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Hartford chronicle. (Hartford, Conn.) 194?-1947, March 08, 1947, Image 5

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MARCH 8, 1947
By Charles 0. Garvin
Middletown . . . The million
dollar wedding was a great suc
cess last week-end. The many
brides were decked in their
beautiful gowns of many colors.
It would be unfair to say which
one should have won the contest
in this mo.ck wedding. The
main object was to help the
church financially. This part of
the program was accomplished.
Ms. T. J. Riddiek ran away with
the first prize with $95.50. Mrs.
Erma Henry was a close runner
up with $72. The result of the
program swelled J the church
treasury by more than two hun
dred and fifty dollars.
Mr. Leo "Wallace was the
lucky groom for this eventful
occasion. It was really f un,sor
ry you were not there. You
could have joined in the gaiety
of the evening. Music was
rendered by the Zion Jubilee
chorus: Mrs. Catherine John
son, Rev. Z. A. Hart, and yours
truly, Charles Garvin, were the
committee for the affair.
Friends extend sympathy to
Mrs. Lillian Jones Avho has just
returned from Pamlico, S. C,
where she was called suddeny
to attend the funeral services of
her sister. Mrs. Jones is the
wife of George Jones, bass sing
er in the Four Southern Won
ders. Mrs. Julia Alfred Dawson
who has been away for over two
years, has returned. Friends
are happy to see her again. It
will be niee to have her back to
take part in the church affairs
once more. Mrs. Dawson looks
well and I am sure we will be
hearing more about her in the
, Elder R. M. Palmer, presiding
over the New England district
of the Holiness Church in Port
A i fti i a T 14 P
. . . a
By Charles C. Garvin
Portland, Conn Some weeks
ago one of our readers in Port
land approached me concerning
the GI babies in England. There
was something she wanted to
do about them. She had just
met a man who represents the
organization which tries to care
for these homeless children. The
African Mission which cares for
these babies in Liverpool, Eng
land needs funds to carry on its
good work.
As a great church worker,
Mrs. A. D. Kinsey has arranged
to have this representative here
in our vicinity March 16. The
meeting will be had at the Y.
M. C. A. in Middletown. This is
one Sunday afternoon which
can be put to good use. Mrs.
Kinsey will present Mr. Edwin
J. Duplan to address the people
of Portland and Middletown.
She is asked everyone to come
out and help put this' program
over. The sum of one dollar will
be asked from each person.
When we think of what many
dollars can do it will be easy
for each of us to contribute a
dollar to this great cause. This
is a good gesture on the part of
Mrs. Kinsey. It is the hand of
mercy trying to reach out across
the sea.
' Many of you may say that you
have nothing to do with these
babies. It is true, but we are
our brother's keeper. If the
commanding officers of the U. S.
troops in "England had the de
sire to do the right thing these
babies would not be a problem
to England now. The officers
failed to give Negro GIs permis
sion to get married to these
British girls. Then our govern
ment failed to give any aid
whatsoever. If you attend this
affair, I am sure you will gain
a first hand review of the whole
matter. This within itself will
convince you of the need of
these children.
, February 23 issues of the New
York Herald Tribune carried an
article concerning these babies.
It discussed the workings of this
organization, the Afrcan Mis
sion. " It showed how Mr. Du
planis trying to get funds to
carry On this noble work for
the unfortunate children who
are the victim of war and prej
udice. The organization plans to
build a home for the care of
these children. Many of these
children have been placed in
homes, but all of them cannot
be placed. It is their desire to
raise enough funds for this pur
pose. The structure when com
pleted will be named after the
immortal educator, lecturer, the
man whom the whole world
knows of and loved, Booker T.
land, made his quarterly visit
to the church last week. Elder
Palmer was here when their
pastor, Rev. M. Curry, cele
brated his second anniversary
at the Holiness church.
The Hartford Chronicle
Arline M. Benford
Mr. John M. Floyd, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Floyd of 81
Lincoln Avenue, Forestville,
has been admitted into the Al
pha Phi Alpha Fraternity of
Morehouse College, . Atlanta.
Georgia. ; John is a member of
the sophmore class.
Mrs. James Snowden of 54
Andrew Street is convalescing
at. her home due to a recent
illness. -
Mrs. Belle Oliver of East
Main, Street, Forestville, was
the weekend guest of Mr. and.
Mrs. James E. Clay of Leaky
Court and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
son of Leaky Court.
Mrs. Mary Lewis of 83 Lin
coln Avenue is doing a wonder
ful job at redecorating her
Mr. and Mrs. Butler Corbett
of Plainville announced the en
gagement of their daughter,
Beatrice to Mr. James Wil
liams, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Parker' Williams of Hartford.
The wedding is slated for May.
Misses Denice Clarke, Helen
Benford, and Louise Floyd will
take part m the Play Day ex
ercise of Bristol High School
The exercises will include vari
ous inter-school basketball com
petition, luncheon and a suit
able programme. The affair
will be held March 15th.
Mrs. Dorothea Harris covered
the wide expanse of this coun
try recently when she visited
friends and relatives in Georgia
and Alabama. Mrs. Harris vi
sited her sister, Mrs. Nellio Mc-
Cuhee of Georgia and Mr. Chas
Black of Birmingham, Alabama
among others. On her way back
she stopped off in Columbus,
Ohio to visit Mr. Leroy Stevens.
Who is the Shocking Miss
Pilgrim? Be careful L. F.
How many more has Moe ?
Why was Sammy S. at Plain-
dance f
ville Saturday nite at the
Does Massachusetts' 'Betty'
like N. B. betterT
Why is Sweet Lorraine sing
ing "Beware My Heart"? She
claims W. F. has nothing to do
with it!
What is this H. B.?
Hartford any more?
Who is known as the Razor's
Edge? Or is it Dishonored
Who are the girls that D. C.
and T. M. take out Sundays?
Fine car, huh, girls!!!
Somebody thinks their daugh
ters are too good to go to the
club m New Britain. Shame on
you ! ! !
Did H. B. enjoy the dance in
Plainville ? She should have ! ! !
Did Jean have a good time
at the dance in New Britain?
He was there ! ! !
Why was Lorraine collecting
addresses at the dance in Plain
ville for? Are you planning
to give' something ? ! ! !
Is Dot going to Georgia- You
are not afraid are you? Never
can tell what those people down
there will do to you, huh, Dot ! !
Where is Viola going in a
couple of weeks or months?
Just visiting, huh!!!
Who is the young man who
calls Pat up ? Tell us D.S.T. ! ! !
Who was Helen s company
Sunday? Could it have been
Why did Dehice leave the
dance at 10:30? Did he leave
then to?!!!
Who is the unknown friend
of Arlene's in Hartford she's
been keeping from the public?
Bring him around some time ! ! !
Sah Diego If what the FBI
thinks is true can be verified in
court, it will be proven that Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Westly Ingalls
of this city have been holding
Miss Dora L. Jones in virtual
slavery for 27 yeasr.
Mrs. Ingalls first met Dora
when she was fourteen years of
age in a little school house in
Athenss, Alabama. Mrs. In
galls was then Miss Elizabeth
Kimball, a missionary school
Three years after the date of
this firs tmeeting Miss Kimball
was married and called Dora,
who was then seventeen, to
work for her. During this first
marriage Mrs. Harmon liver in
Washington, D. C, for ten years
during which time Dora worked
for her. After ten years she
was divorced and married to
Mrd. Ingalls.
About a year ago they moved
to the West Coast, taking Dora
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Pase Five
along. Enroute to the Coast,
while Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls slept
in hotels Dora was forced to
sleep in the car. . "
Here general responsibilities
in the Ingalls home, where she
worked sixteen hours a day
were to cook, clean the house,
wasn tne car, ao lae muuurj
and gardening. She was given
spending change, forbidden to
speak to people outside of the
family and has not seen a movie
in twenty years.
Dora Jones claims that she
has been forced to. continue ov
er the years by force and in
timidation. Mr. Ingalls is a
lawyer and was a former mem
ber of the Massachusetts legis
lature. The. FBI after investigation
had both Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls
locked up on charges of keep
ing a slave. They posted bonds
of $2500. -
Official Chronicle Photographer
' For Good Photos Call:
Hartford 2-1293
,'. Middletown 4-969M v
Drug Store ;
Draffs, Prescriptions, Sodms .
Sundaes, etc .
Your Store of Friendly and i
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Waterbury, Conn.
- 1 ,

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