Newspaper Page Text
A full hno of Burt We 0 S Eh O O o3 O O O HOOT* AMI NIIOKN. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. PILES, (BTOecsiiorto I. l'ilos A Uo.) in Receiving lii» Sprint 8lo.k of Boots and Shoes Which lie in sclUn •A.T X-OT77- PRICES. Call and Examine His Stock aiul Prices Before Purchas ing. It Will pay You. SIGN OF THE BUFFALO HEAD, TU! Kit V.' IttiKT, YANK TON, DA K0 A. DltlTGSJANl) HOOKS. Excelsior 3Dr-u.g* Store -ESTABLISHED, 1899.- MILLS &PURDY Yankton, D. T. WHOLESALE AND ?hlnd«e«^ Attended Also a Varied Stock of Druggists' Sundries and Toilet Articles, a"ram bemadtebySn^M^h'iS'mMketndWcSSo handfdW" Hri°C?ii,il1 ?,I^a5 by an experienced and D^ucI)i»ta'Jwcl1Mtti'm tion will bo given to all our Patrons. Charles Eiseman Desires to call the Attention of Cash and Prompt Paying Buyers to his Large and Elegant Stock of Dry Goods and Clothing Which he has just Received Consisting of Every Variety and Description Suitable for Spring and Summer Wear Call and Examine his Stock before Making your purchases. COX'S BUILDING. THIRD ST., YANKTON, DAKOTA. IIA ItinVAKK. Geo. E. Hawley Heavy and Shelf Hardware Builder's Hardware Stoves and Tinware Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock Wagon and Carriage Hardware Blacksmith's Supplies Harvesting Tools Gas^Fittings And Steamboat Supplies, Agents for Fairbanks' Scales and E A I l,c -.!n,'' ««low *""•IamtB's and °lk DcPart"'«'. EK1"t."• Excelsior Book Store. Wholesale antl Retail. STAI-I.i: AM iitv i){ins. SPRING OF 1880. which is always our personal oversight. Sutinfaa- MlliliS & PURDY. Window MILLS & PURDY. CO W 3 0° 02 Cl W tel & National 'Horse Nails. Third Street, YANKTON MKDI4AL. AHD 0THEE8 SEEKING STRENGTH AND ENERGY, WITHOUT THE USE OP DRUGS, A HI! RE QUESTED TO SEND FOR THE ELECTRIC REVIEW, AN ILLUSTRATED JOUR NAL, WHICH IS PUBLISHED FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION. TT TtlKATB 11 pou nKAI.TII, nTOIENE, ami Pl.v.l. CAL iillure, mid IN a cointiU-tw ENRYCLUTMCDIIIHI Jifni Miutioii for in valid* And thi»« who muter ftmn t^ivoii,, KxliitidtfnK and Painful T)i»»«h*n. Ev^rj thai Uam upon health and human h*tt.iiH'«. ryc.-.«I» attention la Its and the nmnv IIUHX t'oiii iink(d by nuffrrlnu invalid* who h»v«. ihfli*iiHj ..f a Ciire, are anNwmdr, and valuahlo i»r.i»...i...i. I. v«i|t|iit»-Hred to all who are in n*wi of medical ti.lvlc*., riiv Hiilyvct of Electric Bolts vertut M«dirine, and th«» hinxliud and on« ({mtnliouH of VURI itni.Mtun.i piuiliJd""8 ,,U,nft0,ty- PULVERMACHER 0ALVAH1C uOR. EIGHTH & VINE STREETS. C'R!' ijeioro xaniav neouonccof BclfAftfir TftVnff. HIJUHC, as IOKH of memtiry, Uni-^^^ AftKulg, vorKftl LaHBitudc, Pain in the Back, Dimness of ViRion, Premature old Ajfe, and many other di* eaKcs that lend to Insanity or Consumption and then a Premature Grave. {ap-FtiU particular!* in our pamphlet, which w^desire to nend free hy mail to everyone. he Specific Medicine in 10 Spruce st. N. Y. ST1CAM Klt.S. Hamburg* American Packet Company's Weekly Line of Steamships, Leaving New York every Thursday at 2 P. M. For England. France and Germany. Tickets to and from Europe at lowest rates. For passage apply to C. U. RICHARD & CO.. Gen. i\r«! Passe'it'cr Agents, ill BROADWAY. NEW lOHK. or to their Agents. gaily NYALIDS EALTH, Bold An entire! New and poiitivelr effective KrnieJy for the ipeedy and p«nni&et>t cure of EmiMiona and Impotency bv the QDIT true VST,Seminal nx., frir*cl Appliemon to the priDcipklflMt of ib« FTV m. Tbe «j ltKoBT«oi»t«, dot* ttoi Thli nod* of m»UB«Dt bM rr«n«urwrl turrc«t. Tb«r* uon. iTaet'"' ... —. j*rfi.„ .. by it.* M^IU*1 froffMton to b« th« tno«t tkttonkl mwi T*t di»oot. •r*J nf mrhine uid curi»( tfai* very nmttatit IreubU. Tb* bnitd* it MlkHu «»w rflliwiiM. i». (Urfiuf K*. 3 (tiSniU Ujrt |.t«nU•».«-. »t.t rar*. U.IM ».«») WS Ne. (lMti.«.v.f 0.~ I.MW, •iB ii^niMui miuf* .w b. Ui» nM w). SMI b, Bui. to ^allJirartUaur.w •crain|«nf tarhioa. t»t tVvr|li.a r.int4lM «t»a( AtiMikil UaaU-atiMa.vklrk Ik* a«M t«f«Mal «».*i iS.| W iam auUI. a»4 Bo 1 \i»4 few ik* dtM« l.f». ir a** ifMl. (tMI f«. «••». HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF't CHEMISTS. ME, ™. I'wMcriplion Free- For tlie speedy Cure of Scni inul \S RAKIU'fS, 1,OSM of MUHIJIHXI, auu all disorders Immirlit on hy intliscri-tion orexcoss. Auy Drthafiut Uasilii'imnvdieiitH. AiUlrens DAVIDSON «fc CO.* 78 Nassau Hu, N. Y. A (ioniiino Jersey Bull! from ini]»ortfd stock, and few Pure Berkshire Pigs, FOK SALK. Enquire of A. F. HAYWARD. Time Books WEEK Oil MONTH, for sale at the Press and Dakutainn counting room. F°!f, Til Kent. 1 mVF.U.ING HOUSE, four ood rooms, lwintry, front and baok porch and cistern. SituaUii on Green strait, between Fourth and Fifth. Apply on the premises. i. PAKKEtt HAYWAUU. lloal KaUte and Insurance, §tcm HDI till ftre du,y "I'd YOUNC MEN And nlhprt whomtffiT from Nervous and I'liv-U-nl fcililv. Lo«,» of Manly Vigor. Premttl«ir« Mini the uiHtiy glomnv cotiHeqiifnic** ofcntlv in-' turn, etc.| am •specially buncHU-d by c«m*ull.i." Oi'lllflllA. 1 IV- Thp KI.EOTRIO REVIEW eipiMc, |1,, „,„„iil,.., II mill* practiced T»Y IJUIU'K* HI»1 medical iini...:. to "practit'H riiediciiir," HIIJ taints «mlv wife, giuiple, mid W!eCTi"u toad to ll,-,.Hi mid Ho'lily F.n«-vgy. Send voiir nddreHu on prmtxl rnxl for in format mil tvoii tltnjiMiuili will be hctit AiI'IM"*, the (•IIII||H|I,.[,( OKAY'S SI'KCH-IC MKIH iNK. rHADE_MM((. ,„, ,.nl TRADE MA KtigliKli Kem «ly. An unfail ing cure for Seminal Weak ncHH, Bpcrma torhen, Impo toncy, and all (litwuKCB thnt, Tlfifnrn T^lriti.r follow« and a by all drug- iriHtK atil perpnckaKO, or nix packages for #5, or will he sont free by mail on re eipt of the money by arid reusing THK GRAY MKOICfNK P^.O Merc,hftnt* Block. Detroit, Mich. S2& Bold in Yankton everywhere by druggisto. New Advertisements. ADVERTISERS By addrcBfting GEORGE P. ROWELL & CO., 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of ADVERTIS ING in American Newspapers. IOC-paw "'amplilet, 10c. A YEAH and expenseH to H? Outfit free. Address, I .O.VICKEUY, Augusta, Me aro. Is. EOWELL CO. Newspaper Advertising Bureau. For Ten Cents! One Hundred Page Pamphlet ^with Lists of Newspapers and Advertising Rates. For Ten Dollars: Four lines Inserted one Week in Three Hundred and Fifty Newspapers. Yankton, U. T. anrt §nh0taiatt YANKTON—DAKOTA. MnnilHy KvvniiiK .lunr 14, 1K80. JUST LIKE A MAN. flow MimI Mr. SjM»(i]M-iir1\ k* (iot IIcchuM! hi I niililo'l riml IIIm Collar Huttoii. Hrmiklyii l^agle. 'Jry dear," HuiJ Mr. SpooponJykfi.fCL'l iff up the chimney, "linvo you seen my ill collar button "1 saw it the (lay yon bought it," an Hwered Mm. Spoopendyke, clieerily,"and thought it very pretty. Why do you a»k "Canae I've lout tho mcaxly thing," re loaded Mr. Spoopendyke, running broom liandle up into the cornice and Nhaking it as if it were a carpet. "You don't HuppoHe it is up there do you asked Mrn. Spoopendyke. "Where did yon leave it "Left it in my shirt. Where do you Buppose I'd leave it—in the haul] and Mr. Spoopendyke tossed over all the things in his wife's writing desk and looked out the window after it. "Where did you leave your shirt asked Mrs. Spoopendyke. "Where did I leave my shirt?" Where do you suppose I left it where does a man generally leave his shirt, Mrs. Spoopendyke Think I left it in a fer ry boat Got an idea I left it at prayer meeting, haven't you? Well, I didn't. I left it off, Mrs. Spoopendyke that's where I left it. loft it off. Hear me And Mr. Spoopendyke pulled the winter clothing out of the cedar chest that hadn't been unlocked for a month. "Where is the shirt now?" persisted Mrs. Spoopendyke. "Where do you suppose it is? Where do you imagine it is? I'll tell you where it is, Mrs. tSpoopendyke it's gone to Bridgeport as a witness in a land suit. Idea! Ask a man where liis shirt is! you know I haven't been out of the room since I came home last night and took it off and Mr. Spoopendyke sailed down Btairs and and raked the fire out of the kitchen range, but didn't lind the button. "Maybe you lost it on the way home," suggested Mrs. Spoopendyke, as her husband came up, hot and angry,and be gan to pull a stuffed canary to pieces to see if the button had got inside. "Oh, yes! Very likely! I stood ugaist a tree and lost it. Then I hid be hind a fence so I wouldn't see it. Tliat's the way it was. If I only had your head, Mrs. Spoopendyke, I'd turn loose as a razor-strop. I don't know anything sharper than you are and' Mr. Spoopendyke got up in a chair and clut ched a handful ot dust off the top of the wardrobe. "It must have fallen out," mused Mrs. Spoopendyke. Oil! it'must eh! It must have fallen out! Well, I declare, I never thought of that. My impression was that it took a buggy and drove out, or a balloon and hoisted out and Mr. Spoopendyke crawled behind the bureau and coalmen* ced tearing up the carpet. "And if it fell out, it must be near his shirt. For he always throws his shirt on the lounge, and the button is under that." A moment's search established tlie in fallibility of Mrs. Spoopendyke's logic. "Oh, yes! Found it, didn't you?" panted Mr. Spoopendyke, as he bumped Ins head against the bureau and finally climbed to a perpendicular. "Perhaps you'll fix my shirts so that it won't fall out any more, and may be you'll have sense enough to mend that, lounge, now it has made so much trouble. If you only 'tended to the house as I do to'my business there'd be no difficulty- about losing a collar-button." "It wasn't my fault—" began Mrs. Spoopendyke. "Wasn't eh! Have you found that eoal bill you've been looking for since March?" "Yes." "Have eh! Now, where did vou put it Where did you find it "In your overcoat pocket." THE FIRST NEW ROMANCE OF THE SPRING Mftcon.~iG.i,,l Telegraph. It is moonlight on the hill. From out the trees a gentle zephyr creeps to rob the hyacinth of its perfumed breath, and adown the garden walk the wliippoorwill lends his monotone of sadness unto the balmy night. Sleep,with brooding wings, sits silent o'er the scene. But liark! It is the tinkling guitar strummed by Au gustus. He comes. Beneath the vine clad window in the ghostly gloaming he pauses, and up the Hower' trellised wall he shoots a melancholy tenor lraught with the passionate inquiry, "Must I leave thee here alone?" No' answer re turns save the liauutiug echo and the low clicking of a distant door. Scene changes. It is the back yard tableau. A white robed old man bends above a chained dog, and soothes his too eager spirits as he loosens the collar. A low voice says, "S-ee-eeek him Bull—take a short cut around the rose bush." A Hash—and the old man is alone. The clatter of a fallen guitar comes from the front a sound like the rush of a steeple chase Hearing a hedge is borne back, and neck and neck, two figures cross the picket fence to dis appear down the dim perspective of the deserted street. Then the old mau meets Bull as he returns on the outer walk and removes in a discouraged manner a dark object from his foaming mouth, while the animal retires to his kennel in silence. The door opens and shuts upon the white robed form, and all is still again. But as he gets into bed and shoves the old lady's feet out of a warm place, he mutters: "Bull is get-tin' old, and serenaders don't pay dividends like they used to, but if the business keeps up, I think you will be justified in startin' anotherpa'tcli-worlt quilt, Maria. The last fellow left real cassimere." "What sorter sample did you get?" "Tolerable fair. There was a long strip with a pistol pocket liangin' to it, and one gallns butt'n. .Mm. Mi nstinr' Soot hi uy Syrup. l?ev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes in the Christian Freeman:—We would by no means recommend any kind of medicine which Ave did not know to be good—par ticularly for infants. But of Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge in our own family it has proved a blessing indeed, by giving an infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and the parents unbroken rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here is an article which works perfection, and which is harmless for the sleep which it affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." And during tho process of teething, its value is incalculable. We hnve frequently heard mothers say that tliey would not be without it from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. The Voltaic Itelt Co., Marshall, Mich. Will send their celebrated Electro Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon SO days' trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean wliat they say. Write to them without delay. NORTHERN DAKOTA. Jam™town needn a village organiza tion. Tho Alert says the baby booin It/tt Btruek Jiimestowu. The building of the new grist mill at Jamestown is being rapidly pushed for ward. The Headquarters hotel at Fargo had a very narrow escape from fire last Tues day morning. Fargo Argun: The Northern Pacific management have decided to tunnel the Missouri to reach Mandan. The Farfjo Daily Argus has increased its circulation averaging over two a day since the beginning of .Tune. An addition is being made to the Bis marck Tribune building to accommodate the new steam power press and jobber which will soon bo put in. SOUTHERN DAKOTA. Here is a prophet who has honor even in his own country. The Sioux Falls Pan tograph says: Melvin Grigsby may lay claim to being a political prophet. Mon day afternoon at the Pantagrapli bulletin board, lie tapped Garfield name and said, "Boys, there's the coming man." Later in the day he backed his judgment with ducats, and yesterday morning,after reading the speech which Garfield made in nominating Sherman, he was still more strongly of the opinion that the success ful man would be successful, and it turn ed out as he had prophesied^ fmjmin Hreatlt. Among all the disagreeable consequen ces that follow the decay of the teeth, an impure breath must be the most mortify ing and unpleasant to its posessor, and it is the most inexcusable and offensive in society and yet the cause of it may easi removed by cleansing your teeth daily with that justly popular dentrifrice, Fragrant SOZODONT. It purifies and sweetens the breath, cools and refreshes the mouth, and gives a pearl-like ap pearance to the teeth. Gentlemen who indulge in smoking should cleanse their teeth with SOZODONT, as it removes all unpleasant odors of the weed. Ask your druggist for it.—| wlm-deod /li'Olrn'* ilnuMeholtl M'auneea Is the most effective Pain destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the blood whether taken internally or ap plied externally, and thereby more cer tainly Believe Paifi, whether chronic or acute, than auy other pain allieviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side. Back or bow els, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Tooth ache, and All aches, and is The Great Believer of Pain. "Brown's Household Panacea" should be in every family. A teaspoonful of the Panacea in a tumbler of hot water (sweetened if preferred), taken at bedtime, will break up a cold. 25 cts. a bottle. -Wlifli Sit'l ii,'mm. Undoubtedly with children, attributed to other causes, is occasioned by Worms, Brown's Vermifuge Comfits,'or Worm Lozenges, although effectual in destroy ing worms, can do no possible injury to the most delicate child. This valuable combination lias been successfuly usee by physicians, and found to be absolutd ty sure in eradicating worms, so lmrtfe lo children. Twenty-five cents a box. WINKS AND LlniO^S. -THE Oldest Liquor House IX THE XOliTHWEST. Adler & Ohlman WHOLESALE Liquor Dealers YANKTON, DAKOTA. Keep constantly on hand the following brand* of liqoor6: McHniyer's. Taylor's, Slmwlian. Ander son County? Monock and Castle Rook KENTUCKY WHISKIES! Also, Our Favorite MILLER. GOLD SIRRING, BLUE ARASS, BOYD, &c.. &c Which we arc selling at very low prices. Also a full stock of Imported Wines & Liquors. The Largest Stock of ZG-iiSS. Ever brought to the Territory. Seidenberg'* Key West a Specialty. Sole agents for Sclilitz's Milwaukee Beer. Ily tlie Keg: or Ca»e. In fact everything usually kept in a first class inuor store. Wo are prepared to fill orders for any quanti of Wines, Liquors. Cigars and Tobaccos, and guarantee satisfaction, and at prices lower than ever before. Adler & Ohlman. ICK. ESTABLISHED, 1809. Ice Ice Ice FRED SCHNAUBER'S ICE DELIVERY Will Deliver I E I'AII.V DI KING THK SEASON OF 18S0. Leave Orders at E. Weber's Drutr Store, or at F. SClINAUBEll'S Residence. Corner LINN & 2d 8treetH. SI11.1.1XEUV. MRS. 13. J. COGG1NS, Dealer in illiz^.or "ST and LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS. Materials for Fancy Work a Specialty Third St., Yankton, Dakota MEDICAL. 411 Year* before the Public. DR. C. HoLANE'S LITER PILLS are not recommended a» a remedy for all the ills that flesh in heir to," bat in affections of the Liver, and in ail Biliona Complaints, Dyspepsia, and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. ACUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used pre paratory to, or after biking quinine. Aa a simple purgative they are nnequaled. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar-coated. Kach box han a red-wax *e*l on the lid, with the impression. MchANE'8 LIVER PILL. Each wrap|er taars the signa turesof MCLANK and FLEMING DHO*. pZt'lnmnt iiimhi having the genuine DK. C. McLANE S LJVEIi PILLS, pre pared by FLEMING ItltO.H., Iitt*lrargli, l'a., the market being full of imitations of the name xpelled differently k'M same pronunciation. Coughs, Bronchitis & Consumption. Wlmt a Wi'll Known flru :Kl*t iy* About Alli'iiV ItiiNiiin. MOTHKItS, ItKAI! OAK (.AND STATION, KY., Gentlemen: Tlie deinand for Allen'* Ltin* J'alfaro is increasing constantly. The ladie* think there is no medicine equal to it for Croup and Whoopine Cough. C. 8. MARTIN. Druggist Sold by all Nwlicini* Dcalfru, I LOl It ANJ» FKKII. 1875 IKSO Incorporated Jan'y 1. 1875. Excelsior Mill Com'y D. T. BltAMBLE, WM. HINER, President. I Superintendent F. L. VAN TASSEL. Secretary. Bran, Shorts And Dealers in all Kinds of Feed. JS-CASH PAID FOll^a WHEAT, CORN, OATS, &c IVoi#*' rtvlirerctl in alf part* of the fit a free of vharye. Call niu? ttec a*. Our Jlour Hjteaktt for itmelf CAPITAL STREET, FLOWER SKEDS. A FllESH LOT —OF— James Vick'-s Flower Vegetable Seeds also Clover. Timothy, Bam bus Reia, Just received at N'EFF'S BROADWAY DRUti STORE, Also a good Stock of Paints, Oils and Window Glass ana Kalsomine Stock always on hand. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES On Keal Estate. THE CORBIN BANKING CO. 115 ltromlway, N -w York, Purchase Mortgages well secured by first lien upon Country Real Estate at the very best rates d&w8m Vf-^A A n««r »nl c«nptetr Cl'IDS TO WKnUtCK. \\jSV/ coauiniajc Chapters c» A ComrcKBt WOMB. hood. SekeliaD of wife. ErideBCc* of it.v, Tcmperunenta. Sirrilitr, Advie* to Brkte m—m.wBi JU1LIOA1M. Chicago, Milwaukee —AXD— SAINT PAUL RAILWAY. 8IOUX CITY AMD DAKOTA DIVISION. TIMB TABLE—Taking effect Monday. April 5tii« 1880, at So'cIock, A. M* TSAIVS WOTI'O STATIONS. PAS'KO'K NO. 1 w-fr* -MANUFACTCBEBS OF- Flour, Corn Meal, TBAXH8 MOV'FFO *A»T_A_ SOUTH. PiM'va'KNo.t 240p. m. le*re'..8IOUX ulTk.JlOJOa. m, or*. 2.0 NcOOOk.... 1046 ..JEFFERSON.. 9£1 DAVIS JCNC'N 9.49 ..ELK POINT.. 9.28 ...BUKBANK... 9.01 met .VERMILLION. &4« .MKCKL1NG ..! 8.23 ...GAW1LLE... .JAMES RIVEB. 2J9 141 tXM %&> 145 4.09 449ft 4.42 4.5? 5.00 p. m. ar've .. .YANKTON. &U5 7.48 7^4 7.10 a. m. le're SHOPS CONNECTIONS. At Meckling—With utage for St. James. N«b.( and Swan I*ke and Maxwell City, Dakota. At Gayville—With stage for St. Helena, Ne braska. At Yankton—With steamer* for all points on. the Missouri river, daring the season of naviga tion, and with stages for all point* in Northern Nebraska and Southern Dakota. At Elk Point—With stages for Ponca, Nebras ka, and Richland, Dakota. At Vermillion—Witbutages forLodi, Rivcreide Turner, Bloomingdale, Finlay ana JLancoIn Center. At Canton—With Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul trains. Going East—1.40 p. m. 2.00 p. m. 2.35 a. m. Going West—4JK) a. m. 10JJU p. m. At Sioux Falls—With Worthmgton and Sioux Falls trains. Axrive, 1L45 a. m. leave, 1.45 p. m. GEO. E. MERCHANT. Superintendent. W. C. VAN HORN, General Superintendent B. S. MERRILL, General Managei. Co East 1 VIA THE Chicago & Northw'rn RAILWAY. 2,380 MILES ROAD. It is the SHOUT, HUBE and SAFE route between Council lilutr* and Cliivago, Milwaukee and all point** East and North. _New York. Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Buffalo. PittabnrgS Cincinnati. Montreal, Tor onto. Detroit, Cleveland, Columbus. fcjyGreatcr facilities and more advantage* than any other road in the West. f^It js the ONLY ROAD between Council Bluffs and Chicago upon which is run i'uliaiuii l'ntace Can*. In addition to these and to please all cl?:* fs travelers, it gives first-class at iU hating Stations at 50 cents each. Its track is Steel Rail! It« Coaches are llio finest! Its Equipment first class! It* trains ure all, equipped with Air Brakes! Miller's Coup. »ers. and all modern improvements! all of which combined permit fastest- speed, sure and close connections, and everything a passenger can desire to make a journey Quick, l'lua*anl and Comfortable. Pullman's Sleepers on all Night Trains! is the People's Favorite route. If yoa best traveling accommodations you will buy your tickets by this route and will take none other. -^"All Ticket Agents can sell you through Tickets via this road and check nunal baggage free of charge. Omaha Ticket Offices—1324 Farnam street, corner 14th. and at Union depot. Council Bluffs Ticket Offices—Corner Broad way and Pearl street, C. fc N.-R'y depot *nd union Pacific Transfer depot. San Francisco Office—No. 2 Montgomery St. For information, foldere, maps, etc., not obtainable at Home ticket office, any Agent of the company, or W. H. STENNETT, General Passenger Agent. MARVIN HUGHlTT, General Manager, Chicago, III. Sioux City & Pacific RAILROAD. SS,.,!!i°necr from Sion* City to CHICAGO, and all points East. ST. LOUIS, and all points Soath. WiBTOnBin**^^ points in Southern and^EaM«rn IowaiS' P°'Dta in Southern tST'PULLMAN PALACE HOTEL AND Chiea oN° between Missouri Valley and For ^peed. safety and comfort is unsurpassed. This lane is now equipped with the improved Westinghonse Automatic Air Brakes, and is the only line running two express trains be tween Sioux City and Chicago. Through Time Table in EffcctJan. 1st, 1880. Leave Chicago St. Louis Arrive Sioux City C. R«kwi A Ih. (a. nan, CdtWf tunw wepMe*. UotiM, LiwMml.iWir OT. Ow«uk.. EXPRESS EXPQESS S: 30 p. m. 7:40 A. M. Leave St, Paul Yankton Sionx City Arrive Missouri Valley... S: 30 p. m. 2:30 P. M. 5.00 a. m. 6KX) 8:15 8:40 6:30 7:80 0:35 6:15 7:10 8:20 11:15 8^30 a. m. 5:40p. m. 10:80 9:15 6:83 9:20 12:40 p. m. 10:20 Chicago Council Bluffs St. Louis Milwaukee Des Moines CONNECTIONS. 1. At Council Bluffs, (U. P. Transfer) with Union Pacific railroad for Omaha and all points W est, with Kansas City. St. Joe & Council Bluffs droad for St. Louis and all points south, and all lines diverging from 0. P. Transfer.. 2. At Missouri Valley with the Chicago & Northwestern railway for Chicago and all points 8-At Sionx City with the Sionx City 'onl 11 inn» P.ntMl an O ».. a _. rwnng A N O N A O A & St. V*. "t" 1 olou* KJivy a ou Paul, lllinots Central and Sioux City and Da kota, steamers for the Upper Missouri Biver, navigation, and with stages for all point* in the Northwest. 4. At Blair with Omaha and Northern Nebras ka railroad for Omaha 4 Southern Nebraska. 5. At Fremont. Nebraska, with Union Pacific railroad for all point* West and the Pacific coast. 6. At Oakdale with stones for O'Neil City and all poiut« in Northern Nebraska. 5"OQP rend via Sioux City and Pacific Railroad. F. HILLS, p. laUM lb. ««*». L.r. La* Msma*. *-»|al *ifkU^*aTTU4 Veew, li BIm Private Medical Adviser 'AB diMtwi r* •ottiajr from impure usual usneiatinnt, a»d on —th« «r h* WTMt (KM I*, Kifteh Eal*M, Iwil iM 1. (D. Urn E. ROBINSON. Superintendent. Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agt. Missouri Vallev. Iowa, W. WELLS, General Agent. Sioux City. Illinois Central R. R. Shortest Route to Chicago. SIOUX CITY CHICAGO Without change of Cars. Commen cing June 1, 1876. A daily express passenger train will leave Sioux City, Saturdays excepted, on arrival of tram from Yankton. Leave Sioux City at 2.15 M. and arrive at Chicago at S.20 p. x. 10 A. M., via the Illinois Central railroad, will arrive at Sioux City the next dav at 11.%) A. M. An accommodation train will leave Sioux Citv daily, exoept Sundays at 6 p. connecting with through passenger train at Fort Dodge. Pas. sengera leaving Chicago at 9.90 P.M. arrive at 8ioux City at 0.45 A. M. Trains going east connect at Chicago with all trains for Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore* Washington, New York, Boaton and all parte of the east. Connections are made at Dubuque with trains on the Illinois Central main line, leaving Dubu que at 0.10 a. m., arriving at Uaieaburg at 3.. 0 p. m.^Paoria, 5 p. m., Burlington at ».4o p. m., itock island at b.90 p. mM Quincy at 4. u. in., St. Louis at 7.90 a. m.. and Cairo at a. tu. Connecting at Cairo with trains lor Aieiuuni: Naabville, Vickaburg, Mobile, New Orieant, abu ail parta of the south. Connections are made at Free port with West ern Union trains, leaving Free port at l.Uu p. and arriving at Racine at, and Jdiiwaukcu at ii.14 p. m. «T Mr.. fin« NMIMU —»**".unmitm iKal U*ll W r~ alvn. kiwila ItTlrUtoaM UalWMM\ —4 liliii^ iri .naimWrnUs» 1W? .aim, 1 MTOIsSSlUT, nUI^ATF IU 0.Beautiful ColoredPictora ••%_\erylageaiotts. T5obJ«uio tad. bead tumiifor nacksg*. ***"n.MHiJT Checked Through toallimioi. taut points. For through tickets and information apply at the Illinois Central depot. Trains run by Dubuque time, which ia twenty minutes faster than Sioux City. JOSEPH F. TUCKER, Chicago, Traffic Manager. W. P. JOHNSON, GtnrT.l^tfuTA*tnt' ChiC**°- Acut, Bioax Citj.