THE OHIO organ: of: .the temperance ireform. 13 and carries his audience with him to all his conclusions. Bro. Monroe is not so eloquent, but an earnest and able man. Bro. Young, G.W.P., - had not time to speak at length, but long enough to satisfy us that he is a competent and invaluable co-luborer. Bro. Eginton made a lengthy speech of great power and effect. If the , City of Augusta, and the county of Bracken, is not revolutionised by the demonstration made, they are beyond the hope of salvation. We predict that Kentucky will be the first State, t west of the mountains, to rid herself 1 of the blighting curse of the liquor traffic. When the chivalric sons and fair daughters of the ' 'dark and bloody ground" fully understand the move ment, and realize in anticipatiba its -results, distilleries and rumseflers ! must abandon their business or leave " the Btate to the tune of "the rogue's march." When the question is un derstood to be one of pure self-defence, woe betide the assailants.1 Many, - very many of the bravest and noblest of her sons lie rotting in the drunk ard's grave, and their blood cries for vengeance. 1 One thing which gives the friends of Temperance, in this State, the ad ' vantage over us on this side of the river is, she has a very small foreign population for demagogues to work upon. Most of liquor sellers are for eigners, as well as ours, and this cir cumstance will hasten the triumph there, while it hinders it here. Again; the depreciation of the value of the slave population, an4 the destruction of their morals consequent upon the liquor traffic, will enlist the slave holders in behalf of the law of prohi- , bition. They have now stringent laws against selling liquor to slaves,' but these are a dead letter on the Statute Book. The miscreant liquor sellers . will, at the mid-night hour, receive the hemp seed, tobacco, poultry, dfc, Ate, from slaves, when they know that the property is stolen from the mas ters, an.! give the slaves whisky in re turn for the plunder. Search, seizure : and destruction of liquor is the only remedy for this state of things. The Christian's Corn. A Methodist Minister a few weeks since went into a certain neighbor hood, not a hundred miles from Cin cinnati, to hold a protracted religious meeting. It was a great corn row ing region, and the good brother had . learned that the Methodists and Pres byterians were supplying a distillery ' with the product of their fertile farms and like a sensible, christian man, he concluded that he must open the cam paign under the great Captain of our salvation, by exposing the wickedness r of this business. Accordi ngly he com menced by preaching a most search ing discourse on the subject. The 1 hearts ot a number were touched, anh tdeir consciences were made to feel One who had raised 3,000 bushels for the distillery, could find no peace of mind until he avowed that his corn should, not be made into whisky. t Another and another were brought under , conviction, repented and re solved. ' The Minister told the distil ler, whom he chanced to meet, that bis supply of the "raw material was'cut off m that neighborhood.;' ' The wretch, as if exulting in his power to do evil, paid "one cent more per bushel than the market price could fetch them." This amount of the mammon of unrighteousness would quiet the consciences of his brethren. he man of bod replied "you may buy a Aietnouisi s corn, Dut you can not a Christian's." . i This reply is full of meaning. Pro fessor of religion think of itl (&- The New. York Oity Temper ance Alliance, in their .Report made in November last, estimate the number of places at which intoxicating liquor is sold in that city at 8,000 ; and the annual sales at 29,000,000,,,, To countervail the influence of this moral pestilence in their midst, the Alliance is actively employed. They have gra tuitously circulated, during the year, 350,000 copies of their spirit-stirring ttle-paper, bearing the title ot the Association, and more than 60,000 tracts. Rochester Journal. , We give the above paragraph in order to show our readers what is be ing done in other cities pf the Union to counteract the demoralizing in- ueiice of the liquor traffic. Societies are organized for the purpose of rais ing funds to' distribute gratuitously temperance reading amongst those who cannot, in any other manner, be reached. Now, what has been done in our city, in this respect? We are overrun wiih doggeries, and it is i amentable fact that the number is in creasing daily; yet the fact is no less deplorable, that our citizens are doing comparatively nothing . in , order to counteract this mighty whisky influ ence. Friends, in the enlightening in fluence of the press is embodied our entire hope of success. , This you ull knowl1" But how' "can it , accomplish its work, unless you are willing to do your part? We wish to see.every part of our city flooded with intelligence, and to effect this, we must gratuitously distribute temperance newspapers and tracts. We hope to see a project set on foot immediately that will ac complish this laudable end. V '" ', The Garland. This neat little paper, published by J. C. Richardson & Co.", is certainly Calcu lated to win upon the public, and thereby be productive of much good to the youth of our Great West. It is all that it claims to be, a journal devoted to virtue, truth, temperance, an. the advancement of the young, and fror the intelligence and energy which chai acterizethe youthful editors, Walter F. Straub and Stephen R. Smith, we can cheerfully commend it as an able advo cate. It is the successor of the Cadet of Temperance, much enlarged and im proved, and numbers among its contri butors some of the best pens in the Union. We trust they will be encouraged in their enterprize at least by all the girls and boye, who should use their endeavors to extend its circulation. , Tl , j' n .-, j s Price, fifty cents per annum. Dr. Franklin, in speaking of the intemperate drinker,, says,' he wiff nev er, or seldom,' allow' that he is drunk he may be boozy, cozy, foxed, mer ry, mellow, fuddled, groatable, con foundedly cut; may see two moons; be among the Philistines; jn a very good humor; have been in the sun; is a little feverish;' pretty well entered, &c; but never drunk. " t " ' :k ii -'v..; Premium. ;- The following Divisions, having sent the greatest number of subscribers to propor tion to (be Dumber of their members, are en titled to the premiums. They wilt be for warded forthwith by express:- I Sweet Home Division, No. 87, 8. B. Lam phere, agent, Brunswick, Medina oo., 0., 33 members and 79 subscribers. . Blue Rock Div., No. 630, Moses Reeves, agent, Muskingum co., 0., 19 members and 30 subscriber. , . ; v; Mt. Carroel Division, Cyrus Broadwell, agent, Clermont Co., 21 member and 31 subscribers. ; ,.' " . ti.- Boston- Division, No. 280,' E. Dimmltt, agent, Orensville, Clermont county, Ohio, 29 members and 36 subscribers. '" '' ' Among the Divisions that are second best to those who take the premiums, are,' .From jeffersonville, M. Ireland, agent, 27 members and 27 subscribers; Xenis, tf. Ca rey, agent, 46 subscribers, number of mem bers not reported; Marietta, J, D, Leonard, agent, 224 subscribers, but no Division re ported; Chas. A. Brigden, agent for Division, 16 mem. and 19 subscribers, Ac. CITY ITEMS. Convicted. A, young woman named Derrick, was convicted in the Criminal Court, yesterday, of violently abusing her mother; when under the influence of strong drink. During the proceedings of the; trial, the mother and daughter exchanged some rather unpleasant words, when the latter charged her mother with having given her the first liquor that ever she drank. The mother, feeling the truth of the charge, and liking the "critter" pretty well herself, was rather nonplussed. The Court, thinking both in the fault, dismissed the daughter, but held them both to bail in the sum of 8300, to keep the peace each one to take the other as security. ' ( Horrible. A female, on the -canal, had forty-two drunken fits in two hours on Monday evening ' last. It is a re markable fact that the ; crime of in temperance amongst females, espe cially that abandoned class which in fest our city, is greatly on the in crease.. In certain parts of the city, those miserable creatures may be seen drinking, at all hours, at those purlieus which are located in the more obscure places; and we blush to say, that there are creatures in the shape of men, who welcome these miserable women into their doggeries and cordially deal out to them their liquid drugs, without any apparent remorse or shame I Is there no rem edy for this crying evil of our city? ' ;:! : , ' -it! Ljoan and Hattman, met at a tavern, on the corner of Seventh and Western Row, last week, after a long absence from each "other. In their hearty congratulations, they imbibed pretty freely of the maddening bowl, and finally got to disputing, when Hart mart drew' a large bowie knife, and made a pass at Sloan's throat, cutting him severely, but, fortunately, just missing the jugular vein. The cut will consequently not,, prove fatal.' The assailant has been arrested . Had these old acquaintances met in any other place than a whisky-hole, they , would, doubtless, have separated as they met ardent friends of each other.-" So much -1 for - the "social glass."' ' "'" - ; - '!l h!i 1 A Nuisance. Frequent complaints have been Wde to the watchmen, of a doggery on Barr street, near Cutter, where the low and disorderly nightly and especially on Sabbath evenings, congregate, and disturb the peace with midnight brawls and drunken rev elries. On Saturday evening last, this was unusually the case, and being kept up until 3 o'clock on Sabbath morning, when the nuisance growing to a degree beyond endurance, the watchmen entered the den and suc ceeded in arresting several of the ring leaders, who were each fined $5 and costs. The landlord was also arrested, but escaped. , 01, for the Maine Law, that we might rid community of such ntolerable nuisances 1 i - MW Three lads ; were arrested, Sunday evening,' near , Liberty and Piatt streets for'gett'hg drunk and creating a disturbance in that neigh borhood.;! They obtained their liquor at a grocery (atfai' doggery,) kept by a man named Kessing,' on the corner of said streets, i A warrant has been issued for his arrest. r We rejoice to see that our city authorities are be ginning to punish the guilty persons in these drunken brawls among1 our boys. The thing that will sell a child strong drink, would be basely flattered if we should call him a man. . .... , , &?' It is said that petitions will soon be forwarded to the legislature, from our city, praying for a law against licensing hotels and coffee houses to retail ardent spirits. . It is time some thing was done to stay the growing influence of whisky m our midst, judging from the great number of men, women, and youths that daily till our police court, arrested for in temperance, and . the many crimes which flow therefrom. tS" few weeks since, a ehild whose mother Was addicted to strong drink, fell into the nre, fin this city, and was burned to', death.' Shortly aftemards, the . mother; fell into the fire also, whilst in a state of intoxica tion, and being unable to help her- seivmet the same dreadful fate. Rum 1 oh, rum,' thou invisible spirit, if we had no other name for thee, we would call thee devil. "Who hath Woe!? A man named Tim 'MoCullyj.was committed by the, Mayor on Thursday morning last, as a vagrant,'1 and' In the evening fol lowing was iujfenng all the horrors of an inquisition under the effects of an extreme attack of delirium tremens. It is supposed ha cannot possibly re cover. i -I SWA. number of boys were brought before the Mayor jvthe other 'day", for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. They were Jined and the Mayor, 'ith commendable promptitude, set .about to ascertain who sold them the liquor, for the purpose of bringing1 the truly guilty persons to punishment'' ,:"! ' , i ; ..I i 1 ,-; i'i'i .'f,.)0'; V. jA man was found ffadi" back of Covington, a few days' ince, sup posed to have, frozen , to;j death. He was doubtless Intoxicated, and in this condition overtaken by 'nightfall and being unable to acb'aiiy inci ter, perished by the wad side. ' " " ' '