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The Bridgeport times and evening farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1918-1924, June 11, 1921, Image 7

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Saturday, June 11, 1921
Page Seveif
Joe Smith 's Two Base Slam Brings Victory To Bridgeport
Congressman Aims
To Stop Big Bout
A move is on in Congress to register a knockout sock
on the Carpentier and Dempsey championship battle.
Leading the fight is ' Congressman "Jimmy" Gallivan,
who is remembered in the realms of collegiate sport as
Harvard's former football star, now a Representative
irom tne .Bay state.
Bogash Money
Is Scarce Or
Bartfield Go
Are Lou Bogash's friends getting: a
die sny in placing their mazuma on
the local boxer to defeat "Soldier"
Bartfield in their coming- fifteen round
bout at the Sate street arena. Mon
day night, June 20? That's what
Barney Kelly, one of Bartfield's ad
vance agents, was asking around "own
last night after his failure to place
UemPSeV Was StamUed as a "Dlf bum WhfiTl hP rfnflCTftfl any part of S600 he had brought here
j. t jj. ) -u n.iu r. . -. , ready to wager at odds of 2 to 1 that
tne arait, by Gallivan in a fiery speech in the House, Bogash wouldn't last the limit
foUowing the introduction of his stopper resolution in vaS hau Its
WhlCtl flfi atlTtfialfiH t.n (IntlOTPSH trt nnctnniio Vio -fio-Vi n-n-f-Jl n an effort to place the money, but
. t-s ,:.. . : in
a reasonaoie ana lair bonus tor tnose who served in the
World War has been agreed
Jx-ion to Blame.
9 t
Gallivan's action finds the support
of the bis" majority ofl American
X.fion men and members of other
veteran's organizations in Bridgeport
and elsewhere. A prominent mem
ber of the American Legion stated
bis opinion in no uncertain tones on
the big fight today, when he declared:
'The American Legion made a
hameful mistake -when it took no
concerted action to have this fellow
Dempsey, who has been stamped as
' a 'slacker," barred from taking part
in the light. I am disgusted with the
Leigion leaders and cannot under
stand their spiritless action in the
matter. I count myself as good an
American as anyone, having? went
through some of the hardest fighting
in Eurotpe, while this prize fighting
guy was laying around home and en
joying life away from danger when
Tto should have been over tlere doing
his bit instead of being a shirker,
and I want to say I always stick up
for Americans and want to see them
win in sports as well as be on the
t-o-p in everything they undertake
leut I hope Carpentier will give this
guy Dempsey a (J d good, licking."
Settle Bonus First.
Settle the bonus before the fight is
Gallivan's plea to his fellow Con
gressmen. The Gallivan measure
states that millions of Americans
have been waiting for action by
Congress to solve tfrie question of ad
justed compensation and that the
millions otf dollajrs that the cham
pionship fight will cost the American
puiblic could be devoted to this pur
pose. Gallivan in support of his
Tesolution said:
"The millions which the Dempsey -Carpentier
fight will cost the Ameri
can public copld very easily be de
voted to adjusting the pay of the real
fighting men, namely, the young
cbaps who went into the army and
navy of this country in the recent
World War. It is a notorious fact
that Dempsey showed himself to be a
big 'bum' in that war when he dodged
the draft, and unless I mistake,
France was in distress and had been
fighting for months before Carpentier
joined the colors of his country. After
he did get into a. uniform, it is alleged
he did good service, but my mind goes
back to the early davs of the war.
when he was engaged in fighting, as a
prizefighter for money.
. Slap At Fight Fans.
"The men who will pay ?50 for a
ringside seat to look at these two
fighters' overwhelmed members of
the last Congress with their letters of
protest against . paying a mere pit
tance of a soldiers' bonus to real
champions. It would not have cost
these men individually $50 to have
helped meet the cost of a soldiers'
bonus bill, but they are willing to pay
that much and more because of travel
and hotel expenses, etc., to see these
men gather in about $1,000,000 pum
melling one another. I am for the
soldier boy, and until this bonus bill
is passed I think that the Wall Street
broker, and the steel magnate from
Pittsburgh and the Chicago banker,
who helped defeat the soldiers' bonus
bill in the last Congress, should be
deprived of what they consider the
greatest pleasure of their lives.
"I shall certainly press for the pas
sage of my resolution. It is unneces
sary for me to state that I have been
intensely active in athletics, includ
ing boxing, all my life, and that I do
attend genuine boxing matches when
ever I get an opportunity. But I am
opposed to this international bout on
American soil, where millions of
American money are to be wasted,
until the American service men and
women have been fairly treated by
the American government."
Dempsey -Carpentier Battle Will
Break All The Records For Gate
Receipts In History Of Pugilism
New York. June 11 Tex Rickard, who has made the greatest financial
successes of boxing bouts in the history of the game, will break his own rec
ord at Jersey City, July 2, when he presents Georges Carpentier and Jack
Dempsey in the "Battle of the Century". The big fight is expected to draw a
"Million Dollar Gate". The receipts may go ever the million mark. FoUow
ing is a list a the' largest gate receipts in American ring history:
to was obliged to return to the me
tropolis with his GOO bucks intact.
"I was- under the impression Bridge
port sports were ready to back cheir
favorite son to the limit, but I could
not place a single dollar. I heard a
lot of 'harping among some of them
That Bogash and his manager, Joe
Smith, are counting on a sure win
against Bartfield. If they still enter
sain this belief they will have the
privilege of backing up their whims
with cash, for I will be back Monday
and can be found at the Stmtfieki be
tween 3 and 6 p. m., ready to produce
my cash. I am willing to have any
reputable sporting man in Bridgeport
hold the money, Connie bewis or
Frit Mueante, for instance. They will
suit me."
Joe Smith Speaks Back.
Joe Smith, when apprised of Kelly's
visit with his cash, declared he is
anxious to .talk business with him and
Is willing to wager a substantial sum
that Bogash will lick the Xew Yorker.
"Kelly would never have returned to
New York without betting that $600
if I had seen him," declared Joe with
a fiery gleam in his eye. "I'd like to
know where ho gets off in offering -to
1 that Bartfield will win before the
limit?" added Joe.
That Bogash-Dclaney Go.
The item in last night's Times stat
ing that Louis Bogash would not
balk at a fight with Jack Delaney
has brought Al Jennings to his feet.
DelanevJs. manager sends the follow
ing letter in which he sfates Delaney
is also favorably disposed toward a
ibout. The letter follows:
"According to yesterday's Times
Louie Bogash made a statement that
he would go out of his class to
face Jack Delaney, so here goes to
exfplode the nitro which should bring
Bogash and Delaney together. Bogash
don't have to so out of his class for
according to his weights in the Wal
ter Laurette and Jim Montgomery
contests he is a genuine middle
weightweight, so the difference be
tween Delaney and Bogash would be
ounces not pooinds.
"The International Boxing Rules
which are recognized the world over,
state the middleweight limit is 160
pounds eight hours toefore contest
takes place. Well, Delaney can make
that weight and you can rest assured
that no 'boxing contest put on in the
city of Bridgeport would draw a
larger crowd of fight fans. I also
wish to state that Bogash and his
followers can get all the money they
can scrape together! covered on the
outcome of that contest.
"Delaney is to box either Jackie
Clark or Johnnie Howard on June IS
at the Queenshoro Sporting Club of
Bong Island City. So I hope Bogash
wins from Bartfield on June 20. In
case he loses Delaney is willing to
box Bartfield or any other middle
weight, -bar none.
"Al Jeninngs, Mgr. of Delaney."
l gm " "
With Geo. L Firstbrook
Fight promoters of the olden days never suffered the pain heaped upon
mem oy tiie teem oi tne law as Messrs. Rickard, Dempsey and Carpentier
are enduring today, and is all caused by the rakeoff Uncle Sam will get off
the impending battle.
Figure ex perls have it down m black and white that Dempsey
will pay an income tax for S300.000, catting the champion's divvy
to $161,270. Carpentier's share when exemptions for wife and child
are deducted will receive S93.334, which means that Fncle Sam will
collect approximately $254,(50 to $245,3U6 by the boxers.
In addition to this the states of New York will receive about $100,000
each by the amusement tax, extracted from the fight management. And vet.
the financial dopesters are trying to believe that Rickard and his partners
will divide about $100,000.
These figures almost put the alleged profits of some of the war
industrial plants out of sight.
Tad, ( noted cartoonist and ring expert, has faied to chronicle Bouis
Bogash in his recent discovery of the early vocation of leading boxers. Be
fore Tad speaks it proper to repeat that "Looey" once upon hustled as a pin
boy in Connie Lewis' bowling alleys. Tad follows:
John Tj. Sullivan was an unknown tinsmith when he started
boxing. Jim Corbet a poorly paiil bank elerk, Jim Jeffries a boiler
maker. Bob Fitzsiminons a blacksmith, Stanley Ketchel a waiter.
Jack Dempsey a minor and hobo, Jack JJritton sold hot dogs and
candy, alike O'Dowd was a telegraphic linesman.
Jack Johnson wielded a whitewash brush, Jess Willard was a
cowboy. Al Neil was a sign painter. Jimmy Britt was a hook keener.
Joe Walcott was a coal stoker on a boat; Jack Dampsey ((he non
areil) was a cooper and wrestler, Carentier was a circus performer,
Jimmy Wilde was a miner, Jem Driscoll was a pressman. Tom Shar
key a deck scrubber on a man-of-war. Fetor Jackson was an oars
man, Joe Cans was an oyster opener in Baltimore. Young Griffo
was a longshoreman. Abe Attell was a messenger boy, and all the
other great hauler came from the same humble vocations of life-
Jack Flynn 's Ponies
Perform Here Tomorrow
The Springfield Ponies with Itheir
veteran pilot, Jack Flynn, in action
around the initial comer, will be the
opponents of the Brown Derbies at
Newfield Pork tomorrow aC'ernoon.
the game to start at 3 o'cock. Mc
FarlanoX who is pitching star ball and
is ranked as one of the best hurlers
in the league, and who handed a
'riming to the locals a few weeks
ago, will probably be in the box for
the visitors. With Flynn, the old
Holy Cross star, who went the big
league rotate with the Pittsburgh Pi
rates, in the game a snappy contest is
The locals are in Waterbury this
afternoon in battle with Joe Cos
grove's Brasscos. Waterbury is dis
playing a vast improvement and will
be no easy nut to crack.
The locals made a lasfing Impres
sion on Hartford fans yesterday when
they topped the Senators in a thrill
ing 13-inning tilt, 4 to 2, in which
"Lefty" Le Pard oul'-pttched Har-
sc.her. The Bridgeport south twirled
his fanciest game of the season, hold
ing the larruping Senatorial outfit to
five hits.
4, 1919..
4, iaio..
25, 116.
14, 19.2.0..
14, 1921'..
17, 1921..
26, 1920..
21, 1921..
22, 1920..
3, 1906..
July "Mar.
April 5, 1915
Dec. 26, 1908
Nov. 3, 1899
Aug. 14, 1903
Oct. 29, 1920
Feb. 7, 1921.
Sept. 11, 1915
Aug. 30, 1900
Sept. 17,
Dec. 20,
Feb. 25,
'Feb. 18,
Nov. 9;
iSept. 7.
Dec. 2,
Jan. 7,
Mar. 8,
Oct. 15,
Feb. 15,
Feb. 22,
Sept. 28,
Oct. 16.
Mar. 25,
July 25,
Nov. 1 5,
Jan. 17,
June 29,
Sept. 9,
Jan. 26,
Nov. 5.
Mar. 2.
Oct. 22.
1 7.
'J 6.
1920. .
1904. .
1921. .
1920. .
1920. .
1921 . .
1893. .
1920 .".
1921. .
1910 . .
1920. .
1909. .
1904. .
1902. .
1921 . .
1916. .
1905 . :
1921 . :
1920. .
1921 . .
1920. .
1897. .
1904. .
1904. .
1896. . .
Dempsey . . .
Dempsey . . .
Leonard . . . .
Kansas . . -Lynch
Gans .......
Britt on
Gibbons . . .
Jackson. . . .
O'Dowd ....
Corbett .
Lynch ......
Jackson ....
Fitzsim m ons .
DeFoc .
Johnson ....
Dillon '.
Nelson .....
P. Moore . . .
M. Smith. . . .
Fitzsim mons
lit-niKLii ......
Nelson .......
Johnson ......
Burns ........
Fitzsimmons . .
I WIS . .
MeFarland . . .
McCoy .
Dundee . . .
Smith ........
Sharkev ......
P. Mitchell
fjedoux .......
Sieger . .
Nelson .......
Sharkey ......
Ketchel ;
Fitzsimmons . .
Uuhlin .......
Beecher ......
Mrran .......
Montreal .....
Goldstein .....
M. Collins
1 ross ........
flans .
Munroe 1
Fitzsimmons . .
McGovern ....
Reno . .
New York
New York
New York .
New York
New York
New York ....
New York
Goldfleld, Nev.
Havana, Cuba.
Sydney, Aus...
New York
San Francisco.
New York
New York
New York
New York . . . .
New York
New York - - . -New
New York
New Orleans . .
New York
New York
New Orleans . .
New York . - . .
New York
San Francisco.
New York ....
San Francisco.
San Francisco.
San Francisco .
San Francisco.
New York . . . .
Brooklyn . . . - .
San Francisco.
New York
New York
New York . . . .
New York
Carson City . . .
San Francisco.
San Francisco.
an Francisco.
San Francisco.
Nine Coming
Bridgeport High's bull tossers will
llay their final game of the season
next Friday June 17, at Seaside Park,
the Taunton High boys, school cham
pions of southern Massachusetts be
ing the opponents of the locals. Due
to some misunderstanding of the
managements the game with Chicopee
High scheduled for yesterday was not
St. Joseph's Oval should be the
socne of a rattling good diamond con-
test tomorrow afternoon when the
Shamrocks and American A. A.
clash. The ' Shatnmies" have a rec
ord of four straight games and are
'counting on another victory. Schil
ler and Tropitzer will be the Sham
rock battery- The Shamrocks and
Norwalk "Shammies" will play their
"rubber" game on July 10, the date
being arranged yesterday.
' Y. M. H. A. J4tS. IX ACTION.
Tomorrow afternoon the Y. M. H.
A. Juniors and Laurels will clash in
'a diamond contest on Diamond No. 7
at Seaside Park Manager Johannah
Postol has signed a couple of new
iplayera for the Juniors and a hot
r cam.. n TnPCl fL
Games Tomorrow.
Springfield at Bridgeport.
Pittsf.ekl at Waterbury.
Worcester at Albany.
Hartford at Now Haven.
Yesterday's Scnrrs.
Bridgeport 4, Hartford 2.
Worcester 9, Alibany 7.
Pittsfield 9, Waterbury S.
New Haver. 10, Springfield 7 (first
game) : Springfield 6. New Haven 2
(second game).
Standing of the Teams.
Worcester . .
Hurtftord . .
New ll.tven
Iittsfield . .
W. L. P.C.
25 13 .658
25 15 .625
22 15 .595
23 17 .575
22 20 .324
19 22 .463
14 26 .350
10 32 .238
Hints the Sport Writers
Are Paid By Promoters
Tlio Editor and rublisli-er prints
tlie following:
'"The sports writers liave great
er leeway as regards wliat tbey
shall print in t heir department
than any other class of staff con
tributors. Anything and every
thing -oes news, personal ex
ploitation a.ul advertising of the
most pronoiubce! character can
be fount! in the matter they turn
m. Tieeanse of the freedom they
have in publishing: what they like,
their acquaintance and support is
sougrht by promoters of prize
fig-Iits, baseball prantes and ath
letic n cnts at which an rd mis
sion fix? is eharsref.
"'Recently a report was current
that tine sporting; editors of a
number of New York morning
and evening: newspapers are on
the rcfmlar payroll of one of the
best known prize fig;ht promoters
in the country. Xo proof in sup
port of the rumor has been forth
coming:, and the probabilities are
thnt it lias no basis whatever.
Rut who none reads in the s!Hrt
ing; columns two or three times a
week that tickets may Ie pur
cha.etl at a certain place: that
there Ls no t rut h in t lie rumor
that all the best scats have been
sold: that after the promoter had
attended a luncheon with one of
the principals in a fortheoniing
bout lie hustled bade to Madison
Square Garden to Supervise fhe
sale of tickets, the avcra-e reader
grets the idea that the writer of
that co 1 u tii 1 1 m n -t lx in the cm
ploy of someone eh?e besides the
newsa;KM on which lie11 works.
4It strikes us that, there is alto
crether too much advcrtis'ii:; puf
fery allowed in the sporting; col
umns of mo5;t daily newspapers.
The place for all such matter is
the advertisinir columns at so
much an aa:ate line.'
How Victory was Gained.
I 1 1 IV EL Wl 1 1 1 IxU out, Gene
Martin started the attack by beat
ing: out an infield hit: "Rride
sroom"' lCmmerich drove the
horsehidc past Railey in riirht
field for a distance of two sacks.
Ma r tin r neb! ng t h i rd Ko ?ri
gruez tried hard to lift the ball
over the lozur distance route to
(lie outfield, hut it dribbled along;
to Kane at first base who chucked
M n r t i 1 1 oti t at li ; m e pla to . Joe
Smitta strode to the plate and
filled the role of demon clouter to
perfection when he socked the
hall to the outfield for two hairs,
Femlinir Emmerich and the Cuban
across the plate
Two Brown Derbies
Wield Golf Sticks
Two of Bridfre port's Eastern
I-ieagiie ball players are also in
the expert class when it comes to
performing; on the ffolf links.
They are Johnny Thole and Wes
ley Kingjdon. The pair are to be
seen in action frequently mom
inges on the public links at
Reurdsley Park. The other day
there was a three-cornered setto
bt'tween Kingrdon, Thole and,
Frank Bracken. Kimrdon cov
ered the course in 35 and Thole
in 41, while Bracken who is one
of the best local golfers covered
the distance in "2.1. Rracken lias
made an offer to gpve any of the
members of the Bridgeport Club,
in the novice class, instruction in
the sport, if they are inclined to
ward the links.
has certainly furnished,
winner to Uoss Cla.rk.in.
tOoipyriteht - I. f. S.)
Manhasset, X. X.. June 11
Georges is expecting- you, Mr. Cor
bett; oome rig:ht in You'll fin-d him
over there in i;he yard,"
"With this pleasant greeting- from
Trainer Gus Wilsn, I invaded Car
pentier's training- camp Friday and
watched him box in private for the
first time.
I found the French champion lolling-
on the lawn in front of his cozy
quarters with Joe Jeannette, Paul
Journee and Italian Joe Gans. I
sat down and talked with them for
a time as the hour for training had
not arrived.
Georges' sparring patrners, with
the exception of Jeasvnette, knew
me, for they had been told I was
com'ing. Jeannette was not wise to
it and he did not recognize me with a
pair of heavy rimmed gfassea on.
"Don't quite make me, eh. Joe ?
J asked. "Maybe you'll remember
who was fhe champ-ion croquet player
off H-arlem at one time? roes that
tip you off?"
Joe sat and looked hard hut Car
pentier could wait no longer.
"Oh, Joe." he said, "you should
know Jim Corbett, yes ?"
And the laugh was on Jie.
Corbett Is Impressed.
Carpentier told me of his training
routine and later went through his
regular program, just as he does in
private. I was very much impressed
and consider it quite a compliment,
because, first of all. Georges is a
fellow who hates to work in public
I know how ho fee-Ts about it- If I
was working in France for a fight
like that of July 2. 1 would feel the
same way.
Wh en 3 o el ook arrived Geo rges
skipped nimfbly into the house and
got into his working togs. He came
out dressed in ring attire and a long
bath rotoe and we all walked hack
to the barnj There he took off his
robe and I saw him strd piped for
action for the first time. I was agree
ably surprised at everything I saw.
Georges is built Like the ideal ath
lete, his shoulders, arm and leg de
velopment is wonderful. He is not
a Hercules. Instead he is built like
a fine thoroughbred horse. He is
nothing like Demipsey, who is bigger
and more rugged. Thi; fellow Car
pentier is bruit for speed and believe
me. he has it.
Georges punched the bag, skipped
the rope, worked on the pulleys,
s-Ioigg-ed the heavy bag, went through
gymnastic stunts and boxed with
Journee, Jean nette and Gans. He
went aifter his work with a good will
and worked irp a perspiration that
made hi s ski n gl o w.
Easy on Trainers.
Of course I know that a man cant
always cut loose and hurt his sparring
partners. He wouldn't have them
long if he did. And Georges did not
knorik anvfoody out or down. But he
showed me a word, of
head and as fast a right hand as I
have ever seen in the heavyweight
Free Fight Ticket!
Guess Right, And
You 11 Win It
guess vocr way into
the b o g a s h-rartelei !
fight at the htate street
Arena, moxjday xigrt,
JI XE 20!
It will cost you nothing ex
cept a Tittle good head work with
a little luck thrown in.
Connie lAwis. president of the
Rridgeiort A. & A., through the
1 5 ri 1 geport Ti mes, o flers a re
served scat ticket to the reader
guessing the correct numlcr or
the nearest to the total number
of runs scored by the Bridge
port team in the games played
on Thursday. 1-Viday. Saturday
and Sunday of next week.
Xow. sports . get busy a nd
send in your guesses if you want
a chance to obtain an "Annie
Oakley" for a real fight, Eill in
hoie :
My gness is that the Brown
Torbies will score runs in
the four grame scheduled on the
above mimed dates.
Jl XI 20.
division. In frier he has one of the
snappiest right hands the heavy
weight class has ever known.
I was especially impressed with the
way he used his right and the man
ner in which he worked up to it,
fiddling around and never giving a
sign in ad va nc e that would tip you.
off when you might expect him to let
it fly.
Carpentier is not the type of the
boxer that I was. I understood his
style thoroughly but it is entirely dif
ferent from the style I used. In fact
Carp is more aggressive than I was.
When he cuts loose he is quick,
snappy and a good slugger. Of course
he did no defensive work while J I
was there because he was working
aggressively to get rough exercise
and did not try to rest himself. He
never stopped going for at last 40
solid minutes except to mop off his
for eh ead . In b o x i ng w itii Journee
speed, a good I arul Jcannette he worked like a Trojan
and when he slugged he did so with
very good judgment.
Buck Jjai Shines.
Getting back to the game. Ruck
Lai had a big day at the expense of
the Hartford fans. He established an
impregnable defense at the dizzing
corner. Jine cnances came ms way
and he accepted alL Ruck also got
a pair of hits. Two of Ruck's daz
zling stops thwarted the mad effort
of the Senators to score in the thirteenth.
(It must have been worth an extra
dime to have seen the clouds hover
over Jim Clarkin's countenance when
that hit dropped off Smith's bat.)
Rut Jim's turn to smile came a
little later on when the turnstile re
ports showed that 4,000 spectators
witnessed the game. Arthur Irwin
Jose Rodriguez fielded magnificent
ly at first base, accepting 2 5 chances
in errorless fashion, his brilliant
performance again stamping him as
the peer of Eastern League first sack-ers.
Joe Smith was also kept on his tip
toes behind the bat, accepting all of
nine opportunities.
Harscher, the Hartford twirler, al
so pitched fine ball, allowing nine
hits. iNine Bridgeport players were
left on the bags.
Ball- fans who go to Pleasure
Beach on July - will have an oppor
tunity of witnessing a baseball con
test between the Lenox A. A. and
YVor 1 d XV a r veterans. On that date
the latter organization will hold its
annual field day. Arrangements are
being made to have the big fisht re
ported over a spe; ial wire, round by
rocn . There will also be
attraction for the evening.
The Crasho A. C. nine will on Bed
ford Oval play Greens Farms to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The
batteries will be Cunningham or
Beebe or Howe and Miller, and Saxon
or Meyer and Kokoska for Greens
As a result of his fine showing
against Charley Peterson at Stamford,
Tuesday night, Billy Prince has been
proiSIisd a star bout there on their
next card. Prince if training stead
ily for several bouts "he has in view,
which can for showings in New York
and Xew Jersey. .
Rrid geport Public Market defeated
the Warner En s. baseball team in a
twilight prsjne at Seaside Park. Fea
tures of the game was the pitching of
John Bowden, of the B. P. M.'s. who
allowed only two hits and the hitting
of Dodge, Liptak and McCarten of the
Market team.
Two games are to he played in the
City Amateur League tomorrow after
noon, at Seaside Park. On diamond
No, 1, 3:30. the opposing teams will
be the Waysides and White Eagles;
on diamond Xo. 5. 3:30, the Ekos
and Rlessed Sacraments will clash.
The umpires are Tom Iassogna and
Al JewelL
WORCESTER Ho!y Cross smoth
ered Syracuse on the di-amond in a
16 to 7 contest.
NEW YORK Jim Coffey, the Ros
common Giant and Pat Bolger will
box 12 rounds, June 2S for the Irish
Newfield Park
ame Today
MILWAUKEE A cable from Aus
tralia states Jamito, the Filipino
featnerweiprht sta.r, defeated Tommy
Xoble of England in their 20 -round
battle in Sydney.
WIXOOSKI Fordliam's speedy
ball team defeated St. Michael's nine
in a fast contest. 4 to 1.
Tex O'Rourke heads the promoters
applying for incorporation papers for
the National Boxins Association.
NEW YORK Four bouts will be
staged at Ebbetfs Field today, Chnr
ley Pitts, Australian lightweight, and
Joe Tiplitz meeting in the star bout.
NEW TORK-Goaler, a selling plat
er, broke Man O'War's track record
for a mile and furlong, traveling the
distance in 1.49.
FORT WORTH Pete Donahue,
pitching star of the Texas ChrisOa.n
University, has signed a contract with
the Cincinnati Reds.
Bressler's hitting spelled defeat for
the Giants in a 3 to 1 game.
Bridgeport fans will have an oppor
tunity of witnessing, high grade of
semi-pro ball on th? Newfield Park
diamond Saturday afternoon, begin
ning today. With the Brown Derbies
on the road Saturday afternoons for
the rest of the season the American
Chain team will play the strongest
attractions at Newfield Park at the
week ejid. Today the Elm City
Giants, a fast colored team from New
Haven, will be the opponents of the
locals. Finn and O'Connell will be
the battery for tbe locals.
The best at tractions in the East win
be booked for Saturday afternoons,
a game already being booked with
Jeff Teserau's Bears. The Chain
team will play on the road Sundays.
Cleveland 8, New York 6
Chicago 5, Philadelphia 0.
Boston 7, St. Louis 3.
Detroit 6, Wastrkrgton i.
A pair of home runs by Sbeeley
enabled the White Sox to shut out the
Athletics, 5 to 0.
Harry Heilman of the Tigers pulled
a bone which would stir up a fuss on
the sandlots. He knocked out a
homer in the Detroit-Washington
game, and was afterwards declared
out for batting out of his turn.
The Dodgers are still in a slump,
losing their fourth straight game to
the Cards. Lavan's homer spelled
Standing or Teams.
Cleveland -- 32
New York . . 29
Washington . , . . , 28
Detroit 29
Boston 22
St. Louis - 23
Chicago . , 20
J-hiladelpbla . .- 17
Cincinnati C. Now York 3
St. Louis S. Brooklyn 3.
Boston 4, Pittsburgh 1.
S;,'niling of Teams.
W. L P.C
JMttsbnrgh 32 1G .S67
Now York 32 17 .653
St. Louis ... 24 22 .522
Boston - 24 23 .511
Brooklvn 25 27 .481
OhtLcag-o 13 25 .432
Oincinnati 19 31 .380
Philadelphia 16 30 .348
Ray Grimes has moved up to third
place in the NaTJona.1 League bntting
list, with .364. Hornsby is still the
topnotcher with .424. while Heilman
continues to lead the A. L. .slammers
with .437, Speaker ranking second
with .419.
W. Parker Seeley, Brooklawn Coun
try club golfer, who has been one of
the leading1 contenders in the Metro
politan Golf Tourney at Garden City,
met with defeat yesterday at the
hands of Ed Hale of Upper Montclair,
6 and 4.
Miss Prances Taylor-of the Pittsburgh Athletic. Association, who
won the women's senior national A. A. U. championship at 100 yards,
breast stroke swimming, is regarded as a remarkable -you n jet merman'
She is seventeen years old and at the very outset of a racing career, Miss
Batting the ball hard the Willow
A. C. defeated the Agons on the Old
NOT Green by a score of 22 to 18.
Pavlick twirled fine ball for the vic
tors and received excellent sup-port.
Salvetor. the Agon twirler, pitched
well but errors behind him were
costly. F. Janoski and K. &ral also
starred. The Willows are willing" to
meet on teams, 12 to 14 years old.
Hartford, June 11 H. Ilolbrook
Hyde and Leland Wiley of this city
retain thoir title for the tennis doub
les for Connecticut for another yeax
as a result of their triumpJi over Mer
riam and Swain, yesterday. 6-1. 6-4,
1-C. 6-3. Today Hyde and Knyaston
will combat in the finals for the sin
gles championship.
Turcott and Banville will bo the
Club when they stack up against the
battery for the Putnams of the Boys'
Mohawks ton.orrow afternoon on Dia
mond Xo. 4, Seaside Park. The Put
nams uf anxious to book games with
the Itovers. Young Americans and
T. BC EL A. Juniors. '
Taylor not only has displayed
watermanship, but her rapid 4
she soon will be prominent in.
optional ability in various branches of
"istent improvement indicates that
1 title tests at free style and ha-k
"Babe" Ruth made his seventeenth
horns run of the season yesterday, but
the champion Indians clinched vic
tory when Gardner bjt for the circuit.
Cleveland winning by the score of 8
to 6. There were two other homers
in the same, one each for Mava and
Springfield vs. Bridgeport
3:00 P. M.
Buy Direct From Factory
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