o Before-the-War Price We bought our winter supply of Cotton Blankets and Quting Flannels before the advance and are in a position to save you money on them, 60 by 76 Heavy Blankets at $1.35 per pee Amoskeag Outing at old price, 1256 rer yan We also have on hand a large line of Wool & Cotton HOSE & UNDERWEAR AT OLD PRICE. Come in and see them or phone your wants and we will deliver them with your next order, Phone Ind. 152. “The store that serves you best.” VASHON E. J. Kerl has recently pur chased a 'Regal® car. H. G. Ward and family are en joying a new car purchased re. cently. Jay N. Robb motored over from Seattle via the ferry on Tuesday. Chas. Deppman in now the owner of a ‘‘Mack" truck, Rev. Murray has been ill for several days, but is reported to he improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Butts of Glen Acres were among the Scat tle visitors Saturday. Keep in mind the concert to be given Tuesday evening, Nov. 28/ in the Presbyterlan church. The M, €. Ladies’ Aid have for sale a nice home-made com forter. Price reasonable. lln quire of Mrs. . M. Jones. Mrs, K. H. Gorsuch and little son Sandy returned Saturday evening from a visit with friends at Rolling Bay and Seattle, Mr. and Myrs. Wallace Beall are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a son at their home on Saturday, Nov. 18, Miss Pearl Richards of Vashon and Mr. Earl Geyer of Tacoma were united in marriage in Seat tle, Wednesday, Nov. 15. The voung people will make their home at Tracy. W 8. Danner has disposed of his 10-acre tract west of Vashon to Roderick Thurston, who ex pects to clear the same and other wise improve it this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gorsuch of Ferndale are the proud parents of a son born November 20, The baby has bheen christened How ard Case, Miss Amelia Ericlkson, of South Dakota, is visiting with her aunt. Mrs. L. Stevenson, Glen Acres, this week. Also, Miss Mary Led letter, Ellen and Frederick Ste venson, of Seattle, were week end visitors at her home. Saturhau Sperials 1 pound best Japan Tea, . 40c 1 pound can Pork and Beans, . 10c 15-cent can Quaker Hominy, . 10c Remember, We Carry a Full Line of Hay, Grain and Feed. Comeinand DAVID GAMMELL, S=29®. oon get acquainted. “The Store That Saves You Money'’ Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Giltillan are rejoicing over the birth of a son, who arrived last Saturday, Nov. IR, Rev. W. E. Bates and Mrs. Bates of Tacoma visited with Vashon friends on Tuesday and i Wednesday. - The condition of J. G. Dußois is reported to he somewhat im proved. Miss Lillian Steinbach return ed Sunday from Tacoma, where she had been visiting friends over the week end. A bunch of beautiful chrysan themums from the Beall green houses grace ye editor’s humble sanctum and are appreciated. My, and Mrs. J. V. Mollett and little daughter of Tacoma return ed home Saturday after.a week’s visit with Mrs. Mollett’s parents, Mz, and Mrs. R, M. Jones, Mr. Phil Kinzer, a cousin of Mrs, H. M. Whinery, was a visit or to the Island on Tuesday. Mr, Kinzer is general manager of all the milic condensers in the west and expects to secure some busi ness on the Islands. Attention is called to the fine showing made in the financial re port of the Vashon State Bank in another colmmnn. The Ladies’ Aid of the .M. E. church will give a social in the Log church, Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 25, from 2 t04:30, in honor of Mrs. F. E. Gilbert and daugh ter who are soon to remove to Seattle. Last Sunday Dr. McKibben of Kirkland was & visitor on the Is land and we hope since the ferry is making regular {rips that he will find his way to the Island often. L. C. Beall, jr., and R. K. Car ver motored to Seattle, Tuesday, via the ferry, with a load of strictly fresh eggs for their city trade from their respective poul try ranches, and had the distine tion of securing suto ticket No. 1 and passenger ticket No. 1 on the ferry. CHURCH ANXOUNCEMENTS METHODIST CHURCH The morning subject will be, “Our Burdens.” Inthe evening the pastor will begin a series of sermons on the Three-fold Per sonality of Jesus, the first being, “Jesus Our Lawgiver,” Thanksgiving Concert Following is the program to be given in the Presbyterian church, Vashon, on Tuesday evening, November 28th, begin ning at eight o'clock., There will be no charge for admission, but an offering will be received: Piano and Mandolin Duet .. .. selected Misses Efie and Pearl Steen Ladies’ Quartette, “Praise God in His Sanctuary® . ....... E S Lorenz Mrs, Hedrick, Misses Dick, Philiips and Harmeling Choir, *Sing Unto the Lord" ... Emer son Bass Soelo, Mr, Arvthur Gilfillan ocal Solo, “My Days Are in His | AR A d/s e s Cex pAL Miss Nellie Dick. Violin accompan tment by Me, Bert Stanley Violin 8010 s, veiiunsseeans. . Selected Murs. Marvie 88, Slattery Ladies' Quartette, Tt is a Good Thing te Give Thanks”. Ira B, Wilson Voeal Solo, A Hymn of Thanksgiv- Mr. Carver L Voeal Duet, **l Waited For the Lord™ «vvoee . Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Miss Dick, Mrs. Hedrick Ladies' Quartette, O, Shepherd of Is- TR UV ia s s ohiva e s MOFMISOR Cholr, “Praise Ye Jehovah' .. Heyser T O A L ASRAS SVe Congregation Keep This Date in Mind There will be a motion picture entertainment in the Presbyter ian Church on Thursday even ing, November 30, for the benefit of the Boy Scouts and the Y., M, C. A, A small admission fee will be charged. Everyone come. Bring the kiddies; for who love the movies better than they? ROTICE This is to advise old customers and new that I am now located at my old stand and am prepared to do general blacksmithing, horseshoeing, wagon and repair work to your satisfaction as here tofore. B. Steinbach. 0.5-6.7 Poultry Expert Visits Islands A. A. Giersch, superintendent of the Seattle-King County Poul try Association, was a recent vis itor to the Islands for the pur. pose of looking over the poultry sitittition and also inspecting some of the birds raised here. Mr. Giersch expressed his con fidence in the future of the Is lands by stating they would ul timately be the poultry center of the great Northwest as Petaluma, ‘Culifomia, has been of that sec tion. He also stated that the Seattle-King County Association, which will hold its seventeenth annual exhibit in Seattle on Dec. 4.9, 1916, has started an innova tion by exhibiting and judging on the Hogan plan for egg pro duction. - Mr. Giersch owns a valuable tract of ten acres on the Island. Ar Open Meeting The first open meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held in the hall Tuesday evening. Rev. Gailey gave a very interesting and in- SELUCHIVE Wth Uil S ÜBOIY . A male quartette, composed of Messrs, J. W, and R. K. Carver, Bruce Hedrick and Edward Har | meling, pleased the sudience with several vocal selections. The large number present was indica. tive of the interest the commu nity is taking in the organization. Wanking by Mail Banking by mail i 8 often thot trouble. some. This is because people think that sending a deposit necessitates a letter with it. That is not the case, tho, Merely enclose your checks, prop erly endorsed, in an envelope and mail. We verify the amount of the deposit by a return receipt if you so desire. VASHON STATE BANK Ye People of Vashon Mr. Theodore Mansfield, or, as he is better known, ‘Ted,” was the first man to run an auto truck orany conveyance for tran sportation of goods or people for the accommadation of the resi dents of Vashon Island. Ted has always endeavored to give complete satisfaction to Vashon Islanders. If Vashon residents over expect this Island to become a prominent place it would seem to be advisable to remain loyal to men who have in the past given satisfactory service, If business pays, it is said Ted ex pects to put on a larger truck. To a few "‘boosters’ it seems we should *‘Stick to the One Whom We Know Can Be Trusted’” and not try every “‘newcomer’ and leave the “‘old timers,” for we may be sadly mistaken in jump ing to conclusions. A Vashon Booster, (Offieial Publication) REPORT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE lacated at Vashon, State of Washing ton, at the close of business on the 17th day of November, 1916: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ... ......$53,071..96 OVAMAPALES, o I T slaas s 20,45 Bonds, Warrants and other L Recurities L 14413281 Banking House, Furniture and RRN (08 55 Sl Ae s a 0 OO ‘()lhl"‘ Real Estate owned. ... 4,478.80 Due from Banks . ............ 1475409 Cashon hand................ 2370.49 TRXDANSAR TN S R eG3R 6 | TOtal . oaenvenbaians oe e 804,020,76 } LIABILITIES | Capital stock paidin........$ 10,000.00 Surplus Fund............... 2,000.00 Undivided Profits. .......... 1L196.73 DEP051T5................. 80,824.03 oAI =S iR s N 94.(1’.!(!.'}01 State of Washington, County of King, ss, ‘ I, T. Hansen, eashicr of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that J the foregoing statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. i T. Hansen, Cashicr. ‘ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of November, 1916, 8. J. Steffenson, Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, residing at Vashon. | Correct. Attest: L, W, Lewis, W. B. Shoemaker, ' Directors, | V NELS PETERSEN, Proprietor Fresh, Salt, and Cured Meats Phone Ind. 2311 “Nothing But the Best”’ VASHON GARAGE.... We do all kinds of Auto Repair Work A full line of Ford Parts ...,,,,,..., Automobile Accessories Pipe Cutting and Fitting ............... GASOLINE and OIL AUTOMOBILE SERVICE, DAY AND NIGHT Thompson & Williams, proprietors Phone 173 Vashon, Wash. Classified Advertisements Five cents per line (count six words to the linel, Minimum rate 20¢, cash in advance, Remit stamps or M, O, For SALE--2 good milk cows, heifer calf, a good buggy and harness, SIOO.OO cash. Box 52, Portage, Wash. For SaLE- Perfection currant bushes, Oregon Champion gooseberry bushes; two year stock. Prices right. P, Mec- Cormick, Vashon Center, P.O. Portage, Wash. 0.2.5 WanrteD - Beef cattle, veal calf, and hogs. Maury Store, Wm. Bush. Phone Red 165. et WA eB IR ee S ['or RENT OR SALE —A Good house; splendid fireplace, A, Harstad, Vashon. 2 For SALE - Two or three horses, harness and one heavy wagon. Phone Ind. 206. 0-345 For SarLe A few selected White Leghorn cockerals, Tancred or Hogun breeding; very heavy laying strain. L. C. Beall, jr. 8 For Savte- Good cow. Will be fresh in January. Cail or phone Ind. 167, Gilbert Olson. 5 REG. ROLSTEIN BULL Service $2.00 Cash Registration papers shown | on regquoest ; The Beall Greenhouse Company Phone ma 167 For Prompt Auto Service Meet All Boats. GILBERT OLSON Vashon Isld. Wood Yard All Sizes Fuel Wood Orders will bhe promptly filled and delivered to all points near Vashon. Phone Ind. 208 EDWARD ZARTH Our Job Printing Is Right Up to Date