Newspaper Page Text
PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS, NEWTOWN.) POST OFiTCE.) Malts opiu i From the South 11.20 a. m. and 4.U0 p. m. I'rom the North, li.iKi m. auil O.uO p.m. Mails uIimo : Going North, a. nt. and 4.45 "p. m. Going Houth, il.'ii a. ui. auil 4.45 p. m. j Z. 8. I'kck, Jt. M. CHURCHES,' Tntsrni Ohubcu. Mam Street, Rev. Tho. W. lluiklui, Koi-tor. Hurvieua 1U.; a. in. SunJay -ttcuool, l'J m. Afturuoou BdrWos at 1. . CoMciuiiiJATioN Mulu Street, Hey. James F. Hiyt, pastor. Hervioos, 10.10 a. m. Fellowship Mooting, 11.40. Huu.luy School, l'J ni. Altcruouu survive, 1 o'clock. Tub seat aro fruo. Oathouo. Mulu Street. Hov Fathor Mcf-arton, raator. Service, 10 13 a. iu. buaday Hcliool, J.U0 p. m. SOCIETIES. OuvsBmamch Juvkmiui Tcuruc No. 14. -Public luuoLlug every Huuilay aruruoou at 5 o'clock, lu ttoulu Cuutre Mt'hook Hkumo. Ht. Patbu x sTaui-KBA-wcia Soeirrr. Rev. Father Jainw MoCartou, President) A. Oullagber. Viuo ProsiUuut ; X. J. Corbstt, Secretary ; 4. Aladlgau, U'reaaurur. , N aw rows Lihrabt AssoOIatioW. Daniel G Boers, PruaMeiit; Charles Uersft.rd. Viee-Presl-iut; Mary K. Moryau. Tr.wrer; Mlaa Mary JfcM a. Secretary: Miu Ourlotto Mcwus, uunn.", Trustee a HUllaoa. ...i u iiu,.n l i: Hjwioy. B.,iKar c. 114 w toy. SANDY HOOK. CHUltCHES. MrWWtirf-lleT. Jamna Taylor. Paator. Service. 10:30 a. in.. 1:U0 aud 7:o p, m. Huuday School 11: 48 a tu. Prayer meeting, Thursday eveuiugs, 8 p. lu. Meat free. Sc. Johm'n OHu:h Rtr. Francis Barnett. Pastor. forvioo. 10:00 a. m. and 1 p. iu. BuutUy school l'J iu. SOCIETIES. Cnmica Post. N. 4H. . A. B.-Meet In Sandy Uoolt every Tuesday evening. UBAKlrS LnlMMt lamCPKMlKST Onura T.y.uiu. Meet in UaU over A. Bo o Good tore. Bocre" very Friday evening. Hiha Uwot. No. W, F. A. MMoots in Masonic 1111. lHt aud itnl Wednesday of each month. UoTAbAnt U Chaptkb, M H'ta second TUuraday eai-h mouth In Masouio Uall. Au-ha Juymilh Tbmplb No. 1. Moet In Lode ilooiu over furniture store, every Sunday after .aijou. at 4.30 o clock. TRAVELERS GUIDE. SHEPAUC RAILROAD. AVl'tTMX ABBASOEMEST OF TRAINS, on October aath, 1K.H : nnu-tlutt tvaiua leavca Newtown at 10.47 a. in. Joun-t at Hwlt.yvllloat 10.10 a. m. Arrive at SatitnUyli an addU "mid conn. tlon la raaile with tmiu paMiHK Ncwtowu at 1M p.m., WHU tra:n, BrrivtunatUu lin. il at p. iu. Jave UtUfl ld at HH). p. iu.. arriving iu Haw eyvillo at O.Jo p. m. Counuct lor Newtowu at 7.0S Bumlay inilk train leave MtrliHd;1 at p. in, .rrivca at Hawltyvillo at 7.W p. m., couu tlug with Uouaatouio milk train. pLATT HuiMTiuU'B '.eut. II0USAT0aNI0 ItAILKOAU. Otr llt. l.7. i ...Tniiu Wv Kuuiu.iluiuii Nortu, at lu.47 a. m.. aud 8.!W P. ui. Uoiug SouiU, at .4 ud 11.40 a. ui.. aud 4.5S p. iu. vmiuiit Traiu. uoiuit North, leave at 1J.40 p. in, and 'iM p.m. Tliiougu Fre.gut at V. m. Uoiug tioutli, Milk Tram at .' p. ui 1U.U Snu- Uay Milk Trmu at 7.43 p. iu. 10.47 a. iu. aud p. lu. Trauia connect at lli-ookfiold Juuctiou witU te-iua lor Daubury 10.17 a. lu. Tralu luakea clone cimuoctiou at Statu liua with U. A. bunt train lor Albany, witU turougu car. arriving at'J.JOp.m., couudctiug witu t be popular Chicago aud bt. Luuia Expreua tor thu "Wit. . W p. m. Train luakea aloa.i couumstlon at htute Uue .or Albany aud kae Weet, ajrivjug iu Albuuy at 10.10 p. in. Piuutuuger Tiuiux lrava Uawleyvillu. going North, mt 10.S7 a. m. aud 4.4 p. ui. Uoiug Ujuiu, at IM . iu, 11.30 a. lu, aud 4.4A p. tu. 10.57 a. ui. aud 0.44 p. in. Trai u ennuoct at liriHikaold Juuctiou Willi traim tor luubury; ulno or Albany and the Went. Kxpnwa Freight, g'liug North, at l.'JO aud 7.50 p. ou. Through Freight at 10.55 p. m. Milk Tram, goiug Houth, at 1.0a p. iu. Sunday Altlk Tram at 7 p. tu. Milk and Freight Trulua have paawiuger accomo dation. pawwugcr trainn connect with Hhcpaug B. E. to ud from Lit-UAeld. At ttuauu with C't. VVeHt. It. It. Turough ticketa aold aud laiggage checked from Newtowu for Albauy, Htratoxa, lluHulo, Suhiwu alon ilriilgn or Nlaga 'a Fatl.t. lliiu ugo, Ht, Loina aud prtunlpal poluU went. From iLnvieyvillo for Albauy. Haratoga, Ku.t'ilo, Hu-pouHou itri.lge or Miugai'a FuIIh. It. O. AVERILL, Oeaeral Ticket Ag'nt. L. K. Hril.l.SON, Actii;( Superiuteadcut. Bridgeport Coun. Nov. 11 1M7H. Danbury & JNormilk II. H. COMMBNCINO OCTOBER 7TI1, 1878. Leave Danlmry for Houth Norwalk. 6: a. M. ' counn-tlng with train" for , t New llven and Bridgeport. Now York, 1:00 r. M SO p. M :1I r. -rvFreight aud Pam.uer Accommodation. LBAVIW HOUTK FOB DAMBUUT. 9 0 a. in., 4 :o, Jt p. ui. Freight 11:10 p m. Huuday Milk Tralu with Paaaeuger car attached 3eavna Danbury at 7:0 p in., arrtviug in Houth Nor walk at l:10 p. m. Ueturutug, leave Houth .Yorwalk ml 10:40 p. m.. arriving In luubury at IJ U4 a. in. The 1:00 p. in. au. I 4:50 p. m. traiua couuect at hel for Litchneld. Train arrive lu Daubury ' 1 m 1 .a p. iu. Freight 1:40 a. m. lAf IIoIUmI for South Norwalk at 0:4J aud 10:00 jt ni., l:0ii, 4:57 aud 0:40 p.m. jiuuday milk 7:4J p. tu Leave for Panbury at 10::cl a. m., S:40. 41:4ft, 7:'JH p. m. Freight. I:'J0 a. m. Huudsy Accoui ju'hUUoo, 1:45 p. m. Hunday Milk, 11:51 p tu. Leave Uanlmry lur Botb L,at 0 :15 and W:50 a. in., I i00, 4:50 and 0:10 p in. Huuday Milk. 7:S0 p. m. I.rare Uethnl for llawleyville at M;M a. in aud l5:4jp. m L. W. S.VNUIFOUTH, HUPT. Local Jottinss. Whr Isn't a etrinsr around u cornfltild a crow-bar? Tho tjreatost curse of thu worltlng- neu Htrl-kera The conneotlng links botween man -and beast sauHago. Our Nowtown butchers alway etoak Iean'iro iu iueut-ln their cuHtotuor.4. Reo the Sotnctmen's call for a town meeting next Huturduy. Mr. S ttiniPl C. Glover loft town Tuos- day for the West, for the purpose of buy' lng cattle. -Se advertisement of Mr. George II falrtjlilld, who advertises carriuues for .aale. Old Sport is wnlklnp; in tho Connecti cut Armory, New Haven, and Is repeating tho JNow lorlc fl.zie. Mr. John O'Dolohery, Mrs. AIlls and IMrs. Botsford were re-elected as teachers of the Mandy Hook Sehool. Mr. Levi N. IteynoMs and wife, of KiMton, were in town last week visiting -WAV"- w. Jicynoms. TK firm of Hull & Itogew, of Dan. Ibliry, haonn inereated hv the enter utneo of Mr. Frederick Hull into the busi ness. ... v Mr. wm. J. Ick and daughter, Miss Ella Dick, visited Now York city and JUizaoetn, IN. J., last week. Mr. Henry Chapman , brother of Mr, w. r. Chapman, of Flainnuld, N. J., has jiaa oeoft seriously in, but la Jmpioving Miss Carrie E. Tyrrell has returned to her home in Boxbury, after upending the Winter with her uncle and aunt, Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Stillson. - , Myrtle Juvenile Temple, No. 26,hcJd open meetings every Hunday at 5.30 p. m, la upper room of Academy. Miss Mary F. Feck left town on Mon- ' -lay morning to spend two weeks lu Now London County in the interest of the Juvenile work. Mr. Thomas J. Corbctt, Principle, and Miss Ella J. Pock, as aHslstant teacher, were re-elected at a meeting of Pototatuek Sehool District week before last. Ilerson Osborn, formerly a clerk In tho store of Han ford A Hawley, hasenter ed the store of Mr. J. 11. Mteinuiun of An J4onia. Mr. Frank Mitchell, of Newtown, and Ml Emma Ju Ihou, of Southbury, were married Wednesday evonlng last by Rev. .H. J. JJryant, of South Britain. Tran ' script. MJor C. T. Green arrived in town last Thursday evening. He resides in Provi dence, &. I., and is at prosont canvassing tor the ale of hooks. E. Ift, Teck and L. C, Gilbert of XIuntlugtotn left town on Monday of last week for DtiTals for the purpose of pur . chasing catt'c, lit. FrmArlck Ilawley, who was th f Jalpr Wells, of Bridgeport, ! t Aug t, returned to Newtown 7, thOfaafl against him having r -3- nothor of Mn. John r'lous acci r .0 a st a ci BaiiaiBer "i mi dont about three weeks ago whilo walli- inir upon the lo in tho yard at the res' idonce of Mr. J. B. Pock. Hae fell and broke her right arm and dislocated her shoulder. Dr. F. N. Bennett attended to the lady's shoulder aud arm, and she is dolus finely, considering her age, which is about 72 yeai-s. The subscriber has lost a case of Ivory lUted instruments in a red rnoroo- co case, for the examination of the heart and chest. Any person returning the sumo will be suitably rewarded. DK. Wm. C. WILE, Sandy Hook. Mr.. John Osborn, of Cold Spring, while splitting logs on Monday list, cut his foot very badly.severing two arteries. Dr. Wile was called and gave it necessary serglcal attention. A Mr. Amraon J. Taylor, clerk in L. B. Booth's store, went home last week be cause of sickness. We are in hopes that he will soon return to his duties entirely recovered. Don't forgot that splendid lecture on Thursday night. Tickets 25 cts. ; Child r ui 15 cts Misses Florence S. and Mamie B. Glover, accompanied by Miss Mamie E. Hawley, left town Wednesday for a visit to New York, stopping at the Sturtevant House for a week or two. Miss Mary Woffenden, of Sandy Hook, who has charge of the White street school lu Danbury, has on account of sickness been granted leave of absence. Her place as teactier is at present supplied by Miss Ella Barnum. Tho Danbury iVeirs says that recently Dr. Wm. H. Ill dor successfully perform ed the rare operation of transplanting a tootii. The parties to this operation were a Bethel resident and a lady of Westport. Hot boxes delayed the up train at Newtown and Hawleyville depots last Tuesday evening. The new engine has hardly got into good running order. Mr. George Wakelee has purchased the house at present occupied by Mr. Wm. Crlbbin. Mr. Cribbin has purchased the house owned by Mrs-George Couch. The Ladies' Sewing Society was re organized Thursday aftet noon, Feb. 27th, at the house or Mrs. Smith r. Glover. Mrs. Mluott Augur was chosen President, and Mrs. Edward Taylor, Vice-President. The Chief Engineer of the New York and New England K. li., has advertised for sealed proposals to finish the road from Waterbury to Browstcrs, N. Y. This looks like business, and tho friends of road are anxious to see it completed. Spring, bluebirds, sore throat, robins, snow, wild geeso and mud, have put in appearance. Hand organs aud monkeys nest Mr. Goo. H. Adams, who died of lockjaw last week, was known in this town. He worked with his father when the present building occupied bj' San ford & Hawley was built six years ago. Mr. Philo Clarke contributed an in teresting letter to Mie Connecticut Farmer last week. Mr. Clarke is a practical far mer and his views have weight. - Levi Itonk, who was arrested some lime ago, charged with .stealing beef from Mr. Patrick Carroll, of Sandy Hook, was tried in Bridgeport, Tuesday, March 4th. He plead guilty and was committed to jail, and will probably meditate for CO days. Mr. Charles Warner, of Hawleyville, moved into Newtown last Friday, and oc cupies the house belonging to Mr. Philo Clarke, near Mr. Clarkc"s';residence. Mr. Warner is a mason and worked last Sum mer for Mr. H. G. Crawford. Mr. Sidney Middlebrook, of Sandy Hook, has been seriously 111 for several days. His sons, William and Frank Mid dlebrook, came home last week to see their father. On Thursday Mr. Middle- hiook was not expected to live, but on Friday ho was somewhat better. Capt. Joseph Blackman is having tho hourn), at present occupied by Mr. D. M. lleynolcls, repaired. A new roof, siding, ami cornice is oemg put upon it, reoalrs on the Inside. Mr. Georno W. Stuart is doing the work. After April 1st Mrs. Li. B. Cook will occupy th house. Mr. B. F. Bally, .who will lecture in Sanford's Hall next Thursday evening, has the gift of interesting not only adults but children. He is a capital story-teller and his subject Is fresh and full of inter esting facts that are not usually round in books. Secure a reserved seat. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of H. G. Hand. Mr, Hand sees the need of an increased bus iness In consequence of the presentation of two line boys, the gift of Mrs. Band some few weeks ago. The boys aro so near alike that each child wears a ribbor onjits arm, one blue aud the other red A young man named Robert Mos- grove, aged 21 years and six months, died quite suddenly last Friday night in Handy Hook. He had been quite unwell for some time with consumption, but was out ou the street the same day that he died. He had a hemorrhage of the lungs. The funeral took place Sunday forenoon at St Rose's Church and was attended by a large number of sympathizing friends, The show which was given In San ford's Hall, Saturday the South ern Minstrel Troupe, (home talent) was not a success financially, nor was it up to trie standard of the average show. Mr, E''an carried out the live-coal eating, etc, aud did very well. The Cold Spring Band furnished good music. Tho question of organizing a brass band is being strongly agitated by the young peopla of Newtown, they already having about the sufficient number required...- The project is a irrand one, and we tor one wish them success in their new enterprise, aud hope that the matter may not prove spasmodic, as has hereto fore been the case. Mr. Austin B. Blackman of Cold Spring showed at our office last Saturday a large hoot-owl which he caught in a steel trap near his house a few days since. It is certainly tho largest bird of the kind we ever saw, its wings measur ing four feet from tip to tip. lu its cap ture the fowl-owners of that section will experience a great relief, as It has car ried on a contraband of unlawful trade for some time. ine good anu respcuiuiu j)wiei ihmi on the road between Taunton and Bethel, were annoyed last Sunday week, by a num ber of drunken men driving furiously and yelling loudly. One fellow was thrown out or a ouggy and considerably aamagea near the residence of Mr. Wheeler Drew. Two men who came from Taunton drove into Newtown Street and when near the brick, building were upset. They were drunk, and were doubtless part of the crowd that gatherod in Taunton ou Sun day, Feb. 25th. , ' Mr. Benj. F. Bailoy, of Danbury, will lecture in Sanford's Hall, Thursday even irtg. Subject: "Five years in Mexico, lexas and the Confederacy." Mr. Bailey lift lectured in many places during the past inter, and in every instance his lecture gave gnat satisfaction. Mr. Bailey has traveled and what he has seen ho relates in an interesting manner. In Danbury the Opera House was crovvded to hear him. He is an amusing, fluent speaker. Come and hear him. Tho price of admission Is 2j cents to all parts of the hall. Children 15 cents. lo thoie purchasing tickets of San Tord & Hawley, L. B. Booth, Newtown St.. or of Ezra Patch, Post-office, Sandy jttooK, ueioro toe nail is opened will re ceive a reserve seat ticket. Granite Lodge, I. O. G. T., of Sandv Hook, were visaed by a delegation of thirty-throe members from Memorial Lodge, of Danbury last Friday eveninsr A full programmefor tho good of the or der was appreciated by all after which adjournment was made to the G. A. R hall, where an ample collation wasspread Alter supper tne company rctuiued to the Lode-room and enjoyed a social hour before the guests departed. , Much credit M due tho very oflluient committee of arrangements, and many thanks to the members of , Custer Pout for the use of the hall, so kindly furnished. Don't you wish you werrt a Good Templar? If thare are any who believe we cannot have a good time without wino or cider or liquors, - ! J J,,ia 4WiJ , GX TUMl'LAit. It is reported that Mr. Smith Glover, who ownes the building occupied by Dr. R. N. Betts, Ezra Patch, Postmaster ; A. W. Orirelman. harness shop: and C. Rinlusland. barber shop, on the ground floor, and by Hiram Lodge, on the floor above, intends to make an improvement in the building, and in order to do so the uresent tenants will have to move. A corresiondent of the News, speaking of the improvement, says: The old Glover store building in which the Post Oflice is at present located, is soon to be repaired for other purposes, and compels a removal of the P. 0. else where. We hope our worthy Postmaster will soon be accommodated with a pleas ant and permanent location, as this is the fourth time within a. few years that changes about the village have compelled a new situation for the oflice. WILL JT PENETRATE? We claim that every subscriber who takos The Newtown Bee and pays for it, has the moral right to criticise its col umns, and if it does not suit them to complain to us, and we will do our best to correct that Which offends ; but when any one who does not subscribe for the paper, a beggar, or borrower, undertakes tospoak contemptuously of it, we confess that such a one evinces a hide as thick as that of a Rhinoceros. -v - GRAND SURPRISE. About forty friends and relatives of Mr. Hnnrv Hotaf.ord.of Botsford's Depot, gathered together last Wednesday even ing, and cave him ana ms iauuiy a juuj surprise. Programmes were distributed and dancing commenced at nine o'clock, and kept up until twelve, when all hands were called to partake-of the bountiful repast which was' temptingly- displayed on the table. All did justice, for the lively dancing gave theut a hearty appe tite. After supper they again returned to the rooms above, fresh for the rest of the night. Tho music was furnished oy tho Citizens Quadrille Band; W. W. Peck, Prompter; Floor Managers, li. U,. Ttntsforri H. B. Smith. Every one en- Joyed themselves hugely and everything . i mi... . . . i passed oil ill nrst-ciass oruer. x ue yai broke up at half-past five o'clock in the morning. - AN EVENING IN EUROPE. Wednesday night last, Hon. M. D. Wil bur delivered a very line lecture before a moderate-sized audience that appeared to appreciate the speaker's subject. Mr. . . 11' - . , TO .. .. . 1 Wilbur picturou ius visit to jMirupe "u mentioned many places of interest, giv ing a discription of them In a manner that every word which he uttered seemed to be clothed with a beauty aud freshness that one will not often hear at lectures. Mr. Wilbur is a rapid speaker spealis witiiout notes, and is a man of wonderful memory, and gave names, dates and dis tances correctly. At times ho was very amusing and iu spite of the lengtli of time, two hours aad a half, which he oc cupied, all who heard him were well pleased, aud regretted that there were not a lull nouso. ar. v uuui uu mo wife were the guests of Dr. Wile during their stay in towu. HO USA TONIC RAIL WA Y. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of this road, the annual report made the following exhibit: The receipts for the year ending bep- tember 30, 1878 were So70,41J.58. Ex- oenses. So50.472. 30. The expenses tie- ducted from tho roccpts leaves a balance of $219,911.12. from which should De de ducted State aud other taxes, siu,4s.- 409; rent Siockbridge and r. it. it., $di,- 409; rent Berkshire i. it., :sa,wu; rent West Stock bridge R. $608.54; rent New York, Housatonic and Northern R. u $5,204. 43 ; coupon interest on loans, $12,059.48, making a total of blo,7,315.o,8. The net gain after deducting all expenses is $82,025.85, to which should be added the balance at the credit of profit and loss September 30, 1877, amounting to $1G6. 030.G6, making a total of $248,056.50. From this should be aeuucreu iour uivt- dends of $23,000 each, October 15, 1877, January 15, 1878, April 15, 1878 and July 15, 178 and amoutmg 10 uh.u leaves a balance at credHf of. profit and loss September 30. 1878, qf $154,256. 56. The rolliuK stock oi tne r?au consists ui 19 engines, and 22 passenger, 8 baggage, 4 mail aud smoking and 438 freight cars. THUj LIBRARY MEETING. OnTiwsdav eveninc March 4th, the monthly meeting of the Library Associa tion was held In the parlors of the Grand Central Hotel. The president, Mr. D. G. Beers called the meeting to order, ine first motion made was; to reduce tne number required for a quorum from twelve to 6ix members, which was done. A discussion followed j concerning ine heat m,ns of reminding the friends or the Library that more subscriptions were needed, in order to obtain money to ex pend for new bOOKS, anasieave someming remaining towards the irrent expenses for the year, I The following ladies'and gentlemen were appointed a committee to solicit a renewal of the subscriptions of last year, and obtain new subscril-s : Sandy Hook, Miss Cait?e R. Gateiy and Mr. Chas. M. Berosfortf XmoiIIi Centre, Miss Mary C. Morgan, ifssrs. j . a . tjin fin and Edgar F. Hawle;! South Centre, Miss Mary E. Beers; Hiotingtown, Miss Cora Booth ; Toddy Hill Jliss Lena Bots ford ; Hanover, Mrs. SaiMliel C. Glover ; Hawleyville,' Mrs. Honfr A. Hawley; Taunton, Miss Lillio Faifhild. This committee Is recuested to report at the next meeting to b ; held on Tues day, April 1st. j The Association aesiv to express weir thanks to the Rev. J.t". Jioyt tor his kindness in loaning his frgan tor the re cent entertainment, ali Ho Mrs. Ells worth Smith, of Danbur.t for her assist ance ou the same occasijii N. L A. THE LECT E. I WHAT THE PBESlSAYS : Mr. B. F. Bailey delivied his new lec ture, "Five years in Mespo, Texas and the Confederacy," to a siMl audience in Gloring Hall. It is usual Hhe case when a good lecturer visits us, ?maii course, while one possessing lii brains and small accomplishment, reeives - an ova tion iu point of numbers Mr. Bailey's leeture was instructive, veresung anu amusing and gave the ufpst satisfac tion. Mr. li. is an accompuneu speaker and his lecture .field ranks Mo. 1. If the gentleman should eomtf thlsay again, we doubt not ti-at an mimew auuieuce would greet him.- - Wappingefhronicle. J. F. Gleason, Pastor of ttiFirst Con gregational church of NoiOlk Conn., wrote tne ioiiowing oompineuuiry let ter: " K -- Mr Benj.F.Bailey lectured rthoTown Hall in Norfolk on Tuesday tcblielargest audience gathered during tb course of Ivceum lectures there. The tose atten tion of the audience for two ours, and the hearty demonstrations ot applause snowed that the leeture was ighly ap preciated. Mr. B. has a rare, acuity or interesting children as well adults. His varied experience was rfcd in a natural and effective manner witftXmanj items of information intersperseTha people of Norfolk hope to see andear him again on the lecture platform. V Tho event of the winter, ia the lecire lecture of Mr. B. F. Bailey, of Banbu1 at Fisher'tr Hall on Friday evenbig last1 The hall was well-filled, and from begin nine to the end the audience' was inter ested, eager and enthusiastic The attrac tiveness about Mr. Bailey is his natural ness. There is nothing stilted, no strain ing after effect. It is as if he were tell ing his adventures iu his own parlor cir cle of friends. From time to time there were gleams of genuiue fun and humor, andtbon by a change of scone he drew pictures so pathetic, so sorrowful, so sad. as to cause tears to Aow i'rom tho more sensitive of his audience. Before clos ing his narrative, which, by the way, was his experience in the South and in the Confederate army for five years, he recit ed the "Apostrophe to Tww Glasses, 7 which showed Mr. Bailey to be poscssed of elocutionary powers of.' high order. Tho lecture netted the lire department, oiider whose auspices it was given, 31.70. Diiiibtiru New. THE JUVENILE TEMPLE Dear Editoh. I would like to call the attention of your readers, especially those living iu or near the village, to the fact that a Juvenile Temperance Society has been founded in your midst which is holding public meetings weekly. I hope all who feel any interest in or sympathy with the temperance cause, ana any oe sire to see the rising qeneration grow up to be sober. - law-abiding citizens citi zens who will not spend their earn ines forliouor which steals away their reason, or tobacco, which pollutes the body, "made in the image of God." aDd whose lips shall be free from profanity, to manifest their inteiest by attending these meetings, and by their presence encourage the children who have enlisted in the temperance army, and also the kind and efficient Superintendent, Miss Essie Camp, who is doing with her might the work her hands have found to do working not for herself but for others. These meetings are held every Sunday at 5 :30 p. m. in the upper room of the Academy, and last but an hour. They are opened in the regular form of the society. The "good of the order" is usually Interesting, being furnished al most entirely by the children. For in stance, at the meetiug held last Sunday evening, it consisted of selected read ings by Harry Cook, Birdie Cook, George Curry, George Hoyt, Lillie Cook and George Pearce ; recitations by Willie and Emma Hoyt and two songs by the Tem ple, followed by. brief remarks from Miss M. F. Peck. r V ." - ' All arfe cordiallv Invited to attend.. Parents need not fear that their children will be led into Sabbath breaking by at tending, for the best of order Is main tained. One op the .vEiiii-mean inq " ones. TOWN FARM. Editob Bee: As the subiectof pur chasing a tarm for the use of the town is under consideration by our people, I am reminded of a visit recently made by the writer to the County House for the ac commodation of the poor in Ulster Coun ty, N. Y., and I think if those people who are in favor of the old system of selling the poor to the lowest bidder had been with me, there would be but little op position to the "Town farm" project. Of course it is not necessary in a town in stitution to provide as large and commo dious buildings as I found there. The building was devided into male and fe male departments, hospital room, depart ment for the insane, etc. - I was politely shown every department and found the rooms to be clean and tidy, well warmed and ventelated, and cheerful. The beds were clean and well provided with cloth ing. Outside the grounds were pleasant and well laid out. Among the inmates we found several persons who had been in the institution for forty years. The throe oldest inmates were aged respec tively 98, 97 and 95 years. The gentle manly Superintendent, James 0. Yauder- vert, has proved himself to be a capable and efficient offl -;er, and has" been ably assisted by his wife as Matron, and it is a pleasure to me to be allowed a word in their praise. The expense to the county averages $36 per year to each pauper kept in the institution. K. Sandy Hook, March 3rd, '79. Jf AST DAY PROCLAMATION. BY HIS EXCELLENCY. THE GOVEENOIt. PBOCLAMATION. I appoint Friday, the 11th day of April next, to be a day oi public fasting, humilia tion and prayer. And I earnestly exhort tne people or this State, on that day, to abstain from all secular employments, and in their places of worship and in their homes, seriously, reverentially, prayer- iully, to give themselves to tho duty of repentance toward God. "O, come, let us worship and bow down." Striving to free ourselves from all the interests that misled, all the soph istries that bewilder, all the doubts that terrify, the passions that ensnare, aud the prejudices that bind, lot us "return to our God, for He will abundantly par don. Let us also beseech His favor that tho labor of the husbandman shall not fail th tt the tradesman and the manufactur er shall be prospered in all honorable en terprises ; that the distress of the poor shall be softened ; that all the sick be restored ; and that - the desolate "everyr where shall be made glad; and, finally, that He will hasten the coming of His kingdom in all the earth. . Given under my hand and the I seal of the Suite, at the Capitol, Tu. s. jin Hartford, this eighth day of . March, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- nine, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and third CHARLES B. ANDREWS. By his Excellency's command. David Tokbance, Secretary of State. RECOLLECTIONS OF OLD NEW TO WN. THE OLD B UR Y1NG GROUND. " The boast of heraldry' the pomp of power All that beauty, all that wealth e'er gone ' Await alike tho inevitable hour The patha of glory lead but to the grave." Gray, the author of that inimitable poem, "The country church yard,", from which the above is an extract,died a little over a century ago and was buried in the rear of Stake Pogei s Church, near Eaton, adding one more poetical association to that beautitul and classic district of England; an engraving of this church I thiuk is in Dr. Bennett's oflice In your village. - From the great round tour at Windsor Castle may be seen on a clear day the modest ivy-clad spire of this little church peeping up over the Elm and Yew trees that are scattered around it, and it was here that the author laid the scene of his immortal power. - It is a fair sample of the old church yards of England which were In use be fore the modern gardenesque style of cemetery came into fashion, and was adopted to a certain extent by the Pilgrim fathers when they settled in New Eng land. In some instances, however, they deviated from the custom of burying the dead in enclosures attached to their places of worship and selected larger arias of tho most barren, bleak and des olate places to bo found within a mile of the village settlement, devoid of trees, running brooks, lakes or flowering shrubs, which, in the absence of other beauties, might : - " Waste their sweetness on the desert air," they were to be simply depositories of the dead who "after life's fitful fever" should rest far away from the noise and bother of the living." -i3 To come now to our own l.Ui'3 JSmetery on the southern outskirts oPthis village is the main object of this communica tion the Town Records will probably show at what period the land set apart tor this purpose was made, that it was early in the eighteenth century "the rude memories" within it sufficiently at- tost, though there was less method in keeping them then thad there is at the present day. The location is abetter one than many of the others referred to, and had a little more forethought been exhibited by the provision of a few avenues or roadways. and by the judicious planting of shade trees, its present appearance would bave been greatly enhanced in picturesque ness at least, but those errors cannot now be rectified, though future ones ruav be avoided should a further enlargement oi tne grounas become necessary. n tne writer s last visit to It he was jprlsed to see so many of these ancient era clustered together in the south van oi ine enclosure in such a man- Bl to indicate that they were trans- ieimvuy -one lull bwood ' Irom somn Quarter: many of them were lean- leg 4P angle of foryt-five degrees. whileOiers had fallen entirely prob ably thXjgh action of the frost. Ho noWsd also that some of the more modern Hectares which wore designed ui tne uay-, tneir erection to be of a prctential Op factor (being built mainlv of brick, wised by slabs of marble) were also yuyiig to the action of the frost and twKatural ravages of time a mode ot butuvig monuments now hap pny in utsrwpuiv But tho most villous trouble to deal with in any ftttenijtWvards the restora tion of the. groundaV the vile and nox ious weed (that no bcii3t I believo cn designate by name) which has overrun tne entire enclosure, and must, if not exterminated here, spread over the ad jacent fields and finally over the whole township, tho wild carrot, the wild onion and even the Canada thistle, for luxu riant growth are not to bo compared with it, whether .Messrs. Peck and Hoy (who so public-spiritedly planted that limj of elms that approach the cemetery). will undertake to continue their meritorious labors by attacting it will depend per haps upon the assistance that other public-spirited citizens will render them, for at present our old burying ground is but "An unwoeded garden that grows to seed, Things rank aud gross In nature Poaseaa it merely" which should be restored to the green turf that covered it in my younger days . C. CIRLULATION OF THE BEE, 1,000 ,, COPIES. . - To whom U may concern : Having been informed by the editor of The Newtown Bee, that his statement as to the circulation of his paper, which he claims to be 1,000 copies, lias been questioned by parties unknown to him, but who take pains to tell those interest ed in the matter, that his statements are false. I, from personal knowledge, cer tify that the circulation is 1,000 copies. and that some weeks this number docs not supply the demand. - ' Signed, ... Z. S. Peck,' Postmaster. " Newtown, Conn. Dec.18, 1878. Local Notices. Inrluen?a is a eat bother, but one or two swallows of J)r. A. J.. Flagg's Cougli and Lung Syrup will drive it away like, chaff before the wiud. Keep it in the houso. ; ' - - -i-Chew Jackson's best Sweet Navy To bacco. A BEAl BLESSING TO WOMEN. Mrs. Walter Hinckley, of Cotuit, Mass., called in compatiy with her hUHband, on Mr. David Kennedy of Rousdout, N. Y. theproprietor ot the inediciue lately introduced in this place, happily named FA- voiuiattKilisuK ana made tne touowing inter esting statement : For many years I had been a great sunercr irom wnat was calieu norous tumor. Had secured the asxistance of the best accessible medical men, and used many of the patent medi cines recommended, but w'tuout obtaining any re lief. On the contrary r grew worse, until I Had given up all hopes of recovery. Our neighbor, Mr. John M. Handy, came from Uoundout and brought ine a bottle of your FAVOBlTE BEMEDST. Before I had used halt ot it, 1 experienced a marked ini provemeut.and all my neighbors noticed Uie change. I hare taken some four or five bottles, and am en tirely free from pain; gained flesh, appetite &ood, sleep well, in short, feel like a new being. I have recommended the FAVORITE BfcMEDY to many of my acquaintances, and all, without exception, are loud in its praise. To say that I feel thankful ia ex pressing my gratitude in the mildest form. You are at UDerty , aoctor, to reier to my case, ana - x hote all wiU believe me when I say that no woman suffering irom any of the complaints peculiar to our sex can afford to do without it. But, doctor. you must take more pains to tell the people how to avoid mistakes they have made. To this end, re quest them to remember that your name is Mr. David Kennedy, aud the medicine is called the FA VOIUTE BEMEDY ; price, only one dollar, and lhat you are a practicing physician and surgeon of Boundout, N. Y. LOST ! A WHITE AVD BLACK BIBD DOO; had collar on marked, "C. Uall, Newtown." A suitable reward WiU be paid for his return to CHAS. H. HALL, Bandy Hook, Ct. Frank H- Cole, FEBRY'8 BLOCK, Betliel, - -... - Conn, SELLS Norwalk Oysters 30 cts. per quart. Sweet Potatoes, Long Clams. . . . Shelled Oysters. .45 peck. ...30 ...30 40 pS ALL KINDS OF FISH AT THE LOW- : t EST MABKET PBICES. ; ; ; Ofallkinda. ' TOBACCO, ' - Etc. Give me a call, and you -will procura bargains. Goods always fresh. FH-JLlVlv XI. COLE, BET1IEI,, t CONN . 38.1m APPLE QUINCE TREES. Concord Wine. I am prepared to furnish " Apple Quirce Tret s.' two and three years old, (by the dozen or hundred) strong and well rooted. $4.00 per dozen or $30.00 per hundred. Also " Concord Wine," of 1872, suitable for sac ramental or medicinal purposes. Correspondence solicited. A. N. HAWLEY, Hawleyville, Conn. (No 37.) March 1st, 1879. BRIDGE MARKET Bethel, Conn. You will find always on hand all kinds cf OYSTERS, CLAMS, FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES, FBTJITS, and a fine assortmentof CANNED GOODS, very cheap for $r-S Farmers will do well to exchange with inc. I buy and sell their produce for cash. Call and sec me at the AT THE BRIDGE. Willie Style. 381m Until Apbil 1st, Wishing to reduce stock before Inven tory, we offer bargains in CLOCKS I WATCHES. at great reduction. Silver Plated Ware. Some articles half price. Pictures and Frames without regard to cost. POCKET BOOKS. ALBTTTVtS. POCKET CTTTLEBV, Etc. SI ERfcOSOOPESand VIEWS, Very cheap. Our rnstomers know when we offer tfdiietinn wo mean bnsinoss. and others cun De convinced by calling at H. M. EOBTKSON'S. 1Z3 MAIN STEEET, cor. LIEEBTT. 7 DANBCRY. Ct. iwm pnts! '-it - JElcgant Photographa of Statuary, ttc, in mats, rr r,& rEJVTSf fVrrwcr Mt Z'l ff AT HALF PRICE, ELEGAKT ASSORTMENT. The best Shoe Pressing in the world, warranted WATER PROOF, only 15 cents a bottle. I 1 SET IJVICIEItlt O CKJEIt 3- NOW IS Cor. Main and Cannon streets, FOR SALE. ONE Piano Box Carriage; alao two iwo-aeaiea BuKKie.s These are second hand and in good repair. WiU be sold cheap lor casn. Apply 10 GEO. B. FAIRCHILD. Newtown. Conn. To Rent. BENT LOWEB THAN LAST TEAR. FOUR pleasant rooms on second floor, Having a ood aiiBiilv of water, both Cistern and Eureka; pleasantly situated, healthful location. xor ruriuer liiiuruittiiu" cmi" i. WM SHAW, Chestnut St., Betheu Ct. FOR SALE CHEAP. WILL BE tOLD CHEAH FOB CASH. ONE Show Case and Counter with BLACK WALNUT TOP. Apply at THIS OFFICE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE THE undersigned has a good dwelling house and fifty acres of land, which will be aold cheap or exchanged lor village proierty. Address, H.H.BA1BD. Bethel, Conn. P.O. Box 139. . (i K E E Li E It & CO. Offer a Fine Assortment ot i Groceries and Moats of All Kinds, at tho LOWEST PBICES. Butter, Eggs, Produce etc., taken in exchange lor goods. Give us a call. . KEELER & CO. Ferry's Block. Bethel. Conn. HENRY G. RAND, Marble and Slate WORKS, Cor. Cold ana Water street, BRIDGEPORT, - CONN. IP. O, BOX, 574. Manufacturer of SLATE GOODS of every description, MANTLES aud GRATES. Bracket Shelves, Billiard Bed. . Black Boards, Ctuuter Tops, Cemetery Stock, Braiths, Mat.tlu Stock, Siuks. Chimney Tops, Coping, . Ui uiai blabs. Fire Boards. Lump bases, looi'Htcps aud Tresholds, Floor Tile, Marble & Slate. Slate Bust. Wash Tubs. Urueu House tuieiving and Flooring, Etc. Prices or information for Marble or Slate Work of any kind given on ap plication, tfe. , WM. F. SWOHDS, (Successor to Swords & StiUson.) ESTABLISHED - - A. 1. DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, DOOR FRAMES, BRACKETS. and Moulding. Circular aud Scroll saw ing, flit . jracAiug iwjm" BRIDGEPORT, - - CONN Factory corner of East Washington ATenuo and Water street. -.. .r All letters asking information, -wll be promptly answered-: '' ' '- l'iy) M!rs. M- E- Saxiford, SOLE AGENT FOR . ' Wm. Knabe & Co's Celebrated Pianos, Makupacturkd at Baltimore. This Is one of the oldest Houses in the trade, liavinp been in the bnsincss for forty yeirs. and their Pianos are not excelled by ny other maker. Also solo Agent for the Marshall & Wendell Piaiios, Which I have sold for the past twelve years, living warrant, direct from the manufacture, lor five years. Also tho , "MATCHLESS" BURDETT ORGAN, Wnich are equal to any other in quality of tone, finish and durability , and warranted for five years. Illustrated catalogue cheer lolly sent to appli cants. Old Pianos and Organs taken in exebnnge. New PIANOS from 225 to $1,050, , Also STOOLS and COVCS3. S3" Sheet Music to taachers very ow. 257 Chapel Street, Ket JUay: r, Coys. Set eitftrabec!? EaclycolH!!(ia EMTIOJV OF III WIJ'G FOR 867.0O. PRICE 8IO8. lAtt more. YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE YOUB - IHT IE 1. (Successor to BIRDSEY & MORGAN.) -) OFFERS - Extraordinary Bargains For tho next 30 days. Vrusscls and Ingrain, Carpeting, Oil - Cloths, Hugs BManhets, Comfortables, JLaces, Table lAnens, and, Bleached Cottons, Counterpanes JVapkins, Ladies .Vnslin Underwear HOSIERY 1 10,000 YDS. HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES. 10,009. YDS. SPLS1TOXD FEINTS AT 4 CENTS PES TAHD. Our celebrated & CENT COUNTER as fcee oX bargains as ever. -TS 346 Main street, i tmm H in liewrrat mna uir omy w.KinT vsuwwnwy turn irirrd inctrtiment: with MiiriMVl'allAllJichBWBtanuff fev irMt j - 6 .y rhu?etn the wtstler. U will wad to oue addi mmwI - ompnuinK two Ttkpbuiwt, tw vmtnst bolder. fix rapper bi4 iaiocr i, : which 93, for the instrument. mn :s"mvi noivy wire. m prrri- aitrvniinun rrtBiiwmirt ; f Iiniy, pimply votmmaur mr iiwramcnot rner win frncm wmmnniiirw!. . known to Mil through the trade, and we hall then be ohlised lot?icJir nwntairV- the retail pnc. Any perron of oral nary intHlirenr can pot them tip or fnllowmirdmctkmamtanUi oka pair, v c u old daring: the laM three months nearly 1 O ui thee inrtrnmenla. and hare tiMBredt ot teUmctDla1i frwu ail porta o1 the roan try. Wf ajwavratitoe all inorrwmmta anM. For any Terenhtnw tht frit to work, v wiU re-lav a Miey and pay all ehan A-k an Commercial Aseney. and yon wiil fitd we are ood tor all we agree la da. 1- a Jc Kama thia paper whea yo writ. JC.ut.TrV J. II. ALLEN DEALER IX HARXBSS, BRIDLES. HALTERS. WHIPS MLAXKETS, KOHJSS, VVKK1-VUJIBS, uxusiiics. etc.. arc. Repairing promptly attended to. ' WOODBU11Y. COKN. JJ E. COUCH. PHOTOGRAPHER. No. 1C5 Main St., - - Dantsuiit, Conn. Over Baldwin' bmn Stnrt. . fkxxl work, reasonable prices, honest dealing and polite attention to customer, am diacmcteria tica of Couch's Uaixebt. Pai-ticular attentirn civen to copying aad areinc from old pie'nua. Photographs nnwhed in oil, water colors, crayon, or asy desired style. India Ine Wobk a Work of this kind equal to th beat. ad wntrf pmnsnritt I 11 1 1 I II II I . II III 1 I'l I I III 1111 n 1 1 faithfully presenred. la tbia Use we ehalUmje comimriiKin with any. PartK wishing citpyiug done and onhikcd in isiia ih will consult Uimr Interest by eaamiBiliK iKiinr ns uwl ttt:n pri ce. Orrterwby nia.l. ray wmiiea oa-rruai work or pr'iwnttj' attcoihtt to. 1 acturers tf - 7 for lt,00 CASH. -6. . "r 'TFnj Bridgeport, Conn, Great reduction In USttdoiv Shades, Wtntiow Towels, Crashes, ISroirn HOSIERY ! 3 Bridgeport, Conn. Thi o9er t m&4e for limited um THE POPULAR GieUilttg 3aue I MORRIS COHN.. - - Lcjisger. V"e have just received 500 Overcoats and Ulsters. From our Manufacturer, 2Z Walter ; street New l'!rk, which we will ' Bell at the following jw-lar prices : Hen's nn1!-w)nl Fcr Vrtvrr Ovprmals. $1 i Men's one nil-wool pLun lleaver Orcrmtt (10, lTls?rs. 55 Tip. Tenths" fine aJl-wcol Fur Ovrrcceta. t. ; , - . i.lrin . r IS- Mark the Immense reIuctioa In our Cue- tOW DPparlmeCt. ne art wnf-wg tmpariri dl-wol , Com mere panle to c 't f.t tJ. tu rcri LAn r . . - tote.' -I 61-' :M . i . . m ir w