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3C Jackson County Journal A Representative Paper or the Carolina Highlands. DAN TOMPKINS, Editor. rublisned weekly by UCISON COUNTY 10UINAL COMPANY leered at second class mail matter at the Postoffice at Bylva N. C. FRIDAY, AUG.29 , 1919 the;sanitation law. The last Legislature enacted a law providing that "every residence lo cated within three hundred yards of another residence must have an improved sanitary privy of a type approved by the State Board of Health. Means to enforce this law are provided, and sanitary inspec tors will be placed on duty through out the State on October first, act ing under the direction and by the authority of the State Board of Health. The law is in the interest of the public health and all persons who have concern for their own health or the health of their neigh bors should not only be willing but anxious to comply with the regula tions. Even those not affected by the law should comply with it for their own good. There is nothing new regarding the method of disposing !of human waste matter. It is founded on the regulations which Moses, the great leader andllaw-giver, laid down for thel Israelites many', thousands! of years ago. The man who disregards Messrs. Kirby, Sloss, James Gray and Jones have' spoken highly of Jackson. No county in North Car olina is capable of greater progress. No county 5 in North Carolina can produce more live stock. Let every one start the sheep industry, as this is one of the very best paying propositions. As we have the soy beans, we ougnt to De aoie to snip nogs co MR. VAUGHAN. FARMER, TELLS HOW HE LOST ALL HIS PRIZE SEED CORN. "Some time ago sent away for some prize seed corn. Put it in a gunney sack and hung it on a rope suspended from root. Rats got it all how bests me, buQthey did because I got five dead whoppers in the morning after trying RAT- Garren Medicine Co., Hendersonville, N. C. Gentlemen: I have been a sufferer of stomach troubles for fif teen years, a greater part of the time I have had dyspepsia so bad that my stomach would not retain food for five minutes. I would have to leave the table immediately after finishing my meals. I tried several of thebest doctors and different SNAP " Three sizes. 25c. 50c. $1.00. operatively and bring much money Sold and guaranteed by Jackson j kinds P81 medicines, but all 10 no eneci. l men secured a ooi- to the cooperatives. Soon will come the time to think about your seed corn, etc.. for next year. The County Agent will be ghd to give demonstrations how to select this. Call upon him and get crowds out to see ifdone. Teachers, we call upon you to teach "thrift" to the girls and boys in your schools, by having them start a bank account. When I get back I want to have these save for a great purpose. In the next issue I shall tell you something of my Raleigh, Norfolk and Washington visits and whatthey can mean to you. County Hardware Co. WHY PEOPLE BUY RAT-SNAP IN PREFERENCE TO RAT POISON RAT-SNAP absolutely kills rats'and 'mice.!! (2) What it doesn't kill it scares away. (3) Rats killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell, they dry up inside. (4) Made in cakes.tno mixing : withother'lfood. (5) Cats or dogs won't touch it. Three sizes, 25c.;; 50c, $1.00.!2So!d and guaranteed by Jackson County Hardware Co. GROWING OLD BEFORE YOUR TIME Kidney trouble tends to "slow up" men and women in middle life and they fear oncoming old age when it is only the kidneys that are at fault. Foley Kidney Pills assist Nature to restore a sound, healthy condition and to banish backache. soreness, lameness and stiffness puffy eyes and other symptons. Sold everywhere. adv, How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi son from the Blood and healing the dis eased port -' ''ns. After yi-.i have? taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi cine at once and sret rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drur.gists, 75c. tie of Garren's Blood Purifier and Tonic which immediately gave me reiief. I used two bottles over a year ago and I still continue to eat and drink what I please without suffering any trouble with my stom ach whatever. I would advise all suffering from indigestion or dys pepsia to give this medicine a fair trial. Mrs. H. D. King, Hender sonviile, N. C. Sylva Pharmacy, Sylva; Holmes Bryson, Dillsboro; R. J. Roane & Co. Whittier, R.G.. Snyder, Willets: R G. Fisher, Addie; Geo. C. Snyder, Beta. A large party of young folks chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. T. J owers, spent several days this reeK on wnitesiae Mountain m Cashiers Valley. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sylva, N. C, Aug. 21, 1919. Sealed orooosals will be received regulations designed to'preventjthe by the Mayor and Aldermen of the pread of disease is an enemy 10 town ot bylva, IN. U., at o o clock himself, his familvandl'his com- p. M., September 2, 1919, for grad munity. In other ),words,.sallJS good ing Keener street, from Main street citizens will promptly comply with to the court house and Jackson the regulations provided for the street from Keener street to Spring public good. street. Plans and specifications will be THE.FIGHTiFOK VLA. on fiie at the office of the Town En- neer. Thad D. Smith at the rnnrt P' What would ,you"think" of 'an en- house and specifications : will be gineer who, after a head-on collision, mailed to anyone asking for same. said: Well, let's DacK up ami uy A certified check for 10 per cent that over again?" of the amount of eoch bid must ac- Some of your engineers are say- company each bid. The town re- ing that. The great war orougm serves the right t0 reject any or all civilization to the brink, ine wrecK- bids age of lives and means of liven- THAD D. SMITH. hood strews a quarter of tne gioDe. Civil Engineer Some of it is in your town-m uw DAN T0MpKlNS. Mavor. a gold stars and crippled figures in vhoir; Reactionaries want to back up to'l914, set the scene all oyer as . tin and see wfcat will haK?,' aro nurhlind men, mole X lit T MV f . i , I eyed from long habituation in legal ehnt in bv the narrow i-.f mfacflinnal oohtics; unable to understand what has happened hr the country ft els. lney utter learned words that have no fl0nind-nhout entangling alli ances, Washington, anything but to the main point. . The United States risked all to fldht a war for democracy. It can risk much to give permanence to .i K-,ta for which it fought. It IS roo.iv and eater to risk much, n knows that in a humane world some chances must be taken, u wn take its chances on the League-of-Natinnaside that promises stable peace and order; not on the Balance-1 oi-fower side mai pruunsca umj repetition of 1914. The Saturday Evening Post. Three homicides in Jackson coun ty in two month. and still there is no effort being made by the county officers to break up the blockade distilleries that are doing a flourish ing business and reaping such a T m tho stills alone and "Bloody Madison" will soon be COMMUNITY" FAIRS. T. 0. WILSON, Clerk. FOR SALE Good seed rye. J. B. Ensley, Sylva, N. C. JOHN Ci. PflRRIi Dealer in TKflatcbes anb 3eveun All kin is of repair work do i on jhort notice. ENGRAVING A' SPECIALTY Sylva, N. C. COLEMAN C COW AN j Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Offices in Harris Building SYLVA, N. C Geo. V. sutiou E. P. Stillwel SDTTON and STILL WELL attorney ant Counsellors at Xaw Sylva Pharmacy Building N. C. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS i:OR BACKACHE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER BE PREPARED FOR VACATION ILLS Change of food and water some times causes indigestion that leads to sick headaches. biliousness bloating, sour stomach, gas, bad breath and coated tongue. Foley Cathartic Tablets should be in every traveler's grip. They act without pain, griping, or nausea, iney are a fine and wholesome physic. Sold everywhere. adv HOUSE WORK IN HOT WEATHER Hot weather brings no relief from housework drudgery. If anything, woman's work is more trying. Over work and worry cause kidney trou- i l i i uie, resulting m uacKacne, sore muscles, stiff joints, rheumatic pains tired feeling and other distressing symptoms. Foley Kidney Pills help weak kidneys. bold everywhere. adv I. O, O. F. 247. Sylva, N. C. Meets 2nd, and 4th, Saturday Night Visiting Breathern Welcome. If IT S - T 4 , 18 cents a package (By John C. Brammer) Qualla Township Fair, at Qualla Graded School, September 29. Webster Township Fair at Web ster Graded School, September 30. Caney Fork Township Fair, at John's. Creek, October 1. River Township Fair, at Tucka 8eigee, Oct. 3. Watch for program. These will all be first class. The County Agent means to spend his time in making these four fairs a success. When he comes to your school have questions to ask him so that every school ex hibitmay be a credit to Jackson Camels are sold everywhere in scientific ally sealed packages of 20 eigarettes; or ten packages 200 cigarettes) in a glasa-ine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recommend this carton for the horns or office supply, or -when you travel. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY WiMtoD-SfcUm, N. C. CAMELS' expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos answers every cigarette desire you ever had ! Camels give such universal delight, such unusual enjoyment .and satisfaction you'll call them a cigarette revelation ! If you'd like a cigarette that does not leave any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor, smoke Camels! If you hunger for a rich, mellow-mild cigarette that has all that desirable cigarette "body" well, you get some Camels as quickly as you canl Camels' expert blend makes all this delightful quality possible. Your personal test will prove that Camel Cigarettes afe the only cigarettes you ever smoked that just seem made to meet your taste 1 You will prefer them to either kind of to bacco smoked straight I Compare Camels for quality and satisfaction with any cigarette in the world at any price ! 1 CIM- ii:ifsf , " M pi M iljiXTpf flnntentsl5FlmdBrachiii g - mm mi Earn r'' " mTf 'r.. y.u: 2 ': V ' re 1 , I AVeelablerrcparatioiitorAs-: I linthcStomadis andBcrelsa 1 ' 3 s.MKT' ' 1 1. !0"B -.-. r ,13 C-t 1), oDicstiOll Cheerfulness andRcstCosiains Mineral, wu ryzz- i j-umpxin Akt Sewut Jiochelk Salts ' J f Carbonate Soa Worm Seed Clarified Sngar Itihfemiren flavor L. fir: A-. a niarrrioea.l nd Firvcrishness ami LOSS OF SLEEP resetting Ihcf cf ronHnlm ancy- facsimile Signature?1 B.3 J ft x JUQS Tor Infants and Child Mothers Kn; Genuine Always axs t' mature Castona lie yf.W' . f AW ffr USG KF For Over Thirty Year v3 i xAr '"Jrio r-in t n e& .u j mm ktw i a ta mm rj ki arm s- s Exact Copy of Wrapper. mi TMC CCNTAUR COMMNV Nf YOH C!T. We have on hand Chattanooga Cane Mills 9 No. 11 and No. 12, with evaporators, which are also in two sizes Don't depend on the use of your neighbor's outfit. Be independent, and own your own. The prices are in line, and we can get together on terms. ID OflNfc (EL CO, Whittier F. A. BROWN fire anb itc BROWN & E. E. BROWN ITnsurance BROWN ANNOUNCEMENT I have recently bought the Studio formerly owned by J. M. McCanless, 32 1-2 Patton Vve.. Asheville, N. C, and any work or business sent me vy my inenas Here will be apprecated and have my prompt attention. GEO. D. SHERRILL. L & SV3 SER31-iPASTE PAINTS BE8T THAT CAN BS MADE f RttOUlZl3?f a 0311011 when rdy to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS AL. UDBUB color CARD from oar Agents or IS LflNCUAH J lmlliji iwanutactwrerK New Yrfc U Save $34.30 by Enrolling Your Name;NOW Special Summer Rates expire August 31, but students sending their names for enrollment for the September term will receive the benefit of this liberal discount Don't delay and be forced to pay the regular rates of tuition. For particulars in regard to courses and.'rates write. EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Asheville, N. C, 15 Haywood St, CQunty.