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MARCH 8, 1947 The Hartford Chronicle Page Fifteen STAMFORD By Georgianna Nicholson The deacons were ordained at the Union Baptist Church, Feb ruary 23rd, 5 p. m., with the sermon preached by Rev. Thos. Kilgore of "Winston-Salem, N. C, who conducted the revival services with much success throughout the previous week. Rev. 6. R. Yancey, minister of First Baptist Church, Green wich, Conn., gave the charge at the service. A tea was held Sunday, Mar. 2nd at Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church, in the church dining room under the auspices of the Junior Missionary Society. The Bright Morning Stars ap peared at the Elks' Hall, 33 Mission St., February 23d. They were the guests at the program sponsored by the Silvertone Quartet. The . Stars shall ap pear at the .Grace Baptist Church in Norwalk, Conn., on March 13th. : On Monday evening, March 3rd, at the Bethel A. M. E Church, all of the choral groups will meet to discuss and ar range plans for their Easter Cantata. This cantata will be presented on Easter morn at 5 a. m. : On March 13th, the trustees of Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church will present a very in teresting educational program Mr. Rudolph D. Chapman, melo- dramatist, will render an even ing, of dramatic moods Musi cal selections will be rendered by Mesdames D. Landis and R. Terry; are the co-chairmen. The tickets are now available at the prices of 50 cents, 75 cents and one dollar. The men of Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church are working hard to present one of the great est programs of the church on Men's Day, March 16th. The Men's Choral Group will hold a rehearsal oh Thursday, March 6th at 8 p. m. The Pictorial History Com mittee of Faith Tabernacle Bap tist Church arranged for all of the church auxiliaries and clubs to complete the picture taking on February 20th, 23rd, and 25th. These pictures will be combined with a souvenir book for the church's first, anniver sary on April 25th. The pro posed plans are to expand the building 90 feet long and 50 feet wide with a seating capac ity of about 1200 people. , .Miss Eleanor, Smith became the bride of Mr. John Meredith on March 3rd at 4 p. m. A re ception followed the ceremony at the bride 's home, 9 "Wall St. On Saturday, March 8th at 5 p. m., Miss Ethel Adams will become Mrs. Winchester Ket ley. Rev. William L. Baxter will perform the ceremony. The NEWS reception will be at the Yale &( Towne Auditorium. Miss Ad ams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eliott Adams, Sr.v of 38 Warshaw Street. The Progressive Civic League of Stamford through the leader ship ,of the Chairman of the Program Committee, Mrs. I. Lo gan Kearse, presented the Hon orable Grant Reynolds of New York City in an address cele brating Negro History Week. The meeting was held at the Y. "W. C. A. Mr. Reynolds, an ex-service man and candidate for a seat in Consrress from the New York district in the last election, is now commissioner oi correc a y tions for New York. Mr. Reynolds stated that his remarks would not be a Negro History addresss as such, since most of us are fairly well versed in our past accomplishments He urged the youth of today to train for whatever vocation in which he is interested as we are now living in an age when we are no longer confined to mak ing a decent livhhood as teach ers, physicians, dentists, minis ters and social workers. All fields are open to us if we qual ify. He cited instances where young Negroes are experts in rocket areonautics and that young Negro solved the mathe matical caluclations that made it possible for scientists to con tact the moon in the recent rad ar experiments. v He strongly advocates that we participate actively in all civic projects, attend council meetings, board of education meetings, etc., and know what is going on in our city. Do not let some emergency be the cause of arousing our interest, but be interested at all times because we are citizens of the greatest country in the world. He also stated that all ex-servicemen who did not take ad vantage of the G.I. bill of rights are missing a great opportunity for personal advancement and to help become a worthwhile citizen.- The invocation was offered by Rev. Thomas Kilgore of "Win ston-Salem, N. C, the Yerwood Male Chorus rendered the mu sical program and Rev. I. Logan Kearse introduced the guest speake. Tea was served at the close of the program. The League was assisted by the following organizations : The Yerwood "Women's Club, the Young Men's Community Club, The Eagle A. C, and the Socialisties. The Yerwood Women's Club will hold their second card party tournament at the Yer wood Community Center on March 31th. The games played will be bridge, whist, gin rum my and pinochle. The Girl Scouts Troop gave a very successful party at the Yerwood Community Center on February 27th. The girls en tertained as their guests, their parents and the Girls Scout Troop of Faith Tabernacle Bap tist Church. Bernice Simmons, Ernestine Tibbs, and Mildred Roads were invested at the in vestry service and a number of badges were awarded. The Modernettes Basketball Team held a tea at the home of Miss Janet "Wells, 52 "West Broad Street, March 2nd. The Progressive Civic League gave a roller skating party at the YWCA on March 1st. An enjoyable time was had by all A Co-ed swimming party will be sponsored by the Progressive Civic League on March at the YWCA. The Eagle Athletic Club is now open for basketball games with any senior teams. For all bookings, please get in touch with Mr. J. E. Brown, 30 Rose Park, Stamford. The Eagles are now holding second place within the Stamford inter-city basketball league. The Red Cross held a party welcoming the veterans and an insurance meet under the aus pices of the Red Cross Home Service Department and Stam ford's Clubs at the Chapter Headquarters in Glenbrook on February 25th. Among the co sponsors was William McCargo of the Lock City Veterans. Miss Delores Wilmont served coffee, doughnuts, newspapers and oth er things. Among the hostesses were Misses Mary Higgins, Bar bara Childs, Muriel Jones, Ma rion Jones and Jean Rowe, Mrs. Louise Bailey and Dr. Joyce Y. Carwin. The Yerwood Male Chorus directed by Dr. J. Y. Carwin rendered a few selec tions, i .NEED EXTRA MONEY?. Yon Can Earn $15-$20 In Your Spare Time By Show ing Our Offer To Friends No Experience Necessary If Interested Write W. A. DEPT. P. O. BOX 665 Tel. 7-5702 We Deliver TOSCA'S GUINEA GRINDERS 116 Barbour Street Hartford, Conn. CERASE'S MARKET 1579 MAIN STREET Corner Florence Street MEATS GROCERIES GRINDERS Miss Geraldine "Walker, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har vey A. "Walker, 46 "Warsaw St., Was recently elected as co-vice president of the Campus Youth Fellowship, a religious organ ization of Illinois "Wesleyan University. Miss "Walker, a graduate of Stamford- High Sehool, is now a sophmore, majoring in sociology and min oring in religion. She is also a member of the YWCA Women's Sports Association and the In dependent Women's Ass'n. Mrs. Victoria Bentley and Mr. James Draugh were given parts in the play "The Little Foxes" presented by the Cen ter Little Theatre of the Stam ford Jewish Center. The play was presented on Feb. 25, 26, and March 1st. Dr.. Leroy Demery of .State College, North Carolina, was the guest of Miss Nettie Mont gomery, 92 Brown Street, re cently. The hospitalization and emer gency fund which was estab lished in Stamford by the mini sters of the churches for the benefit of the mother who re cently gave birth to child thru a full-term abdominal pregnan cy, has received last the amount of $470.00 reported by Rev. I. Logan Kearse, head of the com mittee. Rev. G. T. Sims, secre tary, Mrs. Flossie Clark, treas., and Rev. William L. Baxter, publicity chairman. This fund is providing two trained nurses for this mother who is still confined to the hospital, and to cover other hospitalization bills. Accord ing to the hospital authorities the mother and her baby are progressing nicely.. BEN'S PACKAGE STORE Open 8 A. M. till 11 P. M. Monday Saturday FREE DELIVERY 1988 MAIN STREET HARTFORD, CONN. Tel. 6-5677 AL'S FOOD HI ARRET 118 WOOSTER STREET Hartford, Conn. Tel. 7-5903 Free Delivery QUALITY FOOD AT ECONOMICAL PRICES SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK FRESH PORK CHOPS 10 65? FRESH KILLED FRYERS M 39d BACON , 59 LARGE JUICY ORANGES DM 29c We Carry A Full Line Some of the contributions were given by Union Baptist Church, $100; Faith Tabernacle Baptist Church, $26; The Beth el A.M.E. Church, $23 ; Jehovah Witnesses, $40 ; and the Lock City Veterans Club, $23. The Eagles, Golden Bears, and the Crusaders will play a series of basketball games to determine the champion of the Negro teams here. The winners, will receive the, Bob's Sport Trophy. The Golden Bears are : Lewis, McGee, Turner, Brooks, Amos, Mitchell, Bowman, McKeithen, Tanner and Reynolds. , The Eagles are: Griffin, Bail ey, Russell, Long, Mallary, Bus sell, Pinkley, Jordan and Ma son. The Crusaders are : Lewis, Rufus, Redd, White, Richard son, Demison, Hooks, Seotes, Jordan Harper and Williams. Sick List: Finding on the sick list this week are the following people. Go visit these people and give them a little cheer. Mrs. A. Brown, Vista Street ; Mrs. A. Butts, 8 Green Street; Mrs. C. MacDonald, Rippowam Rest, Mill River Street ; Mrs. A. Bushban, Stamford Hospital; Mr. G. Smith, West Broad St.; Mr. Charles Duxant, Indian. Lane; Mr. G. Thomas, Spruce Street ; Mrs. A. Allen, South field Village; Mrs. Allen, Pa cific Street ; Miss Armstead, Gay Street ; Mrs. Homes, Pacific St. ; Mr. C. Barrow, Rippowam Rest j Mr. A. Perrow, Rippowam Rest ; Mr. J. Martin and Mrs. C. Cave, Rippowam Rest ; Mrs. MacCrae, Stamford Hospital. Mrs. E. Smith was called to her home, South .Carolina, be cause of her mother's sickness. Of FROZEN, FOODS