftft Hranr.h has en- Lr th 90th. when I was sent 200 or Lmhihited from writing a letter for - 1 IJl 1.1 lJ - 1 I piui.- Hps north to Camp Kiiotirn T shall use this as ai; ah tlieir organization was Up Arthur, where I now am. Lnnortumty to sincerely bid you p,.ned on account of small dox t i,vp Rpen more flying machines a00d luck and God bless I X UU " I J '-l and cactus plants down here . than yQU all the June bugs and cabbage j shall close by quoting a poem nlants that grow around home. entitled "The Soldier's Mail"; We are here for only a snort imic, gome writing paper. according to reports. About the ? u on a stand; Ur thind v;e need before going u it i ter; . Wl J o t j I UU11 t OQJ wish to thank our many across are the orders from neaa- gut take your pen in hand. r iicu nu account oi smau vv PPldpmic. the v hnvi nlrMdv made . . J vaiuahle contribution to the Jack-1 P bounty Chapter. W. S. 3.- MBD OF THANKS county, with the following ladles qs chairmen: Mrs. Mark Jarrett, Diils-, boro; Mrs. R L., Madison, W? bster; Miss Daisy Davies, Cullowhce, Mrs. W. M. Fowler, Gleuville; Mrs. ( has. Bird.Qualla; Mrs. J. M. Rigdon, Tuck- aseigee; Miss Maggie Hunter, Cow- arts; Mrs. Wm. Ri 'don, Canada; Mrs. George Cole, Cashiers; Mrs. .)." H. Hall, Gay; Mrs. Dan Bryson, lie-, a; Mrs W. B. Farwell, Balsam; Mrs. Joe Mallonee, Addie; Miss Betty Snyder, Willets; Mrs. C, C, Cowju, Sylva, .report of their sales vIIl Ve too 1 ?e; our son- ' be dying by Mrs. S. W. Enloe, Mrs. L. V. Brock, Mrs R. F. Jarrett, Mrs. Mont Can non rnd Mrs. Cole Cannon went to Webster hst Wednesday- afternoon to help the ladies there get started in their Red Cross work. Several of the ladies have joined here and are very enthusiastic in the work. A shipment has lately been made consisting of hospital shirts and pil lows. Another box is now almost ready to be sent away. A box of surplus clothing has been 5 L.rwUootorl omnnd thf Inriipfi find wa t 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ivv lv -w - ti.e am.isands, w6 in prooaDiy ue ni vit under the rule of he Kaiser, who M; ,vili no want . rao. ey to him; w it as a direct tax. ? to loan our ,i!l have to pay Wehave iu8t received a' supply of yarn, which will be made into socks. No more sweaters will ba made for awhile. We wish to thank the colored peo rilp. of this Dlace for their contribu- Hon. John B. EL-sley has returned! tjon t0 pur Red Cross. We appre-: from a visn to ihn ,hju vucsici, Mciate their Kina ana. generous aia. - M .1 Knoxville, Tenn., v, ho was sutiering i from a nervous bre : k down. -'9 'S M" Ches- -wrs. s. i maun wui i " - iriftifU t . . . j t fkinir onfh man 1 mr h . b n nnaa n no Hltr. nnortPrB m UU. A "... i. t,.A . Aiuuiicao ij uj uur muunv.M " . 4.,. lt ...ill tatp hUt a mmUlc Mona sickness and recent in the squadron is anx.ous to , tar It w.U rQ0f littu a! I t u;r,ir have the -nicest ami wi Mr , VT.,:.: r v: and I am Be patriotic with it . SMALL BLAZE printed in the Journal each v.e X, W. S. 3. Mrs. C. L. Allison and son Edwin are spending a short time at Bark ers Creek, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. C. Allison. . Mrs. H. M. Hooper and little son, John Lambert, visited' friends and retetives-in Ashevilie the latter part ter is very much improved now. w. $. s. T.a?t -Saturday rrmmin! while Mr. THIS WOMAN rOUND RELIEF.! , n MS1. . . , Backache, sore .uuscles, stiff or . , . . swollen joints, rheumatic pains, diz- breakfa&t thcir hous? caught fire m ziress and like symptoms are caused the sitting room, me names were by disordered kidneys and bladder, soon extinguished and the fire did Mr?.Thos. H Davis, Montgomery, little damage, but was in a fair way R. F.D.3,Ind writes: MI doctored tn xftt unAM ood headwav when months without relief. I commenced . r t, . . t. flro UlivUVIWVl AMI. J kUlUA IUO uslrg FoTey. Kidney Pills and go- relief. Eight bottles cured me." started in a box of chips that was p"tr.-i' t v- it I- I. i v. ,5 T.. h AS: - v,i.-i.-, 5 :;! r. r, : i. ' - ;- ' r'; - 'V , - - p; t - M13 ib.i' 1 . ; ? 2.5. '" 5 , ? ' I r t- 1 I, P i. !'.' - I Ilk 1 ! , if '4 I.. : ; 1 : I. ft. I' ii1 pf ast week Sylv Pharmacy adyt. ottdmj &ssxtbe fireolecx.