SIXTEEN IIKT.F WHXTI- n MAIt CARPENTERS AND MILL HANDS wanted. Apply The Schwartz Bros. Co., 96 River St. B26u " AJN'IJSD Why be Idle? Sell guaranteed trees and surubs. Commence now and a raw weelclv nav. Part nr- full Hmp Guaranty Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. First Class Auto Finisher WANTED. W. D. Taylor. Brewster St. Tel. Bar. 1132-6. TSds WAN' ED-Reliable man trt art as Ills. triet Superintendent to book orders for Frul : and Ornamental Trees, Rosea and Shrubery and engage sub-agents; ex clusive territory. Pay weekly. Applv at once. Fruit-Growers' Nurseries, New- "nt. New York state ;:iu WE WRITE FIRE, automobile, life and cement insurance; 20 years in Bridge port. Joseph Quint. Warner Rldg. Tel. Barnum 1047. H19all "ALL KINDS OF HELP wanted ana sup plied, male and female, for hotels, restaurants. private families. farms. etc. Reliable Employment Agency. 93 Jiain at. hJar. 4434. MR..N 25 wanted,, paid daily. takir.K or ders, collecting; bonuses paid; steady. Independent employment; all nationali ties employed. Stevenson's, '94 Ba"k . St. G20tf HKI.P W.A.NTKP Fl ME RELIABLE HELP furnished by East End Employment Agency. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Mrs. H. Anderson. 833 Connecticut Ave. Barnum 2181. Alii LAN'CK?. AMBULANCES Invalid cars and limou sines; charges reasonable. James T. Rourke, 3295 Main St. Phone Barnum 6409. D7d AfT S KM KXTS. PASS A PLEASANT evening at the Ar--cad! Eowlir;r Alloys, 56 John- St. Warren Connor. Ptod. Barnum 5117. . ANTMAIS. RUSSIAN SAMOTDK PUPPIES, Boston Bulls, Fox Terriers, Canaries, gravel, nsh. foods. Bridgeport Modern Pet Shop, Broad and Kim Sts. A28a alt tTMTdrai A TITO TRIMMING COT" Makes Repairs. Tops. Slip-overs. Cush ions. Radiator Covers, etc. 401 Poplar St Barnum 1026-14. I 28al'" A 1.1. KINDS OF SECOND HAND CARS For Sale. Also litrht deliveries, all in ?!r:;i class running order. Bridgeport Rebuilt Car Co.. 130 North Washington ' m Ave. Nohle 2116. Rgall ; A l'Ti.lj!OBILES-Highest prices paid for lat'4 models. If you want to sell your ear and get fpot cash call Barnum i SuTOMOai LPS from il50"vip: cFap nan's new olace. 303 Maplewcod ve N'ole Aaa.' JtVCSCS OAS STATION. 258 North Washington Ave. Auto accessories, suto repairing, gas, oil arid grease. Tires and tubes vulcanized Nobis W22S G12aj FOR SALIC Connecticut Babcock pan nelled body, fits any style car very reasonable. Inquire at once. 1146 State St. ; H7aj FORD TOURlNCr CAR FOR SALE, 1917. Call Gas Station, H.Mlistcr anil Con necticut A ves. L12a i f FC.rt 8AJU3 1 31-.? ton "truck wi'h hoist and body. $330: 1 Foi-d Roadster 2 Ford Touring. 1 Buicte Rond!rter. 1 1920 C:n.' tners. 1 Cadillac. Auto renairfng. Ken '""on Brothers. 27S Linen Ave. I?-ai; iAVB YOUR CARBON removed by oxygen whi;e yon wait at the Exce'sior Garage. Arctic and William Sts. Auto repairing In all its branches by first class mechanics at reasonable rates. Ford authorize! sales and service sta tion. U20a!l - Johnson Moor Wheel 'The biggest Utf'e bik"-i-eostei. Reading Standard. Aceftand Tankee Motorcycles. L. C Minor. fl4 East Washington Ave. Phone Barnum 59n?. DIOal! Star Auto Machine Co. Special Machinery. Tool and Die build ers. All kinds Auto Repairing. 673 Housatonlc Ave., corner Grand St. Bar num ?5S! Gljali 6UM.MERFIELD AUTO SALES CO., comer Barnum and Bruce Aves. Stew art trucks, capacity 3-4. 1. 1 1-2, 2. 2 1-3 and ? 1-2 ton. .Also Commonwealth pleas ure terms. Phone. Stratford 147. LlSmll WINDSmELD'GLASS -And Body Glasses- while vo-.i wait. 1 Auto' Itf-rcp and Glass Sbop. 161 Kim St.. Bridgeport. Conn. B2d j KOSLOW GARAGE, 15 Bishop Ave. cor. Stratford Ave., rear. Siv-cylinder Studebaker bus for sale chea;i. Owner leaving town. Speak quick. South Park Ave. Garage All kinis of used cars for sale. Also accessories. Cor. Park Ave and Johnson St. AJ6a AUTO ACCIcSSOlilJiS. AUTO TOPS. a upholstering. Washington Bridgeport. Curtains, Seat Covers, id Radiator Covers. Also James Pace, 430 East Ave. Noble 1315-13. H20a S EH 1 TIRES, best art! cheapest Tires for your auto. Come and try them. Saves time and money. 1491 State St. T31dS AlFTO RADIATORS. BTANDAl-.D RADIATOR REPAIR CO. Radiator, fende;- repairing; G. & O. cores installed in any radiator. Wont mansTiip guaranteed. 27S Noble Ave. Barnum 955-2. S17tf CONN. AUTO RADIATOR CO Expert Hadiator repairing. lamps, mud guards, gas tanks. Peshka & Phillips, Props., cor Noble and Crescent Aves. A18al AUTO It E 'AIRING. AUTO RKFA1KIM1 or every descrip tion. First class work guaranteed. Also tire vulcanizing and retreading. Reasonable prices. Essex Auto Shop, 9 Esse St. Rari'iim 41S3. Pla - ing of all kinds. Only first, class work turned out. Cars stored by the nay, week cr month. Autos bought and sold. 621 Lindlcy St. Bar. 2591. G22a;j MIDDLE ST. UAIlAUii 269 Middle St.. cpp. Engine house. Cars stored by day, week or month. Automobile re pairing a specialty. Call Bar. 5604. Rapp & Hofer. 1'rops Attention! Ford Owners If your car needs overhauling take it to Bennett Fold expert. Bennett's Garage 734 Broad bt. r.d 114 South Ave. Bat nuni 5919. DlOajj AUTO REPAIRING of every Kind. Kx pert Reo mechanics. All work guar anteed. Autos bought and sold. Bur roughs St. Garage, Burroughs St. and East Main St. Bar. 2S2. DSCa,; BAR-NUM SERVICE UA11AGE General repairs on all makes of cars, storage, accessories, springs repaired, etc. Our service means service. 1900 Barnum Ave. 1'eU. Noble I'VS). Bridgeport, Conn. U2tldj ATLAS BODY WORKS Atb Truck Body Builders. Cabs. Gen--ral repairing. Windshields. 240 John St. Bar. 2577. T22ah' iiOTORC V CLE ND BICYCLE repai r lng, vulcanizing, iires, tubes, changing batteries and general repairing, u aox Cvcle and Auto Supply, 1203 East Mam Bt. H23aj;- HALLETT ST. GARAGJb Would like to announce that this Garage Is under new management. All kinds of electrical and mechanical work. .1. Fresco & J. Baird. 861 Hallett St. Noble 813-5. " ELECTRIC LlO' vPITAL We repair Storage Batteries, Generators. Lighting end Starting Systems. Motors Flat 1- ons. Electric Vashers, Mag netos. Ignition uy items, Sleetric Stovet. Vacuum Cleaners. Tab j Lamps, etc teas' ern Electric Service Co., 1204 East u.m' 55 Rnrnum 1549-13. D2ai: Vv'ELDING, Electric, acetylene. Crank cases, waterjackets, oil pans, springs, etc. Portable equipment. Boiler work. Prompt and reliable service. Con necticut Electric Welding Co.. 285 Noble Ave. pnone ,OQ!e zm. .-Ua.;, age and supplies; cars to hire. 219 c,n-l.c 3f ( n rn -'f nlione Bar. 1679-3t I R'j IfiTO " ,19I20a1., i9I20a;: AUTO REPAIRING of all kinas. Light ing, starting and ignition a specialty. Workmanship guaranteed. Washington Garage. Cclorado Ave. 1 Dial LAKEVTEW AUTO CO. Have vour car ov .T.auled now Bring it trere for a square deal and f .'asonable prices. Work guaranteed. 860 4 ston Ave. Joseph C. Bednar, Pro) Nob a r72-4. R. a. Rar 3432-1S. G .1 Kli'DS Auto Repaning .lone promptly ud reasonably. New H Jt t tops, cab made to order. Nic daesen Auto Hospital. 419 North Ave. L26aU" Times Classified Ads Bring Results A1TO PAINTING. AMERICAN AUTO I ilNTING CO Crrreful attention paid to jeach Job. High grade material used. Money sav ing prices. Byron H. Jersey, Prop., 324 Charles St. Barnum 5902. I30a AUTOliOBII.ES Painted reasonably, 22 Charlotte St., next to City Ice & Coal Co. garage. Home address Lock wood. North Main St.. Stratford. D26a! AUTO PAINTING of all kinds. The best workmanship; reasonable price. Bee Marco, cor. James 'and Jones Aves. rnone Kar. 1113-4. AUTO PAINTING and repairing. High grade work guaranteed. Get our prices. Prompt deliveries. Corner Knowlton and Ogden Sts. W. Rose. .i-rione i-iar. 6744. rcaii HILTON & DENTON Automobile and truck painting. Striping, lettering and monogram:. Motorcycles and bicycles enameled. All work guaranteed. 995 1-2 Grand St.. Bridgeport. Conn. TT27ai auto tire vulcanizing. Park City Tire Service Auto Tire Repairing, Vulcanizing and Retreading. All first class guaranteed work. Also tires and accessories for sale. 502 jStillman St. Barnum 6596. H20a DON'AGHUE & MoQl'EENEY New tlre3, all makes. Vulcanizing In all its branches guaranteed. Expert tire re pairing. Second hand tires. 680 Fair field Ayr. Noble 1769. D4a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. OLD ESTABLISHED Grocery and Market. Owner going South: J2.000 cash, balance on easy terms. Will ex change for real estate. See Godfrey, 220 Liberty Bldg. Noble 2172. B9a 'QTH HORS AM) BUILDERS. CAHPBMT8R and CABINETMAKER Stairs, store fixtures, screens and gen eral jobbing. A. M. Blucher, 1354 Bar num Ave. Phone Stratford 691. B17a'l GENERAL CONTRACTOR Cement sidewalk; chimneys repaired and clean ed. Cement block garages a specialty. D. P. McCall. 746 Railroad Ave. Bar nuin 3331-12. H6a JACOB KOiTNDET, 249 Charles St.. builder, painter and repairer of jitney and commercial bodies. Low prices, firr-t class work. F27all P. LAVARI) PEDEIISEN, Architect and Builder. Shingling of roofs, jobbing all kinds: garages built. 2773 Main St., opp. St. Vincent's Hospital. Bar. 4716-3. D3a!l DO IT NOW 7uild your own home. Have .your plans and specifications prepared by Robert Elwood. building desfg-r.eT. Phone Bar. 628S-32. CLEANERS AND DYERS. TONV DKSPA W Ladies n.nd Men's custom tailor. Cleaning, dyeing and r'.nairing. Suit;! pressed 50c. 522 South Ave. Kar. -1087-5. L21dS Sf'HT'TZE'S Ladies and gents' clothes cleaned or dved. Cloves clean ed 5c per pair. Cleaning and dyeing of an K;nns. inn state St. opp. Bricige port Trust Co. Tel. 921-3. BANGING. LEARN TO DANCE We guarantee to teach you to WALTZ, ONE-STEP and FOX TROT correctly for $6.00. Strictly private lessons. Schneider's! Dancing Studios, 133 Central Ave- 8-19 Park Ave. Open afternoons and evenins-3 Receptions every Wednesday even Inc. Bar. 1635. T2al ENGRAVED WEBBING QMU1S. MAY REST ASSURED THEY WILL BE RIGHT IF ORDERED AT SOTTTHWORTH'S. 10 ARCADE. FARMS FOR SALE. MILFORD, 100 ACRES Tne best seed farm, with stock. Price $16,000, cash $5,000. Apply at 96 South Ave. Barnum 674!). S2Sa FOR SABE OTt EXCHANGE. LET US exchange something you want for something you don't want. Milford Realty Co.. Room 207. Conn. National Bar;!; Bldu. Phone Bar. 1036 A22aii n.ORIST. BROOKLAWN CONSERVATORIES for floral designs. Tel. Barnum 1895. '19P15aji rilARLES A. DOEBELl, North Bridge port Florist: formerly F. C. Schleichert, 20 Reservoir Ave. Flowering plants, cut flowers and all kinds of floral de signs. Hyacinths and Tulips in bloom. Tel. Noble 1317. D2ai FOR SAIjK RECORDS ONLY 55c Chea.pcst rates. Graphophones and Bicycles and- all latest Records. Repair ing a specialty. Cor. State and Iranis tan avenue. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS the demonstration of the "Fan Flame" Spark Hugs at the Auto Show, at the Armory, if you value turly efficient spark plug service, and wish to save time and money and trouble. Sold under a money-back guarantee. A14u TALKING MACHINES of ail kinds re paired. Records bought, sold and ex changed. H. H. Leopold. 1493 Main St. Phone Noble :0. B3a OLDSJIOBILE 1920, Jitney Bus, 12 pas senger; first class shape; reasonable price. Call 71 Crescent Ave. A19ap LOOK K09 Graphophones for only $150. $175 Graphophones for only $110. $135 Graphophones for $97.50. Cash or credit. Langfelder. 1784 Main St. FOR SALE Two National Cash Regis ters, two bar fixtures, front and back, one electric piano player, one line dis play ice box. Inquire Hotel Alpine. Phone Barnum 252 or Barnum 3861. S3aj STOCKINGS FREE! One pair with every y doz. or more sold. Best quality made to order at the Home Knitting Company, 140 Maplewood, corner Park. Phone Bar. 1674-11. G22a THE HOWARD LIVE POULTRY MARKET, delicatessen and grocery. Good uallty Olive Oil $3.50 gallon. Fruit and vegetables at lowest prices. 61 Howard Ave. Ermine Reccio. Prop. BUajJ SAFEc All sizes to fit your business and pocketbook. Sold on easy terms. A W. Case. 175 Cannon St. Noble 430. L9a CONCRETE BLOCKS, cast stone, tile for ciiitire houses, chimney blocks. Du plex Stone Co., East Main, Stratford. Phone 9jV4, Stratford. BLOCK WOOD, seasone.l. ready for de livery. Cviin. Wood & Timber Co.. Inc. Yard corner Hastings and Rockland. Office 471 Park Ave. Tel. Bar. 4979. GET WISE Order from WEISS, the Tailor, 251 State St. Suits from $37 up. T2d POLISH CLOTHING and Snoe Store, formerly on Main St.. has moved to 455 South Ave. Big bargain in "ladies', men's and children's shoes and fur cishings . S30a ; WATCH YOUR WATCH! When It stops bring it to us. We guarantee satisfaction. Henry C. Reid & Son. Room 210. Conn. Nat. Bank Bldg.. 31)24 Main St. HSOall FLUFF RUGS hat wear a life time. Used in best notcls. Give best wear, $3 small size: 9 x 12. $33. Also used fur niture and baby carriages. Mrs. Holmj quest, a fcjunr.cll at. Har. Jzaali SWEATERS All Wool, from $3.00 up. Buy of factory. Men's. Women's and Children's. We sell at wholesale prices. Fleischer's Knitting Yarns. Hankens Knitting Mills. 1121 East Main St. T22d 5 'jRaFIj VINES, various oerry plants, iris, roses, chrysanthemums, cut and pot flowers. 1 Sylvan Ave.. Bridge port. Phone Bar. 903-15. G23dS FOR SALE Candy Store. Ice Cream Parlor and Pool Room. Good location. Sell cheap if sold at once. Established good business. Inquire 1782 Main St. BISp'p FINE KITCHEN STOVES $30 and $35, used one season. Also parlor heaters $S and up. Gas and oil heaters $3 and up. All kinds of household furniture at lowest prices. Mrs. Holmquest, 94 Bunnell St. Bar. 5307. P23aji FOR IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL One Cabinet Grand piano; one A B. gas stove; one refrigerator; baby carriage; also other things, all in good condi tion. 6 Smith St. B7n WANTED Everybody to eat wnere tea, co.Tee, cocoa or milk is still 6c. Len nox Lunch, 105U Broad St., near John. B13ai LET US furnish cement nlocks to build your garage or retaining wall, etc. No painting. no repairing, fireproof; cheapest in every way. L. Bonitail. 12 Chase St.. just off Island Brook Ave-. Uarnum 903-4. FOR SALE Auto repair shop and tools. Doing good business. Best and. quickest offer takes it. Inquire or address F.. Auto Business. Times office. L28a: ETTA MURPHY, East Side Milliner. New Spring Hats in Satl and Straws in all the newest shapes. 1032 East Win st I i7aU THE GET Of Using Times Classifed Ads These little messengers are read thousands of people daily. Now is the time to clean house and move stocks. Articles that you have no further use for may be desired by some one. Turn them into cash. Times Want Ads are result producers for Real Estate, Used Automobiles, Furnished Rooms, Situ . ations Wanted and Services Offered, TELEPHONE BARNUM 1208 FURNISHED ROOMS 101 BARNUM AVE. Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Electric lights, all improvements; convenient to fac tories I13s p BOARDING AND ROOMS, 15 Seeley St., near State St. Reasonable rates. Use of phone. I21a-P 1177 BROAD ST.. the La Broad Fur nished rooms, electric lights. steam heat, all improvements. I25aSP COLEMAN HOUSE- 157 COLEMAN ST., attractive, warm rooms, in refined, quiet neighborhood; use of living room; table board; reason able rates; references. Barnum 2S64. A7S5 63 COTTAGE ST Two rooms, light house keeping, bathroom floor; also two rooms, $5.00; heat, electric light. Phone iNObie 1162-2. B14Dp 118 ATHERINE ST. Nicely furnished single and double rooms, all conven iences, centrally located; private fam ily; reasonable. I22s 256 COTTAGE ST., large front room for light housekeeping; all improvements; use of bath; convenient to factories. I21ap 73 COURTLAND and 400 JOHN ST. Furnished rooms and rooms for light housekeeping. $1.50 up. I21s 1417 FAIRFIELD AVE., large, nicely furnished rooms. Rooms for two beds if desired. All modern improvements; near restaurants and factories. Ttefer- ences required. Phone Bar. 4965. G6s FURNISHED ROOMS, pleasant, airy, steam heat, all conveniences good lo cation; central. 108 Chapel St. 1776 MAIN ST., opposite Frank St., neatly furnished rooms, singie or dou ble. Reasonable rates. 1 24a$ 522 JOHN ST.. 2 top floor rooms; use of bath and gas. Rates reasonable. I21ay TOR SALE. FOR SALE Lady in embarrassed cir cumstances, would sacrifice pawnticket lor valuable diamond ring, m pawn for $50; also couple other tickets. Miss Betty, 3S9 Second Ave.. Jsiew York city. S sp AUCTION SALE MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS. MUST VACATE BY APRIL 1st. THEREFORE GOODS SOLD AT A GREAT LOSS. BEDS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, CURTAINS, ETC. 2368 MAIN STREET 4 DOORS ABOVE CHARLES. S2d FOR SALE Baled Hay, J1.75 per hun dred; $32 ton. Poultry feeds of all kinds. T. F. Brennan Feed Co., Cor. North and Housatonic aves. Barnum 1030. FOR SALE A complete mahogany din ing and bedroom suite, rugs and other household articles, 1127 Stratford Ave. GCali jEV lie-' SELL for you what you want to dispose of on commission. James Leon, Auctioneer, 1528 Main St. Illaj ANTIQUE FURNITURE bought and sold. Finishing and repairing. F. Sheehan, 551 State St.. near West Ave., Bridgeport. Conn. L9a MISS L. K.RAMER, successor to Car! Berg. Stamped Linens, Art Embroid-ei-y. Birthday Cards and Cards for all occasions E5S state St. G23al? CRYSTAL SPRINGS Sweet Cream Bet ter, Daisy Farm Eggs. Buy once buy always. Sold by J. Sheridan, i.;i2 Kos suth St. B26pp GRANITE and MARBLE MONUMENTS head stones and grave marks. Ceme tery lettering and cleaning. Matthew son, French St. Bar. 3226-5. U10a JAMES J. LEON, Auctioneer and Apn praiser. Let us sell your old stock on commission. We can do It. 1B28 Main Street. I ttmtf HAT RENOVATING Cleaning, Reblocking and Trimming all kind3 Ladies', Men's and Children's lints. First class work guaranteed. Park City Hat Works. 1632 Main St. ai BICYCLES Special tor 15 days on-all our Bicycles at $35 each. Seness-, 2040 Main St.. near North Ave. R20tf CAP MANUFACTURER HATS and CAPS made to order, whole sale and retail. New York Hat & Can Co.. 2S7 State St. G 14d 5 A TIRE SALE of seconci-hand repaired! uncalled for tires. Come and see if I have your size. The Vulcanlzer. 45 asningcon Ave. G26aa!; WELL SEASONED block wood, $8.00 a large load, immediate delivery. Reliable Wood Co., 71 Wallace St. Barnum 1642-5. Hn4l 1'OR SALE Gasolene range, latest Im provements. Apply Mrs. A. Olson White Plains Road, Trumbull. Conn. R. F. D. No. 4. tf STOVES REPAIRED Stove repairs for any make stove or range. Bring name, number and maker's name. Wholesale and retail. Daniel Is Keane, Auctioneer. 95 State St. Bar. 4952. 02RaS ULUtlKSHAU, 129, .Stratford Ave. Bungalow Aprons $2.25, this sale $1.69. Big bargains in all departments. Phono 6513-3. U30ali HOUSES FOR SALE 150 HOUSES fh all parts of the city for sale. Terms to suit. Dubicki. 419 Kossuth St. Phone Noble 1335-5. Sali FOR SALE Fourteen room house, three families; rents $780; electric lights, gas, hot water, wash tubs and bath; lot 50 x 100; North End. Owner, Fotch, 700 Noble- Ave. B23dt MUST SELL Fine three-family house and store, all improvements. See Frank Leganowicz, Noble 2173. 615 Security Building. ' BSa': EAST SIDE Six room bungalow, lot 50x325, with some improvements, $4,500. Frank Leganowicz, Noble 2173. 615 Se curity Bldg. B8a BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE" Cornell St., new, Fix rooms, all improve ments, $L100 cash. Apply Stephen Have nich, 1053 East Main St. Barnum 6780. R21ai ONE, TWO and THREE FAMILY houses, Fairfield, Clinton, Colorado, Howard, Sherwood Aves., Olive, Han over, Maple Sts. Elemin, SZ2 Main St. . L)24a 34 SIX-ROOM COTTAGES at Black Rock, off Grovers Ave., near Black Rock Country Club. Latest modern im provements; restricted neighborhood; $850 down, balance $38.80 per month. illiam F. Sheehan, UL50 Main St. Bar. 4115. H24a Jj.&trt) BUYS a Deautif ul home in Devon large lot; convenient to trolley; very attractive; could not be built today for that money ; will also sell furniture, which is all new. If desired; all ready to walk into. Malcolm T. Kerr, at the big white house, just across Washing - ton Bridge. G13tf FOR SALE Four two-ramily houses. North Bridgeport section, improve ments; good investment; price $4,800 each, cash required $500. The Provi dent Development Corp., 606 Main St. H23aii ONE TE.i ROOM HOUSE, single; ona eight-room house, single; one five-room bungalow ; one shore cottage; large lot, Fairfield, four acres woodland, near city. Bar. 4486- G13afi 'LORAL PARK, Stratrora, for choice, new, single homes in a good neighbor hood ; before buying see Holmes, S88 M ai n. Bar. 827. 19I24d S FOR SALE Fine t room Colonial style home. South Ave., Stratford strictly modern improvements, good location, 3 minutes to trolley; small deposit re quired. For further particulars inquire Oeo. E. Scalley, 303 Pembroke St., after 5 P- nw TITdS '.OL'SBS AND FARMS tor sale within -sy distance to the city; real bargains. T;ll Arctic St. Open evening. Plltf OR SALE Three family house, sixteen rooms and two-car garage. Brooklawn section; must sacrifice. ZlmmeA Bros. 179 Golden Hill St. I2aU TIMES: FRIDAY, MARCH THE HABIT 343 WILLIAM ST. Tnrce furnished rooms for light housekeeping: all im provements. I18a 189 C-OLDEX HILL iarge furnished front room, all improvements, steam heat, electric lights, etc. Suitable for married couple or 3 gentlemen. I24ap 2S2 FAIRFIELD AVE. Nice, neat fur nished rooms. Continuous hot water electricity. Very central location Ring Bell E. 125a?, p 408 STATE ST.. neatly furnished rooms Steam heat, all Improvements. Cen trally located. Bar. 4190. I22s 411 STATE ST.. nicely furnished rooms, all improvements, electric lights and steam heat. Central location. T22a$ 469 and 701 STATE ST. and MYRTLE AVE., furnished rooms and rooms for light housekeeping. All improvements, steam heat. etc. I22a 542 STATE ST., large and single rooms and rooms for light houseke3ping. All Improvements. Rates reasonable. I22a B63 STRATFORD AVE., furnished rooms, also light housekeeping rooms; improvements: central location. Q7s 45 WASHINGTON AVE. Three nicely furnished rooms. all improvements. electric lights and gas. Central to stores and factories. lJ4a o0l WEST AVE., near State, living room and bedroom, on hath floor; quiet ana best residential: also single rooms. I21ajj 6S WASHINGTON AVE. Two single furnished rooms, sunny and pleasant, steam heat, all improvements. T24aS'p 578 FAIRFIELD AVE., nic- furnished room for man and wife. All improve ments. Central locality. Privilege of light housekeeping. ' i jag FROXT ROOM in nrivate family: suit able for gentlemen; reference. Phone Noble 1633. B u s HOUSES FOR SALK. FOR SALE Eight-room cottage, in fine condition, centrally located. In a good residential neighborhood. Price $6,500. Inquire 879 Fairfield Ave. Bar. 5326- FOR SALE Fine four-tamlly house. Harralll Ave. ; 5 rooms each floor, elec trie lights. Will make a good invest ment. Bargain at $12,000. W. M. Red field. 3091 Broad St. '19 16al ONE FINE HOUSE FOR SALE or rent with garage for 2 cars. 1078 Fairfield Ave. Phone Barnum 2527 or 3861. G7a LARGE three-family liouse for sale, 15 rooms, 5 rooms on floor, all improve ments. L. J. Snyder, 76 Lesbia St. Bar. 7S73-6. I5tf WANTED TO BUY" On north Park Ave. or any good rssidential section, modern two family house for cash. P. O. Box 847 City. I z4a FIVE ROOM HOUSi, all improvements, for sale or rent; 5 room flat to rent. Intervale, fairest spot in Devon. See Malcolm Kerr. !I2SaI HOUSE FOR . SALE Six family house. Income $382 a year: price $S,850, $2,009 cash Inquire 105 Meigs Bldg. Barnum 52M. P25ali EAST SIDE and EAST END Two and six-family houses, electric lights, hot and cold waer, all improvements. Terms and prices to suit. M. Robstock. 1677 Seaview Ave. Noble 4J3. P10al HOUSES AND CARRIAGES. TEN HORSES, weighing from" 1100 to 1400, for sale. Can be seen at ISO Gilbert St. BlSpp HUK81-.S I'OR SALE Taken in ex change for Auto Trucks. 289 West Ave. BlStf HORSES AT AUCTION I will sell on Jan. 29, at Roxie Arbitelle's, 88 Balm forth Ave., Danbury, 28 head of horses. Farm horses, drivers, saddle horses, horses for any job. These horses will be sold rain or shine at your price. Abbott, Auctioneer. Danbury. A21tf HOTELS. HOTEL ADELPHI 317 GOLV.-EN HILL ST., cor. Harrison St. Trans;--!; and permanent guests. With or without meals. Residential sec tion; beautifully furnished; rates "rea sc.nable. Barnum 5675. A7al GOLDEN HILL HOTEL, 63 Harrison St., Bridgeport, Conn.; up-to-date ser vice; steam heat, clean and sanitary, electric lights. Rates $1 and up; special rates by week. Newly remodel ed; hot and cold water in each room; special rates to theatre people. Under new management. '19G15ai IXSlUANCt:. WILLIAM P. CORR GENERAL INSURANCE, S19 Security Building. Barnum 7733. A19d J AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE of all kinds. Also fire and life insurance. S. Crehan, Shalet Bldg., Plaza. Phone Noble 463 or Barnum 7545. S2a ALL KINDS Fire, Automobile, Liabilits atid Theft Insurance written in the "Strongest companies Frauenberger, Agent, n.4 tatc St., Room IS. A14s IF YOU WANT fire insurance. It you want your house rented, property sold, call on us. We want your business. let us try. Chas. S. Cole. 251 State St. VKE $8,000 net profits on investment of $100. Is it possible? Yes. Let me prove it. Facts from United States govern ment experts and bona fide engineers' reports. Proposition limited to a few. E. A. Porter. 100 Broadway, New York. I A IS FPU A Li:. LOT on Wheeler Ave., 7axi5, fine loca tion for residence or business; pries St.4rH). Inquire 76 Seeley St. tf MAC JH i N Kit, Y ANO TOOLS. LATHE WORK-Parts made and re pairing; estimates on 1 or 1,000 pieces. No overhead expenses. Haug, 133 Bruce Ave., near Barnum. . AlSds aiACillls'KS A.D I'iRTS man ur-wt ur ea on contract. Experimental work, jigs, fixtures, dies. Caseria Manufac turing Co., 144 Wheeler Ave. Phone Barnum 2542-3. I29al! MODERN HEAT TREATING CO Steel hardening, forging, annealing, tool and die work, spring tempering. 240 Nor man St.. Bridgeport, Conn. Barnum 2213-5. A2Sa WE DESIGN, build and renovate tools and small machinery of all kinds-, w specialize in paTtmt developments. Fred G. Breul. 2S2 Kossuth St. I9a.l MUSICAL 1 NSTK IHMKNTS. MURRAY & BAYERS Successors to Jerome May. Musical Instruments, Supplies and Re pairs. Headquarters Murray's Orches- trru i; Pest Office Arcade. G16aj BRUNSWICK Phonographs, Gibson mandolins, Orpheum banjo-mandolins, Schirmer's. Fisches' music library. 1.-, , l Iflm-jn'c TVT,,.J uitkjuiing musical. .,uoj Store. 235 Fairfield Ave. T2a! HAKT MUSICAL Il-sSTRUlVlfJINl- CO., (Rolland E. Hart, Prop.). 430 Pembroke St., cor. Nichols St. "Pianos, Players. Pathe and Sonora Plionogranhs. Phone VIOLINS REPAIRED, Bows repaired, broken or disused violins bought for cash. John Barrow, Room 48, Taylor Bldg.. 46 Cannon St. H10al MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. ELBERT J. ODELL. Piano Instruction. New special method for pupils on Mandolin, Mandolia-Banjo, Banjo, and Violin. Studio 854 Madison Ave. H6a PIANO INSTRUCTION Quick methov Three months' course. Classical o liopular music. Adults, evenings. Mrs. ,larlve. 1667 lranistan Avs. MANDOLIN, guitar, banjo-mandolin and violin, private lessons given by Prof. Louis Consoli. 966 Main St. Phone Bar. 921-12. 'igLSa!.' STRATFORD TEACHER OF PIANO, Alice Gendron. Special attention paic to beginners. Ill North Parade St Stratford- Phone Stratford 327-23. iiiai CORNET I NSTRUCTIOH by capab xeacner. special attention p Tr ginners. Cornets for sale. L A. A er non, 1589 Faii-Held Ave. Barnum S6. J HISa h 4, 1924 MUSICAL, INSTRUCTION. HAROLD B. MORRIS, Violin Instructor Studio, room 55 Taylor Bldg., Cannon St. Phone Bar.. 1317. B10d BANJO, MANDOLIN. also Banjo Mandolin lessons given by Chas. F. Burgher. 54 Taylor Bldg., 46 Cannon St. . Phone Noble 419. G23ds BEETHOVEN TRIO Concert recital and wedding receptions. O. R. Garri son, 46 Cannon St. B7ali MORTGAGES AND LOANS. WE SPECIALIZE in rent collections and mortgage loans, insurance and care taKing ot property. Snow & Goldman, 15 Fairfield Ave.. Room 201. Bar. 6793-3. MORTGAGES and LOANtf MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGES; WE CAN SELL YOUR MORTGAGES FOR CASH. WE GET RESULTS. CARROLL-STATE REALTY CO.. 925 MAIN ST. '3aL16ai i OPTICIAN. F. LYMAN & SON, Optrometrists. 326 State St. Eye examinations. Watches, clocks, jewelry. Repair work of all kinds. Bar. 1666. '39I24dg OPTICIAN P. C. GILLETT, 20 Post Office Arcade. Upstairs. A4a U A i A Tl.-N G AND PECQ5T TING. LET ME ESTIMATE your painting. Satisfactory prices. Work guaranteed. Jos. Starr, 98 Butler avenue. Phone Noble 1848. S2dfT PAINTING AND PAI RHANGING. Prices the lowest, workmanship guar anteed. L. S. Wilcox & Son, 4500 North Main St. Barnum 897-4. H29a NORTH END PAINTING CO. Painting and paperhanging done at lowest prices. A full line of paints and wall papers on display at our store. We sell ready mixed paints In all colors from S2.79 to $3.50 per gallon. Also varnishes from $1.50 per gal. up. Take advantage of these low prices now. 1630 Main St. opposite Charities Bldg. Store, Bar. 1019. House, Bar. 4280. tf CARMINE DETUZZI. Painting and paperhanging. Estimates with or with out material. Satisfaction guaranteed. 69 Ives Court. Barnum 6768-4. S2al PAINTING Inside or outside. Small jobs taken. Lowest prices if wanted. Also kalsomining that won't rub off. Work guaranteed. Conger, 1108 Barnum Ave. Barnum 1702-5. H19a FIRST CLASS PAPERHANGING and Painting at reasonable prices. Call Benjamin H. Fisk, 527 East Main St. Phone Barnum 1158-33. H18all BRIDGEPORT PAINTING AND DECO RATING SHOP. Painting and paper hanging. We do right work. Esti mates cheerfully furnished. 970 Madl- son Ave. PAINTING and PAPERHA NGING done reasonable; estimates cheerfully given; nanerhancinc a snecialtv. Hnvilpn. the painter, 99 West Liberty St. L35aj IF YOU HAVE outside or inside paint ing or paperhanging tnat you want first class, call D. Boucher, 50 Norman St. Bar. 6797-3. H19al PATENTS. PATENTS PROCURED G. H. Brad dock, Patent Lawyer, (formerly mem ber examining corps U. S. Patent Of fice), Security Bldg. Bar. 5905. Office nmirs h to b or by appointmert. Lzsa PATENTS developed and manufactured. Our business is aiding investors build ing their models and the manufactur ing and designing of all tool and s-nall machinery. Fred G. Breul, 283 Kossuth St. 'i9L26a POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. DON'T GROWL if your hens don't lay! Use our Dry Mash and Scratch Feed for best results. Standard Feed Co., Inc., 16S1 Main St. Barnum 920. . Aal PLUMBING butler & McCarthy Plumbing, Tinning and Heating. Every order carefully attended to. 306 Grand St., co. Main St. Phr .e Barnum 4954. all FURNACES AND PLUMBING Im proper installation of furnace means loss of heat. Furnaces properly over hauled. Sar.nders. Plumbing and Heating. 202 Congress St. Phone Bar. 1099. I3all WILLIAM M. BALLOU, 1582 Main St. Plumbing, tinning, heating and gas fitting. Jobbing promptly attended to. Hot water systems overhauled. Bar. 5033. E16all HEAL KSTAT I EOK SALE. STORE OROCERY and meat market. Good business, &-ood location; fronts on factory; reasonable price. Frank Leganowicz, 615 Security Bldg. B8a CHARLES J. BERGER Houses and Building Lots For Sale. Also Rents. Terms to Suit. Private Garage spaces to rent. Hotel Alpine. 79 Gold St. Office, Bar. 521. Res. Bar. 3861. tf HARE OPPORTUNITY to purchase splendid lot near St. Vincent's Hos pital, one minute from Main St. Good view of Long Island Sound. For quick sale will take $600. Tel. Bar. 6084-3. Room 105. Meigs Bldg. RUa WE HAVE CASH BUYERS for two. three and four-family hcuses. List your property with J. A. Lukac 637 Carroll Ave USaj is l. KSTATE WANTED. WANTED To rent small farm within 15 miles of Bridgeport. References jiven. Box C, Bridgeport Times. B26sp WANTED One, two and three-family houses, all parts of city. Cash buyers waiting. S. Crehan, Shalet Bldg., Plaza. Tel. Noble 463. Bar. 7545. B18dp IF IT IS REAL ESTATE or business opportunities you want to buy cr sell. Inquire David Apstein, 373 Stillman St. Tel. Bar. 7088. U17al EAST SIDE REALTY and BUSINESS EXCHANGE. All kinds of insurance. .We can sell your business. If your house is for sale or rent see us. Clients waiting. 1175 Stratford Ave. Barnum 10S9. ' I 29a RKSTAHtANT SWEDISH RESTAURANT, 155 Colorado Ave., cor. State St. All home cooking, at the lowest possible prices. Regular dinner 65c. G16a RESTAURANT GARDEN OF CASERTA. Italian-American Restaurant. Table d'Hote and a la Carte. Special home cooking. Tables reserved for ladies. 1510 Main St., next to Armory. Phone Noble 847. KUJBBKR .STAMPS. liable. We carry a complete line of j stamps, supplies, inic paas, aaters, ruo ber type, etc. The Schwerdtle .Stamp Co.. 11 Cannon' St. tf SERVICES OFFERED. ASHES -REMOVED, Cellars Cleaned. Carting of all kinds. Prompt service. Satisfaction guaranteed. James M. Wood,. 38S Main St. Noble 1078. T30a ANNIE It: FRiSUSALi., Dressmaking. Remodelling dresses. Also light sew ing of all kinds. 175' Denver Ave. Bar. 2511-4. . ' AWNINGS. Sails, Tents, Truck Covers, Spray Hoods, Waterproof Covers, Ropa Splicing, etc. C. II. Bauman, 175 East Main St. D29a ART PRINTERY English and Foreign Printing, 324-326 East Main Street. I la AT EASTER TIDE tne gift that Is a permanent reminder of you your Pho tograph . Brignola Studio, cor. Main and Congress Sts. TlOajj A.. iGOLOM & CO. Furniture repairing upholstering, cabinet work, sign paint ing and all 'round jobbing. 3008 Fair field Ave. Tel. Bar. 10S5-3. U13a ,' UY YOUR CUSTOM SUIr or Stamatis, the Tailor. Suits from $40 up. Clothes cleaned, pressed, repaired and dyed. Lowest prices. 857 Main, St. H6dg LACKSMITHING on wagons and- auto trucks. First class work done at low est prices. Prompt service. Edelstein. Evitts Lane, near Kossuth St. L26ai SKRMCES OFFERED. B. & R. SHOE REPAIR CO Has removed from Main St., opposite Poll's theatre, to 189 Congress St., above drug store. G23aU BRIDGEPORT CATERING CO. Sand wiches and salads at short notice for outings, parties, picnics. 637 r-ast Washington Ave. Phone Noble 1030-2. D26al BUSINESS OFFICE OR HOME CLOCKS repaired by expert Clockmaker. We call and deliver. Snell. 290 Marion S1 Drop postal. Noble 1025. A28a5 BEAUTY PARLOR Try a hot oil treat ment for falling hair. National Hair Nets for sale. Mildred Quittmeyer, 1175 Stratford Ave. Barnum 1604. G29a!' COESTER HARDWARE J. S. BIRNBAUM, Prop Hardware. Paints. Oil, Auto Accessones, etc. 1644 1666 Main St.. Bull's Head. Barnum 2244 Ml" COMPOSITION Linotype composition for the trade. Catalogue, booklet and job printing. Intertype Printing Co., 300 State St. Phone Bar. 1017-13. COLORED HAND LAUNDRY, first class work guaranteed. Special rates on family washing. We make a speci alty on shirts and collars. Called for and delivered. 169 Wheeler Ave. Bar mi m 2542-32. H29a CLOCKS REPAIRED Expert clock maker. Will call, repair, deliver. Rea sonable rates. Sholl, 290 Marion. Noble 1025. B26al COSTUMES FOR BALLS, parties, en tertainments, etc. Full dress suits and evening dresses to rent. Elijte Costume Co.. 327 Fairfield Ave. G27a CARPENTER AND CABINETMAKER. Alterations, screening a specialty. Job bing shop. Estimates cheerfully given. Barry, 1548 North Ave. Bar. 1794. D17a; CARPETS, RUGS CLEANED1, scoured, latest French system. Careful Carpet Cleaning Co.. 446 Beechwood Ave. Phone Bar. 6761-4 or 2784-14. U17al CLINTON REPAIR SHOP We sell and repair bicycles, sewing machines, talk ing machines, typewriters .etc. En trance at 380 Clinton Ave., near Fair field. 19a CLOTHES Boys' and Girl:!' Suits made for half price of ready made. Also plain sewing. Mrs. Goss, 746 Broad St. H26d5 CESSPOOL CLEANING SANITARY CESSPOOL CLEANING CO. Cesspools and overflow built anywhere, anytime. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send postal. R. F. D. 35, Stepney Depot. A14a Delcampe Welaing Co. Welding, Cutting and Brazing of all kinds. Also general repairing. 3517 Wood Ave. L12a DEBTS COLLECTED Notes, judg ments, book accounts collected any where. No collection, no charges; 27 3ears successful experience. Personal calls on debtors. Local references. Write for terms, address P. O. Box 714. Bridgeport. DENTIST Dr. F. a. Boucher. 2076 Main St., cor. North Ave. Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. R14a DODGE BUSINESS BODY, brand new. for sale. Sell cheap If sold at once. 1146 State St. Bar. 5977-4. H7al DRESSMAKER EVENING DRESSES TO RENT. DRESSMAKING. MISS A. D. COLEY. 1713 Main St. . . A35s$ ELECTRICIANS West Bad Electric Co. Electric appliances, fixtures and sup plies, bell wiring. Everything electri cal. 3346 State St. Bar. 5977-4. H7a EXAMINE YOUR WATCH: If It stops bring It to us. Workmanship guaran teed. Retail and trade work. G. R. Ban. salven, 411 Warner Bldg. R13aj FINEST HAT CLbaKlRu ror ladles and men; low prices; also shoes shined. Cigarettes, cigars and tobacco. Tom Alberto, 1570 Main St.. cor. E. Wash ington Ave. R12all FOLDING CHAIRS TO RENT. Also City Express. C. H. Seltenrlch. 103 Orchard St. Tel. Barnum 1399. FUR COATS REMODELLED and re paired, and loose hair tightened. W also have several Fur Coats for sale, $35 up; rare bargains. E. L. Burritt, 256 E. Main St. Noble 1948. S27d HAIR DRESSING Hair goods, Mari nello creams and powders, shampoo ing, etc. Sarah Baycroft, 83 Fairfield Ave., 206 Warner Bldg. Phone Barnum 953. H30a!i HARD WOOD FLOORS Laid, old floors cleaned, polished. Charles Saramis, C2 Randall Ave.' Barnum 2247-4. T17ali HARRY LIFTTN Ladies' and Men s Custom Tailor. Blue Serge Suits made to fit, $40. Steam cleaning, pressing, repairing. 350 Main St. B18ds Hat Reblocking Stone Expert workmanship on all Ladies' Silk, Beaver and Arelour Huts. Also men's soft, stiff, silk and clotfc hats thoroughly cleaned and reblocked. 1S State St. HEMSTITCHING 9c a yard. All kinds of pleating, skirts, $1.00. Work done in 24 hours. The Modern Pleating Co., 1102 East Main St Telephone Noble 1745. T17a HUDSON Ladies' ana Men's Tailor and Furrier. Ladies' Suits made from $35 up. Cleaning, repairing and all kinds of alterations. 2394 Main St. T21a LADIES Bring your loved one's pictures to Stevenson's Studio 'for copying, framing, etc. Valuable free premiums given every customer. 104 Bank St. P31aj LOUIS LA TOUR, Practical Upholsterer. First class work guaranteed. Box springs and new upnolstered furniture to order. 778 Noble Ave., near Still man. Slla MRS. E. P. SMITH BEAUTY PARLORS, 164 STATE ST. Room 35, Franklin Bldg. Tel. Noble 1385. Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday even ings. A13a NADLER, TAILOR Ladies' and Men's Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing, Ttepairing. Suits to order. We call and deliver. 548 State St. Barnum 6S2-12. Alaj PITTSBURGH RiNDOW CLEANING CO. W. Ribner, Prop. Windows wash ed, brass cleaned, floors scrubbed, 10c window. 86 Wall St. Bar. 2541-4. PLATING Ail kinas of electric plating; also reflectors resilvered. Krouse Bros., 3S3 John St. H13d RANGES AND STOVES, repairs and linings at M. Quinn & Co., Furniture, 210 State St. Bar. 239. G9d REAL SHOEMAKER'S SHOP, tormerly the Custoic Shoe Department Of the ij. 6 r. sno? Co., nas removea to 9U Fairfield Ave. AUah REPAIRING Electric Motors, gas en gines, locks, baby carriages, sewing uiiMjuuxse iiiujiL,grtiiJiii-, Keys Tiiaue Astfeld Repair Shop, 201 Stratford ave nue. Barnum 2353-5. ' S2a: REPAIRING SEWING MACHINES. Phonographs, Music Boxes, Clocks. Locksmiths, Baby Carriages, etc. All work guaranteed. Randolph, 186 Gil hert St.. near Broad. B3a ROOFING Asphalt, slate surface, shingled green or red. Slate surface " rolled roofing. Fire, waterproof, guaranteed 15 years. Roof painting, repairing. DeForest & Mc 207 Farrott Ave. Phone. Ula SHOE REPAIRING We use White Oak '.atner and the best kind of work. Special Noelin Soles and Rubber Heels, 1.85. Reasonable prices. United Quick Shoe Repairing- Co. 283 State St. Noble T272-2. T31aS SOMETHING NEW Have your Carpet and Rug's washed rig-ht on the floor by the Hamilton Beach Method. Phone Noble :02S. H2ap SOUTH PARK SANITARIUM, an ideal home for invalids, convalescents, neu rotic and elderly persons, 752 Park Ave. Noble 319. TlSa STOVE REPAIRS Wholesale, and Retail Dealers. Wo carry complete line of stove and furnace repairs to fit all makes. Manufacturers of stove pipe. Bridgeport Stove Repair Co.. 1715 Alain St. Bar. 6737-4. R7a( STARK & DILLISTIN Architects and Builders, are now, during the winter months, specializing on interior re modelling. Floors, walls, stairways ana ponaDie garages. Estimates given. Room 21. 501 Fairfield Ave. Barnum 49S7-12. Ala'l STOVE REPAIRS Wholesale and retail ' dealers. Stove parts for all makes of stoves carried In toek. Ljpnick, 515 East Main St. Noble 1355. '19U10ai S P 1 RITUALIST MEETING. 181 State S I. Sundays, 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Heaton Barnes. Medium. Sltf TINNING Charles J. Mudre. Tinner. Gutters and leaders a specialty. Esti mates cheerfully given. 1327 Seaview Are. Phone Noble 305-3. Call 5 to I P- m. R8aU SERVICES OFFERED. TYPEWRITERS repaired, sold and ej . changed. Acme Office Equipment Maintenance Co., Room 411. Warner Rldg. Bar. 6700. R25a I THE THULLEN SIGNAL and Tail Light is electrically controlled. Fool-proof, Dust-proof and Water-proof. For demonstration see Handy Distribut ing Co., V. F. Sehaeffer, Mgr., 849 State St.. Bridgeport, Conn. VENEZIA Shoe Repairing Co. Stores in 15 cities- hieh prsirl. shoe repairing 2481 ain St.; branch at 95 Main St. 1914a!i" VERNA M. TREAT Beauty Parlor Specialist. Removal of surplus hair. 24 Post Office Arcade. Phone Noble 1386. '20S23al WATCH, CLOCK and Jeweelry Repair ing. Clocks called for and delivered. Arthur J. Maker, Room 510, Conn. Na tional Bank Bldg. T4aj ' I'liCIALISTS. DR. ALICE L. FITCH. Specialist, 418 State St., cor. Courtland St. Office ho;irs: 8 to 5 p. m. and by appoint ment. P13tf TAXI SERVICE. Rapid Taxi Service Co. Open and Closed Packard Cars for Wed dings, Receptions. Funerals, 487 Grand bt. Day and night calls Barnum 7881. STRATF1BLD TAXI CAB , SERVICH CO. Large limousine Packards for hire. Day and night calls. 35 Wood. side Ave. Phone Bar. 964. P3al AUTO VAN furniture moving. Local and long distance, New York, Hart ford. Worcester, Boston, New London. Providence; reliable; leaving town at all times; reasonable rates. Bernard & Burdett. 318 East Ave. Barnum 1607. TO RENT. FOR RENT Black Rock section, three Eooms and kitchenette apartment,- im provements, steam heat, hot water, ' reasonable. Inquire on premises, 31 Whittier St., off Fairfield Ave, Hart stein. i ' S s FOR RENT A modern six-room house. South Elliott St., and seven-room apartment, Main St., Stratford. F. E. Conine, 1239 Broadbridge Ave. A17xp WE HAVE DESIRABLE RENTS in all sections of the city. Leonard & Leon ard, John - St., corner Broad. Tele phone, AlOtf GARAGE to hold 3 cars to rent. $5.04 month, or can be used tor storage. H. Cohen. 141 Hallet St. Barnum 6559. FOUR rooms to rent: also furnished rooms for light housekeeping. David Apstein. 373 Stillman St.. real state and rents H7al', TU'EWKITERS. LATEST MODEL OLIVER typewriters, price $64; $4.00 cash, $4.00 per month. Why pay more? Oliver Typewriter Agency, Room 412, 'S3 Fairfield Ave U2al' TRUCKING ANX STORAGE. THE NATIONAL Transportation Co., handling freight be tween Bridgeport and New York. Daily transporting. 4 North. Washington Ave. Phone Noble 1364. I20aj AUTO TRUCKING, local and long dis tance moving. Phone Bur. 3540. City moving $8 up. S3as ACME TRUCKING CO. Furniture mov ing and general trucking. Local and long distance. Factory contracts eo- licited. Tel. Stratford 7. GET COONAN to move you and be sat isfied. 58 Meade St. Residence Bar. 6173. A7tf ARNOLD BROS. Motor transportation, local and long distance. Trucks by hour or day. Office 2332 Fairfield Ave. Tel. Bar. 4553-14. P14ai B. & B. TRUCKING CO. Local and long distance moving. Satisfaction guaran teed. Room 206 Shalet Bldg- Phone Bar. 965. R7a!l CALL BARNUM 1055-4 when you want prompt and careful truckinc service. Storage at reasonable rates. Zalinger" Auto Express, 178 Wood Ave. R22a EASTERN MOTOR TRUCKING and STORAGE CO.. 46 Kossuth St. Daily trips New York, Newark and Philadel phia, Springfield and Worcester. Phone Bar. 3632-2. Hltf CENTRAL TRUCKING CO. Light trucking by hour, day or week. Pack ages delivered, city or suburbs. 363 Stratford Ave. Barnum 4284. USOal t COONAN MOVED US last and he wili move us again. That's what ihey all say. 58 Meade St. Residence Barnum 6173. A7tf T. H. COONAN, MOVING Piano Moving a specialty. 58 Meade St. l ,-ippnone mrnum 6173. A7tf GENERAL TRUCK' SG and mo-v-inST local and long distance. S. W. Butler, 355 Warren St. Tel. Barnum 4917-3. D29a'p HANSON TRUCKING CO. Furniture guaranteed from breakage, local and long distance trucking. 41 Hillhouse Ave. Bar. 3451. Ball JOSEPH T. BIECHELE, general truck ing and express delivery. Prices to suit. 241 Alex St., Bridgeport, Conn. .lei. Bar. zwia. uya LIGHT TRUCKING and express deliv eries, city and suburban; prompt ser vice, reasonable rates; factory eon tracts solicited- For quick service call i limn x.'i-a - MOVING Furniture, freight, machinery, etc., Boston. Providence, Worcester, Springfield, Hartford. New London, Al bany. Get our estimates. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. Becker, office 2400 Bar- num Ave. Tel. Stratford 81. H15ap NORTH END Transportation Co. Local and long distance trucking and mov ing. Anywhere, any time. Reasona ble rates. 175 Wheeler Ave. Phon Bar. 2542-5. D25ai' P. e; TUnNER, 680 Llndley SiT, local and long distance trucking and mov ing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Barnum 1054-13 H12ali WILSON LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING. Also wood for sale. Sat isfaction truaranteed. 1179 North Ave. v an an nours Barnum 5672. H12al F. J. MURPHY, MOVING Trucking, local and long distance: furni ture and piano moving. Satisfaction guaranteed. 97 Henry St. Noble 1302. TRUCKING Local, long distance truck ing ana moving. Also furniture pack ing. Prices reasonable. Fred Hart- well. Ill Winter St. Tel. Noble 1709. THOMAS C. BARBER Light truck ing, express delivery, and long distance moving; satisfaction guaranteed. 147 Clarence St. Phone Bar. 7T54. P30a E. T. GILLIGAN, Motor Tructlng. Office 775 Colorado Ave. Phone Rar. num 2432-5. P23tf W. H FRAZIER Local and long dis tance express and light trucking. 743 Union Ave.. Bridgeport. Conn. TRUCKING OF ALL KINDS Goods moved on short notice, both local and long distance, ashes and other rub bish removed promptly. Fnctory truck ing a specialty. Excavation work dona by contract. Prompt attention given to all orders, whether large or small. Call or write The Progressive Transfer Co.. 945 Main St.. Rooms 204 and 205. Tel. 2342 Barnum B19a- PHOLSTERIXG. C. STRAM for your upholstering and rt finishing of antique furniture. Mat tresses made over. 226 Colorado Ave., in rear residence, 1231 State St. Bar num 1194. WANTED TO BOX. LIBERTY BONDS We pay highest prices for United States and foreign government bonds, all issues. Barnum 1383, Liberty Bldg 309. B14ai IT'S IDLE MONEY Convert vour ol3 old. Jewelry, and Silver into cash, value cheerfully given. Clarence W. Eddy, 46 Cannon St. Phone B. 906-0. R.20aj C. OPPENHEIM We pay best prices for second hand fur niture and all kinds of household goods. 1484 Mam St. Noble 1038. G23ai WE PAY HIGHEST PI .ICES for Rags, paper stock, new clippings and metaN S. Schettino, 61-67 McKinley Ave. Phon Noble 1381. B4aj WANTED To buy ihiee horsepower electric motor, single face; 1 lathe, drill press and 3,nall plane. Bridge port Auto Repair Shop. 861 Hallett St. G24a!. BUFEERD JUNK CO. 116 KNOWLTON ST. Tel. Bar. 6373-2. Dealers in Rags. Waste Paper. Iron metals and manufacturers' Scrap and Baled Paper. U20ai AUCTIONEER Daniel Keane. 95 State St., will buy your furniture, books, stoves, rugs, antiques, feather beds, rstore stocks, fixtures, war relics. 4952-3 Barnum. t Reliable Fxirniture Co. !i3-s highest prices for Second Hand Furniture. Stoves and Gas Ranges. Re liable Furniture Co.. 670 East Main St. Barnum 1649. L17aj HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kind second hand furniture and stoves. Rhode Island Furniture Co., M5- East Main St. Bar. 2301-5. I2a