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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
ADAHOONIUGII VOL. 3 NO. 11 TSftKEI SILAAGO BINIIYE naaltsoos ’aDAALNE’IGM K’AD baa naaldeeh Silaago andadaho’dilne’igii biniiye aniid beehaz’danii ’dndadaalyadigii ’aniigo tsifkei tseebiits’aadah doo dego beedaahaiigii nlei naadiin ’ashdla’ beedaahaijj’ nihool’dago naal tsoos ba ’ddadoolniit ha’njjgo ’alyaa la. Did naaltsoos ha hadadilne’igii ’el k’ad baa na’aldeeh Tsitkei naadiin ’ashdla’ doo woshdqg’ yaago beeddahaiigii silaago ’atah daniljj ’dfdo’ t’aa naaltsoos ba ’anciddaalne’. Azhaanee’ doo silaago ’atah naadadoodleet da ndi. ’Aadoo tsitkei naadiin ’ashdla’ doo woshdl?’ yaago ndanise’igii ts’ida t’aa ’attso naaltsoos ba ’ddaalne’’. Naaltsoos niha ’adaal ne’ biniiye nihohkaahgo hazho’o yd’at’eehgo ’adaadahotni’. Silaago ’atah danohtjjj ht’e’igii ’ei naaltsoos bee ’eehozinii t’aa ’at’e ndahoh jaahgo ya’at’eeh. Naaltsoos discharged papers wolyeego sildagod§§’ bik’ehgo dah hdahidooh kai y£§ t’aa ’iiyisii ndahidoohjih. Haala ’ei ts’ida ’alaahgo bee ’eehozin. Adahwiis’dagod bit keedahohtiinii kwii bizhi’ bikda’ daasdzohigii naaltsoos niha ’adeile’. Hadji shjj t’aa ’a’ohgo bich’i’ ’adani zah. ’£i baa dahohkaahgo naaltsoos niha hadeidile’. Registrars and their locations will be as follows: District Location Registrar 1 Kiabcto Mr. and Mrs. Beebe 2 Shonto D. G. Harrington 3 Tuba City Ed Stocks 4 Pinon Paul Jones 5 Leupp C. A. Griffin 7 Cedar Springs Joe Gollino 8 Kayenta George A. Dewey 9 Tes Nos Pos M. A. South 10 Chinle Fred Maxwell 11 Lukachukai A. G. Sandoval, Sr. 12 Shiprock E. G. Jonas 13 Fruitland George Miller 14 Tohatchi Rudolph Zweifel 15 Crownpoint Tom Allen 16 Fort Wingate Arthur Hubbard 17 Klagetoh Ben Taylor 18 Fort Defiance Willis McNatt Pursuant to the Selective Service Act of 1948 and the proclamation of the President of the United States, all mole persons who have attained the eiqhteenth an niversary of the day of their birth but have not yet attained the twenty-sixth anniversary of the day of their birth must register between 8:00 A.M., Monday, August 30, 1948, and 5:00 P.M., Saturday, September 18, 1948, at designated places for registration. It is important that each registrant who has serVed in the armed forces of the United States know the exact dates of such service when he presents himself for regis tration If possible, the registrant should bring with him his discharge or seperation certificate. The persons listed above will be designated as registrars of their areas. They will establish und maintain places of registration for the time indicated. Registrars as indicated will select, at least one other person, within the area to work with them as assistant registrars. Mrs. Oksana Kosenkina, a Russian school teacher, refused to go back to Russia last July when the Russian steamship sailed from New York Harbor. She said she loves her country and her people but cannot agree with the Soviet regime. The case of Mrs. Kosenkina revealed some of the Russian underground activities in this country. THE NAVAHO LANGUAGE MONTHLY WINDOW ROCK, ARIZONA Dii kwii be’elyaaigii ’ei tonteel wonaanidi ’Arab dine’e doo Jew dine’e keyah yaa da’ahigq ha’mneydi ’ahoot’e. Kwii Jews danilinigii bisilago la’ ’asdzani yit sikeego be’elyaa. BA ’OLTA’I KeYAHGOO DOO NIKIBINT DA Ha’a’aahji New York hoolyeego kin Iq’i haal’dhagi tonteel wonaanidi keyah Russia wolyehigii yd ndaai’c’ii ta’ keedahat’p ’£( ba’atchini daniiiinii t’da Russian k’ehgo saad igii doo t’aa ’ddji hoot’a-Hgu k’ehgo ndabidi’- nitin. T’aa Russian daniiiinii ba ’olta’i danilp Dii ba 'olta’i daniiiinii ’ei -teT ’asdzani Oksana Kosenkina wolye jini. Dii ba ’olta’i Kosenkina wolye ha’ninigii July wolyehigii diijp ’altso ndiziidgo Russia hoolyeegoo nikinadza ha’nii nt’ee’ nahgoo k’ad tonteel wonaanigoo dah ’adii’eeigo bo hoohya’ j ini. Hadji 1a ’ iiyd haniigo ch’eeh bina ’ideekid. ’Ako t’aa bidin dah ’adii’eei. Ntee ndandtahdi kin haal’dhiddo haash([ nzahdi naagha ha’niigo bihooni’ j ini. Kwii t’eiyd t’aa Russians danil|[ ndi Communist k’ehgo hoot’dahfii doo deinizinii keedahat’j' jini. ’£i ya’aik’ee sidaa 1a jini. ’Aadoo ’aadi Russia yd ndaal a’ii ’aadi ta’ baa yikaigo New York ha’ninigoo ’anidcbizldoz jini ’Aadi sh[( ’inda ha’at’ii biniinaa t’aadoo nikeinizaa da bi’doo’niid. T’aa ’akwii bi’dotq’go dikwii sh(f yiskq jini, ’Ako ’inda taago ’atdeg hooghandfg’ tsesg’ goyaa bidah dah diilwod 1a jini. ’Ako ndi t’aadoo ts’ida yeego ’atidiilyaa da 1a jini. BA NAALTSOOS ’ADAHA’NiLI'GH ’Attseedqq’ dii naaltsoos dinek’ehji bee bik’e’eschinigii fa’ haniidee’ y§qdqa’ New Mexico hoolyeego nahdsdzooigii biyi’ Indians daniiiinii naaltsoos ’atah ’adayiimif dooleef ha’niigo baa hwiinit’ineq t’ahdoo bee Iq ’aleeh da ha’njigo bikad ’alyaa ni’. Jo ’ei ’aadoo bik’i ji ’inda bee Iq ’azl[[’. 'Ako k’ad Arizona doo New Mexico wolyehigii biyi’ Indians daniiiinii Bilagaana ’alqajj’ dah ndhidinoobiilii ’atah naaltsoos yd ’adayiiniit dooleetgo bee ba hoo’a’. Utah biyi’ji Indians do’ t’aa akot’eego bee ba’deet’aah ha'niigo baa dahani’. Dii k’ad kot’eego Indians daniiiinii bee ba’deet’dnigii ts’ida ba ya’at’eehgo baa ntsi hakees. ’Aadoo t’aa ’ei bee t’datahadi ndds nindd’deeltaal nil]. Naadiin doo bi’qq dikwii shji ’ei nddhaiidda’ Indians niliinii t’aa ’aftso Citizens nilj ha’njjgo bee ha’oodzii’ ni’. ’Ako ndi dii ’atah naaltsoos ’adaha’nifigii ’ei t’aa bqqh daji’ijgo hoolzhiizh. Jo ’ei k’ad ’inda ninadazhdeez’d Bilagaana jiliinii. K’ad t’eiyd t’aa Indians daniiiinii ndi fa’ Waashindoondi ’atah dah dinoodaafgo haz’q. Since our last paper came out, the New Mexico Courts have also decided that Indians can have the right to vote in New Mexico. It is said that U'ch will also allow its Indians to vote. This is a great step forward for all Indians. They have been citizens for more than 20 years, but here in this part of the United States they have been kept from voting. Maybe someday s'oon there will be an Indian in the State governments here in Arizona and New Mexico. And maybe someday soon there will be Indicns from out here in Congress. There is nothing to stop them now. Aadoo t’ad U. S. be’azee’ 'dl’jj gone’ yah eeltj jini. Russian danilfjgo ’azee’ ’adeii’imgu nihaa nofteeh ch’eeh dadiiniid jini. ’Asdzani vf§ ’ef t’aa bi cooda m jini. D!f kwii kohdo t’jidign biniinaa tonteel wonaanidi Russian binar.t’a’i daniiiinii nidaditeehgo hadahaasdzii’ jini. ’Asdzani ba ’olta’i ni I in§§ anjjgo ’ei dii kv/ii United States hoolyeegi t’eiyd t’aa shit hasihgo biniinaa t’aadoo nikiniyaa da ni jini. Shahastiin ht’ee Russia-di shits’qq’ doo bee hoozin da. Doo shiyaazh nt’ee’ silaago ’atah ’abi’diilyaago 'atah seesyj ni jini. ’Aadoo shi do' k’ad haashjj naadashidleeh shq’shin ni jini. Shidine’e doo shikeyah ’ayoo ’oosh’nii ndi doo t’aa Idad akqq hdesdzaa da. Haala Russian binant’a’i dajfliinii doo ya’adajishqo da. T’ad ’ei t’eiyd biniiye ’adishni ni jini. Dii k’ad kwii ’asdzani ’ddt’jjd ha’niigo baa hani’igii Russian dine’e binaalchi’i danilii* nii t’dd nant’inee nihitaa daakai yq§ dikwii shii yikaa’ hayiini! siljj’. HELP WANTED Navajo men and women are needed os Teacher-Interpreters in off-Reservation Schools. They must be High School Graduates. If you are interested, contact the Education Office, Window Rock, Arizona. SEPTEMBER 1,1948