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df 'Net Contents 15Fluid Brachnl t.m ' I i " . : .... ,J n rCTTN n f-i AS JACKSON COimTY JOURNAL. SYT.VA N. c. 11 u jj ALCOIIOL-3 PER CENT. AYeseiablclTeparauoamrAs y tinttheStomacas and Bowels of p3 lv g5 I pi r . i jv Thereby Promoting Digestion neither Opium.Morphinenor, funeral, in ot raugoth vi 9 jUx Senna JtochtU Saffl Jmtrmint JHmrkmatSo Jtbrn Said ClarititdSagnr JQiAiyrrtAfhror 1 1 I Constipation and Diarrhoea J r - ? -1. r r arid T -vt Cr trVO " resulting thcrcfrcmiinlirfancy !1 fac-Simile Sijnatareor Jhe Ceotatjr Compos fp) Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of PREACHES GOSPEL UNEAMjSSTILLS Preacher Uses Bible and Shot gun in Business of Breaking Up Lawlessness. "BAYER CROSS" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN : - - r a it v a s Use vJ For Over I' I liiVil i'iir!n j miii hiii Minimum Exact Copy of Wrapper. Thirty Years t7& THOtNTAUH COMPANY. WCW VORR CITY. . ij jc3WiMiinnsi NOT MUCH TO WRITE ABOUT SOLD FOR 50 YEARS For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER Also a Fine General Strengthening Tonic. SOLD BY ALL DIBG STORES- iporter Naturally Found It Hard to wane a very Lonn Rtorw -.. 0 j WWW of Happening. i no city editor of an Ohio rw, ,.,t.l .. . f-M. eiu (i in H jkv reporter inert' to be a meeting of tha t tors ut the public librnrv hniidinn- - -"wwiuw LAllO r - li.i.v ;u ei-iir o clock. You cover it. jmm' n story ot about 400 words." Tli- eul) w.nt away on his assicn " u f"iei or the local le- pa. uuenr r timed again to his desk. w.u.c eiiiry in tiie assignment ki. , l. JJJtV i;iy l.ofore him. and nintt.r fn-m his mind. About eleven "clock, however, he suddenly called "Whore's Tompkins?" ir.... .. .. fr, sam the new reporter comaig forward. P ' "I s-nt you to n board meeting at e Public library. Where's your "It isn't quite finished yet. You told to make 400 words of It, and I've ot only a little over SOO so far" "Uhat did they do?" "Tli.v met, called the roll and ad ournod until next Friday evening." Snakes in British Isles. There is a legend that snakes were Wvtn out of Ireland by Saint Patrick ae Patron saint of that country. The Pular saying that there are no ;ak0.8 ln lv is true. There are m Scotland and only two species 1 England. Aliinnf tVi . (f , " I'ossessions of a JUoss nmn will nearly always iui uuess ClOg. She Calls This Funny! My funniest experience was last year about this time. We were trav eling by auto through the Topango Pass in California. We had an expert enced driver, and the roads were like boulevards all through the mountains. We were going about eighteen miles per, when suddenly, for no apparent reason we swerved from the road about four feet, and almost went into a canyon. flnd'ethalVT0Ddered why U haPPened. and the driver could not account for it himself. When we got to town in about nf- ivreu, minutes WP Piim ! ueen an earthmifikp pqi -i ' vuic linuwn on; their rhnirc broken, and other damage done. Th- c Knew wnat nit us. Chienjrn une. PULPIT IS ARSENAL - . rtna Kours Out Whi yis Tlrrr to Lawbreak ers in Mountains. Elkwood, Ala.-A Bible and a shot the Rev3 hn , UaeS m nis business. Sun day morning he preaches to his con gregation in a little church near the mountains. When ho ot "I'..e the "raiding parson? ed. places a shotgun in the corner and lays a revolver beside the open Bio"e ouixuuy arternoons the pastor roams over the hills, hunting Z moonshiners, destroying their stills Pouring out the whisky and arresting the mmintflinooro e ij- ueeessary. The pastor is an nrrtnina .:sx... "iJVVj I LI I III I (J and also an internal revenue officer appointed by Uncle Sam to put tbe moonshiners out of business. Recent iy he was so activp cc-nm u cJ,? .-..j. . HIM uioon- "7 luustry mat the moonshiners sent a delegation to his home The parson told the delegation that he was feuwjg io preach a ..sermon esneciallv tZ tpht1lawbreakers that district on the following Sunday, and he invited : . """"iuers to bring their friends and attend the service. Takes Guns Into Pulpit ia.vuoU S tinv fhlirnh n-oc The raiding parso' went to church carrying a revolver and a shotgun. ' ow," he said, "I am going to sermon into you, or I am going to shoot it into you. You can take your choice." He nrPHPhoH sermon. But later somebodv threat ened to dynamite his house! He ig- Accepted Wall Tj "Bayer Tablets genuine must be marked with tht safety "Bayer Cross." Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which con tains proner (Hi.ontin . - u"vi-uuus tu sareiy re Heve Headache, Toothache, Earache Neuralgia Colds and pain. Handy n boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drue stnr 1 1 also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufnotnro ut ... flpinncfai. fi . . . ui aaiicyiicacid. Adv. No Brains. A huge steam shovel operating on the channel improvement work was raising ton after ton of dirt the other day near the State street bridge. An old Irishman who sauntered along the luuKea intently at the big ma chine and finally remarked: "Well, you can bate me shovelin' but ye can't vote." Columbus Dispatch. o ?100 Reward, $100 the general health Stil imPvlng I doinl its wnrtalQiiS sslsts nat"re in Catarrh that watt anX a8e of MEDICINEXiis gAceS CATARRH w i testimonials free J- Cheney & Co., Toledo. OWo. One Excentinn "Nobody will ever be the brighter " Aor sucn a sour old fellow as Jim is. "I don't know about that. Glum hus iuaKe merry widows." No Package Genuine Without Cross and Circle Printed in Red m To Get Alabastine Results You Must Ask Jar Alabastine by Name WC HaanHdU PackaSe That p"t Health and Cheerfulness in Your Home .urfecK - on aII W of iMer;or that ,oM on the wall and not printed m Snecolo V" old on,y ebc&r X'SP-. apprecate the economy of AlabaMine ov Zr tfr ? "U1 readii' us.ed faest homes an5 S .&'J?i i wnere. lie sure you ret Alahatm.. - j -e 6 V cannot or will not ASte dWr3?" dealf ' card and color derioS; ' e?' Tectfor sample 0 iiuc oi nearest dealer TJIn one i I MINUTE WlTM B I COLDWATErI had were Trlb- Jaspers Clay Man. Little Jasper Sent pr lpofT.c1 the minister's sermon one Sunday that man was made of clay; so, after re turning from church, ho make him a man after his a, f,v.u The work proceeded in the clay bank back of the garden until his mother called Jasper to Innrh - uau completed all of the man save one leg. That afternoon Jasnpr 1- uu uia LU- er, while walking along the street, met a lUiLii wirri nnp oor . w cubing witn crutches. Jasper 3.CCOStPfl li I m on1 uiui CiVJ grabbed his coat. 'See here!" he snid. "T th t told you to stay there in the yard till yui mat otner leg on you." Judge. He Looked. Millie My foot is asleep. Willie Yes. it's a -4. ,r ' .. vuiiuuxjs luagazine. He Preached the The Strong Withtand the Heat of Summer and enabled tn ;i -ren&inenea Effect. 60c strenthenins, Invlsoratlnc The Next Thina. "I suppose it will come to that . "What?" "That we'll have to buy a beefsteak tuc iiisiaiiment plan. ' Cuticura for Pimply Faces. To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cuticura Ointment. "v?ash off in five cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for daily toilet purposes. Don't fail to in clude Cuticura Talcum. Adv. Just So. "Don't you think a hen trust is a good thing to lay for?" "Eggs-actly." One trial proves its merit. Adv. Dai8an' Melodious Expression. "Music speaks all languages." "And I suppose- you would say a jazz bands stutters." (W TOqllc J At i predate Alabastinl Dasu old walls ap- . A'abasne Company oranavmeAve. Gr.nd n ... . 'aVU9t i-ijcn. THE ONtY TOOL KEEMIT0PIV T,;- Rapids. Mich. FS5 styles for 1 High School Chaps j 1 Young Men and Men I I who appreciate style without ex travagance. The "Gold Bond" Certificate in the pocket of each garment insures com plete and lastmg satisfaction. w Sermon. Cereal Give The Folks The Original STUM for their table dnnk. That will dispose of those coffee troubles which frequently show in headache, irritability, indigestion and sleep lessness, "There's -a Reason" At Grocers. Two sizes, ustj ally sold ot 15c and 25c nored the threat. He was shot at from ambush. But he kept right on. One Sunday he preached his regu lar morning sermon. In the afternoon he got word of a moonshine still op erating in his district. On the wav he met a prospective bride and groom. He tried to dodge themv failed, and married them by the roadside. Then he hurried on to the still. He slipped through the underbrush, cov- eit:u two men with his shntsmn marched them in as prisoners. SEEKS ONLY BACHELOR HERO Girl Accidentally Locked in Bakery Refused to Be Rescued by Married Fireman. Chicago. Miss Dorothy Lehman, ac cidentally imprisoned in a Chicago bakerv where sle vuivj vj., l c;- fused to be rescued by married fire men. The young worker picked an un wedded hero to save her. Miss Lehman wns the inct t iantr the plant after completing the day's work. When she tried tn l.A V, door she found it was locked in fact, all exits were locked. After an hour's imprisonment, she succeeded in at tracting attention by tapping on the window. Police were unable to re lease her, so they summoned the fire men. The plan was to hoist a lnriHer to a seeond-storv window Tt h -v - y - ii A t. VV T Ji T VTVA upon some stalwart fireman to go uj? and carry her down. There was a rush of firemen for the job. Much argument followed be tween the married and single mem bers of the company. The choice was left to Miss Lehman. "Send up a bachelor," she said. And i i i - . a uacneior rescued ner. WTIEN rou see this famous 1trade'mark think a minute! lhink of the delicious taste of a slice of fresh toasted bread! That's the real idea back of the auccess of Lucky Strike cigarettes, 1 oasting improves tobacco just as well as bread. And that's a lot. Try a Lucky Strike cigarette Woman Walked Alleged Thief to Jail. Canton. O Raffy Muccill of Can ton, O., attempted to snatch a purse from a woman sitting next to him in H movln nintiiro fhaotni. rnv, an was Mrs. Lillian Manderbaugh, pro bation officer. She escorted the vnnnn u t- man to the city jail.