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The morning journal-courier. (New Haven, Conn.) 1907-1913, November 24, 1908, Image 2

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frW'M"H-4:, Tuesday, x,,v.
10 Discount on Furs
Only three move days left to take ndnnlii(;o of this upeelnl tAO
per cent, discount. By pn j luff wnnll deposit furs run ho selected
and will he hdd nslde mid reserved for you.
Mnle C. Ktchmond,
Truths Tersely Told.
The PI NT 3 5 wi offir to ths New Haven publi
, , ,
f The PRICES we ask for
The TERMS of payment
Combine to
It is a pleasure to us to entertain all who call
to examine our. Pianos.
The M. Sonncnberg Piano Co.
Telephone 878-2.
, Tel. 5893.
We talk
Fine, artistic 'Dining Furniture in rich mahogany, dull
oak, Early English, golden and weathered oak.
Mi MHSLffl
CARPETS Best Wiltons and Body Brussels, plain plush
and two-toned carpets that are now much in favor.
Crown and Orange St, "Corner.1
f, 'OS.
JUU-800.H03 CIIAI'FX fc'l'RFET.
Tho accompanying cut win sketched
from one of our long, dressy liircctolro
coals of black broadcloth. They aro
beautiful (run tin, trimmed with
hands nf miUii or Itnilil nud lined
throughout wllli Hutin. Fxceptlonul
Millies lit $17.50.
OTTIFH MODIXS Wo hnvc other
models In luilf-lllted Seotcli mixtures,
fioniti with Xnpoleou collars, others with
rout or niunilni'iii sleeves.
Hip little touches of tailor's nrt on
(lie, colliif, Mooves mid pockets say
"iBllor-mado" ns fur us you can s
$15.00, $20.00, $2S,00.
Milan Unwell, Secy.
B. 6 J. Lace in Front Corsets
Has been designed especially to produce on all type
of figure the effect of flerlblllty, together with the ta
pering waist, sloping hips and natural shaped bust
The laces run freely over bearings, and the corset
fits and feels like a silk glove. There are models to suit
every type of figure $l.00-$8.00.
Also La Grecque end C. B. a la Pplrlte Corsets.
Corsets Cleaned and Repaired, 75c up.
1 & 1 MWfiar Ci, lie.
'Phone 4481.3. Rooms 200-210. Take Klevator,
we offer-
make it your self-interest
to patronize us.
801 Chapel Street.
To the most sumptuous nnd
elaborate or the most humble and
plain dinner dowers Impart a
charm. To many the tuhle neer
seems set without ihem. Me fur
nish every variety of out (lowers nt
very tnodest prlees.
Floral Co.
A eomplele range for otir ms
torners to select, from large,
enough to Judge from, exten
Hive enough to suit all taste
suHiclenl.ly varied In price
and design to (111 every need,
to please every fancy.
Open Sat. Fve.
( C.in 1 1 n u oil from First Page.)
I tnkd pnlns to have tho packages dis
guised. ; Thn remaining way In which liquor
Ib brought Into the town, by thn cnn
I sinners thriniHolvcs, opens a much
i linger question anil Is tho source of
! mui'li of tbo dissatisfaction which Is
I expressed wit h the working nf tbo law.
j That men do go out of Branfnrd to a
j greater or less extent, for alcohol Is ae-
knowledgod -by nearly everyone, but
there Is a large difference of opinion as
to how niueh of thl.s Is done.
Tho license district nearest to Tlran
ford Is that part of the town known as
Ptony Creek, and In tho other direc
tion New Ha.ven Is the nearest place to
obtain liquor, both within easy riding
distance by trolley. At this point ap
pears a great difference of opinion, one
party claiming (lint there Is no morn
than tho usual traflle In either direc
tion while the other claims that the
lain cars into thn town are filled with
men in all stages of Intoxication and
carrying various amounts of Intoxi
cants In bags and suit cnse.s. Both of
these statements are exaggerations. It
Is undoubtedly true that thero Is more
travel to Ptony Creek than usual nt
thl.s time of the year and that the late
cars from that place and New Haven
do bring back numbers of men who
have been to those two places for 11-
nii'ir. Thero aro hound to be men who
are. willing to go to quite a bit of Iron
hie to get their usual beverages and It
! is nretty certain that many of the
packages carried on those cars contain
liquor of one sort or another. In sup
j port of this, it Is known that the sn
i loons of Stony Creek are doing an un
! usually large business and that Uran-
i ford men are drinking there and buy
! ing Intoxicants for homo consumption.
Thl.s lends up to the statement of the
saloon men that tho bottle In the pock
et Is having o most demoralizing Influ
ence in the town. They base their
statements somewhat logically n thU
manner; that where a man would or
dlnarlly take a drink of beer, that li
quid Is too bulky to be easily transport
ed and fo they now drink whlrkey and
other more harmful liquors in its place
They further say that where a man
used to behave himself and drink a
small quantity In a saloon, he now
gathers with a few kindred spirits and
has a reirnlar debauch. Likewise that
a youth who Is Just beginning to drink
will now learn to drink the morn harm
ful beverages, cine man went so far
in expounding the evil effects of the
closed saloons as to say that If Fritz
Strohei had been nbln to secure his li
quor In 1 Iran ford be would not have
gonet. to Stony Creek nnd been killed
by the cars on his return.
The answer of the temperance peo
ple to these arguments Is that where
it. Is dilllctilt to obtain liquor there will
he much lejes of it used and conse
quently less temptation, especially to
young boys. While It. may be true
that some formerly light drinkers now
use morn harmful Intoxicants. It Is also
true that several formerly hard drink
er have lately entirely cease, l drink
ing. It is very hard (o say whether there
Is really less drhtiUenneis hero than
formerly, but. it can safely bo aald that
thero j !,-. open drunkenness nnd
rowdyism. Them Is certainly none In
the raloons, which was largely the
original cause of complaint, and so
what there Is on the streets Is proba
bly the largest part of what there Is
In the town, fif course, It is Impossi
ble to a-certain the extent of diink
i'U,' which is done privately, but the
no-license party would seem to be to a
certain extent backed by the facts In
their statement (hat the moral tone of
the town has Improved At the same
j lime the statements of some of thn
I leaders of the temperance movement
4, tliai me town nas acquire, i nn iiiiiune
? ly hlpher moral tone and that drunk
J ennei.n and rowdyism have been rednc-
T . . i 1.,. 0,1. .11.. ,1,
P, 1! H IDllOllllllll, I T' loeoiuoieui nir
j result of tht-ir wishes rather than llm
I fruit of their calm, Impartial Judgment,
'particularly ns no town can be reform
ed and made over In a month.
An Impartial summary of the situa
tion, jewed from tho point of order
and morality, would have to grant
much to the arguments of both sides.
While It Is true that somn men have
stopped drinking, it Is also trim that
other drink morn viciously than be
fore the saloons wero closed. Hut on
the whole, Impartial spectators nren
that the tone of the town is better
than It was.
The point In which the situation
affects the people of Uranford most
vltnlly, except the radicals on tho
two sides, Is whether no-lleense Is
hurting the town In a business way.
Again on this point the extremes of
opinion inimt he discounted.
In the first place it may be snld
here that tho extra tax which lnifl re
cently been levied was not made
necessary by the loss of the lleenso
fees, but Ih for the purpose of build
ing a new schoolhouse at Short. J'teneh.
The. advocates of license claim that
the men who find that they must go
Into New Haven for their lluuor, also
make their purchases there, thus tak
ing much of the trade away from the
Bra ii ford merchants. Some of the
merchants, notably those who deal In
these commodities not generally class
ed as the necessaries of life, state that
this Is true and that tliera has been
an appreciable fulling off in their
trade, dining the Inst month. This
seems very probable, as a certain
number of men do go out. of town, es
pecially on pay day. for liquor, and
would naturally make their other pur
chases at thn sumo time. Then, too,
It Is claimed that some families have
begun to patronize New Haven gro
cers who will deliver liquors. One
of the local grocers confessed that
he had recently lost a few customers,
Delightful l,,'yo'"1 (,,mi",r"
Crisp, llinoiy, delicious, golden
brown corn llaUex.
"Tha Taste Lingers."
t'ostuin Cereal Company, Limited,
Hal Me Crock, Mich.
but would not assign this ns the rea
son. '
9 to whether any of the more
stapla tvado has been lout to the town,
some of the largest merchants slate
that their trade Is as large or larger
lima while there were saloons here.
Two or three of tins storekeepers say
thai, women whose accounts have long
been unpaid, have recently come In to
tlielr places of business and made
payments on their m mils, saying
that they had more money for the
household now that their husbands or
sons cannot so easily secure liquor,
l uu merchant emphatically denied
that any trade was being lost, to New
Haven, and tmld that on the contrary
certain families now have more tnuiiey
to spend. Another said that his busi
ness Is ns good as ever, and that his
customers now come In aober, It is
only fair to the license parly to state
that both of these, men are workers
for uo-llceui-.e and further that. a. store
keeper would be loth to confess Hint
be Is losing any trade, whatever tho
From a. business point of view, then,
It can be said t hat no-llecnse has had
little effect one way or the oilier;
and that what Influence It has enert
ed on the situation about, balances
for both sides. While Uranford has
undoubtedly lost some bunlnens, as has
been stated, and quite a bit of money
Is being spent outside which formerly
went. Into the local saloons, them Is
an almost equal amount averted from
liquor to household purchases and
certain old accounts are being paid
Hoth the license and no-llcensn
parties, then, seem (o have morn or
less ground for their opinions of thn
working of tho new law. There Is
little doubt but that, ns In most other
similar rases, It works botli harm nnd
good, fiomo of thn hltterest oppon
ents of no-license say they woudl bo
willing to havn such a law In effect
did It cover a greater territory, but
that since It covers only one town,
near a larger license town, they ore
strongly opposed to It.
lloth parties also claim that they
will carry thn town In their way next
year, and that they will rae) have
many of the votes which were this
year cast for the other side, fio firm
Is this conviction among the saloon
men (hat they are keeping (heir places
open, eking out a scant profit, from
clears and soft drinks, rin the other
hand, Itev. jir. Devltt, (he chief ex
ponent nf no-license, says that bis
party had thn votes of a number of
drinking men this year, and when thn
good effects nf the law are seen, they
will havn morn next time. Mut the
general opinion, even among thn no
license men, seems to bn that Uran
ford will go for license next year, but
that the number of saloons which will
lie licensed will bn tnueh less than
heretofore and that the objectionable
places will be cut out a proceeding
which will have the support of thn
better element among the saloon men.
ftevernl of the most prominent men
of both parties snld that the rial need
Is not no-llcense, hut a uniformed po
lice force, paid by thn day to keep
order In the town. The average
rowdy or drunk, say they, respects a
uniform and th" police could keep
disorder off the streets nnd force tho
sulnnns to obey the letter and spirit
of the law.
Compromise In Mothtlm Fstnte
A P-
proved by Court.
In the probate court yesterday af
ternoon the compromise proposed by
the widow of thn into Joseph P. Mc
(lultd on the claim made by tho con
servator for the son of tho dead man
was approved. Thn widow offered to
compromise the claim which was for
over $4,000 for $ 1 . S u 0 nnd the case
was taken to thn court for approval
of tills settlement. The son Is Albert
Wesley Medulro and thn claim for
111 m was made by bis conservator,
lternard Lynch.
The will of Michael OVarroll, which
was tiled in the probate court yester
day afternoon cuts off the two sons of
I the deceased by express provision and
leaves the estate with the exception of
$1,01(0 to the two daughters, ICH.abetb
ti'Cnrroll nnd Mamie Travis. The
$1,000 exception Is made In favor of
the widow.
Mln Marguerite Connolly Fnterlalueil
by Host of Friends.
A very pleasant surprise party wns
tendered to Miss Marguerite Connolly
at her home last night, by a Inrge
parly of young friends. The evening
was spent In tho playing of games and
other forms of amusement, and closed
with a delightful supper. Among thn
en(ertalnment features were solos by
Miss Connolly, Miss Anna Cantor and
Fred Unnz. Among (hose who en
joyed thn event were Mary Matter,
Catherine Harry, 'iladys Khehalt,
Marguerite Connolly, Mary Cantor,
Tillle Happer, Helen Iienietrlo, Hanlel
Welnsteln, John Shay, John Lynch,
John Kennedy, George (irlmni. Alex
ander IMngwall, David Fredericks,
Joseph C.nld, Klmer Horry, Fred
Danz, (ins Hollensanger, O. J. Levlne,
Charles Fagan, J. M- Reynolds, Hay
mond Carney and John firay,
Conini liters for Historical Society
Named for tho Year.
Thn directors of the New Tlaveu
Colony Historical society met. last
night for their business meeting. They
re-elected all standing committees,
Frederick Hostwlck was elected cur
ator of the society. Two portraits
were offered to the, society and ac
cepted by the directors. These are
pictures of Former Postmaster Jones
of New Haven and his wife. He was
hcul of the postal service here 00
year ago and held the position of
postmaster for III) years, The por
traits were presented by ills son's
widow who lives In St, Louis,
Anton Calalaii'i. aged eleven years,
made a poor piece of work out of tho
attempt to steal a bicycle In front of
the Aschptihrocdei on Crown slree'.
. The owner came, out Just at thn time
tint lad mounted thn wheel to ride
away, Had he was captured by thn
I owner, a man named llaiin, He is
I held nn a cliHige of theft.
WOTIII K idyrou violatoi:.
A saloonkeeper by tho name of Frf
nay I iniiKhnieclt, of 77 (Ire.enn si reel,
was arersled yesterday by the pollen
nf the ((rand avenue station, charged
Willi violation of llm Sunday lhiior law.
The warrant was Issued on information
ontniiicd Sunday,
Quinine Tills, 2 gr 100s ISfl
Seldlltz Powders, full weight box, 19o
Rhinitis Tablots, 100s 25c
Cnscnra Sagracla Tablets, 5 gr.,
100s 25o
At the Toilet Goods Counter:
rcroxldn Cream, jar 25c
Peroxide Poap, cake,,,,, '.25
Cold Cream, lb can 50!
Cold Cream, 1-2-lb can 30u
Russell's Old-Fnshloned Choc
olates, 11 20c
Russell's Assorted Wrapped
Caramels, lb 40c
1810 Ferfeetos, nc value, Bn
Gillespie's Drug Store
Tliimc 00.1-4. 741 ( HAPIIf. STItnUT.
(ioiiils Delivered.
Fire Ofllclals Sen Ono on Hchalf of
Representatives of the Pettey F)lec
trlo Signal company ol Alexandria,
Va., explained to Chief Fnncher, Su
perintendent (irnnt and Fife Commis
sioner Charles I,. Well, a new electric
signal device to bn Installed at busy
street corners as a warning to street
cars nnd all vehicular traflle that tiro
apparatus to pass that corner In a
short time and to warm them to clear
the way for tho fire companies. The
apparatus consist of a large bell
which can bn kept ringing for as long
a time as Is wished, and w hich Is the
day time signal, while there are also
arms extending out from the main
box which nro so prepared that at
night they contained lights which will
make an effective warning signal In
the dark. Thn entire apparatus is In
tended to be operated from the engine
bouse which Is nearest the corner
where the apparatus Is Installed, and
the company Is to start It when leav
ing the house on a Urn call for which
apparatus passes the corner In ques
tion. The device was presented here for
tho consideration of the local commis
sioners to be used at such busy cor
ners as Church nnd Chapel, Chapel
and State and so on. Nothing ,of
course, has been done In tho matter,
and thero is no Indication yet ns to
how the commissioners feel about the
matter, but it will probably he talked
over at their meeting. Thn apparatus
can be attached to a pol or Inside of
a building nt any corner desired.
r. a. .if.wv.ij, ut:m:.
Representative F. A. Jewell of New
Hartford was In town yesterday after
noon calling on friends.
to (inn roi.n iv of, nv
Take I.AXATtVK HKOMo Quinine Tab
lets. Iirup.gists refund money it It
fails tn cure. K. W. 'IROVK'H signa
ture Is en cn"h hov, 2",e.
I Will Pay You $10.00
If you will put tne In the way of get
ting a Job nn salesinan, collector or
similar work. I am 35, ,bnvo good ref
erences, and expect only what snlnry
I can earn. I am experienced In sta
tionery, talking machines and photo
supplies. Address for Interview J. W.
PORTER, 297 George .street, City.
SliGrale Photographic Portraits
New Studio, Conveniently Arranged,
Reasonable Prices. Tel. 1337-4.
Mot ween Vnrk and High Streets.
Developing and
We use the Kodak Tanlc System of
development for tm;h plains and films,
which produces a higher percentage of
good negatives than any other method.
Failures in development do out occur
because a fresh solution of tested tem
perature and strenglh Is used for caou
roll of film or sot of plates.
We use "Volox" to make the prints
snd we rhonso the grade and surface
of paper which Is best suited to tho
negative. If your negatives are not
sntlsfactory we are only tno glad to
assist you In making correct expos
urea. City Hall Pharmacy Co.
We have special facilities
for making duplicating
and triplicating books to
order fur factory use.
John R. Rembert & Co.,
Ua Slulc Slrcct,
Business Specialists.
express tho secret of my success In
prescribing and milking Eyeglasses
and Spectacles.
B10-A Chapel St. Entrance SlO'i.
9 TJ Chanel Strcel. l'nln
less ircnliiicnt lor corns,
bunions, chilblains, cal
louses, etc, o ending.
Select family pulronnyo for 1!0 years,
Lady Specialist Afternoons.
New Shoe?
For Thanksgiving
Bright Leather Shoes are really the shoes to wear at your
Thanksgiving gathering. Of course, you can wear other loath
era, but you will not look so fit.
The men's sizes, in button and lace, cost $3.00, $3.50,
$4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00.
Women's sizes, $3.00, $3.50, $4,00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50
and $6.00.
Misses' and Children's, $1.00, $1,25, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50
and $3.00.
Boys', Youths' and Little Men's, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25,
$2.50, $2.75 and $3.00.
Men's, Women's, Boys', Youths', Misses' and Children's
Silk, Mercerized and Cotton Hose. The strongest line of 38
cent, 3 pairs for $1.00, in Cotton, Mercerized and Silk Lisle, in
Gauze and Heavy Weight.
842 and 846
It lei ie C1117
Free Saturday Free
One of these heavy sllvcr-plalcd, pold-llncd Hon-Bon Dlshea.
9, If A
Will he given away to pvory purchnscr of a pound of our f
f mom FFNWAY OJIOCOTjATF.8 nt 00 cents. Only one to a ci-
! totner. Sec them In our window.
1 E. L. Washburn & Co.
. ......
t 61 Center St. Telephone. 84 Church St. A ;
One Week Sale.
All 8 to 14 roll lots of Wall
Papers, four to eight dollar val
ues, at $1.00 and $1.50 tho
bundle. We need the room.
Merrells, Cross 6 Beardsley,
t 'Phono 830.
Modern Decorating
Calls for original and Individual trcalnicut. Don't be sat
isfied with the cniiiiiinnplneo, when you e.-in have your dec
orating done in n manner expressive of your own Ideas-
decorating' different from your neighbors, unique and artis
tic, and at practically the huhio cost. We'd be pleased to
have you consult us, ,
MONROE BEOS., 353 Crown St.
Telephone 2701.
gL $675 1
. ; 3
Sportsmen's Supply Co., &1) Church St.,
Tho Only Slioollny; i;alb.'iy in tho City.
; and Stockings
Chapel Street:
tMrlP itlfZ
' I
90-92 Orange Street.
Iha Nonpareil Laundry C3,
271 Blzlciilay .-' M Ham Co,u.
:iMM,th Retail

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