JACKSON COUNTY JOUBNAL, SYLVA, N. C. ftomen Wbo Suffer From Backache and Headache K mhvillo, Tenn.r "Dr. Pierce's Favor ite rrcscription is the best medicine I have m ever takeu. I Buf fered for b long time M7 New Devices with woman's trou ble. I would become eo nervous that I would have to give up and lie down. I suffered with back aches and pains in my side. I would I ; i: 1 11 ."v nave penuuiuiu epulis i'ssv of sick-headaches. I ' and I got where I was a physical wreck iftrt. when I saw the Fa- Irorito rrcscription' advertised and decided 0 piVO It a trial. II cunipieieiy cureu iuo f tho fominino trouble and restored me to lifalth." MRS. ALICE McCLOUD. 1616thAve., N. !Many of Your Neighbors Can bay lhe same Mcm. Tenn.: "For many years I fcave di-inded on ur. jfierce's moaicmes well and healthy. I was once restored to health by the use of the 'Favor ite Prescription' and the 'Golden Medical hai ,'nitM to trive me any help. Dr. licrco's Favorite Prescription has no equal as a woman's medicine; the 'Golden Medi cal Discovery is one of the best spring tomes or blood modicines I have ever taken; and I always keep Dr. Pierce's Pleasant frllcts in the home for use when needed. They are a fine system regulator, acting on (ho liver, stomach and bowels." MRS. V. C. WILSON, 660 N. 6th St. Any medicine dealer will supply you with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription or Golden Modical Discovery in either liquid cr tablet form. All women who suffer from fenuoine disorders are invited to write the Faculty cf Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y-, for free confidential consultation and Advice, no charge being made for this high professional service. This will enable every w owm to benefit by the advice ol these difr languished physicians. Help Air to .Pilots MISS MAUDE YOUNGER Radio Direction Indicators Are Improvements to Save Life and Time. NEED FOR CASH IS ACUTE Eight Planes Used in Mail Service in United States and 54 in English Channel Service Compared Fog No Longer Menace. for the transcontinental service when it is installed. Heretofore the only argument against the aerial mail plane was that railroads were more depend able than flying machines for long hauls, that planes could not make transcontinental or long cross-country flights with a surety of success be cause the weather might either delay the start or force a landing on unde sirable ground. 'There was much in that argument until the wireless was called into play in behalf of the air mail plane." Cut Down the Time. Air service across the continent from New York to San Francisco will cut down the time of transmission of mail by almost two days, according to Mr. This mt remarkable remedy causes the stomach to act natu rally and keeps the bowels open. It purely vegetable, producing only highly oenenciai results.- MRS.WINSLOTS SYRUP TU Uf aU ta4 CUUraa't RfUtor Absolutely harmles complete fori wula on every bottle only very best Ingredient used. f a armggiif. 7Z&r$A PARKER'S WVTSSrS'J HA1K BALSAM Kestorcs Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair w v ,vi wc Ma i.oo at aruRxisis. L rJj i yamwox ChPTn. TV fcg. Puto hogne. W.Y. I HINDERCORNS Rem ores Coras, Cl- all pain, ensures comfort to the Insr . Ic by mall or at Drnsl louprs, rto., stops all pain, ensures comfort to the frc, tnkr walking ea. I c Dy man or aUM. Uibcox ctieiulcu Works, Fatcbogae, Hand (fMTSof tens the Skin GREAT FORTUNES IN OIL L.EASES II you have $&0 buy N. Louisiana Oil Leases Mammoth gushers. Great excitement. Writ! Reliable Leasing Syndicate, Ruston, La. Evergr'n Hedges, Amoor River Privet, 1 yr., 100, $2 del. Evergreen Nurseries, Conway, 8. U 80MKT1IINO NEW "BALENA." an EAS1 INDIAN HAIR TONIC. Gradually restorei hair to Its natural color; positively preventi dandruff and falling hair; nontnjurloua. Senc fl. Agents wanted. Weatherall. 611 West lS6th Street, New York. It doesn't take mWi of a phlloso pher to draw moral deductions fron the misfortunes of others. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tonguel Remove poltoni from stomach, liver and bowel 8. New York. New devices to safe guard mail pilots and assure the sure guidance of mail planes through all kinds of weather nrp nrvv hnincr in. stalled on mail nlanps nn.i nt thp w. Braeger. He says ark and Bellefonte flying fields accord- "The PrPsed transcontinental air ing to a statement hv Otto Vvv. mail from New York to San Francisco second assistant postmaster general is the result of our lability to get the in chanre of aerial mnil iindin iv. railroads to give the Pacific coast tion indicators and a new compass are c!tIes' notab,y Los Angeles, San Fran nmnnir tha .5k c5sco and Seattle, an efficient mail save both life and time. In his statu? runt Mr. Praeger goes carefully into the aerial mail situation in this country, pointing out that much depends upon the attitude of congress toward appropriations for the exten sion of the service. He contrasts the eight airplanes in daily mail carrying operations throughout the entire Unit ed Mates with the 04 transporting mail each day in Great Britain and across the channel. "The fact that European countries are operating more extensive air mail services than the United States is due solely to the reason that the post ofiice department has not been able to obtain appropriations for the desired devel opment," he says. Concerning the im provements in air mail carrying, he says : "With the co-operation of the bureau of standards, the signal corps of the army and the radio section of the navy, the aerial mail service has de veloped a most powerful loop radio for communication of mail planes and their guidance through all sorts of weather, even fog. This equipment is now being installed on the new mail planes and landing fields at College Park, Newark and Bellefonte, Pa. ' i ' i- j : , ... i. x a. . -i niv luuiu set xuts a iremenaous range for sending. Its possibilitie have not been fully determined. In stead of requiring masts from 200 to 500 feet high, the aerial wires are be Ing raised on masts only 23 feet high. Field Marking Equipment. "Included in the equipment is a field marking radio device which enables a pilot to steer exactly for the center of his landing field, although it may be invisible and obscured by clouds, rain, snow or fog. The tremendous import ance of this invention, which has been perfected by the bureau of standards on the initiative of the aerial mail service, can be barely realized by those unfamiliar with th art of flying. "Fog is the aviator's most dangerous enemy. A majority of crashes and bad landings are caused solely by the in ability of the pilot to determine his position and the location of a suitable landing place. "A new compass has been devised and put in service on the small planes, but one of the most important contri butions to aviation being worked out by the aerial mail service, with every prospect of success, is a nonmagnetic and nongyroscopic compass which will overcome the unreliability of the mag netic compass caused by vibration and other disturbing features of an air plane in motion. "Through the encouragement and actual assistance of the aerial mail service an American inventor has created a self-cleaning spark plug for the powerful high-compression type of Liberty motor. "We have every reason to believe that these new inventions will do much service. A letter mailed in New York and making all connections takes 90 hours to reach San Francisco. If you write a letter Monday it will leave New York at 8:40 o'clock that night, and if the trains are on time will arrive in San Francisco at 12:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. During 25 days in October the mail reached San Francisco on schedule only five times. When the trains were as much as an hour late the mail was not delivered until Saturday morning. "By the air mail route letters writ ten Monday would leave New York Tuesday morning, arrived in Omaha, Neb., that afternoon in great planes of the type which are now being com pleted for the mail service; arrive at Battle Mountain, New, on Wednesday afternoon and be in the San Francisco post office by 9 o'clock Thursday morn ing ; in fact, delivered almost two days ahead of the mail sent overland by train. "This route, if congress permits the carrying out of present plans, will be operated by multimotored planes car rying a ton of mail from New York to Omaha, and then onto the Coast by planes carrying 1,500 pounds over the Rockies. "The West has been aroused in favor of this service, but what con gress will do in the matter remains to be seen. The trouble with aviation in America is lack of vision and ignor ance of the problems that confront manufacturers. Until the national congress obtains a clearer grasp of this subject the United States will steadily slip back while Europe goes forward. In Death Struggle. "Few of us apparently realize to day that the American airplane indus try is in a death struggle for existence. People seem to be under the impres- 51 The Place and Power of Prayer By REV. HOWARD W. POPE Moody Bible Institute, Chicago TEXT. Lord, teach us to pray.-L.uk 11:1. Miss Maude Younger is secretary oi the legislative committee for the na tional women's- party of which Miss Alice Paul is chairman. Of independ ent means, Miss Younger devotes vir tually her entire time to speechmaking and lobbying in Washington for the ratification of the suffrage amendment. She spent five years in the college set tlement, New York, where she was converted to suffrage through her close contact with the laboring classes1. sion that our airplane industry is hold ing its own with the rest of the worlc and that the air mail service of the United States is the only one in oper.; ation. "Today it is the boast of the air mail service of the post office department of the United States that we have eight airplanes in the air daily, cover ing a total of 1,906 miles of territory and carrying an aggregate of 2,100 pounds of mail. "Compare this with the information contained in an official report from London detailing the status of the air plane postal service in Great Britain at the close of the month of Septem ber, 1919. This report discloses that 54 government airplanes were trans porting mails daily from one part of the country to another, the latest routes including Bristol, Birmingham, Newcastle, Manchester and Glasgow; also that multiple motor Handley Page' airplanes were carrying 1,400 pounds of letter mail to Brussels for forward ing to Holland and Norway, and bring ing back on the return trip 2,000 pounds of continental mail." Search Sky for New Stars Harvard Observatory Finds 18 Not Previously Classified Through Photographic Study. Cambridge, Mass. The Harvard col lege conservatory is making a syste matic search for new stars, according to Acting Director S. I. Bailey, who said that every two weeks a photo graphic study of the Milky Way was made and the new stars charted. Since this work was undertaken several years ago, he added, eighteen new stars had been discovered. "We also are engaged upon a de tailed study of the magnitudes of stars," Prof. Bailey said. "In certain special areas, in co-operation with Prof. Kapteyn of Groningen, Holland, we are making an especially intensive study of both the magnitude and posi tion of all stars down to the fifteenth or sixteenth magnitudes, or, in other words, down to stars about 10,000 times too faint to be seen with the naked eye. There are something like 100,000.000 such stars. DAVISON WELCOMES SIR DAVID HENDERSON Accept "California" Syrup of Fig! nly look for the name California oi the package, then you are sure you: child Is having the best and most harm h's.s laxative or physic for the litth stomach, liver and bowels. Chlldrei love its delicious fruity taste. Ful directions for child's dose on each bot Me. Give it without fear. Mother 1 You must say "California: Adv. Lots of marriages call for relief ex Piitlons from the bride's father late on. AsK for HILL'S "WW peopleOv FIVE MILLION USED IT LAST YEAR HILL'S r- : CASCARAk(PNINE OilOMlDt Standard cold remedy for 20 years in tablet form safe, sure, no opiates breaki up a cola in Z4 hours relieve grip in a aay. Money back if it tails, lne genuine bo nas Kea top Wlin Jur. nui picture. rjrf (nv x IVt nl nil X. X viwm x x t f .-..-.....:::::........-. A 4 a . . WW .A.. Baby's Daubs on Wall Better Than Masterpiece Baby finger prints on the wallpaper are the finest exam ple of mural art. This was tbe decision handed down in a New York city court by Justice Ro bitzek, in dismissing a suit to recover alleged damages be cause a baby had embellished the interior decorations of an apartment by a frieze all its own. This would be a happier world to live in," the judge said, "if baby fingers could only make their imprint on the hearts of men and women. I would rather see the print of baby fingers on the walls of my house than have them adorned with the world's masterpieces." TREASURE DIGGER WINS SUIT New Jersey Preacher Doesn't Have to Pay Farmer $5,000 on Note Says Court. Sir David Henderson, duvclui ytnemi oi uie u-uu oi lied Cro&ss socie ties, who arrived on the Baltic shown as he was greeted hy Henry P.Davison, tend of the American Bed Cross. Paterson, N. J. Frederick Loehrs, pas-tor of the Congregation of Enlight enment of Soul and Spirit, will not be compelled to pay $5,000 for the priv ilege of digging up a farm in quest of buried treasure. A jury in the cir cuit court here dismissed the suit against him on grounds of "no cause for action." The plaintiff was Daniel Balsing-er, who said he had loaned Loehrs $5,000 on a note. The pastor testified that Balsinger told him of a conversation Balsinger had with a woman, in which the latter recounted a dream in which over $2,000,000 worth of jewelry and gold was buried on Balsinger's farm in Oakland, N. J. The pastor agreed to buy the farm, he said, and gave Balsinger $20 in cash and the note for .$5,000. Then he and Mrs. Sophie Sautter, treasurer of the congregation, and Mrs. Marie Blumer, secretary, dug and dug in vain for the valuables Prayer may be defined as an instinct which God has implanted in the hu man heart by means of wKich he retains com munication with men and supplies their needs and at the same time carries out his great and gra cious purposes. Though sin has biased man's rea son, debased his affections and perverted his will, it has not de stroyed the in stinct for prayer. Never has a na tion existed so low and degraded that it did not worship the Supreme Being in some form. Instinct Must Be Trained. Prayer is an instinct, but it requires proper training or it may lead to dis astrous consequences as it leads the Hindu woman to throw her child into the Ganges to appease the wrath of the gods. The first lesson in prayer which our Savior gave to his disciples is pre served in Mathew 7:7. "Ask, and ye shall receive; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." Here the Lord teaches us that it is our privilege to ask things of God. He does not promise us that we will receive what we ask for, but he encourages us to ask and to make that the habit of our lives. Our attitude should be that of a child, who might say, "I do not always obtair. what I ask my father for, but I always get something, and he gives me good things." So it Is with the soul who turns to God in extremity or grati tude; it is sure to receive some bene fit. Perhaps it will be the benefit of acquaintance with God, or perhaps we will see our own hearts more truly in the light of his countenance, and thus realize our own sinfulness and self ishness. Not a Substitute for Work. Our Savior further teaches us that prayer is never to be regarded: as a substitute for work, but rather as a supplement to our normal activities. If a child asks his mother to pick up his playthings a wise parent will re fuse. What the child can do, he must do; but what the child needs to have done and cannot accomplish himself, that the mother will gladly do. In John 15:7 our Savior gives us a lesson in prevailing prayer, by which I mean prayer which prevails with God and secures the very thing for which it asks. There Christ says: "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you." This prom ises that if we fulfill certain condi tions God will give us our desire. Appeal Sets Even Law Aside. The place of prayer may be illus trated by an appeal which Senator George Hoar of Massachusetts carried to Theodore Roosevelt when the latter was president of the United States. An Armenian who lived in the sen ator's home city had earned enough money to send to his native country for his wife and two children. When they arrived at New York it was dis covered that the children had an in curable disease of the eyes which, un der the laws of the United States, made them ineligible to land hi this country. The Armenian engaged a law yer, who went from one immigration officer to another seeking permission for the afflicted children to land. Meeting failure on every hand, the lawyer enlisted Senator Hoar's infhi ence. The senator came to New York, but found the immigration officials im movable. He then wired the facts in the case to President Roosevelt, and concluded his telegram by saying: "If this is the law, then the law ought to be changed, and you are the man to start the revolution." Twenty minutes later the officials in New York were directed to allow the children to land. What the parents, the lawyer and Senator Hoar could not do, President Roosevelt could and did do. Even so, what we cannot do for ourselves and what our friends cannot do for us. Jesus Christ can and will do. He is the one to whom we are bidden to eome at all tiroes for all things that pertain to our own, or our friends'" wel- faurev Tlie Savior who sits upon the throme of the universe and who has th ear of the Father; is able to do all things for us. Why Feed the Boll Weevil with late cotton when you can feed yourself and family with early cotton? Read this testimonial, which Is one of a large number on our files. We are in position to make prompt shipment Write today for prices. King Cotton Seed Co., Inc. LOUISBURC, N. C TESTIMONIAL HICKS & OUVER Daderille Ala. September 12, 191. King Cotton Seed Company, Loulsburg, N. C. Gentlemen: On the recommendation of the Di rector of the Alabama Experiment Station that we plant, under boll wee vil conditions, at least a part of our cotton acreage in early maturing va rieties, we purchased from you the King's Improved cotton seed. We are now convinced that It was a wise suggestion, as every customer to whom we sold or furnished these seed, where the land was properly prepared and the crop thoroughly worked, has a heavily fruited stalk. We were particularly pleased with the seed gotten from you, in that they appeared to be selected for planting: purposes, being sound. Those pur chased from jobbers had the appear ance of "run out" seed, and when planted resulted in a poor stand. The King variety of cotton has come to stay In this section. Yours very truly, HICKS & OLIVER. and BICYCLE TIRES Write QUEEN CITY CYCLE CO. CHARLOTTE, N. C Large Income,Small Investment 1,500 acres Oil Leases, northeast trend Cor slcana Pool the oldest pool in Texas. Cap italized for $25,000; $10 per share subscrip tions held in trust for development. Geo logical reports most favorable, shallow sand and cheap drilling recommend it. F. M. Cockrell, 1402 Southwestern Life Bldg.. Dai las, Texas. Bank reference. Bookkeeping and Shorthand Thoroly Taught. Winter term Jan. 5. Add. Greensboro Com mercial Sen.. Greensboro. N. C. for catalog. Makes 9 Out of 10 People Mkz Doctors declare that more than JO nom organic diseases can be traced to Acid Stomach. Starting with indigestion. ' heart burn, belching, food-repeating, bloat, sow. gassy stomach, the entire system eventually becomes affected, every vital organ suffering' In some degree or other. You see these vic tims of Acid-Stomach everywhere peopl who are subject to nervousness, headache. Insomnia, biliousness people who suffer from rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica and aches and pains all over the body. It Is safe to say that about 9 people out of 10 suffer to torn extent from Acid-Stomach. If you suffer from stomach trouble or. en if you do not feel any stomach distress yet are weak and ailing, feel tired aad dragged out. lack "pep" and enthusiasm and know that something is wrong aitnougn y cannot locate the exact cause of your trou ble you naturally want to get back yew grip on health as quickly as possible. Th take EATON1C, the wonaerrui moaern rem edy that brings quick relief from pains of Indigestion, belching, gassy Dioat. etc. kh your stomach strong, clean and sweet. & how your general health improves aow quickly the old-tlma vim, vigor and vitality comes back! Get a big 50c box of BATONIC from yeoa druggist today. It is guaranteed to pUaa you. If you are not satisfied your .druggist will refund your money. ATOMIC ( TOR YOUR ACID-STOMACg) Polk Miller's Liver Pills The Good Old Fashioned Kind that have been doing Good Work (or 50 years without change of formula. More popular than ever. Great in Malaria, Sick headaches. Constipation and Biliousness. At all druggists. Manufactured Ky Polk Miller Drug Co., - ( Inc., Richmond, Va. JLvJC. FRECKLES POSITTVFLV REMOVED br Dr. Berry. Fr;:kt Oifltraei.t our druggist r tr mail, f c. Kre book. D-. C. H. Berry u4ia miciusan avsimi., Suggestive Name. "There's si waiter in our restaurant named 'Scales.'" "Ah! Expec:s every one to tip him, I suppose." GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER. H.umfl5y Becoming. HrardlEty gmrarg CHristians IB a prac tical Ytrtme not a self-strppresstag pose It ts mot so much making our selves small as seeing how small we are. But smartness implies contrast If everything in the universe were smalU teething would be small in any real sense. For we should have no sense f smattaess or bigness. If we mid rcr tastes mean, ft is because we- feare within us the promise of tasks that shall be mighty. If we feel within us the sense of sin, it is because there Is growing there the conquering sense of the Presence- of God. W. H. Blake Constipation invites other troubles which come speedily unless quickly checked and overcome by Green's August Flower which is a gentle laxa tive, regulates digestion both In stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities from the blood. It is a sovereign remedy used in many thousands of households all over the civilized world for more than half a century by those who have suffered with indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, sluggish liver, coming up of food, pal pitation, constipation and other in testinal troubles. Sold by druggists and dealers everywhere. Try a bottle, take no substitute. Adv. What's become of the old-fashioned keyhole that used to skid at 2 a. m.? mm m. I - nomine eepYbur EVes Clean - Clear- Healthy Writ, for fr. Cmrm Bcti Murte C.ChiwfuJA 7 K At AlIDrms Stmrt f