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if you have something to sell, advertize it in our want column, VOLUME VIII _ REJSOLVED THAT IT BZATS THE BAND WHAT WE CAN Do WYTH OUR. MONEY BY GOOD JUDGMEN" o s AND MANAGEMENT, IF WE Gu - To THE RIGHT PLACE.WHERE A yoh s THEY KNOW @3 \ NP R\ BUST/EBROVA 8 N\ A 3 "]"' P Q,/f , : U b 7Ry < ~‘,/’(;/-/ ‘ f.( 4 x y L ¢ " 5o A -lé‘y{f? q i \‘\_?(-" ’ :'2.;." * i T el, 8\ gl Wet A P R ‘?‘L__"::-:-u;::’__“?—_;:* ._'!:'P\}::_.‘": ot s e ee, | WHY DOES ONE PLACE BECOME THE RIGHT PLACE? THAT IS SIMPLE. BECAUSE AT THAT PLAGE THEY TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT. HOW? BY GIVING 6ooD GooD.S FOR THE MON EY THEY GET. THE GooDs§ WE SELL ARE GooD; BETTER, BEST--NEVER TRAGSH, WHATEVER PRICE WE MAY CHARGE You, YoU MAY DEPEND UPON IT THAT YoU WILL | AT LEAST GET SOMETHING GooD. YoU CAN No MORE AFFORD To WEAR POOR APPAREL THAN WE CAN AFFORDTO SELL POOR GOOD.S IT WILL HURT oUR REPUTATION. DID You & EVER THINK ABOUT THE VALUE oF WHAT [ OTHER S THINK oF Youy? : THE STORE THAT SERVES YOU BEST ‘7 . Weiss Bros. | BOTH FHONES 4 Tid Bits From West Side The weather is fine; coms in hove, The wharf at Cove was zo con gested with teams Tuesday that there is talk of enlarging the wharf, There were 16 shippers and seven or eight teame lined up with produce and two more on the way. The West Pass Traneportation company is doing fine. It took over the mail contract July lay This gives it still more prestage It has put on another boau to en courage the people to come and live on the Island this hot weath er. The new boat leaves Lisnbeula at 6 a. m. and Seattlo at 530 p. ni. the other two boats ruhning as usual, If one ewallow does not make a summer, how much of a summer will 105 swallows make? On “GOOD MERCHANDISE " Wire Cloth Screen Doors Screen Windows Mosquito Netting Our Stock Is Complete. Com pare the Price C. F. VAN OLINDA, PORTAGE, WASH. “GOOD AMERCHANDI>. o VASHON ISLAND NEW = counting the nests at the Plateau Farmw burn 105 little mad honses were found under the eaves, It is snid swallows bring luck, and if so we will let kome of the gaod people of Vashon have a litile, as we have too much for the good of the paint, Dr. Stockley of Cove had a visit from his gon, Mark A. Stockley, n civil engineer of Winnetka, 111, He war passing through on a busi ness trip, he having to travel of great dewl in his line of work. I wish to thank B. O. Rindall, Georga Holland, George Metean, Miss Thoreen, Mr. Stateland, Mr. Thomson, Mr Klock-tad, Ray Lee wan, algo Pliatean Farm for dona tions to the strawherry festival | hape for more good treats the nex tinme My Teas and Coffee will give you gatisfaction or your money buck. 8. J. Steffenson, VASHON. WASHINGTON. THURSDAY. JULY 2. 1914 VASHON ELECTRIC COMPANY TAKES OVER TELEPHONE SYSTEM Will Make Extensive Improvements and l The Vashon Eleetric Co., The [Nuws has been informed, has en- Mered the telephone and elec trie field on Vaghon, and will com !1 mence at once on the elrryinz out [nf its plulm. [ Itisreported the eompany has ’ml\un over the Tnland Kipire Tels ephone & Telegraph Co s svatam [and in preparing plans to give lln" In\u Islands first cluse telephone (service, hesides the eatablishing of ,' an electrie light and power plant. ‘ The first and most im;mrhml, improvement that will be maile | will b the laving of a new cahle| o long distunce service from nz oint o short distanes nhove Cow- | !hg\.- Lunding aerogs the Sonnd teo Thres Tree Paint. This enble wils e the pattern for snbmaring sep- Vi and s gnarsuteed to give tha people of this Lefand wiiat has| besn long needed, o IDEAL FOR FRUIT IS VASHON ISLAND | This District Will Raise Bettes Than Any Place In West ern Washington, Henry Huff, state horticoitural { ingpector, of Sumner, wag oy Vash: Lon Taland Tuesday looking over the fruit situntion, He spent part of the day tnspecting the orchards from Burton to Vashon and in the afternoon went to Lisnboula, “at which place he took the boat to Tacoma. Mr. Huff is an enthu sinst over Vashon as a froit dis trict. Speaking to a News repre sentative on this question he said ; *Vashon is the best fruit distriot. in Western Washingwon, You peo ple here don’t believe that, do you! Lt is the truth. I have been over the state and outside of Yakims and Wenatchee there are no better npples raised in the state than o Vashon. The soil here is ideal fo, producing a good fruit, with the finest Huvor. Then for pears none can compare with the quality thal 18 produced here. Your cherries are unexcelled any were, “But your great drawback i the Lwk of interest by the averag grower and failure to introduce modern methods in prowing the product and inetliciency in spray ing. Your people should get to gether and study the methods of the successful growers in other 1;):1rts of the state. If they do this they will succeed. *1 notice the cherry leaf slug is appearing here To prevent it from damaging the troe for next sea son's erop the orchards should be sprayed at once. Arsenate of lenn is the best remady and use plenty of it. Tell your growers to spray now, and don't put it off.” MRS. FULLER FOUND. Discovered Working In a Home In Tacoma. Mrs, Maud Fuller, wife of Hiran Fuller, the F.11i.-np;')rt gtorekeeper, has been located. After her sud den disappearance in the early part of April no trace of her was fonnd till last week when it was learned that she was working in the home of a well to do family in Tacoma. It is understood that she will not return. You will snve money by} buying your fruit jars at Steffen=on’s cash store. Build Power Plant. Alter this cable 18 Tnid the entir )l‘land systam will be pat n [kt claes condition. A I.y insu lated cable will be strung from the worth to the south end of Vashon %»nd with an extension to Muury fland, Lateral lines will be iirnng from thix eable to every wettlement on the two lelands and mide wvailable to every funmer enratite, ... g 3 Yhe compang will build a power piant on Quartermaster harlor at A point yet to he determived on between Burton nnd Portage, The plant will be of aniple gize to fur inli all the juice neceessary 1o ne i mmodate the two lelands for u Big time to goime, - The Islands will be wired to all parte for the teansmiission of eur. Fant for power and ighting, th i;‘rn\'inlmg the apportunity o frery resident to gt service win Bl be at o winimum cost. s 4 PAILWAY EXTENSION - TO THREE TREE POING Roadbed Ready for Track Laying InSix Weeks - Prospects for Ferry Bright. Work hae been commenced on the extension of the Liake Burien atrect car line from its presant terminug to Three Tree Point, op posite the Vashon whart, A Jarge gang of men is at work n'the grade, which {s expected ti he finished in about 40 days. The distance to build iz two and one half miles over some very rough iground, but & good grade down to thé water will be maintained, ? |~ Thix line s being constructed by !the owners of Threa Tree Point property. They made a proposi tion to construct the railway and turn it over to the city of Seattle clear of incumbrance and without cost providing the city would op lerate ite cars over it, As the cily |nwns the Luks Burien line, it ac lcvp(ed the offer last week, The owners of the land immediately commenced work on the extension and &y they will be ready for the track laying in six weeks, } It is the expectation of the Port ‘,Cmnminfiinn, working in conjunc tion with the eity of Seattle, to establish a ferry hetween Three Tree Point and the Yashon wharf, the matter having been favorably settled by a vote of the people lagt winter giving authority to proceed with the undertaking. So fir the commission has done noth ing except 10 consider plans and Way< and weans of carrying out the projreet. The defay on the part of the combii-sion wak caused muinly by the t‘.if_\".- refusal at present o ex tend Lake Burien line to the wal erfront. Bat now that this \\|i|? be an accomplished fact soon it is the commission will haye o fur ther reason to delay. When it s established Vashon will have a were direct and quicker conimnni eation to the city with an houriy seryice. | The Cannery Store Has Stokes [ce Cream at ol times. A thermos box that will keep Tee Cream from .3 to 5 hours can he seguired with each purchase. Soda fountain open everv day aund nizht. Fine line of candies and shelled nuts. Vashon'lzland Fruit (.. 913 At Vasnon Whard, = ) Pleasant Surroundings: Almost everyone prefers a meal with Feautiful crvi-or menls. A room with artislic appointments—-nice pecple, good orchestra with the certoin knowledge that the food | absolutely clean and wholesome and reasonable i pii and in keeping with the surrounairys. Such a plece s 1. Frazer-Patlerson Scenic Tea Room, If vou visit i/ plus once you will come again. You will be made welcon e, Clare 5. Colegrove Proprietor Northold Farm, Vashon Island d Fraser-Paterson Tea Room Sixth Floor, Fraser Paterson Store SEATTLE, W N, WITHDRAWING NAMES Hundreds Are Signing Blanks On Commissioners Recall Hundreds of namea have Leen withdrawn during the past week from the petitions for the recall of County Commissioners Hamilton and Knundson, Ever gince the huginess en's anti recall com }lnvtlm- took up *his work and opened headguoriers at 415 Ori sntal building, Seattle, large num-‘ bars of citizens Liave been filling out the hlanks which »sk llm’ oottty anditor to strike their names from the petitions when | they are filed with him. ( | Itis evident that a great ma jority of those who kigned did so i curelegsriess; indifference, s tuder a misapprehengion of facts For example, only a few of them vealized uatal THl6ly thii w ‘re il Hamilton and Knudson would re quire a special eléction at a cost to the county of ahout $50,000, und this with the regular primuries atid eleetion elope at hand this fall. Taxpayers over the connty have heen coming to tue fl'unl; with strong protest againgt this hig and ueeless expense, and the P Loand Times have taken a firn stand ngainst it, The Times i< enrvving duily ons of the withdrawal blahks which citizens who now reslize that they made a mistake in =igning the ro anll petitions may il out and cend to the county auditor. Similar blanks way be had at the Oriental building headquarters or will mailed to any one who widd eall up Eihiott 5482 Commigsioner amilton I<sied a formal statement thi= week in i *q2 Vet gy T Recall Patition Nam: Withdrawal Blank | Date. . A v Byron Phelps, County Auditar, Seattle, Wesh. Dear Sir: |, the undarsigned, havin: ! erctaliie sisied a petition for the recall of County Commniiss'a: ers Knudien ard Hamilton, do by means of this writien communicaiion heroby direct and ccmmand that my hame < rokon Lene pe tition and not counted in favor of said recall. | Name | Aldresr_ : Polling Pracinct e rmaries e e csmreveen Imm**’*m**"f+m*h°'r+++**'l--i-‘!")"!") PR F v "'l"#'s'3': i Cove General Merchandis> “tor! # i Love General Merchandise ‘tone! % ¥ e e ; & ok { : ] TR jis This store carries a full line of fresh Grocerics, I ¥ Flour and Feed also Blasting Powder, Caps nd * t Fuse. Agentfor De Laval Cream Separators. ‘ 3 Free Delivery to any part of > i the Island. Courleous treatment - + at all times i | . | 3 i E. O. RINDAL, 3 £y P ; !35 COVE, WASH. West Side Va-hon faland & SEEFPEFTEEPEEF PR R e bRt PR D@ bl fof o b F g b Bav that gon saw it in the News, NUMBER 1 "which he arraigng Copinissivg oy ‘\l.'l\'o'-;zir anil e geal Ceviatis jpartnar Qobert Pridpes ox oliog promoters Gf the vecall v t In'vll Cites dheree rlds of the gonoty Comudsaioner’s ofßes o ove that MeKenzie ling been tis aige Hep s gent and valoelass mieniher of (hy bosrd, Hoanlton declares thot it any one can show where by grafted a dollar while i office op has beer in wny way anfaithifol 1o his publie trust he will give SIOOO cash to the man furuishing i evidence wid will sustantis resic from the oftice. Ho naintaiog that if the roenilers Huve anyiting to show against b thir ik phe way it shold he done aod thy connty apired the bt eont of a speciu] wlection, : SUMMER ASSEMELY. Y, P. B U To Meet: clon ’-y B Lhus Year, ity oA l Th£ dumuier. agrembily of Sthg Young Pecple’s Baptint Uiion, in connection with the Migi<ters and Laymens Institute, will be Lold ot Il{nrhn. Angust Bth o the 151 N, Phis is the apnund gatherineof e 'H. Yiab Uit Western Waslnig ton, and plmnin'-s 1o be g by oun ! Fhe ganiy will be Ssiiated on o wooded peninsula hont aol iniie from Burton, overlonkng 1l waters of Poget Sonad gid 0 o termaster bavhor, Mo dyona bl vumediatelv i front of the eniep is admirahiy adapied 1o recreating and pleasure TThe assemby and institute will be apen Lo every one interested v the worl, No Daace. There will be dio danesnt Bay View pavilion next Satard o iy gies conit of the Mo tumerg bosta <1