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VASHON ISLAND NEWS YOL. |, | BANKING BY MAIL g SAFE AND PRACTICAL IT ISB ALSO VERY SIMPLE. and if yvou are interested in saving money write us about our system of BANKING BY MAIL, Mnd we will gend you g booklet regarding our Savings Department and its : : 3 : g 2 : $ : : 4 Per Ct. INTEREST DEXTER HORTON & €O., Bankers CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,000,000,00, SEATTLE THE OLDEST BANK IN WASHINGTON : To Trade or Sell Call Us Up and | We Will Do the Rest. VASHON TOWNSITE. CALL AND SEE US ABOUT A LOT AND WE WILL EXPLAIN WHERE YOU CAN MAKE 15 PER CENT. ON A SMALL | INVESTMENT AND ALSO HELP BUILD ‘ DRITHECTOWN: o f e 0 s | Wi ARE AGENTS FOR THE .CELEBRATED (').\"l‘.\lll()i ACETYLENE, (A% GENERATOR, | Raiid T SLS SRS ee b o et Ii you would have the latest and best lighting system known sce| Us at once, | We can give low prices and areange terms. Phone us for ]iril'(')‘.g | VASHON INVESTMENT CO. | Seattle Office, 334 Globe Block, l AP LI e Thomdan i | The H .Harrington Co. a | . ! Horists and Decoraiors All flowers grown on | VYahson Island. | 912 Second Ave. e Seatfic.| 3. C. KLYCE Sunset Muain 158 | W. T. FERGUSON Independent 106 | : l - ' | FERGUNSON KLYCE & (0. | (INCORPORATED) i ; | WHOLESALE FRU!T, VEGETABLES & PRODUCE GENERAL CCOMISSION MERCAHNTS | | We make a specialty of Vashon Berries, Frerr, and VeGrranies| and on account of their excellent quality many of our custemers| demand VASHON products. | Ask the VASHON NEWS about ue. 1 011913 WESTERN AVENUE ) | SEATTLE WASH I VASHON WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1907. Mr. L. C, Beall Jr. ¢ . . brings the first automobile | to Vashon | Island ‘Mr. H. Steef loses first | pldce gl The NEws Vl‘X}l‘ st to laud M, | { H. Steen this \\‘w-t in honor-of his | bringing the figt antomobile to | Vashon Island. {lis miachine how lv\'c-r. Jiag been (l"#l'\'('(l. and now to luur friend L. C. Beall Jr., the pop ular manager of the H. Harrington ‘('n.,.;."fl':*.lll(' lu-lnr." In a large ,hl:wk 12-horse power Franklin, Mr. | Beal! with o parta°of =ix, covered the distance from jthe wharf to the Beall home Wednesduy evening, 'in the record timefof nine minutes, The chauffeur ip charge of the [ln:u'hinu is no ong less than our formerislander Mg J.oA. Hess, now a denionstrater i the Franklin Company, My, Hess will be in charge for a fewldays and will explain to Mr. and Mrs. Beall, the mysteries of theirfnew pet. The News congratulatgs Mr. Beall in his purchase. pok eAR 0 r.._ A A CARD OFfTHANKS We, the undersi',;kl. wish 6 k ok MeET TS T AN TR love and sympathy shown us in the loss of our belovel Father Mr. H. Sniow. Signed; i i Mr. L. L. Snoy, | Mrs. B. Reed. | Mrs, H. Go Ward, | Mrs. W, AL Tideman., | Mrs. T, E. Wilhight. Local News. VASHON Miss Martin spent léfe\\' days last week in Seattle with' Mrs. W. H. Woodworth. : " Mr. W. Garvin hi also bought ano her lot adjoinirg his presei t one, on which he is exeting o home. Mr. and Mrs. Jess [Dennis spent Saturday and Sundor in Seattle. Mr. E. C. Wilsongir genial tele phoue superintender is away on a short visit to Snolomish, where he has gone to visis his parents who have recently arrived from [owa. 7 We are glad to leam that Mr. R. H. Jones ig again on his feet. The Presbyterian and Methodist churches will meet in union me morial services on Sunday at the M. E, Church commemorative of the greatest .'umixv‘irmry of our land. The local company of the G. A. R. will attend in rank and file. Mr. Ray Beebe sustuined a severe knee sprain whila, playing ball vesterday. ~ Mrs. M. J. Robb, of Seattle, is enjoying a visit with her mother, Mis. A. C. Brokaw. Miss Jeannette Brokaw is visit ing with her grandniother, Mrs. A C. Brokaw. | The following guests have regis ft.eml at the Ohio House: Otto |Jullian, J. L. Emmick, Frank C. | Lille, John Munroe, A. Hagwall, A, C. McKintfry, H. Hoffman and [J. J. MeGettigan, of Seattle; Dr. [D. A. Moore, J. Fortume and F, Butler, of Tacoma; J. P. Elsey, George Swain and R. B. Firrell, of Des: Moines; €. C. Cockran, of Pittsburg, Penn. } Miss Lizzie Fox came very near losing her eyesight from the effects i the measles. A very delicate operation was performed in Tacoma and the surgeon says he can save Miss Fox from blindness, Mr. N. Peterson is about to build a large building on his corner lot. We understand there will be a number of office rooms in addition to a spacious meat market. | Mr. Ceith Morrison, an employe at Sherman’s sawmill, met with an ’llnfortunatv accident last Tuesday. | For some unknown reason he had crawled under a planer and his sleeve was caught by a set screw and his arm was twisted about the shaft and badly mangled. Dr, S. Linton, of Burton, was called and upon examination decided that the unfortunate man be taken to Seat tle for treatment. Reports from Seattle state that it was necessary to amputate the right arm at the | clbow, but that the patient has every chance for recovery. ‘ Mr. G. W. Blekkink, sunassisted, eaptured a large swarm of bees that P mm..fiwmmmfimmm nesday. / While Mr. C. A. Barton was driv ing his regular run, carrying the R. F. D. mail from Vashon, one of his horses stepped through a hole in the road and broke its leg, also breaking one wheel off the buggy and doing some damage to the har ness. It occurred on the puncheon road between Mr. B, Reeds and J. \W. Stevensons., Mr. P. R. Merrill, 2 member of the wholesale firm of Ogden, Mer rill & Greer of St. Paul, Minn., is visiting with Rev. W. E, Bates for a few days this week. Mr. Merrill is delighted with the isgland and we hope he will tell his friends of the “Twin City” about this wonder ful island, on his return east. / * Miss Doris Thorston entertained ] ‘a party of her young school friends | 'in honor of her thirteenth birthday ~ last Saturday. Mus. Harrington | 'assisted by Miss Mary Dixon, gave | ‘the young people a pleasant uvcn-\ ‘ing. Many of the young ladies looked very becoming in their new l isp'ring dresses, especially Miss lI)xxon, who wore her new spring |gown lately received from Paris. | After enjoying themselves in play ing games and having a generally good time refreshments were served, | | Before going home the young pm-l ple wished Miss Doris many happy (returns. The names of those prcs-l ent were: The iisses Florum-vg il{ickcrt, Ester Zimmerman, Besgie | | Smart, Helen Gorsuch, Ethel and | May Deppman, Gladys Wolf, Ruth jand Lily Torkelson, Alice Moles, | Ethel and Effie Steen, Margaret | Harmeling and Master ‘Delbert ' Harrington, Glen Wolfe, George Ih'mitl|, Bernie, Kennith and Benny | Bates, Forest Pierce, Paul Thors- I ton, James Thorkelson and Willis | Blekkink, < / DR. LOUIS S. SCHREUDER | Physician and Sargeon 219 PIKE sT, SEATTIR. Oflice honrs 10 to 12—2t0 4 —7 to K. [ Calls to the Islund will he promptly attended to, ! e s T =2 2 . J. Steffenson, l Notary Puablic, ; Insnrance, ’.\ul. for Farmers Mutnal Insnranes Co., | Vasuon, Wasn, E. E. VAN OLINDA JUSTICE OF THE PEACE A FULL LINE OF LEGAL NLANKS Vashon 3 Wash. PHONE 73 F. C. SHANAHAN Piano and organ tuncr Graduate of Polk’s college, Valparaiso, Indiana. VASHON WASH, A STUMP PULLER BARGAIN. [ have an option on a stump puller,‘which expires July 1 next, listed at SIOO, and a deposit of $7 paid on same, which can be bought for $52. By paying me the $7 deposit T will transfer the option ito any one, who cair gend the bal ance due, %45, and ge. the machine. Address Harry E. Boye Lock Box 5, Vashon, Wash. t Last Tuesday the teachers wnd Ipils of oyr scho s With 1 pof '&l’.r‘fi{‘r‘% gh )01, \u.th_?;)%:\__‘}m%\ number of ¢ighty, held a picnic at the beach near Mrs. Van Liew’s. ‘The day was a delightful one and boating and bathing were indulged in.. The menu provided was equal to the demand and every one went home delighted and satified. We have a few Magoon and Mar shall plants for sale, An eight-year old hgrse weighing 1,500 pounds, price $l6O. E. C. THoMP:ON. Mrs. F. W. Gorsuch and her two children, Carol and Genet, went to Charleston,” Wash., yesterday to visit with friends there. They will return on Saturday. Mr. E. E. Deyo has bought two Vashon Townsite lots from the Vashon Investment Co. Mr. A. Belding is teaming this week for F. W. Gorsuch. Mzr. Cutler is at work giving the post-office a new coat of paint. Mr. L. C. Jones and Mrs. Clock of Bellingham were visiting Mr. S. J. Steffenson this week. Miss Angie Markam was over to Tacoma a couple of days last weck visiving her old school friends there. Miss Anna Steffenson spent Sun day at her home in Seattle. Mr. E. C. Thompson has just completed building two new berry sheds to pack his berries in this year. Mr. Thompson says he ex pects about 2,500 crates. Mr. George Heagerty moved into the residence recently occupied by W. Garvin on the corner lot of the Vashon townsite. Mrs. M. J. Robb and baby are spending a couple of weeks at Mrs. Brokaw’s. Subseribe for the News. NO. 3.