Newspaper Page Text
) THE TIMES: MAI? GIT 3, 1919 .1105 MAIN ST. lff TJ rtmTSO 1105 MAIN ST. Ha4rtdn WILLUWI b lOBueSMJecil. Wholesale and Retail Leading Milliners ALL SOLDIERS - AID; NONE ARREAR! A TIMELY TALK ON MILLINERY. The women of Bridgeport and vicinity know the L 1L -J? X 1 "L I i. a 1 i 1 i Fuengm oiuun o-g mmmery on m respect sxyie, p j p immediately The gninir TViQ -i Vi i c tlin ro Iiottq omniinfvotnI V.; On AlTlVal at XTOrtS OI L j-i alio vv Vi . -S. A IV. bl Ubll 1Q b 1 lev U WO J-ldi V utiiiuua Ui Oi LfU blllo I with nhsnlTit.p rnnnliipivfinpsa vp.a.r a.ftfir vpa.r Debarkation. - . , j j Special display of Georjrtte Crepe Hats. pineapple Straw Braid . :;llor Hats. ffine Lisere Straw lints. TrtinaKl and Iiitrimmel. Immense varieties to oJioowe from at saving of lit least oue-tliird ot the ,,rcliusc price. IT PAIS TO TRADJfc AT DILLON'S. ELGIN SAYS SOVET'S ROOT DEEP IN RUSE COLORED MEN LODGE PROTE R.MANTLER HOP 30 P.O.ARCAOl SPECIAL Ana-infWcp Woo. AH Colors Special Per Ball nine arid Gray Wool. Larcre Fkoi;i. Special All Angora Teddy Bear and Knit. Suits. Special . . . Yrp.; Formerly up to 7.50 3C THE BEST SINCE 1820 OLD COMPANY LEHIGH COAL SOU) BY Patrick McGee 269 East Washington Ave. Phcne Bar. 7396-7S97 A XT A healthful drink which is absolutely uucoiwys H taminated by inupurities of any kind. State License BOTTLED DAILY. DELIVERED DAILY ($ TELEPHOKB 8802-12 v3 V. M. LANE, Distributor of ff IHLAND SPRING WATER I R. F. D. NO. 2, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. U STRATFORD (Special to The Times.) The school Board will hold Us resr tilr-i- monthly meeting .tomorrow even lug. " will Tho annual meetim: of nl ..v' of Christ church hold In tho parish liou:-) Tuesday af t.. .-noon. Dp. 3Ir. Rev. C. C. Kennedy, rector of Christ church, reached liome Saturday after noon at 6. Word was passed around the parish that ho would occupy tlio chancel fsunday morning :ind Its mem-'-ors turned out in full force to greet he rerun-. Tho Ilev. Dr. Smith and Kev. Mr. Walker wore -aJao present and assisted in the service. There a -ir.i,r.i.:1on of the Holy Com munion by the rector, assisted by Smith. On entering thp pulpit Kennedy srdd: "In the namp,of oi p Lord, and Mas ter. Jevjs r-hrim. T wish to thank the members oi this parish 70 r the way they have 'carried on' dur::.g tho -war. It lias swmMi t- those of us who t eeiw -,d rubroad that, those r.-h re malnod at horn.- have had mojt of the -..erlfkes to ntcie and I thank you for t ." work you have Ai.n and the sac rifices yoa enve made it the cause, of truth and Jui e and for our belrAeA country. I a;n n-t prepared to preach to OU this TOTnii. Sut if I were I .hlnik I Bhou'- t.iVe tho words of my itext from tho cha-pter of John: 'Be of pool' cheer. I have overcome the world.' " He spolin of the exeat cenfe -.ion. of faith made by mii'.iona of m-Mi during the war. T--ith In (lod and faith In Country. H told of a younr soldier who was mortal!;.' ivounded how when the utretcher I'enrers car"e to him they foun-i that he had written cm the enow, in his own blood. "I believe Iv Cod." and that hl spirit had' dtrarted. Ho -ui-ped upon his bearers the fact that the war had not yet been won and that only by faith omild the world he over- nine for righteousness and a righteous and lastiiMC peace too estab lished. Mr. Kennedy returned to Camp Dlx, X .T., !at evening. Slut bopes to return In time to take up the Ienten work. people only want a dose or two of nervine to axotuso them. Wo propose to proscribe, if the c-a5es are inclined to become serious or numerous. t. Va.lentSne'3 day has come and gor.e with all its curious mess-ics of esteem and rebuke. It is somewhat la,te to acknowledge those we have received but we. do not I heMtate to remind our readers that we the j have been .ptotured out in some of the mo;it g-lo'vgr as well as most honorer scenes imaginable. Would that we could act ea-h part as well a we liave (been represented to do, then the sat isfaction to be Jorivad iiy our frienJs would be increased. We a'-e Indeed jjrateful to the "alicej?" for their numerous remembrances. News items for publication ha Th Times may be left at Carton Sro' Stratford Garage. Niain street. Washington, March 3. Soldiers re turning- from overseas, who for one reason or another missed the pay master abroad, are now receiving their pay in full immediately upon their arrival at ports of debarkation. according: to an official statement made to Representative J. M. Gallivan of Massachusetts by Brig. Gen. H. M. Lorl director of finance. Since the middle of December, General Lord explains, all men have been paid on the strength of their personal affi davits; that is, payment is not with held if a soldier is without papers to show the status of his accottnt. There is no reason why any soldier in the Cnitert States should now be in arrears, General Lord says, and expresses the belief that none are failing 10 receive all that is due them, Including their current monthly pay. The failure to pay some men of the overseas force is attributed by General Lord to the "conditions of intensive campaign in France" and r.ot to a lack of effort on the part of Hie military authorities to accom I;ish a prompt, payment. As a complete and authoritative statement on the subject. General Lord's letter to Repreotntative Galli van answers ninny partisan and unin formed critics who have been attempting- ;o make political capital of com pin ints concerning the elay in paying soldiers in the Kxpeditionary Force. A partial text of General Lord's letter follows: My Dear Mr. Gallivan I am in Mpr bv reference from Gen. R. E. Wood, i-t your letter stating that I your assistance is being requested by ' 'he mothers and fathers of returning j soldiers to obtnin the arrears of pay due the men, ami requesting that you he furnished with a general statement ; as to the reason for the delay in the payments, r.nd outlining the policy with reference to rectifying mistakes which have been made and expediting adjustment of the claims. "The payment of enlisted men in France is under the jurisdiction of the authorities of the American Expedi tionary Forces and it is known to the War Department that there a great many cases where sick and j wounded rvn hve been returned to the United States with several ! months pay due. them. This. I think, ! may properly be attributed to the j conditions of intensive campaign in France and not to any lack of effort by the authorities of the American: Kxpeditionary Forces in France to accomplish prompt curi ent payment to the men. "From July to November of last year the troops were in the battle line, and concerning those men who were returned to the United States I think that the statement is justified that the authorities of the American Expeditionary Forces considered that the necessity of getting these men back to the United States, where they could receive treatment in the hos pital here, outweighed any other matter, and that they did not feel that the return of the men should be delayed by attempting to collect the papers necessary to enable payment to be ronde to them. :ome Without TtecoTd.s. "These sick and wounded men i reached the I nited States without any records of any kind, showing the date to which they were last paid and j the condition of their accounts with respect ot allotments, insurance and other items which enter into the corn- According to Moissaye J. Olgln, Russian revolutionist, who has lived through three changes In government in the past four years, Lennine and Trotzky, before signing the Brest- Litovsk treaty and definitely deliver ing Russia to Germany, agreed Claim Discrimination in Places of Accommodation At Hartford Hearing. heSmithMurrayCo 1061 Main St. and 149 Fairfield A ve. Brid geports Busy Cash Store Hartford March 3 Urging the i passag-e or a !bll which they said I would assure them equal rights in to ' places of ipubllc aocommodLtSon., col- throw the support of the Bolshevik ' ored people from all over the state government to the Allies, if America j appeared before the legislative judi- and the Allied nations would recog- larry committee, Wednesday after- nize them. The recognition never noon, asserting, "If we're hunprry and came, so the traitorous document was i we have the money to pay the price, signed. give us the privileges of American Mr. Olgln spoke at the Forum last ! citizens and allow us to eat where we COItTEZ C. ROCKWEVTXw plumbing and heating; jobbing a specialty. Cv'.-r. M&in and Hilleide avenue, Stratfcjrd. D 1ft tf TTCAT-pORn OA-RAOE- Automobile acco?ories and general repair work, ir a tisf act ion g-u ara jn t ee d at Ca rte n Kros. night and fully explained the Russian situation from the point of view' of a Russian of the middle class. A writer of note, the speaker had no j difficulty In laying the entire matter before his audience in such a way they could not fall to get the bene tt of his experience. Speaking on the political situation he said: "The revolution among the peas ants was accomplished by the estab lishment of peasant councils by emis saries from Petrorrad. The success of the overthrow made it seem that it was driven by Instinct, Perhaps it is the most phenomenal occurrence in history, this violent assertion of thoee people, who had so long been mere tools and exploited by the high er classes. "Next to the peasants the arm? is the other great force in Russia. I understand conditions pretty well amonc the soldiers, because I was put oit of the University of Kiev and thrown into the army for 'correction. Thre were COO others with me. And T want to pay a tribute to these brave men who made the Allies stand at the Marne possible. They were so poorly equipped In many of their campaigns that four and five soldiers had to use a single rifle. "But like the peasants, the soldiers did not know what the war was for. They did not even understand the term 'To make the world safe for democracy. "All daring the summer of 1917 the provisional government was thinking of one thing and tTe Soviets of c'her. Then along came the Bol shevists, who weft then regarded as the intellectuals. First they sought out the contentions of the Soviets and went to the constituents and advo cated an Immediate constitutional as sembly. "The Soviet represents the three classes in Russia, the working man. tho soldier and the peasant. The Bolshevlki are a political party which is striving to impress ' its influence upon the body. "But the Russian Soviets are deeply rooted in the very hearts of the masses and their strength lies In the fact that they are the people them selves. And they are the people that are waiting for America to stretch her hands over the seas to help them and to see the problems as they really exist." inirrnwM 61L1I 1USIH (Special to The Times.) Newtown, March 3. At the aug mented committee meeting; held re cently at (Newtown Inn in interest o a testimonial to the boys in service in a.rmy and navy the suggestion of a new High school Is the most consid ered at the (present time. A coramit- tee was appointed to look Into ail phases of the matter, kind of 'bund ling, location, probable cost and man ner of soliciting fun-as. They are FOR SALE Old fashioned 15 room house in Stratford. Gleason, 2U99 Main St., Stratford, Conn. ', Charles Godolphin of North avenue y. as brought before the town court tM tr.ornin charged with -bu-glary. He v. as hld in -bonds of Jl.ftOO for the criminal vmrt. There have been a inmer of burglaries in the Peck's Wl' district during the past fow week. On Saturday night George jartiett discovered someone at work in hia home in Wheeler's lane. He Rent word to police beadoiLarter and Orn-c-r Ramum responded. A search was made of the premises tout the Intruder bad fled. On his wsy back to the cen ter near ParaBse Oreen Officer I'-ar-r.-rm arrested Godoliphln on suspicion. H proved to be the person wanted. Jewelry taken from the residence of Irving Webb on iNorth Main street a wiek ago was recovered. OSCAR. L. JOHXSO.V. Oscar L., 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Johnson, died yes terday at the family home. Cut Spring r -id. Stratford, after a brief Illness with pneumonia. He was an em ploye of the Baird Machine Co. as an apprentice. He is survived by his parents, four brothers. Walter, Carl, George and Kdward. four sisters. Kmn-.a, Ethel, Kdith anil Gertrude. putatlon Of pay. The War Depart- !,-. airman (Wart in f!nr. ment was, therefore, confronted with , bett A j Smltm ,M. F. Crowe, Miss the problem of paying men who had ! susan Judder. K. C. -Piatt, Mrs. T. F. no papers to show the status of their jBrew, W. B. Glover,' Mrs. Herbert Co accounts, and the only way to meet ger, Eugene M. Peck, W. R. Curtis, this condition was to accept the per- A mass -meeting- of the townspeople sonal affidavit of the man as to the :-will be called when this committee is other items affecting his pay. and to ! prepared to report and with the pros make payment on the strength of this Ipect in vieiw of a much needed High affidavit. 'school and the soldiers' testimonial to "This has been done, and since the he presented it is believed Newtown middle of December, 1918. all men have been paid on the strength of their personal affidavit. I may add also that the men are receiving their pay in full upon arrival at the ports of debarkation in the United States. "I know that there are cases where, prior to the adoption of the policy of navnnp" V Tvien nrt ftitr norsnnnl offi j " ,- ji..., jj iScanlon is a graduate of St, Vincent's davits, men were olscnarged and paid , . . , , T, , . will go "over the top'" to secure this doub'e monument to its own good name. John canlon of the Johns Hopkins Sanitary Corps returned to his home on "Walnut Tree Hill this week. He has ibeen discharged- from, the service and his many friends welcome him after an' absence of 20 months. Mr. GLOKO George J. "EPIIRIAM'S" STRATFORD GOSSIP (From the Files of The Farmer B0 years ag.) The suggestions that the writer of these squibe made some two or three weeks ago in regard to the grading- of some of oar sidewalks has 'been effec tive; as Is evident from the improve ment, which has taken iplace in front New Tofk City is facin-g the worst j housing .risis In its history. Apart ments are virtually . unobtainable. Three hundred thousand- persons -I enough to fill 75.000 more apartments than are available are crowded into ) the cty to ewell its nirmal number of of tae Methodist church and other lo- I hom-renter. Causes! are: calitles equally prominent- Let the I The bulldimr of new apartments to wottlc 4po on steadily mad anirely. Our I keep puce with, the fcrgwinE K .T. MTRPITT. - Murphy of Pine Creek road, Fairfield, died yesterdav at St. Vincent's hospital. He was em ployed as an inspector at the Colum bia Graphophono Co. He was affil iated with tin Unquowa Tribe of Red Men and the Locomobile Sick Benefit association. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Christine and Bfarion; his mother, Mrs. Mary Mur phy of Fairfield. and four sisters, Mrs. Edward Tiemey, Mrs. John Brady. Mrs. William Sherwood and Mrs. John Shanley. Funeral ser vices will be held from the home of his sister. Mrs. Sherwood, 3084 Fair field avenue on Tuesday. .Tiisk Doherty, matchmaker of the Nalenal A. C. of Marieville, R. I., and Lowell A- C. or Ix)well, Mass., is mnnaglng Billy De Foe, the St. Paul lightweight who is so well known here, having made Bridgeport his home for many months. Jack has matched Billy with Al Shubert at the Lowell club tonlbt. travel pay only, leaving the arrears of pay to be paid when their official papers were received 1n the United States. The department is now ap plying to these men the same system of payment as as is being applied to the men still in the service, that is. their a-ffftdavfts are being accepted and papers prepared and paid on the strength of these affidavits. . "Instructions have been sent out by-the department to have all of these cases reported to Washington with a view to having prompt settlement made of any arrears of pay which may be due, and if you receive any communications from any discharged soldiers, claiming that they have money still due them, I would thank you very much if you would send them to this omce, whereupon action will be taken toward adjudicating the claims. Thinks AH Paid Now. "Under the instructions which have been issued by the department authorizing the acceptance of the man's affidavit for the purpose of es tablishing his pay status, there is no reason why any soldier In the United States today should be In arrears with respect to his pay, and I do not be lieve that there are any men who are not now being paid all that Is due them and also their current monthly pay" training school for nurses of Bridge port and was, as is well -known, with the first to go overseas for, relief work. The final entertainments of the so cial season are the pre-Lenten dance at Newtown this CMonday) evening1 and the grange whist Tuesday at tBeech (Memorial Library. A real Hve committee have these affairs in hand and a good time is promised to all who attend. Charles J. Morris and' eon of New Haven spent Saturday and Sunday at their summer home in Zoar district. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pierce and chil dren of New Tork are visiting In town, making ready their horns' in Hanover Siprin-gs for an early return this year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Drew are visit ing' relatives in Brookfield. Frank W rig-tit was a visitor in Shel ton for the week etid. Margaret Corbett of Queen street was a guest on Friday of Misses Helen and Gladys Campbell of Sandy Hook, attending the minstrel show In he evening at town hall, Newtown. new vor: faces its most . serious housing shortage tion has been virtually suspended for two or three years. Sixty thousand families, or about 200,000 persons, have moved- here, some to await the return of soldiers. Fifty thousand are kept here on government work, or as agents of for eign interests. Another 60,000 have come through the usual channels of migrr.tlon- E-ry' new hotel la filled before the decorators are through. Houses are about as scarce as apart ments, but the auestlon of house-renting Is not so important. Two-thirds rf "the more than . 000,000 New Yorfc m Hire. In ana pitmen tw. i WANTED FOR S POT CASH All kinds Household Furniture and Effects, Merchandise, Goods, etc. Call, write or phone. The Bridgeport Auction Company 886-288 Fairfield Avenue. Phones Bar. 1308 or Bar. 982-13. B 1 tf. HI imWWIUimKlVM. 1 . UUH,JH.1IIH1!U.IK h '" lit choose. More than fifty .colored people ap peared, led) toy George W. Crawford, a lawyer, of New Haven. "We would ask tlie committee, if you ca.n't give us this measure, that will accomplish the object sought, not to give us any measure," he said- J. L. Morgan, a colorer lad, wound ed seven times in action In France, a.nd beating the decorations of the Crench crolx de guerre, was among those who appeared. "The colored people of this state have demonstrated by their honesty, patriotism and frugality that they have earned times without number, the right to enjoy their privileges as American citizens," J. P. Pea-ker, of Isew Haven, declare"!. "For 200 years here in America, the black race has not only fought for the nation, but has produced. Why is it necessary to afk for our inalienafole risrhts? Xegro blood was the firet spilled in Boston naroor in tne Revolution. Our people 1 have never been unpatriotic, even in slavery." I He presented a petition bearing l.o;o ' names, urging the passage of' the bill. ' which provides that negroes may sue any person who restrains them from ! places of public accommodation. ! "If you don't report favorably on ! this bill," Feaker continued, "we'll feel that the cause, even in this late ' war, when 4eO,GX of our ihoys joined yours in France, haa been in vain. Not only is the concensus of the opin ion of the dark-skinned people of this state in favor of this measure, but of aH of the right-thinking people of the United States." The Kev. C. F. Luther, white, of New Haven, chairman of the. New Haven .branch of the National Asst.- ! elation for the Advancement of Col- ore-d. People, told the committee he ' represented CC0 people, colored and white. "There is no argument for right," he said. It. William Porter Noreomb, intro duced by Mr. Crawford as a graduate of Tale, the Universitv of Michisr.m and Medical uchool, said, "We have relied on the faith born In us, that some time we would get what was just and right. Connecticut from time Immemorial was preached to us as the land of fair -dealing-, and we are look ing to Connecticut to recognize us now. We don't want to be pampered. All we ask Is that we are given the rights that are inalienablj- ours." Among the others who appeared were William B. Reed, representing the Colored Men's Civic league of Hartford, the Rev. George Goyne of the Colored Congregational church of New Haven. - the Rev. Jsir a bright of Hartford, R. R. BaJl "of Hartford and the Rev. C. Van Buren of Bridgeport. Hits at Loan Sharks. "Where vre there any loan sharks in Connecticut?" Attorney General Frank E. Healey a.?ked Clarence S. Hodson, halting him in an a-coeal In behalf of a bill introduced by Senator Kiett at Hodson's request, setting the interest rate on fmall loans at three and one-half per cent, a month. Mr. Hodson told the committee the bill was aimed at "the dirty, despicable loan shark." He said he represented the legal reform bureau to eliminate the loan shark evil, of New Tork city. "I don't associate with loan sharks and they are not on my visiting list," he replied, answering the question of the attorney general, "but people must borrow, and they can't do it legally with the interest rate under the -present statute." Attorney - General Healv opposed the measure, as did Roger W. Davis of Hartford, representing tho Morris Plan companies of Connecticut, an Walter S. Heilborn of "ew Tork. representing the department of reme dial loans of the Russell Sage founda tion. Frank J. Milne of Newark and Robert A. Elwood appeared in favor of the bill. Strong protest against passage of the bill which provides for revocation of liquor and club licenses after June SO and prohibiting the issuance of li censes arter January is, litzo, was entered. Judge J. A. Peasley of Wa terbury. Attorney A. L. Taks of New Haven, James T. Manee, represent ing the Personal Liberty league, the State Federation of Labor and . the Federation clubs of Brldgepot, Fred S. Orr of New Haven, and T. W. Crowley of the Hartford Central La bor union, opposed the bill. F,. L. Hohenthal and H. TS. Spooner of the Connecticut Temperance union spoks in favor of the measure. "Connecticut would be bone dry regardless- of what happened else where," Judge Peasley asserted. Mr. Taks said the prohibition element was "trying to put through legisla tion more stringent -than the eigh teenth amendment." A bill limiting the percentage of alcohol In all liquids to that provid ed under the federal law, was sup ported by Ralph O. Wells, represent ing the Southern New England Wholesale Grocers' association, and by H. H. Spooner. Mr. Wells sub mitted a substitute bill. providing that liquids used for "culinary, medi cinal or toilet purposes" should be excluded. Judge Joseph P. Tuttle of the supe rior court appearing to represent the monument dealers of tho state In support of a bill to permit the plac ing of Hens on monuments, was op posed by Judge William F. Henney of Hartford and others, representing the cemetery associations of the state. "Don't let loose with persecution of the dead just to protect an im provident manufacturer," Judge Hen ney asserted. Others who opposed the bill were the Rev. Father F. B. Nolan, representing the Catholic Cemetery associations. Judge B. L Steele, representing the Spring Grove Cemetery association, and R. C Mansfield, who appeared for the Evergreen Cemetery association.. iNew Haven. , . . . . Felt Base Linoleum No doubt, at this time you need some new Lino leum to fit in with your Spring plans for brightening up the home. Here 's a good Linoleum with felt base cut from full rolls No Remnants large variety of patterns and colors. Regularly 69c yard. 49c square yard 'CumfyCut" Vests FOR WOMEN The merit of this garment over the old style lies in the fact that the shoulder straps are placed so that they will not slip off. Made with Beading and French tops and "can't slip straps." Slight mill imperfections made of mer cerized lisle and fine cotton. SPECIAL 33c each Pretty Ginghams :2 inches wide Renfrew Ginghams featured in plaids, checks and stripes most excellent from which, io fashion spring garments for yourself and the chil dren. Special 39c yard Chamoisette Gloves For Women If they pet soiled they are easily washed. Colors Brown, Grav, Black and White. 75c pair 54 Inch Mohair Sicilian Beautiful lustrous qual ity Jet Black skirt and dress lengths 1.39 qual ity. 85c yard 77ieSmithMurrqyCa F j Pf ' fi 1 Sterling Silver Table Ware IN COMPLETE SETS We call especial attention to the "John Aldem," "Old English" and "Patrta" patterns, all which are extremely rich hut plain designs. AVo are prepared to supply these patterns tn complete sets both hollowware and flatware or in single pieces to suit your individual requirements. G. W. FAIRCHILD & SONS,. INC 097 MAIN ST. . ARCADE CORKER "AT THE SIGN OF THE CHIMES" THE LIBERTY AUTO RADIATOR AND FENDER WORKS Phone Anto Radiators Lamps and Mudguards Auto Sheet Metal Work of ail kinds Hoods Gasoline Tank Mndpans and Mafflera Special Attention to Metal Bodies . 350 Stratford Av.,Cor. East Main St., Bridgeport, Ct. NEW RADIATORS ANT SECTIONS A24t SPRAGUE IDE & COAL GO: Advertise in The Times DEALERS IN ANTHRACITE AND BITTMINOUS EAST ND E. WASH. AVE. BRIDGE COAL :: TEL. 487S-467 A REAL INVESTMENT We know that this Oakland Sensible Six Touring Car costs less to own, operate and maintain than any other automobile built. Our customers are regularly reporting mileages from it of from 18 to 25 per gallon of gasoline and from 8,000 to 12,000 on tires. Touring Car, SlOTS; Roadster. $1075; Sedan. $1650; Coup. fl&SO F.O.B. Pontiac, Mich. Additional for wire wheel equipment, $T4 JOHN C. MATTTCE, IMstrttrator. Salesrooms 285-287 Stratford Avenne. Service Station S3-2 Kossuth St.. Bridgeport Conn- Telephone Baranm 636. ADVERTISE IN THE TIMES