mim&& The Weather Report Bridgeport and vicinity Generally cloudy with local showers tonight n1 Thurs day; probably clear Thurs day afternoon or night. AIMAJfAO FOR TODAI Sun rises 5:sn a. in. Sun nets S:00 p. m. High water 3:38 a. m. Moon rises 12:59 a. m. Low water .. 10:07 a. m. and Evening' Fanner I'AT r- VA 101 TTCirP 1TOA Entered as second clans matter at the post office il V'Ll. OO J.i fiiM, JIJU ,t Bridgeport. Conn., under the act of 1879 BRIDGEPORT, CONN.. "WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1939 Subscription rates bv mall: Tin 11 v 16.00 nr vear. One TT?TTT' ' P V " rfOTlma month. Daily 60 cents. 178 Fairfield Jive.. Brldareoort a rw -i-O mm ij MIA i lyJ -rtUug) D r lyjlfylg LmlLrb If UJ lain 1 MAKE OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING PEACE PACT Von-Raufzau Bf Time To Reply On Further Notes Being Made and Time Too Short to Complete Them. THINK REQUEST WILL BE GRANTED Text of German Statement Regarding Repara tions. Paris, May 21 Count von IJrockdnrrf-Hanlzou, heat! of the (irnnan pence delegation, has asked nn etension of lime for Germany to present her re jil v rcgnrding the pence terms. The Count stated that further notes were being prepared ami t hiit it would be impossible to complete them 1 p. in. Thurs day, when the time limit is up. it Is believed, nays the Havtm Aannry, that the request for the ex tension will -be granted. The note says the Germans desire mi. re time to study a number of 1iestlons in the treaty -which they hive not yet had an opportunity to examine. There Is no official Intimation re garding the decision of the Allied 'and associated powers on the request. Tim r-)nfnrpni last night made public the text of the Oerman note regarding reparations and the reply made by Premier Clemeneeau 04 Presld-nt of the Conference. The German note reads: "At Versailles. May 11, 1919. "To H!s Excellency, M. Clemen effii. President ot the Peace Con ference, fir: In the draft of peace treaty sub Tilrtert to the Oerman delegates, part VIII concerning reparation, begin v. lh Article 231, which reads as fol lows: ' The Allied and associated govem Tiirnts affirm and Germany accepts the Tport by Germany and her allies for rx'urinw all the loss and Jams re to mhi.-h the Allied and associated gov ernments and their nationals have I en subjected as a coimeqnenfe of the war Imposed lipim them, by the t egression of Germany and her A!- :es.' "Now the obligation to mate rep-r-ration has 'been changwdl, according . Secretary of State Lansing's note. In repaid to reparation of war. The irtorman delegation cannot admit that there could arise out of a, responsi bility iTw-wred tvr the former Ger Jnan government in regard to the or igin of the world war any right for he Allied and associated powers to l Indemnified by Germany for louses mfTered during the war. "The representatives of the Allied r.nd associated states huts, more over, declared several times that the German people should not be held re epfinsible for the faults committed 'y their governments. The German people did not will the war and would not have undertaken a war of I'treression. They have always re mained convinced ht this war was for them a defensive war. "The Oerman delegates also do not share the view of the Allied and asso ciated governments In regard to the or I rln of the war. They cannot con sider the former German government us the party which was solely or .chiefly to blame for the war. The Continued on Pk Seven) r HELP DRIVE TOTAtS39,048 U. S. Wolfe Says Pace Must Be Sped Up in Remain ing Four Days. With subscriptions for the day mounting to $28,3T3, the tots mount raised to date in the Combin ed Help Drive in this city was an nounced as $89,048 at noon. Divi sion A reported $1,336; Davision B M.262. and the Executive Committee $I0.BO. Subscriptions reported by this com? nitttee were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Laehar, 15.000: Mr. and Mrs. Higmund Loe with. 11,000; Howland Dry Goods Co., $1,000; M. H. Chaffee, $500; Bassicl-. f!n $500; Mr. and Mrs. David Day, 1400; Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Moss, $300; ' McKencie Brothers & Co., $300; Zim. mer Brothers, $300; Smith-Murray Co., 260; American Hardware Co.. : K. Windsor Farris, $200, and the Wolverine Motor Co., $150. K. 8. Wolfe, chairman of the exec utive committee, announced te.am workers must speed up if $300. UU0 , , to be raised in ths remaining four ' d&ya of the campaign. 'Ray Starboard of the Salvation ' Army forces' In France addressed the Wants Extension Engine Trauble Delays NC4 Postpone Flight To Lisbon Dispatches to Navy Department Indicates Trouble Not Serious NCI To Be Listed As "Lost At Sea" Commander Towers Will Go to Plymouth. Ya :-hingtnn, May 21 Although weather conditions were extremely favorable, Lieutenant-Commander Albert C. Read was unable to get the seaplane C-4 away from Ponta Del Gada today for the 800 mile flight to Lisbon, Portugal, be cause of engine trouble, which developed when the ship was being tuned up for the start. Dispatches to the Navy Department indicated that the motor trouble was not serious and that Commander Read may start tomorrow. Communder John H. Towers, trans Atlantks flight commander, hn recom mended that the NC-1, which sank at sea, be Rtrlcken from the navy list as "lost at sea" and that the XC-3 be placed out of commission for rebuild ing when she returns to New Tork. The N'C-3 Is now being taken apart at Ponta Del Gada preparatory to being- shipped home. Lleutenant-Comander R. A. T. ven der and Lieut. H. Padenwater. mem bers of the crews of the NC-1 and XC-3. win return to the TTnited States on the first trovemment vessel leav-1n- Ponta Del Gada. The dismantled N(M will he taken to New Tork on the VT. P. S. Melville with Machinist f R. Moore, a member of her crew. n charsre. The destroyer Stockton has been placed at the disposal of Commander Towers and the remain ing members of two crews who will RAYNHAM WILL TRY JIG "HOP" Believes His Machine Will Go Through Capt. Mor gan Disagrees. ftt. John's, N. F.,May 21. The skel eton of Frederick R. Raynhnm's Mar tlnsyde plane, a thinir of frail appear ance, stripped of its covering of linen and veneer, was set up in a repair shop today to be reassembled It seemed a slight structure for the bur den assigned to it and, with the for ward parts wrenched and torn, vehicle of doubtful strength to brave a pas sage of the upper regions of the At lantic. This view Is held by Captain C. "W. F. Morgan, who declared today that he could not put his former faith in a machine so damaged es the Maxtln syde was in the crash of Sunday. His statement Indicated that he would not fly with Rayriham in this second at tempt to win fame, for which machine is being rebuilt. However, Captain Morgan Bald he dLl not concur in the opinion of phy sicians who toM. him that the Injuries he received Sunday ended his flying days. Captain Morgan said that when he recovered from Ihls Injuries he would make an effort to obtain a new plane and start an Independent flight for the British Isles.- 'Raynham is of the opinion that his machine could be made fit to fly, eitliea with a new engine, or with the ! old one. Following an insDection of the motor, experts said it hadl suffered little in the accident and could 'be put in haie for the great test demanded of it. An attempt is to be made by the several expeditioners here preparing for flights to obtain more satisfactory weather reports than any heretofore obtained. Meteorologists of the ex peditions met last night and consid ered defects due to transmission de lays, and a request will be made of the British Air Mlnistery for more voluminous reports. As an instance of the daggers of delayed information it was said that the minor depression reported near the Azores before Har ry Hawker set out on Sunday had grown to tremendous preparations be fore the next report arrived on Sun day night. It was added that had an immediate report been made and forwarded promptly the missing air man might have been warned in time to avert disaster. This instance was cited as an .example of short comings of the present system, regardless of whether it had any connection with the theory that Hawker's Sopwlth plane was overcome by this storm. New York, May 21 Trial of four teen officers and employee of the Coastwise Lumbr Co. on charges of conspiracy to defraud the govern ment by delivering short measure of lumber at various army cantonments, was begun in Brooklyn today before federal Judge feidwin S. Thomas of Peace Pact proceed to Plymouth, England, the objective port of the XC-4. The crew boarded the KC4 two hours before sunrise to tune up the motors. After makinsr three unsuc cessful attempta to take off with one ensrine functioning improperly, Lieutenant-Commander A. C. Read decid ed that it was too late to remedy the trouble this morning in time to make the flipht to TJsbon in daylight hours. Commander Read is confident that the engine '.rouble is not important and that it will be remedied in time to bejrln the flipht to Lisbon at day break tomorrow, weather permitting. Crowds of souvenir hunters who tried to pet pieces of the NC-3, the flagship of the fligrht, which is moored in the harlbor here, made it necessary today for the na.va.1 authorities to is sue orders that the ship be guarded day and night. STRATFORD YOUTH RIVALS HOUDINI Baker's Principle Hobby Is Getting Arrested and Breaking Jail. Stratford is the home of a young bandit whose boldness almost equals that of any dime novel hero. Edward Baker is the youth's name. He is only 18 years of age but his activities during the past several months would put many older outlaws to shame. On the 24th of last August young Baker was arrested by the Stratford police who suspected that he was implicat ed in a series of about 20 burglaries committed in or about Stratford. Baker remained behind the bars only a few hours when he made his escape. A few days later the Bridge port police picked him up on Bell street and sent him back to Stratford where he again broke Jail. Baker was then sent to the Connecticut Reformatory but he found that place easy to leave. He next appeared in Barnstable, Mass., and was Implicated in severa burglaries In that city. The Boston police arrested young Baker las! week as he was engaged as a street fakir. He was held in the Boston Jail until an officer from Barnstable arrived to transfer him back to Barn stable. On the train after leaving Boston he succeeded in tricking his custodian and Jumped from the mov ing train. ' He was taken to a hos pital considerably bruised and cut where he remained two weeks, after which he was again locked up in the Barnstable Jail. He again escaped and was arrested yesterday by the Boston Motor Boat Patrol as he was rowing across Buzzard's Bay to Cape Cod. Young Baker Is now Incarcerated In Boston awaiting trial for alleged burglaries In Barnstable. JITNEY DRIVER STRIKES POLE IS BADLY INJURED James Swed, aged 26, of IDeacon street, a Jitney 'bus driver, 'bound for Ash creek this morning aout eight o'clock, collided with an electric light pole in front of the telephone exchange- building on Fairfield avenue. He was Injured Internally and taken to Ft. Vincent' hospital where he is urfdier observation. The pole .was broken oft at the base and the 'bus was smashed at the front end. Or. Burns of the "Emergency hospital was called and hurried the man to the hospital. New Haven, May 21 By vote of the Yale corporation announced to day, Sheffield Scientific School will arrange for reserve officer training corps course- in. ordnance, engineer--lng and military aeronautics, next WILSOX SHIP CAN'T GET IX AXTWEKP HARBOR Paris, May 21 The American naval authorities have decided that the steamer George Wash ington, wliich Prcsldeilt Wilson lias used in Ills journeys between the Vnitcd States and lYance, cannot enter tlio harbor of Ant werp, as it is not deep enough. The question liad been raised in connection with a plan for President Wilson to sail home ward from Antwerp after visiting Brussels. What effect the decision of the naval authorities will have upon the Iresident's plans is not known. ABANDON HOPE 0 HAWKER'S SAFETY Other Teams At Newfound land Ready to Start Over seas Flight. St. John's, N. F., May 21 Hope for the safety of Harry G. Hawker and Commander Mackenzie Grieve, missing since they set out eastward through the air on Sunday in their Sopwith biplane for Ireland, was vir tually abandoned -today by the British fliers preparing hero to take wing in their wake. News of the safety of the XC-3 after being so long on the water had been a source of exclama tion, but it is realized that Hawker and Grieve's machine carried only a coupled emergency boat, as compar ed with the large ones of the naval plane. Undaunted by the Sopwith's disap pearance, which must be taken into consideration as part of the hazards cf trans-Atlantic flight, members of the other cross-ocean expeditions to day continued to mature their plans for flights with the next full moon, three weeks hence. Froni Harbor Grace came word that the Handley Page super-bomber would be in the air within ten -days instead of a fort night, as the operations of assembling this machine are being expedited. Captain Aicott of the Anglo-Ameri can team, which will attempt a flight in a Vimy bomber, expects the latter machine to reach here tomorrow or Friday.. While here he will use as his base the Mount Pearl plateau air drome vacated by Hawker. Flying light to Harbor Grace he will there take on a full load of 865 gallons of gasolene before "hopping off." His plane will have a range of .2,440 miles. Captain Aicott eaid today that he fn-ould carry as life-savins equipment only an lnflateable vest, as he considered other contrivances of such doubtful value that he would not burden his machine with them. Regarding the fate of Hawker and Grieve some of the airmen here be lieve the Sopwith collapsed within a short time after leaving St. John's, and that the wireless collapsed. The opinion is gaining ground that field ice and bergs extending for one hun dreds miles off the coastmay have affected the work of the engines through the intense cold congealing the ice. The American airmen who flew to Trepassey from Rockaway, N. -Y., found that this condition caused them serious inconvenience, disturbing all their engines, some of which were virtually burned out from this cause, according to offic ers aboard the United States supply ship Prairie. HOUSE TO PASS ANTHONY DRAFT Senate Prepared to Act Promptly on Suffrage Resolution. Washington, May 21 The Woman Suffrage resolution, before Congress for more than forty years, was taken up in the House today as the first real work of the extra session. Four hours of debate and adoptions of the reso lution before adjournment were planned. The resolution is the historic Susan B. Anthony draftf proposing submis sion to the states of an equal fran chise amendment to the constitution. It was adopted by the last House 274 to 136 on January 10, 1918, but twice failed in the Senate .first- by two votes and then by one. A large maa-gin over the requisite two-thirds majority was predicted to day. The vote was expected about six o'clock. Writh favorable action In the House regarded assured. Senators were pre pared to act promptly. AMERICAN IiBGIOV TO MEET HERE MAY 27. There will be a mass meeting ot the American legion' at the High school auditorium next Tuesday even ing. Major F. J. Adams of the 26th Division will preside over the meet ing and a number of prominent epeakers will be heard. The legion is composed of- men who served as soldiers, sailors . or marines In the lerman Cabinet Definitely States it Will uns Determined To Adhere To Wilson's Fourteen Points Text of Statement Issued By German Cabinet Claim Cannot Sign Peace Terms In Form Placed Before Plenipotentiaries. Berlin, Tuesday, May 20 "Germany has not only a moral right to compliance with the general promises made it, but a firmly grounded definite, clearly defined claim, according to the basic rules of International law on all the Entente powers, especially on the United States ," a cabinet statement to the As sociated Press read. "Germany cannot sign the peace terms as placed before the plenipotentiaries in its present form.' "The Secretary of State notified the Swiss government in Washington un conditionally that the established basis of President Wilson's 14 points should be authoritative for the basis of conditions. Secretary Lansing.-an-nounced further that the Entente governments after careful considera tion, were also prepared to recognize the conditions set up by President Wilson as the basis for peace. "The declaration of rights from this specific declaration of all Entente powers and the United States consti tutes Germany's sole asset in the moral breakdown of all international politics which has found unsurpassa ble -expression in the Versailles terms. "Germany answers them with its clearly jurestic right in international law. Toward the politico-moral bankruptcy of Versailles the German nation stands as a creditor with un deniable rights, and it is not in a position to yield on this chief point. Germany concluded peace on the basis of President Wilson's 14 points, which all America had made its own, and all America, every individual. Is responsible for the fulfilment of its claims. "It is not the German people's bus iness to Indicate how its rights shall be released by the 14 points, or es pecially by the note of Secretary Lansing. That rather. Is the task of those who constructed the 14 points and brought them to acceptance, thereby inducing Germany to lay down her weapons. We -do not W. T. MEYER IS HEAD 0FJ. 0.0. F. Local Man Assured of Elec tion At Grand Lodge Ses sion Today. The election of William T. Meyer as grand master of the Odd Fellows of Connecticut is assured today at the annual session of the Grand Lodge, which is being held at New Haven. Sidney W. Challenger, a prominent newspaperman of this city, will also be re-elected as grand treasurer. The new grand master is superintendent of finance at the local post office. The reports read at the session to day show that the Odd Fellows con tributed liberally in men and money to the winning of the- war. Th'e lodges of this state sent 1905 men in to the service and 61 were killed. Fifty-four were wounded, 685 dis charged and 1,159 are still In the service. The total state membership on January 1, last, was 25,821. S. H. Harris lodge, No. 99, of this city, ranked second among the state lodges in the number of men sent into the service. This lodge had 72 and Pequot lodge of New London - was first, with 76- The state lodges have $102,875.07 invested in war securi ties. ' A step to help in the Americaniza tion campaign was seen in the ruling that in the future no ritual work will be allowed In any'lodge unless it ;s done In the English language. The financial reports showed that the total assets of the state lodges on January 1, 1918, were $1,016,698.79' and on January 1, 1919, $1,027,880.88, a net gain of $11,082. (During the year 1918 the sum of $153,880.41 was pair out in relief. A report was also made on the assess ments levied to pay all dues; ick and death beenfits for men, In the service. The total amount collected-In 1918 was $19,306.25 and after various sums , were drawn out,- the balance, on hand is i $5,142.32. - ' The showing or Rebekan orancB was also good. The- total funds on hand last January 1. 1919. were 438, 284.45 and the iotal membership was ,685. The 'branch Invested $4,84 In lieve that President Wilson, Secretary Lansing and the American people can take other than this German stand point if they do not wish to do that which President Wilson In his mess age of December 4, 1917, condemned categorically when he 'said: 'We would dishonor our own cause If we treated Germany any other than just ly and in a non-partisan manner and did not Insist upon Justice to wards all, no matter how the war ended. We demand nothing which we are not ready ourselvea to ad mit.' "And the German people . demand nothing more than that which Pres ident Wilson announced in this dec laration. We demand nothing more than that Americana place the four teen points opposite1 the peace terms. WTe do not believe that anyone in the United States win then have the courage to claim that there can be found in the peace conidlitions one single trace left of President Wil son's program. "And here begins America's defi nite duty to step in. America either must put it fourteen points through or It must declare that it is unable to do bo, or that it does not want to do so, so that in no case may the world be led to 'believe that America de sires to have the peace conditions count as President Wilson's fourteen points. "That is our demand, to which we "Cling, and we cannot imagine what argument from the Amerlcin side be-wouJd be effective against it." NO CITIZENSHIP TO DISLOYAL MAN Henry Schroeder of Fair field Denied Papers Be cause of Unpatriotic Remarks. Because he made disloyal remarks about this country during the war, Henry Schroeder, a native of Ger many, was denied the right' to take out citizenship papers when he ap plied to the Superior Court today. His attitude on the war had been reported to Department of -Justice agents and he was confronted with proof when he appeared before Judge Curtis. Schroeder lives In Mill Plain road. Fairfield. He Was born In Bremen, Germany .In 1878, and came to this country In 1897. He is married but has no children. Mrs. Schroeder was anxious that her husband should become a citizen. She said he was not disloyal and that the stories told about him were untrue. False Alarm Joker Said Finger Caught in Hook; Fined $50 The story that his finger became caught in the hook of the fire alarm box and thereby caused the bell to ring a false alarm did not make much ofan impression when Charles Laure of this city told it to Prosecutor Hux ford in the Criminal Common Pleas court today. Judge Walsh imposed a fine of $50 on Uaure. The box le pulled ' was at Hamilton and Hallett streets. Another man whose impulsive nature got him into trouble was An drew Bielien of Stamford. It was alleged that he told his wife to throw a pail of water on a policeman who was standing - in front of Biellen's place of business. She did not throw the water but Bielien was thrown in to Jail. He was fined, $10 today. Pasquale PisateUo, charged with keeping, a rambling house at 17 82 Main street, pleaded guilty and was fined $100. Max Ropa pleaded guilty to the charge of sssaultlos John Ww Not Sign Similar Statements Made , by Ebert and Other Prom inent Germans. EXPECT DELEGATES VIEWS TOMORROW Impression Prevails in Paris That Treaty Will be Sign- ' ed Despite Denials. (By the Associated Press) The definite statement that Germany will not sign the peace terms as they were pre sented to her plenipotentiaries at Versailles is made by the German cabinet through the Associated Press." Statements along a somewhat similar line by President Ebert, Premier Seheidemann and other Ger mans in high place have pre ceded this one. Meanwhile European despatches show that Germany's representatives are still endeavoring to secure modi fications of these terms. Thus an other note wan sent yesterday by the German peace mission at Versailles to the Secretariat of the Peace Con gress. This is the tenth communica tion forwarded to the Allies by the Germans since they received the peace terms. The contents of the note are not yet known. Today or tomorrow the German representatives are expected to trans- ' mit to the Allies a comparative state ment on Germany's attitude toward the peace treaty as a whole, specify ing what points they accept and what 4 they desire to have modified. The fifteen day time limit for them - to make known their standpoint expires Thursday. Up to yesterday, at least, the preva- . lent opinion in Paris seemed to be that, notwithstanding all their pro tests, the Germans ultimately would sign the treaty. Premier Orlando of Italy has gone to Rome for a confer ence with members of his cabinet on "certain interior and foreign quee-. tions," according to a Paris despatch. It seems probable, therefore, that the peace terms will not be presented to the Austrian delegation before Frl dayy, when the Italian Premier is due to return to Paris. In view of the fact that the settle ment of the Italian and Jugo-SlaviO claims to Flume and Dalmatla ars still not settled, and that every ef--' -fort has been made to bring about an agreement before the peace terms are laid before the Austrian peace missions it may be assumed that -Signor Orlando's flying trip to Rome indicates some new development in " ', the work of adjusting the situation. Apparently, Premier Orlando will, at the most, remain at Rome but a few hours. Judge Schumacher, who represent ed Tyrol on the A!striail peaoe dela-' ' gation has returned to Vienna, It is stated In Paris advices. It is point ed out that he was bitterly attacked ky the Italians and the French press for his activities against the Italiassl at Trieste where he was stationeej during the war. MARION LAWSON SEEKSJIVORCE Prominent Brooklawn Club Member Accuses Leonidas Lawson of Infidelity. Bridgeport social circles were thrown Into a flutter today when It was learned that Marion L. Lawson, the young matron who has taken a prominent part in activities at the Brooklawn club 'and in other exclu sive organizations, had started divorce procedings against Leonidas Lawson," formerly of this city, but now of De-, trolt, Mich. In papers filed today .In the superior court, Mrs. Lawson charges her hus band wltli infidelity and names Juna Sraythe as co-respondent. The alleg ed act is said to have taken place at the Hotel Wilson, Detroit, on May 1, 1919.' The wife asks for 'the custody of one child, Leonidas Lawson, Jr., aged 14. - The Lawsons were married Febru ary 24, 1903, the wife's maiden name having been Marion L. Addoms. The Lawsons lived at 1081 Iranistan ave nue until, the recent separation.,, Thex . were Interested In amateur theatric als the husband having been a well : known member of the Corned v d""-. Lawson- is a macbasloel r Uts lueki . tMa noon, i I Hwsf Ai.- Connecticut. r