OCR Interpretation

The Bridgeport times and evening farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1918-1924, October 25, 1918, Image 2

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92051227/1918-10-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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Entrances In Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Street
Entrances In Main Street. Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Street
Entrances In Main Street, Fairfield Avenue, and Cannon Street
IhVIV I lllliv I 0 111
Ms smbm mm m m t . m
New Officers' Training
Sr.hnnl' tn Ta.l 1 .520 Stu
w r n r m ar 1,1
Bridgeport, Oonri.,
Friday, Oct. 25, 1918.
Weather: Unsettled, probably rain
lata tonight and on Saturday.
dent. "PrnTin "We-or TH-nrIanrl.
Store Hours: Daily 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Saturday 8 :30 A. M. to 9 P. M.
There is being established at Camp
Fremont, California, a training school
for CIVILIAN candidates for com-
Infantry, United States Army. The
ecnooi la to nave a oayacny 01 m,
000 students. Training commences
Ttecember l, 1918.
The New England states are ex-
ranged by states, the quotas are as
Maine . .-.. .140
New Hampshire 80
Vermont ..-,.. ...., 70
Massachusetts . .... ..... . .620
Connecticut ..,... .i. . 200
Rhode Island .110
Candidates must be citizens of the
United States, and must not have been
born In any country with which the
United States Is at war, or in any
, country allied with those with which
the United States is at war. Those
Who left such countries within 5 years
of birth are exempted from this prohibition.
To b eligible for the school a can
didate must be between 18 and 45
! years of age, and physically qualified
tor general military service. A high
school eduoatlon or its equivalent Is
j required, and each candidate must
'present thres letters from responsi
ble parties as to his moral charac
ter. Draft Men Eligible.
An draft registrants between the
ages of 18 and 46 are eligible, except
' registrants In Class I who registered
price to Sept. 12, 1018, and regis
' tranta fat deferred classification on ac
count of industry, occupation, or em
ployment, including agriculture.
Selected candidates will be trans-
ported from their homes to the school
at the expense of the United States.
While In training they will be privates
first class, U. S. Army, the pay of
which grade is $33 per month. In
addition to this, clothing, subsistence,
' and medical attendance will be pro
Tided by the government.
Those who desire to avail them
selves of this opportunity should
communicate at once with the com
mandlng officer, 3. A. T. C. unit
nearest to their homes, as indicated
IB the following list:
Trinity College. . .... .Hartford
Wesleyan University, i.... .Mlddletown
: Tale University, ... .........New Haven
Conn. Ag-riCal College Btorrs
Rhode Island
R. Isl State College. .Kingston,R.I.
Brown University . .Providence.R.I.
Applications may be addressed to
eet, . Boston, Mass.
Women's splendid
suits at $35.
First-of all: the Service Suit.
As smart and clever and military of air as any woman
could ask.
Of blue men's-wear serge with smart b'elt and patch
Skirt made with flap poockets too.
From collar to skirt-hem, an alert attractive suit with
just the right amount of wartime spirit.
Then other suits with womanly grace and beauty.
Some, with long-skirted coats. Some with rich col
lars of plush. Some with attractive braiding. Some with
many pretty lustrous buttons. Some with belts.
And in brown and taupe and navy and black.
Fine serges and woool jerseys and poplins,
marked by excellent tailoring and value,
Second floor.
tl' A.
V from
Nice black
silk waists$3.50
Rich black crepe de chine waists well fitted for every
Nice and fine of texture. "With subdued but beautiful
luster. In several good styles.
Plain waists with no adornment, high or low neck,
graceful collar.
Pretty waists with embroidery upon front in several
good patterns, low or high neck, one attractive style with
wide collar.
Excellent in style and quality and value-r- $3.50
Second floor.
Graceful little
hats and turbans.
Something in tune with the season marks these new
small hats and turbans. .
Maybe it is their rich hues : brown and blue and hen
na and taupe.
Maybe it is their fabric: splendid velvet or combina
tion of velvet and beaver!
And may be it isn't any one thing but a combination
of several!
But their charm is apparent at a glance; becomes dou
bly so when one sees how well they accord with suit or
coat and with today 's mode of hairdressing !
And there are new dress hats trimmed with ostrich
bands and p'ompons and plumes and tips; some black
hats and some in the hues of fashionable fur.
Also there are hats trimmed with the prettiest of lit
tle flowers made of bright-hued velvet. What clear fine
contrast those flowers do give!
Second floor.
Underwear to
avoid illness.
One good guard against influenza is seasonable underwear.
Men women and children should, alike, be warmly
dressed: that helps one resist attack of illness.
xnese sorrs are gooa ana warm ana nave special
price attraction:
Women's union suits of white fleeced cotton, all siz
es,. $1
Women's vests and pants, cotton, warmly fleeced,
T 85c
Girls:' warm white cotton fleeced vests and pants,
Boys' heavy gray cotton shirts and drawers,1 75c
Men's warm gray cotton shirts and drawers, $1.50
Main floor.
concensus of reports received
operating comDanles. today,
vghiwed the Influenza is making no
'lftir,ther alarming Inroads on the
working force of mine-workers
: Throughout the anthracite region.
There seems to be some Improvement
In both Schuylkill and Northumber
land counties, while the epldemio is
aid to be Increasing in Luzerne coun
ty. New cases have been reported
In and around Shenandoah, a section
that heretofore has escaped the full
force of the epidemic, and in Hazel
ton and Jeddo. CoL W. A. Law
commanding the U. S. Medical
Corns men in the Schuylkill region
finds hopeful signs of improvement
and declares the disease to have run
i Its Mgular course. "When there is
once a deoiine," he declares, "the dls
; ease win disappear as quickly as tt
The death rate has been lowered
about ISO per cent, in the whole re
flon since Saturday, due to the un
tiring efforts of the big staff of army
surgeons, civil practitioners ana ne
roio nurses. The operating com-
Mnles have spared neither time nor
expense to aid tho stricken mine
workers and their families. It Is
mnnrallv believed that with cold
weather, the epidemic will be check
ed entirely, leaving pneumonia as the
sole cause for danger among patients
and convalescents.
Production of coal has Ibeen cur
tailed at the rate of over one mil
lion tons a month. While this loss
can never be made up, with the de
ltrt working force, the anthracite
Industry, by intensive methods, is do
In its utmost With at least 60 per
cent of the winter's supply of hard
eoal now InHhe consumer's cellars,
fact not in evidence at this time last
vaar. householders can thank their
lucky stars" for the business fore
sight shown and the speed tactics
displayed by the industry through the
summer months in shipping coal to all
states not barred to anthracite as
outlined by the Anthracite Commit
tee on May 89 last.
Personal service
for busy women.
To enable women to maintain hair and complexion in
accustomed beauty and freshness, prompt service for all
who are busy with Bed Cross and other war activities.
Many experts ready to give you. manicuring, scalj
treatment, shampoo, facial massage.
For those who require them, these helps to good an(
stylish hair-dressing:
Wavy switches, 204nch $1.25.
22-inch wavy switches $1.75.
24-inch switches, wavy $4.
3-4 transformations $2.
Wavy all-around transformations $6.50.
Pin curls $1.50. Gray pin curls $2
, To Prevent Influenza
Colds cause Grip and Influenza
lets remove the cause. There Is only
vna. '"Bromo Quinine. B. W.
ROVE'S signature on box. SOo.
AT classes aXK
X k&' J
Cvl MAIN ST.yg?
plrncs Want Ada, Qm Cent m Word
Brushes worth
more than prices.
Tooth brushes, nice even firm bristles, sensible and
tested shapes, 19c, 25c and 35c
Hair, brushes, Keep Clean style, easily washed
gallon cans as consumers learn orr v
possibility. The trucks tap mill f scruJj quickly thO
TirnrhiHnir territory, outside the usu ' J
hauling lines, and off the 'ail arte 10c and 25c
Where'll the roads come from ;e, illCK dUSt Off m a IIELV, 39c
run 9,000 trucks?" he asks.
aisle, front.
Third floor.
Cape gloves
appeal to women.
because their warmth and staunchness does not prevent!
them from fitting with smooth grace and beauty. Theyj
are especially fine for wear through Autumn and Win-3
J T fi it .9
xer; nave comiorung warmtn ana give excellent service.
In good tan shades $2.
Black cashmere gloves for womeruwho enjoy these
sensible and time-tried f abric gloves 75c.
Double silk gloves that fit snugly and have hand
some luster, white black or gray, $1.50.
Csntar aisle rear.
there are 66,000 rural mail and SI
routes being operated in the Unit
States now. Sometimes I thinkf
eryone of them would make a trs
line. Food is being handled 10 titf
on its way to a consumer. wei
cut that to five.
"Watching these figures, since !
cemfoer, when we started, has
me a new sort of inspiration, t
shall be moving the mails and iht
will include a whole unexpected Viie of several small rooms.-
the'generation finishes. Airplat ipb.OU
for the thousand mile distances, trai ...
: m linoleum.
rush soon!
-q good patterns.
Illy kept clean, sanitary, taste-
t extra value $6,50
I t floor.
The United States Department of
Agriculture has ' issued an appeal ta
gardeners in the Hew England States
to clean up their plots and burn all
the dead vegetation as soon as pas
sible after killing frost this iall, De
struction by fire of infested stock,
stubble, garden plants, and weeds af
ter killing frost is the only known
method of combating the European
corn borer, a dangerous insect pest of
oorn new to this country and whloh
has been found living In the oorn
fields of JSastern Massachusetts.
If strenuous metuods are not made
to check this insect, according to the
Bureau of Bntomolegy of the De
partment', it will spread to the great
field oorn producing regions of the
country, do incalculable injury to the
oorn crop and materially reduce the
prosperity as well as the food stooks
of the. aation.
The pest Is not definitely known to
Fortify yourself agairts .
it by taking Irgaitl.
vflAX5E0c I nice underwear.
vrvfeffifeaJ'sh for little children's wear.
worth while!
sh, eoood texture,
and impressive extra valued-
Main floor rear.
A couple of sharp" days, a touch of frostj and meu
rush for their overcoats.
If you've a good one already, youll only need rnsli &
spot where it's been carefully stored.
If you've not, better rush here.
Better still, come now and you won't have to rush at all
Eeady good style, dependable fabric, careful tailor''
ing, nice fit, full value, all insuring good service.
Yes; insurance against attacks of cold.
Every sort of overcoat from big ulster to Chesterfield.
$25 to $85.
Main floor.
Slick shoes
for all men.
Slick in looks and built for good service too.
Clever in finish and full of durability.
Tan Russia calf with Neolin sole and rubber heel,
straight last, $7.50.
Dark tan Cordo calf with broad heel, narrow-toed
straight last, $7.
Black calf, straight or blucher last, broafl flat heel
broad shank, unusually comfortable, $6 to $9.
Black kid bluchers with medium broad toe $8.
Main floor.
Comfort gift
for Mr. Man.
A house coat sums up in itself many home comforts
for average man.
Great time to pick is now. Ample stocks, fine variety
Rich plain colors with fancy itrimmings or fine Persian
silk or velvet or corduroy !
Prices all the way down from $18 and some special
plums at $5
Bathrobe goes in comfort class too.
Here are dandy holiday ones with slippers to match
Cord edge, some with shawl collar, some with cord girdle-1
What a bunch of good colors and patterns!
' $6.50 to $18
Main floor.
Refreshing tea
& coffee savings.
Some of the finest and most-enjoyable teas and coft
fees of the Howco family at a special price for just a daj
or two longer.
Of course there is a reason: we want these high
quaality teas and coffees to secure an entrance to mo
appreciative homes.
Howco fancy tea, all flavors, regular 80o lb'.
1 lb. 72c 5 lbs. $3.50 10 lbs. $650
Howco Cream coffee, a fine blend, regular 45c lb.
1 lb. 42c 5 lbs. 2 10 lbs. $3.80
JTront foaa&ment,
Blanket comfortable;
unique and handsome.
A comfortable woven exactly as is a blaaiketl
But in an allover pattern, and with a ploser -finish-and
of greater beauty than a blanket,
Nice weight but net teoo heavy, warm, tasteful.
Ready a number of handsome patterns in attrae
tive eolors.
Measure 70 by 84 inches
Main fleer
occur outside of Massachusetts, but It
is possible that it may be present in
the other New England states. The
insect came from Europe and is es
pecially Injurious to corn in Austria
Hungary where it has been known to
destroy at least one-fourth of the en
tire crop in a single year. . During
the eold months it Jives within the
dead, and .. dried , roots of corn, the
larger grasses, weeds, and garden
plants. Therefore the ease of de
stroying It at this time by burning
garden trash of the ' kind mention
ed, Discovery of the insect should be
reported immediately to the state
agricultural oaUags or to tbs Bureau
of Bntomolegy, United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, Washington,
T, a.
. Palestine, Oct, 25 The foundation
stones of the Hebrew University at
Jerusalem, recently laid in the ares
enoe of Gen, Allenby and representa
tives of the Frenoh and Italian de
tachments, are twelve in number, one
for each of the twelve tribes of Israel.
The side is on the summit of the
Mount of Qilves, facing Jerusalem on
the one side and the Hills ef Moab on
the other. .
Ministry ef Sfgslaaa resigned.
Bargains Unparalleled
Th rapid growth in the "Arcade Baby Shop" compels us to give np j
0tU 'ifafjSSSy saving opportunity for Christmas shoppers dont
miss it.
Rudolph Mantler

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