17 - - .. i f r.- I; NEW SERIES VOL. I NO. 8 til 4 f r o3Jcfe(0)i C -' " 1 . - 1L.A, JN. JACKSON CO. SHORT HORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION FORMED VALUATION IN SYLVACOMPLETED One million, forty-six thousand, C, AUG, 15, CIV FltmW. 1 . I a in ee line ot renrenf: uonars anri c, f. D , ' ""y cents is the w Shorthorn Breeders was hpM aJtrt,noK:. . , . Svlvn lUnn A.,h..7 7 "" XClUSlVe of of Sylva personal COMMUNITY INTEREST. ' ' '' ' " " ' '' " i By John C. Brammer The meeting at East LaPorte was wen represented by people fr;m there, Tuckaseigee and Cowarts. It :dB 118 interesting as Qualla the aay before. Mrs. J. M. Rigdon (See.) Lettie Price, Annie Jackson, Carter Wike andT.'F. Middletnn the m 11. 1919 bronertv a " " -pcASUI and a Jackson County Shorthorn railroad ' dectifcZr" , T1 Breeders' Association was organized exchange, IS teIePhone The Mowing me fifi T: Buchanan G adv n 10 this' the tempted "uu rus Nicholson Sec.) Ransom STMGCevCr B,",ri l?r!-esandPthe Mrs. Ora W. R nvi, Tv' n.. J , , " mucu ac one nundred, six- .w "u dUU aa Wood Fair com , ,., ' avjo, vv. K. iy-six tnousand sevpn hi oody C W.Al.en,LJ.Smith and dollars. The .Staf H .B" a1aD- Z not yet been valued" Indent, Berry Ward, Sectary, sWoO other SB. seven hundrH ""llcc lor aney r ork townshiD prop- lueuuuesot Secretary of NEWS OF THE WEEK Andrew Carnegie, iron master and philanthropist, died at his man sion at Lenox, Mass., Monday, after an illness of only a few days of pneumonia. He was in h;0 $1.50 THE YEAR IN ADVANCE the supplies of light will be main- tamed, the'mayor said "if it cannot ce done otherwise, I will comman deer these plants and operate them during the emergency under police protection or military protection if necessary.' Winston-Salem, Aug. COM (by MISS MARY FEIMSTERl TOCANCORN-Selectyoung and tender comjust at the m stage and remember tha Straight from the patch into tha can." Blanch on the cob for two zxua- Murphy, Aug. 11. Jim ROSf, noted outlaw, was arraigned court today for the murder of Bob wnson about four years adn. Tb vviuims iace snowed thP fnii enects ot h s lucse rne AshPvi Mo JoH l.j ... . committee? are to call mnd. .M..-7; ja.up eu mm me . . :;" & """" "e received when he "u,lu CdI. aua nad bep.n in foM stnKe ofmnfnrmnn ucdiiii lor mnrp than i.., hpro hoo . . . "" uai name iitoo j . .1 - completely. No efforts have been wiTL rr T 0015 with 8harp maae to operate the cars since the " raia is Itft, m m abandnnpH ' o.j... iais on with back of th . ps:- Kmie- FIace cut corn in kff?A cover with hot water and boil 10 GREEN'S CREEK Harry E. Buchanan; Treasurer, D. Koot. Davis. 1. Upon motion of M. Buchanan, a committee composed of C. C. Cow an. Ralph Hunter and D. Robt. Davis, was appointed to draft a constitu tion and by-laws for thp tionand to present sam -for QT I ne hundred and thirty-two iiig rr-i 1 1 1 1 f i lAtjo r f r z t . i v a v ir w i inrir i i ntifr .- m- v. school ha nnpni ': J- Nicholson and "jvubu YYlllI Lovedahl nniorri L.. ' ... T " I iiuupci state solicitor is assistprl hv Tnnoo J UVliO and Home, of Franklin, and Dillard to morning. Asheville Citizen. minutes. Put in No. 2 cans or hot Pint jars to within 1 inch f add 1 teaspoonful sugar, 1-2 tea- A shocking tragedy occurred at uasersville last Friday night when Missouri Bnch old daughter of Ee tt"". was snot and killed bv Tom nr. l . T . " poomuis sugar to t-: . " I ulnr Pftvoi iintk l ! . 7''wcy' year oia grandson tti morp iipw PdnhH,,... t , r"" m r ranKim, and D 1? students. We now have ' !' J' "' J": A' ai Hill, of Murpk According u .xww, UdAltr nooDer. and W to oil :j- 4- , tion and to present same for ap- c and thirty-two. Thir- and Lee Wike were d-tT . . Z ,"uu;auons. " he one of tht proval at the next meeting. Satur- ?n. w the..h hool department, at John's Cr7ekTuguSt at 230 SW, CWeStS ever H iu And io mtn We nave andpH mi. r '' .u.. w nus, iu. iniM I - .vj. iu WU1 IfllM 1 1 1 V VI ICO l r m A motion put by M. Buchanan Car."e Gribble of Gay. as fourth Marked was carried that: Any citizen of L We are to make Green and J. Z V0t n,en having Jackson County, who is intPrP our Dest Vear of school. i. Wafnli f .r mmoneo, a jury of twelve I 1 1 r I w.X 1U1 UlII-.f-N I r.Tnn "It , in promotind thp hrPPHJnd ck,. rtm- iaaison spoke at View Pnim Turn- ,, , VVdS uicKiy selected. ust 22 at 2:30 pulled off in Murphy. Jude J. I Kav IS nrpsiriinrf 4-U L nd Adnn ir ti i . I uic court. ur"bcuib ivicssrs. KODt. venire of 9nn Bis A been men. Watch for prices hom ;;;;: z ztTt CSsSsss: De. nQ;ntirtn L . crowd was out to hpnr h;m . . dicn jacKson Loun- weese returned this nftor r asson ar nn nrnviriaH k - i wui iu uear mm t i . , r.u,,ui,u uc pays iiie mi . iy juurua mr ronnrfo dues. me people met Saturdav and L,m .n .u I1" q t cleaned off fho nM q u' lUAC lue county v. ii was moved and carried that: j wBouuau grave T,r.anann Mr.W a p.,.k . , COMMUNITY MEETINGS u. aw payame m advance by fop R n '"l 1nu ieic ay Permanent quarterly installments of $1.25. for Butler, Mont. meetings returned this afrpmnnn Hope you California, where they went after pciper. norace Witt. ohnrdpH iixtii iiimucr ot Lmery Flowers, sixteen years ago m this county, but they failed at Qualla. to get their man as th& Poi;f: - i w .x unii ii iiih of Tiiman McKinney. The shooting took place at the McKinnev hom. ,i : l i . - auu is ueiieved to have been purely unintentional. The boy fired nnint Ll.l ...... " uiamt at tne little girl, as she re turned to the house after milkind The entire charge of shot took effect m ner breast. The girl was taken to a hospital at Statesville where she died a few hours later. The McKinney boy has been placed in the custody of W. M. Stamey, pending his .admittance to tne reformatory. cover with boilinn wat-j if tin cans are used exhaust five minutes, tip can andDrocess 1 hmi. and 15 minutes for three flnmM:VA days. When canning in tfla. i ?. best and safest plan to . use ninr cans always-if housekeeoerM in. sist on quart cans the they -niust make the time for Drocessin'- Ktr as long again. Leave jar lightly sealed untfl f. ter processing-seal tighUy as soon as removing from canner. If MaW jar is used the seal should not be tk - miss liavzp p AoKo iri. c..j . ' uuuus reeK and autnonties refnspd tn n.. iiic pi iuiary purpose 01 this As- r i. cn ouuuay TiipkaQPidoo flfl, . , . . , UWUU1 . . . K 11113 ASl fnr FnmD'0 r i- . ' ' I AUCSaseigee ever V two wppIto- vi prnnr Riolroff' suLiaiiuu is ro nrnmnto rha k,,j: " wucie sue wi I ..wvw n UICCUIUK UU .i . of more and better Shnrrhnm lcuuu &CU001 tms year. , -- vvr m mg in ftltr Pnnntir ii .. Mr T ... . unij, auu to enaDie the ucooc oraaiey and sister Dreeder to secure better market Ulura of Smokemont are visiting for his cattle by .shipping them in relatives and friends here, cooperation with other breeders Mr- 0ra ward of Wilmot was here The Association will also be in a Sunday. position to assist the farmer in se- Mr- and Mrs- m Pangle of Bark curing better cattle for breeding ers Creek visited friends here Satur- purposes and. in fact, to aid him in nay. a-)y way possible. There will be an Association sale of picked home bred cattle held on a date which will be announced later, and at that time the farmers of the county will have a fine opportun ity to add to their herds and others will have a chance to buy with the idea in view of starting a herd. On entering any line of business, me progress and success of the man ahead is always a fair indication of what the man behind may expect. Accepting this to be true, the farm ers of this County kave a bright outlook in the starting of a herd of bhorthorn cattle, for the men in this county who have been breeding mis type for several years have all . i . . . iuuue a wonueriul success in the past and are very enthusiastic ovej meiuture. The best proof of this statement is the fact that these men are increasing their herds as fast as possible. Purebred cattle raising is in its infancy in this section and offers opportunities to every farmer in the future. There are numbers of farmers in the county interested in the breeding of Shorthorn cattle, who should become members of this Association immediately and there by secure the benefits which it of fers, and, at the same time, assist in making the Association and the weeding of Shorthorn cattle fess in the county. Anyone desiring to become a member of the Association may do so by sending in his application, together with the initial member ship fee of $1.25 to H. E. Buchanan, Secretary, Sylva, N. C. The next regular meeting will be eld at the Court House, Saturday August 16th, at 2:00 P. M. Harry E. Buchanan. Secretary. a sue- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hall were here yesterday from Green's Creek. Misses Pearl and Owie Jones, Bonnie Barnes and May Etta Cabe of Gay were here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Farley of Syl va, and Henry Farley andMr.Leith of Knoxville. Tenn. visited Miss Lucy Hall Sunday. Messrs. Thos. Saunders, Robert and Audy Reed of Franklin, were here bunday. Mr. John Henry Hall of Sunburst is here for a few days. Rev. R. W. Green is holding revival meeting at Barkers Creek. Mr. Dave Sutton has gone to Sun burst. Mr. Cole Allison Was in FranMm last week. Misses Danah Hall and ISJnra T uenz went to Dillsboio Sunday. Why don't other Journal rpAnWo ' . wrue Tuups. TNAlTI-w - 1 rvLLr POISON IN YOTTP BLOOD. When the kidneys are doing their work they eliminate from the cir culation waste products that poison he blood if permitted to remain in the system. Folev . J j x 1113 help the kidneys, remove the pois ons that cause aches and pains, stiff joints, sore muscles, lame back,' rheumatic pains. Sold everywhere! adv. Qualla Olivet Webster every two wppW v;t ernnr RiVkoft'c icquxsiiion and or- 8:30 P. M. Aug. 15 dered him released from custody 8:30 " 16 Raleigh. Aug. ll.-The State Fed 8:30 4 " 99 eration of Lahnr JhCTL 3:00 " 23 annual conventions;" (nd 2:30 p. m. next time.) Moody presiding and the sessions Tuckaseigee 8:30 P. M. Aug 23 are expected to be the most impor Please keep these dates and count tant in the history of the federation every two weeks thereafter. The of North Carolina. The convention Demonstrators have these dates is expected to take action on some well in mind now so that no mis. subjects that nn nnt . - - uvvuum ji 111C11 take will happen on their part. vital interest to the federation will Watch paper closely for Farmers, make this an epoch-making session institutes Phone Meetings, Com- In the first day's session two Ashe- munity Fair meetings. Live StnHr ville men. Editnr Tcimoc T? T3. Sales, Vegetable Growers' Associa- of the Asheville Advocate and L - , .., divine snouid have Jenmns, banker, were the '"cans, etc. nrom nent and hrnr One version of the shoots i. I?!!??0? and third day . i ... . a i wi iii-fsoirifJ if f - mat tne boy had been out hi,in-w . " vuceu ar w used MAAUC i" tne neids. The girl had heen milking with her grandmother near the home, and finishing, returned with her filled bucket. No one saw the actual shooing excepting the boy, who ran into a field, terribly frightened. He returned later on and said he did not know the gun was loaded. The boy was given a hearing he- fore Juvenile Judge Brown McKin- (Z's ny, who was assisted hv the .. -. - . lift clamps when put into process ugnten as soon as lifted out The pre-cooking of the com is a better method as it makes a more uniform product and provides large Iy forthe swelling of corn before Placing in cans and insures a high temperature at center of corn, at beginning of the "processing. While the time for processing may be lengthened on the first day process is a sure uooiaicu uy tne DrOD'- onrl U.' ... tion officer. S. J. Blaok Tho k.. ucuer ana method. . w o I 111 KHINR1 PnDM m previous conduct w Pvom;n L, ... naceearsm . axa-a .; :rr:' O01,lnfi water for ten most conven- SILO ALMOST AS USEFUL AS BARN, tion ends Editor Barrett wil1 Ioom up as one oi tne states leading West Raleigh, N. G, August 14 labor advocates. What will rank The silo is rapidly becoming rprnd. even with the legislative commit nizedas a necessary part of tne teef reP0It in the shape of extra- North Carolina farmer's equipment. Qinary .mterest ls the Proposed a Carolina farm without a silo, at 1IIiroauctlon Tuesday of resolutions least in the piedmont area, is no desined t0 encourage ministers to longer up-to-date. The rapid adop- preach brotherhood and serial ser tion of the silo is accounted fnr hv vice sermons. recognition of its advantages. These CharIotte, Aug. 12. Heavily arm advantages are summarized bv thp ed reular and special police officers extension workers of the State Col- mamtained guard to-night at the lege and Department of Agriculture SUD-station lighting and power sys- as follows: tem of the Southern Public Utilities If corn is cut at the nrnnpr oforfJcomPany at the company's gas and put into a good silo the whole Jplant safeguard the city against corn plant is eaten me possioie.cutting ot its gas and Silage is more convenient to fppri electric suy by striking electrical mat is any other rough feed com- orKers ana tneir sympathizers monly used on the farm. Electricians employed by the South- Silage is both palatable nrf c ern Pubhc Utilities company walk- W A ft L& t I III i culent. ed out early this afternoon and a The addition of a succulent fppH few miQutes later switches at the o a rauon increases the difies.ihil. 3,. " ST 7yl"Ju : 'ea.vm8 itv of the rtrv """""".r11 BciuenDurg md it wns Hpo; f -b water ior ten minutes: Dluntfe.; ville Times. To 4 pounds corn add 1 lb. salt; mix . together,' pack in iar or rrnoV m) . BAPTISTS L CONFERENCE AT RALEIGH paraffia wa or bees wax and pour . over top; put in cool place. (By T. W. Chambliss) aieign. August 12 Monday closed a series of conferences in which three hundred Baptists, men EXCESS PR0FFIT8 WILL BE RETURNED TO GROWERS Washington, D. G Collection nf avIAan mJL.Gt. 0 ... - and women nthp r' Xtf .VUUI "om wool dealers it V 4WUA cvciy 1 uuuer way ana their distribution fa section of the State, have narticina- wool growers will &sT?n . 25 ted. These Baptists came to Raleigh time the Department of Agriculture vzxouaa piaus ana methods hv I r".. which the Baptist 75 Million ram. Iu.??0 mus received show vuui- Ht CYrpco nmfii-tt ... i paign could be manV droo . C.rrnT..r .wc.re Paae Dy in n , b ou,v,cw uui iu percent oi tne country" in North Carolina. dealers. Corresnonrfen uu The outstanding feature waa fha I tributing center dealer - . muu IUC I lL . ... .nuiwiig presence of Rev. L. R Scarborough, X'.81 u. ot flash ville. Tenn.. th r.n. iT: , '. Z "T"",u cxc3 pro- eral Manager of the Baptist 78 Kta! Million Campaign. completed the Bureau of Market. To increase the Baptist contribu W1" endose with each check to a tions to $15 000,000 a year, to secure 8roweracircuIar Ietter ving the The following additional list of subscribers has been handed in this week by Mr. RhineharC C. H. Nich olson, Cowarts; H. R. Fox, Sylva; D. V. Snipes, Norton; J. C. Ruff! Barkers Creek; J. B. Parris, Balsam; W. H. McElroy, S. P. Burress, C. b! Medford, E. G. Corzine, W. M. Tur pin, Waynesville; Jerry Liner, H. Gibson, Lake Junaluska; Claude C. Grogan.Cruso; J. G. Hipps, Whittier; renewals: J. B. Queen, Balsam; T. A.' Park, Waynesville. Mr. H. 0. Curtis, of Sylva, was in the city on business the past week. Mr. Ed Grindstaff. of Sylva, was m franklin last week Franklin Press. liiuusinai plants m COUntV withnnt nnwpr PhcirlMto witn a silo it is possible to savp homes without lights, the Western corn that might otherwise, owing Umon Teleraph company without to maturity, be largely wasteri current and the city fire alarm svs- The silo not nniv nL a , tem useless. At 4:15 o'clock, an lent Ldfo eXCeI' h0UrIater' Charlotte police offi" lent teed for winter time, but fur- succeeded in gaining control of the nisnes a means of keeping more for sub-station, arresting two men on summer use of high quality forcible trespass charges, and closed The silo furnishes almost' a mr f!?e swjtches- Half an hour later supply of feed, as there is no surer .switches at the gas plant, sup crop in North Carolina than corn Phis city with gas for light- au torn, mg and heating, were closed also. Mrs. David M. Hall and little In a signed statement. Mayor Frank daughter, Margaret, visited relatives McNinch declared the attempt of in Asheville this week. the electricians "an outrage against Mrs. B. F an innocent and helpless nublic v.UJ , ux omeveport, 4.u ' La., is visiting her mother Mrs tnat cannot be countenanced," and Alice Dills, at Dillsboro ' " he warned ' any man or set of men" Mrs R F Torra- u who may challenge "the forces of rmS 1 WaS here from law and order that they do so at Dillsboro yesterday. Jma J8 T(ri dac nnA t . . .f,w auu uasii amounting tn - . "D 5,U00,000 and do it in eight days is a great task and will require me work of the Campaign," said urscarboroug, "is starting off wel and the orginizations are being pcixcutea in every state. What I am praying for," he said, "is that on th first day of the final dash. Sunday, wi r,. ooumern Baptists p'.j,vvv,vvv pledged and leave putting the camnaidn 'n, u and giving for mirsionarvorieratinnc JMUU.UUU.U00. WHY I PUT UP WITH RATS FOR itAKS, WRITES N. WINSOR v FARMER. . Years ago I bought some rat poison, which nearly killed our fine watch dog. It so scared us that we suffered a long time with rats until my neighbor told me about RAT SNAP. That's the sure rat v;uA. and a safe one." Three sizes 25c 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed oy Jackson County Hardware Co. The B. H. Cathey Chapter U. D. C. will have an ice cream supper on Mrs. Picklesimer's lawn . next Tuesday evening, to which the pub lie is invited. name of tha firm which handled his - wool and which has returned the excess profits of which the customer -is receiving his share. During the war the government paid dealers a fixed commrsson on consigned wool, so the excess profits were made only on that part of the " wool which they bought outright. APPROVES MANY PROJECTS FOR HIGHWAY BUILDING Washington, D. G Up to June 30 this year, the Secretary of Agricul ture had approved under the Federal Road act 1319 projects, for highway work. They involve 12.790.37 mile. of road at an estimated eot nf $133,833,300.67 of which $54,763. 957.81 is to be paid from the Federal Treasury , On the same date, a total of 677 project agreements had been ere- cuted, involving 5.766.39 miles of ' road, costing $56,36734.94. Of thi : $23,892,740.97 is Federal aid. Dr. J. H. Couch, of Charjel Hill ., and Mr. Crow, of Asheville. were here Wednesday night, enroute to the luckaseigee Association, which convened yesterday at the YeUow Mountain Baptist church. Hi i t-1 3 : 5 1 I i hi n r: V,. j Pi