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PAGES 13 TO 20 SECOND SECTION and Even Ins Farmer BRIDGEPORT, CONK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1918. oar ITlisct Si aesor ores Most . AUin.G.ld.n rtill OTi MidJl. Str.otl THE GREAT 26TH O Last Chance to Gel These Tremendous ANNIVERSARY BARGAINS Last Day of These Wonderful Values For all on "Cheerful Credi ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT AMERICANS HUN'S LINE Driving Enemy Force In New Ketreat Toward East. ACTIVITY ON ITALIAN FRONT The Last Day of These Unmatchable Savings in the Newest f Allied Detachments on Dvina Repulse Bol-sheviki. (By The Associated iPress.) Tnroads by the British and Ameri cans against the German line south of "Valenciennes make It preamble that the enemy -will be forced to 'begin a new retreat toward the east. Although the Allies have reached the Mormal woods where the Germans J:ave prepared for a stubborn stand, the progress made north of this, ex tensive wooded section threatens to urn the enemy out of his position there before he has an opportunity to meet frontal attacks along the west ern eMe of the forest. It would seem that the advance between Mormal forest and Valenciennes has shattered the German hope to stand on the de fensive along this section of the line for any protracted period. French forces, pushing eastward to the German Frenches along the Oise 6erre front, have moved forward at three points. Opposite Longchamps, they have crossed the Oise canal and, farther south, have advanced near Originy-9t. Benoite. They also have cut a deep notch In the German lines north of Villers-le-Sec.' These suc cesses will tend to hasten the Ger man retirement from the bend in the line which remained after the evac uation of Laon. ; The American divisions engaged in j tearing away the Krlemhlld line be tween the A:gonne forest and the Meuse have once more advanced their front, especially hear the western end of the sector. They appear to threat en the rest of the German defensive system to the east. Near Banthville, the Americans have gained Important tactical advantages. East of the Meuse the Germann have been forced back more than half a mile on a front of nearly a mile and a half. There are indications that activity don the, Italian front has revived. Vienna reorta violent artillery fire between the Brenta.and Piave rivers end in the Montello sector, where an Jtallan attack In force might be ex pected . In Belgium there has been compar ative hi;l in the combat during the past few days. Allied detachments on the Xrvlna front In northern Russia have beat off (heavy attacks by Bolshevik troops. They told their ground and even moved their lines forward, French and Serbian forces In Serbia continue to advance toward the Aus trian frontier. Vienna admits Austrian troops have retired to Jagodina, about 40 miles from the border from the east of Serbia. SAMPLE SHIPMENTS NOW PERMITTED War Trade Board Opens . Way for Solicitation of Foreign Orders. and WINTER WEARING APPAREL I Everybody will need smart new clothes and the big successful C. M. Anniversary Sale with its inviting assortments of high quality merchandise will easily solve, the problem of dressing fashionably at lower prices than ever before. The entire family may now be outfitted most economically and here you'll find everything required, I No need to hesitate for lack of ready funds because " no money down" is needed and the convenient way of $1.00 a week will soon pay for your purchase. FALL Washington, Oct. 25 For the first time since the beginning of the war the exportation of commercial sam pies, except to enemy countries, for soliciting orders will b permitted by the War Trade Board. It is an initial move toward establishing trade rela tions at the end of the war. The provision is made that the samples shall not have commercial value and shall be suited only to so licitation of orders. They may be carried In baggage or sent by mail. Export license required for ship ment of goods with a commercial value need not be obtained from the War Trade Board for movement of the samples, .although special permit from the customs service will be necessary. Individual export licenses of a spec ial type will be issued by the board valid for three months, but with the understanding that none of the goods will be permitted to reach countries in any way associated with the Cen tral Powers. Special provisions are being made for sending samples into Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile. Colombia, Ec uador, Guatemala, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay, Hayti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. The neutral countries of Europe, as well as the Allies and their colonics, nre included in the list, and also Japan, China and other countries in the Orient. The announcement of the board warned individuals and firms to exercise rvery precaution so that samples should not reach concerns j named in the enemy trading list. Sev eral hundred such firms are in Cen tra and South America. I,MIA, "WANDERING MUSICIAN' Lamia was the most celebrated flute player of antiquity, and also a great traveller. Both Plutarch and Athenaeus pay great tribute to her wit and beauty. She was born in Athens, and her first great Journey was into Egypt, whither she was! drawn by the fame of a flute player j of that country. Her beauty and . r:enius attracted Ptolemy, and she became his mistress. When Ptolemy I was defeated in his conflict with De metrius Poliorcetes, for the Island of Cyprus, about 332, B. C, Lamia was among the captives. She quickly won the heart of Demetrius, and at her instigation he conferred such ex traordinary favors and benefits on the Athenians that they rendered him divine honors arid dedicated a New Fall Suits for Women and Misses The Best Values Ever Offered. $25 All Wool Cheviot Suits, very serviceable. Belted model with seal plush collar. Skirts with side pockets. Colors Bur gundy, Mavy Blue, and brown. Anniversary price $17.85 $40.00 All Wool Men's Wear Serge Suits Box plaited model with belt. Skirt has fancy side pockets. Colors black and navy blue $26.85 $65.00 Velvet Suits Full, flare model with belt fur bordered coat, grey kit Coney fur col lar and cuffs colors navy blue and burgundy $49.85 Other Women's and Misses' Suits, specially priced for Anniversary price . . $78.85 FURS AND FUR COATS AT ANNIVERSARY PRICES Fur Coats, Capes, Coatees, Stoles, Scarfs and Muffs of every de scription in all the most popular furs. Our regular prices on ther'furs are about 25 per cent under their actual- market value today. The Anniversary Prices are from 35 per cent to 50 per cent lower than today's market prices. Space prohibits mentioning the numerous items. We pick two Coat items at random: $150 NEAR SEAL COATS ' 45 inches long. Skunk opossum border, collar and cuffs guaranteed. Skinner satin lming $94.85 SELECTED MUSKRAT COATS Full flare box models; large self collar. Buttoned high at necek. Handsome silk lining. Anniversary P"ce $107.85 Women's and Misses' NEW FALL DRESSES $27.50 All Wool Jersey Dresse Tailored model; button trimmed, with belt, white satin collar and cuffs; new Fall col- $19g$5 n-o "Plum tan and irrev 818.75 All Wool Serge Drosses Betty Wales model. S12.95J Navv blue only. Misses' and Junior sizes f $27.50 Satin Dresses Panel sides, trimmed with fringe; white satin yoke. Taupe, navy blue, green and SI 3 .65 brown ' $3.00 Women's ( Trinrmorl HATS New black velvet shapes with colored facings. Anniversary price $1.95 Anniversary Sale of Women's and Misses' Coats Selections from all the world's best- Autumn and Winter fashions at prices savings of many dollars. $18.75 ZIBELIXE CLOTH COATS Full length belted model in black only, An niversary price $12.85 $25 ALL WOOL KERSEY COATS New high waisted, belted model with large seal plush cellar. Colors are brown, taupe-and navy blue $17.85 $45.00 ALL WOOL VELOUR COATS Largo fur coljar, Aviation fur trimmed poc kets, and novelty belt. All of the season's newest shades, including Burgundy, taupe, green, brown, black and navy blue. Anniver sary price $34.85 on At. Armiversarv . m V Sale Prices - ,?.!. m a, All women s navana crown mgn cut Boots; brown cloth top. $7.00 value - v- ' -$ Men's Gun Metal Shoes, button model, 69 f?5 $4 values.... Children's Black Vicl Kid Shoes, but- fttt ton and lace, $2.50 value.... Women's Felt Slippers, all colors, ffl A R $2.00 values Men's and Women's Gaiters; all colors; QC $1.25 values JJV Furnishing Specials In the Anniversary Sale Soft and stiff models, including silks to 19. , 95c Sizes 14 $1.60 values $2.00 values $1.45 $2.50 and $1.05 $3 values and up to $5.95 value. Arrow Collars, soft and stiff, discontinued styles. Regular 25c each. ........... 'J for JJQQ FLANNEL SHIRTS Grey, Blue and Khaki, standing and lay down collars. $1.75 value . $3.00 value . $4.00 value $1.35 CI QC $5.00 ' ! value . and up to f 3.85. $2.85 $3.85 Meyers Make Gloves, Kid and Suede HZ ... $1,251 viiues ... $2.25 HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR $1 .50 Shirts , . i .5c $1.50 Drawers 95c $8.00 Vnlon Suits $2.35 HOSIERY 2oc Cotton Hose, block and tan..... lac 35c Ivisto Hosiery, all colors 29c 75c Silk "Onyx" Hosiery, all colors 59c 35c Paris Garters 29c $3.00 Flannel Pajamas ....$1.95 SILK NECKWEAR New and beautiful Autumn patterns. Values 55c to $1.00. 39c 55c 75c MEN'S TROUSERS New patterns in mixtures and corduroys. ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS IN WOMEN'S AND MISSES' $8.50 All Wool Sweaters Belted models; ,S all colors. Anniversary price $4.00 All Wool Serge Skirts New side pocket mod els with belt. Black and Navy. An- 2.95 niversary price $5.00 Crepe de Chine Waists. ors. Anniversary price $2.00 White Embroidered Voile Waists, Annviersary price New col- 3.95 95c $2.50 House Dresses New ginghams in stripes .... 51.45 $5.00 Blanket, Bath Robes Full length, new designs. Anniver sary price --JlS $2.00 Crepe de Chine Camisoles. Anniversary price $1.35 Muslin Underwear. $2.00 . Nightgowns $1.49 $1.50 Envelope Chemise 95c $2 P. N, Corsets. .$1.45 Onyx Hosiery, 75c Fibre Silks and Lisies. Anniv ersary prices 29 c and 39 c $2.50 Flannelette Night Gowns. Anniversary price ...... 31.79 e hildren s . .. Anniversary Specials $10.00: Corduroy Dresses Belted models with pockets; white collar. Brown, green and navy, blue. Anniv ersary price $6 95 $10.00 Zlbellne Coats Black 1 yelvet belt- and collar; navy blue, brown, burgundy and green. Sizes 2-6 $6.95 Sizes 8-14 $8.03 Other Children's Coats with fur col lar priced specially for 17 95 Anniversary ,,,,,,,,, $2.50 Wash Dresses Neat ginghams. Anniver- 95 sary price $5.00 All Wool Sweaters Belted; all colors. An- g3 65 niversary price $3.50 Comfortables. g Anniversary Price Boys' Wearables At Anniversary Sale Prices ' SUITS . 'All " wool "Tfilxtures,- corduroys and serges. Values $8.00 to. $16.75, Slies 6-18 years. $4.95 $8.95 $12.95 OVERCOATS New military models and big roomy ulsters and ulsterettes. Values $10 to $30,. $7.85 up ts $21.85 MAOKINAWS New models, new fiO OC patterns, $12.59 val, Beys' ah weol sweaters;- all col ors. $4.00 values.. g2 69 Boys' all wool union suits. $2.00 values 25 $1.75 Boys' flannel gg q shirts 1 1 1 1 ) j 1 1 i $2.50 Boys' Cordu- ffij QE roy Knee Pants... " WORK CLOTHES For Men and Young. Men, Undoubtedly the most essential apparel today in hJping ''Uncle Sam" win this are work clothes,; Here yoa will find the most complete assortment in the city, and marked at Special Anniversary prices which mean a .great saving Men's- Corduroy Coats, heavy Mackinaw linjngs. $16.75 value - 1085 Men's sheep lined eeats, beav erized eollers, 16.85 $25 values ,,,,, Men's Corduroy Vests, heavy mackmaw lining. en KB $4.00 value J" $1.50 Work Shirts. ........ .85c 25c Canvas Gloves ,,...170 $1.00 Heavy Work Gloves., 69c 50o Shop Aprons .,.,..,,,830 25c Shop Caps 17c Overalls, Shop Coats, Work Shoes, etc., at Anniversary prices. ' $3.00 values $4.00 values $1.85 $2.85 $6.50 values . . $8.60 values . . $4.85 $6.85 SWEATERS AT ANNIVERSARY PRICES All wool straw color, slip on and V neck models, including Visor 4 inch models, all new colors $5.00 values $7.50 values $3.45 $5.95 $12.00 values $15.00 values . S8.95 SI 1.95 The Anniversary Sale Is The Place and Now Is The Time to Save on Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats oi Fine Quality Bay Sat nrday A complete and wonderful assortment of the season's most popular and wanted all wool fabrics. Every new model is represented, Among tns suits will be found one two and three button effects in military, fancy and conservative models. - In the Overr coats are included big roomy Ulsters, Ulsterettea, semi-fitted and loose Coats. Every garment Is well tailored and guaranteed to give excellent service. Sizes for ail from 32 to 50. $20 and $22.50 Suits and 0 'coats $25 and $27.50 Suits and 0 'coats $14.85 S19.S5 $32.50 and $35 Suits and 0 'coats $40 and $42.50 Suits and O'coats $26.85 $34.8S $45.00 and $50 Suits & O'Coats $38.85 YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS Youth's sizes 32-33 only. A' wonderful opportunity for big savings- for the boys just going into long pants. Values d? QE up to $15.00 CfcESAB Inc. H aesarj i iiscn ytom Moss1 8p Ma in. Golden Milt and Middle NO MONEY DOWN $1.00 A WEEK Eeign Supreme Throughout This Gigantic Bargain Event.