Newspaper Page Text
14 THE TIMES: MAY 21, 1919 15 Words 15c TTtinnKes Claussnfia3(dl A ells Phone 1208 If r ; n t AOCOUNTING-Al'DliiXG Accounting-Auditing CERTIFIED Balance Sheet. T'r. fit and Losa Statements, Monthly Auii lta Special attention given to small concerns. Anthony B, Marunintf X Co.. Inc.. 1115 Main St. (Jkourity Building)- Phone Baraum 6700. Rltf am h u la- r kx AMBfTiANCES Invalid car and 11m onlxt. Cfcargea reasonable. Jea. T. R.mrke. 13S Main st Brnum6A9. Phone D7d AS1MAU FOUR fine Malted poodles;, fines minting owiarles; (fold fish- Pla"" e.qt. Tlums-. globee; accessories. , FVldgeporV Modern Pet 61P'.,on ' an4 Kim. A23a1' ALL KINDS of fancy plgeone; alo r.lfth flyer- and homer, for ie. , Rrtdgeport Bird . ' Main St.. near Hamnm Ave. PI ami COURTNEY A WHELAHAN, ln'r" In gold fish. Angora cate. canine-., dog-. parrots. Belgian hare- and Flemish giants. 11 J Wall St.. up stalra. . man BIHD3 rnbbits. Oulnca pig". pat ocY, bought and Bold : agents for .P"1?0" iurnal. York's Anlma. 1',":.JS fr.,,.,- Ft Rll;r AtrroMOHn.r.s ALL. KINDS of second hand cars bought, sold and exchanged. Brooks St. Auto F,Trhani. 377 Hwin S'. AUTOMOBILES of "very description. 1150 up. Chapman Car Exchange. North End Garage.2S7S NJ" ALL. KINDS of automobiles or mo'"' tn.cke wanted In exchange for first mcirtnrn paying $75 every rnonh. together with Interest. P1 wind. 527 Farlfleld Ave., after . Barnum 8071-4. L9d ELL TOUR OLD CAR to Bridgeport Auto Wrecking Co.. George ""5 ter Sts. Phone Barnum 6586-Z. btiii line second hand parts and JlrM on hand. UlOajl UETZ CARS (the 1917 Wonder) 7 speeds forward. $595. touring ear on runabout. One tn truck fj. City Auto Co.. Fairfield and West Ave nuw M2au FORD JTTNET BITS for sale, fine running cinilitlon,price $50. Hal lett St. Oarage. S61 JIallett St. Tel Hm-rnim 1022-S. 'l')B4ai AUTOMOBILES Highest prices paid for late model-. If you want to sell your car ari'1 got soot cash can AUTO TRUCKING LOCAL, IONO WSTANCB Furni ture, piano moving. We move every thing. T. Platsky, 390 and 527 S at? St Barnum 2285 or Barnum 333-12 '19TT9d UTO lAght and heavy trucking long distance furniture and Plnno moving A B. Hayduck. 860 Vndl- Ave. Tel: Bar 4377 '18R2aH eUTO TRUCKING, local and long distance furniture moving. L. A. Frtfh, t6 Whlttier St.. Black Rock. Gar&c Barnum 1154: house 2300-1 IIOV.NO Adame expressing and trucking. Local and long distance. 1 u fnr everything I break. 704 K1 Main St. Bar. 181 IlOajl fTRtrrfClN"0 Rosa Farrar trucking and ash oartlng done at short notice. It Reservoir Avenue. Phone Bar nutn 481-12. P7ai LIGHT AITU TRUCKING Local and long distance, reasonable price, 241 State Bt. Tel. Bar. 1084. R2a AUTO TRUCKING and furntlure mov ing, local and long distance; ra'a'S reasonable. Peter Miller. 21 Jones Ave. Phone Bar. 7888. D7aj LOCAL. AND LONO distance truck ing, moving and general trucking. Excursion, parties taken out. D. Mastrony, 290 Capitol Ave. D30al- GENERAL. TRUCKING Local and long distance moving. John Mllo, 0 Jackson Ave. phone Barnum H3-3. T'l 4"i Atrro RADIATORS 6HEET METAL. AUTO BODIES made and repaired, fenders, radiators and tanks; sheet metal parts made at short notice; reliable and reasonable. Nelson & Son. 5 5 William St. phone. AUTO REPAIRING WE SOLICIT your Ford repair work: all workmanship guaranteed; noth ing but authorised Ford parta ueed. Madison Garage, 1090 Madison Ave. Noble 850. 19R16al F J. E0OBWORTH Auto repairing 'of every description; Ford hospital; used car for sale. 7 Caroline St., near Barnum Ave. 19R2dj ALL CAR OWNERS are Invited to visit Colorado Ave Garage, located at 128 Colorado Ave., for storage and repairs. Will be aura to cat satisfaction. Honeax work. 19U4)at- TRACT'S AUTO Repair and Supply Station Tires, tubes, vulcanising, accessories and Ford parts: used cars for sale. 258 North Washing ton Ave. Barnum 4988-6. '19B36a'- BARNUM SERVICES OARAGE Gen eral repairs on all makes of oars, storage, accessories, springs repair ed etc Our service means service. ' - 1800 Baraum Av. Tel. Noblaj 108. Bridgeport. Conn TJ-6a HB NOBLE REPAIR SHOP Auto bn burning while waiting; Hudson Btudebaker work a specialty. 261 Noble Ave. U23a'l IK PERT automobile repairing od Dodge, Overland A Ford exn. Radiator and tender repairing. All work us laniard Cannon St. Re- pmVr SW08 Cannon Bt. T20alf AROUND automobile repairing and overhauling; work guaranteed. Biro wood Oarage, 65 Elmwood Ave. J. Mlddlebrook. Phone Bar. 2988. OLD ADTOS made to run Ilka new and look Ilka new. All work guar anaaaal: Wflaagm4rva-8aal"tln. D. Gallant, South End Garage. 188 Booth AV. L6a- HARDI BROS. WELDING CO. oxy acetylene welding, weldera, braaera of all metals, anored eyUndera re paired without reborlng. Auto and machine parta specialty. Ill Nloh ol Bt. U1al" AVTO BODIES. WE HAVE a large stock of open and closed Ford delivery bodies for Ford ' eara ready to mount on, chaaala. Met ropolitan Auto 4k Carriage Co., 414 tAraaA Bt. Phone). Barwtfn lilt. No ' matter what you waitf try Tts Tunes 7r-.t Column AUTO ACCESaiKlES ilO USED TIRES 30x3. $3 up; 30x 0'.. $5 up: 32x3Vi. $7; 31x4. $7; Cx4.$S. Standard Tire Kepair Co, so I.esbia St.,rear of D. & C. Oil Co., State St. U26u GREAT SALE of Automobile Urea. U. K. Miller, Columbia. AJa. Goodyear; 10x3, $; 80s. 111. 60; 0x3VS $14; .1X4. $22; $20.60; 32x4 124.60; 84x4. $4o. 1192 State . Blag NOTICE The D. & C. Oil Co.. Inc.. will open May S with a full line of a itomobile supplies and tires. Qual ity and service our motto. Corner State and Lesbla Sts. '19Rla; Wm. Van Wagoner AI"?OMOKILE TIRES with reputa tion and value, no seconds, dead stock or left-overs, lire repairing. vuleanl7jng and retreading of the same high grade quality. Racine. Kisk, Hood, Kelly Spring-field. 135 John St., near ISroad St. Phone Barnum 6366. '19R6di auto painting WANT YOUR AUTO painted In first class shave call on us. Work guar anteed. Bridgeport Auto Painting Co.. 824 Charles St. Barnum 4939. '19B22all ATTO VULCANIZING AUTO TIRE and tube vulcanizing. Expert workmanship. Used tires bought and sold. Right prices. AureUo Manzl. 1632 Main St., Bull's Head. A22a:i ONWIN VULCANIZING CO. Vul canizing all kinds; also dealer in new and second hand tires. 8 Knowlton St. Barnum 2355-23. Bridgeport. BUSINtCSS QPTpORTt-yiTIEa BUSINESS PROPERTY. Stratford Ave., corner Reed St.. six stores; Main St., SOT locations. Charles J. Berger. Tel Barnum 2527 or 3881. BLACKSM11H1NG GENERAL blacksmlthing. forging. Iron, steel work. All kinds of tools eharpened and vrngon repairing. No. WpttilTicton Ave- U12aU BAJAE.RY ASK YOUR GROCER for Elsen- niann'i brea.t ana cakes tor m j all lending trocers. Bakery 647 Pembroke St.. Bridgeport. R24a- NEW HOME BAKERY. Home made pies and bakery goods like Gsand ma used to make. We can mane to your order bl'thday or wedding cakes that wilt suit your pocketbook and taste. 1737 No. Main St. B7a! MULLIGAN'S BAKERY The best In everything In the art of baking. 694 Hnrml Av- Tel. Barnum 6321 UAKIlER SHOP V FORMER employe of the Post 'has Just opened a new up-to-date b irber "hop, 1513 State St.. Cor. Lesbia St. 19R1a" cow BKnrcv.Es BICYCLES and Wctcle supplies, auto tires and jrundrles. auto tires vul canized: all work guaranteed. R. Vocoola Ct-cle Co..982 East Main 8t. Noble 10Q7-2. 19P15d; BOOKS BOOKS BOUGHT .KP SOLD Small or large lots Open evenings. Scallv's Second Hand Book Store, 403 '-Me St. Phone. 'UPllall noWT.ING PASS A PLEASANT evening at the Arcade Powling Alleys, 56 John St. Warren Connor, Prop. Fred Llg- sdn, Mer. Rarrrtim SI 17. BANQCET HALL AND CWUNBS BOOKLAWN VILLA Banquets for lodges, societies, churches, clubs, etc. Accommodation for 800 or more people. Orchestra musio for ppetfal occasions. Shore dinners and everything in season. Large grounds for picnic parties. Brook -lftwn Ave., r.ear Suburban Averue. Phtie Barnum 2751. P18al ANNOUNCEMENT The new Arlon Hall, 857 East Main St., now ready for renting to lodges, 'parties or dancing, offices and club rooms. Inquire at the hall Tuesday even- CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS K. OUTHOUSE & SON.buiWers Cot tages, garages and general Jobbing. Drop postal and we will call. 202 Bunnell St. '19R2a! MULLINS DEARBORN, carpenters and builders Jobbing a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Call 1988 Seaview Ave., or phone Nobis 305-2. S29a'- NOTICE Carpenter repair work. chimney, roofs repaired, ciotnea poles furnished, put up. sew ers connected, all kinds odd Jobs. Lester aV Flnnegan. 137 Standard Av. '19B7a;4 DO IT NOW Build your own home Han your plans and apoctneauona prepared by Hubert Elwood. build ing designer. Phone Barnnni 6288-18. A6bl CARPENTER AND BUILDER Job bing and gar- e work a specialty. Geo. H. French. No. 182 French St. Tel. Bar. 4041-3 or 8177 A15 J. D. CONKLIN Carpentry. Jobbing and repair work done at a reason able figure. Drop card or call 18 Roo"vett St. U1;p CONFECTIONER A. ZEIS, Athens confectioner Ice oream. soda, home made fresh tan rlea Orders received and delivered. 1250 State St.,opp.West End Theatre U2.9all CONTRACTORS AND BI ILDIIRS WM. F. DOWLING, mason contractor. Jobbing a specialty: boilers, con crete work, etc Estimates cheer fully given. 277 Coleman St. Drop a poatalj ' 19Ulldj- CEMENT BLOCKS LET US furnish cement blocka to ouua your B&raee or iowhiiiis etc No painting, no proof; cheapest In every way. L. Bonltali. 12 Chase Ft., Just off Island Brook Ave. Bamttm 903-4. CLAIRVOVANT. MADAME CLARE, honest, reliable card reading, 1811 State street, near Howard ' Ave. L20tf MRS. LEVY, readings Z5o end 60c Telephone 6652, 1152 Madison At. formerly of 674 Madison Ave. COLLECTIONS DEPUTY SHERIFF p. J. Reflly. Tel. , Barnum 1171, Room 101. Keiga i Aituiaing. umce nours w e. m. to - p. m. , we make a specialty of col . jectioaa tor Duaineaa nouses ex CLOTHING WE BUY men's second hand clothing. Call at 54 Congress St. Drop postal or phone. We call. David Geist Barnum 9S4-4. R15ai; CORSET STORK CONSULT US as to your corset needa We carry corsets to fit all forms, a complete line, all leading makes and stylos. 18K Fairfield Ave. A4a . l'ENTIST DR. F. A. BOUCHER, dentist, 2076 Main St., corner Jvorth Ave. Bar num B05 8. TJ2 5aij- Announcement PAINLESS DENTIST New office Just apcned. Latest methods. Spe cial attention to ladies and children. 107 3 East Main St.. Cor. Arctic St. Foreign languages spoken. Open evenings till 10 '19R6JS DY1C1AO AND 0AI.VO i'URS REPAIRED, altered and dyed. We sell turs at retail, wholesale prices. A Tesiny, Fur Ehcp, 119 Broad street, upstairs I15tf DRESS MAKING DRESS MAKING and fine gowns. Mra Bicksler. 20 W. Liberty St. Phona J', rn'im 3358. 'lgBlRcH ELAST1U STOCKINGS. (TRUSSES, Abdominal Belt!, shoul der braces, rubber sheeting, hct water bottles. Sick Room Supply " . 27 Cannon St.. upstairs. Bar num 2144-a. ELECTRICIAN ODOR BELL OUT OF" ORDER? Phone Barnum 2843-5. Wiring, re pairing, Jotobing; right prices; quick service. Gould Electric Co. 4-d st-, . 'ISRSdt EXPRESS J. W. MARRON Expressing and light moving to all parts of the city; rate reasonable. 119 Willard St. Phone Bar. 7B4B. R20aij- EHW.OVMKNT AUENCLES. BRIDGEPORT BRANCH Women's Friend and Domestic League. 405 John St., has reopened, after war. Best of positions and help. Personal references. Bar. 1087-14. Bla j GOOD POSITIONS for competent and we.l recommended housemaids for private families only. Berg's Em ployment Ationcy. 658 State 3c. Barnum 2333. K22ail- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE LET US exchange something you want for something you don't want. Mil ford Realty Co., Room S07. Conn. National Bank Building. Phone Barnum 1086. A22l FARMS FOR SALE. EAST EATON ST. 1 family house. 8 room, all Improvements; Hancock Ave., 6 family, 28 rooms, all im provements: Norman St.. 2 family house. 10 rooms, all improvements: Llndley St.. 2 family. 11 rooms, all improvements. 3. Loewith & Co., 116 Bank St. Tel. Barnum 9 9 Open Monday and Saturday even ings. 'lDBlSall- FARMS FOR BAL& 116 Acres of good lan'I, grow anything. $550. 8600 cash payment; So acres, good 7 room house and other out build ings $1,200,- $70-3 payment; 25 acre 12 room house and barn, $1,600, $500 payment; 200 acres good set buildings, $5,000. Casey, 307 Conn Nat. Bank BIdg. Tel. Noble 297. FARMS We got several dairy, chick en and trucking farms within easy driving distance from this city vicinity. Call at once for informa tion. Tel. 2254-2. Office 731 Arc tic ft , corner Hallett. A5aH FOR SALE TOR SALE Two horses, 3 sets sin gle harness and one double set: also express wagon with pole; sold cheap to quick buyer. Can be seen at 309 olive Sr. R2otf Bl'XOALOW SITE 20 acres.10 tilla ble, on state road, high elevation. 8 room houe, barns, hen house, fine shMdc fire place in hous.1. pond for boating, trout stream. Price $2,900, asn 1,200. Clark & Son, 1024 Main St. FOR SALE Farms in Stratford and Trumbull. Desirable locations on main roada Good bargains for quick buyers. Trumbull will exchange for city property. See A. Goldman, 70 Colorado Ave , or call Noble 533. YOUNG MOTHERS! Save 110 to $20 on your baby carriage; beautiful styles; New York factory agency. 458 East Main St. ne-r Cedar. 'Also $40 off on Grafonolas. FOR SALE Barber shop, general dry goods store: both In good loca tlons. Call Noble --38. A22d5 JTOR SALE Stove repairs for any make stove or range, nnag name, number and maker" a name. Daniel P. Keane, Auctioneer, 1388 Main St. Barnum 4952-8. - G28 a- FOR SALE Selling oat Poultry fix tures, typnere mraoiMuni nau brood era feeding troughs and ma chinery. Perfect condition, Oa terhout. 10 Hollister Ave Barnum 6016-12. 8l8a- FOR SALE Seven passenger Chal mers 1915 model In gooa running condition $701); In good paint; also Ford commercial ear. Ideal Garage 170 Thompson St. Phone Barnum 4986-5. S24tf RESTAURANT Coal range, three sections. 10 foot long. large gas cake griddle, broiler, cabinet, ward robes, cafe summer sail aoors. Royal Hotel. S26a! terms. 866 Anson St. Tele. Bar num 4607. I17a PARTY will sail a $1,000 home In Stratford for 4,oo u sola at once. Inquire Arthur DezuUaon, 670 War ren St. RS-tf GEORGE O. BORTON, residential property, high clasa building iota In desirable locations In Bridgeport. Fairfield and Stratford. Liberal FURNISHED BOOMS FURNISHED ROOMS 104 Bank St. centrally located; single beda, dou ble and single rooms; light house keeping rooms; transients accom modated. Enqeire Stevenson. ARCTIC ST.. 80S "Arctic ) louse." steam heated furnished rooms. $2.10 up, 3 minutes from Remington Arme and U. M. C. Phone Noble 314-2. FLORIST BROOKLAWN CONSERVATORIES unoice i lowers zor wtaoiat- xunwr els, birthdays and all other occa sions. No city store. -Telephone Juliue Reck. Bar. 1818. P13al- VICTOR CARWAJUDINB. florist- Funeral aaetgna, Ireeh cut nowre : 107 B kratf urd Are. Teleohone t-' tiiim aswe'r- ll-S. A - .m r EMPIRE FURNITURE CO., complete iiome furnishers; easy terms; casn or credit. 6 81 East Main St.. Cor. GENERAL REPAIRING - WE KEPAIH EVBRl'THXfl Blcy. cies. sewing machines, lawn mow ers, baby carriages, tires put on. Repair anything. Shop 31 Crescent Ave. 'lS6a4 GLASS. SEE THE BRIDGEPORT GLASS CO. Glazier for French and American window, mirror, picture and show case glass 81 Middle St, Phone 6666 COHEN'S GLASS STORE Plate glass, window glass and bent giasa for show cases; glass tops for fur niture; Mirrors made to order and resllvered, 850 State 8 Bridgeport. Conn. Tel. Bar 2581. GlO'tf HAIR DRTTSSING HAIR DRESSING Hair goods. Ma- Creams and Powders, Sham poolng, . etc. Sarah Raycroft, 81 Fairfield Ave.. 206 Warner Bids. Phone Bar. 958. H80ali- HARDWARE STORE. WE HAVE PURCHASED the store known as Coettcr Bros., at BuJi Head. We handle one of the finest stocks of hardware, and enamel ware in Bridgeport. Wan. M. Stuart. 1644-1650 Main Street. Barnum 3868-3. S2al HAT MANUFACTURER .MEN'S soft and stiff hats at factory special price $1.00. Hats to order a specialty. All kinds. Ladies' and men's hats rencvated, latest style. Meath's Hat Shop. 109 Bank Sc. between Ivlain and Broad, upgtaira. HAT RENOVATINCi. BOSTON STAR HAT manufacturer Mens so-tt and Panama hats at fac tory prices; ladies' and men's hats renovated. . 963 East Main St. '19R15aM LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Bring your old hats to us. We will clean and block them to look like new. Also barber shop and shoe shining parlors. 875 East Main St., next to American Bank Ik Trust Co. GET YOUR OLD HATS cleaned. blocked and remodeled to the latest styles; beavers, velours, felts, etc prices reasonable. Rcyal Hat Ren ovating. 1273 Main St.. opp. Poll's. Phone Noble 804. DANBURY HAT SHOP Bring ua your old hats'. We'll reblock them like new in latest styl. Experi enced hatters. 1513 Ma.n, opp. Ar n ory . L27alj HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED-Experienced shoesalesman, one who is capable taking charge of department: married American man. between 25 and 30 years pre ferred. Plenty of opportunity for advancement. See Mr. Beckwith, 1153 Main St. U24tf MEN 26 wanted, paid daily taking orders. collecting, bonuses paid; steady. Independent employment, all nationalities employed. Steven son's, 104 Bank street. G20tf ALL KINDS OF HELT- wanted and supplied, male and female, for ho tels, restaurants, private families, farms, etc. Reliable Employment Agency, 925 Main St. Barnum 4434 IF YOU WANT HELP of any kind apply to the U. S. Employment Ser vice. 803 Fairfield Ave. R8tf ALL KINDS OF MEN to work In fac tory and farms. Call U. S. Em ployment Office, 303 Fairfield Ave. No charge for our service. Rll-tf fiOrSES FOR SALE BEECH.WOOD AVE, near Laurel Nine-room house. Lot 44x110. A fine home at a reasonable price. W. M. Redfield, S8 Cannon St. , '19R16a WE ARE BUILDING in Stratford homes of all modern improvements 7 rooms, tile bath, fireplace, side walks. $5,600. Small cash payment. Moloney & Krowstedt.architests.925 Main St. Phone Barnum 933. HOUSE FOR SALE family house. Income $982 a year; price 88,860. $2,000 cash. Inquire 106 Meigs Bldg. Barnum 52S4. P25ail CENTRALLY located cottage, eight rooms, oak floora, tile bath, elec tricity, garage, $5,500; $1,600 cash. Phone Bar. 7485. R10tf FOR SALE Beautiful lot on Strat- field Road, 60x146; city water; end of trolley. Sears. 108 Meigs Bldg. FOR BALE IN STRATFORD, two- family house, 8 rooms, gas and city water; 3 minutes Zrom trolley car; $650 cash. P. Vargo, Box 260, South Ave. Avenue D. P16a- CENTRAL. Howard Ave., 8 room cot tage; rairneld Ave., 2 family house; Btr.te St., brick block; corner Broad and Gilbert St brick block. Charles Berger. Tel. Barnum 2627 Or 8881 FOR SALE: One-family house, nine rooms, all improvements, resiaen tial section, Colorado avenue, near North avenue. Price reasonable. Apply Geo. T. Hathaway, 104 Meigs Bldg. " P18tf NOBLB) AVE! Corner property, 2 family house, 10 room, improve ments. Stratford, one family house, new, 6 rooms, all improvements, large grounds. Prince St., Rem ington Section, one family house. 6 rooms, all Improvements. Han cock avenue, 6 family house, 28 rooms, all Improvements. S. Loe with & Co.,- 116 Bank St. Tel. Bar num 99. Open Monday and Satur day evenlngo. '19B13a COTTAGE 6 rooms, Stratford Ave, section of Stratford; price i,iu; terms easy. Inquire Arthur Den nison. 41 1 Stnte Bt. R3tf HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Experienced shoe sales. lady on ladies' shoes; must oe aoie to furnish reference.- We can of fer a good position to - a hustler. See Mr. Beckwith, 1153 Main SL. WOMEN WANTED. for general housework. Call TJ. S. Employ ment Srrvlce, 808 Fairfield Ave. No charge tor service. TlOtf- INVESrTMKNT OYER $8,000 NET PROFITS N investment of $100. la it possible t Yea Let me prove It. Facts from United States government experts sind -bona fide engineers reports, Proposition limited to a f7- H Porter. 100 Broadway. New York. UTSUIIAlVClfi DAMAGE IS ABOUT ALL fire can do to your property. Insurance coat ing l-2o A day protects you. All the particulars at D. B. Booths A Co.. Conn. Bank Bldg. 816tf Times, Want Ads. One Cent a FURNITURE INSURANCE. FURNITURE, HOUSES, lnercantlla goods; low rates. Accident, health, 1 month. Prompt payment of claims. Let me call. Louis E. Peck, Room 401, 88 Fairfield Ave. Bar num 7962. P19al IF YOU WANT Fire Insurance. If you want your house rented. Prop erty sold. Call on us. We want your business. Let us try. Chas. S. Cole, 251 State St. H16tf GET YOUR FIRE Insurance of Geo. T. Hathaway. 104 Meigs' BIdg. Ha writes insurance in the best com panlea. Barnum 88. P12a JUNK DEALERS JUNK DEALER Union Junk Co., paya highest prices for everything In Junk line. We call for 60o worth up. 27 Clarence SL Phone Barnum 2603-2. Try once, you will be satis fied. 432 9al W. LIEFF & SON, dealers in scrap metals, rubber, rags and paper. 610 Main St. Barnum 162 7. " LAWN MOWERS BEAUTIFY your lawn by sharpening your lawn mower by the most mod ern methods for $1 and up. Mail us a card anil we call at once. Bloch's. 114 John St. '19R15d ILET US SHARPEN your lawn mow er. We will make it cut ne. Sharpening $1 up. Corner Housa tonic and North Aves. U25a ! BEAUTIFY your lawn by sharpening your lawn mower by the most mod ern methods for $1 and up. Mail us a card and we call at once. H'nfh's. 114 John St. Ut2a? LADIES' & MEN'S HAT BLOCKING REBLOCKING All spring hats ren ovated and finished in first class style and manner. Both ladies' and gentlemen's hats receve expert wttentton. Utone. i S St:e St. LADIES CUSTOM TAILORING TAILOR AND FURRIER Dresses and skirts mado to order, $3.00 up. Also cleaning and pressing. We call and deliver. J. Thaw, 2070 Main St. A16al4 LADIES ! If you want a fine tailor ed suit to order and perfect fit guar anteed, call on Fishelbcrg.over Plaza theatre. 39 Fairfield Ave. Telephone PnrpiTm ?311 LOTS FOR SALE FAIRFIELD AVE,, 1: Poplar St.. 2; Mountain Grove St., 4: Fairfield, 3; Main St, near Armory 2. Charlea Berger. Tel. Barnum 2527 or 386L MACHINE WORK H. A. BOUDREAU. general machine work. Manufacturers metal goods, dies, tcols. frauges, 67 Golden Hill. Barnum 4975. A18all MTLLINERV. GET YOUR right smart hat Japan ese ornaments and other Important novelties at Etta Murphy's, East Main between Arctic and Maple Stg. S22df MORTGAGES AND LOANS MONEY Small loans on diamonds. watches or any good security. Legal rate by private party. Mr. Sabin. 41 1 Warner Bldg. D18al MEAT MARKETS. FRESH MEATS and groceries, vege tables in season. we give green ' trading stamps, 1 stores: 1822 Sea - view Ave. 705 Hallett St. A16a FRESH MEATS and groceries, vege tables in season. Green and mov ing picture stamps. Michael Itob etock, 1824 Seaview Avo., John Mpye-, Mgr. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION VIOLINS, CELLOS. Oibsor, Mando lins, Guitars, Orpheum Banjo-Mandolin. Everything for musicians. Oilman Music Studio, 235 Fairfield Ave. TaL Bar. 6937. T2al PIANO INSTRUCTION Quick meth od. .Three montns course. Classi cal or popular music Adults, even ings. Mrs. Clarke, 1667 Iranistan Av BEETHOVEN TRIO Concert, recital ana weaaing receptions, o. it. liar rison, 6 Cannon St. B7aa MANDOLIN, Guitar, banjo-mandolin and violin, private lessons given by Prof. Louis Consoli. 93.; Main St. Phcine Barnum 921-12. '19L3a'i VIOLIN free with course of 1 Clai'S or private instructions. Prof. V. Scheibel, 4 Cannon St. Phone Bar. 958-8. '19B25ali TASK BROS.' MUSIC STORE Ev erything musical. General muslo supplies. Graphephones and rec ords. General repairing. Phone Barnum 914-18. 82 5 Stratford Av. MULT1G iGK: HUNG. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER and typ ist. Geo. N. Seats, notary puouo, 108 Meigs Bldg. Barnum 6370. TYPEWRITING, addressing. Sears, stenographer and notary puwlc, 103 Melga Bldg.. 136 Fairfield Avenue. Barnum 6 370. '19ABall OPTICIAN EYEGLASSES AND SPECTACLES of every description, xaiuis a. usrsce aen, registered optometrist. 41 i Se curity building, 1116 Main St. Tel. Barnum 3838, Q7df PLUMBING PLUMBING William P. Steele, high grade plumbing and heading spec ialist. No. 890 Iranistan Ave, Bridgeport, Conn. Business phone. B. 2850: residence phone. B- 6060. HENRY R. SANFORD, plumber . Range connecting a specialty; low rates. 943 South Ave, Stratford. Tel. Stratford 428-2. '19S31all POULTRY AM) SUPPLIES i POULTRY sold alive or killed and dressed, 28c lb. Snow's Live Poul try Market, corner North Ave. and Main St. T20aj FARMERS Sell your poultry of all kinds to unageport Live rounn Market at daily quotations. Poul try sold alive or killed and dressed while you wait free of charge Tel ephone Bar. 6977. 42 Hallam St. TO PRODUCE EGGS, feed hens equal amount of J-ry Alasn ana scratcn, 8tan..rd Feed Co, 1684 Main St, Barnum 820. A23a WITH EGGS NEARING THE $1.00 MARK, look to your hens. Park fc Follard's world renown dry mash and scratch feed will make your hens lay. Standard Feed Co, BuU'a Head, will fill your order. FARMERS Sell your poultry of all kinds) to Bridgeport Live Poultry Market at dally quotations. Poul try sold alive or killed and dressed while you wait free of charge. Tel. ephone Bar. 8977. 42 Hallam St. LIVE POULTRY i MARKET Poultry .. of all kinds eIdaltve, killed and dressed whf'e ynu wait,, f r-e. : Or jr v. ) j-. "nn " J A- v . . . -i. ; K.- - PACKAGE DELIVERY AUTO PACKAGE delivery. Prompt uuu vareiui service. .Reasonable prices. Samuel L. Talblrd, 65 Hign iand Ave. Phone Bar. 430. U12al PAINTING AND DECORATING ROOFING of all kinds. Repairing, painting, new roofs laid. Attention to out of town Jobs. G. DeForeit, 207 Parrot Ave B. a06. S12a9 KAPLAN AND MAGILNICK BROS.' snop 4 uenter St. JJecoratlng, pa perhanging. painting of all kinds. n v i mi Ave. 21a ( PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING j-- irai ciass wora aone reasonable. Job. C. Yansick, 614 Shelton Bt. Phone Barnum 94 9. G25 al- PIANO TUNING PIANOS TUNED. Wrozlna, expert pi ano ana piano player maxer ana re pairer, late of Fox Piano Co. Bar. turn 4229-2 610 Colorado Avenue. PHOTOGRAPHS AlvTJ SCppiJES PHOTOGRAPHERS We offor you our Dest tinisneo pnotograptis at attractive prices. Crown Studio, 98 Fairfield Ave., corner Main. TSall PHOTOGRAPHS and portraits of all leading styles; prices reasonable; work guaranteed. Pearlsn Photo Shop, iS Arcade. Sie a PHOTOGRAPHS Get your pictures taken r.ere lor presents to send to your friends. Kallec St. Studio, 660 Hallett St. G26as- CAMERAS. Films, papers, supplies. oeveioping, printing, enlarging tor amateurs. Arcade Photo Supply Btuuio. 28 Arc .'.da. Slttnll- PICTTKE FRAMING HAVE YOUR picture enlarged and framea at Grus3 & Gruss, 10o3 East Main St Mirrors, glazing r-nd fur niture repairing. Barnum 6783-2. LADIES Bring your loved one's plo- Tii r... n Ul ...nn. ' CU tfA copying, framing. etc Valuable free premiums given every cuatom er. 104 Bank St. P3lat PRINTING' WHO'S YOUR PRINTER 7 Let us do it. Business cards, circulars, invi tations, etc National Printing Co Bar. 2506-4. 275 State St. PAMPHLET, CATALOGUE and Job printing. We are equipped for speedy delivery. Intertype Printlnit Co.. 300 State St., up stairs. Bar num 1017-13. '19B21ae POSITIONS WANTED POSITIONS of all kinds for men and women can be had In factories, stores, offices and on farms, by ap plying to the U. S. Employment Ser vice, 803 Fairfield Ave., who make no charge for their servlcee. RESTAURANT GLOBE RESTAURANT, 886 Fair field Ave, 68 Casnon St. Regular dinner or supper 26c We serve the best meals In the city, also the best butter and coffee. Give us a trial, opposite Police Station. S14tf OLTMPIA RESTAURANT, 310 State bt, the best place to dine. Every thing up to date. Try our fine home cooking. Open day and night. Tables reserved for ladles. Noble 631 Elal RELAX. ESTATE WANTED. T HAVE cash buyers for all kinds of .Heal Estate in all parts of city. Sik say. 8 3 Reilley St. S2a HAVE cash buyers for all kinds of real estate in all parts of citv. Sik say. 8 3 Reilley St. U12al- HOUSES 2, 8 and 4 family houses wanted In all parts of the city. Buy ers waiting. The Provident Devel opment Corp. Real estate. Insurance, Koom-6, 1119 Broad h'. Bar. 4912 REAXi ESTATE FOB SALE HARE OPPORTUNITY to purchase splendid lot near St. Vincent's Hos pital, one minute from Main St. Good view of Long Island Sound. For quick- sale will take $600. Tel ephone Barnum 6084-3. Koom 106, Meigs Building. R14a IF IT IS REAL ESTATE or buslcejs opportunities you want to buy or sell, -Inquire David Apstein, 873 Stillman St. Tel. Bar. 7088. U17ajj ROOMS TO RENT ALPINE HOTEL offers an attractive rate by the week or month. Tele phone! and elevator service, running hot and cold water, shower baths. Barnum 6619 or 2527. T9 Gold St. FOUR rooms to rent; also furnished rooms lor ngnt npuse& David Apstein, 3Ja StiUman St, real estate and rents. HI all IIUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS made by us are reliable, we carry a complete line to stamps, supplies, ink pads, datera, rubber type. etc. The Schwerdtle Stamp Co.. 41 Cannon St. SHOE REPAIRING GET YOUR SHOES repaired of Phil adelphia Electric unoe itepalring. Also children's shoes of all kinds for aaie. Shoe Shine Parlors, 486 Kast Main St. Bar. 1876. P. MARCHESS, 2366 Main St, first class snoemaKer. ne pairing, snoea made to order; good workmanship. WE REPAIR SHOES by the Good year welt etioe repairing system. J. Loprestt Co, 2088 Main SL, near North Ave. D5a- GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING CO. 60 Cannon St, and 941 East Main St. No connection with other so called Goodyear shops. Tel Bar 1891 Winfleld a Black. Prop. - Ul-tf UNITED STATES Shoe Repairing Co. Shoes repaired while you wait. Fine workmanship. Branch of 26 stores. 6 54 State St. A31aj SPECIALISTS DR. ALICE L. FITCH, specialist, 411 state Bt, cor. courtiand St. umce hours 2 to 6 p. m. and by appoint ment. P13tf TO RENT. LIST HOUSES AND STORES to rent with us, we nave numerous appli cants all the Fred C Jen nings, Room 405 Warner Bldg, 81 Fairfield Ave. Phone Bar. 60. STORES on Main St, Elm. East Main. iiarrai Ave. rauenDerger s Rent al and Fire Insurance Agency, 114 State St- alalia SCALES SCALES -All types standard scales and tracks. Also repairing. Install ing and adjusting scales of all kinds, eitner large or small. Standard Scale and Supply Agency,' 183 John Bt. Phone Barnum za77- Alaj STOVE REPAIRING WE - CARRY . the, largest stoqlt oa hand of a"- rd fnrnece supUe i4 e- .- LA. -.-k' a. a - .earn keen V TRUCKING AND stobacf FRANK IZZO. local and long distance trucking. Un-to-dat J.8.1 house for furniture, pianos r chandlse. auto., etc FTrep?Soi vaults. Best care -aranteed sffetv superior service and ec.talactlon our - sa MOORE'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE, furniture n,l hin. perienced packers. Separate room ACME TRUCKING CO Furniture T , . 1 uTicatng, Local and long distance. Factory con tracts solicited. Tel. Stratford 97 Uoall- EASTERN MOTOR TRUCKING and -,'"6 AUSBUIQ fot. JJll.V ,PI Tbrk. Newark and Phli- aledphiai Springfield and Worces ter. Thof. Bar. 3612-2. HI tfe W. W. 8TOWE- iuto van. trucking " t,o. ivM - na long dis tance furniture and pia, moving a specialty: rates reasonabiL ?, o Willard St. Tel. Bar. 7846 -Roniiii -jii, IXJC'AJ. and long distance rurniuly. ia ii vj inuviiiK eausxaoxion iguaran- teed. P. J. Murphy. Office 87 Hea, ry St. Phone Barnum 4448. GENERAL TRUCKING, and ' c- pressing, local ana long distance. Wooxl by card, blocks or spilt. Halght & Becker. 166 Pixley Place. Bar. 6969. TRUCKING, carting ashes, stone. nana, oricKs, etc. Also cellar ex cavating. Hallock B. Kain c Son. 1081 Madison Av-. Bar. 272 RIOall AUTOMOBILE TRUCKAGE See me xirsi. a. jj. btowe. storage and ex press, day and night. 648 Newfield Ave. Bar. 6888. P21ail- UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING Furniture repair ed, reflnishfcd; rugs, cushious mader enameling furniture: china packer;' general Jobbing. DuBols & Jones. DuBois formerly with D. M. Read Co. Shop, 268 State St. Bar.1017-23 MSlall WATCH REPAIRING WATCH YOUR WATCH! When If stops bring it to us. We guarantsl satisfaction. Henry C. Reid & Son. Room 210, Conn. Nat. Bank Bldg, 1024 Main St. 118 0a I FOR SATISFACTION In watch and clock repairing go to Henry C. Reld and Son, watchmakers. Room 210 Conn. National Bank - Bldg, 1024 Main St. H20-tf WANTED TO BITS- WANTED TO BUY Liberty bonds. War Saving Stamps, also partljl paid. Pay high price. 62 Cedas St. Miller. Open evenings. BELL YOUR furniture. antiques, books, show cases, stoves. Junk. ' merchandise to Daniel P. Keane. 1885 Main St. Phone 4952-2 Bar. ANYTHING you don't want in furni ture, phonographs, records, dishes, etc Lots r-f goods for sale. A. B. Klein. 1477 Main St. C30alJ- WANTED TO BUY Liberty Bonds, first, second, third, fourth: elsii partly paid bonds: will pay spot cash. War Savings Stamps, d'a monds. old violins, i Fou-bl 844 Noble Ave. A7tf WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Cohen & Peck, 296 State St. Bar. 4987. G12al- FURNITURE Second hand wanted to buy. All kinds. Including stoves, bads, bureaus, carpeta. Highest cash prices paid. Jasmin, Hi Btate St. Tel. Bar. 1068 I'a- BONDS National Thrift Bonds.Thrlft Receipts. War Savings Stamps. Thrift Stamps, partly paid Liberty Bonda Open dally. Evenings, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. Room 310. 1024 Main St. A23al! WANTED TO BUY all kinds of sec ond hand furniture. Geo. F. To ts, rr.a. Redfield's old stand. 42 Har rison St. Phone 1016-2. D21-tf RELIABLE FURN1TLJ8B CO. See ond hand furniture bought and eoid , Stove repairing; also buy i ante. We pay beat prices. 758 East Mala 4 Phone Bar. 1092-12. B7a FURNITURE of all kinds. We pay .. highest price. M. Gelfend, suocess-,-or to Scalley Bros, 406 State St. Phone. '1S12!4 w WE PAY highest prices for second hand furniture. We buy and sell. Bumsteln's Furniture Store. 959 State St. Earnum 2213-12. 19R2nai' - WINDOW CLEANING PITTSBURGH Window Cleaning Co.w W.Rlbner, Prop. windows wasnao. brass cleaned, floors scrubbed; 10a window. 86 Wall St. Bar. 2541-4.-1!lT.Titf idSCELLANGOUS IF YOU WANT to buy or sell business and save money see A. Goldman. Tel. Nobis 633. A22dj YALE MISFIT CLOTHING CO., pays highest prices for gent-s seenna hand cloUilng. Send postal, will call, 188 Main St. LS'tf Attention ! Wanted for Cash HOUSEHOLD Furniture of all kinds. - Office furniture, stock of goods and -merchandise, every -. description . bought. Let us quote you price if J -T -you have anything to sell. Spot s cash. Bridgeport Auction Sales Co, 28 8 Fairfield -Ayre. R6tf . t :j Attention! Cash or Credit LARGi3 ASSORTMENT . - NEW AND SECOND HAND Household furniture, rugs. beda.. springs, tables rocking Morris and kitchen chairs: pictures, chir-i. and glassware, mirrors, vases, Rorem sil verware, etc. Call and Inspect our stock. Selling at bargain prtoeav Terms to suit. Bridgeport A.uctlon Bales Co. 288 Falrneia Ave. KB or-. a i wt rrrt v .: -VS '"f TRY THE TIMES WANT COLUMNS 1 K WORDSf ,1 C4 1U FOR IV. Q - tji' r 8 5 f ;i 1 1 TTi. it' 1 V v.