OCR Interpretation

Jackson County journal. (Sylva, N.C.) 19??-19??, October 10, 1919, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068765/1919-10-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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Glad to Try Anything
-i'hree years ago my system
Teas In a terribly run down con
dition and I was broken out all
ll over my body. I began to be wor-
ried about my condition and I
Wit a K i'lu iv iry auiuuift vrumn
Tronld relieve me. Feruna wm
recommended to me as a fine
blood remedy and tonic, and I
eoon found that it was worthy
of praise. A few bottles changed
my condition materially and in a
short time I was all oxer my
trouble. I owe my restoration to
health and strength to Peruna.
I am glad to endorse It.
Sold everywhere
Was in a
Run Down
Miss Rlcka Leopold,
288 Layco St.. Menasha, "Wis.,
Setfy Llederkranz. Miss Leopold's
letter opposite conveys in no un
certain way the gratitude she
feels for Peruna.
I-Iquld and Tablet Form,
Healthy Babies Laugh and Play
Health in babyhood comes from proper digestion by regulating
the stomach and causing the bowels to move as they should.
The Infant' and Children's Regulator
for this purpose produces most remarkable and gratifying results.
Best of all children's remedies to relieve constipation, flatulency,
wind colic, diarrhoea, land other disorders.
Thi3 health giving preparation is purely vegetable contains no opiates, nar
cotics or alcohol just an agreeable, highly beneficial and potent remedy, made
of the very best harmless ingredients obtainable, as the formula below shows
Senna Sodium Citrate Oil of Anise Caraway Glycerine
Rhubarb Sodium Bicarbonate Fennel Coriander Sugar Syrup
A 216-217 Fulton St., N. Y. V
v V""" "Nv Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc. Ji
T-? " 7 K ",w or't Tortalo, Cuuia B J ll
Machinery for New Laboratory In
stalled at Colorado Agricultural
(By O. V. ADAMS, Colorado Agricultural
College, Fort Collins, Colo.)
The experiment station of the Col
orado Agricultural college at Fort Col
lins has just completed the Installa
tion of the machinery for a new labor
atory for the testing of road materials
and is now fully equipped to make all
the standard mechanical tests on rock,
broken stone, slag, gravel, sand and
top soil.
The laboratory has been installed
for the purpose of aiding the people
of the state in their road-building
problems. No charge is made for the
testing of any material; the sample
must, however, be of sufficient size to
enable complete investigations to be
The first systematic attempts to de
termine the value of rock for road
building purposes by means of labora
tory tests were made in France in 1878,
Buoyant. h&DDV. healthy llfel
Thn hn! kunu rinvinir with lan&hter
and filled with good times. Is your bouse one of these?
How many mothers reallea that THEIR OWN health is the
fountain head of the health of the whole family? The mother
Is the center. Her health of mind and body is reflected In
eYeryuuag around nor.
If Ton are NOT well tf ran are nervous. Irritable,
can't play, can't eat with any appetite, the chances
your UTr is out ox oraer.
i, can't work. 7 A)
l0es are that HaJfy
ffi?n!oni? mother-
Ir Try LIVBRHA.9B. It Is a nreoaratlon resulting
III cnariment and clinical oractloe bran eminent Dhrsictt
quickly help you. Good for the Whole Family, Including Dad. Be well! JlGQllfllf
Try L1VHRHA.8H! Send 11 00 for a regular size. It will act at once. 7.71 t
If not satisfied, we return your money. Address, CJlll(II'CIt
Practice of Turning Animals on Pas
ture on Sundays Not Favored
Examine Feet Often.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Grass is not a desirable material
to serve as the basis of the work
horse ration. The practice of turn
ing work animals out on Sundays to
eat grass, to which they are unaccus
tomed, is a prolific source of colic
and other digestive disorders. Gen
erally the animals would be better off
in a cool, darkened stable, where they
could be carried on half rations of
grain during idleness.
Where work horses which are fed a
full allowance of grain are turned out
to graze each night they usually are
in poor condition for work next day,
as the extra feed they have consumed
merely tends to increase the tax on
their digestive capacity. However,
where the stables are hot and illy ven-
Vcung Teacher's Reply Might Have
Been Merely a Statement of
Plain Fact, or
The young primary teacher had been
eontinua'lly annoyed by Bobby's mother
over since he had entered school.
Nothing suited her. At first it was the
tours, then the arrangement of Bob
fly's seat, and finally, after a score of
emplalnts about everything imagin
able, she began to come to school to
criticize the teacher's methods and
books used. "Now, these readers are
ot nearly so interesting as the ones
w used to use." she said. "Couldn't
you get some of those old books and
ase them to supplement these?" she
"I don't know whether I could find
stay," hesitated, the little teacher.
"But you will find the stories so
orach more interesting that you will be
paid for your effort in hunting them,"
Insisted the woman. "How I did love
those stories! There was one about
a tittle red, hen. It"
I don't believe that would Interest
my children now," Interrupted the
young teacher. "You see, the hen
grew up." Indianapolis News.
that make a horse Wheeze,
Roar, have Thick Wind
or Choke-down, can be
reduced with
Stretch of Improved Road Between
Cripple Creek and Canon City, Colo.
and the excellence of the French roads
can no doubt be partly attributed to
the selection of the best available ma
terials for their construction.
In 1893, a road material testing lab
oratory was established by the Massa-
L ; i 1
I am Sincere! Stop Calomel!
1 Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone
Listen to me! Calomel sickens and yon may lce
day's work. If bilious, constipated or
headachy read my guarantee.
Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel
fine and cheerful; make your work a
pleasure; be vigorous and full of am
bition. But take no nasty, dangerous
calomel, because it makes you sick
and you may lose a day's work.
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver,
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel crashes into sour bile like
dynamite, breaking it up. That's when
you feel that awful nausea and cramp
ing. Listen to me ! If you want to enjoy
the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cleansing you ever experienced, just
take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's
Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or
dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's
Liver Tone for a few cents under my
personal monpv-hii- m. .
Pnrh snnnnfnl -Sll ,.1 iCS?
1 iui 411 titfi-a your ci
icuci may a aose of nastv
mel and that it won't make you ' ?
Dodson's Liver Tone is
medicine.. You'll know it ,
OT JW , aJx(,
finf vrmr 1 rop v, , . -J
, uc worKin:: ho,
aiiu uiz.iuess gone; st::i;jt-jj ,
be sweet and bowels regular.
Dodson's Liver Tone is eai.,
vegetable, therefore harmless a1
not salivate. Give it to your child!?
Millions of people are using Vt,
Liver Tone Instead of dangerous V
mel now. Your druggist win toll
that the sale of calomel i T
stopped entirely here. Adv. 08
also other Bunches or Swellings. No&iater,
no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco
nomicalonly a few drops required at an appli
cation. $2. SO per bottle delivered, took 3 R trie.
ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for man
kind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Painful, Swollen
Veins and Ulcers. $1. 2 5 a bottle at dealers or
delivered. Book"Evidence" free.
W.F.Y0UN6, P. D. F.. SIOTwp!. St., Sorlngfleld. Mast.
Horses at Work Need Na Ration With
a High Percentage of Grain.
tilated it Is preferable to expose the
horses to digestive troubles on the
pastures rather than to attempt to
carry them in the barns.
The feet of the work animals
should be examined frequently during
the summer, in order that accumula
tions of dirt may be removed. A few
moments devoted to scraping out the
hoofs each morning and evening will
add to the comfort of the beasts, as
often such foreign materials as nails
or stones lodge in the wall or sole of
His Experience.
"Goodness gracious, Ysobelle! What
sort of a butler Is this new one you
have? He admitted me with the
most condescending unction, strutted
half-way across the reception room
with all the dignified pomposity of a
strolling behemoth, and then suddenly
sogged down in a chair, produced and
lighted his pipe, flung his feet up on
another chair and began scratching
i4Oh, you'll have to bear with Blig
gins. All the experience he has had
as a butler was in
mn s mam
Suffer from
Millions of people suffer a'i,
from illmsnt. .y,..i - V al'f
W. . C w , .. m s practica l)-
----- ---- ' uteani;
in neaitn can
stomach. Here
wvij, never areaniine th,. .. ;
can be traced direct'y , ?
".TIC '. V-"T a.r.i
means poor noarishmnnt of the
organs and tissues of the hn,i tu. .':'W!
tlr mnf.Vo .- I impoverished becomes .vii-' iv,i. '
. ' I Ailments of many kinds sprinc fr-.nT
Lvirtth nf tha coon a I rr.nrlltlnn -Rii4...n- J A Iro s&
uv uuuieu ior wmin oi me scene, I conauions. Biliousness. rheuniMUi-
rnrrsy. nea.'nrho i .
and then was at ease until he got his ""V mVelVniJT.f'. lc
CUe again. But doesn't he do it beau- nervousness, mental depresMonv""
litully while he lasts?" Kansas City "rThe : 8?.?i'-5.al!l."h.
of the llrer. heart trouble ah of'thS
i.vtu uc ifdusu uireciiy 10 acid-stoTr.a-h
- " i.L ?l FT
toms of acM.tnm--i njj
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never
Suspect It
Applicants for Insurance Often
chusetts highway commission, with the
late Logan W. Page in charge. This tne foot or are collected in the clefts
! of the frog or between, the bars and
the frog. If the hoofs are excessive
ly dry or brittle, they should be
work has developed until today there
are many such laboratories through
oat the United States, and road en
gineers are more and more coming to
realize the value of such tests and to
specify that material used in road con
struction shall measure up to certain
establlished standard requirements.
Easy Money.
A discharged soldier with his young
wife recently went on a shopping tour
ta Washington. Ex-soldier, very tired
ind not having much interest in walk
ing the aisles of a department store,
eat himself down in the lobby and
promised his wife to remain there un
it! her return. Soon he was fast asleep.
In a reclining position, with his hat in
nla hand, he was enjoying a quiet nap.
When his wife returned she was shock
ingly surprised to see a dollar and a
halt In her husband's hat.
r , . .
jLu.uy u muu wno Knows nis own
mind has a somewhat limited acquaintance.
Fact That It Was Cut From Country's
Flag Meant Nothing to Ger
man Merchant.
It is a known fact that the average
German will forget religion, civil
laws, and even his patriotism, if they
interfere with his chances to drive
home a good bargain. The latest dis
play of this tendency came during the
preparations for the victory ball, which
was given the Fourth of July in the
Enlisted Men's club at Andernach. As
no Fourth of July ball would be com
plete without "Uncle Sam," several
"Y" girls set out to prepare a cos
tume for the revered character. When
it came to purchasing the red cloth
for the stripes in the trousers, how
ever, it seemed that their plans had
gone amiss. Nowhere in Andernach
could a sufficient quantity of the right
colored material be purchased. Final
ly one German merchant announced
that he had just what they wanted.
Out of a closet at the rear of his shop
he dug a large German flag. Quickly
he cut all the red cloth from it, and
sold the material to the girls with the
air of one who had just accomplished
a noble deed. From the Watch on the
It Is more difficult for some men to
collect their wits than their bills.
i.UiLna n..JUL .jggjBl,, a, rTrar-nrr-
H v '
His Build.
"How angular that financier is.
"You know, don't you, that he was
made by corners?"
A dish you'll
- always relish
At breakfast or lunch
villi either milk or cream
fills a requirement for
nourishment not met by
many cereals.
No cooking No waste
At Grocers Everywhere.
Autos and Motor Trucks Do More
Harm Than Steel-Tired Vehicles
on Account of Speed.
There is more damage done to the
roads now by autos and motor trucks
than steel-tired vehicles ever did, for
the reason of greater speed of motor
vehicles and their drivers have the
same fool tracking habit the horse
drivers always had. Driving in the
same tracks never damaged steel tires,
but it is the destruction of the roads
and rubber tires. The motor vehicle
is worse for the roads than horse rigs
on account of greater speed. The rea
son running in a track is damaging to
rubber tires, is a sharp rock will be
set in the side of the track with the
sharpest corner out to nip a piece out
of every tire, and sharp rocks cannot
dodge or bounce out of the bottom of
the track, but cut holes in the tires and
break the fabric, causing the so-called
stone bruises and ri:a cuts, even on
properly inflated tires.
softened with some good oil or hoof
ointment, and if they are ragged or
tend to split, they should be rasped
on the edges and trimmed until
It is advisable to clip horses when
the weather warms up in the spring
and heavy work begins. When clip
ped, they work much better, and they
do not become chilled after work from
having thoroughly soaked the heavy
coat of winter hair with perspiration.
Horses that are clipped as soon as
heavy spring work begins should be
blanketed at night.
Judging from reports from druggists
who are constantly in direct touch with
the public, there is one preparation that
bas been very successful in overcoming
these conditions. The mild and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is
soon realized. It stands the highest for
its remarkable record of success.
An examining physician for one of the
prominent Life Insurance Companies, in
an interview of the subject, made the as
tonishing statement that one reason why
so many applicants for insurance are re
jected is because kidney trouble is so
common to the American neoDle. and the
large majority of those whose applica
tions are declined do not even suspect
that thy have the disease. It is on sale
at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes,
medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y.. for a
sample bottle. When writing be jure and
mention this paper. Adv.
French Engineers Find That Simple,
Surface Coatings of tar Were of
Much Benefit.
It has been the experience of the
French engineers in building roads dur
ing war times that simple, surface
coatings of a tar preparation more
than doubled the life of the road. This
being true, it would seem advisable in
the construction of all country roads,
to cover the surface with some crushed
rock or gravel, and then use the heavy
tar preparation, because the binding
effect prevents the material from slip
ping to one side ; it holds the material
intact and gives the oad a hard-surfaced
covering that i? not only lasting,
but adds to the efficiency of the road.
Good Roads a Necessity.
Good roads have become a neces
sity, not only on the public and main
highways, but on the township lines
as well.
Run in Cornstalks From Which Ears
Have Been Removed Top la
Thoroughly Tramped Down.
JFrepared by the "United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
Several years ago it was a common
practice to cover the silage with some
material, such as dirt or cut straw, in
order to prevent the top layer from
spoiling. At present when any provi
sion at all is made for this purpose it
consists usually in merely running in
on top cornstalks from which the ears
have been removed. By this method
some of the corn grain is saved. The
heavy green cornstalks pack much bet
ter than straw does and so exclude the
air more effectually. The top is thor
oughly tramped and then wet down.
Sometimes oats are sown on the top be
fore wetting. The heat generated by
the fermenting mass will cause the oats
to sprout quickly and form a dense
sod, which serves to shut off the air
from the silage beneath, and in con
sequence only a very shallow layer
spoils. Whenever possible, it is better
to begin feeding from the silo as soon
as it Is filled; by doing this no cover
ing is necessary and there should be no
loss on account of spoiling.
Road Building' Is Simple.
Road building is absurdly simple.
Just two things are required money
and brains. And the more brains you
use, the less money you need.
, Permanency Essential.,
It is essential that good roads have
Bureau of Crop Estimates Places
Number at 10,925,000 Illinois
Is Placed Next.
(Prepared by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture.)
In number of hogs on farms, Iowa is
by far the most distinguished state in
this country. The estimate of the bu
reau of crop estimates for 1919 is
10,925,000 hogs in Iowa, 5,724,000 in
Illinois, 4,943,000 in Missouri, 4,668,000
in Indiana, 4,266,000 in Ohio, 4,250,000
In Nebraska, and 3,043,000 hogs in
Georgia. Every other state is below
3,000,000. Iowa's hogs are about-one-seventh
of the nation's total, and near
ly double the number of Illinois, the
state next below.
Joyful Occasion.
"My darling," said a fond mother,
who believed in appealing to children's
tender feelings instead of punishing
them, "if you are so naughty j'ou will
grieve mamma so that she will get ill
and have to He In bed in a dark room,
and take nasty medicine, and then she
may die and have to be taken away out
to the cemetery and be burled, and
you "
The child had become more solemn,
but an angelic smile overspread his
face at his mother's last words and,
throwing his arms about her neck, he
exclaimed :
"Oh, mamma, and may I sit beside
the coachman?" London Tit-Bits.
""f miarp iookoui ror tfce r4r
ms of acid-atomach Jmli.--i,., :r
burn, belching, fool repeating thtt SS
Dalnful bloat after s.tiro- j
stomach. EATOXIC. the won.Wf,,.
remedy for acid-stomach. Is ruarant-
brlns quick relief from these stomachal
erlea. Thousands say they never tnirZ
that anything could brine surh rir WC
iiu mane mem ieei s,o much
iT. V . CAlu;xit ana yea. ton.
will be Just aa enthusiastic in iu wmL
Make your life worth living: no Vf
pains no blues or melancholv no bTot cf
that tired, listless feeling. Be U a4
strong. Get back your physical aa4 mrul
jjuiiuu; your vim, vt?or and vitality, tci
will always be wetk and uliinc ..
you have acid -stomach. So ert rM f .-
Take EATONIC Tablets they taste foot- I
"i. mem nKe a Dtt or candy. Tour
druggist has EATONIC SO cents for a ii!
box. Get a box from him today anl if
ro not sausnea ne win refund your inos.j.
Almost any man will tell yo
that Sloan s Liniment
means relief
For nracticallv everv man ha m?d
it who has suffered from rheumai:
aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of
joints, the results of weather exposurt
women, too, by the hundreds of
thousands, use it for relieving neurit!
lame backs, neuralgia, sick headacht
Clean, refreshing, soothing, economi
cal quickly effective. Say "Sloan'i
Liniment" to your druggist . Get i
toaaj. 35c. 70c, $1.40
Eemoves the cause by destroying tit
germs of MALARIA. At your draj
store, 60c; money back if no g04
Waco, Texas 9
In the good old summer time when
fruits of all kinds are getting ripe
and tempting, when cucumbers, rad
ishes and vegetables fresh from the
garden are too good to resist, when the
festive picnic prevails and everybody
overeats and your stomach goes back
on you, then is the time for "August
Flower," the sovereign remedy for
tired, overworked and disordered stom
achs. nnnnppji fnr inritcracfnn fo
mentation of food, sour stomach, sick Paper Cutters, Other Machines and Kalem
headache and constipation. It gently Bouiht at Foreclosure Sale, Will Di
Bumumi.es me iiver, cleanses tne in
testines and alimentary canal, making
lire worth living. Sold everywhere. Adv.
"Whatever did you see in me to In
duce you to marry me?" she asked.
"Nothing," .he replied.
"What?" she cried indignantly.
"Oh, it wasn't your fault, my dear.
I evidently had visions and I ought to
have consulted an oculist at the time."
Boston Transcript.
Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices ,
A first-class printing outfit, vala
at more than S6.000, and inou-;
Cylinder Press, C. & P. Jobln-rs
Paper Cutters, Stapling Muchs
Wire Sritrhpr Proof Presses feff;
paper Folder, Imposing Stones in L?-'-wood
Poffin Tnhlp Handsome JL
Bank, News Racks, Lea'ls and Sis?
Metal and Wood Furniture an'J,
Reglet, and hundreds of cases of .
This plant was bought in at
closure sale, and is offered fr l-e"
a whole or in part. Printers
in need of machinery, material, or -.j.
will do well to investigate this
Let us know what you need anu
will be pleased to quote you a P -
Impossible Task.
"No man can serve two masters."
i snouia like to try It once. It
ougiu to De easy compared to my job. l"aL uuwli51 c
xiii trying to piease ouu masters. i euutiLo dkjsl it, -
"Six hundred! How do you make
that out?"
"I'm chairman of the house commit
tee of our club.
T7nrv i ire f
We also do highest class of &
Prices and Catalogue upon
S. Galeski Oplkal Co., Kicb
Why Investigate?
"What's that you say?"
"There's too much futile investiga
tion going on
Quickly relieved by DI -r-al
Send 25 cents In stamps for larpe
That's right. Eat your hash. Never s?1-Spe"-,:?..f'ot U-i
mind whafs to it"-Louisville Cour- ""cy " ' . .
3-" i

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