Newspaper Page Text
THE TIMES: AUGUST 15, 1913 15 W ords 15c XSrmi'c's Clsi Adl Phone 1208 AMBULANCES AMBULANCES Invalid car and limousines. Charge reasonable). James T. Rouike. 1295 Main St. phone Barnum 6409. D 7 dl ANIMALS ALL KINDS of fancy pigeons; also high flyers and homers for sale. Bridgeport Bird Store. 963 East Main St., near Barnum Av. P13 Ml COURTNEY & WHELAHAN, dealer i toBold fish. Angora cats, singing , nunar Milnini nnrrai& tieLUliUl iwi and Flemish gianu. 116 Wall St., up . tair. RS all" BIRDS, rabbits, Guinea pig. Pj tock bought and sold; agent for pet tock Journal. York's Animal store. 998 Pembroke Bt. aH ASHES REMOVED 'ASHES taken away, rubbish removed. Cellars cleaned to your entire satis faction; also light trucking. Prli:e" reasonable. I. Borenstein. Pewey fit. Barnum 3312 A6HE8 REMOVED to your entire sat isfaotlon: yards cleaned.' Rubbish removed at low prices. James AU op. KS Tom Tnumo Bt., rear. 1478-4. A 19 alt AUCTIONEER pnflT.T, XOUR Furniture, Antiques, books, show cases, stoves, Junk, merchandise to Daniel P. Keana. 1316 Main St. Phone Bar aum. B 14 all" AUTOMOBILES AUL KINDS' of automobiles or motor trucks wanted in exchange for first mortgages paying (76 every month, together with Interest. Apply Grim. if wood, 627 Fairfield Ave. after 6. Barnum 3071-4. L9di CHALMERS, 1913. touring car, self fnrtrr. electric ' lights. $250. Three Ford one ton trucks, $400 each. Storage $7 per month. Repairing, ..' Tv,ann- Rears. Madison Garage, 1084 Madison Ave., sdovb wijhui ;, Ave. P31 at' fjELL YOUR OLD CAR to Bridgeport Auto Wrecking Co., George and Center St. Phone Barnum 658 6-2. , Full line second hand parts and ' tires on hand. V 10 all' ALL KINDS of second hand automo biles for sale here. Call at 54 Gll- :. bert St. Ask for S. C. Brown. Bridgeport. R 24 all USED FORD CARS bought and sold. Always a few in stock. Autos re , paired. All work guaranteed; 1 Packard bus for sale cheap. Bur " rough St. Garage, Cor East Main St.. Bridgeport. U 1 aP AUTOMOBILE windshield and body glass set In colored glass and lamp - repairing. Auto Lamp Repair Shop. 164 Elm St. Phone. A 80 all" METZ CARS (the 1917 Wonder) 1 speeds forward. $595, touring car or runabout. One Ton Truck $695. City Auto Co.. Fairfield & West ATM. H 2 all" AUTO BODIES WE HAVE a large stock of open and closed Ford delivery bodies for Ford cars ready to mount on chas sis. Metropolitan Auto & Carriage Co.. 484 Grand St. Phone. Barnum 2362. A4 all" AUTO TRUCKS AUTO TRUCKS of every description from 8-4 to 5 ton. new and sec ond hand. Hall. 303. City Pavings Bank Bldg. P 80 air AUTO TRUCKING TRUCKING Ross Farrar, trucking and ash carting done at short notice. 18 Reservoir Ave., Bar. 481-12. U26 a" LIGHT AUTO TRUCKING Local and long distance, reasonable price. 261 State St. Tel. Bar. 1084 R2 a AUTO Light and heavy trucking, long distance furniture and piano moving. A. B. Hayduck. 360 Madl son Ave. Tel. Bar. 4377. R2 a' AUTO TRUCKING end furniture moving, local and lone distance rates reasonable. Peter Miller, 21 I Jones Ave. Phone Barnum 7383 D7 all" LOCAL AND LONG distance truek- Ins, moving ana general tracking, Excursion parties taken out- D, Maetrony. Telephone Barnum 7684. ! 0 Capitol Ave. D 30 all AUTO REPAIRING OLD AUTOS made to run like new and look like new. All work guar anteed. Overhauling and painting. " D. Gallant South End Garage, 188 South Ave. L6 a 'ALL AROUND automobile repairing and overhauling; work guaranteed. i Elmwood Garage, 65 Elm wood Ave. J. MMdlebrook. Phone Barnum 2989. P31 dt AUTOMOBILE PAINTERS We paint automobile coaches, carrl ages, trucks, vans, carts and- wag- ona M. C. ana J. a. pratt. near, 157 Stratford Ave. P 12 tf FORD SPECIALIST. We repair ev erythlng In Ford cars. Thorough overhauling, workmanship cuaran. teed. Buy and sell ears. Postol Bros. 248 Norman Bt B 26 a AUTO REPAIRING of every descrip tion. No Job too difficult Mag neto and bearine work a specialty, Expert Motor Cap Repair Co., 224 Charles St Barnum 4939. T 13 all AUTO ACCESSORIES OLD TIRES built over to double a vice, tires $3 and up. 2 in 1 Tire Co, 1619 State St Bar. 2627. D12 a" TIRES 4 32x4 straight side, good hap $20; 1 1-4 In. Stromberg car uretor, splltdorf magneto, $5. Gunr ser, 320 Connecticut Ave. R 29 tf GREAT SALE of Automobile Urea U. 8. Miller, columbta, AJas, Good year: 20x3 $9; $0x3 $11.50; 30x1 1-3 $14; 11x4 $22; 22x4 $20.60; 33x4 (24.60; (4x4 $30. 1192 Stat St B 1 all" AUTOMOBILE supplies, tires, vulca nizing and battery charging. Com plete stock of Ford specialties and parts. Selected line of 'factory sec onds In leading and makes tires, Ashmore Auto Supply Co., 63 Sterl Ing Bt 8 11 all BAKERY ASK YOUR GROCER for Eisen mann's bread and cakes for sale by all leading grocera Bakery 647 Pembroke St, Bridgeport. R24 all NEW HOME BAKERY. Home made pies and bakery goods lias Grandma used to make. We can make to your order Birthday or Redding cakes that will suit your pocketbook and taste. 1737 North Main St. B 7 a" MULLIGAN'S BAKERY The best In everything In the art of baking. 94 Harral Ave, Tel. -Barnum 682L BAKERY, (Continued.) ASK TOUR GROCER lor Elsenman'i. Bread and cakes for sale by all leading grocers. Bakery 647 Pem broke street. Bridgeport. Rio all BLACKSMITUIN G GENERAL blacksmlthlng. forging, iron, steel work. All kinds tools sharpened and wagon repairing, 128 North Washington Ave. U12. all BANQUET HAUi AND GROUNDS - - cnuuxuA n n . --- lodges, societies churches. . etc. Accommodation for 300 or more people. Orchestra music ior special occasions. Shore dinners and everything in season. Large grounds or picnic parties. Brook lawn Ave., near Suburban Aye. Phone Barnum 2761 P13 ail CHIROPRACTIC - NATEKJiOPArHS Dr. H. F. Pope; Dr. B. T. Wetherbe, Chtropractlc-Natureopatn, mens building. Room 107. entrance 138 Fairfield avenue. Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., 1:80 to 6 p. m-, 7 to 8 p. nx Clpsed Thursday and Saturday even lngs. Bridgeport. Conn. Tel. 8474.. CIRCULATING LIBRARY CIRCULATING LIBRARY, 50,000 books Fiction, history, travel, ed ucation; can exchange for one-half cent a day. Scalley, 403 State St. Rll aj COUPON EXCHANGE BRING YOUR ASSORTED COUPONS to us. We redeem for cash or valuable presents. We buy, sell and exchange. Highest prices paid. ft. & K Premium Exchange. 1719 Main St. Barnum 4747. B28 all" CLAIRVOYANT MADAME CLARE, honest, reliable reader, clairvoyant, palmistry and card reading, 1351 State street, near Howard. L20 'tf MRS. LEVY, readings 2 Be aiid SOo. Telephone 5552. 1152 Madison Ave., formerly of 674 Madison Ave. D16tf COLLECTIONS DEPUTY SHERIFF P. J. Rellly Tel. Barnum 3376, Room 202, Meigs Building. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. We make a specialty of collections for business houses at special rates. A 21 all" CO STUMERS THE ELITE CO., costumes to rent for balls, parties, entertainments. Full drees suits to rent. 118 Bank. St. toarnmn 1612. A18 all" CORSET STOKE. CONSULT US as to your corset needs. we carry corsets to fit all forms, a complete line, all leading makes and sty lea. 189 Fairfield Ave. A4 afl CUSTOM TAILORING. SUITS TO ORDER Suits to suit your purse; cleaning, pressing, repairing. C. Driscoll, 128 State St. Second door from Main St. A23 alt' MICKELSON. the well known tailor has removed to 104 Bank St. Clean ing, pressing, repairing. Full dress suits to rent S6 all" SUITS TO ORDER $20. French-clean ing, nriifis mnnir nr. new lau and winter n'tvlea here to select from. Call and be convinced. Green, blatt, the tailor. 1987 Main St. Bar num 1629-12. D27 all DENTISTRY DR. A. HARTSTEIN has opened a new branch office at 1073 East Main street corner Arctic. Office Is equipped with every modern ap pliance known to dentistry. All work done at moderate prices. Main office 1220 State St.. corner Clinton Ave. Barnum 6454. S 2 a" DR. M. J. BLU1IE. The Anageslo Dentist In the Aroade, Room 21, Hours 9 a. ro. to 8 p. m. Phona 6093-3. B 30 dS DELICATESSEN NEW STORE JUST OPENED. New York meats and bolognas of all kinds. All kinds of home made sal ads and other home cooking. Bread, cakes and pastry. Sinclair's Delica tessen Store. Vfi4 Main Ft nar North Ave. Barnum 900. S6 all DYEING AND CLEANING. FOR GOOD WORK and prompt ser vice teiepnone .Barnum 1087-2-3, Belloon Dye Works, 554 State St. Pressing and repairing. R81 al So GLOVES CLEANED 5c Clean ing and dyeing all kinds. Ameri can Dyeing and Cleaning Co. Tel. 1028-4. Office 69 Cannon St U 10 tf tl. LYNGE. 8team Dyeing and Clean ing Co., (formerly the Bridgeport Dyeing and Cleaning Co.) works and office 292 State St H. Lynge. Prop., Phono 4785. T26 a CRYSTAL CLEANING. DYEING AND PRESSING WORKS. Goods called for and delivered. Satisfaction guar anteed. Telephone Barnum 1365, 342 James St. R29 all DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. Make your own garments; expert de signs; instructor will open private classes; 6 ladies each; subject Cut ting. Fitting. Practical Dressmaking at your residence; lesson 75c. Call 46 Cannon street Dressmaking tscnooi. 114 as' ELASTIC STOCKINGS (TRUSSES. Abdominal Belts, should er braces, rubber sheeting, hot water bottles. Sick Room Supply Co. 21 Cannon St., upstairs. Barnum 2144-3 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES tSOOD POSITIONS for competent and well recommended housemaids for prlvatef amines only. Berg's Em ployment Agency, 666 State St Barnum 2333. R. 33 all" FARMS FOR SALE. LAKE AND FARMS FOR 8 ALB or exchange. Farms from (750 up. Also one and two family houses in all parts of the city. O. E. Morgan, 16 Chairon St.. Barnum 6692. BLACK ROCK near Fairfield avenue z lots each 50 x about 180, price $676. Part cash. Loller, 83 Jairfieid Ave. Room 101. T29 a" LOTS FOR SALE We have for sale. Sixteen lota on North Main street. Thompson, Yeomans & Svhira, Inc. Newfield Building, Barnum 467 FARMS FOR SALE 116 Acres of good land.irrow anything. $950. $600 cash paymont: (6 acres, good 7 room house and other out building; (1.200, $700 payment; 26 acres 11 room house and barn, $1,600, (50 payment; 200 acres good set build lngs, $6,00. Casey, (07 Conn. Nat. Bonk Bldg. TeL Nobla-297. PI 5 tt FARMS FOB SALE, (Continued) FARMS We got several dairy, chick en and trucking farms within easy driving distance from this city or vicinity. Call at once for Informa tion, rel 2254-2. Office 781 Arctio St corner Hallet A6 all" EXPRESS J.W. MARRON Expressing and light moving to all parts of the city; ratei reasonable. 119 Wlliard St. Phono B. 7648. R20 a" FLORIST BROOKLAWN. CONSERVATORIES Choice flowers for weddings, funer als, birthdays and all other occa sions. No city store. Telephone Julius Reck. Barnum lS9n, P13 lla FOR SALE OK EX CHAN GK LET US exchange something you want for something you don't want. Mil ford Realty Co., Room 207 Conn. National Bank Building. Phone Bar num 1036. H26 "tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Two 37x5, one 36x4 tires; bargain. Call 1655 East Main St. LI 3 sp FOR SALE Selling out Poultry fix tures. CvDhers Incubator and brooders, feeding troughs and ma chinery. Perfect condition. Oster bout. 30 Hollister Ave. Barnum 6016-12. S13 a RESTAURANT Coal range, three sections, 10 foot long, large gas cake gridle, broiler, cabinet, ward robes cafe summer half doors. Royai Hotel. S26 a FOR SALE Seven passenger Chal mers 1916 model In good running condition $700; in good paint; alco Ford commercial car. Ideal Garas 170 Thompson St. Phone Barnum 4986-6. S24 'tf HOUSES FOR SALE Watson wag ons, double dump carts, doubletrucks with harness, single carts, harness. James Doolan and Son. Frank St. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, for sale, lowest price in city. Electrical con tracting. Phone Barnum 7904. Chaa Krason. 38 Pleasant St. Call even ings, Dl all FOOT SPECIALIST ' DR. MANSFIELD. FOOT SPECIAL IST. 1107 Main St.. over Dillon's, cures bunions, callouses pared, 69 cents. I still practice the famous Mansfield Method which cures. Open afternoons and Sundays. FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS 104 Bank St.. centrally located: single beds. double and single rooms; light housekeeping rooms; transients ac commodated. Enquire Stevenson. PU a8 NICELY FURNISHED room to rent in private family. Two gentlemen preferred. Board. Reference re quired. 61 Sherwood Ave., near Fairfield Ave. R21 "tf ROOM TO RENT for two young men; board; 12 minutes from center of city. Address Room, care Times. GLASS. BEE THE BRIDGEPORT GLASS CO. Glaziers for Frerch and American window, mirror, picture and show case glass. 21 Middle St Phone 4666 S 8 st COHEN'S GLASS STORE Plrte glass, window glass and bent glass for show cases; glass top for fur niture; Mirrors Made to Order and Resllvered. 860 State St., Bridge port. Conn. Telephone Barnum 3681. G10 tf HAND LAUNDRY MO SOILED or damaged goods by our work. Specialty in ladies' washing. Dyeing and cleaning. French-American Hand Laundry. 243 Fairfield Ave. t Til, at HAT MANUFACTURER KEN'S Soft and Stiff Hats at factor) special price $1.00. liats to oraer a specialty. All kinds. Ladles' and men's hats renovated, latest style. Meath's Hat Shop, 109 Bank St., be tween Main and Broad. UDstaira HAT RENOVATING GET YOUR OLD HATS cleaned, blocked and remodeled to latest styles; new shapes every month; prices reasonable: Panama bleach ing. Royal Hat Renovating. 1273 Main St. opp. Poli's Phone Noble 604 HARDWARE STOKE !WE HAVE purchased the store known as Coester Bros, at Bulls Head. We handle one of the finest stocks of hardware, and enamel ware in Bridgeport Wm. M. Stuart, 1644-1650 Main St Barnum 386S-3. S 2 all HAIR DRESSING HAIR DRESSING Hair goods, Marl- neuo creams ana Powders, Sham pooing, etc., Sarah Raycroft 83 Fairfield Ave., 2&6 Warner Bldg. Phone Bar. 953. H24 tf HAIR MAKER Switches, transfor mations, psyches and puffs made from combings; combings bought; switches for sale; rea-onable pricea Mrs. George Patrick. 271 State St. MEN 25 wanted, paid daily taking orders, collecting bonuses paid; eieauy, independent employment, all liationaliues employed. Stevensons, 104 Bank street G20 tf LEARN TO READ blue print My book guaranteed to teach you to read drawings like a newspaper; only costs a dollar. Eugene Kane, 19 Carroll St:, Chelsea, Mass. ALL KINDS OF MEN to work in fac tory and farms. Call U. S. Employ ment Office, 803 Fairfield Ave. No charge for our services; Rll tf IF YOU WANT HELP of any kind apply to tne u. 8. Employment Ser vice. 303 Fairfield Ave. R3 "tf MACHINSTS AND LATHE HANDS wanted. Apply Standard Oil En gine Co.. foot of Seaview Ave. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Watchman: good refer encea Apply Employment Office. The Warner Bros. Co. LI 4 s WANTED Two boys to tearn plumb ing trade. Apply 150 Elm St L12tf A SALES REPRESENTATIVE A large established manufacturer, na tional advertiser, needs a responsi ble energetic man to represent them in this territory. Give bank or bus iness references, selling experience if any. E. C. Powers. 450 Fourth Ave., New York City: B 12 tf 2 4 6 HELP WANTEoJ FEMALE. WOMEN WANTED to work in fac tories and offices. Call at U. S. Employment Office, 303 Fairfield Are. No charge for our. services. HOUSES FOR SALE, (Continued) HOUSES FOR SALE FOR BALE: West End, two-family house, lo rooms. Price $3,500; part cash. Box G, this office. G26 tf FOR SALES Cottage, 6 rooms, all Im provements; also about 30 building lots; good building proposition. Ju lius Tesiny. 1119 Broad St. D8 "tf EAST END New two family, 10 Rooms, improvements, rents $50, now vacant; bargain price; your rent will buy it. Lamson, 2879 Fairfield Ave LI 3 sp MADISON AVE., near Main St.. 15 room house, newly decorated, elec tric lights, gas, bath on each floor, good heating system. Price $5,700, $l,20o cash. This property ,-ust be sold as owner is leaving town May 1st. J. I. Andersoon, 696 Fair- I field Ave., near Park Ave. G5 "tf BRIDGEPORT TURNPIKE 8 room house, all Improvements, barn, or chard, 3 acres of garden, $6,500; cash $2,000. F. Pisarek, 96 South Ave. Ull a FOR SALE In Bridgeport's most ex- ! elusive residential section, 11 room house, sun parlor, hot water heat. 2 baths, garage, large lot. Inquire M. Gaston. 121 Forset St., Stamford. Conn. D29 tf NORTH MAIN ST. Single, 9 rooms, all improvements; bargain. Jere miah Holmes, First-Bridgeport Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone 527 Bar num. A26 dt LENOX PARK, Fairfield, 6 room house, lot 150x160, garage, stable; price $3,200. F. Siara, 96 South Ave. Barnum 6749. L7 all IN FAIRFIELD, ten room house and building lots near trolley; bargain. Plummer, 166 Fairfield Ave. U4 'tt FOR SALE One-family house, nine rooms, all improvements, residen tial section, Colorado avenue, near North avenue. Price reasonable. Apply Geo. T. Hatthaway,104 Meigs' Bldg. D18 tf FOR SALE IN STRATFORD, two family house, 8 rooms, gas and city water; 3 minutes from trolley car; $650 cash. P. Vargo, Box 250. South Ave. Avenue D. P15 all BEAUTIFUL 1, 2 and 3 family houses in all parts of the city, for eals on easy terms. Home Title. I. N. S. and Trust Co.. 109 Wall St Dll tf BEFORE BUYING see new single homes on our Stratford plot $4,500 and up. Holmes, 1st Bpt. Bank Bldg. Bar. 527. NORTH END SECTION. New 2 and 3 family houses; electric, gas, dou ble floors, all late Improvements. Special, Warner, 301 Warner Build ing. S 15 all" 62-54 BUTLER AVE. Beautiful 12 room, 2 fam'.ly house for sale at a bargain easy terms. Open for In spection daily from 4 to 7; Satur day and Sundays 2 to 6. Phone Barnum 7485. S 16 tf FOR SALE North Main section, two family house, electricity, gas. bath, all improvements: also new reven room cottage, late improvements with extra lot snd garage. Warner, 201. Warner Bldg. T9 all" HOUSES FOR SALE! 2 family house. INewiif in Ave,, near seavipw. uixs u Improvements. Lot 60x100. For par ticulars inqtiire of W. M. Redfield Sa Cannon 9t. P9 tf HOUSES FOR SALE East Side near William St. 2 family double house. 15 rooms, improvements. Price $6. 000, part cash. M. B. Loller. 83 Fair field Ave. T29 ay" AT A BARGAIN beautiful 2 fami'.y house near North Main St. 12 rooms all improvements, fine neighbor- bond. Must be seen to be apprecia ted. Home Title. I. N. S. and Trust Co.. 109 Wall St Dll -tx COTTAGE 6 rooms', Stratford Ave., section of Stratford; price $2,700; terms easv. . Innuire Arthur Denni son, 411 State St. R3 tt EAST SIDE, 2 family double house, 15 rooms and 2 baths, hot air heat. Price $6,000. part cash. M. B. Lol ler, 8 3 Fairfield Ave. Room 301. Tel 2561 Barnum. AH tf $3,700 BUYS 2 fntnlly house in South End, all improvements. $700 cash required. Home Title, I. N. 8. and Trust Co-1, 109 Wall St. Dll tf HOUSE FOR SALE 6 family house. Income $982 year; price $8,860. (2,000 cash. Inquire 105 Meigs Bldg, Barnum 6254. P25 a BROOKLAWN, practically new 6 room bungalow, all improvements, good neighborhood, $600 cash. Phone Barnum 7485. Box B. Y. Ca;re of Times. RIO tf DESIRABLE ONE and two family houses, building lots, farms and sub Urban homes. R. T. Blakeley. .925 Main St. B89 " HOUSE ONLY $2,000. North End. Looking for rents or furnibhed rooms? We have them, all parts of City. Bowers, room 304 Warner Bldg. .Phone 7488 a. m 6l. p. m. MADISON TERRACE Two-family house. 13 rooms, all improvement Loewith & Co.. 11 Bauk St ieL Barnum 99. tf ."'lo, Uftk lUuia. ft..., " ity. garage, $5,500; Pnone uurnuro 7485. $1,500 cash. K10 tf INVESTMENT SECtTKlTIES MORTGAGE NOTES and Commercial paper bought and sola, mortgage foreclosures stopped at once. I-ester C Love, Room 4U. Warner uunu ing. Xel 228 Noble. D9 at INVESTMENT LOTS FOR SALE Buy a lot at Oak Hill, North Main street aa raise your own vegetables. Price $224 per lot. Thompson, Yeomans & Svhira, Inc Newfield Building. UK tf DAMAGE IS ABOUT ALL fire can do to your property. Insurance costing l-2o a day protects you. All the par ticulars at l. B. Booths & Co., Conn. Bank Builoing. SI "tf IF YOU WANT Fire insurance. If you want your house rented. Property sold. Call on us. We want your busi ness. Let us try. Chas. S. Cole, 261 Btate Bt Hit tf INVENTORS WANTED INVENTORS to send for one of my booklets on U. S. and Foreign patent. Mercer D. BlondeU Patent Solicitor. Conn. National Bank Building. B27 tf. INSURANCE GET YOUR FIRE Insurance of Geo. T. Hathaway, 104 Meigs' Bldg. He writes insurance in the beet com panies. Barnum 83. U12 a" FURNITURE houses, mercantile goods; low 'rates. Accident, health. $1 month. Prompt payment of claims. Let me call. Ixuis L. Peck, Room 401, 83 Eairfied Ave. Barnum 7952. p19 aH Times Want Ads. One Cent a Word. JEWELRY BUY YOUR WIFE or best girl their -jewelry, watches, diamond, rings of Parker, the Jeweler. 9 P. O. Ar cade. - T 12 all" JUNK DEALERS. JUNK DEALER Union JunR Co. pays highest prices for everything In junk line. We call tor 50c worth up. 27 Clarence St Phone Barnum 2503-2. Try once, you will be satis fied. G29 all IF IT IS JUNK sell it to Jacob Bros. (5 Kossuth Si. Tel. Barnum 236-237. LADIES' & MEN'S HAT BLOCKING E. E. STONE, 618 State St., will re open Sept. 3 with a new line of fall and winter styles for rebloeking all your hats. B17 a LOCKSMITH Edw. Smith & Co. deal, ers in guns, fishing tac kle and s p o r t i ng S0QS - ""cd- ,ock Aun ZTm vers and steel tana renaired; saws fil ed and light repairing of all kinds at Smith's Gun Store. 96 Wall St. Tel. LAD1K6' CUSTOM TAILOR GORDON, Ladles' and men's tailor. Ladles suits to order. Also clean ing, pressing, dyeing, repairing. 969 Stratford Avenue, corner Beardsley Lane. U dt" MANICURING MRS. E. M. SEXTON, Manicuring, fa cial massage, shampooing scalp treatment marcel waving. Graduate of Francois Marcel. 5th Ave., N. Y. Room, 410, Security Building. Phone Barnum 916. A 1 all MACHINE -work H. A. BOUDREAU, general machine work. Manufacturers metal goods, dies, tools, gauges. 57 Golden HilL Barnum 4976. A 18 all" MEAT MARKETS. FRESH MEATS and groceries, vege tables in season. We give green trading stamps. 2 stores: 1822 Sea vlew Ave. 705 Hallett St. A 15 ai KRESH MEATS and groceries, vege tables in season. Green and moving picture stamps. Michael Robrtock, 1824 Seaview Ave.. John Sfcyer, manaeer. H29 tf MILLINERY GET YOUR right smart hat Japan ese ornaments ana otner lmoortant novelties at Etta Murphy' si East Main between Arctio and Maple Streets. S22 dt' MORTGAGES AND LOANS MONEY TO LOAN First, second and third mortgages. 6; easv terms also will buy mortgages. 1024 Main St., Miller, Room 309. P30 tf MONEY Small loans on diamoonds. watches or any good security. Legal rate by private party. Mr. Sabln, . 411 Warner Bldg. , D13 at MUSICAL INSTRUCTION MANDOLIN, Guitar, banjo-mandolin and violin, private lessons given by -nut. ijouts jonsoil. aj. j Mines oi.. Phone Barnum 3559. L3 a VIOLINS. CELLOS, Gibson Mando lins. Guitars, Orpheum Banjo-Man. dolin. Everything for musicians. Gilman Musii- Studio. 236 Fairfield Ave. Tel. 5937 T3 all" MULTIGRAFHING (TYPEWRITING. addressing. Sears stenographefand notary public, 108 Meigs Bldg.. 136 Fairfield Ave. Bar num 6370. AC a MUSICAL INSTRUCTION iE. RHEY GARRISON, teacher of piano playing. Manager Garrison Trio composing piano, violin, cello. 46 Cannon St. Noble 202. A 15 all" HILDING ROLAND GUSTAFSON. Violinist and Instructor. Studio, 48 Taylor Building. 46 Cannon St. PIANO LESSONS. Graduate ofMt Bt Joseph Seminary, Harttora. J-essons at home if preferred. Miss Margaret Watters, 64 Lewis St. Bl a" PIANO LESSONS Three months course for adult beginners. Quick method. Evenings. Children after noons. Mrs. Clark, Ave. 1167 Iranistan H14 tf SERVICES OFFERED Piano lessons & inuntns course for adult begin ners. Quick method. Evenings. Mrs. Clark. 1667 Iranistan Ave. H14 tf BEETHOVEN TRIO Concert recital ana weaaing receptions. O. R. Gar 7V rutuu. 46 Cannon St. B7 all OPTICLAN EYEGLASSES AND SPECTACLES of every description. Louis E. Carsten sen, registered optometrist, 411 Se curity building. Ills Main St. TeL Barnum 3838. D7 d" PACKAGE DELIVERY- AUTO PACKAGE delivery. Prompt and careful service. Reasonable pricea Samuel L. Talblrd, 55 High land Ave. Phone Bar. 430. U12 a" PORTRAITS, FRAMING, ETC. LADIES Bring your loved one's pic tures to Stevenson's Studio for copying, framing, etc. Valuable free premiums given every custom er. 104 Bank St. P31 a PHOTOGRAPHS AND SUPPLIES. PHOTOGRAPHS and Portraits of all leading styles; prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Pearlen Photo Shop, 23 Arcade. 816 a PHOTOGRAPHS Get your pictures taken here for presents to sena to your friends. Hallett St studio, iii Hallett 8t G26 si CAMERAS, Films, papers, supplies, developing, printing, enlarging for amateurs. Arcade Photo Supply Stu dio. 23 Arcade. b 16 alll PHYSICAL TREATMENT. LOUIS F. NUTTING, physical treat ments by nea-, electricity or mani pulation. Rooms 309-310, City Sav ings Bank, 952 Main St. Office hours week days S la- m. to 6 p. m. Rl tf PIANO TUNING PIANOS TUNED, Wrozina expert piano and piano player maker aia repairer, late of Fox Piano Co. Bar Hum 4839-2- 610 Colorado Ave. P7 ail POSITIONS WANTED. POSITIONS of all kinds for men and women can be had in factories, stores, offices and on farms, by ap plying to the U, S. Employment Ser vice, 303 Fairfield Ave., who make no charge for their services. R3tf No merchant ever failed if he advertised as WELL and as MUCH as he could, POULTRY AND SUPPLIES FARMERS Sell your poultry of all kinds to Bridgeport Live Poultry Market at daily quotations. Poul try sold alive or killed and dressed wiile you wait free of charge. Tel ephone Bar. 6977, 42 Hallam St !TO PRODUCE EGGS, feed hens equal amount of Dry Mash ana berate n. Standard Feed Co., 1684 Main St, Barnum 920. A 23 a WITH EGGS NEARING THE f MARK. Look to your hens. Park 4 Pollards world renown dry mash and scratch feed will make your hens lay. Standard Feed Co., Bulls Head, will fill your order. G81 all FAINTING AND DECORATING KAPLAN AND MAGILNICK BROS. snop i44 Center St Decorating, pa perhanging, painting of all kinds. Office 119 Capitol Ave P21 all" PRINTING. WHO'S YOUR' PRINTER? Let us do ouaiiieas corui, circulars, invita tions, etc. National Printing Co Bar num 2606-4. 861 Fairfield Ave.' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Frank D"Ella A Son. 867 Washington Ave. Property bought and sold; rents collected; Italian Interpreter for all occasions. Barnum 1654-8. B6 II IF IT IS real estate or business oppor- yoriunmes you want to buy or sell. Inquire David Apsteln, 273 Stillman street Telephone. U17 all REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT 1. 2 or 3 family houses. If price and location suit will buy Im mediately for cash. Home Title, L N. S. and Trust Co.. 109 Wall St J HAVE cash buyers for all kinds of a.ccx, JjaLam, ill a.n well us Ul Ulkj, Siksay. 83 Relllyey Bt. 8 2 all" RESTAURANT GLOBE RESTAURANT, 385 Fairfield Ave, 58 Cannon St. Regular dinner or supper 25c We serve the best meals in the city, also the best but ler ana coffee. Give us trial, oppo- ROOFINU. NORTH END ROOFING CO. We make a specialty repairing eld roofs, gutters, or valleys. Special attention given to small jobs. Bar num 3376. Office No. 302 Meig"s Building. 8 15 at RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS made by us are we carry n complete line of stamps, "supplies, Ink pads, daters. rubber type. etc. The Schwerdtl SCALES SCALES Expert repairing and id justlng, all makes scales including counting and computing. Prompt service. Barnum 2277. Bridgeport Scale Sr SuddIv Co.. 183 John St SERVICES OFFERED ART STORE Have your picture framing done at Watkin's Art Store. Materials and workmanship the best. 1091 Broad St 122 dt SIGNS LET US FIGURE on your signs. Sims that are . Connecticut Sign Co.. 487 Hallett. St. G. Samerotte. S22 all" R. L FORBES, Sign and picture painting, gold signs reburnished and made like new. 136 Colorado Ave. Phone Birmrat 8700 T18 all" SHOE REPAIRING GET YOUR SHOES repaired of Philadelphia Electric Shoe Repair ing. Also children's shoes of all kinds for sale. Shoe Shine Par lors, 486 East Main St Bar. 1375. P25 d . MAROTTKSF! linK remftved direct' across the street to 2366 Mm? 6t, first class hn maker, repairing, hoes made to order, good work manship T 8 all" WE REPAIR SHOES by Che Good year welt shoe repairing system. J. Lopresti Co.. 203S Main St near North Ave. D 6 all' nnnnRAR shok tiwpawiing CO.. 0 Cannon St., and 941 East Main 6t. No connection with otner so called Goodyear shops. Tel. 1391, Winfleld S. Black. Prop. Ul 'tf. SPECIALISTS DR. ALICE L. FITCH, specialists. 410 State, corner Courtland St. Office hours 2 to 6 p. m. and bjc appoint ment P19 tl SPIRIUALIST MEDIUM MRS. HEATON BARNES, spiritualist medium, readings daily. Meeting Thursday evening 7:33 p .m. for the unfolding of spiritual gifts. 426 Har ral Ave. D22 all SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM Dr. Marie uaviason. Ph. D. M. B. l. uraauiw of the Kfiw Vftv Academy of Sci ence. An ordained minister . of the) seminary of Harmonial phiiosopny rf rhir,n tu Scientific and spir itual reno-sr. Advise on business KiekTis nil affairs of life. Phono Noble 36. 1430 Main Bt Tl all SPIRITUAL READING by a born me- aium. Mrs. Clark, 696 Newiieiu Daily except Thursday . Spiritual meetings everv Tuesday night : MRS. NELLIE LOVERIDGE readings daily. Spiritualist meetings ounaay evenings 7:30. The public cordially invited, 781 Main St dz atr MRS BLANCHE BARNARD spiritual ment Phone Barnum 669 5. .199 South Ave. D30 a MADAM RITTA spiritualist medium. best in the state. Readings every day. Tells your age and everything you want to know. 1UZ state tft. 2nd floor.- i TRUCKING AND STORAGE AUTOMOBILE TRUCKAGE See me first. A. D. Stowe. storage and ex press, day and night. 648 Newfield Ave. Barnum 6888. D21 all" JiOORE'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE. iurniture ana cmna packing; ex perienced packers. Separata rooms for furniture and pianos. Barnum (227. 669 Union W. W, STOWE Auto van. trucklm and storage, local and iocg distance furniture and piano moving a spec ialty; rates reasonable. 119 Willard t. Tel. Barnum 7646. R20 a" TRUCKING, carting eshes, stone. sand, bricks, etc. Also cellar excava ting. Hallock B. Kain ' Son. 1021 Madison Ave. Brnum 272. R10 all' GENERAL TRUCKING, and express ing, local and long distance. Wood by cord, blocks or split Haight & Becker. 165 Pixley Plaoe. Bar. 5 969 TEA AND LUNCH ROOM WAHNETA TEA ROOM. Sepcial at tention given to parties and small baaqueta Auto lunches our special- . cai T i .i a.. ow t, num 7so. - . abi aii". TO RENT HARRAL AVENUE, 418 to 454, mod ern six room flats for rent. Frauen berger's Rent and Fire Insurance Agency, 164 State St S6 all LIST HOUSES AND STORES to rent with us. we have numerous appli cants all the time. Fred C Jennings. Room 405 Warner bulldtnsy 88 Fair, field Ave. Phono Barnui - 6480. UPHOLSTERERS ALL KINDS second hand tools, dia monds, watcnes, jewelry, clothing, gold, silver and platinum. The Bridgeport Loan Co. S26 Stratford Ave. B 21 df J. WEISS, upholsterer, bbz snrinKSL hair mattresses made to orler. fur ntture refinishing. 1037 S'ate St, Casino Building. Barnum kill. WE WILL COVER r.nd furnish all material for 6 piece parlor suit, guarantee all workmanship at first class, ten patterns to select from, for $12 to $16. Scally Bros, 401 State street P tf WATCK REPACKING. FOR SATISFACTION In watch and clock repairing go to Henry C. Held and 8on. Watchmakers, Room 210, Conn. National Bank Bids. 1024 Main St H21 "tf WATCH YOUR WATCH! When it tops bring it to vs. We guarantee satisfaction. Henry C. VReld & Bon. Room 210 Conn. Nat Bank Bldg. 1034 Main St ' HI0 all" WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE Second hand wanted to buy All kinds, Including stoves, beds, bureaus, carpets Highest cash prices paid Jasmin, 256 State St. Tel. Barnum 1058. P19 a" FURNITURE Highest prices paid for furniture, carpets, and stoves. R Ginsburg, 1641 Main St LSI a" LIBERTY BONDS Wanted to buy. will pay cash for what you paid, and will pay up balance. Fotch, . 844 Noble Ave. A 18 a" 1 I PAY HIGHEST prices for "econd hand furniture and merchandise of every description, 641 East Wash ington Ave. near East Main. A Noot. Phone Noble 49. IIS all WANTED to buy old false teeth, any condition. Goldberg. 148 Fairfield Ave., over Royal Lunch. T2 all" FURNITURE We pay best prices fo second band furniture of all klnda ' Louis Fodeman. 1449 Main St Bar num 1038. D27 all BUYER AND SELLER of new and : second hand furniture. Ice boxes, gass toves, screens, etc L. H. Thay er. 261 State. Pohne Barnum 1084. ANYTHING you don't want In furni ture, phonographs, records, dishes, etc. Lots of goods for sale. A. B. ' Klein, 1477 Main St US0 a" WANTED TO BUY all kinds of second : hand furniture. Geo. F. Totama Redfield's old stand, 43 Harrison St Phone 1015-3. D2T "tf NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNI TURE bought and sold. Drop postal or phone Charles Oppenhelm, 1488 1 Main St. Bamt-m 4142-2. T24 all" MISCELLANEOUS CATERER Mrs. Edward D, Waters, ' 34 Court St. Phono tiarumn 4e. OlS dt POOL PARLOR Nice cocl. np--to- ; date pool, billiard parlor, cigars to- j bacco. soda. Christy Testa, 829 Har ! ral Ave. til FURNACES I specialize In Installing, hot air heating systems, furnaces, overhauled. Proper heating guaran-j teed. Saunders. 617 East Washing ton Ave. Phone, also plumbing and tinning. OH dl ! FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. 80j State street. Message meeting, wea-, nesdays 7:30 conducted by Mrs. Heaton Barnes, preslder.t. Sundays ; 5:30 and 7:30. B (5 tf I. PHONOGRAPHS Ediaon Diamond ; Amberola Phonograph and records. ! Call or write us about our free trial i offer of machine: all kind of ma chines repaired. H. H. Leopold, 1SS Main St BIT all LADIES GUARANTEED PLACER I OFFER Ladles, Boys. Girls our, jruaratnteed placers pays (6 dosen. J Trial dozen forwarded any address i (15. Independent employment. 8to! venson's Institute. Bridgeport Conn. VOGHT sells your business; list nowji cash buyers waiting; groceries, con- fectioneries. poolrooms, restauranta Barnum 6380. Voght 04 Warner Building. Bll all i IT ALE MISFIT CLOTHING CO.. pays l highest prices for gent's second hand clothing. Send postal, will call, 68, Main St. L tf r BATHS Turkish and Russian baths and shower baths 36o. Ladles" day Friday. Special hair cutting. Up-to-: date shop, 665'Lafayette St D15 a!" i FURS REPAIRED, altered, arid dyed. We sell furs nt retaU Tolesalj prices. A. Tesiny Fur Shop. 111! Broad street up stairs. IlS"tt SCREENS, doors, windows, veranda ; and balcony screens to order. Henry C. Hoffman & Co., 61 Lewis St Phone 901-5. R8 bt'P PATENTS A. M. WOOSTER Late Examiner U. S. Patent Offle j HIS MAIN STREET. BRIDGEPO"S Send for booklet on patent WE CAN FURNISH GOOD TENANTS FOR 15 TO 20 RENTS FROM' $25 TO 40 PER MONTH. ANDERSON & CO. 53 JOHN ST. 48 HOUR WEEK WANTED Experienced and Inexperienced girla for paper box making. Light easy work at good wagea Steady employment Day work while learning. Apply Ftaployrnent Office THE WARNER BROS. CO. DAY SATURDAY P14S Advertise-in The-Tfeaga if i