Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME GENERAL NEWS. It l» Claimed that the Result ot the Elections in Ohio and Indiana Restore Majorities in the liidiniiu ltepulilfituii by About 7,000 A Democratic iulii liMtl«utd hi Ohio, which will Cut Down tl»«, K„ pultllvun Mnjorily to »o,ooo. POLITICAL. From Out (loverimr. Spfrfttl Tf/ttjram. Washington, D. 0., Oct. ]!{.—The Ohio and Iudiuuu olcotioim restore the repub lican majority in the United States house and «uiiate. A sweeping viutory in both. N. G. fflms OIIIIWAV. liilHt Night's Report. Chicago, Oct. lit.—The republicans cur ry Ohio by aljout 25,(MM) majority and gain six congressmen. About oue-tliird of Jndianft heard from. A net republican gam of 3,88+, If the balance of the state shows the same ratio of gain Porter's ma jority will bo from 8,Dili) to 10,(1(10. Noth ing train the Indiana congressional dis tricts. Indianapolis, Oct. K!.—Five hundred aud forty-nine preeiucts show a d"ino eratic gam of ,4!)5 republican gain 11, lla net republican gam 5,018. To-Day .s Report. INDIANA. 1'IIiST liUl.LKTIN. Indianapolis, Oct. 14.-f Additional re turns received last night and this morn ing show about the same ratio of gains. The .republican majority on the state ticket will be short of 7,(M)0. Congress will Btand eight republicans aud five democrats. The republicans have a majority in both brandies of the legis lature. SECOND BULLETIN. Indianapolis, Oct. M—Additional re turns received this morning do not change the estimate over yesterday on the state ticket. Peele, republican, for congress in the seventh district, is elected. The delega tion stands, republicans 8, democrats, 5. OHIO. 1'inST BULLETIN. Columbus. Oct. 11.—The republican state committee have returns from 84 out of the 88 counties, which show re publican gains of 8,0iK) and democratic of 5,781. Net republican gain for ownsend, secretary of state, to be 1,818. At democratic headquarters returns liave been gathered from various sources so that now all the counties have been heard from. According to these fiuures the democratic gains for Lang, secretary of state, aie 8,!Ki3. Gains for Townseml, republican, are given as 0,112. .Net democratic gain 2,84'J. Tlio lloinocrutlu Xul iumil Coiniiiilti i'. New York, Oct. 14.—The democratic national executive committee is in ses sion this afternoon. Among the mem bers present are senator liaruum and Messrs. Scott of Pennsylvania: Smailey of Vermont DewittofNew York Barnes of Georgia and Cleveland of New Jer sey. The resultof the October elections and prosecution of the campaign are it is understood the subjects under consid eration. FIRES. In Sllelbyvtlle. Cincinnati, Oct. 14.—A fire at five oclook yesterday afternoon at Shelby ville. The total loss amounted to up wards of 835,000. The principal losers are Canney, Waller & Duprez, furniture manufacturers, $21,000 insured. J. ii. Stewart & Co., planing mill, $73,000 in surance 815,000. Samuel Hamilton, $2, 600 insurance $1,000. W. J. Craycraft, dwelling 81,000 insurance, §450. Sever al other dwellings bnrued. In Carlinvillc, Illinois. St. Louis, Oct. 14.—The residence of Jesse Jordan, about one mile from Car liuville, Ills., burned Tuesday night and three children perished in the tlames. Humeri ti Di'iltli. Bradford, Pa. Oct. 14.—The house of Mrs. Riley at Prenticeville was burned aud two children perished in the Haines. FOREIGN. Irisli Limit I.«' lf^ur. London, Oct. 14—A Dublin correspon dent says it is expected that the govern ment proceedings against the land league leaders will be on an extensive scale. No actual steps have yet been taken but a threatened blow cannot be long suspend ed. J«s* So.' St. PoterRlmrg, Oct. H.—The Novist says there is a rumor in diplomatic cir cles, which lacks confirmation, that tho ministry of foreign nITairs has received information that a further stay of the Chinese embassy in St. Petersburg is considered unnecessary. Monetary. Paris, Oct. 14—The bank raised its rate of discount to 'i'... ClM'np Transportation. Chicago, Oct. 14—The delegates this morning in pursuauce of a call for cheap transportation, convened aud were called to order in Farwell hall, over four hund red delegates beiufj present and repre senting the principal western states, southern, border and Atlantic states. Hon. Matt Anderson, of Missouri, was clected president, yitU Hon. M. T. Fow ler of New York, first Vice president., and others, inoludiug Milton George of Illi nois, and T. E. Colby of Iowa. Jonathan I'nrriuti], secretary. Disonssion was op ened at once, and* the points cliietly in sisted on were that railways should be held to the strictest ucooiintubilily as to the manner of conducting their business and national legislation was necessary to enable the country to get tho cheapest possible transportation at liviug rates to oonsutnei*. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Jtautcmwri to |j» lluitg. Galvihton, Textia, Oct, 1875). Senate and House. Mwigre Additional l{-tu i-iim from tlic hleetioiiH in Ohio and IndiaiiH. 14—AN (•ood for IIM? ICplHt'opuliaiiH. Now\ork, Oct. 14—In the Episcopal convention Kev. ]Jr. Knight presented a memorial to absolutely forbid by canon ical amendment the sale or rental of pews in churches. •««. »runt »itd rarly. riyinoutli, Mass., Oct. 14.—General (Srant and party arrived to-day. They will \fisit the Montpelier state fair next week. WniKlcll l-lillllpH Boston, Oct. 14.—The greenback party of this city has nominated Wendell I'liii lips for congress for the fourth district. The Weather. Washington, Oct. 14.—The weather indications for the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys are: Southwest to northwest winds, partly cloudy weath er and local rains, followed by rising ba rometer and slight fall of^temperature. Washington, October 11.—Secretary •Sclinns has the following letter from Spotted Tail, chief of the Brule Sioux. Dear Sir:—I want to talk with you about six young men belonging to'my people who were sent down to Omaha to be dealt with under the laws of the Great Father." Those, young men I have given up to you to b'o punished if they are guilty according to the same la\vs laid down for the punishment of white men who have committed crimes against the laws of the "Great Father." -No\v what I want to say to you is this: If theso young men "are guilty, I want them punished. If they are not guilty, I want them sent' back to me and their families. Now, they should have in the trial for their alleged crimes the same chances a white man has: they should have as good lawyers as we can give them, and we should defend them the same as you would be allowed to de fend your children if they were in prison and were to be tried for offenses they had been charged with. What I writing now I do not say for myself lie. I talk for my whole people. They have met in council and liaye talked long, but always spoke good kind words for the "Great Father" to listen to, and we want liiin to open his ears to hear the good words Ave have to say. My peo ple are good people, aud want to' do as the "Great Father" tells them. They love their children, and it makes them mourn when their children do wrong. Every way we can we want to help our children. Now my people have put together from their earnings a little money to be used in helping bur children in this trouble, All who were able to give have given to help them, and the money we have re ceived we are going to send to you that you may help us find good lawyers to defend our children. We want them to have a fair trial, and we want you to spend the money wo send you tlmt they may have as good a chance' to go free as white men could have. So I send you 8332.80. I am your true friend. LIST OF LETTERS. IlcmaiuiiiK in the Postofllee at Yankton, D. T., Oct. 14, 1880. Bankfion, Carrie Belt, H. A. Brandst«dt, J. F. Briggtf Geo. Cantrunk, A. Clifford, Mrs. C. A. Couger, John T. Faweett, James Foulk, Mins Ella Guy, Charles Gudmunnen, Mckal Grillin, Geo. Hansen, Christ M. Hand. Benny liassett, Joseph Hartsough. Rev. L. Heard Moliie Humiston, 8. A. Kelkenny, Peter HELD KOK POSTAGE. Mrs. M. A. Boss. East Uonison. N. Y., 3 ots. If not oalled for in thirty da»s will be sent to the dead letter oilice. CORN—Strong, higher. 89?* cash 40?# Nov. 41 Dec.: 51!» May. OATS—Firm, Higher, 80'» cash 801h bid Nov ember 30l/ Dec. 34!s May. RYE-88'/,.e BARLRY—784. PORK—Steady, $lf».00?i cash $12.00'« Novem ber: $12.95 January. LARD- firm, $N.3!» cash $8.10 bid November $8.uDec. WllIBKKY—$1.11. MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee. October 18. WIIEAT Higher. Hard $1.0t»: No. I $1.01l«: No. 2 W: cash $1,004 November Decemher and No. 8 W)4c. CORN—No. 2 89?i. OATS—WG. MEAT MAKKKT. FAMILY MARKET Broadway, Yankton. Dakota PATRICK BRENNAN WILL SUPPLY Fresh Meats, Salt Meats, Fish and Game. —)5TO OBD*B}(— A Full Line of Vegetables in Season Always on hand. Time Books VOll WKF.K OK MONTH, for ule at tho 1'reu and Dakotaian oounting room. SI'KCIAl, NOTICKH. Lout, OWH Rpncml from UonzaloR anys that Isaiah narron, oolorod, has been Hcnteuced to ho hung for the murder of his wife in A Htillrouil Mudtlle. St. Louis, Oct. 14.—The railroad fight continucH sharply. The Chicago, aud Alton dropped limited ticket* to #2.70 this morning and the Wabash immediate ly went to $1.70 having advertised to sell one dollur Ichbthan any other road. Un limited remains at $4.70, yesterday's price. MOCKING BIRD* A suitable reward will IKJ paid for its recovery by KltKI) HCHNAUUEK. For Kale. TJthiH of lice ®J°wer ^an^t4)n* Apply At DOIIUML. D-1*?1K3K'. UeWitt's BJock, Third street, ianktou. Dakota. Wanted fr«n Woodchoppers. pay $1.25 per cord. Ad dress, D. L. PKATT, Jr. Fort Itandall, 1). T. ClLVtilt goods of ail the latest HtyleH Good dwelling houses. STONE (^ash ^yjnney on Kelly, John Laxstrom. Karoliua Levench. D. Maideu, Win. Max, Mrs. B. Martiu, Mrs. B. Muller, Henry Murphy, Miss Alice V. Newton, W. A. Noeseher, M. Ostrander, Geo. Pederson. Miss I. lluinbauKh. Thus. J. Soifert, C. E, Stone, Miss May Swanda. Jan Thomas Sperber, Edward Tot^ueri, A. Whitmarsh. G. L. A. W. HOWARD, P. M. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH cnicAoo. Chicago. October 14. WHKAT— Strong, higher VS'S cash £L.0()Nov ember $1.01 la December. just re- ceived by H. G. Clark & Co., the jewelers. 1"klAMOND8 reset-Hint's made over—Hair Jewelry manufactured, by II. G. Clark Co., the jewelers. For Sale NEW Miisoti A, Hamlin Organ, style 251 J. K. 8ANBOUN & SO SON. Situation Wanted. "|Y a good girl to work at Cheyenne Agency or I«ort Sully. Call or address "E," ctire Press and Dakotaian. Yankton, D. T. Oyster Parlor and Saloon. "JifHH. BHIGGS has opened an Oyster parlor and saloon on Front street and would be pleased to receive the patronage of the public. Cattle Tor Salt*. ONE hundred and fifty head choice, selected steers, from two to fouryears old. Apply A. CHHI8TENSEN, to SP01TED TAIL TO SECRETARY SGHURZ. Swan Lake, Turner Co., Dakota. For Kent. lOOM No. 0. second floor, postoflice block, well adopted for an oftice or sleeping apartment. Pos*cssion 1st Octobcr. Apply to JOHN L. PENNINGTON. Money to Loan. per cent, interest and reasonable commis sions. DEWEY & FBENCH, d&wtf. Attorneys at Law. For .Sale. one story frame building adjoining the store of Jacob Max, and formerly occupied by Moody & Hand as a law olficc. To be moved from the premises. Inquire of A JACOB MAX. For ltent. COMFORTABLE dwelling House with five rooms on Pearl street near Fourth. Good well of water and small barn on the premises. TOraising E. P. WILCOX, Second and Mulberry streets. $:$oo,0»o.—Five Years. loan on Farms for improvements and stock by applicant, in Bon Homme, Hutchinson, Turner, Clay and Yankton count- G. W. ROBERTS, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. llOBEUTS. dwelling house, with six rooms, cis tern, shrubbery, large garden privilege. Magnificent view of the city. Enquire of G. W. ROBERTS, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 3d St. paid for Yankton Countv orders. Apply "'to G.W.ROBERTS. For Sale. iAN TIME, lots 17 and 19, block 45, Lower "'Yajkton. Good residence lots. Applv to G. W. lUTOKBTS. To Kxchaiigc. IIOH IN MERCHANDISE,consistingol Hats. Caps. Notions and other f:oods,Apply in exchange for Farming lands and City ots. to GEO. W. ROBERTS, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Real Estate. GEO. W. ROBERTS. STEAMBOATS. Missouri River Transportation Co. The Steamer Josephine, W. H. GOULD MASTER J. S. COULSOS, CLERK Will Leave Yankto'n for FT. BENNETT, And Intermediate Points on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1880, On arrival of Train from the East. For freight or passage apply to Bramble, Miner &, Co., or at the Company's office, First National Bank, Yankton. Dakota. IMPORTANT TO AGENTS. THE LIFE OF CENERAL JAMES A. GARFIELD Bv his personal friend. MAJOR BUNDY, Editor Ar, y. Mail, is the ONLY EDITION which Gen. Garfield haa given personal mtten. ti«»n or facta. Beautifully illustrated, printed and bound. Full length steel portrait by Hall, from a picture taken expressly for thia work. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED. Liberal terms. Semi $1.00 at once for complete outfit. A. 8. BARNES & 00M 111 and US Williama St., N. Y, AGENTS WANTED FOB the fattest selling Book of the age,* Foundations of Success, BUSIKUS AMD SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade, legal forma, how to trans act busineaa, valuable tablea, social etiquette, Parliamentary u«aget how to oondnct publio business in fact it a complete GUIDE TO SUCCE88 for all classes. A family necessity Address for circulars and special terms, ANCHOR PUBLISHING 00M i«2M&w2n Bt Loois, Misuari* AN TOX, DAKOTA TERRITORY, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14, 1880 OBOCKB1K8. LAVENDERS' GROCERY HOUSE! OOMTXNUSS to BK TD Favorite Trading Place IN TOWN AND OOUNTY4- Beeauae it supplies the very beat goods to be oad in the world. Because every article required for family use in the line of .Groceries can be found there at all times. E A S E Its pricea are uniform and so low as to defj competition. Because its CASH system is successfully estab liahed and gives to its customers ad vantages which the credit system does not possess. Grateful for the con tinued favors of the people, thin pop ular House assures its patrons that every effort will be made to keep ite stock and priees fully up to the demands of the time*. No other Grocery House ID the Territory will be permitted to surpass it either in Quality of goods or pric* Very Respectfully, A. W. LAVENDER. 0. P. HAGE bbalebih STAPLE AND FANCY ROC ERIES Crockery AND Glassware THIRD STREET YANKTON, DAKOTA Blatt & Buerdorf Wholesale and Retail sxai^BS GROCERIES STAPLE ANT» FANCY. BROADWAY, WALTER H. CARR DEALER IN Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits. Candles. Nuts, Cigars Ordera will reoetrt prompt attention WALTER H. CARR, Third St, Yankton HANKS. YANKTON BANK! EDMUNDS & WYNN BANKERS, A N O N A O A Do a General Banking1, Collection And Loan Business, The Same as National Banks. Bny and sell exchange on the principal cities of the United States and Enrope. Special at. tention paid to collections, and remitted for INVARIABI-Y ON DAY OF PAYMENT Will loan money, pay taxes and sell real estate tor non-residents, on favorable terms. Agents for reliable Insurance Companies, and insure property on terms favorable. THE FIRST NATIONAL Bank of Yankton Financial Agent of the Vnited Staten Approved Depository lor Disbursing Officers. JAMES C. MeVAY, President W. H. MeVAY Cashier. Draft* bought and sold. Collections made and Promptly remitted for. Turner Hall. Thursday, Oct. 28. The TURNER'S will five their second grand Ball of the season at Turner Hall on the above date. Tickets of admission: £l.O0. 18SO WM. BLATT. F. LKBCH. KD SCHORKGGE. Committee of Arrangements. Tickets for sale at Wise Bros., J. Siebert's, John DufTack's, and Blatt & Bneraorf's. Adams' Carriage Painting. Having made a specialty of this BRANCH of PAINTING for years. 1 can confidently prom ise satisfaction to my patrons. Shop on Cedar street, between Second and Third, Yankton, D. T. FRANK W. ADAMS. CLOTHING CLEANED -AND- RepaireD. (^"Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. CHARLES STABLER. COOPER. Yankton Cooper Shop Butter Tub Factory. I YANKTON DAKOTA HAVE found great difficulty in supplying my customers with a sufficient quantity of Butter Firkins, Tubs, Etc., But having enlarged my establishment and Recured more workmen, 1 am now prepared to supply the farmers of Vankton and adjoining counties with White Oak Firkins, White Ash Butter Tubs, Meat Barrels and Barrel Churns. Orders for B11F.WERS WORK, both making and repairing, will be promptly attended to. Shop on Waluut street, near levee. janeldlm-wSm THOS. TOB1N. Public Notice. Territory of Dakota—Office of Superinten dent of Public Schools—County of Yankton. October 5th, 1880.—Public noticc is hereby given that pursuant to law. on Tuesday, the 'jtlth inst., commencing at 9 o'clock a. m.. 1 shall offer public examination, at the court house in the city of Yankton, to all persons presenting themselves as teachers for the com mon schools of Yankton county. T. 8. DICKSON. County Superintendent of Public Schools, d&wta for Yankton County. liSISSSMIiiiMiS S^-tV-rf^ ?*i' T^^'v 1 rf tt&fl, ii JOHN O. BATES. Gents Fall & Winter Underclothing -CONSISTING OF- AVliite, Colored and Fancy all Wqol, Scarlet and French Cashmere Knit. White, Scarlet and Canton Flannels. White and SCARLET MAC KINAW Shirts and Drawers. BATES, the Clothier, P. O. Block. CHARLES KISKM AN. Opening of the Fall Campaign A CHAS. EISEMAN'S. The Finest Styles. And the best and Cheapest stock of Dry Goods & Clothing Ever displayed by this Old Established House—consisting of Dress Goods—all grades and styles, from| cheap to tl best quality Trimming Silks, Satins aud Velvets in all shades Prints. Ginghams Bleached Muslins Brown Muslins Cotton Flannels Wool Flannels Cassimeres Jeans I Table Linens Shawls Ill fact every article kept in a first-class Store you can find at mv establishment. READY-MADE CLOTHING Mens.'Youths', Boys and School Suits (Of all styles^ Overcoats for Men, Youths and Boys. Shirts and Drawers, all Styles. Hats and Caps, latest fashions. Call and see my stock of Goods before making your purchases, and I may be able to save you some money. Charles Eiseman, Ai.1 NUMBER 146. 1880 Cloaks Dolmans Circulare Ulsters Childrens', Misses' and Ladies Hosiery I and Gloves I Etc., Etc., Etc Cox's Block, Third Street, OYSTER DEPOT. Fresh Oyster Agency BOOTHS OVAL BRAND. ESTABLISHED IN 1874. Largest, Fattest, Cheapest, Best. We ship none but Fresh stock. Our past record a guarantee for the future. All orders from the country promptly attended to, and Oysters packed in Ice. M. H. JENKINSON. Yankton, D. T., Sole Agent. Plenty of Money to Loan —AT- DAKOTA. EK CE1TTI -ON- Improved Farms. J. PARKER HAYWARD, YANKTON, DAKOTA.